uri => string (31) "CodeIgniter\Entity\Cast\URICast"
private _cast -> boolean true
⇄⧉public __construct(?array $data = null) Allows filling in Entity parameters during construction.
new \App\Entities\Entity(?array $data = null)
* Allows filling in Entity parameters during construction.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:117
⇄⧉public fill(?array $data = null): $this Takes an array of key/value pairs and sets them as class properties, using an...
$value[0]->fill(?array $data = null)
* Takes an array of key/value pairs and sets them as class
* properties, using any `setCamelCasedProperty()` methods
* that may or may not exist.
* @param array $data
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:133
⇄⧉public toArray(bool $onlyChanged = false, bool $cast = true, bool $recursive = false): array General method that will return all public and protected values of this entit...
* General method that will return all public and protected values
* of this entity as an array. All values are accessed through the
* __get() magic method so will have any casts, etc applied to them.
* @param bool $onlyChanged If true, only return values that have changed since object creation
* @param bool $cast If true, properties will be cast.
* @param bool $recursive If true, inner entities will be cast as array as well.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:155
⇄⧉public toRawArray(bool $onlyChanged = false, bool $recursive = false): array Returns the raw values of the current attributes.
* Returns the raw values of the current attributes.
* @param bool $onlyChanged If true, only return values that have changed since object creation
* @param bool $recursive If true, inner entities will be cast as array as well.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:197
⇄⧉public syncOriginal(): $this Ensures our "original" values match the current values.
* Ensures our "original" values match the current values.
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:241
⇄⧉public hasChanged(?string $key = null): bool Checks a property to see if it has changed since the entity was created. Or, ...
$value[0]->hasChanged(?string $key = null)
* Checks a property to see if it has changed since the entity
* was created. Or, without a parameter, checks if any
* properties have changed.
* @param string|null $key class property
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:255
⇄⧉public setAttributes(array $data): $this Set raw data array without any mutations
$value[0]->setAttributes(array $data)
* Set raw data array without any mutations
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:282
⇄⧉public jsonSerialize(): array Support for json_encode()
* Support for json_encode()
* @return array
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:400
⇄⧉public cast(?bool $cast = null): bool|Entity Change the value of the private $_cast property
$value[0]->cast(?bool $cast = null)
* Change the value of the private $_cast property
* @return bool|Entity
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:410
⧉public __set(string $key, $value = null): void Magic method to all protected/private class properties to be easily set, eith...
* Magic method to all protected/private class properties to be
* easily set, either through a direct access or a
* `setCamelCasedProperty()` method.
* Examples:
* $this->my_property = $p;
* $this->setMyProperty() = $p;
* @param array|bool|float|int|object|string|null $value
* @return void
* @throws Exception
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:436
⧉public __get(string $key): array|bool|float|int|object|string|null Magic method to allow retrieval of protected and private class properties eit...
* Magic method to allow retrieval of protected and private class properties
* either by their name, or through a `getCamelCasedProperty()` method.
* Examples:
* $p = $this->my_property
* $p = $this->getMyProperty()
* @return array|bool|float|int|object|string|null
* @throws Exception
* @params string $key class property
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:479
⧉public __isset(string $key): bool Returns true if a property exists names $key, or a getter method exists named...
* Returns true if a property exists names $key, or a getter method
* exists named like for __get().
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:516
⧉public __unset(string $key): void Unsets an attribute property.
* Unsets an attribute property.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:536
⧉protected mapProperty(string $key): string db column name Checks the datamap to see if this property name is being mapped, and returns ...
* Checks the datamap to see if this property name is being mapped,
* and returns the db column name, if any, or the original property name.
* @return string db column name
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:297
⧉protected mutateDate($value): Time Converts the given string|timestamp|DateTime|Time instance into the "CodeIgni...
* Converts the given string|timestamp|DateTime|Time instance
* into the "CodeIgniter\I18n\Time" object.
* @param DateTime|float|int|string|Time $value
* @return Time
* @throws Exception
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:320
⧉protected castAs($value, string $attribute, string $method = 'get'): array|bool|float|int|object|string|null Provides the ability to cast an item as a specific data type. Add ? at the be...
* Provides the ability to cast an item as a specific data type.
* Add ? at the beginning of $type (i.e. ?string) to get NULL
* instead of casting $value if $value === null
* @param bool|float|int|string|null $value Attribute value
* @param string $attribute Attribute name
* @param string $method Allowed to "get" and "set"
* @return array|bool|float|int|object|string|null
* @throws CastException
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:338
⧉protected isMappedDbColumn(string $key): bool Whether this key is mapped db column name?
* Whether this key is mapped db column name?
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:550
⧉protected hasMappedProperty(string $key): bool Whether this key has mapped property?
* Whether this key has mapped property?
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:565
uri => string (31) "CodeIgniter\Entity\Cast\URICast"
private _cast -> boolean true
⇄⧉public __construct(?array $data = null) Allows filling in Entity parameters during construction.
new \App\Entities\Entity(?array $data = null)
* Allows filling in Entity parameters during construction.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:117
⇄⧉public fill(?array $data = null): $this Takes an array of key/value pairs and sets them as class properties, using an...
$value[1]->fill(?array $data = null)
* Takes an array of key/value pairs and sets them as class
* properties, using any `setCamelCasedProperty()` methods
* that may or may not exist.
* @param array $data
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:133
⇄⧉public toArray(bool $onlyChanged = false, bool $cast = true, bool $recursive = false): array General method that will return all public and protected values of this entit...
* General method that will return all public and protected values
* of this entity as an array. All values are accessed through the
* __get() magic method so will have any casts, etc applied to them.
* @param bool $onlyChanged If true, only return values that have changed since object creation
* @param bool $cast If true, properties will be cast.
* @param bool $recursive If true, inner entities will be cast as array as well.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:155
⇄⧉public toRawArray(bool $onlyChanged = false, bool $recursive = false): array Returns the raw values of the current attributes.
* Returns the raw values of the current attributes.
* @param bool $onlyChanged If true, only return values that have changed since object creation
* @param bool $recursive If true, inner entities will be cast as array as well.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:197
⇄⧉public syncOriginal(): $this Ensures our "original" values match the current values.
* Ensures our "original" values match the current values.
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:241
⇄⧉public hasChanged(?string $key = null): bool Checks a property to see if it has changed since the entity was created. Or, ...
$value[1]->hasChanged(?string $key = null)
* Checks a property to see if it has changed since the entity
* was created. Or, without a parameter, checks if any
* properties have changed.
* @param string|null $key class property
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:255
⇄⧉public setAttributes(array $data): $this Set raw data array without any mutations
$value[1]->setAttributes(array $data)
* Set raw data array without any mutations
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:282
⇄⧉public jsonSerialize(): array Support for json_encode()
* Support for json_encode()
* @return array
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:400
⇄⧉public cast(?bool $cast = null): bool|Entity Change the value of the private $_cast property
$value[1]->cast(?bool $cast = null)
* Change the value of the private $_cast property
* @return bool|Entity
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:410
⧉public __set(string $key, $value = null): void Magic method to all protected/private class properties to be easily set, eith...
* Magic method to all protected/private class properties to be
* easily set, either through a direct access or a
* `setCamelCasedProperty()` method.
* Examples:
* $this->my_property = $p;
* $this->setMyProperty() = $p;
* @param array|bool|float|int|object|string|null $value
* @return void
* @throws Exception
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:436
⧉public __get(string $key): array|bool|float|int|object|string|null Magic method to allow retrieval of protected and private class properties eit...
* Magic method to allow retrieval of protected and private class properties
* either by their name, or through a `getCamelCasedProperty()` method.
* Examples:
* $p = $this->my_property
* $p = $this->getMyProperty()
* @return array|bool|float|int|object|string|null
* @throws Exception
* @params string $key class property
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:479
⧉public __isset(string $key): bool Returns true if a property exists names $key, or a getter method exists named...
* Returns true if a property exists names $key, or a getter method
* exists named like for __get().
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:516
⧉public __unset(string $key): void Unsets an attribute property.
* Unsets an attribute property.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:536
⧉protected mapProperty(string $key): string db column name Checks the datamap to see if this property name is being mapped, and returns ...
* Checks the datamap to see if this property name is being mapped,
* and returns the db column name, if any, or the original property name.
* @return string db column name
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:297
⧉protected mutateDate($value): Time Converts the given string|timestamp|DateTime|Time instance into the "CodeIgni...
* Converts the given string|timestamp|DateTime|Time instance
* into the "CodeIgniter\I18n\Time" object.
* @param DateTime|float|int|string|Time $value
* @return Time
* @throws Exception
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:320
⧉protected castAs($value, string $attribute, string $method = 'get'): array|bool|float|int|object|string|null Provides the ability to cast an item as a specific data type. Add ? at the be...
* Provides the ability to cast an item as a specific data type.
* Add ? at the beginning of $type (i.e. ?string) to get NULL
* instead of casting $value if $value === null
* @param bool|float|int|string|null $value Attribute value
* @param string $attribute Attribute name
* @param string $method Allowed to "get" and "set"
* @return array|bool|float|int|object|string|null
* @throws CastException
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:338
⧉protected isMappedDbColumn(string $key): bool Whether this key is mapped db column name?
* Whether this key is mapped db column name?
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:550
⧉protected hasMappedProperty(string $key): bool Whether this key has mapped property?
* Whether this key has mapped property?
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:565
uri => string (31) "CodeIgniter\Entity\Cast\URICast"
private _cast -> boolean true
⇄⧉public __construct(?array $data = null) Allows filling in Entity parameters during construction.
new \App\Entities\Entity(?array $data = null)
* Allows filling in Entity parameters during construction.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:117
⇄⧉public fill(?array $data = null): $this Takes an array of key/value pairs and sets them as class properties, using an...
$value[2]->fill(?array $data = null)
* Takes an array of key/value pairs and sets them as class
* properties, using any `setCamelCasedProperty()` methods
* that may or may not exist.
* @param array $data
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:133
⇄⧉public toArray(bool $onlyChanged = false, bool $cast = true, bool $recursive = false): array General method that will return all public and protected values of this entit...
* General method that will return all public and protected values
* of this entity as an array. All values are accessed through the
* __get() magic method so will have any casts, etc applied to them.
* @param bool $onlyChanged If true, only return values that have changed since object creation
* @param bool $cast If true, properties will be cast.
* @param bool $recursive If true, inner entities will be cast as array as well.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:155
⇄⧉public toRawArray(bool $onlyChanged = false, bool $recursive = false): array Returns the raw values of the current attributes.
* Returns the raw values of the current attributes.
* @param bool $onlyChanged If true, only return values that have changed since object creation
* @param bool $recursive If true, inner entities will be cast as array as well.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:197
⇄⧉public syncOriginal(): $this Ensures our "original" values match the current values.
* Ensures our "original" values match the current values.
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:241
⇄⧉public hasChanged(?string $key = null): bool Checks a property to see if it has changed since the entity was created. Or, ...
$value[2]->hasChanged(?string $key = null)
* Checks a property to see if it has changed since the entity
* was created. Or, without a parameter, checks if any
* properties have changed.
* @param string|null $key class property
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:255
⇄⧉public setAttributes(array $data): $this Set raw data array without any mutations
$value[2]->setAttributes(array $data)
* Set raw data array without any mutations
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:282
⇄⧉public jsonSerialize(): array Support for json_encode()
* Support for json_encode()
* @return array
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:400
⇄⧉public cast(?bool $cast = null): bool|Entity Change the value of the private $_cast property
$value[2]->cast(?bool $cast = null)
* Change the value of the private $_cast property
* @return bool|Entity
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:410
⧉public __set(string $key, $value = null): void Magic method to all protected/private class properties to be easily set, eith...
* Magic method to all protected/private class properties to be
* easily set, either through a direct access or a
* `setCamelCasedProperty()` method.
* Examples:
* $this->my_property = $p;
* $this->setMyProperty() = $p;
* @param array|bool|float|int|object|string|null $value
* @return void
* @throws Exception
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:436
⧉public __get(string $key): array|bool|float|int|object|string|null Magic method to allow retrieval of protected and private class properties eit...
* Magic method to allow retrieval of protected and private class properties
* either by their name, or through a `getCamelCasedProperty()` method.
* Examples:
* $p = $this->my_property
* $p = $this->getMyProperty()
* @return array|bool|float|int|object|string|null
* @throws Exception
* @params string $key class property
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:479
⧉public __isset(string $key): bool Returns true if a property exists names $key, or a getter method exists named...
* Returns true if a property exists names $key, or a getter method
* exists named like for __get().
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:516
⧉public __unset(string $key): void Unsets an attribute property.
* Unsets an attribute property.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:536
⧉protected mapProperty(string $key): string db column name Checks the datamap to see if this property name is being mapped, and returns ...
* Checks the datamap to see if this property name is being mapped,
* and returns the db column name, if any, or the original property name.
* @return string db column name
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:297
⧉protected mutateDate($value): Time Converts the given string|timestamp|DateTime|Time instance into the "CodeIgni...
* Converts the given string|timestamp|DateTime|Time instance
* into the "CodeIgniter\I18n\Time" object.
* @param DateTime|float|int|string|Time $value
* @return Time
* @throws Exception
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:320
⧉protected castAs($value, string $attribute, string $method = 'get'): array|bool|float|int|object|string|null Provides the ability to cast an item as a specific data type. Add ? at the be...
* Provides the ability to cast an item as a specific data type.
* Add ? at the beginning of $type (i.e. ?string) to get NULL
* instead of casting $value if $value === null
* @param bool|float|int|string|null $value Attribute value
* @param string $attribute Attribute name
* @param string $method Allowed to "get" and "set"
* @return array|bool|float|int|object|string|null
* @throws CastException
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:338
⧉protected isMappedDbColumn(string $key): bool Whether this key is mapped db column name?
* Whether this key is mapped db column name?
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:550
⧉protected hasMappedProperty(string $key): bool Whether this key has mapped property?
* Whether this key has mapped property?
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:565
uri => string (31) "CodeIgniter\Entity\Cast\URICast"
private _cast -> boolean true
⇄⧉public __construct(?array $data = null) Allows filling in Entity parameters during construction.
new \App\Entities\Entity(?array $data = null)
* Allows filling in Entity parameters during construction.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:117
⇄⧉public fill(?array $data = null): $this Takes an array of key/value pairs and sets them as class properties, using an...
$value[3]->fill(?array $data = null)
* Takes an array of key/value pairs and sets them as class
* properties, using any `setCamelCasedProperty()` methods
* that may or may not exist.
* @param array $data
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:133
⇄⧉public toArray(bool $onlyChanged = false, bool $cast = true, bool $recursive = false): array General method that will return all public and protected values of this entit...
* General method that will return all public and protected values
* of this entity as an array. All values are accessed through the
* __get() magic method so will have any casts, etc applied to them.
* @param bool $onlyChanged If true, only return values that have changed since object creation
* @param bool $cast If true, properties will be cast.
* @param bool $recursive If true, inner entities will be cast as array as well.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:155
⇄⧉public toRawArray(bool $onlyChanged = false, bool $recursive = false): array Returns the raw values of the current attributes.
* Returns the raw values of the current attributes.
* @param bool $onlyChanged If true, only return values that have changed since object creation
* @param bool $recursive If true, inner entities will be cast as array as well.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:197
⇄⧉public syncOriginal(): $this Ensures our "original" values match the current values.
* Ensures our "original" values match the current values.
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:241
⇄⧉public hasChanged(?string $key = null): bool Checks a property to see if it has changed since the entity was created. Or, ...
$value[3]->hasChanged(?string $key = null)
* Checks a property to see if it has changed since the entity
* was created. Or, without a parameter, checks if any
* properties have changed.
* @param string|null $key class property
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:255
⇄⧉public setAttributes(array $data): $this Set raw data array without any mutations
$value[3]->setAttributes(array $data)
* Set raw data array without any mutations
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:282
⇄⧉public jsonSerialize(): array Support for json_encode()
* Support for json_encode()
* @return array
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:400
⇄⧉public cast(?bool $cast = null): bool|Entity Change the value of the private $_cast property
$value[3]->cast(?bool $cast = null)
* Change the value of the private $_cast property
* @return bool|Entity
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:410
⧉public __set(string $key, $value = null): void Magic method to all protected/private class properties to be easily set, eith...
* Magic method to all protected/private class properties to be
* easily set, either through a direct access or a
* `setCamelCasedProperty()` method.
* Examples:
* $this->my_property = $p;
* $this->setMyProperty() = $p;
* @param array|bool|float|int|object|string|null $value
* @return void
* @throws Exception
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:436
⧉public __get(string $key): array|bool|float|int|object|string|null Magic method to allow retrieval of protected and private class properties eit...
* Magic method to allow retrieval of protected and private class properties
* either by their name, or through a `getCamelCasedProperty()` method.
* Examples:
* $p = $this->my_property
* $p = $this->getMyProperty()
* @return array|bool|float|int|object|string|null
* @throws Exception
* @params string $key class property
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:479
⧉public __isset(string $key): bool Returns true if a property exists names $key, or a getter method exists named...
* Returns true if a property exists names $key, or a getter method
* exists named like for __get().
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:516
⧉public __unset(string $key): void Unsets an attribute property.
* Unsets an attribute property.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:536
⧉protected mapProperty(string $key): string db column name Checks the datamap to see if this property name is being mapped, and returns ...
* Checks the datamap to see if this property name is being mapped,
* and returns the db column name, if any, or the original property name.
* @return string db column name
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:297
⧉protected mutateDate($value): Time Converts the given string|timestamp|DateTime|Time instance into the "CodeIgni...
* Converts the given string|timestamp|DateTime|Time instance
* into the "CodeIgniter\I18n\Time" object.
* @param DateTime|float|int|string|Time $value
* @return Time
* @throws Exception
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:320
⧉protected castAs($value, string $attribute, string $method = 'get'): array|bool|float|int|object|string|null Provides the ability to cast an item as a specific data type. Add ? at the be...
* Provides the ability to cast an item as a specific data type.
* Add ? at the beginning of $type (i.e. ?string) to get NULL
* instead of casting $value if $value === null
* @param bool|float|int|string|null $value Attribute value
* @param string $attribute Attribute name
* @param string $method Allowed to "get" and "set"
* @return array|bool|float|int|object|string|null
* @throws CastException
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:338
⧉protected isMappedDbColumn(string $key): bool Whether this key is mapped db column name?
* Whether this key is mapped db column name?
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:550
⧉protected hasMappedProperty(string $key): bool Whether this key has mapped property?
* Whether this key has mapped property?
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:565
uri => string (31) "CodeIgniter\Entity\Cast\URICast"
private _cast -> boolean true
⇄⧉public __construct(?array $data = null) Allows filling in Entity parameters during construction.
new \App\Entities\Entity(?array $data = null)
* Allows filling in Entity parameters during construction.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:117
⇄⧉public fill(?array $data = null): $this Takes an array of key/value pairs and sets them as class properties, using an...
$value[4]->fill(?array $data = null)
* Takes an array of key/value pairs and sets them as class
* properties, using any `setCamelCasedProperty()` methods
* that may or may not exist.
* @param array $data
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:133
⇄⧉public toArray(bool $onlyChanged = false, bool $cast = true, bool $recursive = false): array General method that will return all public and protected values of this entit...
* General method that will return all public and protected values
* of this entity as an array. All values are accessed through the
* __get() magic method so will have any casts, etc applied to them.
* @param bool $onlyChanged If true, only return values that have changed since object creation
* @param bool $cast If true, properties will be cast.
* @param bool $recursive If true, inner entities will be cast as array as well.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:155
⇄⧉public toRawArray(bool $onlyChanged = false, bool $recursive = false): array Returns the raw values of the current attributes.
* Returns the raw values of the current attributes.
* @param bool $onlyChanged If true, only return values that have changed since object creation
* @param bool $recursive If true, inner entities will be cast as array as well.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:197
⇄⧉public syncOriginal(): $this Ensures our "original" values match the current values.
* Ensures our "original" values match the current values.
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:241
⇄⧉public hasChanged(?string $key = null): bool Checks a property to see if it has changed since the entity was created. Or, ...
$value[4]->hasChanged(?string $key = null)
* Checks a property to see if it has changed since the entity
* was created. Or, without a parameter, checks if any
* properties have changed.
* @param string|null $key class property
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:255
⇄⧉public setAttributes(array $data): $this Set raw data array without any mutations
$value[4]->setAttributes(array $data)
* Set raw data array without any mutations
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:282
⇄⧉public jsonSerialize(): array Support for json_encode()
* Support for json_encode()
* @return array
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:400
⇄⧉public cast(?bool $cast = null): bool|Entity Change the value of the private $_cast property
$value[4]->cast(?bool $cast = null)
* Change the value of the private $_cast property
* @return bool|Entity
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:410
⧉public __set(string $key, $value = null): void Magic method to all protected/private class properties to be easily set, eith...
* Magic method to all protected/private class properties to be
* easily set, either through a direct access or a
* `setCamelCasedProperty()` method.
* Examples:
* $this->my_property = $p;
* $this->setMyProperty() = $p;
* @param array|bool|float|int|object|string|null $value
* @return void
* @throws Exception
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:436
⧉public __get(string $key): array|bool|float|int|object|string|null Magic method to allow retrieval of protected and private class properties eit...
* Magic method to allow retrieval of protected and private class properties
* either by their name, or through a `getCamelCasedProperty()` method.
* Examples:
* $p = $this->my_property
* $p = $this->getMyProperty()
* @return array|bool|float|int|object|string|null
* @throws Exception
* @params string $key class property
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:479
⧉public __isset(string $key): bool Returns true if a property exists names $key, or a getter method exists named...
* Returns true if a property exists names $key, or a getter method
* exists named like for __get().
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:516
⧉public __unset(string $key): void Unsets an attribute property.
* Unsets an attribute property.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:536
⧉protected mapProperty(string $key): string db column name Checks the datamap to see if this property name is being mapped, and returns ...
* Checks the datamap to see if this property name is being mapped,
* and returns the db column name, if any, or the original property name.
* @return string db column name
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:297
⧉protected mutateDate($value): Time Converts the given string|timestamp|DateTime|Time instance into the "CodeIgni...
* Converts the given string|timestamp|DateTime|Time instance
* into the "CodeIgniter\I18n\Time" object.
* @param DateTime|float|int|string|Time $value
* @return Time
* @throws Exception
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:320
⧉protected castAs($value, string $attribute, string $method = 'get'): array|bool|float|int|object|string|null Provides the ability to cast an item as a specific data type. Add ? at the be...
* Provides the ability to cast an item as a specific data type.
* Add ? at the beginning of $type (i.e. ?string) to get NULL
* instead of casting $value if $value === null
* @param bool|float|int|string|null $value Attribute value
* @param string $attribute Attribute name
* @param string $method Allowed to "get" and "set"
* @return array|bool|float|int|object|string|null
* @throws CastException
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:338
⧉protected isMappedDbColumn(string $key): bool Whether this key is mapped db column name?
* Whether this key is mapped db column name?
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:550
⧉protected hasMappedProperty(string $key): bool Whether this key has mapped property?
* Whether this key has mapped property?
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:565
uri => string (31) "CodeIgniter\Entity\Cast\URICast"
private _cast -> boolean true
⇄⧉public __construct(?array $data = null) Allows filling in Entity parameters during construction.
new \App\Entities\Entity(?array $data = null)
* Allows filling in Entity parameters during construction.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:117
⇄⧉public fill(?array $data = null): $this Takes an array of key/value pairs and sets them as class properties, using an...
$value[5]->fill(?array $data = null)
* Takes an array of key/value pairs and sets them as class
* properties, using any `setCamelCasedProperty()` methods
* that may or may not exist.
* @param array $data
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:133
⇄⧉public toArray(bool $onlyChanged = false, bool $cast = true, bool $recursive = false): array General method that will return all public and protected values of this entit...
* General method that will return all public and protected values
* of this entity as an array. All values are accessed through the
* __get() magic method so will have any casts, etc applied to them.
* @param bool $onlyChanged If true, only return values that have changed since object creation
* @param bool $cast If true, properties will be cast.
* @param bool $recursive If true, inner entities will be cast as array as well.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:155
⇄⧉public toRawArray(bool $onlyChanged = false, bool $recursive = false): array Returns the raw values of the current attributes.
* Returns the raw values of the current attributes.
* @param bool $onlyChanged If true, only return values that have changed since object creation
* @param bool $recursive If true, inner entities will be cast as array as well.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:197
⇄⧉public syncOriginal(): $this Ensures our "original" values match the current values.
* Ensures our "original" values match the current values.
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:241
⇄⧉public hasChanged(?string $key = null): bool Checks a property to see if it has changed since the entity was created. Or, ...
$value[5]->hasChanged(?string $key = null)
* Checks a property to see if it has changed since the entity
* was created. Or, without a parameter, checks if any
* properties have changed.
* @param string|null $key class property
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:255
⇄⧉public setAttributes(array $data): $this Set raw data array without any mutations
$value[5]->setAttributes(array $data)
* Set raw data array without any mutations
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:282
⇄⧉public jsonSerialize(): array Support for json_encode()
* Support for json_encode()
* @return array
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:400
⇄⧉public cast(?bool $cast = null): bool|Entity Change the value of the private $_cast property
$value[5]->cast(?bool $cast = null)
* Change the value of the private $_cast property
* @return bool|Entity
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:410
⧉public __set(string $key, $value = null): void Magic method to all protected/private class properties to be easily set, eith...
* Magic method to all protected/private class properties to be
* easily set, either through a direct access or a
* `setCamelCasedProperty()` method.
* Examples:
* $this->my_property = $p;
* $this->setMyProperty() = $p;
* @param array|bool|float|int|object|string|null $value
* @return void
* @throws Exception
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:436
⧉public __get(string $key): array|bool|float|int|object|string|null Magic method to allow retrieval of protected and private class properties eit...
* Magic method to allow retrieval of protected and private class properties
* either by their name, or through a `getCamelCasedProperty()` method.
* Examples:
* $p = $this->my_property
* $p = $this->getMyProperty()
* @return array|bool|float|int|object|string|null
* @throws Exception
* @params string $key class property
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:479
⧉public __isset(string $key): bool Returns true if a property exists names $key, or a getter method exists named...
* Returns true if a property exists names $key, or a getter method
* exists named like for __get().
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:516
⧉public __unset(string $key): void Unsets an attribute property.
* Unsets an attribute property.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:536
⧉protected mapProperty(string $key): string db column name Checks the datamap to see if this property name is being mapped, and returns ...
* Checks the datamap to see if this property name is being mapped,
* and returns the db column name, if any, or the original property name.
* @return string db column name
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:297
⧉protected mutateDate($value): Time Converts the given string|timestamp|DateTime|Time instance into the "CodeIgni...
* Converts the given string|timestamp|DateTime|Time instance
* into the "CodeIgniter\I18n\Time" object.
* @param DateTime|float|int|string|Time $value
* @return Time
* @throws Exception
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:320
⧉protected castAs($value, string $attribute, string $method = 'get'): array|bool|float|int|object|string|null Provides the ability to cast an item as a specific data type. Add ? at the be...
* Provides the ability to cast an item as a specific data type.
* Add ? at the beginning of $type (i.e. ?string) to get NULL
* instead of casting $value if $value === null
* @param bool|float|int|string|null $value Attribute value
* @param string $attribute Attribute name
* @param string $method Allowed to "get" and "set"
* @return array|bool|float|int|object|string|null
* @throws CastException
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:338
⧉protected isMappedDbColumn(string $key): bool Whether this key is mapped db column name?
* Whether this key is mapped db column name?
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:550
⧉protected hasMappedProperty(string $key): bool Whether this key has mapped property?
* Whether this key has mapped property?
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:565
uri => string (31) "CodeIgniter\Entity\Cast\URICast"
private _cast -> boolean true
⇄⧉public __construct(?array $data = null) Allows filling in Entity parameters during construction.
new \App\Entities\Entity(?array $data = null)
* Allows filling in Entity parameters during construction.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:117
⇄⧉public fill(?array $data = null): $this Takes an array of key/value pairs and sets them as class properties, using an...
$value[6]->fill(?array $data = null)
* Takes an array of key/value pairs and sets them as class
* properties, using any `setCamelCasedProperty()` methods
* that may or may not exist.
* @param array $data
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:133
⇄⧉public toArray(bool $onlyChanged = false, bool $cast = true, bool $recursive = false): array General method that will return all public and protected values of this entit...
* General method that will return all public and protected values
* of this entity as an array. All values are accessed through the
* __get() magic method so will have any casts, etc applied to them.
* @param bool $onlyChanged If true, only return values that have changed since object creation
* @param bool $cast If true, properties will be cast.
* @param bool $recursive If true, inner entities will be cast as array as well.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:155
⇄⧉public toRawArray(bool $onlyChanged = false, bool $recursive = false): array Returns the raw values of the current attributes.
* Returns the raw values of the current attributes.
* @param bool $onlyChanged If true, only return values that have changed since object creation
* @param bool $recursive If true, inner entities will be cast as array as well.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:197
⇄⧉public syncOriginal(): $this Ensures our "original" values match the current values.
* Ensures our "original" values match the current values.
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:241
⇄⧉public hasChanged(?string $key = null): bool Checks a property to see if it has changed since the entity was created. Or, ...
$value[6]->hasChanged(?string $key = null)
* Checks a property to see if it has changed since the entity
* was created. Or, without a parameter, checks if any
* properties have changed.
* @param string|null $key class property
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:255
⇄⧉public setAttributes(array $data): $this Set raw data array without any mutations
$value[6]->setAttributes(array $data)
* Set raw data array without any mutations
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:282
⇄⧉public jsonSerialize(): array Support for json_encode()
* Support for json_encode()
* @return array
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:400
⇄⧉public cast(?bool $cast = null): bool|Entity Change the value of the private $_cast property
$value[6]->cast(?bool $cast = null)
* Change the value of the private $_cast property
* @return bool|Entity
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:410
⧉public __set(string $key, $value = null): void Magic method to all protected/private class properties to be easily set, eith...
* Magic method to all protected/private class properties to be
* easily set, either through a direct access or a
* `setCamelCasedProperty()` method.
* Examples:
* $this->my_property = $p;
* $this->setMyProperty() = $p;
* @param array|bool|float|int|object|string|null $value
* @return void
* @throws Exception
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:436
⧉public __get(string $key): array|bool|float|int|object|string|null Magic method to allow retrieval of protected and private class properties eit...
* Magic method to allow retrieval of protected and private class properties
* either by their name, or through a `getCamelCasedProperty()` method.
* Examples:
* $p = $this->my_property
* $p = $this->getMyProperty()
* @return array|bool|float|int|object|string|null
* @throws Exception
* @params string $key class property
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:479
⧉public __isset(string $key): bool Returns true if a property exists names $key, or a getter method exists named...
* Returns true if a property exists names $key, or a getter method
* exists named like for __get().
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:516
⧉public __unset(string $key): void Unsets an attribute property.
* Unsets an attribute property.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:536
⧉protected mapProperty(string $key): string db column name Checks the datamap to see if this property name is being mapped, and returns ...
* Checks the datamap to see if this property name is being mapped,
* and returns the db column name, if any, or the original property name.
* @return string db column name
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:297
⧉protected mutateDate($value): Time Converts the given string|timestamp|DateTime|Time instance into the "CodeIgni...
* Converts the given string|timestamp|DateTime|Time instance
* into the "CodeIgniter\I18n\Time" object.
* @param DateTime|float|int|string|Time $value
* @return Time
* @throws Exception
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:320
⧉protected castAs($value, string $attribute, string $method = 'get'): array|bool|float|int|object|string|null Provides the ability to cast an item as a specific data type. Add ? at the be...
* Provides the ability to cast an item as a specific data type.
* Add ? at the beginning of $type (i.e. ?string) to get NULL
* instead of casting $value if $value === null
* @param bool|float|int|string|null $value Attribute value
* @param string $attribute Attribute name
* @param string $method Allowed to "get" and "set"
* @return array|bool|float|int|object|string|null
* @throws CastException
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:338
⧉protected isMappedDbColumn(string $key): bool Whether this key is mapped db column name?
* Whether this key is mapped db column name?
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:550
⧉protected hasMappedProperty(string $key): bool Whether this key has mapped property?
* Whether this key has mapped property?
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:565
uri => string (31) "CodeIgniter\Entity\Cast\URICast"
private _cast -> boolean true
⇄⧉public __construct(?array $data = null) Allows filling in Entity parameters during construction.
new \App\Entities\Entity(?array $data = null)
* Allows filling in Entity parameters during construction.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:117
⇄⧉public fill(?array $data = null): $this Takes an array of key/value pairs and sets them as class properties, using an...
$value[7]->fill(?array $data = null)
* Takes an array of key/value pairs and sets them as class
* properties, using any `setCamelCasedProperty()` methods
* that may or may not exist.
* @param array $data
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:133
⇄⧉public toArray(bool $onlyChanged = false, bool $cast = true, bool $recursive = false): array General method that will return all public and protected values of this entit...
* General method that will return all public and protected values
* of this entity as an array. All values are accessed through the
* __get() magic method so will have any casts, etc applied to them.
* @param bool $onlyChanged If true, only return values that have changed since object creation
* @param bool $cast If true, properties will be cast.
* @param bool $recursive If true, inner entities will be cast as array as well.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:155
⇄⧉public toRawArray(bool $onlyChanged = false, bool $recursive = false): array Returns the raw values of the current attributes.
* Returns the raw values of the current attributes.
* @param bool $onlyChanged If true, only return values that have changed since object creation
* @param bool $recursive If true, inner entities will be cast as array as well.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:197
⇄⧉public syncOriginal(): $this Ensures our "original" values match the current values.
* Ensures our "original" values match the current values.
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:241
⇄⧉public hasChanged(?string $key = null): bool Checks a property to see if it has changed since the entity was created. Or, ...
$value[7]->hasChanged(?string $key = null)
* Checks a property to see if it has changed since the entity
* was created. Or, without a parameter, checks if any
* properties have changed.
* @param string|null $key class property
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:255
⇄⧉public setAttributes(array $data): $this Set raw data array without any mutations
$value[7]->setAttributes(array $data)
* Set raw data array without any mutations
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:282
⇄⧉public jsonSerialize(): array Support for json_encode()
* Support for json_encode()
* @return array
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:400
⇄⧉public cast(?bool $cast = null): bool|Entity Change the value of the private $_cast property
$value[7]->cast(?bool $cast = null)
* Change the value of the private $_cast property
* @return bool|Entity
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:410
⧉public __set(string $key, $value = null): void Magic method to all protected/private class properties to be easily set, eith...
* Magic method to all protected/private class properties to be
* easily set, either through a direct access or a
* `setCamelCasedProperty()` method.
* Examples:
* $this->my_property = $p;
* $this->setMyProperty() = $p;
* @param array|bool|float|int|object|string|null $value
* @return void
* @throws Exception
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:436
⧉public __get(string $key): array|bool|float|int|object|string|null Magic method to allow retrieval of protected and private class properties eit...
* Magic method to allow retrieval of protected and private class properties
* either by their name, or through a `getCamelCasedProperty()` method.
* Examples:
* $p = $this->my_property
* $p = $this->getMyProperty()
* @return array|bool|float|int|object|string|null
* @throws Exception
* @params string $key class property
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:479
⧉public __isset(string $key): bool Returns true if a property exists names $key, or a getter method exists named...
* Returns true if a property exists names $key, or a getter method
* exists named like for __get().
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:516
⧉public __unset(string $key): void Unsets an attribute property.
* Unsets an attribute property.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:536
⧉protected mapProperty(string $key): string db column name Checks the datamap to see if this property name is being mapped, and returns ...
* Checks the datamap to see if this property name is being mapped,
* and returns the db column name, if any, or the original property name.
* @return string db column name
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:297
⧉protected mutateDate($value): Time Converts the given string|timestamp|DateTime|Time instance into the "CodeIgni...
* Converts the given string|timestamp|DateTime|Time instance
* into the "CodeIgniter\I18n\Time" object.
* @param DateTime|float|int|string|Time $value
* @return Time
* @throws Exception
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:320
⧉protected castAs($value, string $attribute, string $method = 'get'): array|bool|float|int|object|string|null Provides the ability to cast an item as a specific data type. Add ? at the be...
* Provides the ability to cast an item as a specific data type.
* Add ? at the beginning of $type (i.e. ?string) to get NULL
* instead of casting $value if $value === null
* @param bool|float|int|string|null $value Attribute value
* @param string $attribute Attribute name
* @param string $method Allowed to "get" and "set"
* @return array|bool|float|int|object|string|null
* @throws CastException
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:338
⧉protected isMappedDbColumn(string $key): bool Whether this key is mapped db column name?
* Whether this key is mapped db column name?
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:550
⧉protected hasMappedProperty(string $key): bool Whether this key has mapped property?
* Whether this key has mapped property?
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:565
uri => string (31) "CodeIgniter\Entity\Cast\URICast"
private _cast -> boolean true
⇄⧉public __construct(?array $data = null) Allows filling in Entity parameters during construction.
new \App\Entities\Entity(?array $data = null)
* Allows filling in Entity parameters during construction.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:117
⇄⧉public fill(?array $data = null): $this Takes an array of key/value pairs and sets them as class properties, using an...
$value[8]->fill(?array $data = null)
* Takes an array of key/value pairs and sets them as class
* properties, using any `setCamelCasedProperty()` methods
* that may or may not exist.
* @param array $data
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:133
⇄⧉public toArray(bool $onlyChanged = false, bool $cast = true, bool $recursive = false): array General method that will return all public and protected values of this entit...
* General method that will return all public and protected values
* of this entity as an array. All values are accessed through the
* __get() magic method so will have any casts, etc applied to them.
* @param bool $onlyChanged If true, only return values that have changed since object creation
* @param bool $cast If true, properties will be cast.
* @param bool $recursive If true, inner entities will be cast as array as well.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:155
⇄⧉public toRawArray(bool $onlyChanged = false, bool $recursive = false): array Returns the raw values of the current attributes.
* Returns the raw values of the current attributes.
* @param bool $onlyChanged If true, only return values that have changed since object creation
* @param bool $recursive If true, inner entities will be cast as array as well.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:197
⇄⧉public syncOriginal(): $this Ensures our "original" values match the current values.
* Ensures our "original" values match the current values.
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:241
⇄⧉public hasChanged(?string $key = null): bool Checks a property to see if it has changed since the entity was created. Or, ...
$value[8]->hasChanged(?string $key = null)
* Checks a property to see if it has changed since the entity
* was created. Or, without a parameter, checks if any
* properties have changed.
* @param string|null $key class property
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:255
⇄⧉public setAttributes(array $data): $this Set raw data array without any mutations
$value[8]->setAttributes(array $data)
* Set raw data array without any mutations
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:282
⇄⧉public jsonSerialize(): array Support for json_encode()
* Support for json_encode()
* @return array
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:400
⇄⧉public cast(?bool $cast = null): bool|Entity Change the value of the private $_cast property
$value[8]->cast(?bool $cast = null)
* Change the value of the private $_cast property
* @return bool|Entity
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:410
⧉public __set(string $key, $value = null): void Magic method to all protected/private class properties to be easily set, eith...
* Magic method to all protected/private class properties to be
* easily set, either through a direct access or a
* `setCamelCasedProperty()` method.
* Examples:
* $this->my_property = $p;
* $this->setMyProperty() = $p;
* @param array|bool|float|int|object|string|null $value
* @return void
* @throws Exception
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:436
⧉public __get(string $key): array|bool|float|int|object|string|null Magic method to allow retrieval of protected and private class properties eit...
* Magic method to allow retrieval of protected and private class properties
* either by their name, or through a `getCamelCasedProperty()` method.
* Examples:
* $p = $this->my_property
* $p = $this->getMyProperty()
* @return array|bool|float|int|object|string|null
* @throws Exception
* @params string $key class property
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:479
⧉public __isset(string $key): bool Returns true if a property exists names $key, or a getter method exists named...
* Returns true if a property exists names $key, or a getter method
* exists named like for __get().
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:516
⧉public __unset(string $key): void Unsets an attribute property.
* Unsets an attribute property.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:536
⧉protected mapProperty(string $key): string db column name Checks the datamap to see if this property name is being mapped, and returns ...
* Checks the datamap to see if this property name is being mapped,
* and returns the db column name, if any, or the original property name.
* @return string db column name
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:297
⧉protected mutateDate($value): Time Converts the given string|timestamp|DateTime|Time instance into the "CodeIgni...
* Converts the given string|timestamp|DateTime|Time instance
* into the "CodeIgniter\I18n\Time" object.
* @param DateTime|float|int|string|Time $value
* @return Time
* @throws Exception
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:320
⧉protected castAs($value, string $attribute, string $method = 'get'): array|bool|float|int|object|string|null Provides the ability to cast an item as a specific data type. Add ? at the be...
* Provides the ability to cast an item as a specific data type.
* Add ? at the beginning of $type (i.e. ?string) to get NULL
* instead of casting $value if $value === null
* @param bool|float|int|string|null $value Attribute value
* @param string $attribute Attribute name
* @param string $method Allowed to "get" and "set"
* @return array|bool|float|int|object|string|null
* @throws CastException
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:338
⧉protected isMappedDbColumn(string $key): bool Whether this key is mapped db column name?
* Whether this key is mapped db column name?
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:550
⧉protected hasMappedProperty(string $key): bool Whether this key has mapped property?
* Whether this key has mapped property?
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:565
uri => string (31) "CodeIgniter\Entity\Cast\URICast"
private _cast -> boolean true
⇄⧉public __construct(?array $data = null) Allows filling in Entity parameters during construction.
new \App\Entities\Entity(?array $data = null)
* Allows filling in Entity parameters during construction.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:117
⇄⧉public fill(?array $data = null): $this Takes an array of key/value pairs and sets them as class properties, using an...
$value[9]->fill(?array $data = null)
* Takes an array of key/value pairs and sets them as class
* properties, using any `setCamelCasedProperty()` methods
* that may or may not exist.
* @param array $data
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:133
⇄⧉public toArray(bool $onlyChanged = false, bool $cast = true, bool $recursive = false): array General method that will return all public and protected values of this entit...
* General method that will return all public and protected values
* of this entity as an array. All values are accessed through the
* __get() magic method so will have any casts, etc applied to them.
* @param bool $onlyChanged If true, only return values that have changed since object creation
* @param bool $cast If true, properties will be cast.
* @param bool $recursive If true, inner entities will be cast as array as well.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:155
⇄⧉public toRawArray(bool $onlyChanged = false, bool $recursive = false): array Returns the raw values of the current attributes.
* Returns the raw values of the current attributes.
* @param bool $onlyChanged If true, only return values that have changed since object creation
* @param bool $recursive If true, inner entities will be cast as array as well.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:197
⇄⧉public syncOriginal(): $this Ensures our "original" values match the current values.
* Ensures our "original" values match the current values.
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:241
⇄⧉public hasChanged(?string $key = null): bool Checks a property to see if it has changed since the entity was created. Or, ...
$value[9]->hasChanged(?string $key = null)
* Checks a property to see if it has changed since the entity
* was created. Or, without a parameter, checks if any
* properties have changed.
* @param string|null $key class property
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:255
⇄⧉public setAttributes(array $data): $this Set raw data array without any mutations
$value[9]->setAttributes(array $data)
* Set raw data array without any mutations
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:282
⇄⧉public jsonSerialize(): array Support for json_encode()
* Support for json_encode()
* @return array
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:400
⇄⧉public cast(?bool $cast = null): bool|Entity Change the value of the private $_cast property
$value[9]->cast(?bool $cast = null)
* Change the value of the private $_cast property
* @return bool|Entity
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:410
⧉public __set(string $key, $value = null): void Magic method to all protected/private class properties to be easily set, eith...
* Magic method to all protected/private class properties to be
* easily set, either through a direct access or a
* `setCamelCasedProperty()` method.
* Examples:
* $this->my_property = $p;
* $this->setMyProperty() = $p;
* @param array|bool|float|int|object|string|null $value
* @return void
* @throws Exception
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:436
⧉public __get(string $key): array|bool|float|int|object|string|null Magic method to allow retrieval of protected and private class properties eit...
* Magic method to allow retrieval of protected and private class properties
* either by their name, or through a `getCamelCasedProperty()` method.
* Examples:
* $p = $this->my_property
* $p = $this->getMyProperty()
* @return array|bool|float|int|object|string|null
* @throws Exception
* @params string $key class property
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:479
⧉public __isset(string $key): bool Returns true if a property exists names $key, or a getter method exists named...
* Returns true if a property exists names $key, or a getter method
* exists named like for __get().
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:516
⧉public __unset(string $key): void Unsets an attribute property.
* Unsets an attribute property.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:536
⧉protected mapProperty(string $key): string db column name Checks the datamap to see if this property name is being mapped, and returns ...
* Checks the datamap to see if this property name is being mapped,
* and returns the db column name, if any, or the original property name.
* @return string db column name
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:297
⧉protected mutateDate($value): Time Converts the given string|timestamp|DateTime|Time instance into the "CodeIgni...
* Converts the given string|timestamp|DateTime|Time instance
* into the "CodeIgniter\I18n\Time" object.
* @param DateTime|float|int|string|Time $value
* @return Time
* @throws Exception
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:320
⧉protected castAs($value, string $attribute, string $method = 'get'): array|bool|float|int|object|string|null Provides the ability to cast an item as a specific data type. Add ? at the be...
* Provides the ability to cast an item as a specific data type.
* Add ? at the beginning of $type (i.e. ?string) to get NULL
* instead of casting $value if $value === null
* @param bool|float|int|string|null $value Attribute value
* @param string $attribute Attribute name
* @param string $method Allowed to "get" and "set"
* @return array|bool|float|int|object|string|null
* @throws CastException
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:338
⧉protected isMappedDbColumn(string $key): bool Whether this key is mapped db column name?
* Whether this key is mapped db column name?
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:550
⧉protected hasMappedProperty(string $key): bool Whether this key has mapped property?
* Whether this key has mapped property?
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:565
uri => string (31) "CodeIgniter\Entity\Cast\URICast"
private _cast -> boolean true
⇄⧉public __construct(?array $data = null) Allows filling in Entity parameters during construction.
new \App\Entities\Entity(?array $data = null)
* Allows filling in Entity parameters during construction.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:117
⇄⧉public fill(?array $data = null): $this Takes an array of key/value pairs and sets them as class properties, using an...
$value[10]->fill(?array $data = null)
* Takes an array of key/value pairs and sets them as class
* properties, using any `setCamelCasedProperty()` methods
* that may or may not exist.
* @param array $data
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:133
⇄⧉public toArray(bool $onlyChanged = false, bool $cast = true, bool $recursive = false): array General method that will return all public and protected values of this entit...
* General method that will return all public and protected values
* of this entity as an array. All values are accessed through the
* __get() magic method so will have any casts, etc applied to them.
* @param bool $onlyChanged If true, only return values that have changed since object creation
* @param bool $cast If true, properties will be cast.
* @param bool $recursive If true, inner entities will be cast as array as well.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:155
⇄⧉public toRawArray(bool $onlyChanged = false, bool $recursive = false): array Returns the raw values of the current attributes.
* Returns the raw values of the current attributes.
* @param bool $onlyChanged If true, only return values that have changed since object creation
* @param bool $recursive If true, inner entities will be cast as array as well.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:197
⇄⧉public syncOriginal(): $this Ensures our "original" values match the current values.
* Ensures our "original" values match the current values.
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:241
⇄⧉public hasChanged(?string $key = null): bool Checks a property to see if it has changed since the entity was created. Or, ...
$value[10]->hasChanged(?string $key = null)
* Checks a property to see if it has changed since the entity
* was created. Or, without a parameter, checks if any
* properties have changed.
* @param string|null $key class property
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:255
⇄⧉public setAttributes(array $data): $this Set raw data array without any mutations
$value[10]->setAttributes(array $data)
* Set raw data array without any mutations
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:282
⇄⧉public jsonSerialize(): array Support for json_encode()
* Support for json_encode()
* @return array
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:400
⇄⧉public cast(?bool $cast = null): bool|Entity Change the value of the private $_cast property
$value[10]->cast(?bool $cast = null)
* Change the value of the private $_cast property
* @return bool|Entity
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:410
⧉public __set(string $key, $value = null): void Magic method to all protected/private class properties to be easily set, eith...
* Magic method to all protected/private class properties to be
* easily set, either through a direct access or a
* `setCamelCasedProperty()` method.
* Examples:
* $this->my_property = $p;
* $this->setMyProperty() = $p;
* @param array|bool|float|int|object|string|null $value
* @return void
* @throws Exception
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:436
⧉public __get(string $key): array|bool|float|int|object|string|null Magic method to allow retrieval of protected and private class properties eit...
* Magic method to allow retrieval of protected and private class properties
* either by their name, or through a `getCamelCasedProperty()` method.
* Examples:
* $p = $this->my_property
* $p = $this->getMyProperty()
* @return array|bool|float|int|object|string|null
* @throws Exception
* @params string $key class property
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:479
⧉public __isset(string $key): bool Returns true if a property exists names $key, or a getter method exists named...
* Returns true if a property exists names $key, or a getter method
* exists named like for __get().
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:516
⧉public __unset(string $key): void Unsets an attribute property.
* Unsets an attribute property.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:536
⧉protected mapProperty(string $key): string db column name Checks the datamap to see if this property name is being mapped, and returns ...
* Checks the datamap to see if this property name is being mapped,
* and returns the db column name, if any, or the original property name.
* @return string db column name
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:297
⧉protected mutateDate($value): Time Converts the given string|timestamp|DateTime|Time instance into the "CodeIgni...
* Converts the given string|timestamp|DateTime|Time instance
* into the "CodeIgniter\I18n\Time" object.
* @param DateTime|float|int|string|Time $value
* @return Time
* @throws Exception
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:320
⧉protected castAs($value, string $attribute, string $method = 'get'): array|bool|float|int|object|string|null Provides the ability to cast an item as a specific data type. Add ? at the be...
* Provides the ability to cast an item as a specific data type.
* Add ? at the beginning of $type (i.e. ?string) to get NULL
* instead of casting $value if $value === null
* @param bool|float|int|string|null $value Attribute value
* @param string $attribute Attribute name
* @param string $method Allowed to "get" and "set"
* @return array|bool|float|int|object|string|null
* @throws CastException
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:338
⧉protected isMappedDbColumn(string $key): bool Whether this key is mapped db column name?
* Whether this key is mapped db column name?
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:550
⧉protected hasMappedProperty(string $key): bool Whether this key has mapped property?
* Whether this key has mapped property?
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:565
uri => string (31) "CodeIgniter\Entity\Cast\URICast"
private _cast -> boolean true
⇄⧉public __construct(?array $data = null) Allows filling in Entity parameters during construction.
new \App\Entities\Entity(?array $data = null)
* Allows filling in Entity parameters during construction.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:117
⇄⧉public fill(?array $data = null): $this Takes an array of key/value pairs and sets them as class properties, using an...
$value[11]->fill(?array $data = null)
* Takes an array of key/value pairs and sets them as class
* properties, using any `setCamelCasedProperty()` methods
* that may or may not exist.
* @param array $data
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:133
⇄⧉public toArray(bool $onlyChanged = false, bool $cast = true, bool $recursive = false): array General method that will return all public and protected values of this entit...
* General method that will return all public and protected values
* of this entity as an array. All values are accessed through the
* __get() magic method so will have any casts, etc applied to them.
* @param bool $onlyChanged If true, only return values that have changed since object creation
* @param bool $cast If true, properties will be cast.
* @param bool $recursive If true, inner entities will be cast as array as well.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:155
⇄⧉public toRawArray(bool $onlyChanged = false, bool $recursive = false): array Returns the raw values of the current attributes.
* Returns the raw values of the current attributes.
* @param bool $onlyChanged If true, only return values that have changed since object creation
* @param bool $recursive If true, inner entities will be cast as array as well.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:197
⇄⧉public syncOriginal(): $this Ensures our "original" values match the current values.
* Ensures our "original" values match the current values.
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:241
⇄⧉public hasChanged(?string $key = null): bool Checks a property to see if it has changed since the entity was created. Or, ...
$value[11]->hasChanged(?string $key = null)
* Checks a property to see if it has changed since the entity
* was created. Or, without a parameter, checks if any
* properties have changed.
* @param string|null $key class property
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:255
⇄⧉public setAttributes(array $data): $this Set raw data array without any mutations
$value[11]->setAttributes(array $data)
* Set raw data array without any mutations
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:282
⇄⧉public jsonSerialize(): array Support for json_encode()
* Support for json_encode()
* @return array
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:400
⇄⧉public cast(?bool $cast = null): bool|Entity Change the value of the private $_cast property
$value[11]->cast(?bool $cast = null)
* Change the value of the private $_cast property
* @return bool|Entity
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:410
⧉public __set(string $key, $value = null): void Magic method to all protected/private class properties to be easily set, eith...
* Magic method to all protected/private class properties to be
* easily set, either through a direct access or a
* `setCamelCasedProperty()` method.
* Examples:
* $this->my_property = $p;
* $this->setMyProperty() = $p;
* @param array|bool|float|int|object|string|null $value
* @return void
* @throws Exception
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:436
⧉public __get(string $key): array|bool|float|int|object|string|null Magic method to allow retrieval of protected and private class properties eit...
* Magic method to allow retrieval of protected and private class properties
* either by their name, or through a `getCamelCasedProperty()` method.
* Examples:
* $p = $this->my_property
* $p = $this->getMyProperty()
* @return array|bool|float|int|object|string|null
* @throws Exception
* @params string $key class property
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:479
⧉public __isset(string $key): bool Returns true if a property exists names $key, or a getter method exists named...
* Returns true if a property exists names $key, or a getter method
* exists named like for __get().
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:516
⧉public __unset(string $key): void Unsets an attribute property.
* Unsets an attribute property.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:536
⧉protected mapProperty(string $key): string db column name Checks the datamap to see if this property name is being mapped, and returns ...
* Checks the datamap to see if this property name is being mapped,
* and returns the db column name, if any, or the original property name.
* @return string db column name
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:297
⧉protected mutateDate($value): Time Converts the given string|timestamp|DateTime|Time instance into the "CodeIgni...
* Converts the given string|timestamp|DateTime|Time instance
* into the "CodeIgniter\I18n\Time" object.
* @param DateTime|float|int|string|Time $value
* @return Time
* @throws Exception
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:320
⧉protected castAs($value, string $attribute, string $method = 'get'): array|bool|float|int|object|string|null Provides the ability to cast an item as a specific data type. Add ? at the be...
* Provides the ability to cast an item as a specific data type.
* Add ? at the beginning of $type (i.e. ?string) to get NULL
* instead of casting $value if $value === null
* @param bool|float|int|string|null $value Attribute value
* @param string $attribute Attribute name
* @param string $method Allowed to "get" and "set"
* @return array|bool|float|int|object|string|null
* @throws CastException
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:338
⧉protected isMappedDbColumn(string $key): bool Whether this key is mapped db column name?
* Whether this key is mapped db column name?
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:550
⧉protected hasMappedProperty(string $key): bool Whether this key has mapped property?
* Whether this key has mapped property?
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:565
uri => string (31) "CodeIgniter\Entity\Cast\URICast"
private _cast -> boolean true
⇄⧉public __construct(?array $data = null) Allows filling in Entity parameters during construction.
new \App\Entities\Entity(?array $data = null)
* Allows filling in Entity parameters during construction.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:117
⇄⧉public fill(?array $data = null): $this Takes an array of key/value pairs and sets them as class properties, using an...
$value[12]->fill(?array $data = null)
* Takes an array of key/value pairs and sets them as class
* properties, using any `setCamelCasedProperty()` methods
* that may or may not exist.
* @param array $data
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:133
⇄⧉public toArray(bool $onlyChanged = false, bool $cast = true, bool $recursive = false): array General method that will return all public and protected values of this entit...
* General method that will return all public and protected values
* of this entity as an array. All values are accessed through the
* __get() magic method so will have any casts, etc applied to them.
* @param bool $onlyChanged If true, only return values that have changed since object creation
* @param bool $cast If true, properties will be cast.
* @param bool $recursive If true, inner entities will be cast as array as well.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:155
⇄⧉public toRawArray(bool $onlyChanged = false, bool $recursive = false): array Returns the raw values of the current attributes.
* Returns the raw values of the current attributes.
* @param bool $onlyChanged If true, only return values that have changed since object creation
* @param bool $recursive If true, inner entities will be cast as array as well.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:197
⇄⧉public syncOriginal(): $this Ensures our "original" values match the current values.
* Ensures our "original" values match the current values.
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:241
⇄⧉public hasChanged(?string $key = null): bool Checks a property to see if it has changed since the entity was created. Or, ...
$value[12]->hasChanged(?string $key = null)
* Checks a property to see if it has changed since the entity
* was created. Or, without a parameter, checks if any
* properties have changed.
* @param string|null $key class property
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:255
⇄⧉public setAttributes(array $data): $this Set raw data array without any mutations
$value[12]->setAttributes(array $data)
* Set raw data array without any mutations
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:282
⇄⧉public jsonSerialize(): array Support for json_encode()
* Support for json_encode()
* @return array
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:400
⇄⧉public cast(?bool $cast = null): bool|Entity Change the value of the private $_cast property
$value[12]->cast(?bool $cast = null)
* Change the value of the private $_cast property
* @return bool|Entity
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:410
⧉public __set(string $key, $value = null): void Magic method to all protected/private class properties to be easily set, eith...
* Magic method to all protected/private class properties to be
* easily set, either through a direct access or a
* `setCamelCasedProperty()` method.
* Examples:
* $this->my_property = $p;
* $this->setMyProperty() = $p;
* @param array|bool|float|int|object|string|null $value
* @return void
* @throws Exception
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:436
⧉public __get(string $key): array|bool|float|int|object|string|null Magic method to allow retrieval of protected and private class properties eit...
* Magic method to allow retrieval of protected and private class properties
* either by their name, or through a `getCamelCasedProperty()` method.
* Examples:
* $p = $this->my_property
* $p = $this->getMyProperty()
* @return array|bool|float|int|object|string|null
* @throws Exception
* @params string $key class property
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:479
⧉public __isset(string $key): bool Returns true if a property exists names $key, or a getter method exists named...
* Returns true if a property exists names $key, or a getter method
* exists named like for __get().
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:516
⧉public __unset(string $key): void Unsets an attribute property.
* Unsets an attribute property.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:536
⧉protected mapProperty(string $key): string db column name Checks the datamap to see if this property name is being mapped, and returns ...
* Checks the datamap to see if this property name is being mapped,
* and returns the db column name, if any, or the original property name.
* @return string db column name
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:297
⧉protected mutateDate($value): Time Converts the given string|timestamp|DateTime|Time instance into the "CodeIgni...
* Converts the given string|timestamp|DateTime|Time instance
* into the "CodeIgniter\I18n\Time" object.
* @param DateTime|float|int|string|Time $value
* @return Time
* @throws Exception
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:320
⧉protected castAs($value, string $attribute, string $method = 'get'): array|bool|float|int|object|string|null Provides the ability to cast an item as a specific data type. Add ? at the be...
* Provides the ability to cast an item as a specific data type.
* Add ? at the beginning of $type (i.e. ?string) to get NULL
* instead of casting $value if $value === null
* @param bool|float|int|string|null $value Attribute value
* @param string $attribute Attribute name
* @param string $method Allowed to "get" and "set"
* @return array|bool|float|int|object|string|null
* @throws CastException
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:338
⧉protected isMappedDbColumn(string $key): bool Whether this key is mapped db column name?
* Whether this key is mapped db column name?
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:550
⧉protected hasMappedProperty(string $key): bool Whether this key has mapped property?
* Whether this key has mapped property?
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:565
uri => string (31) "CodeIgniter\Entity\Cast\URICast"
private _cast -> boolean true
⇄⧉public __construct(?array $data = null) Allows filling in Entity parameters during construction.
new \App\Entities\Entity(?array $data = null)
* Allows filling in Entity parameters during construction.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:117
⇄⧉public fill(?array $data = null): $this Takes an array of key/value pairs and sets them as class properties, using an...
$value[13]->fill(?array $data = null)
* Takes an array of key/value pairs and sets them as class
* properties, using any `setCamelCasedProperty()` methods
* that may or may not exist.
* @param array $data
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:133
⇄⧉public toArray(bool $onlyChanged = false, bool $cast = true, bool $recursive = false): array General method that will return all public and protected values of this entit...
* General method that will return all public and protected values
* of this entity as an array. All values are accessed through the
* __get() magic method so will have any casts, etc applied to them.
* @param bool $onlyChanged If true, only return values that have changed since object creation
* @param bool $cast If true, properties will be cast.
* @param bool $recursive If true, inner entities will be cast as array as well.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:155
⇄⧉public toRawArray(bool $onlyChanged = false, bool $recursive = false): array Returns the raw values of the current attributes.
* Returns the raw values of the current attributes.
* @param bool $onlyChanged If true, only return values that have changed since object creation
* @param bool $recursive If true, inner entities will be cast as array as well.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:197
⇄⧉public syncOriginal(): $this Ensures our "original" values match the current values.
* Ensures our "original" values match the current values.
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:241
⇄⧉public hasChanged(?string $key = null): bool Checks a property to see if it has changed since the entity was created. Or, ...
$value[13]->hasChanged(?string $key = null)
* Checks a property to see if it has changed since the entity
* was created. Or, without a parameter, checks if any
* properties have changed.
* @param string|null $key class property
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:255
⇄⧉public setAttributes(array $data): $this Set raw data array without any mutations
$value[13]->setAttributes(array $data)
* Set raw data array without any mutations
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:282
⇄⧉public jsonSerialize(): array Support for json_encode()
* Support for json_encode()
* @return array
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:400
⇄⧉public cast(?bool $cast = null): bool|Entity Change the value of the private $_cast property
$value[13]->cast(?bool $cast = null)
* Change the value of the private $_cast property
* @return bool|Entity
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:410
⧉public __set(string $key, $value = null): void Magic method to all protected/private class properties to be easily set, eith...
* Magic method to all protected/private class properties to be
* easily set, either through a direct access or a
* `setCamelCasedProperty()` method.
* Examples:
* $this->my_property = $p;
* $this->setMyProperty() = $p;
* @param array|bool|float|int|object|string|null $value
* @return void
* @throws Exception
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:436
⧉public __get(string $key): array|bool|float|int|object|string|null Magic method to allow retrieval of protected and private class properties eit...
* Magic method to allow retrieval of protected and private class properties
* either by their name, or through a `getCamelCasedProperty()` method.
* Examples:
* $p = $this->my_property
* $p = $this->getMyProperty()
* @return array|bool|float|int|object|string|null
* @throws Exception
* @params string $key class property
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:479
⧉public __isset(string $key): bool Returns true if a property exists names $key, or a getter method exists named...
* Returns true if a property exists names $key, or a getter method
* exists named like for __get().
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:516
⧉public __unset(string $key): void Unsets an attribute property.
* Unsets an attribute property.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:536
⧉protected mapProperty(string $key): string db column name Checks the datamap to see if this property name is being mapped, and returns ...
* Checks the datamap to see if this property name is being mapped,
* and returns the db column name, if any, or the original property name.
* @return string db column name
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:297
⧉protected mutateDate($value): Time Converts the given string|timestamp|DateTime|Time instance into the "CodeIgni...
* Converts the given string|timestamp|DateTime|Time instance
* into the "CodeIgniter\I18n\Time" object.
* @param DateTime|float|int|string|Time $value
* @return Time
* @throws Exception
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:320
⧉protected castAs($value, string $attribute, string $method = 'get'): array|bool|float|int|object|string|null Provides the ability to cast an item as a specific data type. Add ? at the be...
* Provides the ability to cast an item as a specific data type.
* Add ? at the beginning of $type (i.e. ?string) to get NULL
* instead of casting $value if $value === null
* @param bool|float|int|string|null $value Attribute value
* @param string $attribute Attribute name
* @param string $method Allowed to "get" and "set"
* @return array|bool|float|int|object|string|null
* @throws CastException
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:338
⧉protected isMappedDbColumn(string $key): bool Whether this key is mapped db column name?
* Whether this key is mapped db column name?
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:550
⧉protected hasMappedProperty(string $key): bool Whether this key has mapped property?
* Whether this key has mapped property?
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:565
uri => string (31) "CodeIgniter\Entity\Cast\URICast"
private _cast -> boolean true
⇄⧉public __construct(?array $data = null) Allows filling in Entity parameters during construction.
new \App\Entities\Entity(?array $data = null)
* Allows filling in Entity parameters during construction.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:117
⇄⧉public fill(?array $data = null): $this Takes an array of key/value pairs and sets them as class properties, using an...
$value[14]->fill(?array $data = null)
* Takes an array of key/value pairs and sets them as class
* properties, using any `setCamelCasedProperty()` methods
* that may or may not exist.
* @param array $data
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:133
⇄⧉public toArray(bool $onlyChanged = false, bool $cast = true, bool $recursive = false): array General method that will return all public and protected values of this entit...
* General method that will return all public and protected values
* of this entity as an array. All values are accessed through the
* __get() magic method so will have any casts, etc applied to them.
* @param bool $onlyChanged If true, only return values that have changed since object creation
* @param bool $cast If true, properties will be cast.
* @param bool $recursive If true, inner entities will be cast as array as well.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:155
⇄⧉public toRawArray(bool $onlyChanged = false, bool $recursive = false): array Returns the raw values of the current attributes.
* Returns the raw values of the current attributes.
* @param bool $onlyChanged If true, only return values that have changed since object creation
* @param bool $recursive If true, inner entities will be cast as array as well.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:197
⇄⧉public syncOriginal(): $this Ensures our "original" values match the current values.
* Ensures our "original" values match the current values.
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:241
⇄⧉public hasChanged(?string $key = null): bool Checks a property to see if it has changed since the entity was created. Or, ...
$value[14]->hasChanged(?string $key = null)
* Checks a property to see if it has changed since the entity
* was created. Or, without a parameter, checks if any
* properties have changed.
* @param string|null $key class property
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:255
⇄⧉public setAttributes(array $data): $this Set raw data array without any mutations
$value[14]->setAttributes(array $data)
* Set raw data array without any mutations
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:282
⇄⧉public jsonSerialize(): array Support for json_encode()
* Support for json_encode()
* @return array
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:400
⇄⧉public cast(?bool $cast = null): bool|Entity Change the value of the private $_cast property
$value[14]->cast(?bool $cast = null)
* Change the value of the private $_cast property
* @return bool|Entity
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:410
⧉public __set(string $key, $value = null): void Magic method to all protected/private class properties to be easily set, eith...
* Magic method to all protected/private class properties to be
* easily set, either through a direct access or a
* `setCamelCasedProperty()` method.
* Examples:
* $this->my_property = $p;
* $this->setMyProperty() = $p;
* @param array|bool|float|int|object|string|null $value
* @return void
* @throws Exception
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:436
⧉public __get(string $key): array|bool|float|int|object|string|null Magic method to allow retrieval of protected and private class properties eit...
* Magic method to allow retrieval of protected and private class properties
* either by their name, or through a `getCamelCasedProperty()` method.
* Examples:
* $p = $this->my_property
* $p = $this->getMyProperty()
* @return array|bool|float|int|object|string|null
* @throws Exception
* @params string $key class property
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:479
⧉public __isset(string $key): bool Returns true if a property exists names $key, or a getter method exists named...
* Returns true if a property exists names $key, or a getter method
* exists named like for __get().
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:516
⧉public __unset(string $key): void Unsets an attribute property.
* Unsets an attribute property.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:536
⧉protected mapProperty(string $key): string db column name Checks the datamap to see if this property name is being mapped, and returns ...
* Checks the datamap to see if this property name is being mapped,
* and returns the db column name, if any, or the original property name.
* @return string db column name
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:297
⧉protected mutateDate($value): Time Converts the given string|timestamp|DateTime|Time instance into the "CodeIgni...
* Converts the given string|timestamp|DateTime|Time instance
* into the "CodeIgniter\I18n\Time" object.
* @param DateTime|float|int|string|Time $value
* @return Time
* @throws Exception
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:320
⧉protected castAs($value, string $attribute, string $method = 'get'): array|bool|float|int|object|string|null Provides the ability to cast an item as a specific data type. Add ? at the be...
* Provides the ability to cast an item as a specific data type.
* Add ? at the beginning of $type (i.e. ?string) to get NULL
* instead of casting $value if $value === null
* @param bool|float|int|string|null $value Attribute value
* @param string $attribute Attribute name
* @param string $method Allowed to "get" and "set"
* @return array|bool|float|int|object|string|null
* @throws CastException
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:338
⧉protected isMappedDbColumn(string $key): bool Whether this key is mapped db column name?
* Whether this key is mapped db column name?
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:550
⧉protected hasMappedProperty(string $key): bool Whether this key has mapped property?
* Whether this key has mapped property?
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:565
uri => string (31) "CodeIgniter\Entity\Cast\URICast"
private _cast -> boolean true
⇄⧉public __construct(?array $data = null) Allows filling in Entity parameters during construction.
new \App\Entities\Entity(?array $data = null)
* Allows filling in Entity parameters during construction.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:117
⇄⧉public fill(?array $data = null): $this Takes an array of key/value pairs and sets them as class properties, using an...
$value[15]->fill(?array $data = null)
* Takes an array of key/value pairs and sets them as class
* properties, using any `setCamelCasedProperty()` methods
* that may or may not exist.
* @param array $data
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:133
⇄⧉public toArray(bool $onlyChanged = false, bool $cast = true, bool $recursive = false): array General method that will return all public and protected values of this entit...
* General method that will return all public and protected values
* of this entity as an array. All values are accessed through the
* __get() magic method so will have any casts, etc applied to them.
* @param bool $onlyChanged If true, only return values that have changed since object creation
* @param bool $cast If true, properties will be cast.
* @param bool $recursive If true, inner entities will be cast as array as well.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:155
⇄⧉public toRawArray(bool $onlyChanged = false, bool $recursive = false): array Returns the raw values of the current attributes.
* Returns the raw values of the current attributes.
* @param bool $onlyChanged If true, only return values that have changed since object creation
* @param bool $recursive If true, inner entities will be cast as array as well.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:197
⇄⧉public syncOriginal(): $this Ensures our "original" values match the current values.
* Ensures our "original" values match the current values.
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:241
⇄⧉public hasChanged(?string $key = null): bool Checks a property to see if it has changed since the entity was created. Or, ...
$value[15]->hasChanged(?string $key = null)
* Checks a property to see if it has changed since the entity
* was created. Or, without a parameter, checks if any
* properties have changed.
* @param string|null $key class property
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:255
⇄⧉public setAttributes(array $data): $this Set raw data array without any mutations
$value[15]->setAttributes(array $data)
* Set raw data array without any mutations
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:282
⇄⧉public jsonSerialize(): array Support for json_encode()
* Support for json_encode()
* @return array
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:400
⇄⧉public cast(?bool $cast = null): bool|Entity Change the value of the private $_cast property
$value[15]->cast(?bool $cast = null)
* Change the value of the private $_cast property
* @return bool|Entity
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:410
⧉public __set(string $key, $value = null): void Magic method to all protected/private class properties to be easily set, eith...
* Magic method to all protected/private class properties to be
* easily set, either through a direct access or a
* `setCamelCasedProperty()` method.
* Examples:
* $this->my_property = $p;
* $this->setMyProperty() = $p;
* @param array|bool|float|int|object|string|null $value
* @return void
* @throws Exception
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:436
⧉public __get(string $key): array|bool|float|int|object|string|null Magic method to allow retrieval of protected and private class properties eit...
* Magic method to allow retrieval of protected and private class properties
* either by their name, or through a `getCamelCasedProperty()` method.
* Examples:
* $p = $this->my_property
* $p = $this->getMyProperty()
* @return array|bool|float|int|object|string|null
* @throws Exception
* @params string $key class property
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:479
⧉public __isset(string $key): bool Returns true if a property exists names $key, or a getter method exists named...
* Returns true if a property exists names $key, or a getter method
* exists named like for __get().
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:516
⧉public __unset(string $key): void Unsets an attribute property.
* Unsets an attribute property.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:536
⧉protected mapProperty(string $key): string db column name Checks the datamap to see if this property name is being mapped, and returns ...
* Checks the datamap to see if this property name is being mapped,
* and returns the db column name, if any, or the original property name.
* @return string db column name
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:297
⧉protected mutateDate($value): Time Converts the given string|timestamp|DateTime|Time instance into the "CodeIgni...
* Converts the given string|timestamp|DateTime|Time instance
* into the "CodeIgniter\I18n\Time" object.
* @param DateTime|float|int|string|Time $value
* @return Time
* @throws Exception
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:320
⧉protected castAs($value, string $attribute, string $method = 'get'): array|bool|float|int|object|string|null Provides the ability to cast an item as a specific data type. Add ? at the be...
* Provides the ability to cast an item as a specific data type.
* Add ? at the beginning of $type (i.e. ?string) to get NULL
* instead of casting $value if $value === null
* @param bool|float|int|string|null $value Attribute value
* @param string $attribute Attribute name
* @param string $method Allowed to "get" and "set"
* @return array|bool|float|int|object|string|null
* @throws CastException
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:338
⧉protected isMappedDbColumn(string $key): bool Whether this key is mapped db column name?
* Whether this key is mapped db column name?
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:550
⧉protected hasMappedProperty(string $key): bool Whether this key has mapped property?
* Whether this key has mapped property?
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:565
uri => string (31) "CodeIgniter\Entity\Cast\URICast"
private _cast -> boolean true
⇄⧉public __construct(?array $data = null) Allows filling in Entity parameters during construction.
new \App\Entities\Entity(?array $data = null)
* Allows filling in Entity parameters during construction.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:117
⇄⧉public fill(?array $data = null): $this Takes an array of key/value pairs and sets them as class properties, using an...
$value[16]->fill(?array $data = null)
* Takes an array of key/value pairs and sets them as class
* properties, using any `setCamelCasedProperty()` methods
* that may or may not exist.
* @param array $data
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:133
⇄⧉public toArray(bool $onlyChanged = false, bool $cast = true, bool $recursive = false): array General method that will return all public and protected values of this entit...
* General method that will return all public and protected values
* of this entity as an array. All values are accessed through the
* __get() magic method so will have any casts, etc applied to them.
* @param bool $onlyChanged If true, only return values that have changed since object creation
* @param bool $cast If true, properties will be cast.
* @param bool $recursive If true, inner entities will be cast as array as well.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:155
⇄⧉public toRawArray(bool $onlyChanged = false, bool $recursive = false): array Returns the raw values of the current attributes.
* Returns the raw values of the current attributes.
* @param bool $onlyChanged If true, only return values that have changed since object creation
* @param bool $recursive If true, inner entities will be cast as array as well.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:197
⇄⧉public syncOriginal(): $this Ensures our "original" values match the current values.
* Ensures our "original" values match the current values.
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:241
⇄⧉public hasChanged(?string $key = null): bool Checks a property to see if it has changed since the entity was created. Or, ...
$value[16]->hasChanged(?string $key = null)
* Checks a property to see if it has changed since the entity
* was created. Or, without a parameter, checks if any
* properties have changed.
* @param string|null $key class property
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:255
⇄⧉public setAttributes(array $data): $this Set raw data array without any mutations
$value[16]->setAttributes(array $data)
* Set raw data array without any mutations
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:282
⇄⧉public jsonSerialize(): array Support for json_encode()
* Support for json_encode()
* @return array
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:400
⇄⧉public cast(?bool $cast = null): bool|Entity Change the value of the private $_cast property
$value[16]->cast(?bool $cast = null)
* Change the value of the private $_cast property
* @return bool|Entity
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:410
⧉public __set(string $key, $value = null): void Magic method to all protected/private class properties to be easily set, eith...
* Magic method to all protected/private class properties to be
* easily set, either through a direct access or a
* `setCamelCasedProperty()` method.
* Examples:
* $this->my_property = $p;
* $this->setMyProperty() = $p;
* @param array|bool|float|int|object|string|null $value
* @return void
* @throws Exception
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:436
⧉public __get(string $key): array|bool|float|int|object|string|null Magic method to allow retrieval of protected and private class properties eit...
* Magic method to allow retrieval of protected and private class properties
* either by their name, or through a `getCamelCasedProperty()` method.
* Examples:
* $p = $this->my_property
* $p = $this->getMyProperty()
* @return array|bool|float|int|object|string|null
* @throws Exception
* @params string $key class property
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:479
⧉public __isset(string $key): bool Returns true if a property exists names $key, or a getter method exists named...
* Returns true if a property exists names $key, or a getter method
* exists named like for __get().
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:516
⧉public __unset(string $key): void Unsets an attribute property.
* Unsets an attribute property.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:536
⧉protected mapProperty(string $key): string db column name Checks the datamap to see if this property name is being mapped, and returns ...
* Checks the datamap to see if this property name is being mapped,
* and returns the db column name, if any, or the original property name.
* @return string db column name
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:297
⧉protected mutateDate($value): Time Converts the given string|timestamp|DateTime|Time instance into the "CodeIgni...
* Converts the given string|timestamp|DateTime|Time instance
* into the "CodeIgniter\I18n\Time" object.
* @param DateTime|float|int|string|Time $value
* @return Time
* @throws Exception
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:320
⧉protected castAs($value, string $attribute, string $method = 'get'): array|bool|float|int|object|string|null Provides the ability to cast an item as a specific data type. Add ? at the be...
* Provides the ability to cast an item as a specific data type.
* Add ? at the beginning of $type (i.e. ?string) to get NULL
* instead of casting $value if $value === null
* @param bool|float|int|string|null $value Attribute value
* @param string $attribute Attribute name
* @param string $method Allowed to "get" and "set"
* @return array|bool|float|int|object|string|null
* @throws CastException
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:338
⧉protected isMappedDbColumn(string $key): bool Whether this key is mapped db column name?
* Whether this key is mapped db column name?
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:550
⧉protected hasMappedProperty(string $key): bool Whether this key has mapped property?
* Whether this key has mapped property?
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:565
uri => string (31) "CodeIgniter\Entity\Cast\URICast"
private _cast -> boolean true
⇄⧉public __construct(?array $data = null) Allows filling in Entity parameters during construction.
new \App\Entities\Entity(?array $data = null)
* Allows filling in Entity parameters during construction.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:117
⇄⧉public fill(?array $data = null): $this Takes an array of key/value pairs and sets them as class properties, using an...
$value[17]->fill(?array $data = null)
* Takes an array of key/value pairs and sets them as class
* properties, using any `setCamelCasedProperty()` methods
* that may or may not exist.
* @param array $data
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:133
⇄⧉public toArray(bool $onlyChanged = false, bool $cast = true, bool $recursive = false): array General method that will return all public and protected values of this entit...
* General method that will return all public and protected values
* of this entity as an array. All values are accessed through the
* __get() magic method so will have any casts, etc applied to them.
* @param bool $onlyChanged If true, only return values that have changed since object creation
* @param bool $cast If true, properties will be cast.
* @param bool $recursive If true, inner entities will be cast as array as well.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:155
⇄⧉public toRawArray(bool $onlyChanged = false, bool $recursive = false): array Returns the raw values of the current attributes.
* Returns the raw values of the current attributes.
* @param bool $onlyChanged If true, only return values that have changed since object creation
* @param bool $recursive If true, inner entities will be cast as array as well.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:197
⇄⧉public syncOriginal(): $this Ensures our "original" values match the current values.
* Ensures our "original" values match the current values.
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:241
⇄⧉public hasChanged(?string $key = null): bool Checks a property to see if it has changed since the entity was created. Or, ...
$value[17]->hasChanged(?string $key = null)
* Checks a property to see if it has changed since the entity
* was created. Or, without a parameter, checks if any
* properties have changed.
* @param string|null $key class property
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:255
⇄⧉public setAttributes(array $data): $this Set raw data array without any mutations
$value[17]->setAttributes(array $data)
* Set raw data array without any mutations
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:282
⇄⧉public jsonSerialize(): array Support for json_encode()
* Support for json_encode()
* @return array
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:400
⇄⧉public cast(?bool $cast = null): bool|Entity Change the value of the private $_cast property
$value[17]->cast(?bool $cast = null)
* Change the value of the private $_cast property
* @return bool|Entity
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:410
⧉public __set(string $key, $value = null): void Magic method to all protected/private class properties to be easily set, eith...
* Magic method to all protected/private class properties to be
* easily set, either through a direct access or a
* `setCamelCasedProperty()` method.
* Examples:
* $this->my_property = $p;
* $this->setMyProperty() = $p;
* @param array|bool|float|int|object|string|null $value
* @return void
* @throws Exception
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:436
⧉public __get(string $key): array|bool|float|int|object|string|null Magic method to allow retrieval of protected and private class properties eit...
* Magic method to allow retrieval of protected and private class properties
* either by their name, or through a `getCamelCasedProperty()` method.
* Examples:
* $p = $this->my_property
* $p = $this->getMyProperty()
* @return array|bool|float|int|object|string|null
* @throws Exception
* @params string $key class property
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:479
⧉public __isset(string $key): bool Returns true if a property exists names $key, or a getter method exists named...
* Returns true if a property exists names $key, or a getter method
* exists named like for __get().
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:516
⧉public __unset(string $key): void Unsets an attribute property.
* Unsets an attribute property.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:536
⧉protected mapProperty(string $key): string db column name Checks the datamap to see if this property name is being mapped, and returns ...
* Checks the datamap to see if this property name is being mapped,
* and returns the db column name, if any, or the original property name.
* @return string db column name
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:297
⧉protected mutateDate($value): Time Converts the given string|timestamp|DateTime|Time instance into the "CodeIgni...
* Converts the given string|timestamp|DateTime|Time instance
* into the "CodeIgniter\I18n\Time" object.
* @param DateTime|float|int|string|Time $value
* @return Time
* @throws Exception
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:320
⧉protected castAs($value, string $attribute, string $method = 'get'): array|bool|float|int|object|string|null Provides the ability to cast an item as a specific data type. Add ? at the be...
* Provides the ability to cast an item as a specific data type.
* Add ? at the beginning of $type (i.e. ?string) to get NULL
* instead of casting $value if $value === null
* @param bool|float|int|string|null $value Attribute value
* @param string $attribute Attribute name
* @param string $method Allowed to "get" and "set"
* @return array|bool|float|int|object|string|null
* @throws CastException
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:338
⧉protected isMappedDbColumn(string $key): bool Whether this key is mapped db column name?
* Whether this key is mapped db column name?
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:550
⧉protected hasMappedProperty(string $key): bool Whether this key has mapped property?
* Whether this key has mapped property?
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:565
uri => string (31) "CodeIgniter\Entity\Cast\URICast"
private _cast -> boolean true
⇄⧉public __construct(?array $data = null) Allows filling in Entity parameters during construction.
new \App\Entities\Entity(?array $data = null)
* Allows filling in Entity parameters during construction.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:117
⇄⧉public fill(?array $data = null): $this Takes an array of key/value pairs and sets them as class properties, using an...
$value[18]->fill(?array $data = null)
* Takes an array of key/value pairs and sets them as class
* properties, using any `setCamelCasedProperty()` methods
* that may or may not exist.
* @param array $data
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:133
⇄⧉public toArray(bool $onlyChanged = false, bool $cast = true, bool $recursive = false): array General method that will return all public and protected values of this entit...
* General method that will return all public and protected values
* of this entity as an array. All values are accessed through the
* __get() magic method so will have any casts, etc applied to them.
* @param bool $onlyChanged If true, only return values that have changed since object creation
* @param bool $cast If true, properties will be cast.
* @param bool $recursive If true, inner entities will be cast as array as well.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:155
⇄⧉public toRawArray(bool $onlyChanged = false, bool $recursive = false): array Returns the raw values of the current attributes.
* Returns the raw values of the current attributes.
* @param bool $onlyChanged If true, only return values that have changed since object creation
* @param bool $recursive If true, inner entities will be cast as array as well.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:197
⇄⧉public syncOriginal(): $this Ensures our "original" values match the current values.
* Ensures our "original" values match the current values.
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:241
⇄⧉public hasChanged(?string $key = null): bool Checks a property to see if it has changed since the entity was created. Or, ...
$value[18]->hasChanged(?string $key = null)
* Checks a property to see if it has changed since the entity
* was created. Or, without a parameter, checks if any
* properties have changed.
* @param string|null $key class property
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:255
⇄⧉public setAttributes(array $data): $this Set raw data array without any mutations
$value[18]->setAttributes(array $data)
* Set raw data array without any mutations
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:282
⇄⧉public jsonSerialize(): array Support for json_encode()
* Support for json_encode()
* @return array
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:400
⇄⧉public cast(?bool $cast = null): bool|Entity Change the value of the private $_cast property
$value[18]->cast(?bool $cast = null)
* Change the value of the private $_cast property
* @return bool|Entity
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:410
⧉public __set(string $key, $value = null): void Magic method to all protected/private class properties to be easily set, eith...
* Magic method to all protected/private class properties to be
* easily set, either through a direct access or a
* `setCamelCasedProperty()` method.
* Examples:
* $this->my_property = $p;
* $this->setMyProperty() = $p;
* @param array|bool|float|int|object|string|null $value
* @return void
* @throws Exception
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:436
⧉public __get(string $key): array|bool|float|int|object|string|null Magic method to allow retrieval of protected and private class properties eit...
* Magic method to allow retrieval of protected and private class properties
* either by their name, or through a `getCamelCasedProperty()` method.
* Examples:
* $p = $this->my_property
* $p = $this->getMyProperty()
* @return array|bool|float|int|object|string|null
* @throws Exception
* @params string $key class property
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:479
⧉public __isset(string $key): bool Returns true if a property exists names $key, or a getter method exists named...
* Returns true if a property exists names $key, or a getter method
* exists named like for __get().
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:516
⧉public __unset(string $key): void Unsets an attribute property.
* Unsets an attribute property.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:536
⧉protected mapProperty(string $key): string db column name Checks the datamap to see if this property name is being mapped, and returns ...
* Checks the datamap to see if this property name is being mapped,
* and returns the db column name, if any, or the original property name.
* @return string db column name
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:297
⧉protected mutateDate($value): Time Converts the given string|timestamp|DateTime|Time instance into the "CodeIgni...
* Converts the given string|timestamp|DateTime|Time instance
* into the "CodeIgniter\I18n\Time" object.
* @param DateTime|float|int|string|Time $value
* @return Time
* @throws Exception
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:320
⧉protected castAs($value, string $attribute, string $method = 'get'): array|bool|float|int|object|string|null Provides the ability to cast an item as a specific data type. Add ? at the be...
* Provides the ability to cast an item as a specific data type.
* Add ? at the beginning of $type (i.e. ?string) to get NULL
* instead of casting $value if $value === null
* @param bool|float|int|string|null $value Attribute value
* @param string $attribute Attribute name
* @param string $method Allowed to "get" and "set"
* @return array|bool|float|int|object|string|null
* @throws CastException
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:338
⧉protected isMappedDbColumn(string $key): bool Whether this key is mapped db column name?
* Whether this key is mapped db column name?
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:550
⧉protected hasMappedProperty(string $key): bool Whether this key has mapped property?
* Whether this key has mapped property?
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:565
uri => string (31) "CodeIgniter\Entity\Cast\URICast"
private _cast -> boolean true
⇄⧉public __construct(?array $data = null) Allows filling in Entity parameters during construction.
new \App\Entities\Entity(?array $data = null)
* Allows filling in Entity parameters during construction.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:117
⇄⧉public fill(?array $data = null): $this Takes an array of key/value pairs and sets them as class properties, using an...
$value[19]->fill(?array $data = null)
* Takes an array of key/value pairs and sets them as class
* properties, using any `setCamelCasedProperty()` methods
* that may or may not exist.
* @param array $data
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:133
⇄⧉public toArray(bool $onlyChanged = false, bool $cast = true, bool $recursive = false): array General method that will return all public and protected values of this entit...
* General method that will return all public and protected values
* of this entity as an array. All values are accessed through the
* __get() magic method so will have any casts, etc applied to them.
* @param bool $onlyChanged If true, only return values that have changed since object creation
* @param bool $cast If true, properties will be cast.
* @param bool $recursive If true, inner entities will be cast as array as well.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:155
⇄⧉public toRawArray(bool $onlyChanged = false, bool $recursive = false): array Returns the raw values of the current attributes.
* Returns the raw values of the current attributes.
* @param bool $onlyChanged If true, only return values that have changed since object creation
* @param bool $recursive If true, inner entities will be cast as array as well.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:197
⇄⧉public syncOriginal(): $this Ensures our "original" values match the current values.
* Ensures our "original" values match the current values.
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:241
⇄⧉public hasChanged(?string $key = null): bool Checks a property to see if it has changed since the entity was created. Or, ...
$value[19]->hasChanged(?string $key = null)
* Checks a property to see if it has changed since the entity
* was created. Or, without a parameter, checks if any
* properties have changed.
* @param string|null $key class property
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:255
⇄⧉public setAttributes(array $data): $this Set raw data array without any mutations
$value[19]->setAttributes(array $data)
* Set raw data array without any mutations
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:282
⇄⧉public jsonSerialize(): array Support for json_encode()
* Support for json_encode()
* @return array
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:400
⇄⧉public cast(?bool $cast = null): bool|Entity Change the value of the private $_cast property
$value[19]->cast(?bool $cast = null)
* Change the value of the private $_cast property
* @return bool|Entity
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:410
⧉public __set(string $key, $value = null): void Magic method to all protected/private class properties to be easily set, eith...
* Magic method to all protected/private class properties to be
* easily set, either through a direct access or a
* `setCamelCasedProperty()` method.
* Examples:
* $this->my_property = $p;
* $this->setMyProperty() = $p;
* @param array|bool|float|int|object|string|null $value
* @return void
* @throws Exception
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:436
⧉public __get(string $key): array|bool|float|int|object|string|null Magic method to allow retrieval of protected and private class properties eit...
* Magic method to allow retrieval of protected and private class properties
* either by their name, or through a `getCamelCasedProperty()` method.
* Examples:
* $p = $this->my_property
* $p = $this->getMyProperty()
* @return array|bool|float|int|object|string|null
* @throws Exception
* @params string $key class property
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:479
⧉public __isset(string $key): bool Returns true if a property exists names $key, or a getter method exists named...
* Returns true if a property exists names $key, or a getter method
* exists named like for __get().
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:516
⧉public __unset(string $key): void Unsets an attribute property.
* Unsets an attribute property.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:536
⧉protected mapProperty(string $key): string db column name Checks the datamap to see if this property name is being mapped, and returns ...
* Checks the datamap to see if this property name is being mapped,
* and returns the db column name, if any, or the original property name.
* @return string db column name
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:297
⧉protected mutateDate($value): Time Converts the given string|timestamp|DateTime|Time instance into the "CodeIgni...
* Converts the given string|timestamp|DateTime|Time instance
* into the "CodeIgniter\I18n\Time" object.
* @param DateTime|float|int|string|Time $value
* @return Time
* @throws Exception
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:320
⧉protected castAs($value, string $attribute, string $method = 'get'): array|bool|float|int|object|string|null Provides the ability to cast an item as a specific data type. Add ? at the be...
* Provides the ability to cast an item as a specific data type.
* Add ? at the beginning of $type (i.e. ?string) to get NULL
* instead of casting $value if $value === null
* @param bool|float|int|string|null $value Attribute value
* @param string $attribute Attribute name
* @param string $method Allowed to "get" and "set"
* @return array|bool|float|int|object|string|null
* @throws CastException
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:338
⧉protected isMappedDbColumn(string $key): bool Whether this key is mapped db column name?
* Whether this key is mapped db column name?
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:550
⧉protected hasMappedProperty(string $key): bool Whether this key has mapped property?
* Whether this key has mapped property?
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:565
uri => string (31) "CodeIgniter\Entity\Cast\URICast"
private _cast -> boolean true
⇄⧉public __construct(?array $data = null) Allows filling in Entity parameters during construction.
new \App\Entities\Entity(?array $data = null)
* Allows filling in Entity parameters during construction.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:117
⇄⧉public fill(?array $data = null): $this Takes an array of key/value pairs and sets them as class properties, using an...
$value[20]->fill(?array $data = null)
* Takes an array of key/value pairs and sets them as class
* properties, using any `setCamelCasedProperty()` methods
* that may or may not exist.
* @param array $data
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:133
⇄⧉public toArray(bool $onlyChanged = false, bool $cast = true, bool $recursive = false): array General method that will return all public and protected values of this entit...
* General method that will return all public and protected values
* of this entity as an array. All values are accessed through the
* __get() magic method so will have any casts, etc applied to them.
* @param bool $onlyChanged If true, only return values that have changed since object creation
* @param bool $cast If true, properties will be cast.
* @param bool $recursive If true, inner entities will be cast as array as well.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:155
⇄⧉public toRawArray(bool $onlyChanged = false, bool $recursive = false): array Returns the raw values of the current attributes.
* Returns the raw values of the current attributes.
* @param bool $onlyChanged If true, only return values that have changed since object creation
* @param bool $recursive If true, inner entities will be cast as array as well.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:197
⇄⧉public syncOriginal(): $this Ensures our "original" values match the current values.
* Ensures our "original" values match the current values.
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:241
⇄⧉public hasChanged(?string $key = null): bool Checks a property to see if it has changed since the entity was created. Or, ...
$value[20]->hasChanged(?string $key = null)
* Checks a property to see if it has changed since the entity
* was created. Or, without a parameter, checks if any
* properties have changed.
* @param string|null $key class property
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:255
⇄⧉public setAttributes(array $data): $this Set raw data array without any mutations
$value[20]->setAttributes(array $data)
* Set raw data array without any mutations
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:282
⇄⧉public jsonSerialize(): array Support for json_encode()
* Support for json_encode()
* @return array
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:400
⇄⧉public cast(?bool $cast = null): bool|Entity Change the value of the private $_cast property
$value[20]->cast(?bool $cast = null)
* Change the value of the private $_cast property
* @return bool|Entity
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:410
⧉public __set(string $key, $value = null): void Magic method to all protected/private class properties to be easily set, eith...
* Magic method to all protected/private class properties to be
* easily set, either through a direct access or a
* `setCamelCasedProperty()` method.
* Examples:
* $this->my_property = $p;
* $this->setMyProperty() = $p;
* @param array|bool|float|int|object|string|null $value
* @return void
* @throws Exception
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:436
⧉public __get(string $key): array|bool|float|int|object|string|null Magic method to allow retrieval of protected and private class properties eit...
* Magic method to allow retrieval of protected and private class properties
* either by their name, or through a `getCamelCasedProperty()` method.
* Examples:
* $p = $this->my_property
* $p = $this->getMyProperty()
* @return array|bool|float|int|object|string|null
* @throws Exception
* @params string $key class property
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:479
⧉public __isset(string $key): bool Returns true if a property exists names $key, or a getter method exists named...
* Returns true if a property exists names $key, or a getter method
* exists named like for __get().
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:516
⧉public __unset(string $key): void Unsets an attribute property.
* Unsets an attribute property.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:536
⧉protected mapProperty(string $key): string db column name Checks the datamap to see if this property name is being mapped, and returns ...
* Checks the datamap to see if this property name is being mapped,
* and returns the db column name, if any, or the original property name.
* @return string db column name
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:297
⧉protected mutateDate($value): Time Converts the given string|timestamp|DateTime|Time instance into the "CodeIgni...
* Converts the given string|timestamp|DateTime|Time instance
* into the "CodeIgniter\I18n\Time" object.
* @param DateTime|float|int|string|Time $value
* @return Time
* @throws Exception
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:320
⧉protected castAs($value, string $attribute, string $method = 'get'): array|bool|float|int|object|string|null Provides the ability to cast an item as a specific data type. Add ? at the be...
* Provides the ability to cast an item as a specific data type.
* Add ? at the beginning of $type (i.e. ?string) to get NULL
* instead of casting $value if $value === null
* @param bool|float|int|string|null $value Attribute value
* @param string $attribute Attribute name
* @param string $method Allowed to "get" and "set"
* @return array|bool|float|int|object|string|null
* @throws CastException
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:338
⧉protected isMappedDbColumn(string $key): bool Whether this key is mapped db column name?
* Whether this key is mapped db column name?
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:550
⧉protected hasMappedProperty(string $key): bool Whether this key has mapped property?
* Whether this key has mapped property?
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:565
uri => string (31) "CodeIgniter\Entity\Cast\URICast"
private _cast -> boolean true
⇄⧉public __construct(?array $data = null) Allows filling in Entity parameters during construction.
new \App\Entities\Entity(?array $data = null)
* Allows filling in Entity parameters during construction.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:117
⇄⧉public fill(?array $data = null): $this Takes an array of key/value pairs and sets them as class properties, using an...
$value[21]->fill(?array $data = null)
* Takes an array of key/value pairs and sets them as class
* properties, using any `setCamelCasedProperty()` methods
* that may or may not exist.
* @param array $data
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:133
⇄⧉public toArray(bool $onlyChanged = false, bool $cast = true, bool $recursive = false): array General method that will return all public and protected values of this entit...
* General method that will return all public and protected values
* of this entity as an array. All values are accessed through the
* __get() magic method so will have any casts, etc applied to them.
* @param bool $onlyChanged If true, only return values that have changed since object creation
* @param bool $cast If true, properties will be cast.
* @param bool $recursive If true, inner entities will be cast as array as well.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:155
⇄⧉public toRawArray(bool $onlyChanged = false, bool $recursive = false): array Returns the raw values of the current attributes.
* Returns the raw values of the current attributes.
* @param bool $onlyChanged If true, only return values that have changed since object creation
* @param bool $recursive If true, inner entities will be cast as array as well.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:197
⇄⧉public syncOriginal(): $this Ensures our "original" values match the current values.
* Ensures our "original" values match the current values.
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:241
⇄⧉public hasChanged(?string $key = null): bool Checks a property to see if it has changed since the entity was created. Or, ...
$value[21]->hasChanged(?string $key = null)
* Checks a property to see if it has changed since the entity
* was created. Or, without a parameter, checks if any
* properties have changed.
* @param string|null $key class property
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:255
⇄⧉public setAttributes(array $data): $this Set raw data array without any mutations
$value[21]->setAttributes(array $data)
* Set raw data array without any mutations
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:282
⇄⧉public jsonSerialize(): array Support for json_encode()
* Support for json_encode()
* @return array
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:400
⇄⧉public cast(?bool $cast = null): bool|Entity Change the value of the private $_cast property
$value[21]->cast(?bool $cast = null)
* Change the value of the private $_cast property
* @return bool|Entity
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:410
⧉public __set(string $key, $value = null): void Magic method to all protected/private class properties to be easily set, eith...
* Magic method to all protected/private class properties to be
* easily set, either through a direct access or a
* `setCamelCasedProperty()` method.
* Examples:
* $this->my_property = $p;
* $this->setMyProperty() = $p;
* @param array|bool|float|int|object|string|null $value
* @return void
* @throws Exception
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:436
⧉public __get(string $key): array|bool|float|int|object|string|null Magic method to allow retrieval of protected and private class properties eit...
* Magic method to allow retrieval of protected and private class properties
* either by their name, or through a `getCamelCasedProperty()` method.
* Examples:
* $p = $this->my_property
* $p = $this->getMyProperty()
* @return array|bool|float|int|object|string|null
* @throws Exception
* @params string $key class property
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:479
⧉public __isset(string $key): bool Returns true if a property exists names $key, or a getter method exists named...
* Returns true if a property exists names $key, or a getter method
* exists named like for __get().
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:516
⧉public __unset(string $key): void Unsets an attribute property.
* Unsets an attribute property.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:536
⧉protected mapProperty(string $key): string db column name Checks the datamap to see if this property name is being mapped, and returns ...
* Checks the datamap to see if this property name is being mapped,
* and returns the db column name, if any, or the original property name.
* @return string db column name
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:297
⧉protected mutateDate($value): Time Converts the given string|timestamp|DateTime|Time instance into the "CodeIgni...
* Converts the given string|timestamp|DateTime|Time instance
* into the "CodeIgniter\I18n\Time" object.
* @param DateTime|float|int|string|Time $value
* @return Time
* @throws Exception
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:320
⧉protected castAs($value, string $attribute, string $method = 'get'): array|bool|float|int|object|string|null Provides the ability to cast an item as a specific data type. Add ? at the be...
* Provides the ability to cast an item as a specific data type.
* Add ? at the beginning of $type (i.e. ?string) to get NULL
* instead of casting $value if $value === null
* @param bool|float|int|string|null $value Attribute value
* @param string $attribute Attribute name
* @param string $method Allowed to "get" and "set"
* @return array|bool|float|int|object|string|null
* @throws CastException
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:338
⧉protected isMappedDbColumn(string $key): bool Whether this key is mapped db column name?
* Whether this key is mapped db column name?
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:550
⧉protected hasMappedProperty(string $key): bool Whether this key has mapped property?
* Whether this key has mapped property?
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:565
uri => string (31) "CodeIgniter\Entity\Cast\URICast"
private _cast -> boolean true
⇄⧉public __construct(?array $data = null) Allows filling in Entity parameters during construction.
new \App\Entities\Entity(?array $data = null)
* Allows filling in Entity parameters during construction.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:117
⇄⧉public fill(?array $data = null): $this Takes an array of key/value pairs and sets them as class properties, using an...
$value[22]->fill(?array $data = null)
* Takes an array of key/value pairs and sets them as class
* properties, using any `setCamelCasedProperty()` methods
* that may or may not exist.
* @param array $data
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:133
⇄⧉public toArray(bool $onlyChanged = false, bool $cast = true, bool $recursive = false): array General method that will return all public and protected values of this entit...
* General method that will return all public and protected values
* of this entity as an array. All values are accessed through the
* __get() magic method so will have any casts, etc applied to them.
* @param bool $onlyChanged If true, only return values that have changed since object creation
* @param bool $cast If true, properties will be cast.
* @param bool $recursive If true, inner entities will be cast as array as well.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:155
⇄⧉public toRawArray(bool $onlyChanged = false, bool $recursive = false): array Returns the raw values of the current attributes.
* Returns the raw values of the current attributes.
* @param bool $onlyChanged If true, only return values that have changed since object creation
* @param bool $recursive If true, inner entities will be cast as array as well.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:197
⇄⧉public syncOriginal(): $this Ensures our "original" values match the current values.
* Ensures our "original" values match the current values.
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:241
⇄⧉public hasChanged(?string $key = null): bool Checks a property to see if it has changed since the entity was created. Or, ...
$value[22]->hasChanged(?string $key = null)
* Checks a property to see if it has changed since the entity
* was created. Or, without a parameter, checks if any
* properties have changed.
* @param string|null $key class property
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:255
⇄⧉public setAttributes(array $data): $this Set raw data array without any mutations
$value[22]->setAttributes(array $data)
* Set raw data array without any mutations
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:282
⇄⧉public jsonSerialize(): array Support for json_encode()
* Support for json_encode()
* @return array
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:400
⇄⧉public cast(?bool $cast = null): bool|Entity Change the value of the private $_cast property
$value[22]->cast(?bool $cast = null)
* Change the value of the private $_cast property
* @return bool|Entity
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:410
⧉public __set(string $key, $value = null): void Magic method to all protected/private class properties to be easily set, eith...
* Magic method to all protected/private class properties to be
* easily set, either through a direct access or a
* `setCamelCasedProperty()` method.
* Examples:
* $this->my_property = $p;
* $this->setMyProperty() = $p;
* @param array|bool|float|int|object|string|null $value
* @return void
* @throws Exception
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:436
⧉public __get(string $key): array|bool|float|int|object|string|null Magic method to allow retrieval of protected and private class properties eit...
* Magic method to allow retrieval of protected and private class properties
* either by their name, or through a `getCamelCasedProperty()` method.
* Examples:
* $p = $this->my_property
* $p = $this->getMyProperty()
* @return array|bool|float|int|object|string|null
* @throws Exception
* @params string $key class property
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:479
⧉public __isset(string $key): bool Returns true if a property exists names $key, or a getter method exists named...
* Returns true if a property exists names $key, or a getter method
* exists named like for __get().
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:516
⧉public __unset(string $key): void Unsets an attribute property.
* Unsets an attribute property.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:536
⧉protected mapProperty(string $key): string db column name Checks the datamap to see if this property name is being mapped, and returns ...
* Checks the datamap to see if this property name is being mapped,
* and returns the db column name, if any, or the original property name.
* @return string db column name
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:297
⧉protected mutateDate($value): Time Converts the given string|timestamp|DateTime|Time instance into the "CodeIgni...
* Converts the given string|timestamp|DateTime|Time instance
* into the "CodeIgniter\I18n\Time" object.
* @param DateTime|float|int|string|Time $value
* @return Time
* @throws Exception
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:320
⧉protected castAs($value, string $attribute, string $method = 'get'): array|bool|float|int|object|string|null Provides the ability to cast an item as a specific data type. Add ? at the be...
* Provides the ability to cast an item as a specific data type.
* Add ? at the beginning of $type (i.e. ?string) to get NULL
* instead of casting $value if $value === null
* @param bool|float|int|string|null $value Attribute value
* @param string $attribute Attribute name
* @param string $method Allowed to "get" and "set"
* @return array|bool|float|int|object|string|null
* @throws CastException
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:338
⧉protected isMappedDbColumn(string $key): bool Whether this key is mapped db column name?
* Whether this key is mapped db column name?
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:550
⧉protected hasMappedProperty(string $key): bool Whether this key has mapped property?
* Whether this key has mapped property?
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:565
uri => string (31) "CodeIgniter\Entity\Cast\URICast"
private _cast -> boolean true
⇄⧉public __construct(?array $data = null) Allows filling in Entity parameters during construction.
new \App\Entities\Entity(?array $data = null)
* Allows filling in Entity parameters during construction.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:117
⇄⧉public fill(?array $data = null): $this Takes an array of key/value pairs and sets them as class properties, using an...
$value[23]->fill(?array $data = null)
* Takes an array of key/value pairs and sets them as class
* properties, using any `setCamelCasedProperty()` methods
* that may or may not exist.
* @param array $data
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:133
⇄⧉public toArray(bool $onlyChanged = false, bool $cast = true, bool $recursive = false): array General method that will return all public and protected values of this entit...
* General method that will return all public and protected values
* of this entity as an array. All values are accessed through the
* __get() magic method so will have any casts, etc applied to them.
* @param bool $onlyChanged If true, only return values that have changed since object creation
* @param bool $cast If true, properties will be cast.
* @param bool $recursive If true, inner entities will be cast as array as well.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:155
⇄⧉public toRawArray(bool $onlyChanged = false, bool $recursive = false): array Returns the raw values of the current attributes.
* Returns the raw values of the current attributes.
* @param bool $onlyChanged If true, only return values that have changed since object creation
* @param bool $recursive If true, inner entities will be cast as array as well.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:197
⇄⧉public syncOriginal(): $this Ensures our "original" values match the current values.
* Ensures our "original" values match the current values.
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:241
⇄⧉public hasChanged(?string $key = null): bool Checks a property to see if it has changed since the entity was created. Or, ...
$value[23]->hasChanged(?string $key = null)
* Checks a property to see if it has changed since the entity
* was created. Or, without a parameter, checks if any
* properties have changed.
* @param string|null $key class property
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:255
⇄⧉public setAttributes(array $data): $this Set raw data array without any mutations
$value[23]->setAttributes(array $data)
* Set raw data array without any mutations
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:282
⇄⧉public jsonSerialize(): array Support for json_encode()
* Support for json_encode()
* @return array
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:400
⇄⧉public cast(?bool $cast = null): bool|Entity Change the value of the private $_cast property
$value[23]->cast(?bool $cast = null)
* Change the value of the private $_cast property
* @return bool|Entity
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:410
⧉public __set(string $key, $value = null): void Magic method to all protected/private class properties to be easily set, eith...
* Magic method to all protected/private class properties to be
* easily set, either through a direct access or a
* `setCamelCasedProperty()` method.
* Examples:
* $this->my_property = $p;
* $this->setMyProperty() = $p;
* @param array|bool|float|int|object|string|null $value
* @return void
* @throws Exception
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:436
⧉public __get(string $key): array|bool|float|int|object|string|null Magic method to allow retrieval of protected and private class properties eit...
* Magic method to allow retrieval of protected and private class properties
* either by their name, or through a `getCamelCasedProperty()` method.
* Examples:
* $p = $this->my_property
* $p = $this->getMyProperty()
* @return array|bool|float|int|object|string|null
* @throws Exception
* @params string $key class property
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:479
⧉public __isset(string $key): bool Returns true if a property exists names $key, or a getter method exists named...
* Returns true if a property exists names $key, or a getter method
* exists named like for __get().
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:516
⧉public __unset(string $key): void Unsets an attribute property.
* Unsets an attribute property.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:536
⧉protected mapProperty(string $key): string db column name Checks the datamap to see if this property name is being mapped, and returns ...
* Checks the datamap to see if this property name is being mapped,
* and returns the db column name, if any, or the original property name.
* @return string db column name
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:297
⧉protected mutateDate($value): Time Converts the given string|timestamp|DateTime|Time instance into the "CodeIgni...
* Converts the given string|timestamp|DateTime|Time instance
* into the "CodeIgniter\I18n\Time" object.
* @param DateTime|float|int|string|Time $value
* @return Time
* @throws Exception
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:320
⧉protected castAs($value, string $attribute, string $method = 'get'): array|bool|float|int|object|string|null Provides the ability to cast an item as a specific data type. Add ? at the be...
* Provides the ability to cast an item as a specific data type.
* Add ? at the beginning of $type (i.e. ?string) to get NULL
* instead of casting $value if $value === null
* @param bool|float|int|string|null $value Attribute value
* @param string $attribute Attribute name
* @param string $method Allowed to "get" and "set"
* @return array|bool|float|int|object|string|null
* @throws CastException
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:338
⧉protected isMappedDbColumn(string $key): bool Whether this key is mapped db column name?
* Whether this key is mapped db column name?
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:550
⧉protected hasMappedProperty(string $key): bool Whether this key has mapped property?
* Whether this key has mapped property?
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:565
uri => string (31) "CodeIgniter\Entity\Cast\URICast"
private _cast -> boolean true
⇄⧉public __construct(?array $data = null) Allows filling in Entity parameters during construction.
new \App\Entities\Entity(?array $data = null)
* Allows filling in Entity parameters during construction.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:117
⇄⧉public fill(?array $data = null): $this Takes an array of key/value pairs and sets them as class properties, using an...
$value[24]->fill(?array $data = null)
* Takes an array of key/value pairs and sets them as class
* properties, using any `setCamelCasedProperty()` methods
* that may or may not exist.
* @param array $data
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:133
⇄⧉public toArray(bool $onlyChanged = false, bool $cast = true, bool $recursive = false): array General method that will return all public and protected values of this entit...
* General method that will return all public and protected values
* of this entity as an array. All values are accessed through the
* __get() magic method so will have any casts, etc applied to them.
* @param bool $onlyChanged If true, only return values that have changed since object creation
* @param bool $cast If true, properties will be cast.
* @param bool $recursive If true, inner entities will be cast as array as well.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:155
⇄⧉public toRawArray(bool $onlyChanged = false, bool $recursive = false): array Returns the raw values of the current attributes.
* Returns the raw values of the current attributes.
* @param bool $onlyChanged If true, only return values that have changed since object creation
* @param bool $recursive If true, inner entities will be cast as array as well.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:197
⇄⧉public syncOriginal(): $this Ensures our "original" values match the current values.
* Ensures our "original" values match the current values.
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:241
⇄⧉public hasChanged(?string $key = null): bool Checks a property to see if it has changed since the entity was created. Or, ...
$value[24]->hasChanged(?string $key = null)
* Checks a property to see if it has changed since the entity
* was created. Or, without a parameter, checks if any
* properties have changed.
* @param string|null $key class property
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:255
⇄⧉public setAttributes(array $data): $this Set raw data array without any mutations
$value[24]->setAttributes(array $data)
* Set raw data array without any mutations
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:282
⇄⧉public jsonSerialize(): array Support for json_encode()
* Support for json_encode()
* @return array
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:400
⇄⧉public cast(?bool $cast = null): bool|Entity Change the value of the private $_cast property
$value[24]->cast(?bool $cast = null)
* Change the value of the private $_cast property
* @return bool|Entity
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:410
⧉public __set(string $key, $value = null): void Magic method to all protected/private class properties to be easily set, eith...
* Magic method to all protected/private class properties to be
* easily set, either through a direct access or a
* `setCamelCasedProperty()` method.
* Examples:
* $this->my_property = $p;
* $this->setMyProperty() = $p;
* @param array|bool|float|int|object|string|null $value
* @return void
* @throws Exception
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:436
⧉public __get(string $key): array|bool|float|int|object|string|null Magic method to allow retrieval of protected and private class properties eit...
* Magic method to allow retrieval of protected and private class properties
* either by their name, or through a `getCamelCasedProperty()` method.
* Examples:
* $p = $this->my_property
* $p = $this->getMyProperty()
* @return array|bool|float|int|object|string|null
* @throws Exception
* @params string $key class property
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:479
⧉public __isset(string $key): bool Returns true if a property exists names $key, or a getter method exists named...
* Returns true if a property exists names $key, or a getter method
* exists named like for __get().
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:516
⧉public __unset(string $key): void Unsets an attribute property.
* Unsets an attribute property.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:536
⧉protected mapProperty(string $key): string db column name Checks the datamap to see if this property name is being mapped, and returns ...
* Checks the datamap to see if this property name is being mapped,
* and returns the db column name, if any, or the original property name.
* @return string db column name
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:297
⧉protected mutateDate($value): Time Converts the given string|timestamp|DateTime|Time instance into the "CodeIgni...
* Converts the given string|timestamp|DateTime|Time instance
* into the "CodeIgniter\I18n\Time" object.
* @param DateTime|float|int|string|Time $value
* @return Time
* @throws Exception
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:320
⧉protected castAs($value, string $attribute, string $method = 'get'): array|bool|float|int|object|string|null Provides the ability to cast an item as a specific data type. Add ? at the be...
* Provides the ability to cast an item as a specific data type.
* Add ? at the beginning of $type (i.e. ?string) to get NULL
* instead of casting $value if $value === null
* @param bool|float|int|string|null $value Attribute value
* @param string $attribute Attribute name
* @param string $method Allowed to "get" and "set"
* @return array|bool|float|int|object|string|null
* @throws CastException
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:338
⧉protected isMappedDbColumn(string $key): bool Whether this key is mapped db column name?
* Whether this key is mapped db column name?
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:550
⧉protected hasMappedProperty(string $key): bool Whether this key has mapped property?
* Whether this key has mapped property?
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:565
uri => string (31) "CodeIgniter\Entity\Cast\URICast"
private _cast -> boolean true
⇄⧉public __construct(?array $data = null) Allows filling in Entity parameters during construction.
new \App\Entities\Entity(?array $data = null)
* Allows filling in Entity parameters during construction.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:117
⇄⧉public fill(?array $data = null): $this Takes an array of key/value pairs and sets them as class properties, using an...
$value[25]->fill(?array $data = null)
* Takes an array of key/value pairs and sets them as class
* properties, using any `setCamelCasedProperty()` methods
* that may or may not exist.
* @param array $data
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:133
⇄⧉public toArray(bool $onlyChanged = false, bool $cast = true, bool $recursive = false): array General method that will return all public and protected values of this entit...
* General method that will return all public and protected values
* of this entity as an array. All values are accessed through the
* __get() magic method so will have any casts, etc applied to them.
* @param bool $onlyChanged If true, only return values that have changed since object creation
* @param bool $cast If true, properties will be cast.
* @param bool $recursive If true, inner entities will be cast as array as well.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:155
⇄⧉public toRawArray(bool $onlyChanged = false, bool $recursive = false): array Returns the raw values of the current attributes.
* Returns the raw values of the current attributes.
* @param bool $onlyChanged If true, only return values that have changed since object creation
* @param bool $recursive If true, inner entities will be cast as array as well.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:197
⇄⧉public syncOriginal(): $this Ensures our "original" values match the current values.
* Ensures our "original" values match the current values.
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:241
⇄⧉public hasChanged(?string $key = null): bool Checks a property to see if it has changed since the entity was created. Or, ...
$value[25]->hasChanged(?string $key = null)
* Checks a property to see if it has changed since the entity
* was created. Or, without a parameter, checks if any
* properties have changed.
* @param string|null $key class property
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:255
⇄⧉public setAttributes(array $data): $this Set raw data array without any mutations
$value[25]->setAttributes(array $data)
* Set raw data array without any mutations
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:282
⇄⧉public jsonSerialize(): array Support for json_encode()
* Support for json_encode()
* @return array
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:400
⇄⧉public cast(?bool $cast = null): bool|Entity Change the value of the private $_cast property
$value[25]->cast(?bool $cast = null)
* Change the value of the private $_cast property
* @return bool|Entity
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:410
⧉public __set(string $key, $value = null): void Magic method to all protected/private class properties to be easily set, eith...
* Magic method to all protected/private class properties to be
* easily set, either through a direct access or a
* `setCamelCasedProperty()` method.
* Examples:
* $this->my_property = $p;
* $this->setMyProperty() = $p;
* @param array|bool|float|int|object|string|null $value
* @return void
* @throws Exception
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:436
⧉public __get(string $key): array|bool|float|int|object|string|null Magic method to allow retrieval of protected and private class properties eit...
* Magic method to allow retrieval of protected and private class properties
* either by their name, or through a `getCamelCasedProperty()` method.
* Examples:
* $p = $this->my_property
* $p = $this->getMyProperty()
* @return array|bool|float|int|object|string|null
* @throws Exception
* @params string $key class property
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:479
⧉public __isset(string $key): bool Returns true if a property exists names $key, or a getter method exists named...
* Returns true if a property exists names $key, or a getter method
* exists named like for __get().
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:516
⧉public __unset(string $key): void Unsets an attribute property.
* Unsets an attribute property.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:536
⧉protected mapProperty(string $key): string db column name Checks the datamap to see if this property name is being mapped, and returns ...
* Checks the datamap to see if this property name is being mapped,
* and returns the db column name, if any, or the original property name.
* @return string db column name
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:297
⧉protected mutateDate($value): Time Converts the given string|timestamp|DateTime|Time instance into the "CodeIgni...
* Converts the given string|timestamp|DateTime|Time instance
* into the "CodeIgniter\I18n\Time" object.
* @param DateTime|float|int|string|Time $value
* @return Time
* @throws Exception
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:320
⧉protected castAs($value, string $attribute, string $method = 'get'): array|bool|float|int|object|string|null Provides the ability to cast an item as a specific data type. Add ? at the be...
* Provides the ability to cast an item as a specific data type.
* Add ? at the beginning of $type (i.e. ?string) to get NULL
* instead of casting $value if $value === null
* @param bool|float|int|string|null $value Attribute value
* @param string $attribute Attribute name
* @param string $method Allowed to "get" and "set"
* @return array|bool|float|int|object|string|null
* @throws CastException
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:338
⧉protected isMappedDbColumn(string $key): bool Whether this key is mapped db column name?
* Whether this key is mapped db column name?
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:550
⧉protected hasMappedProperty(string $key): bool Whether this key has mapped property?
* Whether this key has mapped property?
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:565
uri => string (31) "CodeIgniter\Entity\Cast\URICast"
private _cast -> boolean true
⇄⧉public __construct(?array $data = null) Allows filling in Entity parameters during construction.
new \App\Entities\Entity(?array $data = null)
* Allows filling in Entity parameters during construction.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:117
⇄⧉public fill(?array $data = null): $this Takes an array of key/value pairs and sets them as class properties, using an...
$value[26]->fill(?array $data = null)
* Takes an array of key/value pairs and sets them as class
* properties, using any `setCamelCasedProperty()` methods
* that may or may not exist.
* @param array $data
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:133
⇄⧉public toArray(bool $onlyChanged = false, bool $cast = true, bool $recursive = false): array General method that will return all public and protected values of this entit...
* General method that will return all public and protected values
* of this entity as an array. All values are accessed through the
* __get() magic method so will have any casts, etc applied to them.
* @param bool $onlyChanged If true, only return values that have changed since object creation
* @param bool $cast If true, properties will be cast.
* @param bool $recursive If true, inner entities will be cast as array as well.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:155
⇄⧉public toRawArray(bool $onlyChanged = false, bool $recursive = false): array Returns the raw values of the current attributes.
* Returns the raw values of the current attributes.
* @param bool $onlyChanged If true, only return values that have changed since object creation
* @param bool $recursive If true, inner entities will be cast as array as well.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:197
⇄⧉public syncOriginal(): $this Ensures our "original" values match the current values.
* Ensures our "original" values match the current values.
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:241
⇄⧉public hasChanged(?string $key = null): bool Checks a property to see if it has changed since the entity was created. Or, ...
$value[26]->hasChanged(?string $key = null)
* Checks a property to see if it has changed since the entity
* was created. Or, without a parameter, checks if any
* properties have changed.
* @param string|null $key class property
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:255
⇄⧉public setAttributes(array $data): $this Set raw data array without any mutations
$value[26]->setAttributes(array $data)
* Set raw data array without any mutations
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:282
⇄⧉public jsonSerialize(): array Support for json_encode()
* Support for json_encode()
* @return array
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:400
⇄⧉public cast(?bool $cast = null): bool|Entity Change the value of the private $_cast property
$value[26]->cast(?bool $cast = null)
* Change the value of the private $_cast property
* @return bool|Entity
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:410
⧉public __set(string $key, $value = null): void Magic method to all protected/private class properties to be easily set, eith...
* Magic method to all protected/private class properties to be
* easily set, either through a direct access or a
* `setCamelCasedProperty()` method.
* Examples:
* $this->my_property = $p;
* $this->setMyProperty() = $p;
* @param array|bool|float|int|object|string|null $value
* @return void
* @throws Exception
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:436
⧉public __get(string $key): array|bool|float|int|object|string|null Magic method to allow retrieval of protected and private class properties eit...
* Magic method to allow retrieval of protected and private class properties
* either by their name, or through a `getCamelCasedProperty()` method.
* Examples:
* $p = $this->my_property
* $p = $this->getMyProperty()
* @return array|bool|float|int|object|string|null
* @throws Exception
* @params string $key class property
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:479
⧉public __isset(string $key): bool Returns true if a property exists names $key, or a getter method exists named...
* Returns true if a property exists names $key, or a getter method
* exists named like for __get().
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:516
⧉public __unset(string $key): void Unsets an attribute property.
* Unsets an attribute property.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:536
⧉protected mapProperty(string $key): string db column name Checks the datamap to see if this property name is being mapped, and returns ...
* Checks the datamap to see if this property name is being mapped,
* and returns the db column name, if any, or the original property name.
* @return string db column name
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:297
⧉protected mutateDate($value): Time Converts the given string|timestamp|DateTime|Time instance into the "CodeIgni...
* Converts the given string|timestamp|DateTime|Time instance
* into the "CodeIgniter\I18n\Time" object.
* @param DateTime|float|int|string|Time $value
* @return Time
* @throws Exception
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:320
⧉protected castAs($value, string $attribute, string $method = 'get'): array|bool|float|int|object|string|null Provides the ability to cast an item as a specific data type. Add ? at the be...
* Provides the ability to cast an item as a specific data type.
* Add ? at the beginning of $type (i.e. ?string) to get NULL
* instead of casting $value if $value === null
* @param bool|float|int|string|null $value Attribute value
* @param string $attribute Attribute name
* @param string $method Allowed to "get" and "set"
* @return array|bool|float|int|object|string|null
* @throws CastException
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:338
⧉protected isMappedDbColumn(string $key): bool Whether this key is mapped db column name?
* Whether this key is mapped db column name?
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:550
⧉protected hasMappedProperty(string $key): bool Whether this key has mapped property?
* Whether this key has mapped property?
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:565
uri => string (31) "CodeIgniter\Entity\Cast\URICast"
private _cast -> boolean true
⇄⧉public __construct(?array $data = null) Allows filling in Entity parameters during construction.
new \App\Entities\Entity(?array $data = null)
* Allows filling in Entity parameters during construction.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:117
⇄⧉public fill(?array $data = null): $this Takes an array of key/value pairs and sets them as class properties, using an...
$value[27]->fill(?array $data = null)
* Takes an array of key/value pairs and sets them as class
* properties, using any `setCamelCasedProperty()` methods
* that may or may not exist.
* @param array $data
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:133
⇄⧉public toArray(bool $onlyChanged = false, bool $cast = true, bool $recursive = false): array General method that will return all public and protected values of this entit...
* General method that will return all public and protected values
* of this entity as an array. All values are accessed through the
* __get() magic method so will have any casts, etc applied to them.
* @param bool $onlyChanged If true, only return values that have changed since object creation
* @param bool $cast If true, properties will be cast.
* @param bool $recursive If true, inner entities will be cast as array as well.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:155
⇄⧉public toRawArray(bool $onlyChanged = false, bool $recursive = false): array Returns the raw values of the current attributes.
* Returns the raw values of the current attributes.
* @param bool $onlyChanged If true, only return values that have changed since object creation
* @param bool $recursive If true, inner entities will be cast as array as well.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:197
⇄⧉public syncOriginal(): $this Ensures our "original" values match the current values.
* Ensures our "original" values match the current values.
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:241
⇄⧉public hasChanged(?string $key = null): bool Checks a property to see if it has changed since the entity was created. Or, ...
$value[27]->hasChanged(?string $key = null)
* Checks a property to see if it has changed since the entity
* was created. Or, without a parameter, checks if any
* properties have changed.
* @param string|null $key class property
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:255
⇄⧉public setAttributes(array $data): $this Set raw data array without any mutations
$value[27]->setAttributes(array $data)
* Set raw data array without any mutations
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:282
⇄⧉public jsonSerialize(): array Support for json_encode()
* Support for json_encode()
* @return array
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:400
⇄⧉public cast(?bool $cast = null): bool|Entity Change the value of the private $_cast property
$value[27]->cast(?bool $cast = null)
* Change the value of the private $_cast property
* @return bool|Entity
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:410
⧉public __set(string $key, $value = null): void Magic method to all protected/private class properties to be easily set, eith...
* Magic method to all protected/private class properties to be
* easily set, either through a direct access or a
* `setCamelCasedProperty()` method.
* Examples:
* $this->my_property = $p;
* $this->setMyProperty() = $p;
* @param array|bool|float|int|object|string|null $value
* @return void
* @throws Exception
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:436
⧉public __get(string $key): array|bool|float|int|object|string|null Magic method to allow retrieval of protected and private class properties eit...
* Magic method to allow retrieval of protected and private class properties
* either by their name, or through a `getCamelCasedProperty()` method.
* Examples:
* $p = $this->my_property
* $p = $this->getMyProperty()
* @return array|bool|float|int|object|string|null
* @throws Exception
* @params string $key class property
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:479
⧉public __isset(string $key): bool Returns true if a property exists names $key, or a getter method exists named...
* Returns true if a property exists names $key, or a getter method
* exists named like for __get().
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:516
⧉public __unset(string $key): void Unsets an attribute property.
* Unsets an attribute property.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:536
⧉protected mapProperty(string $key): string db column name Checks the datamap to see if this property name is being mapped, and returns ...
* Checks the datamap to see if this property name is being mapped,
* and returns the db column name, if any, or the original property name.
* @return string db column name
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:297
⧉protected mutateDate($value): Time Converts the given string|timestamp|DateTime|Time instance into the "CodeIgni...
* Converts the given string|timestamp|DateTime|Time instance
* into the "CodeIgniter\I18n\Time" object.
* @param DateTime|float|int|string|Time $value
* @return Time
* @throws Exception
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:320
⧉protected castAs($value, string $attribute, string $method = 'get'): array|bool|float|int|object|string|null Provides the ability to cast an item as a specific data type. Add ? at the be...
* Provides the ability to cast an item as a specific data type.
* Add ? at the beginning of $type (i.e. ?string) to get NULL
* instead of casting $value if $value === null
* @param bool|float|int|string|null $value Attribute value
* @param string $attribute Attribute name
* @param string $method Allowed to "get" and "set"
* @return array|bool|float|int|object|string|null
* @throws CastException
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:338
⧉protected isMappedDbColumn(string $key): bool Whether this key is mapped db column name?
* Whether this key is mapped db column name?
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:550
⧉protected hasMappedProperty(string $key): bool Whether this key has mapped property?
* Whether this key has mapped property?
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:565
uri => string (31) "CodeIgniter\Entity\Cast\URICast"
private _cast -> boolean true
⇄⧉public __construct(?array $data = null) Allows filling in Entity parameters during construction.
new \App\Entities\Entity(?array $data = null)
* Allows filling in Entity parameters during construction.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:117
⇄⧉public fill(?array $data = null): $this Takes an array of key/value pairs and sets them as class properties, using an...
$value->fill(?array $data = null)
* Takes an array of key/value pairs and sets them as class
* properties, using any `setCamelCasedProperty()` methods
* that may or may not exist.
* @param array $data
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:133
⇄⧉public toArray(bool $onlyChanged = false, bool $cast = true, bool $recursive = false): array General method that will return all public and protected values of this entit...
* General method that will return all public and protected values
* of this entity as an array. All values are accessed through the
* __get() magic method so will have any casts, etc applied to them.
* @param bool $onlyChanged If true, only return values that have changed since object creation
* @param bool $cast If true, properties will be cast.
* @param bool $recursive If true, inner entities will be cast as array as well.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:155
⇄⧉public toRawArray(bool $onlyChanged = false, bool $recursive = false): array Returns the raw values of the current attributes.
* Returns the raw values of the current attributes.
* @param bool $onlyChanged If true, only return values that have changed since object creation
* @param bool $recursive If true, inner entities will be cast as array as well.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:197
⇄⧉public syncOriginal(): $this Ensures our "original" values match the current values.
* Ensures our "original" values match the current values.
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:241
⇄⧉public hasChanged(?string $key = null): bool Checks a property to see if it has changed since the entity was created. Or, ...
$value->hasChanged(?string $key = null)
* Checks a property to see if it has changed since the entity
* was created. Or, without a parameter, checks if any
* properties have changed.
* @param string|null $key class property
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:255
⇄⧉public setAttributes(array $data): $this Set raw data array without any mutations
$value->setAttributes(array $data)
* Set raw data array without any mutations
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:282
⇄⧉public jsonSerialize(): array Support for json_encode()
* Support for json_encode()
* @return array
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:400
⇄⧉public cast(?bool $cast = null): bool|Entity Change the value of the private $_cast property
$value->cast(?bool $cast = null)
* Change the value of the private $_cast property
* @return bool|Entity
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:410
⧉public __set(string $key, $value = null): void Magic method to all protected/private class properties to be easily set, eith...
* Magic method to all protected/private class properties to be
* easily set, either through a direct access or a
* `setCamelCasedProperty()` method.
* Examples:
* $this->my_property = $p;
* $this->setMyProperty() = $p;
* @param array|bool|float|int|object|string|null $value
* @return void
* @throws Exception
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:436
⧉public __get(string $key): array|bool|float|int|object|string|null Magic method to allow retrieval of protected and private class properties eit...
* Magic method to allow retrieval of protected and private class properties
* either by their name, or through a `getCamelCasedProperty()` method.
* Examples:
* $p = $this->my_property
* $p = $this->getMyProperty()
* @return array|bool|float|int|object|string|null
* @throws Exception
* @params string $key class property
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:479
⧉public __isset(string $key): bool Returns true if a property exists names $key, or a getter method exists named...
* Returns true if a property exists names $key, or a getter method
* exists named like for __get().
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:516
⧉public __unset(string $key): void Unsets an attribute property.
* Unsets an attribute property.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:536
⧉protected mapProperty(string $key): string db column name Checks the datamap to see if this property name is being mapped, and returns ...
* Checks the datamap to see if this property name is being mapped,
* and returns the db column name, if any, or the original property name.
* @return string db column name
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:297
⧉protected mutateDate($value): Time Converts the given string|timestamp|DateTime|Time instance into the "CodeIgni...
* Converts the given string|timestamp|DateTime|Time instance
* into the "CodeIgniter\I18n\Time" object.
* @param DateTime|float|int|string|Time $value
* @return Time
* @throws Exception
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:320
⧉protected castAs($value, string $attribute, string $method = 'get'): array|bool|float|int|object|string|null Provides the ability to cast an item as a specific data type. Add ? at the be...
* Provides the ability to cast an item as a specific data type.
* Add ? at the beginning of $type (i.e. ?string) to get NULL
* instead of casting $value if $value === null
* @param bool|float|int|string|null $value Attribute value
* @param string $attribute Attribute name
* @param string $method Allowed to "get" and "set"
* @return array|bool|float|int|object|string|null
* @throws CastException
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:338
⧉protected isMappedDbColumn(string $key): bool Whether this key is mapped db column name?
* Whether this key is mapped db column name?
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:550
⧉protected hasMappedProperty(string $key): bool Whether this key has mapped property?
* Whether this key has mapped property?
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:565
⧉⌕$value App\Entities\Entity#157 (8)
Properties (8)
Available methods (18)
⧉protected attributes -> array (15)
storyId => string (4) "2077"
languageId => string (2) "22"
categoryId => string (2) "16"
storyEnTitle => string (27) "The Merchant and the Donkey"
⧉keywords => UTF-8 string (276) "Sanskrit story; The Merchant and the Donkey; Sanskrit children story; Sanskr...
Sanskrit story; The Merchant and the Donkey; Sanskrit children story; Sanskrit children stories; वणिक् गर्कभश्च; Donkey; clever Merchant ; salt; CAT: Parable; Panchatantra; one shouldn't refrain from doing their duties ; trick ; cotton ; lazy; stream
⧉keywords => UTF-8 string (276) "Sanskrit story; The Merchant and the Donkey; Sanskrit children story; Sanskr...
Sanskrit story; The Merchant and the Donkey; Sanskrit children story; Sanskrit children stories; वणिक् गर्कभश्च; Donkey; clever Merchant ; salt; CAT: Parable; Panchatantra; one shouldn't refrain from doing their duties ; trick ; cotton ; lazy; stream
uri => string (31) "CodeIgniter\Entity\Cast\URICast"
private _cast -> boolean true
⇄⧉public __construct(?array $data = null) Allows filling in Entity parameters during construction.
new \App\Entities\Entity(?array $data = null)
* Allows filling in Entity parameters during construction.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:117
⇄⧉public fill(?array $data = null): $this Takes an array of key/value pairs and sets them as class properties, using an...
$value->fill(?array $data = null)
* Takes an array of key/value pairs and sets them as class
* properties, using any `setCamelCasedProperty()` methods
* that may or may not exist.
* @param array $data
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:133
⇄⧉public toArray(bool $onlyChanged = false, bool $cast = true, bool $recursive = false): array General method that will return all public and protected values of this entit...
* General method that will return all public and protected values
* of this entity as an array. All values are accessed through the
* __get() magic method so will have any casts, etc applied to them.
* @param bool $onlyChanged If true, only return values that have changed since object creation
* @param bool $cast If true, properties will be cast.
* @param bool $recursive If true, inner entities will be cast as array as well.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:155
⇄⧉public toRawArray(bool $onlyChanged = false, bool $recursive = false): array Returns the raw values of the current attributes.
* Returns the raw values of the current attributes.
* @param bool $onlyChanged If true, only return values that have changed since object creation
* @param bool $recursive If true, inner entities will be cast as array as well.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:197
⇄⧉public syncOriginal(): $this Ensures our "original" values match the current values.
* Ensures our "original" values match the current values.
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:241
⇄⧉public hasChanged(?string $key = null): bool Checks a property to see if it has changed since the entity was created. Or, ...
$value->hasChanged(?string $key = null)
* Checks a property to see if it has changed since the entity
* was created. Or, without a parameter, checks if any
* properties have changed.
* @param string|null $key class property
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:255
⇄⧉public setAttributes(array $data): $this Set raw data array without any mutations
$value->setAttributes(array $data)
* Set raw data array without any mutations
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:282
⇄⧉public jsonSerialize(): array Support for json_encode()
* Support for json_encode()
* @return array
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:400
⇄⧉public cast(?bool $cast = null): bool|Entity Change the value of the private $_cast property
$value->cast(?bool $cast = null)
* Change the value of the private $_cast property
* @return bool|Entity
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:410
⧉public __set(string $key, $value = null): void Magic method to all protected/private class properties to be easily set, eith...
* Magic method to all protected/private class properties to be
* easily set, either through a direct access or a
* `setCamelCasedProperty()` method.
* Examples:
* $this->my_property = $p;
* $this->setMyProperty() = $p;
* @param array|bool|float|int|object|string|null $value
* @return void
* @throws Exception
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:436
⧉public __get(string $key): array|bool|float|int|object|string|null Magic method to allow retrieval of protected and private class properties eit...
* Magic method to allow retrieval of protected and private class properties
* either by their name, or through a `getCamelCasedProperty()` method.
* Examples:
* $p = $this->my_property
* $p = $this->getMyProperty()
* @return array|bool|float|int|object|string|null
* @throws Exception
* @params string $key class property
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:479
⧉public __isset(string $key): bool Returns true if a property exists names $key, or a getter method exists named...
* Returns true if a property exists names $key, or a getter method
* exists named like for __get().
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:516
⧉public __unset(string $key): void Unsets an attribute property.
* Unsets an attribute property.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:536
⧉protected mapProperty(string $key): string db column name Checks the datamap to see if this property name is being mapped, and returns ...
* Checks the datamap to see if this property name is being mapped,
* and returns the db column name, if any, or the original property name.
* @return string db column name
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:297
⧉protected mutateDate($value): Time Converts the given string|timestamp|DateTime|Time instance into the "CodeIgni...
* Converts the given string|timestamp|DateTime|Time instance
* into the "CodeIgniter\I18n\Time" object.
* @param DateTime|float|int|string|Time $value
* @return Time
* @throws Exception
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:320
⧉protected castAs($value, string $attribute, string $method = 'get'): array|bool|float|int|object|string|null Provides the ability to cast an item as a specific data type. Add ? at the be...
* Provides the ability to cast an item as a specific data type.
* Add ? at the beginning of $type (i.e. ?string) to get NULL
* instead of casting $value if $value === null
* @param bool|float|int|string|null $value Attribute value
* @param string $attribute Attribute name
* @param string $method Allowed to "get" and "set"
* @return array|bool|float|int|object|string|null
* @throws CastException
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:338
⧉protected isMappedDbColumn(string $key): bool Whether this key is mapped db column name?
* Whether this key is mapped db column name?
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:550
⧉protected hasMappedProperty(string $key): bool Whether this key has mapped property?
* Whether this key has mapped property?
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:565
⧉⌕$value array (6)
⇄⧉0 => App\Entities\Entity#150 (8)
Properties (8)
Available methods (18)
⧉protected attributes -> array (15)
storyId => string (4) "2079"
languageId => string (2) "22"
categoryId => string (2) "18"
storyEnTitle => string (27) "The Stag and his reflection"
storyTitle => UTF-8 string (66) "हरिणः तस्य प्रतिक्रिया च"
⧉keywords => UTF-8 string (249) "Sanskrit story; The Stag and his reflection; Sanskrit children story; Sanskr...
Sanskrit story; The Stag and his reflection; Sanskrit children story; Sanskrit children stories; हरिणः तस्य प्रतिक्रिया च; Stag ; Lion ; CAT: fable; moral story; be grateful for what we have ; horns ; vanity
⧉keywords => UTF-8 string (249) "Sanskrit story; The Stag and his reflection; Sanskrit children story; Sanskr...
Sanskrit story; The Stag and his reflection; Sanskrit children story; Sanskrit children stories; हरिणः तस्य प्रतिक्रिया च; Stag ; Lion ; CAT: fable; moral story; be grateful for what we have ; horns ; vanity
uri => string (31) "CodeIgniter\Entity\Cast\URICast"
private _cast -> boolean true
⇄⧉public __construct(?array $data = null) Allows filling in Entity parameters during construction.
new \App\Entities\Entity(?array $data = null)
* Allows filling in Entity parameters during construction.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:117
⇄⧉public fill(?array $data = null): $this Takes an array of key/value pairs and sets them as class properties, using an...
$value[0]->fill(?array $data = null)
* Takes an array of key/value pairs and sets them as class
* properties, using any `setCamelCasedProperty()` methods
* that may or may not exist.
* @param array $data
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:133
⇄⧉public toArray(bool $onlyChanged = false, bool $cast = true, bool $recursive = false): array General method that will return all public and protected values of this entit...
* General method that will return all public and protected values
* of this entity as an array. All values are accessed through the
* __get() magic method so will have any casts, etc applied to them.
* @param bool $onlyChanged If true, only return values that have changed since object creation
* @param bool $cast If true, properties will be cast.
* @param bool $recursive If true, inner entities will be cast as array as well.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:155
⇄⧉public toRawArray(bool $onlyChanged = false, bool $recursive = false): array Returns the raw values of the current attributes.
* Returns the raw values of the current attributes.
* @param bool $onlyChanged If true, only return values that have changed since object creation
* @param bool $recursive If true, inner entities will be cast as array as well.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:197
⇄⧉public syncOriginal(): $this Ensures our "original" values match the current values.
* Ensures our "original" values match the current values.
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:241
⇄⧉public hasChanged(?string $key = null): bool Checks a property to see if it has changed since the entity was created. Or, ...
$value[0]->hasChanged(?string $key = null)
* Checks a property to see if it has changed since the entity
* was created. Or, without a parameter, checks if any
* properties have changed.
* @param string|null $key class property
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:255
⇄⧉public setAttributes(array $data): $this Set raw data array without any mutations
$value[0]->setAttributes(array $data)
* Set raw data array without any mutations
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:282
⇄⧉public jsonSerialize(): array Support for json_encode()
* Support for json_encode()
* @return array
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:400
⇄⧉public cast(?bool $cast = null): bool|Entity Change the value of the private $_cast property
$value[0]->cast(?bool $cast = null)
* Change the value of the private $_cast property
* @return bool|Entity
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:410
⧉public __set(string $key, $value = null): void Magic method to all protected/private class properties to be easily set, eith...
* Magic method to all protected/private class properties to be
* easily set, either through a direct access or a
* `setCamelCasedProperty()` method.
* Examples:
* $this->my_property = $p;
* $this->setMyProperty() = $p;
* @param array|bool|float|int|object|string|null $value
* @return void
* @throws Exception
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:436
⧉public __get(string $key): array|bool|float|int|object|string|null Magic method to allow retrieval of protected and private class properties eit...
* Magic method to allow retrieval of protected and private class properties
* either by their name, or through a `getCamelCasedProperty()` method.
* Examples:
* $p = $this->my_property
* $p = $this->getMyProperty()
* @return array|bool|float|int|object|string|null
* @throws Exception
* @params string $key class property
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:479
⧉public __isset(string $key): bool Returns true if a property exists names $key, or a getter method exists named...
* Returns true if a property exists names $key, or a getter method
* exists named like for __get().
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:516
⧉public __unset(string $key): void Unsets an attribute property.
* Unsets an attribute property.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:536
⧉protected mapProperty(string $key): string db column name Checks the datamap to see if this property name is being mapped, and returns ...
* Checks the datamap to see if this property name is being mapped,
* and returns the db column name, if any, or the original property name.
* @return string db column name
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:297
⧉protected mutateDate($value): Time Converts the given string|timestamp|DateTime|Time instance into the "CodeIgni...
* Converts the given string|timestamp|DateTime|Time instance
* into the "CodeIgniter\I18n\Time" object.
* @param DateTime|float|int|string|Time $value
* @return Time
* @throws Exception
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:320
⧉protected castAs($value, string $attribute, string $method = 'get'): array|bool|float|int|object|string|null Provides the ability to cast an item as a specific data type. Add ? at the be...
* Provides the ability to cast an item as a specific data type.
* Add ? at the beginning of $type (i.e. ?string) to get NULL
* instead of casting $value if $value === null
* @param bool|float|int|string|null $value Attribute value
* @param string $attribute Attribute name
* @param string $method Allowed to "get" and "set"
* @return array|bool|float|int|object|string|null
* @throws CastException
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:338
⧉protected isMappedDbColumn(string $key): bool Whether this key is mapped db column name?
* Whether this key is mapped db column name?
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:550
⧉protected hasMappedProperty(string $key): bool Whether this key has mapped property?
* Whether this key has mapped property?
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:565
⇄⧉1 => App\Entities\Entity#151 (8)
Properties (8)
Available methods (18)
⧉protected attributes -> array (15)
storyId => string (4) "2074"
languageId => string (2) "22"
categoryId => string (2) "16"
storyEnTitle => string (29) "The Fox and the Piece of Meat"
⧉keywords => UTF-8 string (289) "Sanskrit story; The Fox and the Piece of Meat; Sanskrit children story; Sans...
Sanskrit story; The Fox and the Piece of Meat; Sanskrit children story; Sanskrit children stories; लुब्धः शृगालः मांसखण्डश्च; Fox; Jackal ; hen yard ; Cat: fable; moral story; greediness make one lose everything ; piece of meat ; kite ; advice
⧉keywords => UTF-8 string (289) "Sanskrit story; The Fox and the Piece of Meat; Sanskrit children story; Sans...
Sanskrit story; The Fox and the Piece of Meat; Sanskrit children story; Sanskrit children stories; लुब्धः शृगालः मांसखण्डश्च; Fox; Jackal ; hen yard ; Cat: fable; moral story; greediness make one lose everything ; piece of meat ; kite ; advice
uri => string (31) "CodeIgniter\Entity\Cast\URICast"
private _cast -> boolean true
⇄⧉public __construct(?array $data = null) Allows filling in Entity parameters during construction.
new \App\Entities\Entity(?array $data = null)
* Allows filling in Entity parameters during construction.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:117
⇄⧉public fill(?array $data = null): $this Takes an array of key/value pairs and sets them as class properties, using an...
$value[1]->fill(?array $data = null)
* Takes an array of key/value pairs and sets them as class
* properties, using any `setCamelCasedProperty()` methods
* that may or may not exist.
* @param array $data
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:133
⇄⧉public toArray(bool $onlyChanged = false, bool $cast = true, bool $recursive = false): array General method that will return all public and protected values of this entit...
* General method that will return all public and protected values
* of this entity as an array. All values are accessed through the
* __get() magic method so will have any casts, etc applied to them.
* @param bool $onlyChanged If true, only return values that have changed since object creation
* @param bool $cast If true, properties will be cast.
* @param bool $recursive If true, inner entities will be cast as array as well.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:155
⇄⧉public toRawArray(bool $onlyChanged = false, bool $recursive = false): array Returns the raw values of the current attributes.
* Returns the raw values of the current attributes.
* @param bool $onlyChanged If true, only return values that have changed since object creation
* @param bool $recursive If true, inner entities will be cast as array as well.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:197
⇄⧉public syncOriginal(): $this Ensures our "original" values match the current values.
* Ensures our "original" values match the current values.
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:241
⇄⧉public hasChanged(?string $key = null): bool Checks a property to see if it has changed since the entity was created. Or, ...
$value[1]->hasChanged(?string $key = null)
* Checks a property to see if it has changed since the entity
* was created. Or, without a parameter, checks if any
* properties have changed.
* @param string|null $key class property
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:255
⇄⧉public setAttributes(array $data): $this Set raw data array without any mutations
$value[1]->setAttributes(array $data)
* Set raw data array without any mutations
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:282
⇄⧉public jsonSerialize(): array Support for json_encode()
* Support for json_encode()
* @return array
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:400
⇄⧉public cast(?bool $cast = null): bool|Entity Change the value of the private $_cast property
$value[1]->cast(?bool $cast = null)
* Change the value of the private $_cast property
* @return bool|Entity
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:410
⧉public __set(string $key, $value = null): void Magic method to all protected/private class properties to be easily set, eith...
* Magic method to all protected/private class properties to be
* easily set, either through a direct access or a
* `setCamelCasedProperty()` method.
* Examples:
* $this->my_property = $p;
* $this->setMyProperty() = $p;
* @param array|bool|float|int|object|string|null $value
* @return void
* @throws Exception
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:436
⧉public __get(string $key): array|bool|float|int|object|string|null Magic method to allow retrieval of protected and private class properties eit...
* Magic method to allow retrieval of protected and private class properties
* either by their name, or through a `getCamelCasedProperty()` method.
* Examples:
* $p = $this->my_property
* $p = $this->getMyProperty()
* @return array|bool|float|int|object|string|null
* @throws Exception
* @params string $key class property
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:479
⧉public __isset(string $key): bool Returns true if a property exists names $key, or a getter method exists named...
* Returns true if a property exists names $key, or a getter method
* exists named like for __get().
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:516
⧉public __unset(string $key): void Unsets an attribute property.
* Unsets an attribute property.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:536
⧉protected mapProperty(string $key): string db column name Checks the datamap to see if this property name is being mapped, and returns ...
* Checks the datamap to see if this property name is being mapped,
* and returns the db column name, if any, or the original property name.
* @return string db column name
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:297
⧉protected mutateDate($value): Time Converts the given string|timestamp|DateTime|Time instance into the "CodeIgni...
* Converts the given string|timestamp|DateTime|Time instance
* into the "CodeIgniter\I18n\Time" object.
* @param DateTime|float|int|string|Time $value
* @return Time
* @throws Exception
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:320
⧉protected castAs($value, string $attribute, string $method = 'get'): array|bool|float|int|object|string|null Provides the ability to cast an item as a specific data type. Add ? at the be...
* Provides the ability to cast an item as a specific data type.
* Add ? at the beginning of $type (i.e. ?string) to get NULL
* instead of casting $value if $value === null
* @param bool|float|int|string|null $value Attribute value
* @param string $attribute Attribute name
* @param string $method Allowed to "get" and "set"
* @return array|bool|float|int|object|string|null
* @throws CastException
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:338
⧉protected isMappedDbColumn(string $key): bool Whether this key is mapped db column name?
* Whether this key is mapped db column name?
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:550
⧉protected hasMappedProperty(string $key): bool Whether this key has mapped property?
* Whether this key has mapped property?
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:565
⇄⧉2 => App\Entities\Entity#152 (8)
Properties (8)
Available methods (18)
⧉protected attributes -> array (15)
storyId => string (4) "2120"
languageId => string (2) "22"
categoryId => string (2) "16"
storyEnTitle => string (20) "The Cave that Talked"
गूढगुहाया: सम्मुखे स्थितयोः शृगालस्य सिंहस्य च विनोदपूर्णकथां प्रविशन्तु । तेषां सह मिलित्वा चतुरचिन्तनं द्रुतबुद्धिः च वने आश्चर्यजनकघटनानां परिवर्तनं कथं जनयति इति अवग्च्छन्तु।
⧉keywords => UTF-8 string (267) "Sanskrit story; The Cave that Talked; Sanskrit children story; Sanskrit chil...
Sanskrit story; The Cave that Talked; Sanskrit children story; Sanskrit children stories; प्रतिवचनदायिनी गुहा; old lion ; wandered ; sniffed ; Jackal ; idea ; roared ; CAT: fable; life skills; quick wit escapes from the misfortune
गूढगुहाया: सम्मुखे स्थितयोः शृगालस्य सिंहस्य च विनोदपूर्णकथां प्रविशन्तु । तेषां सह मिलित्वा चतुरचिन्तनं द्रुतबुद्धिः च वने आश्चर्यजनकघटनानां परिवर्तनं कथं जनयति इति अवग्च्छन्तु।
⧉keywords => UTF-8 string (267) "Sanskrit story; The Cave that Talked; Sanskrit children story; Sanskrit chil...
Sanskrit story; The Cave that Talked; Sanskrit children story; Sanskrit children stories; प्रतिवचनदायिनी गुहा; old lion ; wandered ; sniffed ; Jackal ; idea ; roared ; CAT: fable; life skills; quick wit escapes from the misfortune
uri => string (31) "CodeIgniter\Entity\Cast\URICast"
private _cast -> boolean true
⇄⧉public __construct(?array $data = null) Allows filling in Entity parameters during construction.
new \App\Entities\Entity(?array $data = null)
* Allows filling in Entity parameters during construction.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:117
⇄⧉public fill(?array $data = null): $this Takes an array of key/value pairs and sets them as class properties, using an...
$value[2]->fill(?array $data = null)
* Takes an array of key/value pairs and sets them as class
* properties, using any `setCamelCasedProperty()` methods
* that may or may not exist.
* @param array $data
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:133
⇄⧉public toArray(bool $onlyChanged = false, bool $cast = true, bool $recursive = false): array General method that will return all public and protected values of this entit...
* General method that will return all public and protected values
* of this entity as an array. All values are accessed through the
* __get() magic method so will have any casts, etc applied to them.
* @param bool $onlyChanged If true, only return values that have changed since object creation
* @param bool $cast If true, properties will be cast.
* @param bool $recursive If true, inner entities will be cast as array as well.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:155
⇄⧉public toRawArray(bool $onlyChanged = false, bool $recursive = false): array Returns the raw values of the current attributes.
* Returns the raw values of the current attributes.
* @param bool $onlyChanged If true, only return values that have changed since object creation
* @param bool $recursive If true, inner entities will be cast as array as well.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:197
⇄⧉public syncOriginal(): $this Ensures our "original" values match the current values.
* Ensures our "original" values match the current values.
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:241
⇄⧉public hasChanged(?string $key = null): bool Checks a property to see if it has changed since the entity was created. Or, ...
$value[2]->hasChanged(?string $key = null)
* Checks a property to see if it has changed since the entity
* was created. Or, without a parameter, checks if any
* properties have changed.
* @param string|null $key class property
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:255
⇄⧉public setAttributes(array $data): $this Set raw data array without any mutations
$value[2]->setAttributes(array $data)
* Set raw data array without any mutations
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:282
⇄⧉public jsonSerialize(): array Support for json_encode()
* Support for json_encode()
* @return array
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:400
⇄⧉public cast(?bool $cast = null): bool|Entity Change the value of the private $_cast property
$value[2]->cast(?bool $cast = null)
* Change the value of the private $_cast property
* @return bool|Entity
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:410
⧉public __set(string $key, $value = null): void Magic method to all protected/private class properties to be easily set, eith...
* Magic method to all protected/private class properties to be
* easily set, either through a direct access or a
* `setCamelCasedProperty()` method.
* Examples:
* $this->my_property = $p;
* $this->setMyProperty() = $p;
* @param array|bool|float|int|object|string|null $value
* @return void
* @throws Exception
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:436
⧉public __get(string $key): array|bool|float|int|object|string|null Magic method to allow retrieval of protected and private class properties eit...
* Magic method to allow retrieval of protected and private class properties
* either by their name, or through a `getCamelCasedProperty()` method.
* Examples:
* $p = $this->my_property
* $p = $this->getMyProperty()
* @return array|bool|float|int|object|string|null
* @throws Exception
* @params string $key class property
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:479
⧉public __isset(string $key): bool Returns true if a property exists names $key, or a getter method exists named...
* Returns true if a property exists names $key, or a getter method
* exists named like for __get().
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:516
⧉public __unset(string $key): void Unsets an attribute property.
* Unsets an attribute property.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:536
⧉protected mapProperty(string $key): string db column name Checks the datamap to see if this property name is being mapped, and returns ...
* Checks the datamap to see if this property name is being mapped,
* and returns the db column name, if any, or the original property name.
* @return string db column name
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:297
⧉protected mutateDate($value): Time Converts the given string|timestamp|DateTime|Time instance into the "CodeIgni...
* Converts the given string|timestamp|DateTime|Time instance
* into the "CodeIgniter\I18n\Time" object.
* @param DateTime|float|int|string|Time $value
* @return Time
* @throws Exception
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:320
⧉protected castAs($value, string $attribute, string $method = 'get'): array|bool|float|int|object|string|null Provides the ability to cast an item as a specific data type. Add ? at the be...
* Provides the ability to cast an item as a specific data type.
* Add ? at the beginning of $type (i.e. ?string) to get NULL
* instead of casting $value if $value === null
* @param bool|float|int|string|null $value Attribute value
* @param string $attribute Attribute name
* @param string $method Allowed to "get" and "set"
* @return array|bool|float|int|object|string|null
* @throws CastException
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:338
⧉protected isMappedDbColumn(string $key): bool Whether this key is mapped db column name?
* Whether this key is mapped db column name?
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:550
⧉protected hasMappedProperty(string $key): bool Whether this key has mapped property?
* Whether this key has mapped property?
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:565
⧉keywords => UTF-8 string (208) "Sanskrit story; The Blue Jackal; Sanskrit children story; Sanskrit children ...
Sanskrit story; The Blue Jackal; Sanskrit children story; Sanskrit children stories; नीलवर्णः शृगालः; cat: moral; washerman; king; howling; creation of god; The Blue Jackal; forest
⧉keywords => UTF-8 string (208) "Sanskrit story; The Blue Jackal; Sanskrit children story; Sanskrit children ...
Sanskrit story; The Blue Jackal; Sanskrit children story; Sanskrit children stories; नीलवर्णः शृगालः; cat: moral; washerman; king; howling; creation of god; The Blue Jackal; forest
uri => string (31) "CodeIgniter\Entity\Cast\URICast"
private _cast -> boolean true
⇄⧉public __construct(?array $data = null) Allows filling in Entity parameters during construction.
new \App\Entities\Entity(?array $data = null)
* Allows filling in Entity parameters during construction.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:117
⇄⧉public fill(?array $data = null): $this Takes an array of key/value pairs and sets them as class properties, using an...
$value[3]->fill(?array $data = null)
* Takes an array of key/value pairs and sets them as class
* properties, using any `setCamelCasedProperty()` methods
* that may or may not exist.
* @param array $data
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:133
⇄⧉public toArray(bool $onlyChanged = false, bool $cast = true, bool $recursive = false): array General method that will return all public and protected values of this entit...
* General method that will return all public and protected values
* of this entity as an array. All values are accessed through the
* __get() magic method so will have any casts, etc applied to them.
* @param bool $onlyChanged If true, only return values that have changed since object creation
* @param bool $cast If true, properties will be cast.
* @param bool $recursive If true, inner entities will be cast as array as well.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:155
⇄⧉public toRawArray(bool $onlyChanged = false, bool $recursive = false): array Returns the raw values of the current attributes.
* Returns the raw values of the current attributes.
* @param bool $onlyChanged If true, only return values that have changed since object creation
* @param bool $recursive If true, inner entities will be cast as array as well.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:197
⇄⧉public syncOriginal(): $this Ensures our "original" values match the current values.
* Ensures our "original" values match the current values.
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:241
⇄⧉public hasChanged(?string $key = null): bool Checks a property to see if it has changed since the entity was created. Or, ...
$value[3]->hasChanged(?string $key = null)
* Checks a property to see if it has changed since the entity
* was created. Or, without a parameter, checks if any
* properties have changed.
* @param string|null $key class property
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:255
⇄⧉public setAttributes(array $data): $this Set raw data array without any mutations
$value[3]->setAttributes(array $data)
* Set raw data array without any mutations
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:282
⇄⧉public jsonSerialize(): array Support for json_encode()
* Support for json_encode()
* @return array
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:400
⇄⧉public cast(?bool $cast = null): bool|Entity Change the value of the private $_cast property
$value[3]->cast(?bool $cast = null)
* Change the value of the private $_cast property
* @return bool|Entity
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:410
⧉public __set(string $key, $value = null): void Magic method to all protected/private class properties to be easily set, eith...
* Magic method to all protected/private class properties to be
* easily set, either through a direct access or a
* `setCamelCasedProperty()` method.
* Examples:
* $this->my_property = $p;
* $this->setMyProperty() = $p;
* @param array|bool|float|int|object|string|null $value
* @return void
* @throws Exception
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:436
⧉public __get(string $key): array|bool|float|int|object|string|null Magic method to allow retrieval of protected and private class properties eit...
* Magic method to allow retrieval of protected and private class properties
* either by their name, or through a `getCamelCasedProperty()` method.
* Examples:
* $p = $this->my_property
* $p = $this->getMyProperty()
* @return array|bool|float|int|object|string|null
* @throws Exception
* @params string $key class property
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:479
⧉public __isset(string $key): bool Returns true if a property exists names $key, or a getter method exists named...
* Returns true if a property exists names $key, or a getter method
* exists named like for __get().
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:516
⧉public __unset(string $key): void Unsets an attribute property.
* Unsets an attribute property.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:536
⧉protected mapProperty(string $key): string db column name Checks the datamap to see if this property name is being mapped, and returns ...
* Checks the datamap to see if this property name is being mapped,
* and returns the db column name, if any, or the original property name.
* @return string db column name
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:297
⧉protected mutateDate($value): Time Converts the given string|timestamp|DateTime|Time instance into the "CodeIgni...
* Converts the given string|timestamp|DateTime|Time instance
* into the "CodeIgniter\I18n\Time" object.
* @param DateTime|float|int|string|Time $value
* @return Time
* @throws Exception
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:320
⧉protected castAs($value, string $attribute, string $method = 'get'): array|bool|float|int|object|string|null Provides the ability to cast an item as a specific data type. Add ? at the be...
* Provides the ability to cast an item as a specific data type.
* Add ? at the beginning of $type (i.e. ?string) to get NULL
* instead of casting $value if $value === null
* @param bool|float|int|string|null $value Attribute value
* @param string $attribute Attribute name
* @param string $method Allowed to "get" and "set"
* @return array|bool|float|int|object|string|null
* @throws CastException
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:338
⧉protected isMappedDbColumn(string $key): bool Whether this key is mapped db column name?
* Whether this key is mapped db column name?
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:550
⧉protected hasMappedProperty(string $key): bool Whether this key has mapped property?
* Whether this key has mapped property?
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:565
uri => string (31) "CodeIgniter\Entity\Cast\URICast"
private _cast -> boolean true
⇄⧉public __construct(?array $data = null) Allows filling in Entity parameters during construction.
new \App\Entities\Entity(?array $data = null)
* Allows filling in Entity parameters during construction.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:117
⇄⧉public fill(?array $data = null): $this Takes an array of key/value pairs and sets them as class properties, using an...
$value[4]->fill(?array $data = null)
* Takes an array of key/value pairs and sets them as class
* properties, using any `setCamelCasedProperty()` methods
* that may or may not exist.
* @param array $data
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:133
⇄⧉public toArray(bool $onlyChanged = false, bool $cast = true, bool $recursive = false): array General method that will return all public and protected values of this entit...
* General method that will return all public and protected values
* of this entity as an array. All values are accessed through the
* __get() magic method so will have any casts, etc applied to them.
* @param bool $onlyChanged If true, only return values that have changed since object creation
* @param bool $cast If true, properties will be cast.
* @param bool $recursive If true, inner entities will be cast as array as well.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:155
⇄⧉public toRawArray(bool $onlyChanged = false, bool $recursive = false): array Returns the raw values of the current attributes.
* Returns the raw values of the current attributes.
* @param bool $onlyChanged If true, only return values that have changed since object creation
* @param bool $recursive If true, inner entities will be cast as array as well.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:197
⇄⧉public syncOriginal(): $this Ensures our "original" values match the current values.
* Ensures our "original" values match the current values.
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:241
⇄⧉public hasChanged(?string $key = null): bool Checks a property to see if it has changed since the entity was created. Or, ...
$value[4]->hasChanged(?string $key = null)
* Checks a property to see if it has changed since the entity
* was created. Or, without a parameter, checks if any
* properties have changed.
* @param string|null $key class property
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:255
⇄⧉public setAttributes(array $data): $this Set raw data array without any mutations
$value[4]->setAttributes(array $data)
* Set raw data array without any mutations
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:282
⇄⧉public jsonSerialize(): array Support for json_encode()
* Support for json_encode()
* @return array
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:400
⇄⧉public cast(?bool $cast = null): bool|Entity Change the value of the private $_cast property
$value[4]->cast(?bool $cast = null)
* Change the value of the private $_cast property
* @return bool|Entity
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:410
⧉public __set(string $key, $value = null): void Magic method to all protected/private class properties to be easily set, eith...
* Magic method to all protected/private class properties to be
* easily set, either through a direct access or a
* `setCamelCasedProperty()` method.
* Examples:
* $this->my_property = $p;
* $this->setMyProperty() = $p;
* @param array|bool|float|int|object|string|null $value
* @return void
* @throws Exception
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:436
⧉public __get(string $key): array|bool|float|int|object|string|null Magic method to allow retrieval of protected and private class properties eit...
* Magic method to allow retrieval of protected and private class properties
* either by their name, or through a `getCamelCasedProperty()` method.
* Examples:
* $p = $this->my_property
* $p = $this->getMyProperty()
* @return array|bool|float|int|object|string|null
* @throws Exception
* @params string $key class property
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:479
⧉public __isset(string $key): bool Returns true if a property exists names $key, or a getter method exists named...
* Returns true if a property exists names $key, or a getter method
* exists named like for __get().
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:516
⧉public __unset(string $key): void Unsets an attribute property.
* Unsets an attribute property.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:536
⧉protected mapProperty(string $key): string db column name Checks the datamap to see if this property name is being mapped, and returns ...
* Checks the datamap to see if this property name is being mapped,
* and returns the db column name, if any, or the original property name.
* @return string db column name
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:297
⧉protected mutateDate($value): Time Converts the given string|timestamp|DateTime|Time instance into the "CodeIgni...
* Converts the given string|timestamp|DateTime|Time instance
* into the "CodeIgniter\I18n\Time" object.
* @param DateTime|float|int|string|Time $value
* @return Time
* @throws Exception
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:320
⧉protected castAs($value, string $attribute, string $method = 'get'): array|bool|float|int|object|string|null Provides the ability to cast an item as a specific data type. Add ? at the be...
* Provides the ability to cast an item as a specific data type.
* Add ? at the beginning of $type (i.e. ?string) to get NULL
* instead of casting $value if $value === null
* @param bool|float|int|string|null $value Attribute value
* @param string $attribute Attribute name
* @param string $method Allowed to "get" and "set"
* @return array|bool|float|int|object|string|null
* @throws CastException
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:338
⧉protected isMappedDbColumn(string $key): bool Whether this key is mapped db column name?
* Whether this key is mapped db column name?
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:550
⧉protected hasMappedProperty(string $key): bool Whether this key has mapped property?
* Whether this key has mapped property?
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:565
⇄⧉5 => App\Entities\Entity#155 (8)
Properties (8)
Available methods (18)
⧉protected attributes -> array (15)
storyId => string (4) "2111"
languageId => string (2) "22"
categoryId => string (2) "16"
storyEnTitle => string (22) "The Mice that Ate Iron"
⧉keywords => UTF-8 string (218) "Sanskrit story; The Mice that Ate Iron; Sanskrit children story; Sanskrit ch...
Sanskrit story; The Mice that Ate Iron; Sanskrit children story; Sanskrit children stories; लोहभक्षकाः मूषिकाः; Naduk - Merchant ; possession; Lakshman; prospered; dispute; CAT:Parable
⧉keywords => UTF-8 string (218) "Sanskrit story; The Mice that Ate Iron; Sanskrit children story; Sanskrit ch...
Sanskrit story; The Mice that Ate Iron; Sanskrit children story; Sanskrit children stories; लोहभक्षकाः मूषिकाः; Naduk - Merchant ; possession; Lakshman; prospered; dispute; CAT:Parable
uri => string (31) "CodeIgniter\Entity\Cast\URICast"
private _cast -> boolean true
⇄⧉public __construct(?array $data = null) Allows filling in Entity parameters during construction.
new \App\Entities\Entity(?array $data = null)
* Allows filling in Entity parameters during construction.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:117
⇄⧉public fill(?array $data = null): $this Takes an array of key/value pairs and sets them as class properties, using an...
$value[5]->fill(?array $data = null)
* Takes an array of key/value pairs and sets them as class
* properties, using any `setCamelCasedProperty()` methods
* that may or may not exist.
* @param array $data
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:133
⇄⧉public toArray(bool $onlyChanged = false, bool $cast = true, bool $recursive = false): array General method that will return all public and protected values of this entit...
* General method that will return all public and protected values
* of this entity as an array. All values are accessed through the
* __get() magic method so will have any casts, etc applied to them.
* @param bool $onlyChanged If true, only return values that have changed since object creation
* @param bool $cast If true, properties will be cast.
* @param bool $recursive If true, inner entities will be cast as array as well.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:155
⇄⧉public toRawArray(bool $onlyChanged = false, bool $recursive = false): array Returns the raw values of the current attributes.
* Returns the raw values of the current attributes.
* @param bool $onlyChanged If true, only return values that have changed since object creation
* @param bool $recursive If true, inner entities will be cast as array as well.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:197
⇄⧉public syncOriginal(): $this Ensures our "original" values match the current values.
* Ensures our "original" values match the current values.
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:241
⇄⧉public hasChanged(?string $key = null): bool Checks a property to see if it has changed since the entity was created. Or, ...
$value[5]->hasChanged(?string $key = null)
* Checks a property to see if it has changed since the entity
* was created. Or, without a parameter, checks if any
* properties have changed.
* @param string|null $key class property
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:255
⇄⧉public setAttributes(array $data): $this Set raw data array without any mutations
$value[5]->setAttributes(array $data)
* Set raw data array without any mutations
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:282
⇄⧉public jsonSerialize(): array Support for json_encode()
* Support for json_encode()
* @return array
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:400
⇄⧉public cast(?bool $cast = null): bool|Entity Change the value of the private $_cast property
$value[5]->cast(?bool $cast = null)
* Change the value of the private $_cast property
* @return bool|Entity
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:410
⧉public __set(string $key, $value = null): void Magic method to all protected/private class properties to be easily set, eith...
* Magic method to all protected/private class properties to be
* easily set, either through a direct access or a
* `setCamelCasedProperty()` method.
* Examples:
* $this->my_property = $p;
* $this->setMyProperty() = $p;
* @param array|bool|float|int|object|string|null $value
* @return void
* @throws Exception
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:436
⧉public __get(string $key): array|bool|float|int|object|string|null Magic method to allow retrieval of protected and private class properties eit...
* Magic method to allow retrieval of protected and private class properties
* either by their name, or through a `getCamelCasedProperty()` method.
* Examples:
* $p = $this->my_property
* $p = $this->getMyProperty()
* @return array|bool|float|int|object|string|null
* @throws Exception
* @params string $key class property
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:479
⧉public __isset(string $key): bool Returns true if a property exists names $key, or a getter method exists named...
* Returns true if a property exists names $key, or a getter method
* exists named like for __get().
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:516
⧉public __unset(string $key): void Unsets an attribute property.
* Unsets an attribute property.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:536
⧉protected mapProperty(string $key): string db column name Checks the datamap to see if this property name is being mapped, and returns ...
* Checks the datamap to see if this property name is being mapped,
* and returns the db column name, if any, or the original property name.
* @return string db column name
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:297
⧉protected mutateDate($value): Time Converts the given string|timestamp|DateTime|Time instance into the "CodeIgni...
* Converts the given string|timestamp|DateTime|Time instance
* into the "CodeIgniter\I18n\Time" object.
* @param DateTime|float|int|string|Time $value
* @return Time
* @throws Exception
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:320
⧉protected castAs($value, string $attribute, string $method = 'get'): array|bool|float|int|object|string|null Provides the ability to cast an item as a specific data type. Add ? at the be...
* Provides the ability to cast an item as a specific data type.
* Add ? at the beginning of $type (i.e. ?string) to get NULL
* instead of casting $value if $value === null
* @param bool|float|int|string|null $value Attribute value
* @param string $attribute Attribute name
* @param string $method Allowed to "get" and "set"
* @return array|bool|float|int|object|string|null
* @throws CastException
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:338
⧉protected isMappedDbColumn(string $key): bool Whether this key is mapped db column name?
* Whether this key is mapped db column name?
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:550
⧉protected hasMappedProperty(string $key): bool Whether this key has mapped property?
* Whether this key has mapped property?
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:565
uri => string (31) "CodeIgniter\Entity\Cast\URICast"
private _cast -> boolean true
⇄⧉public __construct(?array $data = null) Allows filling in Entity parameters during construction.
new \App\Entities\Entity(?array $data = null)
* Allows filling in Entity parameters during construction.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:117
⇄⧉public fill(?array $data = null): $this Takes an array of key/value pairs and sets them as class properties, using an...
$value[0]->fill(?array $data = null)
* Takes an array of key/value pairs and sets them as class
* properties, using any `setCamelCasedProperty()` methods
* that may or may not exist.
* @param array $data
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:133
⇄⧉public toArray(bool $onlyChanged = false, bool $cast = true, bool $recursive = false): array General method that will return all public and protected values of this entit...
* General method that will return all public and protected values
* of this entity as an array. All values are accessed through the
* __get() magic method so will have any casts, etc applied to them.
* @param bool $onlyChanged If true, only return values that have changed since object creation
* @param bool $cast If true, properties will be cast.
* @param bool $recursive If true, inner entities will be cast as array as well.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:155
⇄⧉public toRawArray(bool $onlyChanged = false, bool $recursive = false): array Returns the raw values of the current attributes.
* Returns the raw values of the current attributes.
* @param bool $onlyChanged If true, only return values that have changed since object creation
* @param bool $recursive If true, inner entities will be cast as array as well.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:197
⇄⧉public syncOriginal(): $this Ensures our "original" values match the current values.
* Ensures our "original" values match the current values.
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:241
⇄⧉public hasChanged(?string $key = null): bool Checks a property to see if it has changed since the entity was created. Or, ...
$value[0]->hasChanged(?string $key = null)
* Checks a property to see if it has changed since the entity
* was created. Or, without a parameter, checks if any
* properties have changed.
* @param string|null $key class property
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:255
⇄⧉public setAttributes(array $data): $this Set raw data array without any mutations
$value[0]->setAttributes(array $data)
* Set raw data array without any mutations
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:282
⇄⧉public jsonSerialize(): array Support for json_encode()
* Support for json_encode()
* @return array
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:400
⇄⧉public cast(?bool $cast = null): bool|Entity Change the value of the private $_cast property
$value[0]->cast(?bool $cast = null)
* Change the value of the private $_cast property
* @return bool|Entity
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:410
⧉public __set(string $key, $value = null): void Magic method to all protected/private class properties to be easily set, eith...
* Magic method to all protected/private class properties to be
* easily set, either through a direct access or a
* `setCamelCasedProperty()` method.
* Examples:
* $this->my_property = $p;
* $this->setMyProperty() = $p;
* @param array|bool|float|int|object|string|null $value
* @return void
* @throws Exception
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:436
⧉public __get(string $key): array|bool|float|int|object|string|null Magic method to allow retrieval of protected and private class properties eit...
* Magic method to allow retrieval of protected and private class properties
* either by their name, or through a `getCamelCasedProperty()` method.
* Examples:
* $p = $this->my_property
* $p = $this->getMyProperty()
* @return array|bool|float|int|object|string|null
* @throws Exception
* @params string $key class property
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:479
⧉public __isset(string $key): bool Returns true if a property exists names $key, or a getter method exists named...
* Returns true if a property exists names $key, or a getter method
* exists named like for __get().
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:516
⧉public __unset(string $key): void Unsets an attribute property.
* Unsets an attribute property.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:536
⧉protected mapProperty(string $key): string db column name Checks the datamap to see if this property name is being mapped, and returns ...
* Checks the datamap to see if this property name is being mapped,
* and returns the db column name, if any, or the original property name.
* @return string db column name
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:297
⧉protected mutateDate($value): Time Converts the given string|timestamp|DateTime|Time instance into the "CodeIgni...
* Converts the given string|timestamp|DateTime|Time instance
* into the "CodeIgniter\I18n\Time" object.
* @param DateTime|float|int|string|Time $value
* @return Time
* @throws Exception
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:320
⧉protected castAs($value, string $attribute, string $method = 'get'): array|bool|float|int|object|string|null Provides the ability to cast an item as a specific data type. Add ? at the be...
* Provides the ability to cast an item as a specific data type.
* Add ? at the beginning of $type (i.e. ?string) to get NULL
* instead of casting $value if $value === null
* @param bool|float|int|string|null $value Attribute value
* @param string $attribute Attribute name
* @param string $method Allowed to "get" and "set"
* @return array|bool|float|int|object|string|null
* @throws CastException
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:338
⧉protected isMappedDbColumn(string $key): bool Whether this key is mapped db column name?
* Whether this key is mapped db column name?
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:550
⧉protected hasMappedProperty(string $key): bool Whether this key has mapped property?
* Whether this key has mapped property?
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:565
uri => string (31) "CodeIgniter\Entity\Cast\URICast"
private _cast -> boolean true
⇄⧉public __construct(?array $data = null) Allows filling in Entity parameters during construction.
new \App\Entities\Entity(?array $data = null)
* Allows filling in Entity parameters during construction.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:117
⇄⧉public fill(?array $data = null): $this Takes an array of key/value pairs and sets them as class properties, using an...
$value[1]->fill(?array $data = null)
* Takes an array of key/value pairs and sets them as class
* properties, using any `setCamelCasedProperty()` methods
* that may or may not exist.
* @param array $data
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:133
⇄⧉public toArray(bool $onlyChanged = false, bool $cast = true, bool $recursive = false): array General method that will return all public and protected values of this entit...
* General method that will return all public and protected values
* of this entity as an array. All values are accessed through the
* __get() magic method so will have any casts, etc applied to them.
* @param bool $onlyChanged If true, only return values that have changed since object creation
* @param bool $cast If true, properties will be cast.
* @param bool $recursive If true, inner entities will be cast as array as well.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:155
⇄⧉public toRawArray(bool $onlyChanged = false, bool $recursive = false): array Returns the raw values of the current attributes.
* Returns the raw values of the current attributes.
* @param bool $onlyChanged If true, only return values that have changed since object creation
* @param bool $recursive If true, inner entities will be cast as array as well.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:197
⇄⧉public syncOriginal(): $this Ensures our "original" values match the current values.
* Ensures our "original" values match the current values.
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:241
⇄⧉public hasChanged(?string $key = null): bool Checks a property to see if it has changed since the entity was created. Or, ...
$value[1]->hasChanged(?string $key = null)
* Checks a property to see if it has changed since the entity
* was created. Or, without a parameter, checks if any
* properties have changed.
* @param string|null $key class property
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:255
⇄⧉public setAttributes(array $data): $this Set raw data array without any mutations
$value[1]->setAttributes(array $data)
* Set raw data array without any mutations
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:282
⇄⧉public jsonSerialize(): array Support for json_encode()
* Support for json_encode()
* @return array
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:400
⇄⧉public cast(?bool $cast = null): bool|Entity Change the value of the private $_cast property
$value[1]->cast(?bool $cast = null)
* Change the value of the private $_cast property
* @return bool|Entity
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:410
⧉public __set(string $key, $value = null): void Magic method to all protected/private class properties to be easily set, eith...
* Magic method to all protected/private class properties to be
* easily set, either through a direct access or a
* `setCamelCasedProperty()` method.
* Examples:
* $this->my_property = $p;
* $this->setMyProperty() = $p;
* @param array|bool|float|int|object|string|null $value
* @return void
* @throws Exception
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:436
⧉public __get(string $key): array|bool|float|int|object|string|null Magic method to allow retrieval of protected and private class properties eit...
* Magic method to allow retrieval of protected and private class properties
* either by their name, or through a `getCamelCasedProperty()` method.
* Examples:
* $p = $this->my_property
* $p = $this->getMyProperty()
* @return array|bool|float|int|object|string|null
* @throws Exception
* @params string $key class property
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:479
⧉public __isset(string $key): bool Returns true if a property exists names $key, or a getter method exists named...
* Returns true if a property exists names $key, or a getter method
* exists named like for __get().
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:516
⧉public __unset(string $key): void Unsets an attribute property.
* Unsets an attribute property.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:536
⧉protected mapProperty(string $key): string db column name Checks the datamap to see if this property name is being mapped, and returns ...
* Checks the datamap to see if this property name is being mapped,
* and returns the db column name, if any, or the original property name.
* @return string db column name
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:297
⧉protected mutateDate($value): Time Converts the given string|timestamp|DateTime|Time instance into the "CodeIgni...
* Converts the given string|timestamp|DateTime|Time instance
* into the "CodeIgniter\I18n\Time" object.
* @param DateTime|float|int|string|Time $value
* @return Time
* @throws Exception
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:320
⧉protected castAs($value, string $attribute, string $method = 'get'): array|bool|float|int|object|string|null Provides the ability to cast an item as a specific data type. Add ? at the be...
* Provides the ability to cast an item as a specific data type.
* Add ? at the beginning of $type (i.e. ?string) to get NULL
* instead of casting $value if $value === null
* @param bool|float|int|string|null $value Attribute value
* @param string $attribute Attribute name
* @param string $method Allowed to "get" and "set"
* @return array|bool|float|int|object|string|null
* @throws CastException
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:338
⧉protected isMappedDbColumn(string $key): bool Whether this key is mapped db column name?
* Whether this key is mapped db column name?
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:550
⧉protected hasMappedProperty(string $key): bool Whether this key has mapped property?
* Whether this key has mapped property?
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:565
uri => string (31) "CodeIgniter\Entity\Cast\URICast"
private _cast -> boolean true
⇄⧉public __construct(?array $data = null) Allows filling in Entity parameters during construction.
new \App\Entities\Entity(?array $data = null)
* Allows filling in Entity parameters during construction.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:117
⇄⧉public fill(?array $data = null): $this Takes an array of key/value pairs and sets them as class properties, using an...
$value[2]->fill(?array $data = null)
* Takes an array of key/value pairs and sets them as class
* properties, using any `setCamelCasedProperty()` methods
* that may or may not exist.
* @param array $data
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:133
⇄⧉public toArray(bool $onlyChanged = false, bool $cast = true, bool $recursive = false): array General method that will return all public and protected values of this entit...
* General method that will return all public and protected values
* of this entity as an array. All values are accessed through the
* __get() magic method so will have any casts, etc applied to them.
* @param bool $onlyChanged If true, only return values that have changed since object creation
* @param bool $cast If true, properties will be cast.
* @param bool $recursive If true, inner entities will be cast as array as well.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:155
⇄⧉public toRawArray(bool $onlyChanged = false, bool $recursive = false): array Returns the raw values of the current attributes.
* Returns the raw values of the current attributes.
* @param bool $onlyChanged If true, only return values that have changed since object creation
* @param bool $recursive If true, inner entities will be cast as array as well.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:197
⇄⧉public syncOriginal(): $this Ensures our "original" values match the current values.
* Ensures our "original" values match the current values.
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:241
⇄⧉public hasChanged(?string $key = null): bool Checks a property to see if it has changed since the entity was created. Or, ...
$value[2]->hasChanged(?string $key = null)
* Checks a property to see if it has changed since the entity
* was created. Or, without a parameter, checks if any
* properties have changed.
* @param string|null $key class property
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:255
⇄⧉public setAttributes(array $data): $this Set raw data array without any mutations
$value[2]->setAttributes(array $data)
* Set raw data array without any mutations
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:282
⇄⧉public jsonSerialize(): array Support for json_encode()
* Support for json_encode()
* @return array
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:400
⇄⧉public cast(?bool $cast = null): bool|Entity Change the value of the private $_cast property
$value[2]->cast(?bool $cast = null)
* Change the value of the private $_cast property
* @return bool|Entity
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:410
⧉public __set(string $key, $value = null): void Magic method to all protected/private class properties to be easily set, eith...
* Magic method to all protected/private class properties to be
* easily set, either through a direct access or a
* `setCamelCasedProperty()` method.
* Examples:
* $this->my_property = $p;
* $this->setMyProperty() = $p;
* @param array|bool|float|int|object|string|null $value
* @return void
* @throws Exception
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:436
⧉public __get(string $key): array|bool|float|int|object|string|null Magic method to allow retrieval of protected and private class properties eit...
* Magic method to allow retrieval of protected and private class properties
* either by their name, or through a `getCamelCasedProperty()` method.
* Examples:
* $p = $this->my_property
* $p = $this->getMyProperty()
* @return array|bool|float|int|object|string|null
* @throws Exception
* @params string $key class property
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:479
⧉public __isset(string $key): bool Returns true if a property exists names $key, or a getter method exists named...
* Returns true if a property exists names $key, or a getter method
* exists named like for __get().
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:516
⧉public __unset(string $key): void Unsets an attribute property.
* Unsets an attribute property.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:536
⧉protected mapProperty(string $key): string db column name Checks the datamap to see if this property name is being mapped, and returns ...
* Checks the datamap to see if this property name is being mapped,
* and returns the db column name, if any, or the original property name.
* @return string db column name
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:297
⧉protected mutateDate($value): Time Converts the given string|timestamp|DateTime|Time instance into the "CodeIgni...
* Converts the given string|timestamp|DateTime|Time instance
* into the "CodeIgniter\I18n\Time" object.
* @param DateTime|float|int|string|Time $value
* @return Time
* @throws Exception
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:320
⧉protected castAs($value, string $attribute, string $method = 'get'): array|bool|float|int|object|string|null Provides the ability to cast an item as a specific data type. Add ? at the be...
* Provides the ability to cast an item as a specific data type.
* Add ? at the beginning of $type (i.e. ?string) to get NULL
* instead of casting $value if $value === null
* @param bool|float|int|string|null $value Attribute value
* @param string $attribute Attribute name
* @param string $method Allowed to "get" and "set"
* @return array|bool|float|int|object|string|null
* @throws CastException
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:338
⧉protected isMappedDbColumn(string $key): bool Whether this key is mapped db column name?
* Whether this key is mapped db column name?
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:550
⧉protected hasMappedProperty(string $key): bool Whether this key has mapped property?
* Whether this key has mapped property?
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:565
uri => string (31) "CodeIgniter\Entity\Cast\URICast"
private _cast -> boolean true
⇄⧉public __construct(?array $data = null) Allows filling in Entity parameters during construction.
new \App\Entities\Entity(?array $data = null)
* Allows filling in Entity parameters during construction.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:117
⇄⧉public fill(?array $data = null): $this Takes an array of key/value pairs and sets them as class properties, using an...
$value[3]->fill(?array $data = null)
* Takes an array of key/value pairs and sets them as class
* properties, using any `setCamelCasedProperty()` methods
* that may or may not exist.
* @param array $data
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:133
⇄⧉public toArray(bool $onlyChanged = false, bool $cast = true, bool $recursive = false): array General method that will return all public and protected values of this entit...
* General method that will return all public and protected values
* of this entity as an array. All values are accessed through the
* __get() magic method so will have any casts, etc applied to them.
* @param bool $onlyChanged If true, only return values that have changed since object creation
* @param bool $cast If true, properties will be cast.
* @param bool $recursive If true, inner entities will be cast as array as well.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:155
⇄⧉public toRawArray(bool $onlyChanged = false, bool $recursive = false): array Returns the raw values of the current attributes.
* Returns the raw values of the current attributes.
* @param bool $onlyChanged If true, only return values that have changed since object creation
* @param bool $recursive If true, inner entities will be cast as array as well.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:197
⇄⧉public syncOriginal(): $this Ensures our "original" values match the current values.
* Ensures our "original" values match the current values.
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:241
⇄⧉public hasChanged(?string $key = null): bool Checks a property to see if it has changed since the entity was created. Or, ...
$value[3]->hasChanged(?string $key = null)
* Checks a property to see if it has changed since the entity
* was created. Or, without a parameter, checks if any
* properties have changed.
* @param string|null $key class property
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:255
⇄⧉public setAttributes(array $data): $this Set raw data array without any mutations
$value[3]->setAttributes(array $data)
* Set raw data array without any mutations
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:282
⇄⧉public jsonSerialize(): array Support for json_encode()
* Support for json_encode()
* @return array
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:400
⇄⧉public cast(?bool $cast = null): bool|Entity Change the value of the private $_cast property
$value[3]->cast(?bool $cast = null)
* Change the value of the private $_cast property
* @return bool|Entity
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:410
⧉public __set(string $key, $value = null): void Magic method to all protected/private class properties to be easily set, eith...
* Magic method to all protected/private class properties to be
* easily set, either through a direct access or a
* `setCamelCasedProperty()` method.
* Examples:
* $this->my_property = $p;
* $this->setMyProperty() = $p;
* @param array|bool|float|int|object|string|null $value
* @return void
* @throws Exception
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:436
⧉public __get(string $key): array|bool|float|int|object|string|null Magic method to allow retrieval of protected and private class properties eit...
* Magic method to allow retrieval of protected and private class properties
* either by their name, or through a `getCamelCasedProperty()` method.
* Examples:
* $p = $this->my_property
* $p = $this->getMyProperty()
* @return array|bool|float|int|object|string|null
* @throws Exception
* @params string $key class property
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:479
⧉public __isset(string $key): bool Returns true if a property exists names $key, or a getter method exists named...
* Returns true if a property exists names $key, or a getter method
* exists named like for __get().
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:516
⧉public __unset(string $key): void Unsets an attribute property.
* Unsets an attribute property.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:536
⧉protected mapProperty(string $key): string db column name Checks the datamap to see if this property name is being mapped, and returns ...
* Checks the datamap to see if this property name is being mapped,
* and returns the db column name, if any, or the original property name.
* @return string db column name
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:297
⧉protected mutateDate($value): Time Converts the given string|timestamp|DateTime|Time instance into the "CodeIgni...
* Converts the given string|timestamp|DateTime|Time instance
* into the "CodeIgniter\I18n\Time" object.
* @param DateTime|float|int|string|Time $value
* @return Time
* @throws Exception
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:320
⧉protected castAs($value, string $attribute, string $method = 'get'): array|bool|float|int|object|string|null Provides the ability to cast an item as a specific data type. Add ? at the be...
* Provides the ability to cast an item as a specific data type.
* Add ? at the beginning of $type (i.e. ?string) to get NULL
* instead of casting $value if $value === null
* @param bool|float|int|string|null $value Attribute value
* @param string $attribute Attribute name
* @param string $method Allowed to "get" and "set"
* @return array|bool|float|int|object|string|null
* @throws CastException
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:338
⧉protected isMappedDbColumn(string $key): bool Whether this key is mapped db column name?
* Whether this key is mapped db column name?
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:550
⧉protected hasMappedProperty(string $key): bool Whether this key has mapped property?
* Whether this key has mapped property?
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:565
uri => string (31) "CodeIgniter\Entity\Cast\URICast"
private _cast -> boolean true
⇄⧉public __construct(?array $data = null) Allows filling in Entity parameters during construction.
new \App\Entities\Entity(?array $data = null)
* Allows filling in Entity parameters during construction.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:117
⇄⧉public fill(?array $data = null): $this Takes an array of key/value pairs and sets them as class properties, using an...
$value[4]->fill(?array $data = null)
* Takes an array of key/value pairs and sets them as class
* properties, using any `setCamelCasedProperty()` methods
* that may or may not exist.
* @param array $data
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:133
⇄⧉public toArray(bool $onlyChanged = false, bool $cast = true, bool $recursive = false): array General method that will return all public and protected values of this entit...
* General method that will return all public and protected values
* of this entity as an array. All values are accessed through the
* __get() magic method so will have any casts, etc applied to them.
* @param bool $onlyChanged If true, only return values that have changed since object creation
* @param bool $cast If true, properties will be cast.
* @param bool $recursive If true, inner entities will be cast as array as well.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:155
⇄⧉public toRawArray(bool $onlyChanged = false, bool $recursive = false): array Returns the raw values of the current attributes.
* Returns the raw values of the current attributes.
* @param bool $onlyChanged If true, only return values that have changed since object creation
* @param bool $recursive If true, inner entities will be cast as array as well.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:197
⇄⧉public syncOriginal(): $this Ensures our "original" values match the current values.
* Ensures our "original" values match the current values.
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:241
⇄⧉public hasChanged(?string $key = null): bool Checks a property to see if it has changed since the entity was created. Or, ...
$value[4]->hasChanged(?string $key = null)
* Checks a property to see if it has changed since the entity
* was created. Or, without a parameter, checks if any
* properties have changed.
* @param string|null $key class property
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:255
⇄⧉public setAttributes(array $data): $this Set raw data array without any mutations
$value[4]->setAttributes(array $data)
* Set raw data array without any mutations
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:282
⇄⧉public jsonSerialize(): array Support for json_encode()
* Support for json_encode()
* @return array
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:400
⇄⧉public cast(?bool $cast = null): bool|Entity Change the value of the private $_cast property
$value[4]->cast(?bool $cast = null)
* Change the value of the private $_cast property
* @return bool|Entity
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:410
⧉public __set(string $key, $value = null): void Magic method to all protected/private class properties to be easily set, eith...
* Magic method to all protected/private class properties to be
* easily set, either through a direct access or a
* `setCamelCasedProperty()` method.
* Examples:
* $this->my_property = $p;
* $this->setMyProperty() = $p;
* @param array|bool|float|int|object|string|null $value
* @return void
* @throws Exception
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:436
⧉public __get(string $key): array|bool|float|int|object|string|null Magic method to allow retrieval of protected and private class properties eit...
* Magic method to allow retrieval of protected and private class properties
* either by their name, or through a `getCamelCasedProperty()` method.
* Examples:
* $p = $this->my_property
* $p = $this->getMyProperty()
* @return array|bool|float|int|object|string|null
* @throws Exception
* @params string $key class property
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:479
⧉public __isset(string $key): bool Returns true if a property exists names $key, or a getter method exists named...
* Returns true if a property exists names $key, or a getter method
* exists named like for __get().
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:516
⧉public __unset(string $key): void Unsets an attribute property.
* Unsets an attribute property.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:536
⧉protected mapProperty(string $key): string db column name Checks the datamap to see if this property name is being mapped, and returns ...
* Checks the datamap to see if this property name is being mapped,
* and returns the db column name, if any, or the original property name.
* @return string db column name
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:297
⧉protected mutateDate($value): Time Converts the given string|timestamp|DateTime|Time instance into the "CodeIgni...
* Converts the given string|timestamp|DateTime|Time instance
* into the "CodeIgniter\I18n\Time" object.
* @param DateTime|float|int|string|Time $value
* @return Time
* @throws Exception
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:320
⧉protected castAs($value, string $attribute, string $method = 'get'): array|bool|float|int|object|string|null Provides the ability to cast an item as a specific data type. Add ? at the be...
* Provides the ability to cast an item as a specific data type.
* Add ? at the beginning of $type (i.e. ?string) to get NULL
* instead of casting $value if $value === null
* @param bool|float|int|string|null $value Attribute value
* @param string $attribute Attribute name
* @param string $method Allowed to "get" and "set"
* @return array|bool|float|int|object|string|null
* @throws CastException
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:338
⧉protected isMappedDbColumn(string $key): bool Whether this key is mapped db column name?
* Whether this key is mapped db column name?
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:550
⧉protected hasMappedProperty(string $key): bool Whether this key has mapped property?
* Whether this key has mapped property?
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:565
uri => string (31) "CodeIgniter\Entity\Cast\URICast"
private _cast -> boolean true
⇄⧉public __construct(?array $data = null) Allows filling in Entity parameters during construction.
new \App\Entities\Entity(?array $data = null)
* Allows filling in Entity parameters during construction.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:117
⇄⧉public fill(?array $data = null): $this Takes an array of key/value pairs and sets them as class properties, using an...
$value[5]->fill(?array $data = null)
* Takes an array of key/value pairs and sets them as class
* properties, using any `setCamelCasedProperty()` methods
* that may or may not exist.
* @param array $data
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:133
⇄⧉public toArray(bool $onlyChanged = false, bool $cast = true, bool $recursive = false): array General method that will return all public and protected values of this entit...
* General method that will return all public and protected values
* of this entity as an array. All values are accessed through the
* __get() magic method so will have any casts, etc applied to them.
* @param bool $onlyChanged If true, only return values that have changed since object creation
* @param bool $cast If true, properties will be cast.
* @param bool $recursive If true, inner entities will be cast as array as well.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:155
⇄⧉public toRawArray(bool $onlyChanged = false, bool $recursive = false): array Returns the raw values of the current attributes.
* Returns the raw values of the current attributes.
* @param bool $onlyChanged If true, only return values that have changed since object creation
* @param bool $recursive If true, inner entities will be cast as array as well.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:197
⇄⧉public syncOriginal(): $this Ensures our "original" values match the current values.
* Ensures our "original" values match the current values.
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:241
⇄⧉public hasChanged(?string $key = null): bool Checks a property to see if it has changed since the entity was created. Or, ...
$value[5]->hasChanged(?string $key = null)
* Checks a property to see if it has changed since the entity
* was created. Or, without a parameter, checks if any
* properties have changed.
* @param string|null $key class property
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:255
⇄⧉public setAttributes(array $data): $this Set raw data array without any mutations
$value[5]->setAttributes(array $data)
* Set raw data array without any mutations
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:282
⇄⧉public jsonSerialize(): array Support for json_encode()
* Support for json_encode()
* @return array
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:400
⇄⧉public cast(?bool $cast = null): bool|Entity Change the value of the private $_cast property
$value[5]->cast(?bool $cast = null)
* Change the value of the private $_cast property
* @return bool|Entity
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:410
⧉public __set(string $key, $value = null): void Magic method to all protected/private class properties to be easily set, eith...
* Magic method to all protected/private class properties to be
* easily set, either through a direct access or a
* `setCamelCasedProperty()` method.
* Examples:
* $this->my_property = $p;
* $this->setMyProperty() = $p;
* @param array|bool|float|int|object|string|null $value
* @return void
* @throws Exception
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:436
⧉public __get(string $key): array|bool|float|int|object|string|null Magic method to allow retrieval of protected and private class properties eit...
* Magic method to allow retrieval of protected and private class properties
* either by their name, or through a `getCamelCasedProperty()` method.
* Examples:
* $p = $this->my_property
* $p = $this->getMyProperty()
* @return array|bool|float|int|object|string|null
* @throws Exception
* @params string $key class property
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:479
⧉public __isset(string $key): bool Returns true if a property exists names $key, or a getter method exists named...
* Returns true if a property exists names $key, or a getter method
* exists named like for __get().
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:516
⧉public __unset(string $key): void Unsets an attribute property.
* Unsets an attribute property.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:536
⧉protected mapProperty(string $key): string db column name Checks the datamap to see if this property name is being mapped, and returns ...
* Checks the datamap to see if this property name is being mapped,
* and returns the db column name, if any, or the original property name.
* @return string db column name
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:297
⧉protected mutateDate($value): Time Converts the given string|timestamp|DateTime|Time instance into the "CodeIgni...
* Converts the given string|timestamp|DateTime|Time instance
* into the "CodeIgniter\I18n\Time" object.
* @param DateTime|float|int|string|Time $value
* @return Time
* @throws Exception
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:320
⧉protected castAs($value, string $attribute, string $method = 'get'): array|bool|float|int|object|string|null Provides the ability to cast an item as a specific data type. Add ? at the be...
* Provides the ability to cast an item as a specific data type.
* Add ? at the beginning of $type (i.e. ?string) to get NULL
* instead of casting $value if $value === null
* @param bool|float|int|string|null $value Attribute value
* @param string $attribute Attribute name
* @param string $method Allowed to "get" and "set"
* @return array|bool|float|int|object|string|null
* @throws CastException
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:338
⧉protected isMappedDbColumn(string $key): bool Whether this key is mapped db column name?
* Whether this key is mapped db column name?
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:550
⧉protected hasMappedProperty(string $key): bool Whether this key has mapped property?
* Whether this key has mapped property?
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:565
uri => string (31) "CodeIgniter\Entity\Cast\URICast"
private _cast -> boolean true
⇄⧉public __construct(?array $data = null) Allows filling in Entity parameters during construction.
new \App\Entities\Entity(?array $data = null)
* Allows filling in Entity parameters during construction.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:117
⇄⧉public fill(?array $data = null): $this Takes an array of key/value pairs and sets them as class properties, using an...
$value[6]->fill(?array $data = null)
* Takes an array of key/value pairs and sets them as class
* properties, using any `setCamelCasedProperty()` methods
* that may or may not exist.
* @param array $data
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:133
⇄⧉public toArray(bool $onlyChanged = false, bool $cast = true, bool $recursive = false): array General method that will return all public and protected values of this entit...
* General method that will return all public and protected values
* of this entity as an array. All values are accessed through the
* __get() magic method so will have any casts, etc applied to them.
* @param bool $onlyChanged If true, only return values that have changed since object creation
* @param bool $cast If true, properties will be cast.
* @param bool $recursive If true, inner entities will be cast as array as well.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:155
⇄⧉public toRawArray(bool $onlyChanged = false, bool $recursive = false): array Returns the raw values of the current attributes.
* Returns the raw values of the current attributes.
* @param bool $onlyChanged If true, only return values that have changed since object creation
* @param bool $recursive If true, inner entities will be cast as array as well.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:197
⇄⧉public syncOriginal(): $this Ensures our "original" values match the current values.
* Ensures our "original" values match the current values.
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:241
⇄⧉public hasChanged(?string $key = null): bool Checks a property to see if it has changed since the entity was created. Or, ...
$value[6]->hasChanged(?string $key = null)
* Checks a property to see if it has changed since the entity
* was created. Or, without a parameter, checks if any
* properties have changed.
* @param string|null $key class property
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:255
⇄⧉public setAttributes(array $data): $this Set raw data array without any mutations
$value[6]->setAttributes(array $data)
* Set raw data array without any mutations
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:282
⇄⧉public jsonSerialize(): array Support for json_encode()
* Support for json_encode()
* @return array
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:400
⇄⧉public cast(?bool $cast = null): bool|Entity Change the value of the private $_cast property
$value[6]->cast(?bool $cast = null)
* Change the value of the private $_cast property
* @return bool|Entity
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:410
⧉public __set(string $key, $value = null): void Magic method to all protected/private class properties to be easily set, eith...
* Magic method to all protected/private class properties to be
* easily set, either through a direct access or a
* `setCamelCasedProperty()` method.
* Examples:
* $this->my_property = $p;
* $this->setMyProperty() = $p;
* @param array|bool|float|int|object|string|null $value
* @return void
* @throws Exception
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:436
⧉public __get(string $key): array|bool|float|int|object|string|null Magic method to allow retrieval of protected and private class properties eit...
* Magic method to allow retrieval of protected and private class properties
* either by their name, or through a `getCamelCasedProperty()` method.
* Examples:
* $p = $this->my_property
* $p = $this->getMyProperty()
* @return array|bool|float|int|object|string|null
* @throws Exception
* @params string $key class property
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:479
⧉public __isset(string $key): bool Returns true if a property exists names $key, or a getter method exists named...
* Returns true if a property exists names $key, or a getter method
* exists named like for __get().
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:516
⧉public __unset(string $key): void Unsets an attribute property.
* Unsets an attribute property.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:536
⧉protected mapProperty(string $key): string db column name Checks the datamap to see if this property name is being mapped, and returns ...
* Checks the datamap to see if this property name is being mapped,
* and returns the db column name, if any, or the original property name.
* @return string db column name
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:297
⧉protected mutateDate($value): Time Converts the given string|timestamp|DateTime|Time instance into the "CodeIgni...
* Converts the given string|timestamp|DateTime|Time instance
* into the "CodeIgniter\I18n\Time" object.
* @param DateTime|float|int|string|Time $value
* @return Time
* @throws Exception
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:320
⧉protected castAs($value, string $attribute, string $method = 'get'): array|bool|float|int|object|string|null Provides the ability to cast an item as a specific data type. Add ? at the be...
* Provides the ability to cast an item as a specific data type.
* Add ? at the beginning of $type (i.e. ?string) to get NULL
* instead of casting $value if $value === null
* @param bool|float|int|string|null $value Attribute value
* @param string $attribute Attribute name
* @param string $method Allowed to "get" and "set"
* @return array|bool|float|int|object|string|null
* @throws CastException
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:338
⧉protected isMappedDbColumn(string $key): bool Whether this key is mapped db column name?
* Whether this key is mapped db column name?
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:550
⧉protected hasMappedProperty(string $key): bool Whether this key has mapped property?
* Whether this key has mapped property?
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:565
uri => string (31) "CodeIgniter\Entity\Cast\URICast"
private _cast -> boolean true
⇄⧉public __construct(?array $data = null) Allows filling in Entity parameters during construction.
new \App\Entities\Entity(?array $data = null)
* Allows filling in Entity parameters during construction.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:117
⇄⧉public fill(?array $data = null): $this Takes an array of key/value pairs and sets them as class properties, using an...
$value[7]->fill(?array $data = null)
* Takes an array of key/value pairs and sets them as class
* properties, using any `setCamelCasedProperty()` methods
* that may or may not exist.
* @param array $data
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:133
⇄⧉public toArray(bool $onlyChanged = false, bool $cast = true, bool $recursive = false): array General method that will return all public and protected values of this entit...
* General method that will return all public and protected values
* of this entity as an array. All values are accessed through the
* __get() magic method so will have any casts, etc applied to them.
* @param bool $onlyChanged If true, only return values that have changed since object creation
* @param bool $cast If true, properties will be cast.
* @param bool $recursive If true, inner entities will be cast as array as well.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:155
⇄⧉public toRawArray(bool $onlyChanged = false, bool $recursive = false): array Returns the raw values of the current attributes.
* Returns the raw values of the current attributes.
* @param bool $onlyChanged If true, only return values that have changed since object creation
* @param bool $recursive If true, inner entities will be cast as array as well.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:197
⇄⧉public syncOriginal(): $this Ensures our "original" values match the current values.
* Ensures our "original" values match the current values.
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:241
⇄⧉public hasChanged(?string $key = null): bool Checks a property to see if it has changed since the entity was created. Or, ...
$value[7]->hasChanged(?string $key = null)
* Checks a property to see if it has changed since the entity
* was created. Or, without a parameter, checks if any
* properties have changed.
* @param string|null $key class property
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:255
⇄⧉public setAttributes(array $data): $this Set raw data array without any mutations
$value[7]->setAttributes(array $data)
* Set raw data array without any mutations
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:282
⇄⧉public jsonSerialize(): array Support for json_encode()
* Support for json_encode()
* @return array
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:400
⇄⧉public cast(?bool $cast = null): bool|Entity Change the value of the private $_cast property
$value[7]->cast(?bool $cast = null)
* Change the value of the private $_cast property
* @return bool|Entity
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:410
⧉public __set(string $key, $value = null): void Magic method to all protected/private class properties to be easily set, eith...
* Magic method to all protected/private class properties to be
* easily set, either through a direct access or a
* `setCamelCasedProperty()` method.
* Examples:
* $this->my_property = $p;
* $this->setMyProperty() = $p;
* @param array|bool|float|int|object|string|null $value
* @return void
* @throws Exception
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:436
⧉public __get(string $key): array|bool|float|int|object|string|null Magic method to allow retrieval of protected and private class properties eit...
* Magic method to allow retrieval of protected and private class properties
* either by their name, or through a `getCamelCasedProperty()` method.
* Examples:
* $p = $this->my_property
* $p = $this->getMyProperty()
* @return array|bool|float|int|object|string|null
* @throws Exception
* @params string $key class property
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:479
⧉public __isset(string $key): bool Returns true if a property exists names $key, or a getter method exists named...
* Returns true if a property exists names $key, or a getter method
* exists named like for __get().
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:516
⧉public __unset(string $key): void Unsets an attribute property.
* Unsets an attribute property.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:536
⧉protected mapProperty(string $key): string db column name Checks the datamap to see if this property name is being mapped, and returns ...
* Checks the datamap to see if this property name is being mapped,
* and returns the db column name, if any, or the original property name.
* @return string db column name
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:297
⧉protected mutateDate($value): Time Converts the given string|timestamp|DateTime|Time instance into the "CodeIgni...
* Converts the given string|timestamp|DateTime|Time instance
* into the "CodeIgniter\I18n\Time" object.
* @param DateTime|float|int|string|Time $value
* @return Time
* @throws Exception
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:320
⧉protected castAs($value, string $attribute, string $method = 'get'): array|bool|float|int|object|string|null Provides the ability to cast an item as a specific data type. Add ? at the be...
* Provides the ability to cast an item as a specific data type.
* Add ? at the beginning of $type (i.e. ?string) to get NULL
* instead of casting $value if $value === null
* @param bool|float|int|string|null $value Attribute value
* @param string $attribute Attribute name
* @param string $method Allowed to "get" and "set"
* @return array|bool|float|int|object|string|null
* @throws CastException
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:338
⧉protected isMappedDbColumn(string $key): bool Whether this key is mapped db column name?
* Whether this key is mapped db column name?
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:550
⧉protected hasMappedProperty(string $key): bool Whether this key has mapped property?
* Whether this key has mapped property?
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:565
uri => string (31) "CodeIgniter\Entity\Cast\URICast"
private _cast -> boolean true
⇄⧉public __construct(?array $data = null) Allows filling in Entity parameters during construction.
new \App\Entities\Entity(?array $data = null)
* Allows filling in Entity parameters during construction.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:117
⇄⧉public fill(?array $data = null): $this Takes an array of key/value pairs and sets them as class properties, using an...
$value[8]->fill(?array $data = null)
* Takes an array of key/value pairs and sets them as class
* properties, using any `setCamelCasedProperty()` methods
* that may or may not exist.
* @param array $data
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:133
⇄⧉public toArray(bool $onlyChanged = false, bool $cast = true, bool $recursive = false): array General method that will return all public and protected values of this entit...
* General method that will return all public and protected values
* of this entity as an array. All values are accessed through the
* __get() magic method so will have any casts, etc applied to them.
* @param bool $onlyChanged If true, only return values that have changed since object creation
* @param bool $cast If true, properties will be cast.
* @param bool $recursive If true, inner entities will be cast as array as well.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:155
⇄⧉public toRawArray(bool $onlyChanged = false, bool $recursive = false): array Returns the raw values of the current attributes.
* Returns the raw values of the current attributes.
* @param bool $onlyChanged If true, only return values that have changed since object creation
* @param bool $recursive If true, inner entities will be cast as array as well.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:197
⇄⧉public syncOriginal(): $this Ensures our "original" values match the current values.
* Ensures our "original" values match the current values.
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:241
⇄⧉public hasChanged(?string $key = null): bool Checks a property to see if it has changed since the entity was created. Or, ...
$value[8]->hasChanged(?string $key = null)
* Checks a property to see if it has changed since the entity
* was created. Or, without a parameter, checks if any
* properties have changed.
* @param string|null $key class property
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:255
⇄⧉public setAttributes(array $data): $this Set raw data array without any mutations
$value[8]->setAttributes(array $data)
* Set raw data array without any mutations
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:282
⇄⧉public jsonSerialize(): array Support for json_encode()
* Support for json_encode()
* @return array
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:400
⇄⧉public cast(?bool $cast = null): bool|Entity Change the value of the private $_cast property
$value[8]->cast(?bool $cast = null)
* Change the value of the private $_cast property
* @return bool|Entity
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:410
⧉public __set(string $key, $value = null): void Magic method to all protected/private class properties to be easily set, eith...
* Magic method to all protected/private class properties to be
* easily set, either through a direct access or a
* `setCamelCasedProperty()` method.
* Examples:
* $this->my_property = $p;
* $this->setMyProperty() = $p;
* @param array|bool|float|int|object|string|null $value
* @return void
* @throws Exception
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:436
⧉public __get(string $key): array|bool|float|int|object|string|null Magic method to allow retrieval of protected and private class properties eit...
* Magic method to allow retrieval of protected and private class properties
* either by their name, or through a `getCamelCasedProperty()` method.
* Examples:
* $p = $this->my_property
* $p = $this->getMyProperty()
* @return array|bool|float|int|object|string|null
* @throws Exception
* @params string $key class property
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:479
⧉public __isset(string $key): bool Returns true if a property exists names $key, or a getter method exists named...
* Returns true if a property exists names $key, or a getter method
* exists named like for __get().
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:516
⧉public __unset(string $key): void Unsets an attribute property.
* Unsets an attribute property.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:536
⧉protected mapProperty(string $key): string db column name Checks the datamap to see if this property name is being mapped, and returns ...
* Checks the datamap to see if this property name is being mapped,
* and returns the db column name, if any, or the original property name.
* @return string db column name
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:297
⧉protected mutateDate($value): Time Converts the given string|timestamp|DateTime|Time instance into the "CodeIgni...
* Converts the given string|timestamp|DateTime|Time instance
* into the "CodeIgniter\I18n\Time" object.
* @param DateTime|float|int|string|Time $value
* @return Time
* @throws Exception
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:320
⧉protected castAs($value, string $attribute, string $method = 'get'): array|bool|float|int|object|string|null Provides the ability to cast an item as a specific data type. Add ? at the be...
* Provides the ability to cast an item as a specific data type.
* Add ? at the beginning of $type (i.e. ?string) to get NULL
* instead of casting $value if $value === null
* @param bool|float|int|string|null $value Attribute value
* @param string $attribute Attribute name
* @param string $method Allowed to "get" and "set"
* @return array|bool|float|int|object|string|null
* @throws CastException
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:338
⧉protected isMappedDbColumn(string $key): bool Whether this key is mapped db column name?
* Whether this key is mapped db column name?
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:550
⧉protected hasMappedProperty(string $key): bool Whether this key has mapped property?
* Whether this key has mapped property?
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:565
uri => string (31) "CodeIgniter\Entity\Cast\URICast"
private _cast -> boolean true
⇄⧉public __construct(?array $data = null) Allows filling in Entity parameters during construction.
new \App\Entities\Entity(?array $data = null)
* Allows filling in Entity parameters during construction.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:117
⇄⧉public fill(?array $data = null): $this Takes an array of key/value pairs and sets them as class properties, using an...
$value[9]->fill(?array $data = null)
* Takes an array of key/value pairs and sets them as class
* properties, using any `setCamelCasedProperty()` methods
* that may or may not exist.
* @param array $data
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:133
⇄⧉public toArray(bool $onlyChanged = false, bool $cast = true, bool $recursive = false): array General method that will return all public and protected values of this entit...
* General method that will return all public and protected values
* of this entity as an array. All values are accessed through the
* __get() magic method so will have any casts, etc applied to them.
* @param bool $onlyChanged If true, only return values that have changed since object creation
* @param bool $cast If true, properties will be cast.
* @param bool $recursive If true, inner entities will be cast as array as well.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:155
⇄⧉public toRawArray(bool $onlyChanged = false, bool $recursive = false): array Returns the raw values of the current attributes.
* Returns the raw values of the current attributes.
* @param bool $onlyChanged If true, only return values that have changed since object creation
* @param bool $recursive If true, inner entities will be cast as array as well.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:197
⇄⧉public syncOriginal(): $this Ensures our "original" values match the current values.
* Ensures our "original" values match the current values.
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:241
⇄⧉public hasChanged(?string $key = null): bool Checks a property to see if it has changed since the entity was created. Or, ...
$value[9]->hasChanged(?string $key = null)
* Checks a property to see if it has changed since the entity
* was created. Or, without a parameter, checks if any
* properties have changed.
* @param string|null $key class property
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:255
⇄⧉public setAttributes(array $data): $this Set raw data array without any mutations
$value[9]->setAttributes(array $data)
* Set raw data array without any mutations
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:282
⇄⧉public jsonSerialize(): array Support for json_encode()
* Support for json_encode()
* @return array
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:400
⇄⧉public cast(?bool $cast = null): bool|Entity Change the value of the private $_cast property
$value[9]->cast(?bool $cast = null)
* Change the value of the private $_cast property
* @return bool|Entity
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:410
⧉public __set(string $key, $value = null): void Magic method to all protected/private class properties to be easily set, eith...
* Magic method to all protected/private class properties to be
* easily set, either through a direct access or a
* `setCamelCasedProperty()` method.
* Examples:
* $this->my_property = $p;
* $this->setMyProperty() = $p;
* @param array|bool|float|int|object|string|null $value
* @return void
* @throws Exception
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:436
⧉public __get(string $key): array|bool|float|int|object|string|null Magic method to allow retrieval of protected and private class properties eit...
* Magic method to allow retrieval of protected and private class properties
* either by their name, or through a `getCamelCasedProperty()` method.
* Examples:
* $p = $this->my_property
* $p = $this->getMyProperty()
* @return array|bool|float|int|object|string|null
* @throws Exception
* @params string $key class property
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:479
⧉public __isset(string $key): bool Returns true if a property exists names $key, or a getter method exists named...
* Returns true if a property exists names $key, or a getter method
* exists named like for __get().
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:516
⧉public __unset(string $key): void Unsets an attribute property.
* Unsets an attribute property.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:536
⧉protected mapProperty(string $key): string db column name Checks the datamap to see if this property name is being mapped, and returns ...
* Checks the datamap to see if this property name is being mapped,
* and returns the db column name, if any, or the original property name.
* @return string db column name
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:297
⧉protected mutateDate($value): Time Converts the given string|timestamp|DateTime|Time instance into the "CodeIgni...
* Converts the given string|timestamp|DateTime|Time instance
* into the "CodeIgniter\I18n\Time" object.
* @param DateTime|float|int|string|Time $value
* @return Time
* @throws Exception
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:320
⧉protected castAs($value, string $attribute, string $method = 'get'): array|bool|float|int|object|string|null Provides the ability to cast an item as a specific data type. Add ? at the be...
* Provides the ability to cast an item as a specific data type.
* Add ? at the beginning of $type (i.e. ?string) to get NULL
* instead of casting $value if $value === null
* @param bool|float|int|string|null $value Attribute value
* @param string $attribute Attribute name
* @param string $method Allowed to "get" and "set"
* @return array|bool|float|int|object|string|null
* @throws CastException
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:338
⧉protected isMappedDbColumn(string $key): bool Whether this key is mapped db column name?
* Whether this key is mapped db column name?
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:550
⧉protected hasMappedProperty(string $key): bool Whether this key has mapped property?
* Whether this key has mapped property?
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:565
uri => string (31) "CodeIgniter\Entity\Cast\URICast"
private _cast -> boolean true
⇄⧉public __construct(?array $data = null) Allows filling in Entity parameters during construction.
new \App\Entities\Entity(?array $data = null)
* Allows filling in Entity parameters during construction.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:117
⇄⧉public fill(?array $data = null): $this Takes an array of key/value pairs and sets them as class properties, using an...
$value[10]->fill(?array $data = null)
* Takes an array of key/value pairs and sets them as class
* properties, using any `setCamelCasedProperty()` methods
* that may or may not exist.
* @param array $data
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:133
⇄⧉public toArray(bool $onlyChanged = false, bool $cast = true, bool $recursive = false): array General method that will return all public and protected values of this entit...
* General method that will return all public and protected values
* of this entity as an array. All values are accessed through the
* __get() magic method so will have any casts, etc applied to them.
* @param bool $onlyChanged If true, only return values that have changed since object creation
* @param bool $cast If true, properties will be cast.
* @param bool $recursive If true, inner entities will be cast as array as well.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:155
⇄⧉public toRawArray(bool $onlyChanged = false, bool $recursive = false): array Returns the raw values of the current attributes.
* Returns the raw values of the current attributes.
* @param bool $onlyChanged If true, only return values that have changed since object creation
* @param bool $recursive If true, inner entities will be cast as array as well.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:197
⇄⧉public syncOriginal(): $this Ensures our "original" values match the current values.
* Ensures our "original" values match the current values.
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:241
⇄⧉public hasChanged(?string $key = null): bool Checks a property to see if it has changed since the entity was created. Or, ...
$value[10]->hasChanged(?string $key = null)
* Checks a property to see if it has changed since the entity
* was created. Or, without a parameter, checks if any
* properties have changed.
* @param string|null $key class property
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:255
⇄⧉public setAttributes(array $data): $this Set raw data array without any mutations
$value[10]->setAttributes(array $data)
* Set raw data array without any mutations
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:282
⇄⧉public jsonSerialize(): array Support for json_encode()
* Support for json_encode()
* @return array
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:400
⇄⧉public cast(?bool $cast = null): bool|Entity Change the value of the private $_cast property
$value[10]->cast(?bool $cast = null)
* Change the value of the private $_cast property
* @return bool|Entity
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:410
⧉public __set(string $key, $value = null): void Magic method to all protected/private class properties to be easily set, eith...
* Magic method to all protected/private class properties to be
* easily set, either through a direct access or a
* `setCamelCasedProperty()` method.
* Examples:
* $this->my_property = $p;
* $this->setMyProperty() = $p;
* @param array|bool|float|int|object|string|null $value
* @return void
* @throws Exception
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:436
⧉public __get(string $key): array|bool|float|int|object|string|null Magic method to allow retrieval of protected and private class properties eit...
* Magic method to allow retrieval of protected and private class properties
* either by their name, or through a `getCamelCasedProperty()` method.
* Examples:
* $p = $this->my_property
* $p = $this->getMyProperty()
* @return array|bool|float|int|object|string|null
* @throws Exception
* @params string $key class property
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:479
⧉public __isset(string $key): bool Returns true if a property exists names $key, or a getter method exists named...
* Returns true if a property exists names $key, or a getter method
* exists named like for __get().
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:516
⧉public __unset(string $key): void Unsets an attribute property.
* Unsets an attribute property.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:536
⧉protected mapProperty(string $key): string db column name Checks the datamap to see if this property name is being mapped, and returns ...
* Checks the datamap to see if this property name is being mapped,
* and returns the db column name, if any, or the original property name.
* @return string db column name
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:297
⧉protected mutateDate($value): Time Converts the given string|timestamp|DateTime|Time instance into the "CodeIgni...
* Converts the given string|timestamp|DateTime|Time instance
* into the "CodeIgniter\I18n\Time" object.
* @param DateTime|float|int|string|Time $value
* @return Time
* @throws Exception
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:320
⧉protected castAs($value, string $attribute, string $method = 'get'): array|bool|float|int|object|string|null Provides the ability to cast an item as a specific data type. Add ? at the be...
* Provides the ability to cast an item as a specific data type.
* Add ? at the beginning of $type (i.e. ?string) to get NULL
* instead of casting $value if $value === null
* @param bool|float|int|string|null $value Attribute value
* @param string $attribute Attribute name
* @param string $method Allowed to "get" and "set"
* @return array|bool|float|int|object|string|null
* @throws CastException
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:338
⧉protected isMappedDbColumn(string $key): bool Whether this key is mapped db column name?
* Whether this key is mapped db column name?
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:550
⧉protected hasMappedProperty(string $key): bool Whether this key has mapped property?
* Whether this key has mapped property?
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:565
uri => string (31) "CodeIgniter\Entity\Cast\URICast"
private _cast -> boolean true
⇄⧉public __construct(?array $data = null) Allows filling in Entity parameters during construction.
new \App\Entities\Entity(?array $data = null)
* Allows filling in Entity parameters during construction.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:117
⇄⧉public fill(?array $data = null): $this Takes an array of key/value pairs and sets them as class properties, using an...
$value[11]->fill(?array $data = null)
* Takes an array of key/value pairs and sets them as class
* properties, using any `setCamelCasedProperty()` methods
* that may or may not exist.
* @param array $data
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:133
⇄⧉public toArray(bool $onlyChanged = false, bool $cast = true, bool $recursive = false): array General method that will return all public and protected values of this entit...
* General method that will return all public and protected values
* of this entity as an array. All values are accessed through the
* __get() magic method so will have any casts, etc applied to them.
* @param bool $onlyChanged If true, only return values that have changed since object creation
* @param bool $cast If true, properties will be cast.
* @param bool $recursive If true, inner entities will be cast as array as well.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:155
⇄⧉public toRawArray(bool $onlyChanged = false, bool $recursive = false): array Returns the raw values of the current attributes.
* Returns the raw values of the current attributes.
* @param bool $onlyChanged If true, only return values that have changed since object creation
* @param bool $recursive If true, inner entities will be cast as array as well.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:197
⇄⧉public syncOriginal(): $this Ensures our "original" values match the current values.
* Ensures our "original" values match the current values.
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:241
⇄⧉public hasChanged(?string $key = null): bool Checks a property to see if it has changed since the entity was created. Or, ...
$value[11]->hasChanged(?string $key = null)
* Checks a property to see if it has changed since the entity
* was created. Or, without a parameter, checks if any
* properties have changed.
* @param string|null $key class property
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:255
⇄⧉public setAttributes(array $data): $this Set raw data array without any mutations
$value[11]->setAttributes(array $data)
* Set raw data array without any mutations
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:282
⇄⧉public jsonSerialize(): array Support for json_encode()
* Support for json_encode()
* @return array
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:400
⇄⧉public cast(?bool $cast = null): bool|Entity Change the value of the private $_cast property
$value[11]->cast(?bool $cast = null)
* Change the value of the private $_cast property
* @return bool|Entity
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:410
⧉public __set(string $key, $value = null): void Magic method to all protected/private class properties to be easily set, eith...
* Magic method to all protected/private class properties to be
* easily set, either through a direct access or a
* `setCamelCasedProperty()` method.
* Examples:
* $this->my_property = $p;
* $this->setMyProperty() = $p;
* @param array|bool|float|int|object|string|null $value
* @return void
* @throws Exception
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:436
⧉public __get(string $key): array|bool|float|int|object|string|null Magic method to allow retrieval of protected and private class properties eit...
* Magic method to allow retrieval of protected and private class properties
* either by their name, or through a `getCamelCasedProperty()` method.
* Examples:
* $p = $this->my_property
* $p = $this->getMyProperty()
* @return array|bool|float|int|object|string|null
* @throws Exception
* @params string $key class property
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:479
⧉public __isset(string $key): bool Returns true if a property exists names $key, or a getter method exists named...
* Returns true if a property exists names $key, or a getter method
* exists named like for __get().
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:516
⧉public __unset(string $key): void Unsets an attribute property.
* Unsets an attribute property.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:536
⧉protected mapProperty(string $key): string db column name Checks the datamap to see if this property name is being mapped, and returns ...
* Checks the datamap to see if this property name is being mapped,
* and returns the db column name, if any, or the original property name.
* @return string db column name
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:297
⧉protected mutateDate($value): Time Converts the given string|timestamp|DateTime|Time instance into the "CodeIgni...
* Converts the given string|timestamp|DateTime|Time instance
* into the "CodeIgniter\I18n\Time" object.
* @param DateTime|float|int|string|Time $value
* @return Time
* @throws Exception
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:320
⧉protected castAs($value, string $attribute, string $method = 'get'): array|bool|float|int|object|string|null Provides the ability to cast an item as a specific data type. Add ? at the be...
* Provides the ability to cast an item as a specific data type.
* Add ? at the beginning of $type (i.e. ?string) to get NULL
* instead of casting $value if $value === null
* @param bool|float|int|string|null $value Attribute value
* @param string $attribute Attribute name
* @param string $method Allowed to "get" and "set"
* @return array|bool|float|int|object|string|null
* @throws CastException
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:338
⧉protected isMappedDbColumn(string $key): bool Whether this key is mapped db column name?
* Whether this key is mapped db column name?
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:550
⧉protected hasMappedProperty(string $key): bool Whether this key has mapped property?
* Whether this key has mapped property?
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:565