uri => string (31) "CodeIgniter\Entity\Cast\URICast"
private _cast -> boolean true
⇄⧉public __construct(?array $data = null) Allows filling in Entity parameters during construction.
new \App\Entities\Entity(?array $data = null)
* Allows filling in Entity parameters during construction.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:117
⇄⧉public fill(?array $data = null): $this Takes an array of key/value pairs and sets them as class properties, using an...
$value[0]->fill(?array $data = null)
* Takes an array of key/value pairs and sets them as class
* properties, using any `setCamelCasedProperty()` methods
* that may or may not exist.
* @param array $data
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:133
⇄⧉public toArray(bool $onlyChanged = false, bool $cast = true, bool $recursive = false): array General method that will return all public and protected values of this entit...
* General method that will return all public and protected values
* of this entity as an array. All values are accessed through the
* __get() magic method so will have any casts, etc applied to them.
* @param bool $onlyChanged If true, only return values that have changed since object creation
* @param bool $cast If true, properties will be cast.
* @param bool $recursive If true, inner entities will be cast as array as well.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:155
⇄⧉public toRawArray(bool $onlyChanged = false, bool $recursive = false): array Returns the raw values of the current attributes.
* Returns the raw values of the current attributes.
* @param bool $onlyChanged If true, only return values that have changed since object creation
* @param bool $recursive If true, inner entities will be cast as array as well.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:197
⇄⧉public syncOriginal(): $this Ensures our "original" values match the current values.
* Ensures our "original" values match the current values.
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:241
⇄⧉public hasChanged(?string $key = null): bool Checks a property to see if it has changed since the entity was created. Or, ...
$value[0]->hasChanged(?string $key = null)
* Checks a property to see if it has changed since the entity
* was created. Or, without a parameter, checks if any
* properties have changed.
* @param string|null $key class property
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:255
⇄⧉public setAttributes(array $data): $this Set raw data array without any mutations
$value[0]->setAttributes(array $data)
* Set raw data array without any mutations
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:282
⇄⧉public jsonSerialize(): array Support for json_encode()
* Support for json_encode()
* @return array
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:400
⇄⧉public cast(?bool $cast = null): bool|Entity Change the value of the private $_cast property
$value[0]->cast(?bool $cast = null)
* Change the value of the private $_cast property
* @return bool|Entity
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:410
⧉public __set(string $key, $value = null): void Magic method to all protected/private class properties to be easily set, eith...
* Magic method to all protected/private class properties to be
* easily set, either through a direct access or a
* `setCamelCasedProperty()` method.
* Examples:
* $this->my_property = $p;
* $this->setMyProperty() = $p;
* @param array|bool|float|int|object|string|null $value
* @return void
* @throws Exception
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:436
⧉public __get(string $key): array|bool|float|int|object|string|null Magic method to allow retrieval of protected and private class properties eit...
* Magic method to allow retrieval of protected and private class properties
* either by their name, or through a `getCamelCasedProperty()` method.
* Examples:
* $p = $this->my_property
* $p = $this->getMyProperty()
* @return array|bool|float|int|object|string|null
* @throws Exception
* @params string $key class property
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:479
⧉public __isset(string $key): bool Returns true if a property exists names $key, or a getter method exists named...
* Returns true if a property exists names $key, or a getter method
* exists named like for __get().
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:516
⧉public __unset(string $key): void Unsets an attribute property.
* Unsets an attribute property.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:536
⧉protected mapProperty(string $key): string db column name Checks the datamap to see if this property name is being mapped, and returns ...
* Checks the datamap to see if this property name is being mapped,
* and returns the db column name, if any, or the original property name.
* @return string db column name
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:297
⧉protected mutateDate($value): Time Converts the given string|timestamp|DateTime|Time instance into the "CodeIgni...
* Converts the given string|timestamp|DateTime|Time instance
* into the "CodeIgniter\I18n\Time" object.
* @param DateTime|float|int|string|Time $value
* @return Time
* @throws Exception
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:320
⧉protected castAs($value, string $attribute, string $method = 'get'): array|bool|float|int|object|string|null Provides the ability to cast an item as a specific data type. Add ? at the be...
* Provides the ability to cast an item as a specific data type.
* Add ? at the beginning of $type (i.e. ?string) to get NULL
* instead of casting $value if $value === null
* @param bool|float|int|string|null $value Attribute value
* @param string $attribute Attribute name
* @param string $method Allowed to "get" and "set"
* @return array|bool|float|int|object|string|null
* @throws CastException
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:338
⧉protected isMappedDbColumn(string $key): bool Whether this key is mapped db column name?
* Whether this key is mapped db column name?
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:550
⧉protected hasMappedProperty(string $key): bool Whether this key has mapped property?
* Whether this key has mapped property?
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:565
uri => string (31) "CodeIgniter\Entity\Cast\URICast"
private _cast -> boolean true
⇄⧉public __construct(?array $data = null) Allows filling in Entity parameters during construction.
new \App\Entities\Entity(?array $data = null)
* Allows filling in Entity parameters during construction.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:117
⇄⧉public fill(?array $data = null): $this Takes an array of key/value pairs and sets them as class properties, using an...
$value[1]->fill(?array $data = null)
* Takes an array of key/value pairs and sets them as class
* properties, using any `setCamelCasedProperty()` methods
* that may or may not exist.
* @param array $data
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:133
⇄⧉public toArray(bool $onlyChanged = false, bool $cast = true, bool $recursive = false): array General method that will return all public and protected values of this entit...
* General method that will return all public and protected values
* of this entity as an array. All values are accessed through the
* __get() magic method so will have any casts, etc applied to them.
* @param bool $onlyChanged If true, only return values that have changed since object creation
* @param bool $cast If true, properties will be cast.
* @param bool $recursive If true, inner entities will be cast as array as well.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:155
⇄⧉public toRawArray(bool $onlyChanged = false, bool $recursive = false): array Returns the raw values of the current attributes.
* Returns the raw values of the current attributes.
* @param bool $onlyChanged If true, only return values that have changed since object creation
* @param bool $recursive If true, inner entities will be cast as array as well.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:197
⇄⧉public syncOriginal(): $this Ensures our "original" values match the current values.
* Ensures our "original" values match the current values.
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:241
⇄⧉public hasChanged(?string $key = null): bool Checks a property to see if it has changed since the entity was created. Or, ...
$value[1]->hasChanged(?string $key = null)
* Checks a property to see if it has changed since the entity
* was created. Or, without a parameter, checks if any
* properties have changed.
* @param string|null $key class property
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:255
⇄⧉public setAttributes(array $data): $this Set raw data array without any mutations
$value[1]->setAttributes(array $data)
* Set raw data array without any mutations
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:282
⇄⧉public jsonSerialize(): array Support for json_encode()
* Support for json_encode()
* @return array
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:400
⇄⧉public cast(?bool $cast = null): bool|Entity Change the value of the private $_cast property
$value[1]->cast(?bool $cast = null)
* Change the value of the private $_cast property
* @return bool|Entity
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:410
⧉public __set(string $key, $value = null): void Magic method to all protected/private class properties to be easily set, eith...
* Magic method to all protected/private class properties to be
* easily set, either through a direct access or a
* `setCamelCasedProperty()` method.
* Examples:
* $this->my_property = $p;
* $this->setMyProperty() = $p;
* @param array|bool|float|int|object|string|null $value
* @return void
* @throws Exception
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:436
⧉public __get(string $key): array|bool|float|int|object|string|null Magic method to allow retrieval of protected and private class properties eit...
* Magic method to allow retrieval of protected and private class properties
* either by their name, or through a `getCamelCasedProperty()` method.
* Examples:
* $p = $this->my_property
* $p = $this->getMyProperty()
* @return array|bool|float|int|object|string|null
* @throws Exception
* @params string $key class property
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:479
⧉public __isset(string $key): bool Returns true if a property exists names $key, or a getter method exists named...
* Returns true if a property exists names $key, or a getter method
* exists named like for __get().
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:516
⧉public __unset(string $key): void Unsets an attribute property.
* Unsets an attribute property.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:536
⧉protected mapProperty(string $key): string db column name Checks the datamap to see if this property name is being mapped, and returns ...
* Checks the datamap to see if this property name is being mapped,
* and returns the db column name, if any, or the original property name.
* @return string db column name
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:297
⧉protected mutateDate($value): Time Converts the given string|timestamp|DateTime|Time instance into the "CodeIgni...
* Converts the given string|timestamp|DateTime|Time instance
* into the "CodeIgniter\I18n\Time" object.
* @param DateTime|float|int|string|Time $value
* @return Time
* @throws Exception
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:320
⧉protected castAs($value, string $attribute, string $method = 'get'): array|bool|float|int|object|string|null Provides the ability to cast an item as a specific data type. Add ? at the be...
* Provides the ability to cast an item as a specific data type.
* Add ? at the beginning of $type (i.e. ?string) to get NULL
* instead of casting $value if $value === null
* @param bool|float|int|string|null $value Attribute value
* @param string $attribute Attribute name
* @param string $method Allowed to "get" and "set"
* @return array|bool|float|int|object|string|null
* @throws CastException
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:338
⧉protected isMappedDbColumn(string $key): bool Whether this key is mapped db column name?
* Whether this key is mapped db column name?
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:550
⧉protected hasMappedProperty(string $key): bool Whether this key has mapped property?
* Whether this key has mapped property?
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:565
uri => string (31) "CodeIgniter\Entity\Cast\URICast"
private _cast -> boolean true
⇄⧉public __construct(?array $data = null) Allows filling in Entity parameters during construction.
new \App\Entities\Entity(?array $data = null)
* Allows filling in Entity parameters during construction.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:117
⇄⧉public fill(?array $data = null): $this Takes an array of key/value pairs and sets them as class properties, using an...
$value[2]->fill(?array $data = null)
* Takes an array of key/value pairs and sets them as class
* properties, using any `setCamelCasedProperty()` methods
* that may or may not exist.
* @param array $data
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:133
⇄⧉public toArray(bool $onlyChanged = false, bool $cast = true, bool $recursive = false): array General method that will return all public and protected values of this entit...
* General method that will return all public and protected values
* of this entity as an array. All values are accessed through the
* __get() magic method so will have any casts, etc applied to them.
* @param bool $onlyChanged If true, only return values that have changed since object creation
* @param bool $cast If true, properties will be cast.
* @param bool $recursive If true, inner entities will be cast as array as well.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:155
⇄⧉public toRawArray(bool $onlyChanged = false, bool $recursive = false): array Returns the raw values of the current attributes.
* Returns the raw values of the current attributes.
* @param bool $onlyChanged If true, only return values that have changed since object creation
* @param bool $recursive If true, inner entities will be cast as array as well.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:197
⇄⧉public syncOriginal(): $this Ensures our "original" values match the current values.
* Ensures our "original" values match the current values.
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:241
⇄⧉public hasChanged(?string $key = null): bool Checks a property to see if it has changed since the entity was created. Or, ...
$value[2]->hasChanged(?string $key = null)
* Checks a property to see if it has changed since the entity
* was created. Or, without a parameter, checks if any
* properties have changed.
* @param string|null $key class property
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:255
⇄⧉public setAttributes(array $data): $this Set raw data array without any mutations
$value[2]->setAttributes(array $data)
* Set raw data array without any mutations
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:282
⇄⧉public jsonSerialize(): array Support for json_encode()
* Support for json_encode()
* @return array
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:400
⇄⧉public cast(?bool $cast = null): bool|Entity Change the value of the private $_cast property
$value[2]->cast(?bool $cast = null)
* Change the value of the private $_cast property
* @return bool|Entity
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:410
⧉public __set(string $key, $value = null): void Magic method to all protected/private class properties to be easily set, eith...
* Magic method to all protected/private class properties to be
* easily set, either through a direct access or a
* `setCamelCasedProperty()` method.
* Examples:
* $this->my_property = $p;
* $this->setMyProperty() = $p;
* @param array|bool|float|int|object|string|null $value
* @return void
* @throws Exception
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:436
⧉public __get(string $key): array|bool|float|int|object|string|null Magic method to allow retrieval of protected and private class properties eit...
* Magic method to allow retrieval of protected and private class properties
* either by their name, or through a `getCamelCasedProperty()` method.
* Examples:
* $p = $this->my_property
* $p = $this->getMyProperty()
* @return array|bool|float|int|object|string|null
* @throws Exception
* @params string $key class property
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:479
⧉public __isset(string $key): bool Returns true if a property exists names $key, or a getter method exists named...
* Returns true if a property exists names $key, or a getter method
* exists named like for __get().
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:516
⧉public __unset(string $key): void Unsets an attribute property.
* Unsets an attribute property.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:536
⧉protected mapProperty(string $key): string db column name Checks the datamap to see if this property name is being mapped, and returns ...
* Checks the datamap to see if this property name is being mapped,
* and returns the db column name, if any, or the original property name.
* @return string db column name
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:297
⧉protected mutateDate($value): Time Converts the given string|timestamp|DateTime|Time instance into the "CodeIgni...
* Converts the given string|timestamp|DateTime|Time instance
* into the "CodeIgniter\I18n\Time" object.
* @param DateTime|float|int|string|Time $value
* @return Time
* @throws Exception
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:320
⧉protected castAs($value, string $attribute, string $method = 'get'): array|bool|float|int|object|string|null Provides the ability to cast an item as a specific data type. Add ? at the be...
* Provides the ability to cast an item as a specific data type.
* Add ? at the beginning of $type (i.e. ?string) to get NULL
* instead of casting $value if $value === null
* @param bool|float|int|string|null $value Attribute value
* @param string $attribute Attribute name
* @param string $method Allowed to "get" and "set"
* @return array|bool|float|int|object|string|null
* @throws CastException
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:338
⧉protected isMappedDbColumn(string $key): bool Whether this key is mapped db column name?
* Whether this key is mapped db column name?
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:550
⧉protected hasMappedProperty(string $key): bool Whether this key has mapped property?
* Whether this key has mapped property?
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:565
uri => string (31) "CodeIgniter\Entity\Cast\URICast"
private _cast -> boolean true
⇄⧉public __construct(?array $data = null) Allows filling in Entity parameters during construction.
new \App\Entities\Entity(?array $data = null)
* Allows filling in Entity parameters during construction.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:117
⇄⧉public fill(?array $data = null): $this Takes an array of key/value pairs and sets them as class properties, using an...
$value[3]->fill(?array $data = null)
* Takes an array of key/value pairs and sets them as class
* properties, using any `setCamelCasedProperty()` methods
* that may or may not exist.
* @param array $data
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:133
⇄⧉public toArray(bool $onlyChanged = false, bool $cast = true, bool $recursive = false): array General method that will return all public and protected values of this entit...
* General method that will return all public and protected values
* of this entity as an array. All values are accessed through the
* __get() magic method so will have any casts, etc applied to them.
* @param bool $onlyChanged If true, only return values that have changed since object creation
* @param bool $cast If true, properties will be cast.
* @param bool $recursive If true, inner entities will be cast as array as well.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:155
⇄⧉public toRawArray(bool $onlyChanged = false, bool $recursive = false): array Returns the raw values of the current attributes.
* Returns the raw values of the current attributes.
* @param bool $onlyChanged If true, only return values that have changed since object creation
* @param bool $recursive If true, inner entities will be cast as array as well.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:197
⇄⧉public syncOriginal(): $this Ensures our "original" values match the current values.
* Ensures our "original" values match the current values.
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:241
⇄⧉public hasChanged(?string $key = null): bool Checks a property to see if it has changed since the entity was created. Or, ...
$value[3]->hasChanged(?string $key = null)
* Checks a property to see if it has changed since the entity
* was created. Or, without a parameter, checks if any
* properties have changed.
* @param string|null $key class property
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:255
⇄⧉public setAttributes(array $data): $this Set raw data array without any mutations
$value[3]->setAttributes(array $data)
* Set raw data array without any mutations
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:282
⇄⧉public jsonSerialize(): array Support for json_encode()
* Support for json_encode()
* @return array
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:400
⇄⧉public cast(?bool $cast = null): bool|Entity Change the value of the private $_cast property
$value[3]->cast(?bool $cast = null)
* Change the value of the private $_cast property
* @return bool|Entity
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:410
⧉public __set(string $key, $value = null): void Magic method to all protected/private class properties to be easily set, eith...
* Magic method to all protected/private class properties to be
* easily set, either through a direct access or a
* `setCamelCasedProperty()` method.
* Examples:
* $this->my_property = $p;
* $this->setMyProperty() = $p;
* @param array|bool|float|int|object|string|null $value
* @return void
* @throws Exception
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:436
⧉public __get(string $key): array|bool|float|int|object|string|null Magic method to allow retrieval of protected and private class properties eit...
* Magic method to allow retrieval of protected and private class properties
* either by their name, or through a `getCamelCasedProperty()` method.
* Examples:
* $p = $this->my_property
* $p = $this->getMyProperty()
* @return array|bool|float|int|object|string|null
* @throws Exception
* @params string $key class property
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:479
⧉public __isset(string $key): bool Returns true if a property exists names $key, or a getter method exists named...
* Returns true if a property exists names $key, or a getter method
* exists named like for __get().
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:516
⧉public __unset(string $key): void Unsets an attribute property.
* Unsets an attribute property.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:536
⧉protected mapProperty(string $key): string db column name Checks the datamap to see if this property name is being mapped, and returns ...
* Checks the datamap to see if this property name is being mapped,
* and returns the db column name, if any, or the original property name.
* @return string db column name
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:297
⧉protected mutateDate($value): Time Converts the given string|timestamp|DateTime|Time instance into the "CodeIgni...
* Converts the given string|timestamp|DateTime|Time instance
* into the "CodeIgniter\I18n\Time" object.
* @param DateTime|float|int|string|Time $value
* @return Time
* @throws Exception
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:320
⧉protected castAs($value, string $attribute, string $method = 'get'): array|bool|float|int|object|string|null Provides the ability to cast an item as a specific data type. Add ? at the be...
* Provides the ability to cast an item as a specific data type.
* Add ? at the beginning of $type (i.e. ?string) to get NULL
* instead of casting $value if $value === null
* @param bool|float|int|string|null $value Attribute value
* @param string $attribute Attribute name
* @param string $method Allowed to "get" and "set"
* @return array|bool|float|int|object|string|null
* @throws CastException
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:338
⧉protected isMappedDbColumn(string $key): bool Whether this key is mapped db column name?
* Whether this key is mapped db column name?
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:550
⧉protected hasMappedProperty(string $key): bool Whether this key has mapped property?
* Whether this key has mapped property?
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:565
uri => string (31) "CodeIgniter\Entity\Cast\URICast"
private _cast -> boolean true
⇄⧉public __construct(?array $data = null) Allows filling in Entity parameters during construction.
new \App\Entities\Entity(?array $data = null)
* Allows filling in Entity parameters during construction.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:117
⇄⧉public fill(?array $data = null): $this Takes an array of key/value pairs and sets them as class properties, using an...
$value[4]->fill(?array $data = null)
* Takes an array of key/value pairs and sets them as class
* properties, using any `setCamelCasedProperty()` methods
* that may or may not exist.
* @param array $data
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:133
⇄⧉public toArray(bool $onlyChanged = false, bool $cast = true, bool $recursive = false): array General method that will return all public and protected values of this entit...
* General method that will return all public and protected values
* of this entity as an array. All values are accessed through the
* __get() magic method so will have any casts, etc applied to them.
* @param bool $onlyChanged If true, only return values that have changed since object creation
* @param bool $cast If true, properties will be cast.
* @param bool $recursive If true, inner entities will be cast as array as well.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:155
⇄⧉public toRawArray(bool $onlyChanged = false, bool $recursive = false): array Returns the raw values of the current attributes.
* Returns the raw values of the current attributes.
* @param bool $onlyChanged If true, only return values that have changed since object creation
* @param bool $recursive If true, inner entities will be cast as array as well.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:197
⇄⧉public syncOriginal(): $this Ensures our "original" values match the current values.
* Ensures our "original" values match the current values.
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:241
⇄⧉public hasChanged(?string $key = null): bool Checks a property to see if it has changed since the entity was created. Or, ...
$value[4]->hasChanged(?string $key = null)
* Checks a property to see if it has changed since the entity
* was created. Or, without a parameter, checks if any
* properties have changed.
* @param string|null $key class property
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:255
⇄⧉public setAttributes(array $data): $this Set raw data array without any mutations
$value[4]->setAttributes(array $data)
* Set raw data array without any mutations
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:282
⇄⧉public jsonSerialize(): array Support for json_encode()
* Support for json_encode()
* @return array
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:400
⇄⧉public cast(?bool $cast = null): bool|Entity Change the value of the private $_cast property
$value[4]->cast(?bool $cast = null)
* Change the value of the private $_cast property
* @return bool|Entity
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:410
⧉public __set(string $key, $value = null): void Magic method to all protected/private class properties to be easily set, eith...
* Magic method to all protected/private class properties to be
* easily set, either through a direct access or a
* `setCamelCasedProperty()` method.
* Examples:
* $this->my_property = $p;
* $this->setMyProperty() = $p;
* @param array|bool|float|int|object|string|null $value
* @return void
* @throws Exception
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:436
⧉public __get(string $key): array|bool|float|int|object|string|null Magic method to allow retrieval of protected and private class properties eit...
* Magic method to allow retrieval of protected and private class properties
* either by their name, or through a `getCamelCasedProperty()` method.
* Examples:
* $p = $this->my_property
* $p = $this->getMyProperty()
* @return array|bool|float|int|object|string|null
* @throws Exception
* @params string $key class property
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:479
⧉public __isset(string $key): bool Returns true if a property exists names $key, or a getter method exists named...
* Returns true if a property exists names $key, or a getter method
* exists named like for __get().
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:516
⧉public __unset(string $key): void Unsets an attribute property.
* Unsets an attribute property.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:536
⧉protected mapProperty(string $key): string db column name Checks the datamap to see if this property name is being mapped, and returns ...
* Checks the datamap to see if this property name is being mapped,
* and returns the db column name, if any, or the original property name.
* @return string db column name
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:297
⧉protected mutateDate($value): Time Converts the given string|timestamp|DateTime|Time instance into the "CodeIgni...
* Converts the given string|timestamp|DateTime|Time instance
* into the "CodeIgniter\I18n\Time" object.
* @param DateTime|float|int|string|Time $value
* @return Time
* @throws Exception
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:320
⧉protected castAs($value, string $attribute, string $method = 'get'): array|bool|float|int|object|string|null Provides the ability to cast an item as a specific data type. Add ? at the be...
* Provides the ability to cast an item as a specific data type.
* Add ? at the beginning of $type (i.e. ?string) to get NULL
* instead of casting $value if $value === null
* @param bool|float|int|string|null $value Attribute value
* @param string $attribute Attribute name
* @param string $method Allowed to "get" and "set"
* @return array|bool|float|int|object|string|null
* @throws CastException
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:338
⧉protected isMappedDbColumn(string $key): bool Whether this key is mapped db column name?
* Whether this key is mapped db column name?
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:550
⧉protected hasMappedProperty(string $key): bool Whether this key has mapped property?
* Whether this key has mapped property?
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:565
uri => string (31) "CodeIgniter\Entity\Cast\URICast"
private _cast -> boolean true
⇄⧉public __construct(?array $data = null) Allows filling in Entity parameters during construction.
new \App\Entities\Entity(?array $data = null)
* Allows filling in Entity parameters during construction.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:117
⇄⧉public fill(?array $data = null): $this Takes an array of key/value pairs and sets them as class properties, using an...
$value[5]->fill(?array $data = null)
* Takes an array of key/value pairs and sets them as class
* properties, using any `setCamelCasedProperty()` methods
* that may or may not exist.
* @param array $data
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:133
⇄⧉public toArray(bool $onlyChanged = false, bool $cast = true, bool $recursive = false): array General method that will return all public and protected values of this entit...
* General method that will return all public and protected values
* of this entity as an array. All values are accessed through the
* __get() magic method so will have any casts, etc applied to them.
* @param bool $onlyChanged If true, only return values that have changed since object creation
* @param bool $cast If true, properties will be cast.
* @param bool $recursive If true, inner entities will be cast as array as well.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:155
⇄⧉public toRawArray(bool $onlyChanged = false, bool $recursive = false): array Returns the raw values of the current attributes.
* Returns the raw values of the current attributes.
* @param bool $onlyChanged If true, only return values that have changed since object creation
* @param bool $recursive If true, inner entities will be cast as array as well.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:197
⇄⧉public syncOriginal(): $this Ensures our "original" values match the current values.
* Ensures our "original" values match the current values.
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:241
⇄⧉public hasChanged(?string $key = null): bool Checks a property to see if it has changed since the entity was created. Or, ...
$value[5]->hasChanged(?string $key = null)
* Checks a property to see if it has changed since the entity
* was created. Or, without a parameter, checks if any
* properties have changed.
* @param string|null $key class property
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:255
⇄⧉public setAttributes(array $data): $this Set raw data array without any mutations
$value[5]->setAttributes(array $data)
* Set raw data array without any mutations
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:282
⇄⧉public jsonSerialize(): array Support for json_encode()
* Support for json_encode()
* @return array
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:400
⇄⧉public cast(?bool $cast = null): bool|Entity Change the value of the private $_cast property
$value[5]->cast(?bool $cast = null)
* Change the value of the private $_cast property
* @return bool|Entity
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:410
⧉public __set(string $key, $value = null): void Magic method to all protected/private class properties to be easily set, eith...
* Magic method to all protected/private class properties to be
* easily set, either through a direct access or a
* `setCamelCasedProperty()` method.
* Examples:
* $this->my_property = $p;
* $this->setMyProperty() = $p;
* @param array|bool|float|int|object|string|null $value
* @return void
* @throws Exception
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:436
⧉public __get(string $key): array|bool|float|int|object|string|null Magic method to allow retrieval of protected and private class properties eit...
* Magic method to allow retrieval of protected and private class properties
* either by their name, or through a `getCamelCasedProperty()` method.
* Examples:
* $p = $this->my_property
* $p = $this->getMyProperty()
* @return array|bool|float|int|object|string|null
* @throws Exception
* @params string $key class property
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:479
⧉public __isset(string $key): bool Returns true if a property exists names $key, or a getter method exists named...
* Returns true if a property exists names $key, or a getter method
* exists named like for __get().
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:516
⧉public __unset(string $key): void Unsets an attribute property.
* Unsets an attribute property.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:536
⧉protected mapProperty(string $key): string db column name Checks the datamap to see if this property name is being mapped, and returns ...
* Checks the datamap to see if this property name is being mapped,
* and returns the db column name, if any, or the original property name.
* @return string db column name
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:297
⧉protected mutateDate($value): Time Converts the given string|timestamp|DateTime|Time instance into the "CodeIgni...
* Converts the given string|timestamp|DateTime|Time instance
* into the "CodeIgniter\I18n\Time" object.
* @param DateTime|float|int|string|Time $value
* @return Time
* @throws Exception
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:320
⧉protected castAs($value, string $attribute, string $method = 'get'): array|bool|float|int|object|string|null Provides the ability to cast an item as a specific data type. Add ? at the be...
* Provides the ability to cast an item as a specific data type.
* Add ? at the beginning of $type (i.e. ?string) to get NULL
* instead of casting $value if $value === null
* @param bool|float|int|string|null $value Attribute value
* @param string $attribute Attribute name
* @param string $method Allowed to "get" and "set"
* @return array|bool|float|int|object|string|null
* @throws CastException
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:338
⧉protected isMappedDbColumn(string $key): bool Whether this key is mapped db column name?
* Whether this key is mapped db column name?
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:550
⧉protected hasMappedProperty(string $key): bool Whether this key has mapped property?
* Whether this key has mapped property?
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:565
uri => string (31) "CodeIgniter\Entity\Cast\URICast"
private _cast -> boolean true
⇄⧉public __construct(?array $data = null) Allows filling in Entity parameters during construction.
new \App\Entities\Entity(?array $data = null)
* Allows filling in Entity parameters during construction.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:117
⇄⧉public fill(?array $data = null): $this Takes an array of key/value pairs and sets them as class properties, using an...
$value[6]->fill(?array $data = null)
* Takes an array of key/value pairs and sets them as class
* properties, using any `setCamelCasedProperty()` methods
* that may or may not exist.
* @param array $data
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:133
⇄⧉public toArray(bool $onlyChanged = false, bool $cast = true, bool $recursive = false): array General method that will return all public and protected values of this entit...
* General method that will return all public and protected values
* of this entity as an array. All values are accessed through the
* __get() magic method so will have any casts, etc applied to them.
* @param bool $onlyChanged If true, only return values that have changed since object creation
* @param bool $cast If true, properties will be cast.
* @param bool $recursive If true, inner entities will be cast as array as well.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:155
⇄⧉public toRawArray(bool $onlyChanged = false, bool $recursive = false): array Returns the raw values of the current attributes.
* Returns the raw values of the current attributes.
* @param bool $onlyChanged If true, only return values that have changed since object creation
* @param bool $recursive If true, inner entities will be cast as array as well.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:197
⇄⧉public syncOriginal(): $this Ensures our "original" values match the current values.
* Ensures our "original" values match the current values.
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:241
⇄⧉public hasChanged(?string $key = null): bool Checks a property to see if it has changed since the entity was created. Or, ...
$value[6]->hasChanged(?string $key = null)
* Checks a property to see if it has changed since the entity
* was created. Or, without a parameter, checks if any
* properties have changed.
* @param string|null $key class property
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:255
⇄⧉public setAttributes(array $data): $this Set raw data array without any mutations
$value[6]->setAttributes(array $data)
* Set raw data array without any mutations
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:282
⇄⧉public jsonSerialize(): array Support for json_encode()
* Support for json_encode()
* @return array
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:400
⇄⧉public cast(?bool $cast = null): bool|Entity Change the value of the private $_cast property
$value[6]->cast(?bool $cast = null)
* Change the value of the private $_cast property
* @return bool|Entity
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:410
⧉public __set(string $key, $value = null): void Magic method to all protected/private class properties to be easily set, eith...
* Magic method to all protected/private class properties to be
* easily set, either through a direct access or a
* `setCamelCasedProperty()` method.
* Examples:
* $this->my_property = $p;
* $this->setMyProperty() = $p;
* @param array|bool|float|int|object|string|null $value
* @return void
* @throws Exception
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:436
⧉public __get(string $key): array|bool|float|int|object|string|null Magic method to allow retrieval of protected and private class properties eit...
* Magic method to allow retrieval of protected and private class properties
* either by their name, or through a `getCamelCasedProperty()` method.
* Examples:
* $p = $this->my_property
* $p = $this->getMyProperty()
* @return array|bool|float|int|object|string|null
* @throws Exception
* @params string $key class property
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:479
⧉public __isset(string $key): bool Returns true if a property exists names $key, or a getter method exists named...
* Returns true if a property exists names $key, or a getter method
* exists named like for __get().
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:516
⧉public __unset(string $key): void Unsets an attribute property.
* Unsets an attribute property.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:536
⧉protected mapProperty(string $key): string db column name Checks the datamap to see if this property name is being mapped, and returns ...
* Checks the datamap to see if this property name is being mapped,
* and returns the db column name, if any, or the original property name.
* @return string db column name
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:297
⧉protected mutateDate($value): Time Converts the given string|timestamp|DateTime|Time instance into the "CodeIgni...
* Converts the given string|timestamp|DateTime|Time instance
* into the "CodeIgniter\I18n\Time" object.
* @param DateTime|float|int|string|Time $value
* @return Time
* @throws Exception
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:320
⧉protected castAs($value, string $attribute, string $method = 'get'): array|bool|float|int|object|string|null Provides the ability to cast an item as a specific data type. Add ? at the be...
* Provides the ability to cast an item as a specific data type.
* Add ? at the beginning of $type (i.e. ?string) to get NULL
* instead of casting $value if $value === null
* @param bool|float|int|string|null $value Attribute value
* @param string $attribute Attribute name
* @param string $method Allowed to "get" and "set"
* @return array|bool|float|int|object|string|null
* @throws CastException
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:338
⧉protected isMappedDbColumn(string $key): bool Whether this key is mapped db column name?
* Whether this key is mapped db column name?
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:550
⧉protected hasMappedProperty(string $key): bool Whether this key has mapped property?
* Whether this key has mapped property?
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:565
uri => string (31) "CodeIgniter\Entity\Cast\URICast"
private _cast -> boolean true
⇄⧉public __construct(?array $data = null) Allows filling in Entity parameters during construction.
new \App\Entities\Entity(?array $data = null)
* Allows filling in Entity parameters during construction.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:117
⇄⧉public fill(?array $data = null): $this Takes an array of key/value pairs and sets them as class properties, using an...
$value[7]->fill(?array $data = null)
* Takes an array of key/value pairs and sets them as class
* properties, using any `setCamelCasedProperty()` methods
* that may or may not exist.
* @param array $data
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:133
⇄⧉public toArray(bool $onlyChanged = false, bool $cast = true, bool $recursive = false): array General method that will return all public and protected values of this entit...
* General method that will return all public and protected values
* of this entity as an array. All values are accessed through the
* __get() magic method so will have any casts, etc applied to them.
* @param bool $onlyChanged If true, only return values that have changed since object creation
* @param bool $cast If true, properties will be cast.
* @param bool $recursive If true, inner entities will be cast as array as well.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:155
⇄⧉public toRawArray(bool $onlyChanged = false, bool $recursive = false): array Returns the raw values of the current attributes.
* Returns the raw values of the current attributes.
* @param bool $onlyChanged If true, only return values that have changed since object creation
* @param bool $recursive If true, inner entities will be cast as array as well.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:197
⇄⧉public syncOriginal(): $this Ensures our "original" values match the current values.
* Ensures our "original" values match the current values.
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:241
⇄⧉public hasChanged(?string $key = null): bool Checks a property to see if it has changed since the entity was created. Or, ...
$value[7]->hasChanged(?string $key = null)
* Checks a property to see if it has changed since the entity
* was created. Or, without a parameter, checks if any
* properties have changed.
* @param string|null $key class property
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:255
⇄⧉public setAttributes(array $data): $this Set raw data array without any mutations
$value[7]->setAttributes(array $data)
* Set raw data array without any mutations
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:282
⇄⧉public jsonSerialize(): array Support for json_encode()
* Support for json_encode()
* @return array
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:400
⇄⧉public cast(?bool $cast = null): bool|Entity Change the value of the private $_cast property
$value[7]->cast(?bool $cast = null)
* Change the value of the private $_cast property
* @return bool|Entity
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:410
⧉public __set(string $key, $value = null): void Magic method to all protected/private class properties to be easily set, eith...
* Magic method to all protected/private class properties to be
* easily set, either through a direct access or a
* `setCamelCasedProperty()` method.
* Examples:
* $this->my_property = $p;
* $this->setMyProperty() = $p;
* @param array|bool|float|int|object|string|null $value
* @return void
* @throws Exception
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:436
⧉public __get(string $key): array|bool|float|int|object|string|null Magic method to allow retrieval of protected and private class properties eit...
* Magic method to allow retrieval of protected and private class properties
* either by their name, or through a `getCamelCasedProperty()` method.
* Examples:
* $p = $this->my_property
* $p = $this->getMyProperty()
* @return array|bool|float|int|object|string|null
* @throws Exception
* @params string $key class property
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:479
⧉public __isset(string $key): bool Returns true if a property exists names $key, or a getter method exists named...
* Returns true if a property exists names $key, or a getter method
* exists named like for __get().
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:516
⧉public __unset(string $key): void Unsets an attribute property.
* Unsets an attribute property.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:536
⧉protected mapProperty(string $key): string db column name Checks the datamap to see if this property name is being mapped, and returns ...
* Checks the datamap to see if this property name is being mapped,
* and returns the db column name, if any, or the original property name.
* @return string db column name
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:297
⧉protected mutateDate($value): Time Converts the given string|timestamp|DateTime|Time instance into the "CodeIgni...
* Converts the given string|timestamp|DateTime|Time instance
* into the "CodeIgniter\I18n\Time" object.
* @param DateTime|float|int|string|Time $value
* @return Time
* @throws Exception
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:320
⧉protected castAs($value, string $attribute, string $method = 'get'): array|bool|float|int|object|string|null Provides the ability to cast an item as a specific data type. Add ? at the be...
* Provides the ability to cast an item as a specific data type.
* Add ? at the beginning of $type (i.e. ?string) to get NULL
* instead of casting $value if $value === null
* @param bool|float|int|string|null $value Attribute value
* @param string $attribute Attribute name
* @param string $method Allowed to "get" and "set"
* @return array|bool|float|int|object|string|null
* @throws CastException
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:338
⧉protected isMappedDbColumn(string $key): bool Whether this key is mapped db column name?
* Whether this key is mapped db column name?
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:550
⧉protected hasMappedProperty(string $key): bool Whether this key has mapped property?
* Whether this key has mapped property?
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:565
uri => string (31) "CodeIgniter\Entity\Cast\URICast"
private _cast -> boolean true
⇄⧉public __construct(?array $data = null) Allows filling in Entity parameters during construction.
new \App\Entities\Entity(?array $data = null)
* Allows filling in Entity parameters during construction.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:117
⇄⧉public fill(?array $data = null): $this Takes an array of key/value pairs and sets them as class properties, using an...
$value[8]->fill(?array $data = null)
* Takes an array of key/value pairs and sets them as class
* properties, using any `setCamelCasedProperty()` methods
* that may or may not exist.
* @param array $data
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:133
⇄⧉public toArray(bool $onlyChanged = false, bool $cast = true, bool $recursive = false): array General method that will return all public and protected values of this entit...
* General method that will return all public and protected values
* of this entity as an array. All values are accessed through the
* __get() magic method so will have any casts, etc applied to them.
* @param bool $onlyChanged If true, only return values that have changed since object creation
* @param bool $cast If true, properties will be cast.
* @param bool $recursive If true, inner entities will be cast as array as well.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:155
⇄⧉public toRawArray(bool $onlyChanged = false, bool $recursive = false): array Returns the raw values of the current attributes.
* Returns the raw values of the current attributes.
* @param bool $onlyChanged If true, only return values that have changed since object creation
* @param bool $recursive If true, inner entities will be cast as array as well.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:197
⇄⧉public syncOriginal(): $this Ensures our "original" values match the current values.
* Ensures our "original" values match the current values.
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:241
⇄⧉public hasChanged(?string $key = null): bool Checks a property to see if it has changed since the entity was created. Or, ...
$value[8]->hasChanged(?string $key = null)
* Checks a property to see if it has changed since the entity
* was created. Or, without a parameter, checks if any
* properties have changed.
* @param string|null $key class property
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:255
⇄⧉public setAttributes(array $data): $this Set raw data array without any mutations
$value[8]->setAttributes(array $data)
* Set raw data array without any mutations
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:282
⇄⧉public jsonSerialize(): array Support for json_encode()
* Support for json_encode()
* @return array
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:400
⇄⧉public cast(?bool $cast = null): bool|Entity Change the value of the private $_cast property
$value[8]->cast(?bool $cast = null)
* Change the value of the private $_cast property
* @return bool|Entity
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:410
⧉public __set(string $key, $value = null): void Magic method to all protected/private class properties to be easily set, eith...
* Magic method to all protected/private class properties to be
* easily set, either through a direct access or a
* `setCamelCasedProperty()` method.
* Examples:
* $this->my_property = $p;
* $this->setMyProperty() = $p;
* @param array|bool|float|int|object|string|null $value
* @return void
* @throws Exception
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:436
⧉public __get(string $key): array|bool|float|int|object|string|null Magic method to allow retrieval of protected and private class properties eit...
* Magic method to allow retrieval of protected and private class properties
* either by their name, or through a `getCamelCasedProperty()` method.
* Examples:
* $p = $this->my_property
* $p = $this->getMyProperty()
* @return array|bool|float|int|object|string|null
* @throws Exception
* @params string $key class property
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:479
⧉public __isset(string $key): bool Returns true if a property exists names $key, or a getter method exists named...
* Returns true if a property exists names $key, or a getter method
* exists named like for __get().
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:516
⧉public __unset(string $key): void Unsets an attribute property.
* Unsets an attribute property.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:536
⧉protected mapProperty(string $key): string db column name Checks the datamap to see if this property name is being mapped, and returns ...
* Checks the datamap to see if this property name is being mapped,
* and returns the db column name, if any, or the original property name.
* @return string db column name
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:297
⧉protected mutateDate($value): Time Converts the given string|timestamp|DateTime|Time instance into the "CodeIgni...
* Converts the given string|timestamp|DateTime|Time instance
* into the "CodeIgniter\I18n\Time" object.
* @param DateTime|float|int|string|Time $value
* @return Time
* @throws Exception
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:320
⧉protected castAs($value, string $attribute, string $method = 'get'): array|bool|float|int|object|string|null Provides the ability to cast an item as a specific data type. Add ? at the be...
* Provides the ability to cast an item as a specific data type.
* Add ? at the beginning of $type (i.e. ?string) to get NULL
* instead of casting $value if $value === null
* @param bool|float|int|string|null $value Attribute value
* @param string $attribute Attribute name
* @param string $method Allowed to "get" and "set"
* @return array|bool|float|int|object|string|null
* @throws CastException
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:338
⧉protected isMappedDbColumn(string $key): bool Whether this key is mapped db column name?
* Whether this key is mapped db column name?
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:550
⧉protected hasMappedProperty(string $key): bool Whether this key has mapped property?
* Whether this key has mapped property?
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:565
uri => string (31) "CodeIgniter\Entity\Cast\URICast"
private _cast -> boolean true
⇄⧉public __construct(?array $data = null) Allows filling in Entity parameters during construction.
new \App\Entities\Entity(?array $data = null)
* Allows filling in Entity parameters during construction.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:117
⇄⧉public fill(?array $data = null): $this Takes an array of key/value pairs and sets them as class properties, using an...
$value[9]->fill(?array $data = null)
* Takes an array of key/value pairs and sets them as class
* properties, using any `setCamelCasedProperty()` methods
* that may or may not exist.
* @param array $data
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:133
⇄⧉public toArray(bool $onlyChanged = false, bool $cast = true, bool $recursive = false): array General method that will return all public and protected values of this entit...
* General method that will return all public and protected values
* of this entity as an array. All values are accessed through the
* __get() magic method so will have any casts, etc applied to them.
* @param bool $onlyChanged If true, only return values that have changed since object creation
* @param bool $cast If true, properties will be cast.
* @param bool $recursive If true, inner entities will be cast as array as well.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:155
⇄⧉public toRawArray(bool $onlyChanged = false, bool $recursive = false): array Returns the raw values of the current attributes.
* Returns the raw values of the current attributes.
* @param bool $onlyChanged If true, only return values that have changed since object creation
* @param bool $recursive If true, inner entities will be cast as array as well.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:197
⇄⧉public syncOriginal(): $this Ensures our "original" values match the current values.
* Ensures our "original" values match the current values.
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:241
⇄⧉public hasChanged(?string $key = null): bool Checks a property to see if it has changed since the entity was created. Or, ...
$value[9]->hasChanged(?string $key = null)
* Checks a property to see if it has changed since the entity
* was created. Or, without a parameter, checks if any
* properties have changed.
* @param string|null $key class property
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:255
⇄⧉public setAttributes(array $data): $this Set raw data array without any mutations
$value[9]->setAttributes(array $data)
* Set raw data array without any mutations
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:282
⇄⧉public jsonSerialize(): array Support for json_encode()
* Support for json_encode()
* @return array
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:400
⇄⧉public cast(?bool $cast = null): bool|Entity Change the value of the private $_cast property
$value[9]->cast(?bool $cast = null)
* Change the value of the private $_cast property
* @return bool|Entity
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:410
⧉public __set(string $key, $value = null): void Magic method to all protected/private class properties to be easily set, eith...
* Magic method to all protected/private class properties to be
* easily set, either through a direct access or a
* `setCamelCasedProperty()` method.
* Examples:
* $this->my_property = $p;
* $this->setMyProperty() = $p;
* @param array|bool|float|int|object|string|null $value
* @return void
* @throws Exception
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:436
⧉public __get(string $key): array|bool|float|int|object|string|null Magic method to allow retrieval of protected and private class properties eit...
* Magic method to allow retrieval of protected and private class properties
* either by their name, or through a `getCamelCasedProperty()` method.
* Examples:
* $p = $this->my_property
* $p = $this->getMyProperty()
* @return array|bool|float|int|object|string|null
* @throws Exception
* @params string $key class property
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:479
⧉public __isset(string $key): bool Returns true if a property exists names $key, or a getter method exists named...
* Returns true if a property exists names $key, or a getter method
* exists named like for __get().
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:516
⧉public __unset(string $key): void Unsets an attribute property.
* Unsets an attribute property.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:536
⧉protected mapProperty(string $key): string db column name Checks the datamap to see if this property name is being mapped, and returns ...
* Checks the datamap to see if this property name is being mapped,
* and returns the db column name, if any, or the original property name.
* @return string db column name
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:297
⧉protected mutateDate($value): Time Converts the given string|timestamp|DateTime|Time instance into the "CodeIgni...
* Converts the given string|timestamp|DateTime|Time instance
* into the "CodeIgniter\I18n\Time" object.
* @param DateTime|float|int|string|Time $value
* @return Time
* @throws Exception
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:320
⧉protected castAs($value, string $attribute, string $method = 'get'): array|bool|float|int|object|string|null Provides the ability to cast an item as a specific data type. Add ? at the be...
* Provides the ability to cast an item as a specific data type.
* Add ? at the beginning of $type (i.e. ?string) to get NULL
* instead of casting $value if $value === null
* @param bool|float|int|string|null $value Attribute value
* @param string $attribute Attribute name
* @param string $method Allowed to "get" and "set"
* @return array|bool|float|int|object|string|null
* @throws CastException
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:338
⧉protected isMappedDbColumn(string $key): bool Whether this key is mapped db column name?
* Whether this key is mapped db column name?
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:550
⧉protected hasMappedProperty(string $key): bool Whether this key has mapped property?
* Whether this key has mapped property?
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:565
uri => string (31) "CodeIgniter\Entity\Cast\URICast"
private _cast -> boolean true
⇄⧉public __construct(?array $data = null) Allows filling in Entity parameters during construction.
new \App\Entities\Entity(?array $data = null)
* Allows filling in Entity parameters during construction.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:117
⇄⧉public fill(?array $data = null): $this Takes an array of key/value pairs and sets them as class properties, using an...
$value[10]->fill(?array $data = null)
* Takes an array of key/value pairs and sets them as class
* properties, using any `setCamelCasedProperty()` methods
* that may or may not exist.
* @param array $data
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:133
⇄⧉public toArray(bool $onlyChanged = false, bool $cast = true, bool $recursive = false): array General method that will return all public and protected values of this entit...
* General method that will return all public and protected values
* of this entity as an array. All values are accessed through the
* __get() magic method so will have any casts, etc applied to them.
* @param bool $onlyChanged If true, only return values that have changed since object creation
* @param bool $cast If true, properties will be cast.
* @param bool $recursive If true, inner entities will be cast as array as well.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:155
⇄⧉public toRawArray(bool $onlyChanged = false, bool $recursive = false): array Returns the raw values of the current attributes.
* Returns the raw values of the current attributes.
* @param bool $onlyChanged If true, only return values that have changed since object creation
* @param bool $recursive If true, inner entities will be cast as array as well.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:197
⇄⧉public syncOriginal(): $this Ensures our "original" values match the current values.
* Ensures our "original" values match the current values.
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:241
⇄⧉public hasChanged(?string $key = null): bool Checks a property to see if it has changed since the entity was created. Or, ...
$value[10]->hasChanged(?string $key = null)
* Checks a property to see if it has changed since the entity
* was created. Or, without a parameter, checks if any
* properties have changed.
* @param string|null $key class property
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:255
⇄⧉public setAttributes(array $data): $this Set raw data array without any mutations
$value[10]->setAttributes(array $data)
* Set raw data array without any mutations
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:282
⇄⧉public jsonSerialize(): array Support for json_encode()
* Support for json_encode()
* @return array
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:400
⇄⧉public cast(?bool $cast = null): bool|Entity Change the value of the private $_cast property
$value[10]->cast(?bool $cast = null)
* Change the value of the private $_cast property
* @return bool|Entity
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:410
⧉public __set(string $key, $value = null): void Magic method to all protected/private class properties to be easily set, eith...
* Magic method to all protected/private class properties to be
* easily set, either through a direct access or a
* `setCamelCasedProperty()` method.
* Examples:
* $this->my_property = $p;
* $this->setMyProperty() = $p;
* @param array|bool|float|int|object|string|null $value
* @return void
* @throws Exception
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:436
⧉public __get(string $key): array|bool|float|int|object|string|null Magic method to allow retrieval of protected and private class properties eit...
* Magic method to allow retrieval of protected and private class properties
* either by their name, or through a `getCamelCasedProperty()` method.
* Examples:
* $p = $this->my_property
* $p = $this->getMyProperty()
* @return array|bool|float|int|object|string|null
* @throws Exception
* @params string $key class property
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:479
⧉public __isset(string $key): bool Returns true if a property exists names $key, or a getter method exists named...
* Returns true if a property exists names $key, or a getter method
* exists named like for __get().
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:516
⧉public __unset(string $key): void Unsets an attribute property.
* Unsets an attribute property.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:536
⧉protected mapProperty(string $key): string db column name Checks the datamap to see if this property name is being mapped, and returns ...
* Checks the datamap to see if this property name is being mapped,
* and returns the db column name, if any, or the original property name.
* @return string db column name
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:297
⧉protected mutateDate($value): Time Converts the given string|timestamp|DateTime|Time instance into the "CodeIgni...
* Converts the given string|timestamp|DateTime|Time instance
* into the "CodeIgniter\I18n\Time" object.
* @param DateTime|float|int|string|Time $value
* @return Time
* @throws Exception
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:320
⧉protected castAs($value, string $attribute, string $method = 'get'): array|bool|float|int|object|string|null Provides the ability to cast an item as a specific data type. Add ? at the be...
* Provides the ability to cast an item as a specific data type.
* Add ? at the beginning of $type (i.e. ?string) to get NULL
* instead of casting $value if $value === null
* @param bool|float|int|string|null $value Attribute value
* @param string $attribute Attribute name
* @param string $method Allowed to "get" and "set"
* @return array|bool|float|int|object|string|null
* @throws CastException
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:338
⧉protected isMappedDbColumn(string $key): bool Whether this key is mapped db column name?
* Whether this key is mapped db column name?
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:550
⧉protected hasMappedProperty(string $key): bool Whether this key has mapped property?
* Whether this key has mapped property?
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:565
uri => string (31) "CodeIgniter\Entity\Cast\URICast"
private _cast -> boolean true
⇄⧉public __construct(?array $data = null) Allows filling in Entity parameters during construction.
new \App\Entities\Entity(?array $data = null)
* Allows filling in Entity parameters during construction.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:117
⇄⧉public fill(?array $data = null): $this Takes an array of key/value pairs and sets them as class properties, using an...
$value[11]->fill(?array $data = null)
* Takes an array of key/value pairs and sets them as class
* properties, using any `setCamelCasedProperty()` methods
* that may or may not exist.
* @param array $data
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:133
⇄⧉public toArray(bool $onlyChanged = false, bool $cast = true, bool $recursive = false): array General method that will return all public and protected values of this entit...
* General method that will return all public and protected values
* of this entity as an array. All values are accessed through the
* __get() magic method so will have any casts, etc applied to them.
* @param bool $onlyChanged If true, only return values that have changed since object creation
* @param bool $cast If true, properties will be cast.
* @param bool $recursive If true, inner entities will be cast as array as well.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:155
⇄⧉public toRawArray(bool $onlyChanged = false, bool $recursive = false): array Returns the raw values of the current attributes.
* Returns the raw values of the current attributes.
* @param bool $onlyChanged If true, only return values that have changed since object creation
* @param bool $recursive If true, inner entities will be cast as array as well.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:197
⇄⧉public syncOriginal(): $this Ensures our "original" values match the current values.
* Ensures our "original" values match the current values.
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:241
⇄⧉public hasChanged(?string $key = null): bool Checks a property to see if it has changed since the entity was created. Or, ...
$value[11]->hasChanged(?string $key = null)
* Checks a property to see if it has changed since the entity
* was created. Or, without a parameter, checks if any
* properties have changed.
* @param string|null $key class property
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:255
⇄⧉public setAttributes(array $data): $this Set raw data array without any mutations
$value[11]->setAttributes(array $data)
* Set raw data array without any mutations
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:282
⇄⧉public jsonSerialize(): array Support for json_encode()
* Support for json_encode()
* @return array
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:400
⇄⧉public cast(?bool $cast = null): bool|Entity Change the value of the private $_cast property
$value[11]->cast(?bool $cast = null)
* Change the value of the private $_cast property
* @return bool|Entity
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:410
⧉public __set(string $key, $value = null): void Magic method to all protected/private class properties to be easily set, eith...
* Magic method to all protected/private class properties to be
* easily set, either through a direct access or a
* `setCamelCasedProperty()` method.
* Examples:
* $this->my_property = $p;
* $this->setMyProperty() = $p;
* @param array|bool|float|int|object|string|null $value
* @return void
* @throws Exception
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:436
⧉public __get(string $key): array|bool|float|int|object|string|null Magic method to allow retrieval of protected and private class properties eit...
* Magic method to allow retrieval of protected and private class properties
* either by their name, or through a `getCamelCasedProperty()` method.
* Examples:
* $p = $this->my_property
* $p = $this->getMyProperty()
* @return array|bool|float|int|object|string|null
* @throws Exception
* @params string $key class property
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:479
⧉public __isset(string $key): bool Returns true if a property exists names $key, or a getter method exists named...
* Returns true if a property exists names $key, or a getter method
* exists named like for __get().
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:516
⧉public __unset(string $key): void Unsets an attribute property.
* Unsets an attribute property.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:536
⧉protected mapProperty(string $key): string db column name Checks the datamap to see if this property name is being mapped, and returns ...
* Checks the datamap to see if this property name is being mapped,
* and returns the db column name, if any, or the original property name.
* @return string db column name
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:297
⧉protected mutateDate($value): Time Converts the given string|timestamp|DateTime|Time instance into the "CodeIgni...
* Converts the given string|timestamp|DateTime|Time instance
* into the "CodeIgniter\I18n\Time" object.
* @param DateTime|float|int|string|Time $value
* @return Time
* @throws Exception
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:320
⧉protected castAs($value, string $attribute, string $method = 'get'): array|bool|float|int|object|string|null Provides the ability to cast an item as a specific data type. Add ? at the be...
* Provides the ability to cast an item as a specific data type.
* Add ? at the beginning of $type (i.e. ?string) to get NULL
* instead of casting $value if $value === null
* @param bool|float|int|string|null $value Attribute value
* @param string $attribute Attribute name
* @param string $method Allowed to "get" and "set"
* @return array|bool|float|int|object|string|null
* @throws CastException
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:338
⧉protected isMappedDbColumn(string $key): bool Whether this key is mapped db column name?
* Whether this key is mapped db column name?
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:550
⧉protected hasMappedProperty(string $key): bool Whether this key has mapped property?
* Whether this key has mapped property?
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:565
uri => string (31) "CodeIgniter\Entity\Cast\URICast"
private _cast -> boolean true
⇄⧉public __construct(?array $data = null) Allows filling in Entity parameters during construction.
new \App\Entities\Entity(?array $data = null)
* Allows filling in Entity parameters during construction.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:117
⇄⧉public fill(?array $data = null): $this Takes an array of key/value pairs and sets them as class properties, using an...
$value[12]->fill(?array $data = null)
* Takes an array of key/value pairs and sets them as class
* properties, using any `setCamelCasedProperty()` methods
* that may or may not exist.
* @param array $data
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:133
⇄⧉public toArray(bool $onlyChanged = false, bool $cast = true, bool $recursive = false): array General method that will return all public and protected values of this entit...
* General method that will return all public and protected values
* of this entity as an array. All values are accessed through the
* __get() magic method so will have any casts, etc applied to them.
* @param bool $onlyChanged If true, only return values that have changed since object creation
* @param bool $cast If true, properties will be cast.
* @param bool $recursive If true, inner entities will be cast as array as well.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:155
⇄⧉public toRawArray(bool $onlyChanged = false, bool $recursive = false): array Returns the raw values of the current attributes.
* Returns the raw values of the current attributes.
* @param bool $onlyChanged If true, only return values that have changed since object creation
* @param bool $recursive If true, inner entities will be cast as array as well.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:197
⇄⧉public syncOriginal(): $this Ensures our "original" values match the current values.
* Ensures our "original" values match the current values.
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:241
⇄⧉public hasChanged(?string $key = null): bool Checks a property to see if it has changed since the entity was created. Or, ...
$value[12]->hasChanged(?string $key = null)
* Checks a property to see if it has changed since the entity
* was created. Or, without a parameter, checks if any
* properties have changed.
* @param string|null $key class property
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:255
⇄⧉public setAttributes(array $data): $this Set raw data array without any mutations
$value[12]->setAttributes(array $data)
* Set raw data array without any mutations
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:282
⇄⧉public jsonSerialize(): array Support for json_encode()
* Support for json_encode()
* @return array
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:400
⇄⧉public cast(?bool $cast = null): bool|Entity Change the value of the private $_cast property
$value[12]->cast(?bool $cast = null)
* Change the value of the private $_cast property
* @return bool|Entity
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:410
⧉public __set(string $key, $value = null): void Magic method to all protected/private class properties to be easily set, eith...
* Magic method to all protected/private class properties to be
* easily set, either through a direct access or a
* `setCamelCasedProperty()` method.
* Examples:
* $this->my_property = $p;
* $this->setMyProperty() = $p;
* @param array|bool|float|int|object|string|null $value
* @return void
* @throws Exception
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:436
⧉public __get(string $key): array|bool|float|int|object|string|null Magic method to allow retrieval of protected and private class properties eit...
* Magic method to allow retrieval of protected and private class properties
* either by their name, or through a `getCamelCasedProperty()` method.
* Examples:
* $p = $this->my_property
* $p = $this->getMyProperty()
* @return array|bool|float|int|object|string|null
* @throws Exception
* @params string $key class property
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:479
⧉public __isset(string $key): bool Returns true if a property exists names $key, or a getter method exists named...
* Returns true if a property exists names $key, or a getter method
* exists named like for __get().
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:516
⧉public __unset(string $key): void Unsets an attribute property.
* Unsets an attribute property.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:536
⧉protected mapProperty(string $key): string db column name Checks the datamap to see if this property name is being mapped, and returns ...
* Checks the datamap to see if this property name is being mapped,
* and returns the db column name, if any, or the original property name.
* @return string db column name
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:297
⧉protected mutateDate($value): Time Converts the given string|timestamp|DateTime|Time instance into the "CodeIgni...
* Converts the given string|timestamp|DateTime|Time instance
* into the "CodeIgniter\I18n\Time" object.
* @param DateTime|float|int|string|Time $value
* @return Time
* @throws Exception
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:320
⧉protected castAs($value, string $attribute, string $method = 'get'): array|bool|float|int|object|string|null Provides the ability to cast an item as a specific data type. Add ? at the be...
* Provides the ability to cast an item as a specific data type.
* Add ? at the beginning of $type (i.e. ?string) to get NULL
* instead of casting $value if $value === null
* @param bool|float|int|string|null $value Attribute value
* @param string $attribute Attribute name
* @param string $method Allowed to "get" and "set"
* @return array|bool|float|int|object|string|null
* @throws CastException
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:338
⧉protected isMappedDbColumn(string $key): bool Whether this key is mapped db column name?
* Whether this key is mapped db column name?
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:550
⧉protected hasMappedProperty(string $key): bool Whether this key has mapped property?
* Whether this key has mapped property?
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:565
uri => string (31) "CodeIgniter\Entity\Cast\URICast"
private _cast -> boolean true
⇄⧉public __construct(?array $data = null) Allows filling in Entity parameters during construction.
new \App\Entities\Entity(?array $data = null)
* Allows filling in Entity parameters during construction.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:117
⇄⧉public fill(?array $data = null): $this Takes an array of key/value pairs and sets them as class properties, using an...
$value[13]->fill(?array $data = null)
* Takes an array of key/value pairs and sets them as class
* properties, using any `setCamelCasedProperty()` methods
* that may or may not exist.
* @param array $data
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:133
⇄⧉public toArray(bool $onlyChanged = false, bool $cast = true, bool $recursive = false): array General method that will return all public and protected values of this entit...
* General method that will return all public and protected values
* of this entity as an array. All values are accessed through the
* __get() magic method so will have any casts, etc applied to them.
* @param bool $onlyChanged If true, only return values that have changed since object creation
* @param bool $cast If true, properties will be cast.
* @param bool $recursive If true, inner entities will be cast as array as well.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:155
⇄⧉public toRawArray(bool $onlyChanged = false, bool $recursive = false): array Returns the raw values of the current attributes.
* Returns the raw values of the current attributes.
* @param bool $onlyChanged If true, only return values that have changed since object creation
* @param bool $recursive If true, inner entities will be cast as array as well.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:197
⇄⧉public syncOriginal(): $this Ensures our "original" values match the current values.
* Ensures our "original" values match the current values.
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:241
⇄⧉public hasChanged(?string $key = null): bool Checks a property to see if it has changed since the entity was created. Or, ...
$value[13]->hasChanged(?string $key = null)
* Checks a property to see if it has changed since the entity
* was created. Or, without a parameter, checks if any
* properties have changed.
* @param string|null $key class property
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:255
⇄⧉public setAttributes(array $data): $this Set raw data array without any mutations
$value[13]->setAttributes(array $data)
* Set raw data array without any mutations
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:282
⇄⧉public jsonSerialize(): array Support for json_encode()
* Support for json_encode()
* @return array
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:400
⇄⧉public cast(?bool $cast = null): bool|Entity Change the value of the private $_cast property
$value[13]->cast(?bool $cast = null)
* Change the value of the private $_cast property
* @return bool|Entity
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:410
⧉public __set(string $key, $value = null): void Magic method to all protected/private class properties to be easily set, eith...
* Magic method to all protected/private class properties to be
* easily set, either through a direct access or a
* `setCamelCasedProperty()` method.
* Examples:
* $this->my_property = $p;
* $this->setMyProperty() = $p;
* @param array|bool|float|int|object|string|null $value
* @return void
* @throws Exception
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:436
⧉public __get(string $key): array|bool|float|int|object|string|null Magic method to allow retrieval of protected and private class properties eit...
* Magic method to allow retrieval of protected and private class properties
* either by their name, or through a `getCamelCasedProperty()` method.
* Examples:
* $p = $this->my_property
* $p = $this->getMyProperty()
* @return array|bool|float|int|object|string|null
* @throws Exception
* @params string $key class property
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:479
⧉public __isset(string $key): bool Returns true if a property exists names $key, or a getter method exists named...
* Returns true if a property exists names $key, or a getter method
* exists named like for __get().
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:516
⧉public __unset(string $key): void Unsets an attribute property.
* Unsets an attribute property.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:536
⧉protected mapProperty(string $key): string db column name Checks the datamap to see if this property name is being mapped, and returns ...
* Checks the datamap to see if this property name is being mapped,
* and returns the db column name, if any, or the original property name.
* @return string db column name
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:297
⧉protected mutateDate($value): Time Converts the given string|timestamp|DateTime|Time instance into the "CodeIgni...
* Converts the given string|timestamp|DateTime|Time instance
* into the "CodeIgniter\I18n\Time" object.
* @param DateTime|float|int|string|Time $value
* @return Time
* @throws Exception
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:320
⧉protected castAs($value, string $attribute, string $method = 'get'): array|bool|float|int|object|string|null Provides the ability to cast an item as a specific data type. Add ? at the be...
* Provides the ability to cast an item as a specific data type.
* Add ? at the beginning of $type (i.e. ?string) to get NULL
* instead of casting $value if $value === null
* @param bool|float|int|string|null $value Attribute value
* @param string $attribute Attribute name
* @param string $method Allowed to "get" and "set"
* @return array|bool|float|int|object|string|null
* @throws CastException
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:338
⧉protected isMappedDbColumn(string $key): bool Whether this key is mapped db column name?
* Whether this key is mapped db column name?
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:550
⧉protected hasMappedProperty(string $key): bool Whether this key has mapped property?
* Whether this key has mapped property?
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:565
uri => string (31) "CodeIgniter\Entity\Cast\URICast"
private _cast -> boolean true
⇄⧉public __construct(?array $data = null) Allows filling in Entity parameters during construction.
new \App\Entities\Entity(?array $data = null)
* Allows filling in Entity parameters during construction.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:117
⇄⧉public fill(?array $data = null): $this Takes an array of key/value pairs and sets them as class properties, using an...
$value[14]->fill(?array $data = null)
* Takes an array of key/value pairs and sets them as class
* properties, using any `setCamelCasedProperty()` methods
* that may or may not exist.
* @param array $data
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:133
⇄⧉public toArray(bool $onlyChanged = false, bool $cast = true, bool $recursive = false): array General method that will return all public and protected values of this entit...
* General method that will return all public and protected values
* of this entity as an array. All values are accessed through the
* __get() magic method so will have any casts, etc applied to them.
* @param bool $onlyChanged If true, only return values that have changed since object creation
* @param bool $cast If true, properties will be cast.
* @param bool $recursive If true, inner entities will be cast as array as well.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:155
⇄⧉public toRawArray(bool $onlyChanged = false, bool $recursive = false): array Returns the raw values of the current attributes.
* Returns the raw values of the current attributes.
* @param bool $onlyChanged If true, only return values that have changed since object creation
* @param bool $recursive If true, inner entities will be cast as array as well.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:197
⇄⧉public syncOriginal(): $this Ensures our "original" values match the current values.
* Ensures our "original" values match the current values.
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:241
⇄⧉public hasChanged(?string $key = null): bool Checks a property to see if it has changed since the entity was created. Or, ...
$value[14]->hasChanged(?string $key = null)
* Checks a property to see if it has changed since the entity
* was created. Or, without a parameter, checks if any
* properties have changed.
* @param string|null $key class property
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:255
⇄⧉public setAttributes(array $data): $this Set raw data array without any mutations
$value[14]->setAttributes(array $data)
* Set raw data array without any mutations
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:282
⇄⧉public jsonSerialize(): array Support for json_encode()
* Support for json_encode()
* @return array
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:400
⇄⧉public cast(?bool $cast = null): bool|Entity Change the value of the private $_cast property
$value[14]->cast(?bool $cast = null)
* Change the value of the private $_cast property
* @return bool|Entity
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:410
⧉public __set(string $key, $value = null): void Magic method to all protected/private class properties to be easily set, eith...
* Magic method to all protected/private class properties to be
* easily set, either through a direct access or a
* `setCamelCasedProperty()` method.
* Examples:
* $this->my_property = $p;
* $this->setMyProperty() = $p;
* @param array|bool|float|int|object|string|null $value
* @return void
* @throws Exception
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:436
⧉public __get(string $key): array|bool|float|int|object|string|null Magic method to allow retrieval of protected and private class properties eit...
* Magic method to allow retrieval of protected and private class properties
* either by their name, or through a `getCamelCasedProperty()` method.
* Examples:
* $p = $this->my_property
* $p = $this->getMyProperty()
* @return array|bool|float|int|object|string|null
* @throws Exception
* @params string $key class property
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:479
⧉public __isset(string $key): bool Returns true if a property exists names $key, or a getter method exists named...
* Returns true if a property exists names $key, or a getter method
* exists named like for __get().
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:516
⧉public __unset(string $key): void Unsets an attribute property.
* Unsets an attribute property.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:536
⧉protected mapProperty(string $key): string db column name Checks the datamap to see if this property name is being mapped, and returns ...
* Checks the datamap to see if this property name is being mapped,
* and returns the db column name, if any, or the original property name.
* @return string db column name
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:297
⧉protected mutateDate($value): Time Converts the given string|timestamp|DateTime|Time instance into the "CodeIgni...
* Converts the given string|timestamp|DateTime|Time instance
* into the "CodeIgniter\I18n\Time" object.
* @param DateTime|float|int|string|Time $value
* @return Time
* @throws Exception
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:320
⧉protected castAs($value, string $attribute, string $method = 'get'): array|bool|float|int|object|string|null Provides the ability to cast an item as a specific data type. Add ? at the be...
* Provides the ability to cast an item as a specific data type.
* Add ? at the beginning of $type (i.e. ?string) to get NULL
* instead of casting $value if $value === null
* @param bool|float|int|string|null $value Attribute value
* @param string $attribute Attribute name
* @param string $method Allowed to "get" and "set"
* @return array|bool|float|int|object|string|null
* @throws CastException
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:338
⧉protected isMappedDbColumn(string $key): bool Whether this key is mapped db column name?
* Whether this key is mapped db column name?
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:550
⧉protected hasMappedProperty(string $key): bool Whether this key has mapped property?
* Whether this key has mapped property?
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:565
uri => string (31) "CodeIgniter\Entity\Cast\URICast"
private _cast -> boolean true
⇄⧉public __construct(?array $data = null) Allows filling in Entity parameters during construction.
new \App\Entities\Entity(?array $data = null)
* Allows filling in Entity parameters during construction.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:117
⇄⧉public fill(?array $data = null): $this Takes an array of key/value pairs and sets them as class properties, using an...
$value[15]->fill(?array $data = null)
* Takes an array of key/value pairs and sets them as class
* properties, using any `setCamelCasedProperty()` methods
* that may or may not exist.
* @param array $data
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:133
⇄⧉public toArray(bool $onlyChanged = false, bool $cast = true, bool $recursive = false): array General method that will return all public and protected values of this entit...
* General method that will return all public and protected values
* of this entity as an array. All values are accessed through the
* __get() magic method so will have any casts, etc applied to them.
* @param bool $onlyChanged If true, only return values that have changed since object creation
* @param bool $cast If true, properties will be cast.
* @param bool $recursive If true, inner entities will be cast as array as well.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:155
⇄⧉public toRawArray(bool $onlyChanged = false, bool $recursive = false): array Returns the raw values of the current attributes.
* Returns the raw values of the current attributes.
* @param bool $onlyChanged If true, only return values that have changed since object creation
* @param bool $recursive If true, inner entities will be cast as array as well.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:197
⇄⧉public syncOriginal(): $this Ensures our "original" values match the current values.
* Ensures our "original" values match the current values.
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:241
⇄⧉public hasChanged(?string $key = null): bool Checks a property to see if it has changed since the entity was created. Or, ...
$value[15]->hasChanged(?string $key = null)
* Checks a property to see if it has changed since the entity
* was created. Or, without a parameter, checks if any
* properties have changed.
* @param string|null $key class property
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:255
⇄⧉public setAttributes(array $data): $this Set raw data array without any mutations
$value[15]->setAttributes(array $data)
* Set raw data array without any mutations
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:282
⇄⧉public jsonSerialize(): array Support for json_encode()
* Support for json_encode()
* @return array
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:400
⇄⧉public cast(?bool $cast = null): bool|Entity Change the value of the private $_cast property
$value[15]->cast(?bool $cast = null)
* Change the value of the private $_cast property
* @return bool|Entity
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:410
⧉public __set(string $key, $value = null): void Magic method to all protected/private class properties to be easily set, eith...
* Magic method to all protected/private class properties to be
* easily set, either through a direct access or a
* `setCamelCasedProperty()` method.
* Examples:
* $this->my_property = $p;
* $this->setMyProperty() = $p;
* @param array|bool|float|int|object|string|null $value
* @return void
* @throws Exception
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:436
⧉public __get(string $key): array|bool|float|int|object|string|null Magic method to allow retrieval of protected and private class properties eit...
* Magic method to allow retrieval of protected and private class properties
* either by their name, or through a `getCamelCasedProperty()` method.
* Examples:
* $p = $this->my_property
* $p = $this->getMyProperty()
* @return array|bool|float|int|object|string|null
* @throws Exception
* @params string $key class property
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:479
⧉public __isset(string $key): bool Returns true if a property exists names $key, or a getter method exists named...
* Returns true if a property exists names $key, or a getter method
* exists named like for __get().
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:516
⧉public __unset(string $key): void Unsets an attribute property.
* Unsets an attribute property.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:536
⧉protected mapProperty(string $key): string db column name Checks the datamap to see if this property name is being mapped, and returns ...
* Checks the datamap to see if this property name is being mapped,
* and returns the db column name, if any, or the original property name.
* @return string db column name
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:297
⧉protected mutateDate($value): Time Converts the given string|timestamp|DateTime|Time instance into the "CodeIgni...
* Converts the given string|timestamp|DateTime|Time instance
* into the "CodeIgniter\I18n\Time" object.
* @param DateTime|float|int|string|Time $value
* @return Time
* @throws Exception
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:320
⧉protected castAs($value, string $attribute, string $method = 'get'): array|bool|float|int|object|string|null Provides the ability to cast an item as a specific data type. Add ? at the be...
* Provides the ability to cast an item as a specific data type.
* Add ? at the beginning of $type (i.e. ?string) to get NULL
* instead of casting $value if $value === null
* @param bool|float|int|string|null $value Attribute value
* @param string $attribute Attribute name
* @param string $method Allowed to "get" and "set"
* @return array|bool|float|int|object|string|null
* @throws CastException
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:338
⧉protected isMappedDbColumn(string $key): bool Whether this key is mapped db column name?
* Whether this key is mapped db column name?
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:550
⧉protected hasMappedProperty(string $key): bool Whether this key has mapped property?
* Whether this key has mapped property?
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:565
uri => string (31) "CodeIgniter\Entity\Cast\URICast"
private _cast -> boolean true
⇄⧉public __construct(?array $data = null) Allows filling in Entity parameters during construction.
new \App\Entities\Entity(?array $data = null)
* Allows filling in Entity parameters during construction.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:117
⇄⧉public fill(?array $data = null): $this Takes an array of key/value pairs and sets them as class properties, using an...
$value[16]->fill(?array $data = null)
* Takes an array of key/value pairs and sets them as class
* properties, using any `setCamelCasedProperty()` methods
* that may or may not exist.
* @param array $data
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:133
⇄⧉public toArray(bool $onlyChanged = false, bool $cast = true, bool $recursive = false): array General method that will return all public and protected values of this entit...
* General method that will return all public and protected values
* of this entity as an array. All values are accessed through the
* __get() magic method so will have any casts, etc applied to them.
* @param bool $onlyChanged If true, only return values that have changed since object creation
* @param bool $cast If true, properties will be cast.
* @param bool $recursive If true, inner entities will be cast as array as well.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:155
⇄⧉public toRawArray(bool $onlyChanged = false, bool $recursive = false): array Returns the raw values of the current attributes.
* Returns the raw values of the current attributes.
* @param bool $onlyChanged If true, only return values that have changed since object creation
* @param bool $recursive If true, inner entities will be cast as array as well.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:197
⇄⧉public syncOriginal(): $this Ensures our "original" values match the current values.
* Ensures our "original" values match the current values.
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:241
⇄⧉public hasChanged(?string $key = null): bool Checks a property to see if it has changed since the entity was created. Or, ...
$value[16]->hasChanged(?string $key = null)
* Checks a property to see if it has changed since the entity
* was created. Or, without a parameter, checks if any
* properties have changed.
* @param string|null $key class property
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:255
⇄⧉public setAttributes(array $data): $this Set raw data array without any mutations
$value[16]->setAttributes(array $data)
* Set raw data array without any mutations
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:282
⇄⧉public jsonSerialize(): array Support for json_encode()
* Support for json_encode()
* @return array
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:400
⇄⧉public cast(?bool $cast = null): bool|Entity Change the value of the private $_cast property
$value[16]->cast(?bool $cast = null)
* Change the value of the private $_cast property
* @return bool|Entity
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:410
⧉public __set(string $key, $value = null): void Magic method to all protected/private class properties to be easily set, eith...
* Magic method to all protected/private class properties to be
* easily set, either through a direct access or a
* `setCamelCasedProperty()` method.
* Examples:
* $this->my_property = $p;
* $this->setMyProperty() = $p;
* @param array|bool|float|int|object|string|null $value
* @return void
* @throws Exception
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:436
⧉public __get(string $key): array|bool|float|int|object|string|null Magic method to allow retrieval of protected and private class properties eit...
* Magic method to allow retrieval of protected and private class properties
* either by their name, or through a `getCamelCasedProperty()` method.
* Examples:
* $p = $this->my_property
* $p = $this->getMyProperty()
* @return array|bool|float|int|object|string|null
* @throws Exception
* @params string $key class property
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:479
⧉public __isset(string $key): bool Returns true if a property exists names $key, or a getter method exists named...
* Returns true if a property exists names $key, or a getter method
* exists named like for __get().
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:516
⧉public __unset(string $key): void Unsets an attribute property.
* Unsets an attribute property.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:536
⧉protected mapProperty(string $key): string db column name Checks the datamap to see if this property name is being mapped, and returns ...
* Checks the datamap to see if this property name is being mapped,
* and returns the db column name, if any, or the original property name.
* @return string db column name
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:297
⧉protected mutateDate($value): Time Converts the given string|timestamp|DateTime|Time instance into the "CodeIgni...
* Converts the given string|timestamp|DateTime|Time instance
* into the "CodeIgniter\I18n\Time" object.
* @param DateTime|float|int|string|Time $value
* @return Time
* @throws Exception
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:320
⧉protected castAs($value, string $attribute, string $method = 'get'): array|bool|float|int|object|string|null Provides the ability to cast an item as a specific data type. Add ? at the be...
* Provides the ability to cast an item as a specific data type.
* Add ? at the beginning of $type (i.e. ?string) to get NULL
* instead of casting $value if $value === null
* @param bool|float|int|string|null $value Attribute value
* @param string $attribute Attribute name
* @param string $method Allowed to "get" and "set"
* @return array|bool|float|int|object|string|null
* @throws CastException
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:338
⧉protected isMappedDbColumn(string $key): bool Whether this key is mapped db column name?
* Whether this key is mapped db column name?
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:550
⧉protected hasMappedProperty(string $key): bool Whether this key has mapped property?
* Whether this key has mapped property?
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:565
uri => string (31) "CodeIgniter\Entity\Cast\URICast"
private _cast -> boolean true
⇄⧉public __construct(?array $data = null) Allows filling in Entity parameters during construction.
new \App\Entities\Entity(?array $data = null)
* Allows filling in Entity parameters during construction.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:117
⇄⧉public fill(?array $data = null): $this Takes an array of key/value pairs and sets them as class properties, using an...
$value[17]->fill(?array $data = null)
* Takes an array of key/value pairs and sets them as class
* properties, using any `setCamelCasedProperty()` methods
* that may or may not exist.
* @param array $data
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:133
⇄⧉public toArray(bool $onlyChanged = false, bool $cast = true, bool $recursive = false): array General method that will return all public and protected values of this entit...
* General method that will return all public and protected values
* of this entity as an array. All values are accessed through the
* __get() magic method so will have any casts, etc applied to them.
* @param bool $onlyChanged If true, only return values that have changed since object creation
* @param bool $cast If true, properties will be cast.
* @param bool $recursive If true, inner entities will be cast as array as well.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:155
⇄⧉public toRawArray(bool $onlyChanged = false, bool $recursive = false): array Returns the raw values of the current attributes.
* Returns the raw values of the current attributes.
* @param bool $onlyChanged If true, only return values that have changed since object creation
* @param bool $recursive If true, inner entities will be cast as array as well.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:197
⇄⧉public syncOriginal(): $this Ensures our "original" values match the current values.
* Ensures our "original" values match the current values.
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:241
⇄⧉public hasChanged(?string $key = null): bool Checks a property to see if it has changed since the entity was created. Or, ...
$value[17]->hasChanged(?string $key = null)
* Checks a property to see if it has changed since the entity
* was created. Or, without a parameter, checks if any
* properties have changed.
* @param string|null $key class property
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:255
⇄⧉public setAttributes(array $data): $this Set raw data array without any mutations
$value[17]->setAttributes(array $data)
* Set raw data array without any mutations
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:282
⇄⧉public jsonSerialize(): array Support for json_encode()
* Support for json_encode()
* @return array
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:400
⇄⧉public cast(?bool $cast = null): bool|Entity Change the value of the private $_cast property
$value[17]->cast(?bool $cast = null)
* Change the value of the private $_cast property
* @return bool|Entity
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:410
⧉public __set(string $key, $value = null): void Magic method to all protected/private class properties to be easily set, eith...
* Magic method to all protected/private class properties to be
* easily set, either through a direct access or a
* `setCamelCasedProperty()` method.
* Examples:
* $this->my_property = $p;
* $this->setMyProperty() = $p;
* @param array|bool|float|int|object|string|null $value
* @return void
* @throws Exception
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:436
⧉public __get(string $key): array|bool|float|int|object|string|null Magic method to allow retrieval of protected and private class properties eit...
* Magic method to allow retrieval of protected and private class properties
* either by their name, or through a `getCamelCasedProperty()` method.
* Examples:
* $p = $this->my_property
* $p = $this->getMyProperty()
* @return array|bool|float|int|object|string|null
* @throws Exception
* @params string $key class property
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:479
⧉public __isset(string $key): bool Returns true if a property exists names $key, or a getter method exists named...
* Returns true if a property exists names $key, or a getter method
* exists named like for __get().
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:516
⧉public __unset(string $key): void Unsets an attribute property.
* Unsets an attribute property.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:536
⧉protected mapProperty(string $key): string db column name Checks the datamap to see if this property name is being mapped, and returns ...
* Checks the datamap to see if this property name is being mapped,
* and returns the db column name, if any, or the original property name.
* @return string db column name
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:297
⧉protected mutateDate($value): Time Converts the given string|timestamp|DateTime|Time instance into the "CodeIgni...
* Converts the given string|timestamp|DateTime|Time instance
* into the "CodeIgniter\I18n\Time" object.
* @param DateTime|float|int|string|Time $value
* @return Time
* @throws Exception
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:320
⧉protected castAs($value, string $attribute, string $method = 'get'): array|bool|float|int|object|string|null Provides the ability to cast an item as a specific data type. Add ? at the be...
* Provides the ability to cast an item as a specific data type.
* Add ? at the beginning of $type (i.e. ?string) to get NULL
* instead of casting $value if $value === null
* @param bool|float|int|string|null $value Attribute value
* @param string $attribute Attribute name
* @param string $method Allowed to "get" and "set"
* @return array|bool|float|int|object|string|null
* @throws CastException
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:338
⧉protected isMappedDbColumn(string $key): bool Whether this key is mapped db column name?
* Whether this key is mapped db column name?
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:550
⧉protected hasMappedProperty(string $key): bool Whether this key has mapped property?
* Whether this key has mapped property?
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:565
uri => string (31) "CodeIgniter\Entity\Cast\URICast"
private _cast -> boolean true
⇄⧉public __construct(?array $data = null) Allows filling in Entity parameters during construction.
new \App\Entities\Entity(?array $data = null)
* Allows filling in Entity parameters during construction.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:117
⇄⧉public fill(?array $data = null): $this Takes an array of key/value pairs and sets them as class properties, using an...
$value[18]->fill(?array $data = null)
* Takes an array of key/value pairs and sets them as class
* properties, using any `setCamelCasedProperty()` methods
* that may or may not exist.
* @param array $data
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:133
⇄⧉public toArray(bool $onlyChanged = false, bool $cast = true, bool $recursive = false): array General method that will return all public and protected values of this entit...
* General method that will return all public and protected values
* of this entity as an array. All values are accessed through the
* __get() magic method so will have any casts, etc applied to them.
* @param bool $onlyChanged If true, only return values that have changed since object creation
* @param bool $cast If true, properties will be cast.
* @param bool $recursive If true, inner entities will be cast as array as well.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:155
⇄⧉public toRawArray(bool $onlyChanged = false, bool $recursive = false): array Returns the raw values of the current attributes.
* Returns the raw values of the current attributes.
* @param bool $onlyChanged If true, only return values that have changed since object creation
* @param bool $recursive If true, inner entities will be cast as array as well.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:197
⇄⧉public syncOriginal(): $this Ensures our "original" values match the current values.
* Ensures our "original" values match the current values.
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:241
⇄⧉public hasChanged(?string $key = null): bool Checks a property to see if it has changed since the entity was created. Or, ...
$value[18]->hasChanged(?string $key = null)
* Checks a property to see if it has changed since the entity
* was created. Or, without a parameter, checks if any
* properties have changed.
* @param string|null $key class property
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:255
⇄⧉public setAttributes(array $data): $this Set raw data array without any mutations
$value[18]->setAttributes(array $data)
* Set raw data array without any mutations
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:282
⇄⧉public jsonSerialize(): array Support for json_encode()
* Support for json_encode()
* @return array
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:400
⇄⧉public cast(?bool $cast = null): bool|Entity Change the value of the private $_cast property
$value[18]->cast(?bool $cast = null)
* Change the value of the private $_cast property
* @return bool|Entity
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:410
⧉public __set(string $key, $value = null): void Magic method to all protected/private class properties to be easily set, eith...
* Magic method to all protected/private class properties to be
* easily set, either through a direct access or a
* `setCamelCasedProperty()` method.
* Examples:
* $this->my_property = $p;
* $this->setMyProperty() = $p;
* @param array|bool|float|int|object|string|null $value
* @return void
* @throws Exception
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:436
⧉public __get(string $key): array|bool|float|int|object|string|null Magic method to allow retrieval of protected and private class properties eit...
* Magic method to allow retrieval of protected and private class properties
* either by their name, or through a `getCamelCasedProperty()` method.
* Examples:
* $p = $this->my_property
* $p = $this->getMyProperty()
* @return array|bool|float|int|object|string|null
* @throws Exception
* @params string $key class property
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:479
⧉public __isset(string $key): bool Returns true if a property exists names $key, or a getter method exists named...
* Returns true if a property exists names $key, or a getter method
* exists named like for __get().
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:516
⧉public __unset(string $key): void Unsets an attribute property.
* Unsets an attribute property.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:536
⧉protected mapProperty(string $key): string db column name Checks the datamap to see if this property name is being mapped, and returns ...
* Checks the datamap to see if this property name is being mapped,
* and returns the db column name, if any, or the original property name.
* @return string db column name
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:297
⧉protected mutateDate($value): Time Converts the given string|timestamp|DateTime|Time instance into the "CodeIgni...
* Converts the given string|timestamp|DateTime|Time instance
* into the "CodeIgniter\I18n\Time" object.
* @param DateTime|float|int|string|Time $value
* @return Time
* @throws Exception
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:320
⧉protected castAs($value, string $attribute, string $method = 'get'): array|bool|float|int|object|string|null Provides the ability to cast an item as a specific data type. Add ? at the be...
* Provides the ability to cast an item as a specific data type.
* Add ? at the beginning of $type (i.e. ?string) to get NULL
* instead of casting $value if $value === null
* @param bool|float|int|string|null $value Attribute value
* @param string $attribute Attribute name
* @param string $method Allowed to "get" and "set"
* @return array|bool|float|int|object|string|null
* @throws CastException
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:338
⧉protected isMappedDbColumn(string $key): bool Whether this key is mapped db column name?
* Whether this key is mapped db column name?
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:550
⧉protected hasMappedProperty(string $key): bool Whether this key has mapped property?
* Whether this key has mapped property?
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:565
uri => string (31) "CodeIgniter\Entity\Cast\URICast"
private _cast -> boolean true
⇄⧉public __construct(?array $data = null) Allows filling in Entity parameters during construction.
new \App\Entities\Entity(?array $data = null)
* Allows filling in Entity parameters during construction.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:117
⇄⧉public fill(?array $data = null): $this Takes an array of key/value pairs and sets them as class properties, using an...
$value[19]->fill(?array $data = null)
* Takes an array of key/value pairs and sets them as class
* properties, using any `setCamelCasedProperty()` methods
* that may or may not exist.
* @param array $data
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:133
⇄⧉public toArray(bool $onlyChanged = false, bool $cast = true, bool $recursive = false): array General method that will return all public and protected values of this entit...
* General method that will return all public and protected values
* of this entity as an array. All values are accessed through the
* __get() magic method so will have any casts, etc applied to them.
* @param bool $onlyChanged If true, only return values that have changed since object creation
* @param bool $cast If true, properties will be cast.
* @param bool $recursive If true, inner entities will be cast as array as well.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:155
⇄⧉public toRawArray(bool $onlyChanged = false, bool $recursive = false): array Returns the raw values of the current attributes.
* Returns the raw values of the current attributes.
* @param bool $onlyChanged If true, only return values that have changed since object creation
* @param bool $recursive If true, inner entities will be cast as array as well.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:197
⇄⧉public syncOriginal(): $this Ensures our "original" values match the current values.
* Ensures our "original" values match the current values.
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:241
⇄⧉public hasChanged(?string $key = null): bool Checks a property to see if it has changed since the entity was created. Or, ...
$value[19]->hasChanged(?string $key = null)
* Checks a property to see if it has changed since the entity
* was created. Or, without a parameter, checks if any
* properties have changed.
* @param string|null $key class property
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:255
⇄⧉public setAttributes(array $data): $this Set raw data array without any mutations
$value[19]->setAttributes(array $data)
* Set raw data array without any mutations
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:282
⇄⧉public jsonSerialize(): array Support for json_encode()
* Support for json_encode()
* @return array
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:400
⇄⧉public cast(?bool $cast = null): bool|Entity Change the value of the private $_cast property
$value[19]->cast(?bool $cast = null)
* Change the value of the private $_cast property
* @return bool|Entity
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:410
⧉public __set(string $key, $value = null): void Magic method to all protected/private class properties to be easily set, eith...
* Magic method to all protected/private class properties to be
* easily set, either through a direct access or a
* `setCamelCasedProperty()` method.
* Examples:
* $this->my_property = $p;
* $this->setMyProperty() = $p;
* @param array|bool|float|int|object|string|null $value
* @return void
* @throws Exception
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:436
⧉public __get(string $key): array|bool|float|int|object|string|null Magic method to allow retrieval of protected and private class properties eit...
* Magic method to allow retrieval of protected and private class properties
* either by their name, or through a `getCamelCasedProperty()` method.
* Examples:
* $p = $this->my_property
* $p = $this->getMyProperty()
* @return array|bool|float|int|object|string|null
* @throws Exception
* @params string $key class property
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:479
⧉public __isset(string $key): bool Returns true if a property exists names $key, or a getter method exists named...
* Returns true if a property exists names $key, or a getter method
* exists named like for __get().
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:516
⧉public __unset(string $key): void Unsets an attribute property.
* Unsets an attribute property.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:536
⧉protected mapProperty(string $key): string db column name Checks the datamap to see if this property name is being mapped, and returns ...
* Checks the datamap to see if this property name is being mapped,
* and returns the db column name, if any, or the original property name.
* @return string db column name
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:297
⧉protected mutateDate($value): Time Converts the given string|timestamp|DateTime|Time instance into the "CodeIgni...
* Converts the given string|timestamp|DateTime|Time instance
* into the "CodeIgniter\I18n\Time" object.
* @param DateTime|float|int|string|Time $value
* @return Time
* @throws Exception
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:320
⧉protected castAs($value, string $attribute, string $method = 'get'): array|bool|float|int|object|string|null Provides the ability to cast an item as a specific data type. Add ? at the be...
* Provides the ability to cast an item as a specific data type.
* Add ? at the beginning of $type (i.e. ?string) to get NULL
* instead of casting $value if $value === null
* @param bool|float|int|string|null $value Attribute value
* @param string $attribute Attribute name
* @param string $method Allowed to "get" and "set"
* @return array|bool|float|int|object|string|null
* @throws CastException
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:338
⧉protected isMappedDbColumn(string $key): bool Whether this key is mapped db column name?
* Whether this key is mapped db column name?
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:550
⧉protected hasMappedProperty(string $key): bool Whether this key has mapped property?
* Whether this key has mapped property?
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:565
uri => string (31) "CodeIgniter\Entity\Cast\URICast"
private _cast -> boolean true
⇄⧉public __construct(?array $data = null) Allows filling in Entity parameters during construction.
new \App\Entities\Entity(?array $data = null)
* Allows filling in Entity parameters during construction.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:117
⇄⧉public fill(?array $data = null): $this Takes an array of key/value pairs and sets them as class properties, using an...
$value[20]->fill(?array $data = null)
* Takes an array of key/value pairs and sets them as class
* properties, using any `setCamelCasedProperty()` methods
* that may or may not exist.
* @param array $data
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:133
⇄⧉public toArray(bool $onlyChanged = false, bool $cast = true, bool $recursive = false): array General method that will return all public and protected values of this entit...
* General method that will return all public and protected values
* of this entity as an array. All values are accessed through the
* __get() magic method so will have any casts, etc applied to them.
* @param bool $onlyChanged If true, only return values that have changed since object creation
* @param bool $cast If true, properties will be cast.
* @param bool $recursive If true, inner entities will be cast as array as well.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:155
⇄⧉public toRawArray(bool $onlyChanged = false, bool $recursive = false): array Returns the raw values of the current attributes.
* Returns the raw values of the current attributes.
* @param bool $onlyChanged If true, only return values that have changed since object creation
* @param bool $recursive If true, inner entities will be cast as array as well.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:197
⇄⧉public syncOriginal(): $this Ensures our "original" values match the current values.
* Ensures our "original" values match the current values.
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:241
⇄⧉public hasChanged(?string $key = null): bool Checks a property to see if it has changed since the entity was created. Or, ...
$value[20]->hasChanged(?string $key = null)
* Checks a property to see if it has changed since the entity
* was created. Or, without a parameter, checks if any
* properties have changed.
* @param string|null $key class property
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:255
⇄⧉public setAttributes(array $data): $this Set raw data array without any mutations
$value[20]->setAttributes(array $data)
* Set raw data array without any mutations
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:282
⇄⧉public jsonSerialize(): array Support for json_encode()
* Support for json_encode()
* @return array
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:400
⇄⧉public cast(?bool $cast = null): bool|Entity Change the value of the private $_cast property
$value[20]->cast(?bool $cast = null)
* Change the value of the private $_cast property
* @return bool|Entity
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:410
⧉public __set(string $key, $value = null): void Magic method to all protected/private class properties to be easily set, eith...
* Magic method to all protected/private class properties to be
* easily set, either through a direct access or a
* `setCamelCasedProperty()` method.
* Examples:
* $this->my_property = $p;
* $this->setMyProperty() = $p;
* @param array|bool|float|int|object|string|null $value
* @return void
* @throws Exception
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:436
⧉public __get(string $key): array|bool|float|int|object|string|null Magic method to allow retrieval of protected and private class properties eit...
* Magic method to allow retrieval of protected and private class properties
* either by their name, or through a `getCamelCasedProperty()` method.
* Examples:
* $p = $this->my_property
* $p = $this->getMyProperty()
* @return array|bool|float|int|object|string|null
* @throws Exception
* @params string $key class property
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:479
⧉public __isset(string $key): bool Returns true if a property exists names $key, or a getter method exists named...
* Returns true if a property exists names $key, or a getter method
* exists named like for __get().
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:516
⧉public __unset(string $key): void Unsets an attribute property.
* Unsets an attribute property.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:536
⧉protected mapProperty(string $key): string db column name Checks the datamap to see if this property name is being mapped, and returns ...
* Checks the datamap to see if this property name is being mapped,
* and returns the db column name, if any, or the original property name.
* @return string db column name
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:297
⧉protected mutateDate($value): Time Converts the given string|timestamp|DateTime|Time instance into the "CodeIgni...
* Converts the given string|timestamp|DateTime|Time instance
* into the "CodeIgniter\I18n\Time" object.
* @param DateTime|float|int|string|Time $value
* @return Time
* @throws Exception
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:320
⧉protected castAs($value, string $attribute, string $method = 'get'): array|bool|float|int|object|string|null Provides the ability to cast an item as a specific data type. Add ? at the be...
* Provides the ability to cast an item as a specific data type.
* Add ? at the beginning of $type (i.e. ?string) to get NULL
* instead of casting $value if $value === null
* @param bool|float|int|string|null $value Attribute value
* @param string $attribute Attribute name
* @param string $method Allowed to "get" and "set"
* @return array|bool|float|int|object|string|null
* @throws CastException
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:338
⧉protected isMappedDbColumn(string $key): bool Whether this key is mapped db column name?
* Whether this key is mapped db column name?
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:550
⧉protected hasMappedProperty(string $key): bool Whether this key has mapped property?
* Whether this key has mapped property?
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:565
uri => string (31) "CodeIgniter\Entity\Cast\URICast"
private _cast -> boolean true
⇄⧉public __construct(?array $data = null) Allows filling in Entity parameters during construction.
new \App\Entities\Entity(?array $data = null)
* Allows filling in Entity parameters during construction.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:117
⇄⧉public fill(?array $data = null): $this Takes an array of key/value pairs and sets them as class properties, using an...
$value[21]->fill(?array $data = null)
* Takes an array of key/value pairs and sets them as class
* properties, using any `setCamelCasedProperty()` methods
* that may or may not exist.
* @param array $data
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:133
⇄⧉public toArray(bool $onlyChanged = false, bool $cast = true, bool $recursive = false): array General method that will return all public and protected values of this entit...
* General method that will return all public and protected values
* of this entity as an array. All values are accessed through the
* __get() magic method so will have any casts, etc applied to them.
* @param bool $onlyChanged If true, only return values that have changed since object creation
* @param bool $cast If true, properties will be cast.
* @param bool $recursive If true, inner entities will be cast as array as well.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:155
⇄⧉public toRawArray(bool $onlyChanged = false, bool $recursive = false): array Returns the raw values of the current attributes.
* Returns the raw values of the current attributes.
* @param bool $onlyChanged If true, only return values that have changed since object creation
* @param bool $recursive If true, inner entities will be cast as array as well.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:197
⇄⧉public syncOriginal(): $this Ensures our "original" values match the current values.
* Ensures our "original" values match the current values.
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:241
⇄⧉public hasChanged(?string $key = null): bool Checks a property to see if it has changed since the entity was created. Or, ...
$value[21]->hasChanged(?string $key = null)
* Checks a property to see if it has changed since the entity
* was created. Or, without a parameter, checks if any
* properties have changed.
* @param string|null $key class property
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:255
⇄⧉public setAttributes(array $data): $this Set raw data array without any mutations
$value[21]->setAttributes(array $data)
* Set raw data array without any mutations
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:282
⇄⧉public jsonSerialize(): array Support for json_encode()
* Support for json_encode()
* @return array
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:400
⇄⧉public cast(?bool $cast = null): bool|Entity Change the value of the private $_cast property
$value[21]->cast(?bool $cast = null)
* Change the value of the private $_cast property
* @return bool|Entity
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:410
⧉public __set(string $key, $value = null): void Magic method to all protected/private class properties to be easily set, eith...
* Magic method to all protected/private class properties to be
* easily set, either through a direct access or a
* `setCamelCasedProperty()` method.
* Examples:
* $this->my_property = $p;
* $this->setMyProperty() = $p;
* @param array|bool|float|int|object|string|null $value
* @return void
* @throws Exception
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:436
⧉public __get(string $key): array|bool|float|int|object|string|null Magic method to allow retrieval of protected and private class properties eit...
* Magic method to allow retrieval of protected and private class properties
* either by their name, or through a `getCamelCasedProperty()` method.
* Examples:
* $p = $this->my_property
* $p = $this->getMyProperty()
* @return array|bool|float|int|object|string|null
* @throws Exception
* @params string $key class property
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:479
⧉public __isset(string $key): bool Returns true if a property exists names $key, or a getter method exists named...
* Returns true if a property exists names $key, or a getter method
* exists named like for __get().
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:516
⧉public __unset(string $key): void Unsets an attribute property.
* Unsets an attribute property.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:536
⧉protected mapProperty(string $key): string db column name Checks the datamap to see if this property name is being mapped, and returns ...
* Checks the datamap to see if this property name is being mapped,
* and returns the db column name, if any, or the original property name.
* @return string db column name
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:297
⧉protected mutateDate($value): Time Converts the given string|timestamp|DateTime|Time instance into the "CodeIgni...
* Converts the given string|timestamp|DateTime|Time instance
* into the "CodeIgniter\I18n\Time" object.
* @param DateTime|float|int|string|Time $value
* @return Time
* @throws Exception
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:320
⧉protected castAs($value, string $attribute, string $method = 'get'): array|bool|float|int|object|string|null Provides the ability to cast an item as a specific data type. Add ? at the be...
* Provides the ability to cast an item as a specific data type.
* Add ? at the beginning of $type (i.e. ?string) to get NULL
* instead of casting $value if $value === null
* @param bool|float|int|string|null $value Attribute value
* @param string $attribute Attribute name
* @param string $method Allowed to "get" and "set"
* @return array|bool|float|int|object|string|null
* @throws CastException
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:338
⧉protected isMappedDbColumn(string $key): bool Whether this key is mapped db column name?
* Whether this key is mapped db column name?
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:550
⧉protected hasMappedProperty(string $key): bool Whether this key has mapped property?
* Whether this key has mapped property?
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:565
uri => string (31) "CodeIgniter\Entity\Cast\URICast"
private _cast -> boolean true
⇄⧉public __construct(?array $data = null) Allows filling in Entity parameters during construction.
new \App\Entities\Entity(?array $data = null)
* Allows filling in Entity parameters during construction.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:117
⇄⧉public fill(?array $data = null): $this Takes an array of key/value pairs and sets them as class properties, using an...
$value[22]->fill(?array $data = null)
* Takes an array of key/value pairs and sets them as class
* properties, using any `setCamelCasedProperty()` methods
* that may or may not exist.
* @param array $data
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:133
⇄⧉public toArray(bool $onlyChanged = false, bool $cast = true, bool $recursive = false): array General method that will return all public and protected values of this entit...
* General method that will return all public and protected values
* of this entity as an array. All values are accessed through the
* __get() magic method so will have any casts, etc applied to them.
* @param bool $onlyChanged If true, only return values that have changed since object creation
* @param bool $cast If true, properties will be cast.
* @param bool $recursive If true, inner entities will be cast as array as well.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:155
⇄⧉public toRawArray(bool $onlyChanged = false, bool $recursive = false): array Returns the raw values of the current attributes.
* Returns the raw values of the current attributes.
* @param bool $onlyChanged If true, only return values that have changed since object creation
* @param bool $recursive If true, inner entities will be cast as array as well.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:197
⇄⧉public syncOriginal(): $this Ensures our "original" values match the current values.
* Ensures our "original" values match the current values.
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:241
⇄⧉public hasChanged(?string $key = null): bool Checks a property to see if it has changed since the entity was created. Or, ...
$value[22]->hasChanged(?string $key = null)
* Checks a property to see if it has changed since the entity
* was created. Or, without a parameter, checks if any
* properties have changed.
* @param string|null $key class property
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:255
⇄⧉public setAttributes(array $data): $this Set raw data array without any mutations
$value[22]->setAttributes(array $data)
* Set raw data array without any mutations
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:282
⇄⧉public jsonSerialize(): array Support for json_encode()
* Support for json_encode()
* @return array
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:400
⇄⧉public cast(?bool $cast = null): bool|Entity Change the value of the private $_cast property
$value[22]->cast(?bool $cast = null)
* Change the value of the private $_cast property
* @return bool|Entity
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:410
⧉public __set(string $key, $value = null): void Magic method to all protected/private class properties to be easily set, eith...
* Magic method to all protected/private class properties to be
* easily set, either through a direct access or a
* `setCamelCasedProperty()` method.
* Examples:
* $this->my_property = $p;
* $this->setMyProperty() = $p;
* @param array|bool|float|int|object|string|null $value
* @return void
* @throws Exception
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:436
⧉public __get(string $key): array|bool|float|int|object|string|null Magic method to allow retrieval of protected and private class properties eit...
* Magic method to allow retrieval of protected and private class properties
* either by their name, or through a `getCamelCasedProperty()` method.
* Examples:
* $p = $this->my_property
* $p = $this->getMyProperty()
* @return array|bool|float|int|object|string|null
* @throws Exception
* @params string $key class property
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:479
⧉public __isset(string $key): bool Returns true if a property exists names $key, or a getter method exists named...
* Returns true if a property exists names $key, or a getter method
* exists named like for __get().
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:516
⧉public __unset(string $key): void Unsets an attribute property.
* Unsets an attribute property.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:536
⧉protected mapProperty(string $key): string db column name Checks the datamap to see if this property name is being mapped, and returns ...
* Checks the datamap to see if this property name is being mapped,
* and returns the db column name, if any, or the original property name.
* @return string db column name
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:297
⧉protected mutateDate($value): Time Converts the given string|timestamp|DateTime|Time instance into the "CodeIgni...
* Converts the given string|timestamp|DateTime|Time instance
* into the "CodeIgniter\I18n\Time" object.
* @param DateTime|float|int|string|Time $value
* @return Time
* @throws Exception
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:320
⧉protected castAs($value, string $attribute, string $method = 'get'): array|bool|float|int|object|string|null Provides the ability to cast an item as a specific data type. Add ? at the be...
* Provides the ability to cast an item as a specific data type.
* Add ? at the beginning of $type (i.e. ?string) to get NULL
* instead of casting $value if $value === null
* @param bool|float|int|string|null $value Attribute value
* @param string $attribute Attribute name
* @param string $method Allowed to "get" and "set"
* @return array|bool|float|int|object|string|null
* @throws CastException
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:338
⧉protected isMappedDbColumn(string $key): bool Whether this key is mapped db column name?
* Whether this key is mapped db column name?
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:550
⧉protected hasMappedProperty(string $key): bool Whether this key has mapped property?
* Whether this key has mapped property?
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:565
uri => string (31) "CodeIgniter\Entity\Cast\URICast"
private _cast -> boolean true
⇄⧉public __construct(?array $data = null) Allows filling in Entity parameters during construction.
new \App\Entities\Entity(?array $data = null)
* Allows filling in Entity parameters during construction.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:117
⇄⧉public fill(?array $data = null): $this Takes an array of key/value pairs and sets them as class properties, using an...
$value[23]->fill(?array $data = null)
* Takes an array of key/value pairs and sets them as class
* properties, using any `setCamelCasedProperty()` methods
* that may or may not exist.
* @param array $data
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:133
⇄⧉public toArray(bool $onlyChanged = false, bool $cast = true, bool $recursive = false): array General method that will return all public and protected values of this entit...
* General method that will return all public and protected values
* of this entity as an array. All values are accessed through the
* __get() magic method so will have any casts, etc applied to them.
* @param bool $onlyChanged If true, only return values that have changed since object creation
* @param bool $cast If true, properties will be cast.
* @param bool $recursive If true, inner entities will be cast as array as well.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:155
⇄⧉public toRawArray(bool $onlyChanged = false, bool $recursive = false): array Returns the raw values of the current attributes.
* Returns the raw values of the current attributes.
* @param bool $onlyChanged If true, only return values that have changed since object creation
* @param bool $recursive If true, inner entities will be cast as array as well.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:197
⇄⧉public syncOriginal(): $this Ensures our "original" values match the current values.
* Ensures our "original" values match the current values.
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:241
⇄⧉public hasChanged(?string $key = null): bool Checks a property to see if it has changed since the entity was created. Or, ...
$value[23]->hasChanged(?string $key = null)
* Checks a property to see if it has changed since the entity
* was created. Or, without a parameter, checks if any
* properties have changed.
* @param string|null $key class property
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:255
⇄⧉public setAttributes(array $data): $this Set raw data array without any mutations
$value[23]->setAttributes(array $data)
* Set raw data array without any mutations
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:282
⇄⧉public jsonSerialize(): array Support for json_encode()
* Support for json_encode()
* @return array
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:400
⇄⧉public cast(?bool $cast = null): bool|Entity Change the value of the private $_cast property
$value[23]->cast(?bool $cast = null)
* Change the value of the private $_cast property
* @return bool|Entity
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:410
⧉public __set(string $key, $value = null): void Magic method to all protected/private class properties to be easily set, eith...
* Magic method to all protected/private class properties to be
* easily set, either through a direct access or a
* `setCamelCasedProperty()` method.
* Examples:
* $this->my_property = $p;
* $this->setMyProperty() = $p;
* @param array|bool|float|int|object|string|null $value
* @return void
* @throws Exception
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:436
⧉public __get(string $key): array|bool|float|int|object|string|null Magic method to allow retrieval of protected and private class properties eit...
* Magic method to allow retrieval of protected and private class properties
* either by their name, or through a `getCamelCasedProperty()` method.
* Examples:
* $p = $this->my_property
* $p = $this->getMyProperty()
* @return array|bool|float|int|object|string|null
* @throws Exception
* @params string $key class property
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:479
⧉public __isset(string $key): bool Returns true if a property exists names $key, or a getter method exists named...
* Returns true if a property exists names $key, or a getter method
* exists named like for __get().
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:516
⧉public __unset(string $key): void Unsets an attribute property.
* Unsets an attribute property.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:536
⧉protected mapProperty(string $key): string db column name Checks the datamap to see if this property name is being mapped, and returns ...
* Checks the datamap to see if this property name is being mapped,
* and returns the db column name, if any, or the original property name.
* @return string db column name
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:297
⧉protected mutateDate($value): Time Converts the given string|timestamp|DateTime|Time instance into the "CodeIgni...
* Converts the given string|timestamp|DateTime|Time instance
* into the "CodeIgniter\I18n\Time" object.
* @param DateTime|float|int|string|Time $value
* @return Time
* @throws Exception
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:320
⧉protected castAs($value, string $attribute, string $method = 'get'): array|bool|float|int|object|string|null Provides the ability to cast an item as a specific data type. Add ? at the be...
* Provides the ability to cast an item as a specific data type.
* Add ? at the beginning of $type (i.e. ?string) to get NULL
* instead of casting $value if $value === null
* @param bool|float|int|string|null $value Attribute value
* @param string $attribute Attribute name
* @param string $method Allowed to "get" and "set"
* @return array|bool|float|int|object|string|null
* @throws CastException
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:338
⧉protected isMappedDbColumn(string $key): bool Whether this key is mapped db column name?
* Whether this key is mapped db column name?
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:550
⧉protected hasMappedProperty(string $key): bool Whether this key has mapped property?
* Whether this key has mapped property?
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:565
uri => string (31) "CodeIgniter\Entity\Cast\URICast"
private _cast -> boolean true
⇄⧉public __construct(?array $data = null) Allows filling in Entity parameters during construction.
new \App\Entities\Entity(?array $data = null)
* Allows filling in Entity parameters during construction.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:117
⇄⧉public fill(?array $data = null): $this Takes an array of key/value pairs and sets them as class properties, using an...
$value[24]->fill(?array $data = null)
* Takes an array of key/value pairs and sets them as class
* properties, using any `setCamelCasedProperty()` methods
* that may or may not exist.
* @param array $data
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:133
⇄⧉public toArray(bool $onlyChanged = false, bool $cast = true, bool $recursive = false): array General method that will return all public and protected values of this entit...
* General method that will return all public and protected values
* of this entity as an array. All values are accessed through the
* __get() magic method so will have any casts, etc applied to them.
* @param bool $onlyChanged If true, only return values that have changed since object creation
* @param bool $cast If true, properties will be cast.
* @param bool $recursive If true, inner entities will be cast as array as well.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:155
⇄⧉public toRawArray(bool $onlyChanged = false, bool $recursive = false): array Returns the raw values of the current attributes.
* Returns the raw values of the current attributes.
* @param bool $onlyChanged If true, only return values that have changed since object creation
* @param bool $recursive If true, inner entities will be cast as array as well.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:197
⇄⧉public syncOriginal(): $this Ensures our "original" values match the current values.
* Ensures our "original" values match the current values.
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:241
⇄⧉public hasChanged(?string $key = null): bool Checks a property to see if it has changed since the entity was created. Or, ...
$value[24]->hasChanged(?string $key = null)
* Checks a property to see if it has changed since the entity
* was created. Or, without a parameter, checks if any
* properties have changed.
* @param string|null $key class property
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:255
⇄⧉public setAttributes(array $data): $this Set raw data array without any mutations
$value[24]->setAttributes(array $data)
* Set raw data array without any mutations
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:282
⇄⧉public jsonSerialize(): array Support for json_encode()
* Support for json_encode()
* @return array
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:400
⇄⧉public cast(?bool $cast = null): bool|Entity Change the value of the private $_cast property
$value[24]->cast(?bool $cast = null)
* Change the value of the private $_cast property
* @return bool|Entity
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:410
⧉public __set(string $key, $value = null): void Magic method to all protected/private class properties to be easily set, eith...
* Magic method to all protected/private class properties to be
* easily set, either through a direct access or a
* `setCamelCasedProperty()` method.
* Examples:
* $this->my_property = $p;
* $this->setMyProperty() = $p;
* @param array|bool|float|int|object|string|null $value
* @return void
* @throws Exception
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:436
⧉public __get(string $key): array|bool|float|int|object|string|null Magic method to allow retrieval of protected and private class properties eit...
* Magic method to allow retrieval of protected and private class properties
* either by their name, or through a `getCamelCasedProperty()` method.
* Examples:
* $p = $this->my_property
* $p = $this->getMyProperty()
* @return array|bool|float|int|object|string|null
* @throws Exception
* @params string $key class property
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:479
⧉public __isset(string $key): bool Returns true if a property exists names $key, or a getter method exists named...
* Returns true if a property exists names $key, or a getter method
* exists named like for __get().
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:516
⧉public __unset(string $key): void Unsets an attribute property.
* Unsets an attribute property.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:536
⧉protected mapProperty(string $key): string db column name Checks the datamap to see if this property name is being mapped, and returns ...
* Checks the datamap to see if this property name is being mapped,
* and returns the db column name, if any, or the original property name.
* @return string db column name
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:297
⧉protected mutateDate($value): Time Converts the given string|timestamp|DateTime|Time instance into the "CodeIgni...
* Converts the given string|timestamp|DateTime|Time instance
* into the "CodeIgniter\I18n\Time" object.
* @param DateTime|float|int|string|Time $value
* @return Time
* @throws Exception
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:320
⧉protected castAs($value, string $attribute, string $method = 'get'): array|bool|float|int|object|string|null Provides the ability to cast an item as a specific data type. Add ? at the be...
* Provides the ability to cast an item as a specific data type.
* Add ? at the beginning of $type (i.e. ?string) to get NULL
* instead of casting $value if $value === null
* @param bool|float|int|string|null $value Attribute value
* @param string $attribute Attribute name
* @param string $method Allowed to "get" and "set"
* @return array|bool|float|int|object|string|null
* @throws CastException
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:338
⧉protected isMappedDbColumn(string $key): bool Whether this key is mapped db column name?
* Whether this key is mapped db column name?
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:550
⧉protected hasMappedProperty(string $key): bool Whether this key has mapped property?
* Whether this key has mapped property?
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:565
uri => string (31) "CodeIgniter\Entity\Cast\URICast"
private _cast -> boolean true
⇄⧉public __construct(?array $data = null) Allows filling in Entity parameters during construction.
new \App\Entities\Entity(?array $data = null)
* Allows filling in Entity parameters during construction.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:117
⇄⧉public fill(?array $data = null): $this Takes an array of key/value pairs and sets them as class properties, using an...
$value[25]->fill(?array $data = null)
* Takes an array of key/value pairs and sets them as class
* properties, using any `setCamelCasedProperty()` methods
* that may or may not exist.
* @param array $data
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:133
⇄⧉public toArray(bool $onlyChanged = false, bool $cast = true, bool $recursive = false): array General method that will return all public and protected values of this entit...
* General method that will return all public and protected values
* of this entity as an array. All values are accessed through the
* __get() magic method so will have any casts, etc applied to them.
* @param bool $onlyChanged If true, only return values that have changed since object creation
* @param bool $cast If true, properties will be cast.
* @param bool $recursive If true, inner entities will be cast as array as well.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:155
⇄⧉public toRawArray(bool $onlyChanged = false, bool $recursive = false): array Returns the raw values of the current attributes.
* Returns the raw values of the current attributes.
* @param bool $onlyChanged If true, only return values that have changed since object creation
* @param bool $recursive If true, inner entities will be cast as array as well.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:197
⇄⧉public syncOriginal(): $this Ensures our "original" values match the current values.
* Ensures our "original" values match the current values.
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:241
⇄⧉public hasChanged(?string $key = null): bool Checks a property to see if it has changed since the entity was created. Or, ...
$value[25]->hasChanged(?string $key = null)
* Checks a property to see if it has changed since the entity
* was created. Or, without a parameter, checks if any
* properties have changed.
* @param string|null $key class property
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:255
⇄⧉public setAttributes(array $data): $this Set raw data array without any mutations
$value[25]->setAttributes(array $data)
* Set raw data array without any mutations
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:282
⇄⧉public jsonSerialize(): array Support for json_encode()
* Support for json_encode()
* @return array
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:400
⇄⧉public cast(?bool $cast = null): bool|Entity Change the value of the private $_cast property
$value[25]->cast(?bool $cast = null)
* Change the value of the private $_cast property
* @return bool|Entity
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:410
⧉public __set(string $key, $value = null): void Magic method to all protected/private class properties to be easily set, eith...
* Magic method to all protected/private class properties to be
* easily set, either through a direct access or a
* `setCamelCasedProperty()` method.
* Examples:
* $this->my_property = $p;
* $this->setMyProperty() = $p;
* @param array|bool|float|int|object|string|null $value
* @return void
* @throws Exception
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:436
⧉public __get(string $key): array|bool|float|int|object|string|null Magic method to allow retrieval of protected and private class properties eit...
* Magic method to allow retrieval of protected and private class properties
* either by their name, or through a `getCamelCasedProperty()` method.
* Examples:
* $p = $this->my_property
* $p = $this->getMyProperty()
* @return array|bool|float|int|object|string|null
* @throws Exception
* @params string $key class property
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:479
⧉public __isset(string $key): bool Returns true if a property exists names $key, or a getter method exists named...
* Returns true if a property exists names $key, or a getter method
* exists named like for __get().
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:516
⧉public __unset(string $key): void Unsets an attribute property.
* Unsets an attribute property.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:536
⧉protected mapProperty(string $key): string db column name Checks the datamap to see if this property name is being mapped, and returns ...
* Checks the datamap to see if this property name is being mapped,
* and returns the db column name, if any, or the original property name.
* @return string db column name
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:297
⧉protected mutateDate($value): Time Converts the given string|timestamp|DateTime|Time instance into the "CodeIgni...
* Converts the given string|timestamp|DateTime|Time instance
* into the "CodeIgniter\I18n\Time" object.
* @param DateTime|float|int|string|Time $value
* @return Time
* @throws Exception
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:320
⧉protected castAs($value, string $attribute, string $method = 'get'): array|bool|float|int|object|string|null Provides the ability to cast an item as a specific data type. Add ? at the be...
* Provides the ability to cast an item as a specific data type.
* Add ? at the beginning of $type (i.e. ?string) to get NULL
* instead of casting $value if $value === null
* @param bool|float|int|string|null $value Attribute value
* @param string $attribute Attribute name
* @param string $method Allowed to "get" and "set"
* @return array|bool|float|int|object|string|null
* @throws CastException
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:338
⧉protected isMappedDbColumn(string $key): bool Whether this key is mapped db column name?
* Whether this key is mapped db column name?
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:550
⧉protected hasMappedProperty(string $key): bool Whether this key has mapped property?
* Whether this key has mapped property?
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:565
uri => string (31) "CodeIgniter\Entity\Cast\URICast"
private _cast -> boolean true
⇄⧉public __construct(?array $data = null) Allows filling in Entity parameters during construction.
new \App\Entities\Entity(?array $data = null)
* Allows filling in Entity parameters during construction.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:117
⇄⧉public fill(?array $data = null): $this Takes an array of key/value pairs and sets them as class properties, using an...
$value[26]->fill(?array $data = null)
* Takes an array of key/value pairs and sets them as class
* properties, using any `setCamelCasedProperty()` methods
* that may or may not exist.
* @param array $data
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:133
⇄⧉public toArray(bool $onlyChanged = false, bool $cast = true, bool $recursive = false): array General method that will return all public and protected values of this entit...
* General method that will return all public and protected values
* of this entity as an array. All values are accessed through the
* __get() magic method so will have any casts, etc applied to them.
* @param bool $onlyChanged If true, only return values that have changed since object creation
* @param bool $cast If true, properties will be cast.
* @param bool $recursive If true, inner entities will be cast as array as well.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:155
⇄⧉public toRawArray(bool $onlyChanged = false, bool $recursive = false): array Returns the raw values of the current attributes.
* Returns the raw values of the current attributes.
* @param bool $onlyChanged If true, only return values that have changed since object creation
* @param bool $recursive If true, inner entities will be cast as array as well.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:197
⇄⧉public syncOriginal(): $this Ensures our "original" values match the current values.
* Ensures our "original" values match the current values.
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:241
⇄⧉public hasChanged(?string $key = null): bool Checks a property to see if it has changed since the entity was created. Or, ...
$value[26]->hasChanged(?string $key = null)
* Checks a property to see if it has changed since the entity
* was created. Or, without a parameter, checks if any
* properties have changed.
* @param string|null $key class property
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:255
⇄⧉public setAttributes(array $data): $this Set raw data array without any mutations
$value[26]->setAttributes(array $data)
* Set raw data array without any mutations
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:282
⇄⧉public jsonSerialize(): array Support for json_encode()
* Support for json_encode()
* @return array
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:400
⇄⧉public cast(?bool $cast = null): bool|Entity Change the value of the private $_cast property
$value[26]->cast(?bool $cast = null)
* Change the value of the private $_cast property
* @return bool|Entity
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:410
⧉public __set(string $key, $value = null): void Magic method to all protected/private class properties to be easily set, eith...
* Magic method to all protected/private class properties to be
* easily set, either through a direct access or a
* `setCamelCasedProperty()` method.
* Examples:
* $this->my_property = $p;
* $this->setMyProperty() = $p;
* @param array|bool|float|int|object|string|null $value
* @return void
* @throws Exception
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:436
⧉public __get(string $key): array|bool|float|int|object|string|null Magic method to allow retrieval of protected and private class properties eit...
* Magic method to allow retrieval of protected and private class properties
* either by their name, or through a `getCamelCasedProperty()` method.
* Examples:
* $p = $this->my_property
* $p = $this->getMyProperty()
* @return array|bool|float|int|object|string|null
* @throws Exception
* @params string $key class property
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:479
⧉public __isset(string $key): bool Returns true if a property exists names $key, or a getter method exists named...
* Returns true if a property exists names $key, or a getter method
* exists named like for __get().
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:516
⧉public __unset(string $key): void Unsets an attribute property.
* Unsets an attribute property.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:536
⧉protected mapProperty(string $key): string db column name Checks the datamap to see if this property name is being mapped, and returns ...
* Checks the datamap to see if this property name is being mapped,
* and returns the db column name, if any, or the original property name.
* @return string db column name
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:297
⧉protected mutateDate($value): Time Converts the given string|timestamp|DateTime|Time instance into the "CodeIgni...
* Converts the given string|timestamp|DateTime|Time instance
* into the "CodeIgniter\I18n\Time" object.
* @param DateTime|float|int|string|Time $value
* @return Time
* @throws Exception
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:320
⧉protected castAs($value, string $attribute, string $method = 'get'): array|bool|float|int|object|string|null Provides the ability to cast an item as a specific data type. Add ? at the be...
* Provides the ability to cast an item as a specific data type.
* Add ? at the beginning of $type (i.e. ?string) to get NULL
* instead of casting $value if $value === null
* @param bool|float|int|string|null $value Attribute value
* @param string $attribute Attribute name
* @param string $method Allowed to "get" and "set"
* @return array|bool|float|int|object|string|null
* @throws CastException
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:338
⧉protected isMappedDbColumn(string $key): bool Whether this key is mapped db column name?
* Whether this key is mapped db column name?
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:550
⧉protected hasMappedProperty(string $key): bool Whether this key has mapped property?
* Whether this key has mapped property?
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:565
uri => string (31) "CodeIgniter\Entity\Cast\URICast"
private _cast -> boolean true
⇄⧉public __construct(?array $data = null) Allows filling in Entity parameters during construction.
new \App\Entities\Entity(?array $data = null)
* Allows filling in Entity parameters during construction.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:117
⇄⧉public fill(?array $data = null): $this Takes an array of key/value pairs and sets them as class properties, using an...
$value[27]->fill(?array $data = null)
* Takes an array of key/value pairs and sets them as class
* properties, using any `setCamelCasedProperty()` methods
* that may or may not exist.
* @param array $data
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:133
⇄⧉public toArray(bool $onlyChanged = false, bool $cast = true, bool $recursive = false): array General method that will return all public and protected values of this entit...
* General method that will return all public and protected values
* of this entity as an array. All values are accessed through the
* __get() magic method so will have any casts, etc applied to them.
* @param bool $onlyChanged If true, only return values that have changed since object creation
* @param bool $cast If true, properties will be cast.
* @param bool $recursive If true, inner entities will be cast as array as well.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:155
⇄⧉public toRawArray(bool $onlyChanged = false, bool $recursive = false): array Returns the raw values of the current attributes.
* Returns the raw values of the current attributes.
* @param bool $onlyChanged If true, only return values that have changed since object creation
* @param bool $recursive If true, inner entities will be cast as array as well.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:197
⇄⧉public syncOriginal(): $this Ensures our "original" values match the current values.
* Ensures our "original" values match the current values.
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:241
⇄⧉public hasChanged(?string $key = null): bool Checks a property to see if it has changed since the entity was created. Or, ...
$value[27]->hasChanged(?string $key = null)
* Checks a property to see if it has changed since the entity
* was created. Or, without a parameter, checks if any
* properties have changed.
* @param string|null $key class property
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:255
⇄⧉public setAttributes(array $data): $this Set raw data array without any mutations
$value[27]->setAttributes(array $data)
* Set raw data array without any mutations
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:282
⇄⧉public jsonSerialize(): array Support for json_encode()
* Support for json_encode()
* @return array
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:400
⇄⧉public cast(?bool $cast = null): bool|Entity Change the value of the private $_cast property
$value[27]->cast(?bool $cast = null)
* Change the value of the private $_cast property
* @return bool|Entity
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:410
⧉public __set(string $key, $value = null): void Magic method to all protected/private class properties to be easily set, eith...
* Magic method to all protected/private class properties to be
* easily set, either through a direct access or a
* `setCamelCasedProperty()` method.
* Examples:
* $this->my_property = $p;
* $this->setMyProperty() = $p;
* @param array|bool|float|int|object|string|null $value
* @return void
* @throws Exception
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:436
⧉public __get(string $key): array|bool|float|int|object|string|null Magic method to allow retrieval of protected and private class properties eit...
* Magic method to allow retrieval of protected and private class properties
* either by their name, or through a `getCamelCasedProperty()` method.
* Examples:
* $p = $this->my_property
* $p = $this->getMyProperty()
* @return array|bool|float|int|object|string|null
* @throws Exception
* @params string $key class property
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:479
⧉public __isset(string $key): bool Returns true if a property exists names $key, or a getter method exists named...
* Returns true if a property exists names $key, or a getter method
* exists named like for __get().
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:516
⧉public __unset(string $key): void Unsets an attribute property.
* Unsets an attribute property.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:536
⧉protected mapProperty(string $key): string db column name Checks the datamap to see if this property name is being mapped, and returns ...
* Checks the datamap to see if this property name is being mapped,
* and returns the db column name, if any, or the original property name.
* @return string db column name
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:297
⧉protected mutateDate($value): Time Converts the given string|timestamp|DateTime|Time instance into the "CodeIgni...
* Converts the given string|timestamp|DateTime|Time instance
* into the "CodeIgniter\I18n\Time" object.
* @param DateTime|float|int|string|Time $value
* @return Time
* @throws Exception
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:320
⧉protected castAs($value, string $attribute, string $method = 'get'): array|bool|float|int|object|string|null Provides the ability to cast an item as a specific data type. Add ? at the be...
* Provides the ability to cast an item as a specific data type.
* Add ? at the beginning of $type (i.e. ?string) to get NULL
* instead of casting $value if $value === null
* @param bool|float|int|string|null $value Attribute value
* @param string $attribute Attribute name
* @param string $method Allowed to "get" and "set"
* @return array|bool|float|int|object|string|null
* @throws CastException
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:338
⧉protected isMappedDbColumn(string $key): bool Whether this key is mapped db column name?
* Whether this key is mapped db column name?
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:550
⧉protected hasMappedProperty(string $key): bool Whether this key has mapped property?
* Whether this key has mapped property?
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:565
uri => string (31) "CodeIgniter\Entity\Cast\URICast"
private _cast -> boolean true
⇄⧉public __construct(?array $data = null) Allows filling in Entity parameters during construction.
new \App\Entities\Entity(?array $data = null)
* Allows filling in Entity parameters during construction.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:117
⇄⧉public fill(?array $data = null): $this Takes an array of key/value pairs and sets them as class properties, using an...
$value[0]->fill(?array $data = null)
* Takes an array of key/value pairs and sets them as class
* properties, using any `setCamelCasedProperty()` methods
* that may or may not exist.
* @param array $data
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:133
⇄⧉public toArray(bool $onlyChanged = false, bool $cast = true, bool $recursive = false): array General method that will return all public and protected values of this entit...
* General method that will return all public and protected values
* of this entity as an array. All values are accessed through the
* __get() magic method so will have any casts, etc applied to them.
* @param bool $onlyChanged If true, only return values that have changed since object creation
* @param bool $cast If true, properties will be cast.
* @param bool $recursive If true, inner entities will be cast as array as well.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:155
⇄⧉public toRawArray(bool $onlyChanged = false, bool $recursive = false): array Returns the raw values of the current attributes.
* Returns the raw values of the current attributes.
* @param bool $onlyChanged If true, only return values that have changed since object creation
* @param bool $recursive If true, inner entities will be cast as array as well.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:197
⇄⧉public syncOriginal(): $this Ensures our "original" values match the current values.
* Ensures our "original" values match the current values.
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:241
⇄⧉public hasChanged(?string $key = null): bool Checks a property to see if it has changed since the entity was created. Or, ...
$value[0]->hasChanged(?string $key = null)
* Checks a property to see if it has changed since the entity
* was created. Or, without a parameter, checks if any
* properties have changed.
* @param string|null $key class property
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:255
⇄⧉public setAttributes(array $data): $this Set raw data array without any mutations
$value[0]->setAttributes(array $data)
* Set raw data array without any mutations
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:282
⇄⧉public jsonSerialize(): array Support for json_encode()
* Support for json_encode()
* @return array
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:400
⇄⧉public cast(?bool $cast = null): bool|Entity Change the value of the private $_cast property
$value[0]->cast(?bool $cast = null)
* Change the value of the private $_cast property
* @return bool|Entity
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:410
⧉public __set(string $key, $value = null): void Magic method to all protected/private class properties to be easily set, eith...
* Magic method to all protected/private class properties to be
* easily set, either through a direct access or a
* `setCamelCasedProperty()` method.
* Examples:
* $this->my_property = $p;
* $this->setMyProperty() = $p;
* @param array|bool|float|int|object|string|null $value
* @return void
* @throws Exception
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:436
⧉public __get(string $key): array|bool|float|int|object|string|null Magic method to allow retrieval of protected and private class properties eit...
* Magic method to allow retrieval of protected and private class properties
* either by their name, or through a `getCamelCasedProperty()` method.
* Examples:
* $p = $this->my_property
* $p = $this->getMyProperty()
* @return array|bool|float|int|object|string|null
* @throws Exception
* @params string $key class property
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:479
⧉public __isset(string $key): bool Returns true if a property exists names $key, or a getter method exists named...
* Returns true if a property exists names $key, or a getter method
* exists named like for __get().
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:516
⧉public __unset(string $key): void Unsets an attribute property.
* Unsets an attribute property.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:536
⧉protected mapProperty(string $key): string db column name Checks the datamap to see if this property name is being mapped, and returns ...
* Checks the datamap to see if this property name is being mapped,
* and returns the db column name, if any, or the original property name.
* @return string db column name
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:297
⧉protected mutateDate($value): Time Converts the given string|timestamp|DateTime|Time instance into the "CodeIgni...
* Converts the given string|timestamp|DateTime|Time instance
* into the "CodeIgniter\I18n\Time" object.
* @param DateTime|float|int|string|Time $value
* @return Time
* @throws Exception
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:320
⧉protected castAs($value, string $attribute, string $method = 'get'): array|bool|float|int|object|string|null Provides the ability to cast an item as a specific data type. Add ? at the be...
* Provides the ability to cast an item as a specific data type.
* Add ? at the beginning of $type (i.e. ?string) to get NULL
* instead of casting $value if $value === null
* @param bool|float|int|string|null $value Attribute value
* @param string $attribute Attribute name
* @param string $method Allowed to "get" and "set"
* @return array|bool|float|int|object|string|null
* @throws CastException
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:338
⧉protected isMappedDbColumn(string $key): bool Whether this key is mapped db column name?
* Whether this key is mapped db column name?
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:550
⧉protected hasMappedProperty(string $key): bool Whether this key has mapped property?
* Whether this key has mapped property?
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:565
uri => string (31) "CodeIgniter\Entity\Cast\URICast"
private _cast -> boolean true
⇄⧉public __construct(?array $data = null) Allows filling in Entity parameters during construction.
new \App\Entities\Entity(?array $data = null)
* Allows filling in Entity parameters during construction.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:117
⇄⧉public fill(?array $data = null): $this Takes an array of key/value pairs and sets them as class properties, using an...
$value[1]->fill(?array $data = null)
* Takes an array of key/value pairs and sets them as class
* properties, using any `setCamelCasedProperty()` methods
* that may or may not exist.
* @param array $data
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:133
⇄⧉public toArray(bool $onlyChanged = false, bool $cast = true, bool $recursive = false): array General method that will return all public and protected values of this entit...
* General method that will return all public and protected values
* of this entity as an array. All values are accessed through the
* __get() magic method so will have any casts, etc applied to them.
* @param bool $onlyChanged If true, only return values that have changed since object creation
* @param bool $cast If true, properties will be cast.
* @param bool $recursive If true, inner entities will be cast as array as well.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:155
⇄⧉public toRawArray(bool $onlyChanged = false, bool $recursive = false): array Returns the raw values of the current attributes.
* Returns the raw values of the current attributes.
* @param bool $onlyChanged If true, only return values that have changed since object creation
* @param bool $recursive If true, inner entities will be cast as array as well.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:197
⇄⧉public syncOriginal(): $this Ensures our "original" values match the current values.
* Ensures our "original" values match the current values.
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:241
⇄⧉public hasChanged(?string $key = null): bool Checks a property to see if it has changed since the entity was created. Or, ...
$value[1]->hasChanged(?string $key = null)
* Checks a property to see if it has changed since the entity
* was created. Or, without a parameter, checks if any
* properties have changed.
* @param string|null $key class property
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:255
⇄⧉public setAttributes(array $data): $this Set raw data array without any mutations
$value[1]->setAttributes(array $data)
* Set raw data array without any mutations
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:282
⇄⧉public jsonSerialize(): array Support for json_encode()
* Support for json_encode()
* @return array
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:400
⇄⧉public cast(?bool $cast = null): bool|Entity Change the value of the private $_cast property
$value[1]->cast(?bool $cast = null)
* Change the value of the private $_cast property
* @return bool|Entity
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:410
⧉public __set(string $key, $value = null): void Magic method to all protected/private class properties to be easily set, eith...
* Magic method to all protected/private class properties to be
* easily set, either through a direct access or a
* `setCamelCasedProperty()` method.
* Examples:
* $this->my_property = $p;
* $this->setMyProperty() = $p;
* @param array|bool|float|int|object|string|null $value
* @return void
* @throws Exception
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:436
⧉public __get(string $key): array|bool|float|int|object|string|null Magic method to allow retrieval of protected and private class properties eit...
* Magic method to allow retrieval of protected and private class properties
* either by their name, or through a `getCamelCasedProperty()` method.
* Examples:
* $p = $this->my_property
* $p = $this->getMyProperty()
* @return array|bool|float|int|object|string|null
* @throws Exception
* @params string $key class property
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:479
⧉public __isset(string $key): bool Returns true if a property exists names $key, or a getter method exists named...
* Returns true if a property exists names $key, or a getter method
* exists named like for __get().
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:516
⧉public __unset(string $key): void Unsets an attribute property.
* Unsets an attribute property.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:536
⧉protected mapProperty(string $key): string db column name Checks the datamap to see if this property name is being mapped, and returns ...
* Checks the datamap to see if this property name is being mapped,
* and returns the db column name, if any, or the original property name.
* @return string db column name
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:297
⧉protected mutateDate($value): Time Converts the given string|timestamp|DateTime|Time instance into the "CodeIgni...
* Converts the given string|timestamp|DateTime|Time instance
* into the "CodeIgniter\I18n\Time" object.
* @param DateTime|float|int|string|Time $value
* @return Time
* @throws Exception
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:320
⧉protected castAs($value, string $attribute, string $method = 'get'): array|bool|float|int|object|string|null Provides the ability to cast an item as a specific data type. Add ? at the be...
* Provides the ability to cast an item as a specific data type.
* Add ? at the beginning of $type (i.e. ?string) to get NULL
* instead of casting $value if $value === null
* @param bool|float|int|string|null $value Attribute value
* @param string $attribute Attribute name
* @param string $method Allowed to "get" and "set"
* @return array|bool|float|int|object|string|null
* @throws CastException
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:338
⧉protected isMappedDbColumn(string $key): bool Whether this key is mapped db column name?
* Whether this key is mapped db column name?
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:550
⧉protected hasMappedProperty(string $key): bool Whether this key has mapped property?
* Whether this key has mapped property?
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:565
uri => string (31) "CodeIgniter\Entity\Cast\URICast"
private _cast -> boolean true
⇄⧉public __construct(?array $data = null) Allows filling in Entity parameters during construction.
new \App\Entities\Entity(?array $data = null)
* Allows filling in Entity parameters during construction.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:117
⇄⧉public fill(?array $data = null): $this Takes an array of key/value pairs and sets them as class properties, using an...
$value[2]->fill(?array $data = null)
* Takes an array of key/value pairs and sets them as class
* properties, using any `setCamelCasedProperty()` methods
* that may or may not exist.
* @param array $data
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:133
⇄⧉public toArray(bool $onlyChanged = false, bool $cast = true, bool $recursive = false): array General method that will return all public and protected values of this entit...
* General method that will return all public and protected values
* of this entity as an array. All values are accessed through the
* __get() magic method so will have any casts, etc applied to them.
* @param bool $onlyChanged If true, only return values that have changed since object creation
* @param bool $cast If true, properties will be cast.
* @param bool $recursive If true, inner entities will be cast as array as well.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:155
⇄⧉public toRawArray(bool $onlyChanged = false, bool $recursive = false): array Returns the raw values of the current attributes.
* Returns the raw values of the current attributes.
* @param bool $onlyChanged If true, only return values that have changed since object creation
* @param bool $recursive If true, inner entities will be cast as array as well.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:197
⇄⧉public syncOriginal(): $this Ensures our "original" values match the current values.
* Ensures our "original" values match the current values.
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:241
⇄⧉public hasChanged(?string $key = null): bool Checks a property to see if it has changed since the entity was created. Or, ...
$value[2]->hasChanged(?string $key = null)
* Checks a property to see if it has changed since the entity
* was created. Or, without a parameter, checks if any
* properties have changed.
* @param string|null $key class property
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:255
⇄⧉public setAttributes(array $data): $this Set raw data array without any mutations
$value[2]->setAttributes(array $data)
* Set raw data array without any mutations
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:282
⇄⧉public jsonSerialize(): array Support for json_encode()
* Support for json_encode()
* @return array
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:400
⇄⧉public cast(?bool $cast = null): bool|Entity Change the value of the private $_cast property
$value[2]->cast(?bool $cast = null)
* Change the value of the private $_cast property
* @return bool|Entity
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:410
⧉public __set(string $key, $value = null): void Magic method to all protected/private class properties to be easily set, eith...
* Magic method to all protected/private class properties to be
* easily set, either through a direct access or a
* `setCamelCasedProperty()` method.
* Examples:
* $this->my_property = $p;
* $this->setMyProperty() = $p;
* @param array|bool|float|int|object|string|null $value
* @return void
* @throws Exception
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:436
⧉public __get(string $key): array|bool|float|int|object|string|null Magic method to allow retrieval of protected and private class properties eit...
* Magic method to allow retrieval of protected and private class properties
* either by their name, or through a `getCamelCasedProperty()` method.
* Examples:
* $p = $this->my_property
* $p = $this->getMyProperty()
* @return array|bool|float|int|object|string|null
* @throws Exception
* @params string $key class property
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:479
⧉public __isset(string $key): bool Returns true if a property exists names $key, or a getter method exists named...
* Returns true if a property exists names $key, or a getter method
* exists named like for __get().
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:516
⧉public __unset(string $key): void Unsets an attribute property.
* Unsets an attribute property.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:536
⧉protected mapProperty(string $key): string db column name Checks the datamap to see if this property name is being mapped, and returns ...
* Checks the datamap to see if this property name is being mapped,
* and returns the db column name, if any, or the original property name.
* @return string db column name
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:297
⧉protected mutateDate($value): Time Converts the given string|timestamp|DateTime|Time instance into the "CodeIgni...
* Converts the given string|timestamp|DateTime|Time instance
* into the "CodeIgniter\I18n\Time" object.
* @param DateTime|float|int|string|Time $value
* @return Time
* @throws Exception
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:320
⧉protected castAs($value, string $attribute, string $method = 'get'): array|bool|float|int|object|string|null Provides the ability to cast an item as a specific data type. Add ? at the be...
* Provides the ability to cast an item as a specific data type.
* Add ? at the beginning of $type (i.e. ?string) to get NULL
* instead of casting $value if $value === null
* @param bool|float|int|string|null $value Attribute value
* @param string $attribute Attribute name
* @param string $method Allowed to "get" and "set"
* @return array|bool|float|int|object|string|null
* @throws CastException
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:338
⧉protected isMappedDbColumn(string $key): bool Whether this key is mapped db column name?
* Whether this key is mapped db column name?
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:550
⧉protected hasMappedProperty(string $key): bool Whether this key has mapped property?
* Whether this key has mapped property?
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:565
uri => string (31) "CodeIgniter\Entity\Cast\URICast"
private _cast -> boolean true
⇄⧉public __construct(?array $data = null) Allows filling in Entity parameters during construction.
new \App\Entities\Entity(?array $data = null)
* Allows filling in Entity parameters during construction.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:117
⇄⧉public fill(?array $data = null): $this Takes an array of key/value pairs and sets them as class properties, using an...
$value[3]->fill(?array $data = null)
* Takes an array of key/value pairs and sets them as class
* properties, using any `setCamelCasedProperty()` methods
* that may or may not exist.
* @param array $data
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:133
⇄⧉public toArray(bool $onlyChanged = false, bool $cast = true, bool $recursive = false): array General method that will return all public and protected values of this entit...
* General method that will return all public and protected values
* of this entity as an array. All values are accessed through the
* __get() magic method so will have any casts, etc applied to them.
* @param bool $onlyChanged If true, only return values that have changed since object creation
* @param bool $cast If true, properties will be cast.
* @param bool $recursive If true, inner entities will be cast as array as well.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:155
⇄⧉public toRawArray(bool $onlyChanged = false, bool $recursive = false): array Returns the raw values of the current attributes.
* Returns the raw values of the current attributes.
* @param bool $onlyChanged If true, only return values that have changed since object creation
* @param bool $recursive If true, inner entities will be cast as array as well.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:197
⇄⧉public syncOriginal(): $this Ensures our "original" values match the current values.
* Ensures our "original" values match the current values.
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:241
⇄⧉public hasChanged(?string $key = null): bool Checks a property to see if it has changed since the entity was created. Or, ...
$value[3]->hasChanged(?string $key = null)
* Checks a property to see if it has changed since the entity
* was created. Or, without a parameter, checks if any
* properties have changed.
* @param string|null $key class property
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:255
⇄⧉public setAttributes(array $data): $this Set raw data array without any mutations
$value[3]->setAttributes(array $data)
* Set raw data array without any mutations
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:282
⇄⧉public jsonSerialize(): array Support for json_encode()
* Support for json_encode()
* @return array
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:400
⇄⧉public cast(?bool $cast = null): bool|Entity Change the value of the private $_cast property
$value[3]->cast(?bool $cast = null)
* Change the value of the private $_cast property
* @return bool|Entity
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:410
⧉public __set(string $key, $value = null): void Magic method to all protected/private class properties to be easily set, eith...
* Magic method to all protected/private class properties to be
* easily set, either through a direct access or a
* `setCamelCasedProperty()` method.
* Examples:
* $this->my_property = $p;
* $this->setMyProperty() = $p;
* @param array|bool|float|int|object|string|null $value
* @return void
* @throws Exception
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:436
⧉public __get(string $key): array|bool|float|int|object|string|null Magic method to allow retrieval of protected and private class properties eit...
* Magic method to allow retrieval of protected and private class properties
* either by their name, or through a `getCamelCasedProperty()` method.
* Examples:
* $p = $this->my_property
* $p = $this->getMyProperty()
* @return array|bool|float|int|object|string|null
* @throws Exception
* @params string $key class property
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:479
⧉public __isset(string $key): bool Returns true if a property exists names $key, or a getter method exists named...
* Returns true if a property exists names $key, or a getter method
* exists named like for __get().
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:516
⧉public __unset(string $key): void Unsets an attribute property.
* Unsets an attribute property.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:536
⧉protected mapProperty(string $key): string db column name Checks the datamap to see if this property name is being mapped, and returns ...
* Checks the datamap to see if this property name is being mapped,
* and returns the db column name, if any, or the original property name.
* @return string db column name
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:297
⧉protected mutateDate($value): Time Converts the given string|timestamp|DateTime|Time instance into the "CodeIgni...
* Converts the given string|timestamp|DateTime|Time instance
* into the "CodeIgniter\I18n\Time" object.
* @param DateTime|float|int|string|Time $value
* @return Time
* @throws Exception
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:320
⧉protected castAs($value, string $attribute, string $method = 'get'): array|bool|float|int|object|string|null Provides the ability to cast an item as a specific data type. Add ? at the be...
* Provides the ability to cast an item as a specific data type.
* Add ? at the beginning of $type (i.e. ?string) to get NULL
* instead of casting $value if $value === null
* @param bool|float|int|string|null $value Attribute value
* @param string $attribute Attribute name
* @param string $method Allowed to "get" and "set"
* @return array|bool|float|int|object|string|null
* @throws CastException
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:338
⧉protected isMappedDbColumn(string $key): bool Whether this key is mapped db column name?
* Whether this key is mapped db column name?
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:550
⧉protected hasMappedProperty(string $key): bool Whether this key has mapped property?
* Whether this key has mapped property?
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:565
uri => string (31) "CodeIgniter\Entity\Cast\URICast"
private _cast -> boolean true
⇄⧉public __construct(?array $data = null) Allows filling in Entity parameters during construction.
new \App\Entities\Entity(?array $data = null)
* Allows filling in Entity parameters during construction.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:117
⇄⧉public fill(?array $data = null): $this Takes an array of key/value pairs and sets them as class properties, using an...
$value[4]->fill(?array $data = null)
* Takes an array of key/value pairs and sets them as class
* properties, using any `setCamelCasedProperty()` methods
* that may or may not exist.
* @param array $data
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:133
⇄⧉public toArray(bool $onlyChanged = false, bool $cast = true, bool $recursive = false): array General method that will return all public and protected values of this entit...
* General method that will return all public and protected values
* of this entity as an array. All values are accessed through the
* __get() magic method so will have any casts, etc applied to them.
* @param bool $onlyChanged If true, only return values that have changed since object creation
* @param bool $cast If true, properties will be cast.
* @param bool $recursive If true, inner entities will be cast as array as well.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:155
⇄⧉public toRawArray(bool $onlyChanged = false, bool $recursive = false): array Returns the raw values of the current attributes.
* Returns the raw values of the current attributes.
* @param bool $onlyChanged If true, only return values that have changed since object creation
* @param bool $recursive If true, inner entities will be cast as array as well.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:197
⇄⧉public syncOriginal(): $this Ensures our "original" values match the current values.
* Ensures our "original" values match the current values.
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:241
⇄⧉public hasChanged(?string $key = null): bool Checks a property to see if it has changed since the entity was created. Or, ...
$value[4]->hasChanged(?string $key = null)
* Checks a property to see if it has changed since the entity
* was created. Or, without a parameter, checks if any
* properties have changed.
* @param string|null $key class property
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:255
⇄⧉public setAttributes(array $data): $this Set raw data array without any mutations
$value[4]->setAttributes(array $data)
* Set raw data array without any mutations
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:282
⇄⧉public jsonSerialize(): array Support for json_encode()
* Support for json_encode()
* @return array
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:400
⇄⧉public cast(?bool $cast = null): bool|Entity Change the value of the private $_cast property
$value[4]->cast(?bool $cast = null)
* Change the value of the private $_cast property
* @return bool|Entity
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:410
⧉public __set(string $key, $value = null): void Magic method to all protected/private class properties to be easily set, eith...
* Magic method to all protected/private class properties to be
* easily set, either through a direct access or a
* `setCamelCasedProperty()` method.
* Examples:
* $this->my_property = $p;
* $this->setMyProperty() = $p;
* @param array|bool|float|int|object|string|null $value
* @return void
* @throws Exception
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:436
⧉public __get(string $key): array|bool|float|int|object|string|null Magic method to allow retrieval of protected and private class properties eit...
* Magic method to allow retrieval of protected and private class properties
* either by their name, or through a `getCamelCasedProperty()` method.
* Examples:
* $p = $this->my_property
* $p = $this->getMyProperty()
* @return array|bool|float|int|object|string|null
* @throws Exception
* @params string $key class property
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:479
⧉public __isset(string $key): bool Returns true if a property exists names $key, or a getter method exists named...
* Returns true if a property exists names $key, or a getter method
* exists named like for __get().
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:516
⧉public __unset(string $key): void Unsets an attribute property.
* Unsets an attribute property.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:536
⧉protected mapProperty(string $key): string db column name Checks the datamap to see if this property name is being mapped, and returns ...
* Checks the datamap to see if this property name is being mapped,
* and returns the db column name, if any, or the original property name.
* @return string db column name
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:297
⧉protected mutateDate($value): Time Converts the given string|timestamp|DateTime|Time instance into the "CodeIgni...
* Converts the given string|timestamp|DateTime|Time instance
* into the "CodeIgniter\I18n\Time" object.
* @param DateTime|float|int|string|Time $value
* @return Time
* @throws Exception
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:320
⧉protected castAs($value, string $attribute, string $method = 'get'): array|bool|float|int|object|string|null Provides the ability to cast an item as a specific data type. Add ? at the be...
* Provides the ability to cast an item as a specific data type.
* Add ? at the beginning of $type (i.e. ?string) to get NULL
* instead of casting $value if $value === null
* @param bool|float|int|string|null $value Attribute value
* @param string $attribute Attribute name
* @param string $method Allowed to "get" and "set"
* @return array|bool|float|int|object|string|null
* @throws CastException
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:338
⧉protected isMappedDbColumn(string $key): bool Whether this key is mapped db column name?
* Whether this key is mapped db column name?
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:550
⧉protected hasMappedProperty(string $key): bool Whether this key has mapped property?
* Whether this key has mapped property?
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:565
uri => string (31) "CodeIgniter\Entity\Cast\URICast"
private _cast -> boolean true
⇄⧉public __construct(?array $data = null) Allows filling in Entity parameters during construction.
new \App\Entities\Entity(?array $data = null)
* Allows filling in Entity parameters during construction.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:117
⇄⧉public fill(?array $data = null): $this Takes an array of key/value pairs and sets them as class properties, using an...
$value[5]->fill(?array $data = null)
* Takes an array of key/value pairs and sets them as class
* properties, using any `setCamelCasedProperty()` methods
* that may or may not exist.
* @param array $data
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:133
⇄⧉public toArray(bool $onlyChanged = false, bool $cast = true, bool $recursive = false): array General method that will return all public and protected values of this entit...
* General method that will return all public and protected values
* of this entity as an array. All values are accessed through the
* __get() magic method so will have any casts, etc applied to them.
* @param bool $onlyChanged If true, only return values that have changed since object creation
* @param bool $cast If true, properties will be cast.
* @param bool $recursive If true, inner entities will be cast as array as well.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:155
⇄⧉public toRawArray(bool $onlyChanged = false, bool $recursive = false): array Returns the raw values of the current attributes.
* Returns the raw values of the current attributes.
* @param bool $onlyChanged If true, only return values that have changed since object creation
* @param bool $recursive If true, inner entities will be cast as array as well.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:197
⇄⧉public syncOriginal(): $this Ensures our "original" values match the current values.
* Ensures our "original" values match the current values.
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:241
⇄⧉public hasChanged(?string $key = null): bool Checks a property to see if it has changed since the entity was created. Or, ...
$value[5]->hasChanged(?string $key = null)
* Checks a property to see if it has changed since the entity
* was created. Or, without a parameter, checks if any
* properties have changed.
* @param string|null $key class property
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:255
⇄⧉public setAttributes(array $data): $this Set raw data array without any mutations
$value[5]->setAttributes(array $data)
* Set raw data array without any mutations
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:282
⇄⧉public jsonSerialize(): array Support for json_encode()
* Support for json_encode()
* @return array
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:400
⇄⧉public cast(?bool $cast = null): bool|Entity Change the value of the private $_cast property
$value[5]->cast(?bool $cast = null)
* Change the value of the private $_cast property
* @return bool|Entity
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:410
⧉public __set(string $key, $value = null): void Magic method to all protected/private class properties to be easily set, eith...
* Magic method to all protected/private class properties to be
* easily set, either through a direct access or a
* `setCamelCasedProperty()` method.
* Examples:
* $this->my_property = $p;
* $this->setMyProperty() = $p;
* @param array|bool|float|int|object|string|null $value
* @return void
* @throws Exception
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:436
⧉public __get(string $key): array|bool|float|int|object|string|null Magic method to allow retrieval of protected and private class properties eit...
* Magic method to allow retrieval of protected and private class properties
* either by their name, or through a `getCamelCasedProperty()` method.
* Examples:
* $p = $this->my_property
* $p = $this->getMyProperty()
* @return array|bool|float|int|object|string|null
* @throws Exception
* @params string $key class property
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:479
⧉public __isset(string $key): bool Returns true if a property exists names $key, or a getter method exists named...
* Returns true if a property exists names $key, or a getter method
* exists named like for __get().
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:516
⧉public __unset(string $key): void Unsets an attribute property.
* Unsets an attribute property.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:536
⧉protected mapProperty(string $key): string db column name Checks the datamap to see if this property name is being mapped, and returns ...
* Checks the datamap to see if this property name is being mapped,
* and returns the db column name, if any, or the original property name.
* @return string db column name
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:297
⧉protected mutateDate($value): Time Converts the given string|timestamp|DateTime|Time instance into the "CodeIgni...
* Converts the given string|timestamp|DateTime|Time instance
* into the "CodeIgniter\I18n\Time" object.
* @param DateTime|float|int|string|Time $value
* @return Time
* @throws Exception
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:320
⧉protected castAs($value, string $attribute, string $method = 'get'): array|bool|float|int|object|string|null Provides the ability to cast an item as a specific data type. Add ? at the be...
* Provides the ability to cast an item as a specific data type.
* Add ? at the beginning of $type (i.e. ?string) to get NULL
* instead of casting $value if $value === null
* @param bool|float|int|string|null $value Attribute value
* @param string $attribute Attribute name
* @param string $method Allowed to "get" and "set"
* @return array|bool|float|int|object|string|null
* @throws CastException
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:338
⧉protected isMappedDbColumn(string $key): bool Whether this key is mapped db column name?
* Whether this key is mapped db column name?
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:550
⧉protected hasMappedProperty(string $key): bool Whether this key has mapped property?
* Whether this key has mapped property?
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:565
uri => string (31) "CodeIgniter\Entity\Cast\URICast"
private _cast -> boolean true
⇄⧉public __construct(?array $data = null) Allows filling in Entity parameters during construction.
new \App\Entities\Entity(?array $data = null)
* Allows filling in Entity parameters during construction.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:117
⇄⧉public fill(?array $data = null): $this Takes an array of key/value pairs and sets them as class properties, using an...
$value[6]->fill(?array $data = null)
* Takes an array of key/value pairs and sets them as class
* properties, using any `setCamelCasedProperty()` methods
* that may or may not exist.
* @param array $data
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:133
⇄⧉public toArray(bool $onlyChanged = false, bool $cast = true, bool $recursive = false): array General method that will return all public and protected values of this entit...
* General method that will return all public and protected values
* of this entity as an array. All values are accessed through the
* __get() magic method so will have any casts, etc applied to them.
* @param bool $onlyChanged If true, only return values that have changed since object creation
* @param bool $cast If true, properties will be cast.
* @param bool $recursive If true, inner entities will be cast as array as well.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:155
⇄⧉public toRawArray(bool $onlyChanged = false, bool $recursive = false): array Returns the raw values of the current attributes.
* Returns the raw values of the current attributes.
* @param bool $onlyChanged If true, only return values that have changed since object creation
* @param bool $recursive If true, inner entities will be cast as array as well.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:197
⇄⧉public syncOriginal(): $this Ensures our "original" values match the current values.
* Ensures our "original" values match the current values.
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:241
⇄⧉public hasChanged(?string $key = null): bool Checks a property to see if it has changed since the entity was created. Or, ...
$value[6]->hasChanged(?string $key = null)
* Checks a property to see if it has changed since the entity
* was created. Or, without a parameter, checks if any
* properties have changed.
* @param string|null $key class property
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:255
⇄⧉public setAttributes(array $data): $this Set raw data array without any mutations
$value[6]->setAttributes(array $data)
* Set raw data array without any mutations
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:282
⇄⧉public jsonSerialize(): array Support for json_encode()
* Support for json_encode()
* @return array
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:400
⇄⧉public cast(?bool $cast = null): bool|Entity Change the value of the private $_cast property
$value[6]->cast(?bool $cast = null)
* Change the value of the private $_cast property
* @return bool|Entity
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:410
⧉public __set(string $key, $value = null): void Magic method to all protected/private class properties to be easily set, eith...
* Magic method to all protected/private class properties to be
* easily set, either through a direct access or a
* `setCamelCasedProperty()` method.
* Examples:
* $this->my_property = $p;
* $this->setMyProperty() = $p;
* @param array|bool|float|int|object|string|null $value
* @return void
* @throws Exception
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:436
⧉public __get(string $key): array|bool|float|int|object|string|null Magic method to allow retrieval of protected and private class properties eit...
* Magic method to allow retrieval of protected and private class properties
* either by their name, or through a `getCamelCasedProperty()` method.
* Examples:
* $p = $this->my_property
* $p = $this->getMyProperty()
* @return array|bool|float|int|object|string|null
* @throws Exception
* @params string $key class property
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:479
⧉public __isset(string $key): bool Returns true if a property exists names $key, or a getter method exists named...
* Returns true if a property exists names $key, or a getter method
* exists named like for __get().
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:516
⧉public __unset(string $key): void Unsets an attribute property.
* Unsets an attribute property.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:536
⧉protected mapProperty(string $key): string db column name Checks the datamap to see if this property name is being mapped, and returns ...
* Checks the datamap to see if this property name is being mapped,
* and returns the db column name, if any, or the original property name.
* @return string db column name
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:297
⧉protected mutateDate($value): Time Converts the given string|timestamp|DateTime|Time instance into the "CodeIgni...
* Converts the given string|timestamp|DateTime|Time instance
* into the "CodeIgniter\I18n\Time" object.
* @param DateTime|float|int|string|Time $value
* @return Time
* @throws Exception
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:320
⧉protected castAs($value, string $attribute, string $method = 'get'): array|bool|float|int|object|string|null Provides the ability to cast an item as a specific data type. Add ? at the be...
* Provides the ability to cast an item as a specific data type.
* Add ? at the beginning of $type (i.e. ?string) to get NULL
* instead of casting $value if $value === null
* @param bool|float|int|string|null $value Attribute value
* @param string $attribute Attribute name
* @param string $method Allowed to "get" and "set"
* @return array|bool|float|int|object|string|null
* @throws CastException
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:338
⧉protected isMappedDbColumn(string $key): bool Whether this key is mapped db column name?
* Whether this key is mapped db column name?
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:550
⧉protected hasMappedProperty(string $key): bool Whether this key has mapped property?
* Whether this key has mapped property?
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:565
uri => string (31) "CodeIgniter\Entity\Cast\URICast"
private _cast -> boolean true
⇄⧉public __construct(?array $data = null) Allows filling in Entity parameters during construction.
new \App\Entities\Entity(?array $data = null)
* Allows filling in Entity parameters during construction.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:117
⇄⧉public fill(?array $data = null): $this Takes an array of key/value pairs and sets them as class properties, using an...
$value[7]->fill(?array $data = null)
* Takes an array of key/value pairs and sets them as class
* properties, using any `setCamelCasedProperty()` methods
* that may or may not exist.
* @param array $data
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:133
⇄⧉public toArray(bool $onlyChanged = false, bool $cast = true, bool $recursive = false): array General method that will return all public and protected values of this entit...
* General method that will return all public and protected values
* of this entity as an array. All values are accessed through the
* __get() magic method so will have any casts, etc applied to them.
* @param bool $onlyChanged If true, only return values that have changed since object creation
* @param bool $cast If true, properties will be cast.
* @param bool $recursive If true, inner entities will be cast as array as well.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:155
⇄⧉public toRawArray(bool $onlyChanged = false, bool $recursive = false): array Returns the raw values of the current attributes.
* Returns the raw values of the current attributes.
* @param bool $onlyChanged If true, only return values that have changed since object creation
* @param bool $recursive If true, inner entities will be cast as array as well.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:197
⇄⧉public syncOriginal(): $this Ensures our "original" values match the current values.
* Ensures our "original" values match the current values.
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:241
⇄⧉public hasChanged(?string $key = null): bool Checks a property to see if it has changed since the entity was created. Or, ...
$value[7]->hasChanged(?string $key = null)
* Checks a property to see if it has changed since the entity
* was created. Or, without a parameter, checks if any
* properties have changed.
* @param string|null $key class property
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:255
⇄⧉public setAttributes(array $data): $this Set raw data array without any mutations
$value[7]->setAttributes(array $data)
* Set raw data array without any mutations
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:282
⇄⧉public jsonSerialize(): array Support for json_encode()
* Support for json_encode()
* @return array
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:400
⇄⧉public cast(?bool $cast = null): bool|Entity Change the value of the private $_cast property
$value[7]->cast(?bool $cast = null)
* Change the value of the private $_cast property
* @return bool|Entity
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:410
⧉public __set(string $key, $value = null): void Magic method to all protected/private class properties to be easily set, eith...
* Magic method to all protected/private class properties to be
* easily set, either through a direct access or a
* `setCamelCasedProperty()` method.
* Examples:
* $this->my_property = $p;
* $this->setMyProperty() = $p;
* @param array|bool|float|int|object|string|null $value
* @return void
* @throws Exception
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:436
⧉public __get(string $key): array|bool|float|int|object|string|null Magic method to allow retrieval of protected and private class properties eit...
* Magic method to allow retrieval of protected and private class properties
* either by their name, or through a `getCamelCasedProperty()` method.
* Examples:
* $p = $this->my_property
* $p = $this->getMyProperty()
* @return array|bool|float|int|object|string|null
* @throws Exception
* @params string $key class property
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:479
⧉public __isset(string $key): bool Returns true if a property exists names $key, or a getter method exists named...
* Returns true if a property exists names $key, or a getter method
* exists named like for __get().
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:516
⧉public __unset(string $key): void Unsets an attribute property.
* Unsets an attribute property.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:536
⧉protected mapProperty(string $key): string db column name Checks the datamap to see if this property name is being mapped, and returns ...
* Checks the datamap to see if this property name is being mapped,
* and returns the db column name, if any, or the original property name.
* @return string db column name
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:297
⧉protected mutateDate($value): Time Converts the given string|timestamp|DateTime|Time instance into the "CodeIgni...
* Converts the given string|timestamp|DateTime|Time instance
* into the "CodeIgniter\I18n\Time" object.
* @param DateTime|float|int|string|Time $value
* @return Time
* @throws Exception
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:320
⧉protected castAs($value, string $attribute, string $method = 'get'): array|bool|float|int|object|string|null Provides the ability to cast an item as a specific data type. Add ? at the be...
* Provides the ability to cast an item as a specific data type.
* Add ? at the beginning of $type (i.e. ?string) to get NULL
* instead of casting $value if $value === null
* @param bool|float|int|string|null $value Attribute value
* @param string $attribute Attribute name
* @param string $method Allowed to "get" and "set"
* @return array|bool|float|int|object|string|null
* @throws CastException
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:338
⧉protected isMappedDbColumn(string $key): bool Whether this key is mapped db column name?
* Whether this key is mapped db column name?
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:550
⧉protected hasMappedProperty(string $key): bool Whether this key has mapped property?
* Whether this key has mapped property?
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:565
uri => string (31) "CodeIgniter\Entity\Cast\URICast"
private _cast -> boolean true
⇄⧉public __construct(?array $data = null) Allows filling in Entity parameters during construction.
new \App\Entities\Entity(?array $data = null)
* Allows filling in Entity parameters during construction.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:117
⇄⧉public fill(?array $data = null): $this Takes an array of key/value pairs and sets them as class properties, using an...
$value[8]->fill(?array $data = null)
* Takes an array of key/value pairs and sets them as class
* properties, using any `setCamelCasedProperty()` methods
* that may or may not exist.
* @param array $data
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:133
⇄⧉public toArray(bool $onlyChanged = false, bool $cast = true, bool $recursive = false): array General method that will return all public and protected values of this entit...
* General method that will return all public and protected values
* of this entity as an array. All values are accessed through the
* __get() magic method so will have any casts, etc applied to them.
* @param bool $onlyChanged If true, only return values that have changed since object creation
* @param bool $cast If true, properties will be cast.
* @param bool $recursive If true, inner entities will be cast as array as well.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:155
⇄⧉public toRawArray(bool $onlyChanged = false, bool $recursive = false): array Returns the raw values of the current attributes.
* Returns the raw values of the current attributes.
* @param bool $onlyChanged If true, only return values that have changed since object creation
* @param bool $recursive If true, inner entities will be cast as array as well.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:197
⇄⧉public syncOriginal(): $this Ensures our "original" values match the current values.
* Ensures our "original" values match the current values.
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:241
⇄⧉public hasChanged(?string $key = null): bool Checks a property to see if it has changed since the entity was created. Or, ...
$value[8]->hasChanged(?string $key = null)
* Checks a property to see if it has changed since the entity
* was created. Or, without a parameter, checks if any
* properties have changed.
* @param string|null $key class property
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:255
⇄⧉public setAttributes(array $data): $this Set raw data array without any mutations
$value[8]->setAttributes(array $data)
* Set raw data array without any mutations
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:282
⇄⧉public jsonSerialize(): array Support for json_encode()
* Support for json_encode()
* @return array
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:400
⇄⧉public cast(?bool $cast = null): bool|Entity Change the value of the private $_cast property
$value[8]->cast(?bool $cast = null)
* Change the value of the private $_cast property
* @return bool|Entity
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:410
⧉public __set(string $key, $value = null): void Magic method to all protected/private class properties to be easily set, eith...
* Magic method to all protected/private class properties to be
* easily set, either through a direct access or a
* `setCamelCasedProperty()` method.
* Examples:
* $this->my_property = $p;
* $this->setMyProperty() = $p;
* @param array|bool|float|int|object|string|null $value
* @return void
* @throws Exception
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:436
⧉public __get(string $key): array|bool|float|int|object|string|null Magic method to allow retrieval of protected and private class properties eit...
* Magic method to allow retrieval of protected and private class properties
* either by their name, or through a `getCamelCasedProperty()` method.
* Examples:
* $p = $this->my_property
* $p = $this->getMyProperty()
* @return array|bool|float|int|object|string|null
* @throws Exception
* @params string $key class property
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:479
⧉public __isset(string $key): bool Returns true if a property exists names $key, or a getter method exists named...
* Returns true if a property exists names $key, or a getter method
* exists named like for __get().
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:516
⧉public __unset(string $key): void Unsets an attribute property.
* Unsets an attribute property.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:536
⧉protected mapProperty(string $key): string db column name Checks the datamap to see if this property name is being mapped, and returns ...
* Checks the datamap to see if this property name is being mapped,
* and returns the db column name, if any, or the original property name.
* @return string db column name
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:297
⧉protected mutateDate($value): Time Converts the given string|timestamp|DateTime|Time instance into the "CodeIgni...
* Converts the given string|timestamp|DateTime|Time instance
* into the "CodeIgniter\I18n\Time" object.
* @param DateTime|float|int|string|Time $value
* @return Time
* @throws Exception
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:320
⧉protected castAs($value, string $attribute, string $method = 'get'): array|bool|float|int|object|string|null Provides the ability to cast an item as a specific data type. Add ? at the be...
* Provides the ability to cast an item as a specific data type.
* Add ? at the beginning of $type (i.e. ?string) to get NULL
* instead of casting $value if $value === null
* @param bool|float|int|string|null $value Attribute value
* @param string $attribute Attribute name
* @param string $method Allowed to "get" and "set"
* @return array|bool|float|int|object|string|null
* @throws CastException
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:338
⧉protected isMappedDbColumn(string $key): bool Whether this key is mapped db column name?
* Whether this key is mapped db column name?
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:550
⧉protected hasMappedProperty(string $key): bool Whether this key has mapped property?
* Whether this key has mapped property?
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:565
uri => string (31) "CodeIgniter\Entity\Cast\URICast"
private _cast -> boolean true
⇄⧉public __construct(?array $data = null) Allows filling in Entity parameters during construction.
new \App\Entities\Entity(?array $data = null)
* Allows filling in Entity parameters during construction.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:117
⇄⧉public fill(?array $data = null): $this Takes an array of key/value pairs and sets them as class properties, using an...
$value[9]->fill(?array $data = null)
* Takes an array of key/value pairs and sets them as class
* properties, using any `setCamelCasedProperty()` methods
* that may or may not exist.
* @param array $data
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:133
⇄⧉public toArray(bool $onlyChanged = false, bool $cast = true, bool $recursive = false): array General method that will return all public and protected values of this entit...
* General method that will return all public and protected values
* of this entity as an array. All values are accessed through the
* __get() magic method so will have any casts, etc applied to them.
* @param bool $onlyChanged If true, only return values that have changed since object creation
* @param bool $cast If true, properties will be cast.
* @param bool $recursive If true, inner entities will be cast as array as well.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:155
⇄⧉public toRawArray(bool $onlyChanged = false, bool $recursive = false): array Returns the raw values of the current attributes.
* Returns the raw values of the current attributes.
* @param bool $onlyChanged If true, only return values that have changed since object creation
* @param bool $recursive If true, inner entities will be cast as array as well.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:197
⇄⧉public syncOriginal(): $this Ensures our "original" values match the current values.
* Ensures our "original" values match the current values.
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:241
⇄⧉public hasChanged(?string $key = null): bool Checks a property to see if it has changed since the entity was created. Or, ...
$value[9]->hasChanged(?string $key = null)
* Checks a property to see if it has changed since the entity
* was created. Or, without a parameter, checks if any
* properties have changed.
* @param string|null $key class property
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:255
⇄⧉public setAttributes(array $data): $this Set raw data array without any mutations
$value[9]->setAttributes(array $data)
* Set raw data array without any mutations
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:282
⇄⧉public jsonSerialize(): array Support for json_encode()
* Support for json_encode()
* @return array
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:400
⇄⧉public cast(?bool $cast = null): bool|Entity Change the value of the private $_cast property
$value[9]->cast(?bool $cast = null)
* Change the value of the private $_cast property
* @return bool|Entity
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:410
⧉public __set(string $key, $value = null): void Magic method to all protected/private class properties to be easily set, eith...
* Magic method to all protected/private class properties to be
* easily set, either through a direct access or a
* `setCamelCasedProperty()` method.
* Examples:
* $this->my_property = $p;
* $this->setMyProperty() = $p;
* @param array|bool|float|int|object|string|null $value
* @return void
* @throws Exception
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:436
⧉public __get(string $key): array|bool|float|int|object|string|null Magic method to allow retrieval of protected and private class properties eit...
* Magic method to allow retrieval of protected and private class properties
* either by their name, or through a `getCamelCasedProperty()` method.
* Examples:
* $p = $this->my_property
* $p = $this->getMyProperty()
* @return array|bool|float|int|object|string|null
* @throws Exception
* @params string $key class property
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:479
⧉public __isset(string $key): bool Returns true if a property exists names $key, or a getter method exists named...
* Returns true if a property exists names $key, or a getter method
* exists named like for __get().
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:516
⧉public __unset(string $key): void Unsets an attribute property.
* Unsets an attribute property.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:536
⧉protected mapProperty(string $key): string db column name Checks the datamap to see if this property name is being mapped, and returns ...
* Checks the datamap to see if this property name is being mapped,
* and returns the db column name, if any, or the original property name.
* @return string db column name
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:297
⧉protected mutateDate($value): Time Converts the given string|timestamp|DateTime|Time instance into the "CodeIgni...
* Converts the given string|timestamp|DateTime|Time instance
* into the "CodeIgniter\I18n\Time" object.
* @param DateTime|float|int|string|Time $value
* @return Time
* @throws Exception
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:320
⧉protected castAs($value, string $attribute, string $method = 'get'): array|bool|float|int|object|string|null Provides the ability to cast an item as a specific data type. Add ? at the be...
* Provides the ability to cast an item as a specific data type.
* Add ? at the beginning of $type (i.e. ?string) to get NULL
* instead of casting $value if $value === null
* @param bool|float|int|string|null $value Attribute value
* @param string $attribute Attribute name
* @param string $method Allowed to "get" and "set"
* @return array|bool|float|int|object|string|null
* @throws CastException
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:338
⧉protected isMappedDbColumn(string $key): bool Whether this key is mapped db column name?
* Whether this key is mapped db column name?
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:550
⧉protected hasMappedProperty(string $key): bool Whether this key has mapped property?
* Whether this key has mapped property?
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:565
uri => string (31) "CodeIgniter\Entity\Cast\URICast"
private _cast -> boolean true
⇄⧉public __construct(?array $data = null) Allows filling in Entity parameters during construction.
new \App\Entities\Entity(?array $data = null)
* Allows filling in Entity parameters during construction.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:117
⇄⧉public fill(?array $data = null): $this Takes an array of key/value pairs and sets them as class properties, using an...
$value[10]->fill(?array $data = null)
* Takes an array of key/value pairs and sets them as class
* properties, using any `setCamelCasedProperty()` methods
* that may or may not exist.
* @param array $data
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:133
⇄⧉public toArray(bool $onlyChanged = false, bool $cast = true, bool $recursive = false): array General method that will return all public and protected values of this entit...
* General method that will return all public and protected values
* of this entity as an array. All values are accessed through the
* __get() magic method so will have any casts, etc applied to them.
* @param bool $onlyChanged If true, only return values that have changed since object creation
* @param bool $cast If true, properties will be cast.
* @param bool $recursive If true, inner entities will be cast as array as well.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:155
⇄⧉public toRawArray(bool $onlyChanged = false, bool $recursive = false): array Returns the raw values of the current attributes.
* Returns the raw values of the current attributes.
* @param bool $onlyChanged If true, only return values that have changed since object creation
* @param bool $recursive If true, inner entities will be cast as array as well.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:197
⇄⧉public syncOriginal(): $this Ensures our "original" values match the current values.
* Ensures our "original" values match the current values.
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:241
⇄⧉public hasChanged(?string $key = null): bool Checks a property to see if it has changed since the entity was created. Or, ...
$value[10]->hasChanged(?string $key = null)
* Checks a property to see if it has changed since the entity
* was created. Or, without a parameter, checks if any
* properties have changed.
* @param string|null $key class property
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:255
⇄⧉public setAttributes(array $data): $this Set raw data array without any mutations
$value[10]->setAttributes(array $data)
* Set raw data array without any mutations
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:282
⇄⧉public jsonSerialize(): array Support for json_encode()
* Support for json_encode()
* @return array
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:400
⇄⧉public cast(?bool $cast = null): bool|Entity Change the value of the private $_cast property
$value[10]->cast(?bool $cast = null)
* Change the value of the private $_cast property
* @return bool|Entity
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:410
⧉public __set(string $key, $value = null): void Magic method to all protected/private class properties to be easily set, eith...
* Magic method to all protected/private class properties to be
* easily set, either through a direct access or a
* `setCamelCasedProperty()` method.
* Examples:
* $this->my_property = $p;
* $this->setMyProperty() = $p;
* @param array|bool|float|int|object|string|null $value
* @return void
* @throws Exception
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:436
⧉public __get(string $key): array|bool|float|int|object|string|null Magic method to allow retrieval of protected and private class properties eit...
* Magic method to allow retrieval of protected and private class properties
* either by their name, or through a `getCamelCasedProperty()` method.
* Examples:
* $p = $this->my_property
* $p = $this->getMyProperty()
* @return array|bool|float|int|object|string|null
* @throws Exception
* @params string $key class property
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:479
⧉public __isset(string $key): bool Returns true if a property exists names $key, or a getter method exists named...
* Returns true if a property exists names $key, or a getter method
* exists named like for __get().
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:516
⧉public __unset(string $key): void Unsets an attribute property.
* Unsets an attribute property.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:536
⧉protected mapProperty(string $key): string db column name Checks the datamap to see if this property name is being mapped, and returns ...
* Checks the datamap to see if this property name is being mapped,
* and returns the db column name, if any, or the original property name.
* @return string db column name
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:297
⧉protected mutateDate($value): Time Converts the given string|timestamp|DateTime|Time instance into the "CodeIgni...
* Converts the given string|timestamp|DateTime|Time instance
* into the "CodeIgniter\I18n\Time" object.
* @param DateTime|float|int|string|Time $value
* @return Time
* @throws Exception
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:320
⧉protected castAs($value, string $attribute, string $method = 'get'): array|bool|float|int|object|string|null Provides the ability to cast an item as a specific data type. Add ? at the be...
* Provides the ability to cast an item as a specific data type.
* Add ? at the beginning of $type (i.e. ?string) to get NULL
* instead of casting $value if $value === null
* @param bool|float|int|string|null $value Attribute value
* @param string $attribute Attribute name
* @param string $method Allowed to "get" and "set"
* @return array|bool|float|int|object|string|null
* @throws CastException
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:338
⧉protected isMappedDbColumn(string $key): bool Whether this key is mapped db column name?
* Whether this key is mapped db column name?
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:550
⧉protected hasMappedProperty(string $key): bool Whether this key has mapped property?
* Whether this key has mapped property?
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:565
uri => string (31) "CodeIgniter\Entity\Cast\URICast"
private _cast -> boolean true
⇄⧉public __construct(?array $data = null) Allows filling in Entity parameters during construction.
new \App\Entities\Entity(?array $data = null)
* Allows filling in Entity parameters during construction.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:117
⇄⧉public fill(?array $data = null): $this Takes an array of key/value pairs and sets them as class properties, using an...
$value[11]->fill(?array $data = null)
* Takes an array of key/value pairs and sets them as class
* properties, using any `setCamelCasedProperty()` methods
* that may or may not exist.
* @param array $data
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:133
⇄⧉public toArray(bool $onlyChanged = false, bool $cast = true, bool $recursive = false): array General method that will return all public and protected values of this entit...
* General method that will return all public and protected values
* of this entity as an array. All values are accessed through the
* __get() magic method so will have any casts, etc applied to them.
* @param bool $onlyChanged If true, only return values that have changed since object creation
* @param bool $cast If true, properties will be cast.
* @param bool $recursive If true, inner entities will be cast as array as well.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:155
⇄⧉public toRawArray(bool $onlyChanged = false, bool $recursive = false): array Returns the raw values of the current attributes.
* Returns the raw values of the current attributes.
* @param bool $onlyChanged If true, only return values that have changed since object creation
* @param bool $recursive If true, inner entities will be cast as array as well.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:197
⇄⧉public syncOriginal(): $this Ensures our "original" values match the current values.
* Ensures our "original" values match the current values.
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:241
⇄⧉public hasChanged(?string $key = null): bool Checks a property to see if it has changed since the entity was created. Or, ...
$value[11]->hasChanged(?string $key = null)
* Checks a property to see if it has changed since the entity
* was created. Or, without a parameter, checks if any
* properties have changed.
* @param string|null $key class property
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:255
⇄⧉public setAttributes(array $data): $this Set raw data array without any mutations
$value[11]->setAttributes(array $data)
* Set raw data array without any mutations
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:282
⇄⧉public jsonSerialize(): array Support for json_encode()
* Support for json_encode()
* @return array
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:400
⇄⧉public cast(?bool $cast = null): bool|Entity Change the value of the private $_cast property
$value[11]->cast(?bool $cast = null)
* Change the value of the private $_cast property
* @return bool|Entity
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:410
⧉public __set(string $key, $value = null): void Magic method to all protected/private class properties to be easily set, eith...
* Magic method to all protected/private class properties to be
* easily set, either through a direct access or a
* `setCamelCasedProperty()` method.
* Examples:
* $this->my_property = $p;
* $this->setMyProperty() = $p;
* @param array|bool|float|int|object|string|null $value
* @return void
* @throws Exception
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:436
⧉public __get(string $key): array|bool|float|int|object|string|null Magic method to allow retrieval of protected and private class properties eit...
* Magic method to allow retrieval of protected and private class properties
* either by their name, or through a `getCamelCasedProperty()` method.
* Examples:
* $p = $this->my_property
* $p = $this->getMyProperty()
* @return array|bool|float|int|object|string|null
* @throws Exception
* @params string $key class property
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:479
⧉public __isset(string $key): bool Returns true if a property exists names $key, or a getter method exists named...
* Returns true if a property exists names $key, or a getter method
* exists named like for __get().
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:516
⧉public __unset(string $key): void Unsets an attribute property.
* Unsets an attribute property.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:536
⧉protected mapProperty(string $key): string db column name Checks the datamap to see if this property name is being mapped, and returns ...
* Checks the datamap to see if this property name is being mapped,
* and returns the db column name, if any, or the original property name.
* @return string db column name
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:297
⧉protected mutateDate($value): Time Converts the given string|timestamp|DateTime|Time instance into the "CodeIgni...
* Converts the given string|timestamp|DateTime|Time instance
* into the "CodeIgniter\I18n\Time" object.
* @param DateTime|float|int|string|Time $value
* @return Time
* @throws Exception
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:320
⧉protected castAs($value, string $attribute, string $method = 'get'): array|bool|float|int|object|string|null Provides the ability to cast an item as a specific data type. Add ? at the be...
* Provides the ability to cast an item as a specific data type.
* Add ? at the beginning of $type (i.e. ?string) to get NULL
* instead of casting $value if $value === null
* @param bool|float|int|string|null $value Attribute value
* @param string $attribute Attribute name
* @param string $method Allowed to "get" and "set"
* @return array|bool|float|int|object|string|null
* @throws CastException
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:338
⧉protected isMappedDbColumn(string $key): bool Whether this key is mapped db column name?
* Whether this key is mapped db column name?
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:550
⧉protected hasMappedProperty(string $key): bool Whether this key has mapped property?
* Whether this key has mapped property?
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:565
⧉⌕$value array (2619)
⇄⧉0 => App\Entities\Entity#149 (8)
Properties (8)
Available methods (18)
⧉protected attributes -> array (15)
storyId => string (2) "21"
languageId => string (1) "2"
categoryId => string (2) "17"
storyEnTitle => string (21) "Sparrow and the snake"
এটা ঘৰচিৰিকাৰ পোৱালীকেইটাক এডাল সাপে বিচলিত কৰে। ঘৰচিৰিকাটোৱে সাপটোক এজন খেতিয়কৰ ওচৰলৈ লৈ গৈ এটা শিক্ষা দিয়ে। সাপটোক এটা শিক্ষা দিয়াৰ বাবে ঘৰচিৰিকাটোৱে কি কৰে বুলি আপুনি ভাবে?
⧉keywords => UTF-8 string (191) "Assamese story; Sparrow and the snake; Assamese children story; Assamese chi...
Assamese story; Sparrow and the snake; Assamese children story; Assamese children stories; ঘৰচিৰিকা আৰু সাপ; Sparrow; Snake; Farmer; Smart Sparrow; Father Sparrow;
এটা ঘৰচিৰিকাৰ পোৱালীকেইটাক এডাল সাপে বিচলিত কৰে। ঘৰচিৰিকাটোৱে সাপটোক এজন খেতিয়কৰ ওচৰলৈ লৈ গৈ এটা শিক্ষা দিয়ে। সাপটোক এটা শিক্ষা দিয়াৰ বাবে ঘৰচিৰিকাটোৱে কি কৰে বুলি আপুনি ভাবে?
⧉keywords => UTF-8 string (191) "Assamese story; Sparrow and the snake; Assamese children story; Assamese chi...
Assamese story; Sparrow and the snake; Assamese children story; Assamese children stories; ঘৰচিৰিকা আৰু সাপ; Sparrow; Snake; Farmer; Smart Sparrow; Father Sparrow;
uri => string (31) "CodeIgniter\Entity\Cast\URICast"
private _cast -> boolean true
⇄⧉public __construct(?array $data = null) Allows filling in Entity parameters during construction.
new \App\Entities\Entity(?array $data = null)
* Allows filling in Entity parameters during construction.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:117
⇄⧉public fill(?array $data = null): $this Takes an array of key/value pairs and sets them as class properties, using an...
$value[0]->fill(?array $data = null)
* Takes an array of key/value pairs and sets them as class
* properties, using any `setCamelCasedProperty()` methods
* that may or may not exist.
* @param array $data
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:133
⇄⧉public toArray(bool $onlyChanged = false, bool $cast = true, bool $recursive = false): array General method that will return all public and protected values of this entit...
* General method that will return all public and protected values
* of this entity as an array. All values are accessed through the
* __get() magic method so will have any casts, etc applied to them.
* @param bool $onlyChanged If true, only return values that have changed since object creation
* @param bool $cast If true, properties will be cast.
* @param bool $recursive If true, inner entities will be cast as array as well.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:155
⇄⧉public toRawArray(bool $onlyChanged = false, bool $recursive = false): array Returns the raw values of the current attributes.
* Returns the raw values of the current attributes.
* @param bool $onlyChanged If true, only return values that have changed since object creation
* @param bool $recursive If true, inner entities will be cast as array as well.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:197
⇄⧉public syncOriginal(): $this Ensures our "original" values match the current values.
* Ensures our "original" values match the current values.
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:241
⇄⧉public hasChanged(?string $key = null): bool Checks a property to see if it has changed since the entity was created. Or, ...
$value[0]->hasChanged(?string $key = null)
* Checks a property to see if it has changed since the entity
* was created. Or, without a parameter, checks if any
* properties have changed.
* @param string|null $key class property
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:255
⇄⧉public setAttributes(array $data): $this Set raw data array without any mutations
$value[0]->setAttributes(array $data)
* Set raw data array without any mutations
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:282
⇄⧉public jsonSerialize(): array Support for json_encode()
* Support for json_encode()
* @return array
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:400
⇄⧉public cast(?bool $cast = null): bool|Entity Change the value of the private $_cast property
$value[0]->cast(?bool $cast = null)
* Change the value of the private $_cast property
* @return bool|Entity
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:410
⧉public __set(string $key, $value = null): void Magic method to all protected/private class properties to be easily set, eith...
* Magic method to all protected/private class properties to be
* easily set, either through a direct access or a
* `setCamelCasedProperty()` method.
* Examples:
* $this->my_property = $p;
* $this->setMyProperty() = $p;
* @param array|bool|float|int|object|string|null $value
* @return void
* @throws Exception
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:436
⧉public __get(string $key): array|bool|float|int|object|string|null Magic method to allow retrieval of protected and private class properties eit...
* Magic method to allow retrieval of protected and private class properties
* either by their name, or through a `getCamelCasedProperty()` method.
* Examples:
* $p = $this->my_property
* $p = $this->getMyProperty()
* @return array|bool|float|int|object|string|null
* @throws Exception
* @params string $key class property
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:479
⧉public __isset(string $key): bool Returns true if a property exists names $key, or a getter method exists named...
* Returns true if a property exists names $key, or a getter method
* exists named like for __get().
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:516
⧉public __unset(string $key): void Unsets an attribute property.
* Unsets an attribute property.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:536
⧉protected mapProperty(string $key): string db column name Checks the datamap to see if this property name is being mapped, and returns ...
* Checks the datamap to see if this property name is being mapped,
* and returns the db column name, if any, or the original property name.
* @return string db column name
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:297
⧉protected mutateDate($value): Time Converts the given string|timestamp|DateTime|Time instance into the "CodeIgni...
* Converts the given string|timestamp|DateTime|Time instance
* into the "CodeIgniter\I18n\Time" object.
* @param DateTime|float|int|string|Time $value
* @return Time
* @throws Exception
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:320
⧉protected castAs($value, string $attribute, string $method = 'get'): array|bool|float|int|object|string|null Provides the ability to cast an item as a specific data type. Add ? at the be...
* Provides the ability to cast an item as a specific data type.
* Add ? at the beginning of $type (i.e. ?string) to get NULL
* instead of casting $value if $value === null
* @param bool|float|int|string|null $value Attribute value
* @param string $attribute Attribute name
* @param string $method Allowed to "get" and "set"
* @return array|bool|float|int|object|string|null
* @throws CastException
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:338
⧉protected isMappedDbColumn(string $key): bool Whether this key is mapped db column name?
* Whether this key is mapped db column name?
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:550
⧉protected hasMappedProperty(string $key): bool Whether this key has mapped property?
* Whether this key has mapped property?
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:565
⇄⧉1 => App\Entities\Entity#150 (8)
Properties (8)
Available methods (18)
⧉protected attributes -> array (15)
storyId => string (2) "28"
languageId => string (1) "2"
categoryId => string (2) "17"
storyEnTitle => string (29) "The Scorpion and the Tortoise"
uri => string (31) "CodeIgniter\Entity\Cast\URICast"
private _cast -> boolean true
⇄⧉public __construct(?array $data = null) Allows filling in Entity parameters during construction.
new \App\Entities\Entity(?array $data = null)
* Allows filling in Entity parameters during construction.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:117
⇄⧉public fill(?array $data = null): $this Takes an array of key/value pairs and sets them as class properties, using an...
$value[1]->fill(?array $data = null)
* Takes an array of key/value pairs and sets them as class
* properties, using any `setCamelCasedProperty()` methods
* that may or may not exist.
* @param array $data
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:133
⇄⧉public toArray(bool $onlyChanged = false, bool $cast = true, bool $recursive = false): array General method that will return all public and protected values of this entit...
* General method that will return all public and protected values
* of this entity as an array. All values are accessed through the
* __get() magic method so will have any casts, etc applied to them.
* @param bool $onlyChanged If true, only return values that have changed since object creation
* @param bool $cast If true, properties will be cast.
* @param bool $recursive If true, inner entities will be cast as array as well.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:155
⇄⧉public toRawArray(bool $onlyChanged = false, bool $recursive = false): array Returns the raw values of the current attributes.
* Returns the raw values of the current attributes.
* @param bool $onlyChanged If true, only return values that have changed since object creation
* @param bool $recursive If true, inner entities will be cast as array as well.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:197
⇄⧉public syncOriginal(): $this Ensures our "original" values match the current values.
* Ensures our "original" values match the current values.
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:241
⇄⧉public hasChanged(?string $key = null): bool Checks a property to see if it has changed since the entity was created. Or, ...
$value[1]->hasChanged(?string $key = null)
* Checks a property to see if it has changed since the entity
* was created. Or, without a parameter, checks if any
* properties have changed.
* @param string|null $key class property
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:255
⇄⧉public setAttributes(array $data): $this Set raw data array without any mutations
$value[1]->setAttributes(array $data)
* Set raw data array without any mutations
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:282
⇄⧉public jsonSerialize(): array Support for json_encode()
* Support for json_encode()
* @return array
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:400
⇄⧉public cast(?bool $cast = null): bool|Entity Change the value of the private $_cast property
$value[1]->cast(?bool $cast = null)
* Change the value of the private $_cast property
* @return bool|Entity
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:410
⧉public __set(string $key, $value = null): void Magic method to all protected/private class properties to be easily set, eith...
* Magic method to all protected/private class properties to be
* easily set, either through a direct access or a
* `setCamelCasedProperty()` method.
* Examples:
* $this->my_property = $p;
* $this->setMyProperty() = $p;
* @param array|bool|float|int|object|string|null $value
* @return void
* @throws Exception
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:436
⧉public __get(string $key): array|bool|float|int|object|string|null Magic method to allow retrieval of protected and private class properties eit...
* Magic method to allow retrieval of protected and private class properties
* either by their name, or through a `getCamelCasedProperty()` method.
* Examples:
* $p = $this->my_property
* $p = $this->getMyProperty()
* @return array|bool|float|int|object|string|null
* @throws Exception
* @params string $key class property
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:479
⧉public __isset(string $key): bool Returns true if a property exists names $key, or a getter method exists named...
* Returns true if a property exists names $key, or a getter method
* exists named like for __get().
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:516
⧉public __unset(string $key): void Unsets an attribute property.
* Unsets an attribute property.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:536
⧉protected mapProperty(string $key): string db column name Checks the datamap to see if this property name is being mapped, and returns ...
* Checks the datamap to see if this property name is being mapped,
* and returns the db column name, if any, or the original property name.
* @return string db column name
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:297
⧉protected mutateDate($value): Time Converts the given string|timestamp|DateTime|Time instance into the "CodeIgni...
* Converts the given string|timestamp|DateTime|Time instance
* into the "CodeIgniter\I18n\Time" object.
* @param DateTime|float|int|string|Time $value
* @return Time
* @throws Exception
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:320
⧉protected castAs($value, string $attribute, string $method = 'get'): array|bool|float|int|object|string|null Provides the ability to cast an item as a specific data type. Add ? at the be...
* Provides the ability to cast an item as a specific data type.
* Add ? at the beginning of $type (i.e. ?string) to get NULL
* instead of casting $value if $value === null
* @param bool|float|int|string|null $value Attribute value
* @param string $attribute Attribute name
* @param string $method Allowed to "get" and "set"
* @return array|bool|float|int|object|string|null
* @throws CastException
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:338
⧉protected isMappedDbColumn(string $key): bool Whether this key is mapped db column name?
* Whether this key is mapped db column name?
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:550
⧉protected hasMappedProperty(string $key): bool Whether this key has mapped property?
* Whether this key has mapped property?
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:565
⇄⧉2 => App\Entities\Entity#151 (8)
Properties (8)
Available methods (18)
⧉protected attributes -> array (15)
storyId => string (2) "29"
languageId => string (1) "2"
categoryId => string (2) "18"
storyEnTitle => string (27) "The Stag and his reflection"
এটা ধুনীয়া শিং থকা হৰিণ আছিল যিয়ে নিজৰ শিং দুটাৰ বৰ প্ৰশংসা কৰিছিল, কিন্তু সদায় তেওঁৰ ক্ষীন ভৰিকেইটাৰ বিষয়ে অভিযোগ কৰিছিল। এদিন এটা সিংহই তাক খেদিছিল, সি পলাই যাবলৈ চেষ্টা কৰিছিল, কিন্তু তাৰ শিংদুটা গছ এজোপাত লাগি ধৰিলে। তাৰ পিছত তাৰ শিং দুটাতকৈও ভৰিকেইটাৰ উপযোগিতাৰ গুৰুত্ব উপলব্ধি হʼল।
⧉keywords => UTF-8 string (249) "Assamese story; The Stag and his reflection; Assamese children story; Assame...
Assamese story; The Stag and his reflection; Assamese children story; Assamese children stories; হৰিণা আৰু তাৰ প্ৰতিবিম্ব; Stag ; Lion ; CAT: fable; moral story; be grateful for what we have ; horns ; vanity
এটা ধুনীয়া শিং থকা হৰিণ আছিল যিয়ে নিজৰ শিং দুটাৰ বৰ প্ৰশংসা কৰিছিল, কিন্তু সদায় তেওঁৰ ক্ষীন ভৰিকেইটাৰ বিষয়ে অভিযোগ কৰিছিল। এদিন এটা সিংহই তাক খেদিছিল, সি পলাই যাবলৈ চেষ্টা কৰিছিল, কিন্তু তাৰ শিংদুটা গছ এজোপাত লাগি ধৰিলে। তাৰ পিছত তাৰ শিং দুটাতকৈও ভৰিকেইটাৰ উপযোগিতাৰ গুৰুত্ব উপলব্ধি হʼল।
⧉keywords => UTF-8 string (249) "Assamese story; The Stag and his reflection; Assamese children story; Assame...
Assamese story; The Stag and his reflection; Assamese children story; Assamese children stories; হৰিণা আৰু তাৰ প্ৰতিবিম্ব; Stag ; Lion ; CAT: fable; moral story; be grateful for what we have ; horns ; vanity
uri => string (31) "CodeIgniter\Entity\Cast\URICast"
private _cast -> boolean true
⇄⧉public __construct(?array $data = null) Allows filling in Entity parameters during construction.
new \App\Entities\Entity(?array $data = null)
* Allows filling in Entity parameters during construction.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:117
⇄⧉public fill(?array $data = null): $this Takes an array of key/value pairs and sets them as class properties, using an...
$value[2]->fill(?array $data = null)
* Takes an array of key/value pairs and sets them as class
* properties, using any `setCamelCasedProperty()` methods
* that may or may not exist.
* @param array $data
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:133
⇄⧉public toArray(bool $onlyChanged = false, bool $cast = true, bool $recursive = false): array General method that will return all public and protected values of this entit...
* General method that will return all public and protected values
* of this entity as an array. All values are accessed through the
* __get() magic method so will have any casts, etc applied to them.
* @param bool $onlyChanged If true, only return values that have changed since object creation
* @param bool $cast If true, properties will be cast.
* @param bool $recursive If true, inner entities will be cast as array as well.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:155
⇄⧉public toRawArray(bool $onlyChanged = false, bool $recursive = false): array Returns the raw values of the current attributes.
* Returns the raw values of the current attributes.
* @param bool $onlyChanged If true, only return values that have changed since object creation
* @param bool $recursive If true, inner entities will be cast as array as well.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:197
⇄⧉public syncOriginal(): $this Ensures our "original" values match the current values.
* Ensures our "original" values match the current values.
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:241
⇄⧉public hasChanged(?string $key = null): bool Checks a property to see if it has changed since the entity was created. Or, ...
$value[2]->hasChanged(?string $key = null)
* Checks a property to see if it has changed since the entity
* was created. Or, without a parameter, checks if any
* properties have changed.
* @param string|null $key class property
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:255
⇄⧉public setAttributes(array $data): $this Set raw data array without any mutations
$value[2]->setAttributes(array $data)
* Set raw data array without any mutations
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:282
⇄⧉public jsonSerialize(): array Support for json_encode()
* Support for json_encode()
* @return array
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:400
⇄⧉public cast(?bool $cast = null): bool|Entity Change the value of the private $_cast property
$value[2]->cast(?bool $cast = null)
* Change the value of the private $_cast property
* @return bool|Entity
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:410
⧉public __set(string $key, $value = null): void Magic method to all protected/private class properties to be easily set, eith...
* Magic method to all protected/private class properties to be
* easily set, either through a direct access or a
* `setCamelCasedProperty()` method.
* Examples:
* $this->my_property = $p;
* $this->setMyProperty() = $p;
* @param array|bool|float|int|object|string|null $value
* @return void
* @throws Exception
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:436
⧉public __get(string $key): array|bool|float|int|object|string|null Magic method to allow retrieval of protected and private class properties eit...
* Magic method to allow retrieval of protected and private class properties
* either by their name, or through a `getCamelCasedProperty()` method.
* Examples:
* $p = $this->my_property
* $p = $this->getMyProperty()
* @return array|bool|float|int|object|string|null
* @throws Exception
* @params string $key class property
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:479
⧉public __isset(string $key): bool Returns true if a property exists names $key, or a getter method exists named...
* Returns true if a property exists names $key, or a getter method
* exists named like for __get().
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:516
⧉public __unset(string $key): void Unsets an attribute property.
* Unsets an attribute property.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:536
⧉protected mapProperty(string $key): string db column name Checks the datamap to see if this property name is being mapped, and returns ...
* Checks the datamap to see if this property name is being mapped,
* and returns the db column name, if any, or the original property name.
* @return string db column name
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:297
⧉protected mutateDate($value): Time Converts the given string|timestamp|DateTime|Time instance into the "CodeIgni...
* Converts the given string|timestamp|DateTime|Time instance
* into the "CodeIgniter\I18n\Time" object.
* @param DateTime|float|int|string|Time $value
* @return Time
* @throws Exception
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:320
⧉protected castAs($value, string $attribute, string $method = 'get'): array|bool|float|int|object|string|null Provides the ability to cast an item as a specific data type. Add ? at the be...
* Provides the ability to cast an item as a specific data type.
* Add ? at the beginning of $type (i.e. ?string) to get NULL
* instead of casting $value if $value === null
* @param bool|float|int|string|null $value Attribute value
* @param string $attribute Attribute name
* @param string $method Allowed to "get" and "set"
* @return array|bool|float|int|object|string|null
* @throws CastException
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:338
⧉protected isMappedDbColumn(string $key): bool Whether this key is mapped db column name?
* Whether this key is mapped db column name?
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:550
⧉protected hasMappedProperty(string $key): bool Whether this key has mapped property?
* Whether this key has mapped property?
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:565
⧉storyShortDescription => UTF-8 string (1315) "দুৰদৰ্শী, তুৰন্তমতী আৰু ভাগ্য নামৰ তিনিটা মাছ এটা পুখুৰীত বাস কৰিছিল। এদিন দ...
দুৰদৰ্শী, তুৰন্তমতী আৰু ভাগ্য নামৰ তিনিটা মাছ এটা পুখুৰীত বাস কৰিছিল। এদিন দুজন মাছমৰীয়াই মাছ ধৰাৰ পৰিকল্পনা কৰিছিল। এই কথা শুনি দুৰদৰ্শীয়ে তেওঁৰ বন্ধুবৰ্গক সতৰ্ক কৰিবলৈ চেষ্টা কৰিছিল, কিন্তু তুৰান্তমতীয়ে পুখুৰীটোতে থাকি ভাবিব বিচাৰিছিল, আৰু ভাগ্যই পুখুৰীটো এৰিবলৈ স্বীকাৰ কৰা নাছিল। পিছদিনা, মাছমৰীয়াকেইটাই তেওঁলোকৰ জাল লৈ আহিলে। তুৰন্তমতীয়ে মৃত বুলি ভাও ধৰিছিল বাবে তাইক আকৌ পুখুৰীলৈ দলিয়াই দিলে কিন্তু ভাগ্য ধৰা পৰিল। দুৰদৰ্শীয়ে সুৰক্ষিত থাকিবলৈ আগতিয়াকৈ পুখুৰীটো এৰি গুচি গৈছিল।
⧉keywords => UTF-8 string (241) "Assamese story; The Three Fish; Assamese children story; Assamese children s...
Assamese story; The Three Fish; Assamese children story; Assamese children stories; তিনিটা মাছ; Doordarshi; Turanthamathi; Bhagya; Three fish; Pond; CAT: fable; Panchatantra; act quickly and swiftly in an adverse situation
⧉storyShortDescription => UTF-8 string (1315) "দুৰদৰ্শী, তুৰন্তমতী আৰু ভাগ্য নামৰ তিনিটা মাছ এটা পুখুৰীত বাস কৰিছিল। এদিন দ...
দুৰদৰ্শী, তুৰন্তমতী আৰু ভাগ্য নামৰ তিনিটা মাছ এটা পুখুৰীত বাস কৰিছিল। এদিন দুজন মাছমৰীয়াই মাছ ধৰাৰ পৰিকল্পনা কৰিছিল। এই কথা শুনি দুৰদৰ্শীয়ে তেওঁৰ বন্ধুবৰ্গক সতৰ্ক কৰিবলৈ চেষ্টা কৰিছিল, কিন্তু তুৰান্তমতীয়ে পুখুৰীটোতে থাকি ভাবিব বিচাৰিছিল, আৰু ভাগ্যই পুখুৰীটো এৰিবলৈ স্বীকাৰ কৰা নাছিল। পিছদিনা, মাছমৰীয়াকেইটাই তেওঁলোকৰ জাল লৈ আহিলে। তুৰন্তমতীয়ে মৃত বুলি ভাও ধৰিছিল বাবে তাইক আকৌ পুখুৰীলৈ দলিয়াই দিলে কিন্তু ভাগ্য ধৰা পৰিল। দুৰদৰ্শীয়ে সুৰক্ষিত থাকিবলৈ আগতিয়াকৈ পুখুৰীটো এৰি গুচি গৈছিল।
⧉keywords => UTF-8 string (241) "Assamese story; The Three Fish; Assamese children story; Assamese children s...
Assamese story; The Three Fish; Assamese children story; Assamese children stories; তিনিটা মাছ; Doordarshi; Turanthamathi; Bhagya; Three fish; Pond; CAT: fable; Panchatantra; act quickly and swiftly in an adverse situation
uri => string (31) "CodeIgniter\Entity\Cast\URICast"
private _cast -> boolean true
⇄⧉public __construct(?array $data = null) Allows filling in Entity parameters during construction.
new \App\Entities\Entity(?array $data = null)
* Allows filling in Entity parameters during construction.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:117
⇄⧉public fill(?array $data = null): $this Takes an array of key/value pairs and sets them as class properties, using an...
$value[3]->fill(?array $data = null)
* Takes an array of key/value pairs and sets them as class
* properties, using any `setCamelCasedProperty()` methods
* that may or may not exist.
* @param array $data
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:133
⇄⧉public toArray(bool $onlyChanged = false, bool $cast = true, bool $recursive = false): array General method that will return all public and protected values of this entit...
* General method that will return all public and protected values
* of this entity as an array. All values are accessed through the
* __get() magic method so will have any casts, etc applied to them.
* @param bool $onlyChanged If true, only return values that have changed since object creation
* @param bool $cast If true, properties will be cast.
* @param bool $recursive If true, inner entities will be cast as array as well.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:155
⇄⧉public toRawArray(bool $onlyChanged = false, bool $recursive = false): array Returns the raw values of the current attributes.
* Returns the raw values of the current attributes.
* @param bool $onlyChanged If true, only return values that have changed since object creation
* @param bool $recursive If true, inner entities will be cast as array as well.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:197
⇄⧉public syncOriginal(): $this Ensures our "original" values match the current values.
* Ensures our "original" values match the current values.
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:241
⇄⧉public hasChanged(?string $key = null): bool Checks a property to see if it has changed since the entity was created. Or, ...
$value[3]->hasChanged(?string $key = null)
* Checks a property to see if it has changed since the entity
* was created. Or, without a parameter, checks if any
* properties have changed.
* @param string|null $key class property
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:255
⇄⧉public setAttributes(array $data): $this Set raw data array without any mutations
$value[3]->setAttributes(array $data)
* Set raw data array without any mutations
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:282
⇄⧉public jsonSerialize(): array Support for json_encode()
* Support for json_encode()
* @return array
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:400
⇄⧉public cast(?bool $cast = null): bool|Entity Change the value of the private $_cast property
$value[3]->cast(?bool $cast = null)
* Change the value of the private $_cast property
* @return bool|Entity
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:410
⧉public __set(string $key, $value = null): void Magic method to all protected/private class properties to be easily set, eith...
* Magic method to all protected/private class properties to be
* easily set, either through a direct access or a
* `setCamelCasedProperty()` method.
* Examples:
* $this->my_property = $p;
* $this->setMyProperty() = $p;
* @param array|bool|float|int|object|string|null $value
* @return void
* @throws Exception
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:436
⧉public __get(string $key): array|bool|float|int|object|string|null Magic method to allow retrieval of protected and private class properties eit...
* Magic method to allow retrieval of protected and private class properties
* either by their name, or through a `getCamelCasedProperty()` method.
* Examples:
* $p = $this->my_property
* $p = $this->getMyProperty()
* @return array|bool|float|int|object|string|null
* @throws Exception
* @params string $key class property
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:479
⧉public __isset(string $key): bool Returns true if a property exists names $key, or a getter method exists named...
* Returns true if a property exists names $key, or a getter method
* exists named like for __get().
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:516
⧉public __unset(string $key): void Unsets an attribute property.
* Unsets an attribute property.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:536
⧉protected mapProperty(string $key): string db column name Checks the datamap to see if this property name is being mapped, and returns ...
* Checks the datamap to see if this property name is being mapped,
* and returns the db column name, if any, or the original property name.
* @return string db column name
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:297
⧉protected mutateDate($value): Time Converts the given string|timestamp|DateTime|Time instance into the "CodeIgni...
* Converts the given string|timestamp|DateTime|Time instance
* into the "CodeIgniter\I18n\Time" object.
* @param DateTime|float|int|string|Time $value
* @return Time
* @throws Exception
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:320
⧉protected castAs($value, string $attribute, string $method = 'get'): array|bool|float|int|object|string|null Provides the ability to cast an item as a specific data type. Add ? at the be...
* Provides the ability to cast an item as a specific data type.
* Add ? at the beginning of $type (i.e. ?string) to get NULL
* instead of casting $value if $value === null
* @param bool|float|int|string|null $value Attribute value
* @param string $attribute Attribute name
* @param string $method Allowed to "get" and "set"
* @return array|bool|float|int|object|string|null
* @throws CastException
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:338
⧉protected isMappedDbColumn(string $key): bool Whether this key is mapped db column name?
* Whether this key is mapped db column name?
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:550
⧉protected hasMappedProperty(string $key): bool Whether this key has mapped property?
* Whether this key has mapped property?
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:565
⧉storyShortDescription => UTF-8 string (645) "'বান্দৰ'ৰ যুৱৰাজৰ' সৈতে এটা ৰোমাঞ্চক যাত্ৰা আৰম্ভ কৰক! এই মনোমোহা কাহিনীটোৱে...
'বান্দৰ'ৰ যুৱৰাজৰ' সৈতে এটা ৰোমাঞ্চক যাত্ৰা আৰম্ভ কৰক! এই মনোমোহা কাহিনীটোৱে এটা সাহসী পোৱালী বান্দৰক অনুসৰণ কৰে যিয়ে এজন দুষ্ট ৰজাক পৰাজিত কৰে আৰু জল দৈত্যৰ সৈতে বন্ধুত্ব কৰে। এই মনোমোহা কাহিনীটোত জ্ঞান আৰু ন্যায়ৰ মূল্যৱান পাঠ আৱিষ্কাৰ কৰক।
⧉keywords => UTF-8 string (245) "Assamese story; A Prince of Monkeys; Assamese children story; Assamese child...
Assamese story; A Prince of Monkeys; Assamese children story; Assamese children stories; বান্দৰৰ যুৱৰাজ; wicked monkey ; coronation ceremony ; wisdom ; courage ; CAT: fable; cleverness escapes from an adverse situation
⧉storyShortDescription => UTF-8 string (645) "'বান্দৰ'ৰ যুৱৰাজৰ' সৈতে এটা ৰোমাঞ্চক যাত্ৰা আৰম্ভ কৰক! এই মনোমোহা কাহিনীটোৱে...
'বান্দৰ'ৰ যুৱৰাজৰ' সৈতে এটা ৰোমাঞ্চক যাত্ৰা আৰম্ভ কৰক! এই মনোমোহা কাহিনীটোৱে এটা সাহসী পোৱালী বান্দৰক অনুসৰণ কৰে যিয়ে এজন দুষ্ট ৰজাক পৰাজিত কৰে আৰু জল দৈত্যৰ সৈতে বন্ধুত্ব কৰে। এই মনোমোহা কাহিনীটোত জ্ঞান আৰু ন্যায়ৰ মূল্যৱান পাঠ আৱিষ্কাৰ কৰক।
⧉keywords => UTF-8 string (245) "Assamese story; A Prince of Monkeys; Assamese children story; Assamese child...
Assamese story; A Prince of Monkeys; Assamese children story; Assamese children stories; বান্দৰৰ যুৱৰাজ; wicked monkey ; coronation ceremony ; wisdom ; courage ; CAT: fable; cleverness escapes from an adverse situation
uri => string (31) "CodeIgniter\Entity\Cast\URICast"
private _cast -> boolean true
⇄⧉public __construct(?array $data = null) Allows filling in Entity parameters during construction.
new \App\Entities\Entity(?array $data = null)
* Allows filling in Entity parameters during construction.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:117
⇄⧉public fill(?array $data = null): $this Takes an array of key/value pairs and sets them as class properties, using an...
$value[4]->fill(?array $data = null)
* Takes an array of key/value pairs and sets them as class
* properties, using any `setCamelCasedProperty()` methods
* that may or may not exist.
* @param array $data
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:133
⇄⧉public toArray(bool $onlyChanged = false, bool $cast = true, bool $recursive = false): array General method that will return all public and protected values of this entit...
* General method that will return all public and protected values
* of this entity as an array. All values are accessed through the
* __get() magic method so will have any casts, etc applied to them.
* @param bool $onlyChanged If true, only return values that have changed since object creation
* @param bool $cast If true, properties will be cast.
* @param bool $recursive If true, inner entities will be cast as array as well.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:155
⇄⧉public toRawArray(bool $onlyChanged = false, bool $recursive = false): array Returns the raw values of the current attributes.
* Returns the raw values of the current attributes.
* @param bool $onlyChanged If true, only return values that have changed since object creation
* @param bool $recursive If true, inner entities will be cast as array as well.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:197
⇄⧉public syncOriginal(): $this Ensures our "original" values match the current values.
* Ensures our "original" values match the current values.
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:241
⇄⧉public hasChanged(?string $key = null): bool Checks a property to see if it has changed since the entity was created. Or, ...
$value[4]->hasChanged(?string $key = null)
* Checks a property to see if it has changed since the entity
* was created. Or, without a parameter, checks if any
* properties have changed.
* @param string|null $key class property
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:255
⇄⧉public setAttributes(array $data): $this Set raw data array without any mutations
$value[4]->setAttributes(array $data)
* Set raw data array without any mutations
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:282
⇄⧉public jsonSerialize(): array Support for json_encode()
* Support for json_encode()
* @return array
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:400
⇄⧉public cast(?bool $cast = null): bool|Entity Change the value of the private $_cast property
$value[4]->cast(?bool $cast = null)
* Change the value of the private $_cast property
* @return bool|Entity
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:410
⧉public __set(string $key, $value = null): void Magic method to all protected/private class properties to be easily set, eith...
* Magic method to all protected/private class properties to be
* easily set, either through a direct access or a
* `setCamelCasedProperty()` method.
* Examples:
* $this->my_property = $p;
* $this->setMyProperty() = $p;
* @param array|bool|float|int|object|string|null $value
* @return void
* @throws Exception
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:436
⧉public __get(string $key): array|bool|float|int|object|string|null Magic method to allow retrieval of protected and private class properties eit...
* Magic method to allow retrieval of protected and private class properties
* either by their name, or through a `getCamelCasedProperty()` method.
* Examples:
* $p = $this->my_property
* $p = $this->getMyProperty()
* @return array|bool|float|int|object|string|null
* @throws Exception
* @params string $key class property
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:479
⧉public __isset(string $key): bool Returns true if a property exists names $key, or a getter method exists named...
* Returns true if a property exists names $key, or a getter method
* exists named like for __get().
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:516
⧉public __unset(string $key): void Unsets an attribute property.
* Unsets an attribute property.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:536
⧉protected mapProperty(string $key): string db column name Checks the datamap to see if this property name is being mapped, and returns ...
* Checks the datamap to see if this property name is being mapped,
* and returns the db column name, if any, or the original property name.
* @return string db column name
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:297
⧉protected mutateDate($value): Time Converts the given string|timestamp|DateTime|Time instance into the "CodeIgni...
* Converts the given string|timestamp|DateTime|Time instance
* into the "CodeIgniter\I18n\Time" object.
* @param DateTime|float|int|string|Time $value
* @return Time
* @throws Exception
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:320
⧉protected castAs($value, string $attribute, string $method = 'get'): array|bool|float|int|object|string|null Provides the ability to cast an item as a specific data type. Add ? at the be...
* Provides the ability to cast an item as a specific data type.
* Add ? at the beginning of $type (i.e. ?string) to get NULL
* instead of casting $value if $value === null
* @param bool|float|int|string|null $value Attribute value
* @param string $attribute Attribute name
* @param string $method Allowed to "get" and "set"
* @return array|bool|float|int|object|string|null
* @throws CastException
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:338
⧉protected isMappedDbColumn(string $key): bool Whether this key is mapped db column name?
* Whether this key is mapped db column name?
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:550
⧉protected hasMappedProperty(string $key): bool Whether this key has mapped property?
* Whether this key has mapped property?
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:565
⇄⧉5 => App\Entities\Entity#154 (8)
Properties (8)
Available methods (18)
⧉protected attributes -> array (15)
storyId => string (2) "32"
languageId => string (1) "2"
categoryId => string (2) "22"
storyEnTitle => string (24) "Elephants and the Rabbit"
⧉storyShortDescription => UTF-8 string (1581) "এসময়ত,খৰাঙৰ বাবে শুকাই যোৱা এটা হ্ৰদৰ কাষত হাতীয়ে বাস কৰিছিল। হাতী জাকে পান...
এসময়ত,খৰাঙৰ বাবে শুকাই যোৱা এটা হ্ৰদৰ কাষত হাতীয়ে বাস কৰিছিল। হাতী জাকে পানী বিচাৰি ফুৰিছিল আৰু এটা নতুন হ্ৰদ বিচাৰি পাইছিল কিন্তু অনিচ্ছাকৃতভাৱে ওচৰত বাস কৰা শহাপহুবোৰৰ হাতীৰ গছকত মৃত্যু হৈছিল। শহাপহুবোৰে এই সমস্যাটো চতুৰতাৰে সমাধান কৰাৰ সিদ্ধান্ত লৈছিল। এটা ডেকা শহায়ে চন্দ্ৰ দেৱতাৰ বাৰ্তাবাহক হোৱাৰ ভাও ধৰিছিল আৰু হাতী ৰজাক কৈছিল যে, দেৱতাই তেওঁলোকৰ ওপৰত খং কৰিছে। হাতী ৰজাই ঈশ্বৰৰ ক্ৰোধৰ ভয়ত অঞ্চলটো এৰি যাবলৈ সন্মত হৈছিল। হাতীবোৰক আঁতৰাই নিয়াৰ বাবে শহাপহুবোৰে তেওঁলোকৰ বুদ্ধি ব্যৱহাৰ কৰিছিল, আৰু তেওঁলোকে শান্তিৰে বাস কৰিছিল। কাহিনীটোৰ নৈতিকতা হ'ল চতুৰতাই শক্তিক অতিক্ৰম কৰিব পাৰে।
⧉keywords => UTF-8 string (222) "Assamese story; Elephants and the Rabbit; Assamese children story; Assamese ...
Assamese story; Elephants and the Rabbit; Assamese children story; Assamese children stories; শহাপহু আৰু হাতী; elephants ; rabbits ; drought ; CAT: fable; wit and intelligence escape from trouble
⧉storyShortDescription => UTF-8 string (1581) "এসময়ত,খৰাঙৰ বাবে শুকাই যোৱা এটা হ্ৰদৰ কাষত হাতীয়ে বাস কৰিছিল। হাতী জাকে পান...
এসময়ত,খৰাঙৰ বাবে শুকাই যোৱা এটা হ্ৰদৰ কাষত হাতীয়ে বাস কৰিছিল। হাতী জাকে পানী বিচাৰি ফুৰিছিল আৰু এটা নতুন হ্ৰদ বিচাৰি পাইছিল কিন্তু অনিচ্ছাকৃতভাৱে ওচৰত বাস কৰা শহাপহুবোৰৰ হাতীৰ গছকত মৃত্যু হৈছিল। শহাপহুবোৰে এই সমস্যাটো চতুৰতাৰে সমাধান কৰাৰ সিদ্ধান্ত লৈছিল। এটা ডেকা শহায়ে চন্দ্ৰ দেৱতাৰ বাৰ্তাবাহক হোৱাৰ ভাও ধৰিছিল আৰু হাতী ৰজাক কৈছিল যে, দেৱতাই তেওঁলোকৰ ওপৰত খং কৰিছে। হাতী ৰজাই ঈশ্বৰৰ ক্ৰোধৰ ভয়ত অঞ্চলটো এৰি যাবলৈ সন্মত হৈছিল। হাতীবোৰক আঁতৰাই নিয়াৰ বাবে শহাপহুবোৰে তেওঁলোকৰ বুদ্ধি ব্যৱহাৰ কৰিছিল, আৰু তেওঁলোকে শান্তিৰে বাস কৰিছিল। কাহিনীটোৰ নৈতিকতা হ'ল চতুৰতাই শক্তিক অতিক্ৰম কৰিব পাৰে।
⧉keywords => UTF-8 string (222) "Assamese story; Elephants and the Rabbit; Assamese children story; Assamese ...
Assamese story; Elephants and the Rabbit; Assamese children story; Assamese children stories; শহাপহু আৰু হাতী; elephants ; rabbits ; drought ; CAT: fable; wit and intelligence escape from trouble
uri => string (31) "CodeIgniter\Entity\Cast\URICast"
private _cast -> boolean true
⇄⧉public __construct(?array $data = null) Allows filling in Entity parameters during construction.
new \App\Entities\Entity(?array $data = null)
* Allows filling in Entity parameters during construction.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:117
⇄⧉public fill(?array $data = null): $this Takes an array of key/value pairs and sets them as class properties, using an...
$value[5]->fill(?array $data = null)
* Takes an array of key/value pairs and sets them as class
* properties, using any `setCamelCasedProperty()` methods
* that may or may not exist.
* @param array $data
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:133
⇄⧉public toArray(bool $onlyChanged = false, bool $cast = true, bool $recursive = false): array General method that will return all public and protected values of this entit...
* General method that will return all public and protected values
* of this entity as an array. All values are accessed through the
* __get() magic method so will have any casts, etc applied to them.
* @param bool $onlyChanged If true, only return values that have changed since object creation
* @param bool $cast If true, properties will be cast.
* @param bool $recursive If true, inner entities will be cast as array as well.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:155
⇄⧉public toRawArray(bool $onlyChanged = false, bool $recursive = false): array Returns the raw values of the current attributes.
* Returns the raw values of the current attributes.
* @param bool $onlyChanged If true, only return values that have changed since object creation
* @param bool $recursive If true, inner entities will be cast as array as well.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:197
⇄⧉public syncOriginal(): $this Ensures our "original" values match the current values.
* Ensures our "original" values match the current values.
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:241
⇄⧉public hasChanged(?string $key = null): bool Checks a property to see if it has changed since the entity was created. Or, ...
$value[5]->hasChanged(?string $key = null)
* Checks a property to see if it has changed since the entity
* was created. Or, without a parameter, checks if any
* properties have changed.
* @param string|null $key class property
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:255
⇄⧉public setAttributes(array $data): $this Set raw data array without any mutations
$value[5]->setAttributes(array $data)
* Set raw data array without any mutations
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:282
⇄⧉public jsonSerialize(): array Support for json_encode()
* Support for json_encode()
* @return array
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:400
⇄⧉public cast(?bool $cast = null): bool|Entity Change the value of the private $_cast property
$value[5]->cast(?bool $cast = null)
* Change the value of the private $_cast property
* @return bool|Entity
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:410
⧉public __set(string $key, $value = null): void Magic method to all protected/private class properties to be easily set, eith...
* Magic method to all protected/private class properties to be
* easily set, either through a direct access or a
* `setCamelCasedProperty()` method.
* Examples:
* $this->my_property = $p;
* $this->setMyProperty() = $p;
* @param array|bool|float|int|object|string|null $value
* @return void
* @throws Exception
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:436
⧉public __get(string $key): array|bool|float|int|object|string|null Magic method to allow retrieval of protected and private class properties eit...
* Magic method to allow retrieval of protected and private class properties
* either by their name, or through a `getCamelCasedProperty()` method.
* Examples:
* $p = $this->my_property
* $p = $this->getMyProperty()
* @return array|bool|float|int|object|string|null
* @throws Exception
* @params string $key class property
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:479
⧉public __isset(string $key): bool Returns true if a property exists names $key, or a getter method exists named...
* Returns true if a property exists names $key, or a getter method
* exists named like for __get().
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:516
⧉public __unset(string $key): void Unsets an attribute property.
* Unsets an attribute property.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:536
⧉protected mapProperty(string $key): string db column name Checks the datamap to see if this property name is being mapped, and returns ...
* Checks the datamap to see if this property name is being mapped,
* and returns the db column name, if any, or the original property name.
* @return string db column name
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:297
⧉protected mutateDate($value): Time Converts the given string|timestamp|DateTime|Time instance into the "CodeIgni...
* Converts the given string|timestamp|DateTime|Time instance
* into the "CodeIgniter\I18n\Time" object.
* @param DateTime|float|int|string|Time $value
* @return Time
* @throws Exception
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:320
⧉protected castAs($value, string $attribute, string $method = 'get'): array|bool|float|int|object|string|null Provides the ability to cast an item as a specific data type. Add ? at the be...
* Provides the ability to cast an item as a specific data type.
* Add ? at the beginning of $type (i.e. ?string) to get NULL
* instead of casting $value if $value === null
* @param bool|float|int|string|null $value Attribute value
* @param string $attribute Attribute name
* @param string $method Allowed to "get" and "set"
* @return array|bool|float|int|object|string|null
* @throws CastException
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:338
⧉protected isMappedDbColumn(string $key): bool Whether this key is mapped db column name?
* Whether this key is mapped db column name?
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:550
⧉protected hasMappedProperty(string $key): bool Whether this key has mapped property?
* Whether this key has mapped property?
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:565
⇄⧉6 => App\Entities\Entity#155 (8)
Properties (8)
Available methods (18)
⧉protected attributes -> array (15)
storyId => string (2) "33"
languageId => string (1) "2"
categoryId => string (2) "27"
storyEnTitle => string (24) "Mr. Monkey and Crocodile"
uri => string (31) "CodeIgniter\Entity\Cast\URICast"
private _cast -> boolean true
⇄⧉public __construct(?array $data = null) Allows filling in Entity parameters during construction.
new \App\Entities\Entity(?array $data = null)
* Allows filling in Entity parameters during construction.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:117
⇄⧉public fill(?array $data = null): $this Takes an array of key/value pairs and sets them as class properties, using an...
$value[6]->fill(?array $data = null)
* Takes an array of key/value pairs and sets them as class
* properties, using any `setCamelCasedProperty()` methods
* that may or may not exist.
* @param array $data
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:133
⇄⧉public toArray(bool $onlyChanged = false, bool $cast = true, bool $recursive = false): array General method that will return all public and protected values of this entit...
* General method that will return all public and protected values
* of this entity as an array. All values are accessed through the
* __get() magic method so will have any casts, etc applied to them.
* @param bool $onlyChanged If true, only return values that have changed since object creation
* @param bool $cast If true, properties will be cast.
* @param bool $recursive If true, inner entities will be cast as array as well.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:155
⇄⧉public toRawArray(bool $onlyChanged = false, bool $recursive = false): array Returns the raw values of the current attributes.
* Returns the raw values of the current attributes.
* @param bool $onlyChanged If true, only return values that have changed since object creation
* @param bool $recursive If true, inner entities will be cast as array as well.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:197
⇄⧉public syncOriginal(): $this Ensures our "original" values match the current values.
* Ensures our "original" values match the current values.
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:241
⇄⧉public hasChanged(?string $key = null): bool Checks a property to see if it has changed since the entity was created. Or, ...
$value[6]->hasChanged(?string $key = null)
* Checks a property to see if it has changed since the entity
* was created. Or, without a parameter, checks if any
* properties have changed.
* @param string|null $key class property
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:255
⇄⧉public setAttributes(array $data): $this Set raw data array without any mutations
$value[6]->setAttributes(array $data)
* Set raw data array without any mutations
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:282
⇄⧉public jsonSerialize(): array Support for json_encode()
* Support for json_encode()
* @return array
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:400
⇄⧉public cast(?bool $cast = null): bool|Entity Change the value of the private $_cast property
$value[6]->cast(?bool $cast = null)
* Change the value of the private $_cast property
* @return bool|Entity
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:410
⧉public __set(string $key, $value = null): void Magic method to all protected/private class properties to be easily set, eith...
* Magic method to all protected/private class properties to be
* easily set, either through a direct access or a
* `setCamelCasedProperty()` method.
* Examples:
* $this->my_property = $p;
* $this->setMyProperty() = $p;
* @param array|bool|float|int|object|string|null $value
* @return void
* @throws Exception
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:436
⧉public __get(string $key): array|bool|float|int|object|string|null Magic method to allow retrieval of protected and private class properties eit...
* Magic method to allow retrieval of protected and private class properties
* either by their name, or through a `getCamelCasedProperty()` method.
* Examples:
* $p = $this->my_property
* $p = $this->getMyProperty()
* @return array|bool|float|int|object|string|null
* @throws Exception
* @params string $key class property
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:479
⧉public __isset(string $key): bool Returns true if a property exists names $key, or a getter method exists named...
* Returns true if a property exists names $key, or a getter method
* exists named like for __get().
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:516
⧉public __unset(string $key): void Unsets an attribute property.
* Unsets an attribute property.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:536
⧉protected mapProperty(string $key): string db column name Checks the datamap to see if this property name is being mapped, and returns ...
* Checks the datamap to see if this property name is being mapped,
* and returns the db column name, if any, or the original property name.
* @return string db column name
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:297
⧉protected mutateDate($value): Time Converts the given string|timestamp|DateTime|Time instance into the "CodeIgni...
* Converts the given string|timestamp|DateTime|Time instance
* into the "CodeIgniter\I18n\Time" object.
* @param DateTime|float|int|string|Time $value
* @return Time
* @throws Exception
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:320
⧉protected castAs($value, string $attribute, string $method = 'get'): array|bool|float|int|object|string|null Provides the ability to cast an item as a specific data type. Add ? at the be...
* Provides the ability to cast an item as a specific data type.
* Add ? at the beginning of $type (i.e. ?string) to get NULL
* instead of casting $value if $value === null
* @param bool|float|int|string|null $value Attribute value
* @param string $attribute Attribute name
* @param string $method Allowed to "get" and "set"
* @return array|bool|float|int|object|string|null
* @throws CastException
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:338
⧉protected isMappedDbColumn(string $key): bool Whether this key is mapped db column name?
* Whether this key is mapped db column name?
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:550
⧉protected hasMappedProperty(string $key): bool Whether this key has mapped property?
* Whether this key has mapped property?
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:565
⇄⧉7 => App\Entities\Entity#156 (8)
Properties (8)
Available methods (18)
⧉protected attributes -> array (15)
storyId => string (2) "34"
languageId => string (1) "2"
categoryId => string (2) "22"
storyEnTitle => string (29) "The Fish who Worked a Miracle"
storyTitle => UTF-8 string (67) "দৈৱ-ঘটনা সংঘটিত কৰা মাছটো"
⧉storyShortDescription => UTF-8 string (1133) "এসময়ত, বোধিসত্ব নামৰ এটা মাছ আন মাছবোৰৰ সৈতে এটা পুখুৰীত বাস কৰিছিল। খৰাঙৰ ক...
এসময়ত, বোধিসত্ব নামৰ এটা মাছ আন মাছবোৰৰ সৈতে এটা পুখুৰীত বাস কৰিছিল। খৰাঙৰ কাৰণে ওচৰৰ গাওঁ এখনৰ পুখুৰীটো শুকাই গৈছিল। অতি সোনকালেই পৰিস্থিতি অসহনীয় হৈ পৰিল। এই অৱস্থা দেখি, বোধিসত্ব কৰুণাৰে ভৰি পৰিছিল আৰু সহজীৱীৰ লগতে মানুহৰও দুখ-কষ্ট ৰক্ষা কৰিবলৈ বৰুণ দেৱতাক পাৰ্থনা কৰাৰ সিদ্ধান্ত লৈছিল। যিহেতু বোধিসত্ব এটা নিৰীহ আত্মা আছিল, বাবে বৰুণ দেৱতাই তাৰ অনুৰোধ শুনিছিল আৰু পৃথিৱীৰ সকলোৰে দুখ-কষ্ট ৰক্ষা কৰিবলৈ বৰষুণ আৰম্ভ কৰিছিল।
⧉keywords => UTF-8 string (283) "Assamese story; The Fish who Worked a Miracle; Assamese children story; Assa...
Assamese story; The Fish who Worked a Miracle; Assamese children story; Assamese children stories; দৈৱ-ঘটনা সংঘটিত কৰা মাছটো; Fish; Bodhisatwa; Truthfulness ; droguht ; CAT: fable; True innocence relieves the suffering of many. ; compassion
⧉storyShortDescription => UTF-8 string (1133) "এসময়ত, বোধিসত্ব নামৰ এটা মাছ আন মাছবোৰৰ সৈতে এটা পুখুৰীত বাস কৰিছিল। খৰাঙৰ ক...
এসময়ত, বোধিসত্ব নামৰ এটা মাছ আন মাছবোৰৰ সৈতে এটা পুখুৰীত বাস কৰিছিল। খৰাঙৰ কাৰণে ওচৰৰ গাওঁ এখনৰ পুখুৰীটো শুকাই গৈছিল। অতি সোনকালেই পৰিস্থিতি অসহনীয় হৈ পৰিল। এই অৱস্থা দেখি, বোধিসত্ব কৰুণাৰে ভৰি পৰিছিল আৰু সহজীৱীৰ লগতে মানুহৰও দুখ-কষ্ট ৰক্ষা কৰিবলৈ বৰুণ দেৱতাক পাৰ্থনা কৰাৰ সিদ্ধান্ত লৈছিল। যিহেতু বোধিসত্ব এটা নিৰীহ আত্মা আছিল, বাবে বৰুণ দেৱতাই তাৰ অনুৰোধ শুনিছিল আৰু পৃথিৱীৰ সকলোৰে দুখ-কষ্ট ৰক্ষা কৰিবলৈ বৰষুণ আৰম্ভ কৰিছিল।
⧉keywords => UTF-8 string (283) "Assamese story; The Fish who Worked a Miracle; Assamese children story; Assa...
Assamese story; The Fish who Worked a Miracle; Assamese children story; Assamese children stories; দৈৱ-ঘটনা সংঘটিত কৰা মাছটো; Fish; Bodhisatwa; Truthfulness ; droguht ; CAT: fable; True innocence relieves the suffering of many. ; compassion
uri => string (31) "CodeIgniter\Entity\Cast\URICast"
private _cast -> boolean true
⇄⧉public __construct(?array $data = null) Allows filling in Entity parameters during construction.
new \App\Entities\Entity(?array $data = null)
* Allows filling in Entity parameters during construction.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:117
⇄⧉public fill(?array $data = null): $this Takes an array of key/value pairs and sets them as class properties, using an...
$value[7]->fill(?array $data = null)
* Takes an array of key/value pairs and sets them as class
* properties, using any `setCamelCasedProperty()` methods
* that may or may not exist.
* @param array $data
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:133
⇄⧉public toArray(bool $onlyChanged = false, bool $cast = true, bool $recursive = false): array General method that will return all public and protected values of this entit...
* General method that will return all public and protected values
* of this entity as an array. All values are accessed through the
* __get() magic method so will have any casts, etc applied to them.
* @param bool $onlyChanged If true, only return values that have changed since object creation
* @param bool $cast If true, properties will be cast.
* @param bool $recursive If true, inner entities will be cast as array as well.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:155
⇄⧉public toRawArray(bool $onlyChanged = false, bool $recursive = false): array Returns the raw values of the current attributes.
* Returns the raw values of the current attributes.
* @param bool $onlyChanged If true, only return values that have changed since object creation
* @param bool $recursive If true, inner entities will be cast as array as well.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:197
⇄⧉public syncOriginal(): $this Ensures our "original" values match the current values.
* Ensures our "original" values match the current values.
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:241
⇄⧉public hasChanged(?string $key = null): bool Checks a property to see if it has changed since the entity was created. Or, ...
$value[7]->hasChanged(?string $key = null)
* Checks a property to see if it has changed since the entity
* was created. Or, without a parameter, checks if any
* properties have changed.
* @param string|null $key class property
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:255
⇄⧉public setAttributes(array $data): $this Set raw data array without any mutations
$value[7]->setAttributes(array $data)
* Set raw data array without any mutations
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:282
⇄⧉public jsonSerialize(): array Support for json_encode()
* Support for json_encode()
* @return array
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:400
⇄⧉public cast(?bool $cast = null): bool|Entity Change the value of the private $_cast property
$value[7]->cast(?bool $cast = null)
* Change the value of the private $_cast property
* @return bool|Entity
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:410
⧉public __set(string $key, $value = null): void Magic method to all protected/private class properties to be easily set, eith...
* Magic method to all protected/private class properties to be
* easily set, either through a direct access or a
* `setCamelCasedProperty()` method.
* Examples:
* $this->my_property = $p;
* $this->setMyProperty() = $p;
* @param array|bool|float|int|object|string|null $value
* @return void
* @throws Exception
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:436
⧉public __get(string $key): array|bool|float|int|object|string|null Magic method to allow retrieval of protected and private class properties eit...
* Magic method to allow retrieval of protected and private class properties
* either by their name, or through a `getCamelCasedProperty()` method.
* Examples:
* $p = $this->my_property
* $p = $this->getMyProperty()
* @return array|bool|float|int|object|string|null
* @throws Exception
* @params string $key class property
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:479
⧉public __isset(string $key): bool Returns true if a property exists names $key, or a getter method exists named...
* Returns true if a property exists names $key, or a getter method
* exists named like for __get().
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:516
⧉public __unset(string $key): void Unsets an attribute property.
* Unsets an attribute property.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:536
⧉protected mapProperty(string $key): string db column name Checks the datamap to see if this property name is being mapped, and returns ...
* Checks the datamap to see if this property name is being mapped,
* and returns the db column name, if any, or the original property name.
* @return string db column name
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:297
⧉protected mutateDate($value): Time Converts the given string|timestamp|DateTime|Time instance into the "CodeIgni...
* Converts the given string|timestamp|DateTime|Time instance
* into the "CodeIgniter\I18n\Time" object.
* @param DateTime|float|int|string|Time $value
* @return Time
* @throws Exception
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:320
⧉protected castAs($value, string $attribute, string $method = 'get'): array|bool|float|int|object|string|null Provides the ability to cast an item as a specific data type. Add ? at the be...
* Provides the ability to cast an item as a specific data type.
* Add ? at the beginning of $type (i.e. ?string) to get NULL
* instead of casting $value if $value === null
* @param bool|float|int|string|null $value Attribute value
* @param string $attribute Attribute name
* @param string $method Allowed to "get" and "set"
* @return array|bool|float|int|object|string|null
* @throws CastException
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:338
⧉protected isMappedDbColumn(string $key): bool Whether this key is mapped db column name?
* Whether this key is mapped db column name?
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:550
⧉protected hasMappedProperty(string $key): bool Whether this key has mapped property?
* Whether this key has mapped property?
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:565
⇄⧉8 => App\Entities\Entity#157 (8)
Properties (8)
Available methods (18)
⧉protected attributes -> array (15)
storyId => string (2) "35"
languageId => string (1) "2"
categoryId => string (2) "16"
storyEnTitle => string (20) "The Fox and the Goat"
⧉keywords => UTF-8 string (209) "Assamese story; The Fox and the Goat; Assamese children story; Assamese chil...
Assamese story; The Fox and the Goat; Assamese children story; Assamese children stories; শিয়াল আৰু ছাগলী; cat;fable;life skills; Fox and the goat; thirsty fox; well; cool water; wall
⧉keywords => UTF-8 string (209) "Assamese story; The Fox and the Goat; Assamese children story; Assamese chil...
Assamese story; The Fox and the Goat; Assamese children story; Assamese children stories; শিয়াল আৰু ছাগলী; cat;fable;life skills; Fox and the goat; thirsty fox; well; cool water; wall
uri => string (31) "CodeIgniter\Entity\Cast\URICast"
private _cast -> boolean true
⇄⧉public __construct(?array $data = null) Allows filling in Entity parameters during construction.
new \App\Entities\Entity(?array $data = null)
* Allows filling in Entity parameters during construction.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:117
⇄⧉public fill(?array $data = null): $this Takes an array of key/value pairs and sets them as class properties, using an...
$value[8]->fill(?array $data = null)
* Takes an array of key/value pairs and sets them as class
* properties, using any `setCamelCasedProperty()` methods
* that may or may not exist.
* @param array $data
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:133
⇄⧉public toArray(bool $onlyChanged = false, bool $cast = true, bool $recursive = false): array General method that will return all public and protected values of this entit...
* General method that will return all public and protected values
* of this entity as an array. All values are accessed through the
* __get() magic method so will have any casts, etc applied to them.
* @param bool $onlyChanged If true, only return values that have changed since object creation
* @param bool $cast If true, properties will be cast.
* @param bool $recursive If true, inner entities will be cast as array as well.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:155
⇄⧉public toRawArray(bool $onlyChanged = false, bool $recursive = false): array Returns the raw values of the current attributes.
* Returns the raw values of the current attributes.
* @param bool $onlyChanged If true, only return values that have changed since object creation
* @param bool $recursive If true, inner entities will be cast as array as well.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:197
⇄⧉public syncOriginal(): $this Ensures our "original" values match the current values.
* Ensures our "original" values match the current values.
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:241
⇄⧉public hasChanged(?string $key = null): bool Checks a property to see if it has changed since the entity was created. Or, ...
$value[8]->hasChanged(?string $key = null)
* Checks a property to see if it has changed since the entity
* was created. Or, without a parameter, checks if any
* properties have changed.
* @param string|null $key class property
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:255
⇄⧉public setAttributes(array $data): $this Set raw data array without any mutations
$value[8]->setAttributes(array $data)
* Set raw data array without any mutations
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:282
⇄⧉public jsonSerialize(): array Support for json_encode()
* Support for json_encode()
* @return array
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:400
⇄⧉public cast(?bool $cast = null): bool|Entity Change the value of the private $_cast property
$value[8]->cast(?bool $cast = null)
* Change the value of the private $_cast property
* @return bool|Entity
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:410
⧉public __set(string $key, $value = null): void Magic method to all protected/private class properties to be easily set, eith...
* Magic method to all protected/private class properties to be
* easily set, either through a direct access or a
* `setCamelCasedProperty()` method.
* Examples:
* $this->my_property = $p;
* $this->setMyProperty() = $p;
* @param array|bool|float|int|object|string|null $value
* @return void
* @throws Exception
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:436
⧉public __get(string $key): array|bool|float|int|object|string|null Magic method to allow retrieval of protected and private class properties eit...
* Magic method to allow retrieval of protected and private class properties
* either by their name, or through a `getCamelCasedProperty()` method.
* Examples:
* $p = $this->my_property
* $p = $this->getMyProperty()
* @return array|bool|float|int|object|string|null
* @throws Exception
* @params string $key class property
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:479
⧉public __isset(string $key): bool Returns true if a property exists names $key, or a getter method exists named...
* Returns true if a property exists names $key, or a getter method
* exists named like for __get().
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:516
⧉public __unset(string $key): void Unsets an attribute property.
* Unsets an attribute property.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:536
⧉protected mapProperty(string $key): string db column name Checks the datamap to see if this property name is being mapped, and returns ...
* Checks the datamap to see if this property name is being mapped,
* and returns the db column name, if any, or the original property name.
* @return string db column name
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:297
⧉protected mutateDate($value): Time Converts the given string|timestamp|DateTime|Time instance into the "CodeIgni...
* Converts the given string|timestamp|DateTime|Time instance
* into the "CodeIgniter\I18n\Time" object.
* @param DateTime|float|int|string|Time $value
* @return Time
* @throws Exception
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:320
⧉protected castAs($value, string $attribute, string $method = 'get'): array|bool|float|int|object|string|null Provides the ability to cast an item as a specific data type. Add ? at the be...
* Provides the ability to cast an item as a specific data type.
* Add ? at the beginning of $type (i.e. ?string) to get NULL
* instead of casting $value if $value === null
* @param bool|float|int|string|null $value Attribute value
* @param string $attribute Attribute name
* @param string $method Allowed to "get" and "set"
* @return array|bool|float|int|object|string|null
* @throws CastException
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:338
⧉protected isMappedDbColumn(string $key): bool Whether this key is mapped db column name?
* Whether this key is mapped db column name?
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:550
⧉protected hasMappedProperty(string $key): bool Whether this key has mapped property?
* Whether this key has mapped property?
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:565
⧉storyShortDescription => UTF-8 string (1464) "এসময়ত, সোণালী পাখি থকা এটা ধুনীয়া ৰাজহাঁহ পুখুৰী এটাত বাস কৰিছিল। এগৰাকী দৰ...
এসময়ত, সোণালী পাখি থকা এটা ধুনীয়া ৰাজহাঁহ পুখুৰী এটাত বাস কৰিছিল। এগৰাকী দৰিদ্ৰ মহিলাই নিজৰ দুগৰাকী জীয়েকৰ সৈতে সেই পুখুৰীৰ ওচৰতে বাস কৰিছিল। হাহঁটোয়ে দৰিদ্ৰ মহিলাগৰাকীৰ দুখ দেখি তেওঁক তাৰ সোণালী পাখি এখন দি সহায় কৰাৰ কথা ভাবিছিল। অতি সোনকালেই, মহিলাগৰাকীয়ে এক আৰামদায়ক জীৱন যাপন কৰিবলৈ আৰম্ভ কৰিলে, কিন্তু সময়ৰ লগে লগে, তেওঁ লোভী হৈ পৰিল আৰু হাহঁটোৰ গোটেইকেইখন পাখি পাবলৈ ৰাজহাঁহকেইটাক হত্যা কৰিবলৈ চেষ্টা কৰিলে। ইয়াৰ ফলত ৰাজহাঁহটোৰ খং উঠিছিল, আৰু কৈছিল যে সি কেতিয়াও ঘূৰি নাহে। মহিলাগৰাকীয়ে নিজৰ ভুল অনুভৱ কৰাৰ সময়লৈকে, বহুত পলম হৈ গৈছিল।
⧉keywords => UTF-8 string (215) "Assamese story; The Golden Swan; Assamese children story; Assamese children ...
Assamese story; The Golden Swan; Assamese children story; Assamese children stories; সোণালী ৰাজহাঁহ; cat;fable;danger of greed; Golden Swan; golden feathers; old woman; help; greed; poverty
⧉storyShortDescription => UTF-8 string (1464) "এসময়ত, সোণালী পাখি থকা এটা ধুনীয়া ৰাজহাঁহ পুখুৰী এটাত বাস কৰিছিল। এগৰাকী দৰ...
এসময়ত, সোণালী পাখি থকা এটা ধুনীয়া ৰাজহাঁহ পুখুৰী এটাত বাস কৰিছিল। এগৰাকী দৰিদ্ৰ মহিলাই নিজৰ দুগৰাকী জীয়েকৰ সৈতে সেই পুখুৰীৰ ওচৰতে বাস কৰিছিল। হাহঁটোয়ে দৰিদ্ৰ মহিলাগৰাকীৰ দুখ দেখি তেওঁক তাৰ সোণালী পাখি এখন দি সহায় কৰাৰ কথা ভাবিছিল। অতি সোনকালেই, মহিলাগৰাকীয়ে এক আৰামদায়ক জীৱন যাপন কৰিবলৈ আৰম্ভ কৰিলে, কিন্তু সময়ৰ লগে লগে, তেওঁ লোভী হৈ পৰিল আৰু হাহঁটোৰ গোটেইকেইখন পাখি পাবলৈ ৰাজহাঁহকেইটাক হত্যা কৰিবলৈ চেষ্টা কৰিলে। ইয়াৰ ফলত ৰাজহাঁহটোৰ খং উঠিছিল, আৰু কৈছিল যে সি কেতিয়াও ঘূৰি নাহে। মহিলাগৰাকীয়ে নিজৰ ভুল অনুভৱ কৰাৰ সময়লৈকে, বহুত পলম হৈ গৈছিল।
⧉keywords => UTF-8 string (215) "Assamese story; The Golden Swan; Assamese children story; Assamese children ...
Assamese story; The Golden Swan; Assamese children story; Assamese children stories; সোণালী ৰাজহাঁহ; cat;fable;danger of greed; Golden Swan; golden feathers; old woman; help; greed; poverty
uri => string (31) "CodeIgniter\Entity\Cast\URICast"
private _cast -> boolean true
⇄⧉public __construct(?array $data = null) Allows filling in Entity parameters during construction.
new \App\Entities\Entity(?array $data = null)
* Allows filling in Entity parameters during construction.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:117
⇄⧉public fill(?array $data = null): $this Takes an array of key/value pairs and sets them as class properties, using an...
$value[9]->fill(?array $data = null)
* Takes an array of key/value pairs and sets them as class
* properties, using any `setCamelCasedProperty()` methods
* that may or may not exist.
* @param array $data
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:133
⇄⧉public toArray(bool $onlyChanged = false, bool $cast = true, bool $recursive = false): array General method that will return all public and protected values of this entit...
* General method that will return all public and protected values
* of this entity as an array. All values are accessed through the
* __get() magic method so will have any casts, etc applied to them.
* @param bool $onlyChanged If true, only return values that have changed since object creation
* @param bool $cast If true, properties will be cast.
* @param bool $recursive If true, inner entities will be cast as array as well.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:155
⇄⧉public toRawArray(bool $onlyChanged = false, bool $recursive = false): array Returns the raw values of the current attributes.
* Returns the raw values of the current attributes.
* @param bool $onlyChanged If true, only return values that have changed since object creation
* @param bool $recursive If true, inner entities will be cast as array as well.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:197
⇄⧉public syncOriginal(): $this Ensures our "original" values match the current values.
* Ensures our "original" values match the current values.
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:241
⇄⧉public hasChanged(?string $key = null): bool Checks a property to see if it has changed since the entity was created. Or, ...
$value[9]->hasChanged(?string $key = null)
* Checks a property to see if it has changed since the entity
* was created. Or, without a parameter, checks if any
* properties have changed.
* @param string|null $key class property
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:255
⇄⧉public setAttributes(array $data): $this Set raw data array without any mutations
$value[9]->setAttributes(array $data)
* Set raw data array without any mutations
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:282
⇄⧉public jsonSerialize(): array Support for json_encode()
* Support for json_encode()
* @return array
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:400
⇄⧉public cast(?bool $cast = null): bool|Entity Change the value of the private $_cast property
$value[9]->cast(?bool $cast = null)
* Change the value of the private $_cast property
* @return bool|Entity
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:410
⧉public __set(string $key, $value = null): void Magic method to all protected/private class properties to be easily set, eith...
* Magic method to all protected/private class properties to be
* easily set, either through a direct access or a
* `setCamelCasedProperty()` method.
* Examples:
* $this->my_property = $p;
* $this->setMyProperty() = $p;
* @param array|bool|float|int|object|string|null $value
* @return void
* @throws Exception
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:436
⧉public __get(string $key): array|bool|float|int|object|string|null Magic method to allow retrieval of protected and private class properties eit...
* Magic method to allow retrieval of protected and private class properties
* either by their name, or through a `getCamelCasedProperty()` method.
* Examples:
* $p = $this->my_property
* $p = $this->getMyProperty()
* @return array|bool|float|int|object|string|null
* @throws Exception
* @params string $key class property
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:479
⧉public __isset(string $key): bool Returns true if a property exists names $key, or a getter method exists named...
* Returns true if a property exists names $key, or a getter method
* exists named like for __get().
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:516
⧉public __unset(string $key): void Unsets an attribute property.
* Unsets an attribute property.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:536
⧉protected mapProperty(string $key): string db column name Checks the datamap to see if this property name is being mapped, and returns ...
* Checks the datamap to see if this property name is being mapped,
* and returns the db column name, if any, or the original property name.
* @return string db column name
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:297
⧉protected mutateDate($value): Time Converts the given string|timestamp|DateTime|Time instance into the "CodeIgni...
* Converts the given string|timestamp|DateTime|Time instance
* into the "CodeIgniter\I18n\Time" object.
* @param DateTime|float|int|string|Time $value
* @return Time
* @throws Exception
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:320
⧉protected castAs($value, string $attribute, string $method = 'get'): array|bool|float|int|object|string|null Provides the ability to cast an item as a specific data type. Add ? at the be...
* Provides the ability to cast an item as a specific data type.
* Add ? at the beginning of $type (i.e. ?string) to get NULL
* instead of casting $value if $value === null
* @param bool|float|int|string|null $value Attribute value
* @param string $attribute Attribute name
* @param string $method Allowed to "get" and "set"
* @return array|bool|float|int|object|string|null
* @throws CastException
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:338
⧉protected isMappedDbColumn(string $key): bool Whether this key is mapped db column name?
* Whether this key is mapped db column name?
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:550
⧉protected hasMappedProperty(string $key): bool Whether this key has mapped property?
* Whether this key has mapped property?
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:565
⇄⧉10 => App\Entities\Entity#159 (8)
Properties (8)
Available methods (18)
⧉protected attributes -> array (15)
storyId => string (2) "37"
languageId => string (1) "2"
categoryId => string (2) "19"
storyEnTitle => string (27) "The Hawks and their Friends"
⧉storyShortDescription => UTF-8 string (830) "এসময়ত, এটা হ্ৰদৰ কাষত এজনী চিলনী নিজৰ পৰিয়ালৰ সৈতে,লগতে এটা মাছৰোকা, এটা সি...
এসময়ত, এটা হ্ৰদৰ কাষত এজনী চিলনী নিজৰ পৰিয়ালৰ সৈতে,লগতে এটা মাছৰোকা, এটা সিংহ আৰু এটা কাছও বাস কৰিছিল। এদিন এজন চিকাৰী ৰাজহাহঁ ধৰিবলৈ অৰণ্যলৈ আহিল। ৰাজহাহঁটোৱে নিজক চিকাৰীৰ পৰা বচাবলৈ তাৰ বন্ধুবৰ্গৰ সহায়ৰ বাবে অনুৰোধ কৰিছিল। সিংহৰ গৰ্জন শুনি চিকাৰীজনে লগে লগে জংঘল এৰি গ'ল। তাৰ পিছত, সকলো জন্তু সুখেৰে বাস কৰিলে।
⧉keywords => UTF-8 string (247) "Assamese story; The Hawks and their Friends; Assamese children story; Assame...
Assamese story; The Hawks and their Friends; Assamese children story; Assamese children stories; চিলনী আৰু তাৰ বন্ধুবৰ্গ; cat;fable;friendship; Hawks and their friends; lake; hunter; fire; kingfisher; turtle
⧉storyShortDescription => UTF-8 string (830) "এসময়ত, এটা হ্ৰদৰ কাষত এজনী চিলনী নিজৰ পৰিয়ালৰ সৈতে,লগতে এটা মাছৰোকা, এটা সি...
এসময়ত, এটা হ্ৰদৰ কাষত এজনী চিলনী নিজৰ পৰিয়ালৰ সৈতে,লগতে এটা মাছৰোকা, এটা সিংহ আৰু এটা কাছও বাস কৰিছিল। এদিন এজন চিকাৰী ৰাজহাহঁ ধৰিবলৈ অৰণ্যলৈ আহিল। ৰাজহাহঁটোৱে নিজক চিকাৰীৰ পৰা বচাবলৈ তাৰ বন্ধুবৰ্গৰ সহায়ৰ বাবে অনুৰোধ কৰিছিল। সিংহৰ গৰ্জন শুনি চিকাৰীজনে লগে লগে জংঘল এৰি গ'ল। তাৰ পিছত, সকলো জন্তু সুখেৰে বাস কৰিলে।
⧉keywords => UTF-8 string (247) "Assamese story; The Hawks and their Friends; Assamese children story; Assame...
Assamese story; The Hawks and their Friends; Assamese children story; Assamese children stories; চিলনী আৰু তাৰ বন্ধুবৰ্গ; cat;fable;friendship; Hawks and their friends; lake; hunter; fire; kingfisher; turtle
uri => string (31) "CodeIgniter\Entity\Cast\URICast"
private _cast -> boolean true
⇄⧉public __construct(?array $data = null) Allows filling in Entity parameters during construction.
new \App\Entities\Entity(?array $data = null)
* Allows filling in Entity parameters during construction.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:117
⇄⧉public fill(?array $data = null): $this Takes an array of key/value pairs and sets them as class properties, using an...
$value[10]->fill(?array $data = null)
* Takes an array of key/value pairs and sets them as class
* properties, using any `setCamelCasedProperty()` methods
* that may or may not exist.
* @param array $data
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:133
⇄⧉public toArray(bool $onlyChanged = false, bool $cast = true, bool $recursive = false): array General method that will return all public and protected values of this entit...
* General method that will return all public and protected values
* of this entity as an array. All values are accessed through the
* __get() magic method so will have any casts, etc applied to them.
* @param bool $onlyChanged If true, only return values that have changed since object creation
* @param bool $cast If true, properties will be cast.
* @param bool $recursive If true, inner entities will be cast as array as well.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:155
⇄⧉public toRawArray(bool $onlyChanged = false, bool $recursive = false): array Returns the raw values of the current attributes.
* Returns the raw values of the current attributes.
* @param bool $onlyChanged If true, only return values that have changed since object creation
* @param bool $recursive If true, inner entities will be cast as array as well.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:197
⇄⧉public syncOriginal(): $this Ensures our "original" values match the current values.
* Ensures our "original" values match the current values.
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:241
⇄⧉public hasChanged(?string $key = null): bool Checks a property to see if it has changed since the entity was created. Or, ...
$value[10]->hasChanged(?string $key = null)
* Checks a property to see if it has changed since the entity
* was created. Or, without a parameter, checks if any
* properties have changed.
* @param string|null $key class property
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:255
⇄⧉public setAttributes(array $data): $this Set raw data array without any mutations
$value[10]->setAttributes(array $data)
* Set raw data array without any mutations
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:282
⇄⧉public jsonSerialize(): array Support for json_encode()
* Support for json_encode()
* @return array
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:400
⇄⧉public cast(?bool $cast = null): bool|Entity Change the value of the private $_cast property
$value[10]->cast(?bool $cast = null)
* Change the value of the private $_cast property
* @return bool|Entity
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:410
⧉public __set(string $key, $value = null): void Magic method to all protected/private class properties to be easily set, eith...
* Magic method to all protected/private class properties to be
* easily set, either through a direct access or a
* `setCamelCasedProperty()` method.
* Examples:
* $this->my_property = $p;
* $this->setMyProperty() = $p;
* @param array|bool|float|int|object|string|null $value
* @return void
* @throws Exception
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:436
⧉public __get(string $key): array|bool|float|int|object|string|null Magic method to allow retrieval of protected and private class properties eit...
* Magic method to allow retrieval of protected and private class properties
* either by their name, or through a `getCamelCasedProperty()` method.
* Examples:
* $p = $this->my_property
* $p = $this->getMyProperty()
* @return array|bool|float|int|object|string|null
* @throws Exception
* @params string $key class property
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:479
⧉public __isset(string $key): bool Returns true if a property exists names $key, or a getter method exists named...
* Returns true if a property exists names $key, or a getter method
* exists named like for __get().
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:516
⧉public __unset(string $key): void Unsets an attribute property.
* Unsets an attribute property.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:536
⧉protected mapProperty(string $key): string db column name Checks the datamap to see if this property name is being mapped, and returns ...
* Checks the datamap to see if this property name is being mapped,
* and returns the db column name, if any, or the original property name.
* @return string db column name
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:297
⧉protected mutateDate($value): Time Converts the given string|timestamp|DateTime|Time instance into the "CodeIgni...
* Converts the given string|timestamp|DateTime|Time instance
* into the "CodeIgniter\I18n\Time" object.
* @param DateTime|float|int|string|Time $value
* @return Time
* @throws Exception
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:320
⧉protected castAs($value, string $attribute, string $method = 'get'): array|bool|float|int|object|string|null Provides the ability to cast an item as a specific data type. Add ? at the be...
* Provides the ability to cast an item as a specific data type.
* Add ? at the beginning of $type (i.e. ?string) to get NULL
* instead of casting $value if $value === null
* @param bool|float|int|string|null $value Attribute value
* @param string $attribute Attribute name
* @param string $method Allowed to "get" and "set"
* @return array|bool|float|int|object|string|null
* @throws CastException
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:338
⧉protected isMappedDbColumn(string $key): bool Whether this key is mapped db column name?
* Whether this key is mapped db column name?
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:550
⧉protected hasMappedProperty(string $key): bool Whether this key has mapped property?
* Whether this key has mapped property?
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:565
⇄⧉11 => App\Entities\Entity#160 (8)
Properties (8)
Available methods (18)
⧉protected attributes -> array (15)
storyId => string (2) "38"
languageId => string (1) "2"
categoryId => string (2) "16"
storyEnTitle => string (28) "The Lean Cat and the Fat Cat"
⧉storyShortDescription => UTF-8 string (1219) "এসময়ত, এটা ক্ষীণ মেকুৰী এগৰাকী দৰিদ্ৰ বৃদ্ধা মহিলাৰ সৈতে বাস কৰিছিল। এদিন, স...
এসময়ত, এটা ক্ষীণ মেকুৰী এগৰাকী দৰিদ্ৰ বৃদ্ধা মহিলাৰ সৈতে বাস কৰিছিল। এদিন, সেই ক্ষীণ মেকুৰীটোৱে এটা হৃষ্টপুষ্ট মেকুৰী দেখে আৰু তাই ক'ত খাদ্য পায় সেই বিষয়ে কৌতূহলী হৈ পৰে। ইয়াৰ বিষয়ে, শকত মেকুৰীটোৱে তাইক কয় যে তাই কেনেদৰে ৰজাৰ প্ৰাসাদৰ পৰা খাদ্য চুৰি কৰে আৰু ক্ষীণ মেকুৰীটোক তাইৰ সৈতে যাবলৈ লগ ধৰে। বুঢ়ীৰ সতৰ্কবাণীৰ স্বত্বেও ক্ষীণ মেকুৰীটো সন্মত হৈছিল। ৰজাৰ মেজৰ পৰা খাদ্য কাঢ়ি নিয়াৰ সময়ত ক্ষীণ মেকুৰীটো ধৰা পৰে, আৰু তাক ৰজাৰ সৈন্যৰ দ্বাৰা হত্যা কৰা হয়।
⧉keywords => UTF-8 string (277) "Assamese story; The Lean Cat and the Fat Cat; Assamese children story; Assam...
Assamese story; The Lean Cat and the Fat Cat; Assamese children story; Assamese children stories; এটা ক্ষীণ আৰু এটা শকত মেকুৰী; old woman ; lean cat; fat cat; food; snatch ; royal cook ; seized ; CAT: moral lesson; don't be greedy
⧉storyShortDescription => UTF-8 string (1219) "এসময়ত, এটা ক্ষীণ মেকুৰী এগৰাকী দৰিদ্ৰ বৃদ্ধা মহিলাৰ সৈতে বাস কৰিছিল। এদিন, স...
এসময়ত, এটা ক্ষীণ মেকুৰী এগৰাকী দৰিদ্ৰ বৃদ্ধা মহিলাৰ সৈতে বাস কৰিছিল। এদিন, সেই ক্ষীণ মেকুৰীটোৱে এটা হৃষ্টপুষ্ট মেকুৰী দেখে আৰু তাই ক'ত খাদ্য পায় সেই বিষয়ে কৌতূহলী হৈ পৰে। ইয়াৰ বিষয়ে, শকত মেকুৰীটোৱে তাইক কয় যে তাই কেনেদৰে ৰজাৰ প্ৰাসাদৰ পৰা খাদ্য চুৰি কৰে আৰু ক্ষীণ মেকুৰীটোক তাইৰ সৈতে যাবলৈ লগ ধৰে। বুঢ়ীৰ সতৰ্কবাণীৰ স্বত্বেও ক্ষীণ মেকুৰীটো সন্মত হৈছিল। ৰজাৰ মেজৰ পৰা খাদ্য কাঢ়ি নিয়াৰ সময়ত ক্ষীণ মেকুৰীটো ধৰা পৰে, আৰু তাক ৰজাৰ সৈন্যৰ দ্বাৰা হত্যা কৰা হয়।
⧉keywords => UTF-8 string (277) "Assamese story; The Lean Cat and the Fat Cat; Assamese children story; Assam...
Assamese story; The Lean Cat and the Fat Cat; Assamese children story; Assamese children stories; এটা ক্ষীণ আৰু এটা শকত মেকুৰী; old woman ; lean cat; fat cat; food; snatch ; royal cook ; seized ; CAT: moral lesson; don't be greedy
uri => string (31) "CodeIgniter\Entity\Cast\URICast"
private _cast -> boolean true
⇄⧉public __construct(?array $data = null) Allows filling in Entity parameters during construction.
new \App\Entities\Entity(?array $data = null)
* Allows filling in Entity parameters during construction.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:117
⇄⧉public fill(?array $data = null): $this Takes an array of key/value pairs and sets them as class properties, using an...
$value[11]->fill(?array $data = null)
* Takes an array of key/value pairs and sets them as class
* properties, using any `setCamelCasedProperty()` methods
* that may or may not exist.
* @param array $data
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:133
⇄⧉public toArray(bool $onlyChanged = false, bool $cast = true, bool $recursive = false): array General method that will return all public and protected values of this entit...
* General method that will return all public and protected values
* of this entity as an array. All values are accessed through the
* __get() magic method so will have any casts, etc applied to them.
* @param bool $onlyChanged If true, only return values that have changed since object creation
* @param bool $cast If true, properties will be cast.
* @param bool $recursive If true, inner entities will be cast as array as well.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:155
⇄⧉public toRawArray(bool $onlyChanged = false, bool $recursive = false): array Returns the raw values of the current attributes.
* Returns the raw values of the current attributes.
* @param bool $onlyChanged If true, only return values that have changed since object creation
* @param bool $recursive If true, inner entities will be cast as array as well.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:197
⇄⧉public syncOriginal(): $this Ensures our "original" values match the current values.
* Ensures our "original" values match the current values.
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:241
⇄⧉public hasChanged(?string $key = null): bool Checks a property to see if it has changed since the entity was created. Or, ...
$value[11]->hasChanged(?string $key = null)
* Checks a property to see if it has changed since the entity
* was created. Or, without a parameter, checks if any
* properties have changed.
* @param string|null $key class property
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:255
⇄⧉public setAttributes(array $data): $this Set raw data array without any mutations
$value[11]->setAttributes(array $data)
* Set raw data array without any mutations
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:282
⇄⧉public jsonSerialize(): array Support for json_encode()
* Support for json_encode()
* @return array
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:400
⇄⧉public cast(?bool $cast = null): bool|Entity Change the value of the private $_cast property
$value[11]->cast(?bool $cast = null)
* Change the value of the private $_cast property
* @return bool|Entity
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:410
⧉public __set(string $key, $value = null): void Magic method to all protected/private class properties to be easily set, eith...
* Magic method to all protected/private class properties to be
* easily set, either through a direct access or a
* `setCamelCasedProperty()` method.
* Examples:
* $this->my_property = $p;
* $this->setMyProperty() = $p;
* @param array|bool|float|int|object|string|null $value
* @return void
* @throws Exception
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:436
⧉public __get(string $key): array|bool|float|int|object|string|null Magic method to allow retrieval of protected and private class properties eit...
* Magic method to allow retrieval of protected and private class properties
* either by their name, or through a `getCamelCasedProperty()` method.
* Examples:
* $p = $this->my_property
* $p = $this->getMyProperty()
* @return array|bool|float|int|object|string|null
* @throws Exception
* @params string $key class property
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:479
⧉public __isset(string $key): bool Returns true if a property exists names $key, or a getter method exists named...
* Returns true if a property exists names $key, or a getter method
* exists named like for __get().
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:516
⧉public __unset(string $key): void Unsets an attribute property.
* Unsets an attribute property.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:536
⧉protected mapProperty(string $key): string db column name Checks the datamap to see if this property name is being mapped, and returns ...
* Checks the datamap to see if this property name is being mapped,
* and returns the db column name, if any, or the original property name.
* @return string db column name
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:297
⧉protected mutateDate($value): Time Converts the given string|timestamp|DateTime|Time instance into the "CodeIgni...
* Converts the given string|timestamp|DateTime|Time instance
* into the "CodeIgniter\I18n\Time" object.
* @param DateTime|float|int|string|Time $value
* @return Time
* @throws Exception
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:320
⧉protected castAs($value, string $attribute, string $method = 'get'): array|bool|float|int|object|string|null Provides the ability to cast an item as a specific data type. Add ? at the be...
* Provides the ability to cast an item as a specific data type.
* Add ? at the beginning of $type (i.e. ?string) to get NULL
* instead of casting $value if $value === null
* @param bool|float|int|string|null $value Attribute value
* @param string $attribute Attribute name
* @param string $method Allowed to "get" and "set"
* @return array|bool|float|int|object|string|null
* @throws CastException
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:338
⧉protected isMappedDbColumn(string $key): bool Whether this key is mapped db column name?
* Whether this key is mapped db column name?
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:550
⧉protected hasMappedProperty(string $key): bool Whether this key has mapped property?
* Whether this key has mapped property?
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:565
⇄⧉12 => App\Entities\Entity#161 (8)
Properties (8)
Available methods (18)
⧉protected attributes -> array (15)
storyId => string (2) "39"
languageId => string (1) "2"
categoryId => string (2) "16"
storyEnTitle => string (34) "The Cat, the Rabbit and the Weasel"
⧉storyShortDescription => UTF-8 string (1352) "এসময়ত, এটা দয়ালু শহাপহু অৰণ্যৰ মাজত এটা গছৰ ডাল-পাতেৰে আটোমটোকাৰিকৈ সজা ঘৰ ...
এসময়ত, এটা দয়ালু শহাপহু অৰণ্যৰ মাজত এটা গছৰ ডাল-পাতেৰে আটোমটোকাৰিকৈ সজা ঘৰ এটাত বাস কৰিছিল। তেওঁৰ অনুপস্থিতিত এটা জহামাল তেওঁৰ ঘৰলৈ আহিছিল। যেতিয়া শহাপহুটো ঘূৰি আহে, সি দেখিলে যে জহামালটো তাৰ বিচনাত শুই আছে। জহামালটোৱে জিদ কৰিছিল নিজৰ ঠাই এৰিবলৈ, সেয়েহে তেওঁলোকে বিষয়টো সমাধান কৰিবলৈ মেকুৰী এটা মাতিছিল। দুষ্ট মেকুৰীটোৱে তেওঁলোকৰ যুঁজ শুনিবলৈ ভাও লয়, জহামাল আৰু শহাপহু দুয়োকে আক্ৰমণ কৰে, আৰু শহাপহুটোৰ ঘৰত নিজকে আৰামদায়ক কৰি তোলে। নৈতিকতা হ'ল যেতিয়া দুজন মানুহে কাজিয়া কৰে, তৃতীয়জনে সদায় লাভ পায়।
⧉keywords => UTF-8 string (253) "Assamese story; The Cat, the Rabbit and the Weasel; Assamese children story;...
Assamese story; The Cat, the Rabbit and the Weasel; Assamese children story; Assamese children stories; মেকুৰী, জহামাল আৰু শহাপহু; cat; weasel; rabbit; CAT: fable; when two are fighting, a third one wins ; fight
⧉storyShortDescription => UTF-8 string (1352) "এসময়ত, এটা দয়ালু শহাপহু অৰণ্যৰ মাজত এটা গছৰ ডাল-পাতেৰে আটোমটোকাৰিকৈ সজা ঘৰ ...
এসময়ত, এটা দয়ালু শহাপহু অৰণ্যৰ মাজত এটা গছৰ ডাল-পাতেৰে আটোমটোকাৰিকৈ সজা ঘৰ এটাত বাস কৰিছিল। তেওঁৰ অনুপস্থিতিত এটা জহামাল তেওঁৰ ঘৰলৈ আহিছিল। যেতিয়া শহাপহুটো ঘূৰি আহে, সি দেখিলে যে জহামালটো তাৰ বিচনাত শুই আছে। জহামালটোৱে জিদ কৰিছিল নিজৰ ঠাই এৰিবলৈ, সেয়েহে তেওঁলোকে বিষয়টো সমাধান কৰিবলৈ মেকুৰী এটা মাতিছিল। দুষ্ট মেকুৰীটোৱে তেওঁলোকৰ যুঁজ শুনিবলৈ ভাও লয়, জহামাল আৰু শহাপহু দুয়োকে আক্ৰমণ কৰে, আৰু শহাপহুটোৰ ঘৰত নিজকে আৰামদায়ক কৰি তোলে। নৈতিকতা হ'ল যেতিয়া দুজন মানুহে কাজিয়া কৰে, তৃতীয়জনে সদায় লাভ পায়।
⧉keywords => UTF-8 string (253) "Assamese story; The Cat, the Rabbit and the Weasel; Assamese children story;...
Assamese story; The Cat, the Rabbit and the Weasel; Assamese children story; Assamese children stories; মেকুৰী, জহামাল আৰু শহাপহু; cat; weasel; rabbit; CAT: fable; when two are fighting, a third one wins ; fight
uri => string (31) "CodeIgniter\Entity\Cast\URICast"
private _cast -> boolean true
⇄⧉public __construct(?array $data = null) Allows filling in Entity parameters during construction.
new \App\Entities\Entity(?array $data = null)
* Allows filling in Entity parameters during construction.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:117
⇄⧉public fill(?array $data = null): $this Takes an array of key/value pairs and sets them as class properties, using an...
$value[12]->fill(?array $data = null)
* Takes an array of key/value pairs and sets them as class
* properties, using any `setCamelCasedProperty()` methods
* that may or may not exist.
* @param array $data
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:133
⇄⧉public toArray(bool $onlyChanged = false, bool $cast = true, bool $recursive = false): array General method that will return all public and protected values of this entit...
* General method that will return all public and protected values
* of this entity as an array. All values are accessed through the
* __get() magic method so will have any casts, etc applied to them.
* @param bool $onlyChanged If true, only return values that have changed since object creation
* @param bool $cast If true, properties will be cast.
* @param bool $recursive If true, inner entities will be cast as array as well.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:155
⇄⧉public toRawArray(bool $onlyChanged = false, bool $recursive = false): array Returns the raw values of the current attributes.
* Returns the raw values of the current attributes.
* @param bool $onlyChanged If true, only return values that have changed since object creation
* @param bool $recursive If true, inner entities will be cast as array as well.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:197
⇄⧉public syncOriginal(): $this Ensures our "original" values match the current values.
* Ensures our "original" values match the current values.
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:241
⇄⧉public hasChanged(?string $key = null): bool Checks a property to see if it has changed since the entity was created. Or, ...
$value[12]->hasChanged(?string $key = null)
* Checks a property to see if it has changed since the entity
* was created. Or, without a parameter, checks if any
* properties have changed.
* @param string|null $key class property
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:255
⇄⧉public setAttributes(array $data): $this Set raw data array without any mutations
$value[12]->setAttributes(array $data)
* Set raw data array without any mutations
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:282
⇄⧉public jsonSerialize(): array Support for json_encode()
* Support for json_encode()
* @return array
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:400
⇄⧉public cast(?bool $cast = null): bool|Entity Change the value of the private $_cast property
$value[12]->cast(?bool $cast = null)
* Change the value of the private $_cast property
* @return bool|Entity
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:410
⧉public __set(string $key, $value = null): void Magic method to all protected/private class properties to be easily set, eith...
* Magic method to all protected/private class properties to be
* easily set, either through a direct access or a
* `setCamelCasedProperty()` method.
* Examples:
* $this->my_property = $p;
* $this->setMyProperty() = $p;
* @param array|bool|float|int|object|string|null $value
* @return void
* @throws Exception
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:436
⧉public __get(string $key): array|bool|float|int|object|string|null Magic method to allow retrieval of protected and private class properties eit...
* Magic method to allow retrieval of protected and private class properties
* either by their name, or through a `getCamelCasedProperty()` method.
* Examples:
* $p = $this->my_property
* $p = $this->getMyProperty()
* @return array|bool|float|int|object|string|null
* @throws Exception
* @params string $key class property
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:479
⧉public __isset(string $key): bool Returns true if a property exists names $key, or a getter method exists named...
* Returns true if a property exists names $key, or a getter method
* exists named like for __get().
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:516
⧉public __unset(string $key): void Unsets an attribute property.
* Unsets an attribute property.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:536
⧉protected mapProperty(string $key): string db column name Checks the datamap to see if this property name is being mapped, and returns ...
* Checks the datamap to see if this property name is being mapped,
* and returns the db column name, if any, or the original property name.
* @return string db column name
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:297
⧉protected mutateDate($value): Time Converts the given string|timestamp|DateTime|Time instance into the "CodeIgni...
* Converts the given string|timestamp|DateTime|Time instance
* into the "CodeIgniter\I18n\Time" object.
* @param DateTime|float|int|string|Time $value
* @return Time
* @throws Exception
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:320
⧉protected castAs($value, string $attribute, string $method = 'get'): array|bool|float|int|object|string|null Provides the ability to cast an item as a specific data type. Add ? at the be...
* Provides the ability to cast an item as a specific data type.
* Add ? at the beginning of $type (i.e. ?string) to get NULL
* instead of casting $value if $value === null
* @param bool|float|int|string|null $value Attribute value
* @param string $attribute Attribute name
* @param string $method Allowed to "get" and "set"
* @return array|bool|float|int|object|string|null
* @throws CastException
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:338
⧉protected isMappedDbColumn(string $key): bool Whether this key is mapped db column name?
* Whether this key is mapped db column name?
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:550
⧉protected hasMappedProperty(string $key): bool Whether this key has mapped property?
* Whether this key has mapped property?
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:565
⇄⧉13 => App\Entities\Entity#162 (8)
Properties (8)
Available methods (18)
⧉protected attributes -> array (15)
storyId => string (2) "40"
languageId => string (1) "2"
categoryId => string (2) "19"
storyEnTitle => string (24) "The Elephant and the Dog"
এসময়ত, এটা হাতী আছিল আৰু সি ৰজাৰ মৰমৰ আছিল। হাতীটোক ভাল চোৱা-চিতা কৰা হৈছিল আৰু মিঠা ভাত খুৱাইছিল। অতি সোনকালেই হাতীটোৱে এটা কুকুৰৰ সৈতে বন্ধুত্ব কৰিলে। হাতীয়ে কুকুৰৰ সৈতে মিঠা ভাত ভাগ বতৰা কৰিবলৈ আৰম্ভ কৰিছিল। এদিন এজন খেতিয়কে কুকুৰটো কিনিছিল আৰু হাতীটোৱে বৰ দুখ কৰি খোৱা বন্ধ কৰি পেলালে। ৰজাই কুকুৰটো বিচাৰি এজন মন্ত্ৰী পঠিয়াইছিল। মন্ত্ৰীজনে ঘোষণা কৰিছিল যে কুকুৰটো ঘূৰাই দিব লাগিব বা জৰিমনা ভৰিব লাগিব। খেতিয়কে কুকুৰটোক এৰি দিলে, আৰু হাতী আৰু কুকুৰটো আনন্দেৰে পুনৰ লগ হ'ল। এই কাহিনীটোৱে আমাক বন্ধুত্বৰ গুৰুত্ব আৰু প্ৰকৃত বন্ধুসকলে কেনেকৈ সুখ আনিব পাৰে সেই বিষয়ে শিকায়।
⧉keywords => UTF-8 string (205) "Assamese story; The Elephant and the Dog; Assamese children story; Assamese ...
Assamese story; The Elephant and the Dog; Assamese children story; Assamese children stories; হাতী আৰু কুকুৰ; Elephant; Dog; King ; sweet rice ; CAT: fable; true friendship; Farmer
এসময়ত, এটা হাতী আছিল আৰু সি ৰজাৰ মৰমৰ আছিল। হাতীটোক ভাল চোৱা-চিতা কৰা হৈছিল আৰু মিঠা ভাত খুৱাইছিল। অতি সোনকালেই হাতীটোৱে এটা কুকুৰৰ সৈতে বন্ধুত্ব কৰিলে। হাতীয়ে কুকুৰৰ সৈতে মিঠা ভাত ভাগ বতৰা কৰিবলৈ আৰম্ভ কৰিছিল। এদিন এজন খেতিয়কে কুকুৰটো কিনিছিল আৰু হাতীটোৱে বৰ দুখ কৰি খোৱা বন্ধ কৰি পেলালে। ৰজাই কুকুৰটো বিচাৰি এজন মন্ত্ৰী পঠিয়াইছিল। মন্ত্ৰীজনে ঘোষণা কৰিছিল যে কুকুৰটো ঘূৰাই দিব লাগিব বা জৰিমনা ভৰিব লাগিব। খেতিয়কে কুকুৰটোক এৰি দিলে, আৰু হাতী আৰু কুকুৰটো আনন্দেৰে পুনৰ লগ হ'ল। এই কাহিনীটোৱে আমাক বন্ধুত্বৰ গুৰুত্ব আৰু প্ৰকৃত বন্ধুসকলে কেনেকৈ সুখ আনিব পাৰে সেই বিষয়ে শিকায়।
⧉keywords => UTF-8 string (205) "Assamese story; The Elephant and the Dog; Assamese children story; Assamese ...
Assamese story; The Elephant and the Dog; Assamese children story; Assamese children stories; হাতী আৰু কুকুৰ; Elephant; Dog; King ; sweet rice ; CAT: fable; true friendship; Farmer
uri => string (31) "CodeIgniter\Entity\Cast\URICast"
private _cast -> boolean true
⇄⧉public __construct(?array $data = null) Allows filling in Entity parameters during construction.
new \App\Entities\Entity(?array $data = null)
* Allows filling in Entity parameters during construction.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:117
⇄⧉public fill(?array $data = null): $this Takes an array of key/value pairs and sets them as class properties, using an...
$value[13]->fill(?array $data = null)
* Takes an array of key/value pairs and sets them as class
* properties, using any `setCamelCasedProperty()` methods
* that may or may not exist.
* @param array $data
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:133
⇄⧉public toArray(bool $onlyChanged = false, bool $cast = true, bool $recursive = false): array General method that will return all public and protected values of this entit...
* General method that will return all public and protected values
* of this entity as an array. All values are accessed through the
* __get() magic method so will have any casts, etc applied to them.
* @param bool $onlyChanged If true, only return values that have changed since object creation
* @param bool $cast If true, properties will be cast.
* @param bool $recursive If true, inner entities will be cast as array as well.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:155
⇄⧉public toRawArray(bool $onlyChanged = false, bool $recursive = false): array Returns the raw values of the current attributes.
* Returns the raw values of the current attributes.
* @param bool $onlyChanged If true, only return values that have changed since object creation
* @param bool $recursive If true, inner entities will be cast as array as well.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:197
⇄⧉public syncOriginal(): $this Ensures our "original" values match the current values.
* Ensures our "original" values match the current values.
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:241
⇄⧉public hasChanged(?string $key = null): bool Checks a property to see if it has changed since the entity was created. Or, ...
$value[13]->hasChanged(?string $key = null)
* Checks a property to see if it has changed since the entity
* was created. Or, without a parameter, checks if any
* properties have changed.
* @param string|null $key class property
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:255
⇄⧉public setAttributes(array $data): $this Set raw data array without any mutations
$value[13]->setAttributes(array $data)
* Set raw data array without any mutations
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:282
⇄⧉public jsonSerialize(): array Support for json_encode()
* Support for json_encode()
* @return array
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:400
⇄⧉public cast(?bool $cast = null): bool|Entity Change the value of the private $_cast property
$value[13]->cast(?bool $cast = null)
* Change the value of the private $_cast property
* @return bool|Entity
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:410
⧉public __set(string $key, $value = null): void Magic method to all protected/private class properties to be easily set, eith...
* Magic method to all protected/private class properties to be
* easily set, either through a direct access or a
* `setCamelCasedProperty()` method.
* Examples:
* $this->my_property = $p;
* $this->setMyProperty() = $p;
* @param array|bool|float|int|object|string|null $value
* @return void
* @throws Exception
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:436
⧉public __get(string $key): array|bool|float|int|object|string|null Magic method to allow retrieval of protected and private class properties eit...
* Magic method to allow retrieval of protected and private class properties
* either by their name, or through a `getCamelCasedProperty()` method.
* Examples:
* $p = $this->my_property
* $p = $this->getMyProperty()
* @return array|bool|float|int|object|string|null
* @throws Exception
* @params string $key class property
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:479
⧉public __isset(string $key): bool Returns true if a property exists names $key, or a getter method exists named...
* Returns true if a property exists names $key, or a getter method
* exists named like for __get().
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:516
⧉public __unset(string $key): void Unsets an attribute property.
* Unsets an attribute property.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:536
⧉protected mapProperty(string $key): string db column name Checks the datamap to see if this property name is being mapped, and returns ...
* Checks the datamap to see if this property name is being mapped,
* and returns the db column name, if any, or the original property name.
* @return string db column name
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:297
⧉protected mutateDate($value): Time Converts the given string|timestamp|DateTime|Time instance into the "CodeIgni...
* Converts the given string|timestamp|DateTime|Time instance
* into the "CodeIgniter\I18n\Time" object.
* @param DateTime|float|int|string|Time $value
* @return Time
* @throws Exception
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:320
⧉protected castAs($value, string $attribute, string $method = 'get'): array|bool|float|int|object|string|null Provides the ability to cast an item as a specific data type. Add ? at the be...
* Provides the ability to cast an item as a specific data type.
* Add ? at the beginning of $type (i.e. ?string) to get NULL
* instead of casting $value if $value === null
* @param bool|float|int|string|null $value Attribute value
* @param string $attribute Attribute name
* @param string $method Allowed to "get" and "set"
* @return array|bool|float|int|object|string|null
* @throws CastException
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:338
⧉protected isMappedDbColumn(string $key): bool Whether this key is mapped db column name?
* Whether this key is mapped db column name?
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:550
⧉protected hasMappedProperty(string $key): bool Whether this key has mapped property?
* Whether this key has mapped property?
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:565
uri => string (31) "CodeIgniter\Entity\Cast\URICast"
private _cast -> boolean true
⇄⧉public __construct(?array $data = null) Allows filling in Entity parameters during construction.
new \App\Entities\Entity(?array $data = null)
* Allows filling in Entity parameters during construction.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:117
⇄⧉public fill(?array $data = null): $this Takes an array of key/value pairs and sets them as class properties, using an...
$value[14]->fill(?array $data = null)
* Takes an array of key/value pairs and sets them as class
* properties, using any `setCamelCasedProperty()` methods
* that may or may not exist.
* @param array $data
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:133
⇄⧉public toArray(bool $onlyChanged = false, bool $cast = true, bool $recursive = false): array General method that will return all public and protected values of this entit...
* General method that will return all public and protected values
* of this entity as an array. All values are accessed through the
* __get() magic method so will have any casts, etc applied to them.
* @param bool $onlyChanged If true, only return values that have changed since object creation
* @param bool $cast If true, properties will be cast.
* @param bool $recursive If true, inner entities will be cast as array as well.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:155
⇄⧉public toRawArray(bool $onlyChanged = false, bool $recursive = false): array Returns the raw values of the current attributes.
* Returns the raw values of the current attributes.
* @param bool $onlyChanged If true, only return values that have changed since object creation
* @param bool $recursive If true, inner entities will be cast as array as well.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:197
⇄⧉public syncOriginal(): $this Ensures our "original" values match the current values.
* Ensures our "original" values match the current values.
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:241
⇄⧉public hasChanged(?string $key = null): bool Checks a property to see if it has changed since the entity was created. Or, ...
$value[14]->hasChanged(?string $key = null)
* Checks a property to see if it has changed since the entity
* was created. Or, without a parameter, checks if any
* properties have changed.
* @param string|null $key class property
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:255
⇄⧉public setAttributes(array $data): $this Set raw data array without any mutations
$value[14]->setAttributes(array $data)
* Set raw data array without any mutations
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:282
⇄⧉public jsonSerialize(): array Support for json_encode()
* Support for json_encode()
* @return array
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:400
⇄⧉public cast(?bool $cast = null): bool|Entity Change the value of the private $_cast property
$value[14]->cast(?bool $cast = null)
* Change the value of the private $_cast property
* @return bool|Entity
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:410
⧉public __set(string $key, $value = null): void Magic method to all protected/private class properties to be easily set, eith...
* Magic method to all protected/private class properties to be
* easily set, either through a direct access or a
* `setCamelCasedProperty()` method.
* Examples:
* $this->my_property = $p;
* $this->setMyProperty() = $p;
* @param array|bool|float|int|object|string|null $value
* @return void
* @throws Exception
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:436
⧉public __get(string $key): array|bool|float|int|object|string|null Magic method to allow retrieval of protected and private class properties eit...
* Magic method to allow retrieval of protected and private class properties
* either by their name, or through a `getCamelCasedProperty()` method.
* Examples:
* $p = $this->my_property
* $p = $this->getMyProperty()
* @return array|bool|float|int|object|string|null
* @throws Exception
* @params string $key class property
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:479
⧉public __isset(string $key): bool Returns true if a property exists names $key, or a getter method exists named...
* Returns true if a property exists names $key, or a getter method
* exists named like for __get().
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:516
⧉public __unset(string $key): void Unsets an attribute property.
* Unsets an attribute property.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:536
⧉protected mapProperty(string $key): string db column name Checks the datamap to see if this property name is being mapped, and returns ...
* Checks the datamap to see if this property name is being mapped,
* and returns the db column name, if any, or the original property name.
* @return string db column name
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:297
⧉protected mutateDate($value): Time Converts the given string|timestamp|DateTime|Time instance into the "CodeIgni...
* Converts the given string|timestamp|DateTime|Time instance
* into the "CodeIgniter\I18n\Time" object.
* @param DateTime|float|int|string|Time $value
* @return Time
* @throws Exception
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:320
⧉protected castAs($value, string $attribute, string $method = 'get'): array|bool|float|int|object|string|null Provides the ability to cast an item as a specific data type. Add ? at the be...
* Provides the ability to cast an item as a specific data type.
* Add ? at the beginning of $type (i.e. ?string) to get NULL
* instead of casting $value if $value === null
* @param bool|float|int|string|null $value Attribute value
* @param string $attribute Attribute name
* @param string $method Allowed to "get" and "set"
* @return array|bool|float|int|object|string|null
* @throws CastException
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:338
⧉protected isMappedDbColumn(string $key): bool Whether this key is mapped db column name?
* Whether this key is mapped db column name?
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:550
⧉protected hasMappedProperty(string $key): bool Whether this key has mapped property?
* Whether this key has mapped property?
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:565
⇄⧉15 => App\Entities\Entity#164 (8)
Properties (8)
Available methods (18)
⧉protected attributes -> array (15)
storyId => string (2) "42"
languageId => string (1) "2"
categoryId => string (2) "18"
storyEnTitle => string (23) "The Brahmin and the Fox"
⧉storyShortDescription => UTF-8 string (1030) "এবাৰ, এটা ধূৰ্ত শিয়ালে হাবিলৈ যোৱাৰ পথ পাহৰি যায়। তাৰ পিছত, তেওঁ এজন ব্ৰাহ...
এবাৰ, এটা ধূৰ্ত শিয়ালে হাবিলৈ যোৱাৰ পথ পাহৰি যায়। তাৰ পিছত, তেওঁ এজন ব্ৰাহ্মণৰ ওচৰলৈ আহে আৰু তেওঁক পুৰস্কৃত কৰাৰ অজুহাতত হাবিলৈ যোৱাৰ পথ দেখুৱাবলৈ অনুৰোধ কৰে। নিৰ্বোধ ব্ৰাহ্মণজন সন্মত হয়। যেতিয়া শিয়ালটো হাবি পাবলৈ হয়, ব্ৰাহ্মণজনে তেওঁক পুৰষ্কাৰৰ বিষয়ে সুধিলে। শিয়াটোৱে হাবিৰ ভিতৰলৈ যাবলৈ পুৰষ্কাৰৰ বিষয়ে মিছা কৈছিল। কাহিনীটোৰ নৈতিকতা হʼল কেতিয়াও ধূৰ্ততাক বিশ্বাস কৰিব নালাগে।
⧉keywords => UTF-8 string (233) "Assamese story; The Brahmin and the Fox; Assamese children story; Assamese c...
Assamese story; The Brahmin and the Fox; Assamese children story; Assamese children stories; বামুণ আৰু শিয়াল; Cunning fox; Brahmin ; Reward ; CAT: parable; Never believe the cunning; foolish ; piece of meat
⧉storyShortDescription => UTF-8 string (1030) "এবাৰ, এটা ধূৰ্ত শিয়ালে হাবিলৈ যোৱাৰ পথ পাহৰি যায়। তাৰ পিছত, তেওঁ এজন ব্ৰাহ...
এবাৰ, এটা ধূৰ্ত শিয়ালে হাবিলৈ যোৱাৰ পথ পাহৰি যায়। তাৰ পিছত, তেওঁ এজন ব্ৰাহ্মণৰ ওচৰলৈ আহে আৰু তেওঁক পুৰস্কৃত কৰাৰ অজুহাতত হাবিলৈ যোৱাৰ পথ দেখুৱাবলৈ অনুৰোধ কৰে। নিৰ্বোধ ব্ৰাহ্মণজন সন্মত হয়। যেতিয়া শিয়ালটো হাবি পাবলৈ হয়, ব্ৰাহ্মণজনে তেওঁক পুৰষ্কাৰৰ বিষয়ে সুধিলে। শিয়াটোৱে হাবিৰ ভিতৰলৈ যাবলৈ পুৰষ্কাৰৰ বিষয়ে মিছা কৈছিল। কাহিনীটোৰ নৈতিকতা হʼল কেতিয়াও ধূৰ্ততাক বিশ্বাস কৰিব নালাগে।
⧉keywords => UTF-8 string (233) "Assamese story; The Brahmin and the Fox; Assamese children story; Assamese c...
Assamese story; The Brahmin and the Fox; Assamese children story; Assamese children stories; বামুণ আৰু শিয়াল; Cunning fox; Brahmin ; Reward ; CAT: parable; Never believe the cunning; foolish ; piece of meat
uri => string (31) "CodeIgniter\Entity\Cast\URICast"
private _cast -> boolean true
⇄⧉public __construct(?array $data = null) Allows filling in Entity parameters during construction.
new \App\Entities\Entity(?array $data = null)
* Allows filling in Entity parameters during construction.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:117
⇄⧉public fill(?array $data = null): $this Takes an array of key/value pairs and sets them as class properties, using an...
$value[15]->fill(?array $data = null)
* Takes an array of key/value pairs and sets them as class
* properties, using any `setCamelCasedProperty()` methods
* that may or may not exist.
* @param array $data
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:133
⇄⧉public toArray(bool $onlyChanged = false, bool $cast = true, bool $recursive = false): array General method that will return all public and protected values of this entit...
* General method that will return all public and protected values
* of this entity as an array. All values are accessed through the
* __get() magic method so will have any casts, etc applied to them.
* @param bool $onlyChanged If true, only return values that have changed since object creation
* @param bool $cast If true, properties will be cast.
* @param bool $recursive If true, inner entities will be cast as array as well.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:155
⇄⧉public toRawArray(bool $onlyChanged = false, bool $recursive = false): array Returns the raw values of the current attributes.
* Returns the raw values of the current attributes.
* @param bool $onlyChanged If true, only return values that have changed since object creation
* @param bool $recursive If true, inner entities will be cast as array as well.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:197
⇄⧉public syncOriginal(): $this Ensures our "original" values match the current values.
* Ensures our "original" values match the current values.
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:241
⇄⧉public hasChanged(?string $key = null): bool Checks a property to see if it has changed since the entity was created. Or, ...
$value[15]->hasChanged(?string $key = null)
* Checks a property to see if it has changed since the entity
* was created. Or, without a parameter, checks if any
* properties have changed.
* @param string|null $key class property
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:255
⇄⧉public setAttributes(array $data): $this Set raw data array without any mutations
$value[15]->setAttributes(array $data)
* Set raw data array without any mutations
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:282
⇄⧉public jsonSerialize(): array Support for json_encode()
* Support for json_encode()
* @return array
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:400
⇄⧉public cast(?bool $cast = null): bool|Entity Change the value of the private $_cast property
$value[15]->cast(?bool $cast = null)
* Change the value of the private $_cast property
* @return bool|Entity
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:410
⧉public __set(string $key, $value = null): void Magic method to all protected/private class properties to be easily set, eith...
* Magic method to all protected/private class properties to be
* easily set, either through a direct access or a
* `setCamelCasedProperty()` method.
* Examples:
* $this->my_property = $p;
* $this->setMyProperty() = $p;
* @param array|bool|float|int|object|string|null $value
* @return void
* @throws Exception
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:436
⧉public __get(string $key): array|bool|float|int|object|string|null Magic method to allow retrieval of protected and private class properties eit...
* Magic method to allow retrieval of protected and private class properties
* either by their name, or through a `getCamelCasedProperty()` method.
* Examples:
* $p = $this->my_property
* $p = $this->getMyProperty()
* @return array|bool|float|int|object|string|null
* @throws Exception
* @params string $key class property
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:479
⧉public __isset(string $key): bool Returns true if a property exists names $key, or a getter method exists named...
* Returns true if a property exists names $key, or a getter method
* exists named like for __get().
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:516
⧉public __unset(string $key): void Unsets an attribute property.
* Unsets an attribute property.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:536
⧉protected mapProperty(string $key): string db column name Checks the datamap to see if this property name is being mapped, and returns ...
* Checks the datamap to see if this property name is being mapped,
* and returns the db column name, if any, or the original property name.
* @return string db column name
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:297
⧉protected mutateDate($value): Time Converts the given string|timestamp|DateTime|Time instance into the "CodeIgni...
* Converts the given string|timestamp|DateTime|Time instance
* into the "CodeIgniter\I18n\Time" object.
* @param DateTime|float|int|string|Time $value
* @return Time
* @throws Exception
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:320
⧉protected castAs($value, string $attribute, string $method = 'get'): array|bool|float|int|object|string|null Provides the ability to cast an item as a specific data type. Add ? at the be...
* Provides the ability to cast an item as a specific data type.
* Add ? at the beginning of $type (i.e. ?string) to get NULL
* instead of casting $value if $value === null
* @param bool|float|int|string|null $value Attribute value
* @param string $attribute Attribute name
* @param string $method Allowed to "get" and "set"
* @return array|bool|float|int|object|string|null
* @throws CastException
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:338
⧉protected isMappedDbColumn(string $key): bool Whether this key is mapped db column name?
* Whether this key is mapped db column name?
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:550
⧉protected hasMappedProperty(string $key): bool Whether this key has mapped property?
* Whether this key has mapped property?
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:565
⧉keywords => UTF-8 string (222) "Assamese story; The Ugly Tree; Assamese children story; Assamese children st...
Assamese story; The Ugly Tree; Assamese children story; Assamese children stories; কুৎসিত গছ; Ugly Tree; Woodcutter ; Crooked ; magnificent ; Cat: fable; moral story; one should be happy with what they have
⧉keywords => UTF-8 string (222) "Assamese story; The Ugly Tree; Assamese children story; Assamese children st...
Assamese story; The Ugly Tree; Assamese children story; Assamese children stories; কুৎসিত গছ; Ugly Tree; Woodcutter ; Crooked ; magnificent ; Cat: fable; moral story; one should be happy with what they have
uri => string (31) "CodeIgniter\Entity\Cast\URICast"
private _cast -> boolean true
⇄⧉public __construct(?array $data = null) Allows filling in Entity parameters during construction.
new \App\Entities\Entity(?array $data = null)
* Allows filling in Entity parameters during construction.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:117
⇄⧉public fill(?array $data = null): $this Takes an array of key/value pairs and sets them as class properties, using an...
$value[16]->fill(?array $data = null)
* Takes an array of key/value pairs and sets them as class
* properties, using any `setCamelCasedProperty()` methods
* that may or may not exist.
* @param array $data
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:133
⇄⧉public toArray(bool $onlyChanged = false, bool $cast = true, bool $recursive = false): array General method that will return all public and protected values of this entit...
* General method that will return all public and protected values
* of this entity as an array. All values are accessed through the
* __get() magic method so will have any casts, etc applied to them.
* @param bool $onlyChanged If true, only return values that have changed since object creation
* @param bool $cast If true, properties will be cast.
* @param bool $recursive If true, inner entities will be cast as array as well.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:155
⇄⧉public toRawArray(bool $onlyChanged = false, bool $recursive = false): array Returns the raw values of the current attributes.
* Returns the raw values of the current attributes.
* @param bool $onlyChanged If true, only return values that have changed since object creation
* @param bool $recursive If true, inner entities will be cast as array as well.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:197
⇄⧉public syncOriginal(): $this Ensures our "original" values match the current values.
* Ensures our "original" values match the current values.
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:241
⇄⧉public hasChanged(?string $key = null): bool Checks a property to see if it has changed since the entity was created. Or, ...
$value[16]->hasChanged(?string $key = null)
* Checks a property to see if it has changed since the entity
* was created. Or, without a parameter, checks if any
* properties have changed.
* @param string|null $key class property
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:255
⇄⧉public setAttributes(array $data): $this Set raw data array without any mutations
$value[16]->setAttributes(array $data)
* Set raw data array without any mutations
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:282
⇄⧉public jsonSerialize(): array Support for json_encode()
* Support for json_encode()
* @return array
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:400
⇄⧉public cast(?bool $cast = null): bool|Entity Change the value of the private $_cast property
$value[16]->cast(?bool $cast = null)
* Change the value of the private $_cast property
* @return bool|Entity
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:410
⧉public __set(string $key, $value = null): void Magic method to all protected/private class properties to be easily set, eith...
* Magic method to all protected/private class properties to be
* easily set, either through a direct access or a
* `setCamelCasedProperty()` method.
* Examples:
* $this->my_property = $p;
* $this->setMyProperty() = $p;
* @param array|bool|float|int|object|string|null $value
* @return void
* @throws Exception
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:436
⧉public __get(string $key): array|bool|float|int|object|string|null Magic method to allow retrieval of protected and private class properties eit...
* Magic method to allow retrieval of protected and private class properties
* either by their name, or through a `getCamelCasedProperty()` method.
* Examples:
* $p = $this->my_property
* $p = $this->getMyProperty()
* @return array|bool|float|int|object|string|null
* @throws Exception
* @params string $key class property
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:479
⧉public __isset(string $key): bool Returns true if a property exists names $key, or a getter method exists named...
* Returns true if a property exists names $key, or a getter method
* exists named like for __get().
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:516
⧉public __unset(string $key): void Unsets an attribute property.
* Unsets an attribute property.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:536
⧉protected mapProperty(string $key): string db column name Checks the datamap to see if this property name is being mapped, and returns ...
* Checks the datamap to see if this property name is being mapped,
* and returns the db column name, if any, or the original property name.
* @return string db column name
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:297
⧉protected mutateDate($value): Time Converts the given string|timestamp|DateTime|Time instance into the "CodeIgni...
* Converts the given string|timestamp|DateTime|Time instance
* into the "CodeIgniter\I18n\Time" object.
* @param DateTime|float|int|string|Time $value
* @return Time
* @throws Exception
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:320
⧉protected castAs($value, string $attribute, string $method = 'get'): array|bool|float|int|object|string|null Provides the ability to cast an item as a specific data type. Add ? at the be...
* Provides the ability to cast an item as a specific data type.
* Add ? at the beginning of $type (i.e. ?string) to get NULL
* instead of casting $value if $value === null
* @param bool|float|int|string|null $value Attribute value
* @param string $attribute Attribute name
* @param string $method Allowed to "get" and "set"
* @return array|bool|float|int|object|string|null
* @throws CastException
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:338
⧉protected isMappedDbColumn(string $key): bool Whether this key is mapped db column name?
* Whether this key is mapped db column name?
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:550
⧉protected hasMappedProperty(string $key): bool Whether this key has mapped property?
* Whether this key has mapped property?
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:565
⧉storyShortDescription => UTF-8 string (808) "গোপীৰ টুইটি নামৰ এটা চৰাই আছিল, যিটো তেওঁ এটা সজাত ৰাখিছিল। তেওঁৰ চুবুৰীয়া ...
গোপীৰ টুইটি নামৰ এটা চৰাই আছিল, যিটো তেওঁ এটা সজাত ৰাখিছিল। তেওঁৰ চুবুৰীয়া ৰামে টুইটীক মুক্ত হোৱাটো বিচাৰিছিল, সেয়েহে তেওঁ টুইটীক ক'বলৈ শিকাইছিল, "সজাটো খোলক আৰু মোক মুক্ত কৰক।" অলপ সময় লাগিছিল, কিন্তু অৱশেষত এদিন টুইটিয়ে এই কথাসাৰ ক'লে, আৰু গোপীৰ খং উঠিল। গোপীয়ে সজাটো খুলিলে, আৰু টুইটি আনন্দেৰে উৰি গ'ল।
⧉keywords => UTF-8 string (218) "Assamese story; Set me Free; Assamese children story; Assamese children stor...
Assamese story; Set me Free; Assamese children story; Assamese children stories; মোক মুক্তি দিয়া; Gopi ; Tweety ; beautiful bird; cage; Rama ; CAT: parable; if you love something, set it free
⧉storyShortDescription => UTF-8 string (808) "গোপীৰ টুইটি নামৰ এটা চৰাই আছিল, যিটো তেওঁ এটা সজাত ৰাখিছিল। তেওঁৰ চুবুৰীয়া ...
গোপীৰ টুইটি নামৰ এটা চৰাই আছিল, যিটো তেওঁ এটা সজাত ৰাখিছিল। তেওঁৰ চুবুৰীয়া ৰামে টুইটীক মুক্ত হোৱাটো বিচাৰিছিল, সেয়েহে তেওঁ টুইটীক ক'বলৈ শিকাইছিল, "সজাটো খোলক আৰু মোক মুক্ত কৰক।" অলপ সময় লাগিছিল, কিন্তু অৱশেষত এদিন টুইটিয়ে এই কথাসাৰ ক'লে, আৰু গোপীৰ খং উঠিল। গোপীয়ে সজাটো খুলিলে, আৰু টুইটি আনন্দেৰে উৰি গ'ল।
⧉keywords => UTF-8 string (218) "Assamese story; Set me Free; Assamese children story; Assamese children stor...
Assamese story; Set me Free; Assamese children story; Assamese children stories; মোক মুক্তি দিয়া; Gopi ; Tweety ; beautiful bird; cage; Rama ; CAT: parable; if you love something, set it free
uri => string (31) "CodeIgniter\Entity\Cast\URICast"
private _cast -> boolean true
⇄⧉public __construct(?array $data = null) Allows filling in Entity parameters during construction.
new \App\Entities\Entity(?array $data = null)
* Allows filling in Entity parameters during construction.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:117
⇄⧉public fill(?array $data = null): $this Takes an array of key/value pairs and sets them as class properties, using an...
$value[17]->fill(?array $data = null)
* Takes an array of key/value pairs and sets them as class
* properties, using any `setCamelCasedProperty()` methods
* that may or may not exist.
* @param array $data
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:133
⇄⧉public toArray(bool $onlyChanged = false, bool $cast = true, bool $recursive = false): array General method that will return all public and protected values of this entit...
* General method that will return all public and protected values
* of this entity as an array. All values are accessed through the
* __get() magic method so will have any casts, etc applied to them.
* @param bool $onlyChanged If true, only return values that have changed since object creation
* @param bool $cast If true, properties will be cast.
* @param bool $recursive If true, inner entities will be cast as array as well.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:155
⇄⧉public toRawArray(bool $onlyChanged = false, bool $recursive = false): array Returns the raw values of the current attributes.
* Returns the raw values of the current attributes.
* @param bool $onlyChanged If true, only return values that have changed since object creation
* @param bool $recursive If true, inner entities will be cast as array as well.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:197
⇄⧉public syncOriginal(): $this Ensures our "original" values match the current values.
* Ensures our "original" values match the current values.
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:241
⇄⧉public hasChanged(?string $key = null): bool Checks a property to see if it has changed since the entity was created. Or, ...
$value[17]->hasChanged(?string $key = null)
* Checks a property to see if it has changed since the entity
* was created. Or, without a parameter, checks if any
* properties have changed.
* @param string|null $key class property
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:255
⇄⧉public setAttributes(array $data): $this Set raw data array without any mutations
$value[17]->setAttributes(array $data)
* Set raw data array without any mutations
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:282
⇄⧉public jsonSerialize(): array Support for json_encode()
* Support for json_encode()
* @return array
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:400
⇄⧉public cast(?bool $cast = null): bool|Entity Change the value of the private $_cast property
$value[17]->cast(?bool $cast = null)
* Change the value of the private $_cast property
* @return bool|Entity
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:410
⧉public __set(string $key, $value = null): void Magic method to all protected/private class properties to be easily set, eith...
* Magic method to all protected/private class properties to be
* easily set, either through a direct access or a
* `setCamelCasedProperty()` method.
* Examples:
* $this->my_property = $p;
* $this->setMyProperty() = $p;
* @param array|bool|float|int|object|string|null $value
* @return void
* @throws Exception
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:436
⧉public __get(string $key): array|bool|float|int|object|string|null Magic method to allow retrieval of protected and private class properties eit...
* Magic method to allow retrieval of protected and private class properties
* either by their name, or through a `getCamelCasedProperty()` method.
* Examples:
* $p = $this->my_property
* $p = $this->getMyProperty()
* @return array|bool|float|int|object|string|null
* @throws Exception
* @params string $key class property
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:479
⧉public __isset(string $key): bool Returns true if a property exists names $key, or a getter method exists named...
* Returns true if a property exists names $key, or a getter method
* exists named like for __get().
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:516
⧉public __unset(string $key): void Unsets an attribute property.
* Unsets an attribute property.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:536
⧉protected mapProperty(string $key): string db column name Checks the datamap to see if this property name is being mapped, and returns ...
* Checks the datamap to see if this property name is being mapped,
* and returns the db column name, if any, or the original property name.
* @return string db column name
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:297
⧉protected mutateDate($value): Time Converts the given string|timestamp|DateTime|Time instance into the "CodeIgni...
* Converts the given string|timestamp|DateTime|Time instance
* into the "CodeIgniter\I18n\Time" object.
* @param DateTime|float|int|string|Time $value
* @return Time
* @throws Exception
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:320
⧉protected castAs($value, string $attribute, string $method = 'get'): array|bool|float|int|object|string|null Provides the ability to cast an item as a specific data type. Add ? at the be...
* Provides the ability to cast an item as a specific data type.
* Add ? at the beginning of $type (i.e. ?string) to get NULL
* instead of casting $value if $value === null
* @param bool|float|int|string|null $value Attribute value
* @param string $attribute Attribute name
* @param string $method Allowed to "get" and "set"
* @return array|bool|float|int|object|string|null
* @throws CastException
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:338
⧉protected isMappedDbColumn(string $key): bool Whether this key is mapped db column name?
* Whether this key is mapped db column name?
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:550
⧉protected hasMappedProperty(string $key): bool Whether this key has mapped property?
* Whether this key has mapped property?
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:565
⧉keywords => UTF-8 string (210) "Assamese story; The Foolish Goat; Assamese children story; Assamese children...
Assamese story; The Foolish Goat; Assamese children story; Assamese children stories; মূৰ্খ ছাগলী; Foolish Goat ; Cunning Fox ; Opportunity ; Stupidity; CAT: fable; Never believe the cunning
⧉keywords => UTF-8 string (210) "Assamese story; The Foolish Goat; Assamese children story; Assamese children...
Assamese story; The Foolish Goat; Assamese children story; Assamese children stories; মূৰ্খ ছাগলী; Foolish Goat ; Cunning Fox ; Opportunity ; Stupidity; CAT: fable; Never believe the cunning
uri => string (31) "CodeIgniter\Entity\Cast\URICast"
private _cast -> boolean true
⇄⧉public __construct(?array $data = null) Allows filling in Entity parameters during construction.
new \App\Entities\Entity(?array $data = null)
* Allows filling in Entity parameters during construction.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:117
⇄⧉public fill(?array $data = null): $this Takes an array of key/value pairs and sets them as class properties, using an...
$value[18]->fill(?array $data = null)
* Takes an array of key/value pairs and sets them as class
* properties, using any `setCamelCasedProperty()` methods
* that may or may not exist.
* @param array $data
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:133
⇄⧉public toArray(bool $onlyChanged = false, bool $cast = true, bool $recursive = false): array General method that will return all public and protected values of this entit...
* General method that will return all public and protected values
* of this entity as an array. All values are accessed through the
* __get() magic method so will have any casts, etc applied to them.
* @param bool $onlyChanged If true, only return values that have changed since object creation
* @param bool $cast If true, properties will be cast.
* @param bool $recursive If true, inner entities will be cast as array as well.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:155
⇄⧉public toRawArray(bool $onlyChanged = false, bool $recursive = false): array Returns the raw values of the current attributes.
* Returns the raw values of the current attributes.
* @param bool $onlyChanged If true, only return values that have changed since object creation
* @param bool $recursive If true, inner entities will be cast as array as well.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:197
⇄⧉public syncOriginal(): $this Ensures our "original" values match the current values.
* Ensures our "original" values match the current values.
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:241
⇄⧉public hasChanged(?string $key = null): bool Checks a property to see if it has changed since the entity was created. Or, ...
$value[18]->hasChanged(?string $key = null)
* Checks a property to see if it has changed since the entity
* was created. Or, without a parameter, checks if any
* properties have changed.
* @param string|null $key class property
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:255
⇄⧉public setAttributes(array $data): $this Set raw data array without any mutations
$value[18]->setAttributes(array $data)
* Set raw data array without any mutations
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:282
⇄⧉public jsonSerialize(): array Support for json_encode()
* Support for json_encode()
* @return array
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:400
⇄⧉public cast(?bool $cast = null): bool|Entity Change the value of the private $_cast property
$value[18]->cast(?bool $cast = null)
* Change the value of the private $_cast property
* @return bool|Entity
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:410
⧉public __set(string $key, $value = null): void Magic method to all protected/private class properties to be easily set, eith...
* Magic method to all protected/private class properties to be
* easily set, either through a direct access or a
* `setCamelCasedProperty()` method.
* Examples:
* $this->my_property = $p;
* $this->setMyProperty() = $p;
* @param array|bool|float|int|object|string|null $value
* @return void
* @throws Exception
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:436
⧉public __get(string $key): array|bool|float|int|object|string|null Magic method to allow retrieval of protected and private class properties eit...
* Magic method to allow retrieval of protected and private class properties
* either by their name, or through a `getCamelCasedProperty()` method.
* Examples:
* $p = $this->my_property
* $p = $this->getMyProperty()
* @return array|bool|float|int|object|string|null
* @throws Exception
* @params string $key class property
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:479
⧉public __isset(string $key): bool Returns true if a property exists names $key, or a getter method exists named...
* Returns true if a property exists names $key, or a getter method
* exists named like for __get().
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:516
⧉public __unset(string $key): void Unsets an attribute property.
* Unsets an attribute property.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:536
⧉protected mapProperty(string $key): string db column name Checks the datamap to see if this property name is being mapped, and returns ...
* Checks the datamap to see if this property name is being mapped,
* and returns the db column name, if any, or the original property name.
* @return string db column name
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:297
⧉protected mutateDate($value): Time Converts the given string|timestamp|DateTime|Time instance into the "CodeIgni...
* Converts the given string|timestamp|DateTime|Time instance
* into the "CodeIgniter\I18n\Time" object.
* @param DateTime|float|int|string|Time $value
* @return Time
* @throws Exception
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:320
⧉protected castAs($value, string $attribute, string $method = 'get'): array|bool|float|int|object|string|null Provides the ability to cast an item as a specific data type. Add ? at the be...
* Provides the ability to cast an item as a specific data type.
* Add ? at the beginning of $type (i.e. ?string) to get NULL
* instead of casting $value if $value === null
* @param bool|float|int|string|null $value Attribute value
* @param string $attribute Attribute name
* @param string $method Allowed to "get" and "set"
* @return array|bool|float|int|object|string|null
* @throws CastException
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:338
⧉protected isMappedDbColumn(string $key): bool Whether this key is mapped db column name?
* Whether this key is mapped db column name?
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:550
⧉protected hasMappedProperty(string $key): bool Whether this key has mapped property?
* Whether this key has mapped property?
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:565
⇄⧉19 => App\Entities\Entity#168 (8)
Properties (8)
Available methods (18)
⧉protected attributes -> array (15)
storyId => string (2) "46"
languageId => string (1) "2"
categoryId => string (2) "18"
storyEnTitle => string (27) "The Ant and the Grasshopper"
⧉storyShortDescription => UTF-8 string (1185) "এবাৰ, এটা পৰুৱা আৰু এটা ফৰিং ভাল বন্ধু আছিল। পৰুৱাটোৱে সদায় খাদ্যৰ বাবে চিক...
এবাৰ, এটা পৰুৱা আৰু এটা ফৰিং ভাল বন্ধু আছিল। পৰুৱাটোৱে সদায় খাদ্যৰ বাবে চিকাৰ কৰিছিল, আৰু আনহাতে ফৰিংটোৱে কোনো কাম কৰা নাছিল আৰু গান আৰু নৃত্যত সময় অতিবাহিত কৰিছিল। পৰুৱাটোৱে ফৰিংটোক শীতকালৰ বাবে কিছু খাদ্য ৰাহি কৰিবলৈ কৈছিল, কিন্তু সি তাৰ কথা নুশুনিলে। যেতিয়া শীত আৰম্ভ হৈছিল, ফৰিংটোৰ খাদ্য নাছিল, কিন্তু পৰুৱাটোৰ যথেষ্ট খাদ্য আছিল। ফৰিংটোৱে কঠোৰ পৰিশ্ৰমৰ মূল্য বুজি পাইছিল আৰু পৰুৱাটোক তেওঁৰ প্ৰতিকূল সময়ত খাদ্য দিয়াৰ বাবে ধন্যবাদ জনাইছিল
⧉keywords => UTF-8 string (272) "Assamese story; The Ant and the Grasshopper; Assamese children story; Assame...
Assamese story; The Ant and the Grasshopper; Assamese children story; Assamese children stories; পৰুৱা আৰু ফৰিং; Ant; Grasshoper ; CAT: fable; work hard today to get ready for tomorrow; strike a balance between work and play; food; work hard ; rain
⧉storyShortDescription => UTF-8 string (1185) "এবাৰ, এটা পৰুৱা আৰু এটা ফৰিং ভাল বন্ধু আছিল। পৰুৱাটোৱে সদায় খাদ্যৰ বাবে চিক...
এবাৰ, এটা পৰুৱা আৰু এটা ফৰিং ভাল বন্ধু আছিল। পৰুৱাটোৱে সদায় খাদ্যৰ বাবে চিকাৰ কৰিছিল, আৰু আনহাতে ফৰিংটোৱে কোনো কাম কৰা নাছিল আৰু গান আৰু নৃত্যত সময় অতিবাহিত কৰিছিল। পৰুৱাটোৱে ফৰিংটোক শীতকালৰ বাবে কিছু খাদ্য ৰাহি কৰিবলৈ কৈছিল, কিন্তু সি তাৰ কথা নুশুনিলে। যেতিয়া শীত আৰম্ভ হৈছিল, ফৰিংটোৰ খাদ্য নাছিল, কিন্তু পৰুৱাটোৰ যথেষ্ট খাদ্য আছিল। ফৰিংটোৱে কঠোৰ পৰিশ্ৰমৰ মূল্য বুজি পাইছিল আৰু পৰুৱাটোক তেওঁৰ প্ৰতিকূল সময়ত খাদ্য দিয়াৰ বাবে ধন্যবাদ জনাইছিল
⧉keywords => UTF-8 string (272) "Assamese story; The Ant and the Grasshopper; Assamese children story; Assame...
Assamese story; The Ant and the Grasshopper; Assamese children story; Assamese children stories; পৰুৱা আৰু ফৰিং; Ant; Grasshoper ; CAT: fable; work hard today to get ready for tomorrow; strike a balance between work and play; food; work hard ; rain
uri => string (31) "CodeIgniter\Entity\Cast\URICast"
private _cast -> boolean true
⇄⧉public __construct(?array $data = null) Allows filling in Entity parameters during construction.
new \App\Entities\Entity(?array $data = null)
* Allows filling in Entity parameters during construction.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:117
⇄⧉public fill(?array $data = null): $this Takes an array of key/value pairs and sets them as class properties, using an...
$value[19]->fill(?array $data = null)
* Takes an array of key/value pairs and sets them as class
* properties, using any `setCamelCasedProperty()` methods
* that may or may not exist.
* @param array $data
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:133
⇄⧉public toArray(bool $onlyChanged = false, bool $cast = true, bool $recursive = false): array General method that will return all public and protected values of this entit...
* General method that will return all public and protected values
* of this entity as an array. All values are accessed through the
* __get() magic method so will have any casts, etc applied to them.
* @param bool $onlyChanged If true, only return values that have changed since object creation
* @param bool $cast If true, properties will be cast.
* @param bool $recursive If true, inner entities will be cast as array as well.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:155
⇄⧉public toRawArray(bool $onlyChanged = false, bool $recursive = false): array Returns the raw values of the current attributes.
* Returns the raw values of the current attributes.
* @param bool $onlyChanged If true, only return values that have changed since object creation
* @param bool $recursive If true, inner entities will be cast as array as well.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:197
⇄⧉public syncOriginal(): $this Ensures our "original" values match the current values.
* Ensures our "original" values match the current values.
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:241
⇄⧉public hasChanged(?string $key = null): bool Checks a property to see if it has changed since the entity was created. Or, ...
$value[19]->hasChanged(?string $key = null)
* Checks a property to see if it has changed since the entity
* was created. Or, without a parameter, checks if any
* properties have changed.
* @param string|null $key class property
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:255
⇄⧉public setAttributes(array $data): $this Set raw data array without any mutations
$value[19]->setAttributes(array $data)
* Set raw data array without any mutations
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:282
⇄⧉public jsonSerialize(): array Support for json_encode()
* Support for json_encode()
* @return array
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:400
⇄⧉public cast(?bool $cast = null): bool|Entity Change the value of the private $_cast property
$value[19]->cast(?bool $cast = null)
* Change the value of the private $_cast property
* @return bool|Entity
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:410
⧉public __set(string $key, $value = null): void Magic method to all protected/private class properties to be easily set, eith...
* Magic method to all protected/private class properties to be
* easily set, either through a direct access or a
* `setCamelCasedProperty()` method.
* Examples:
* $this->my_property = $p;
* $this->setMyProperty() = $p;
* @param array|bool|float|int|object|string|null $value
* @return void
* @throws Exception
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:436
⧉public __get(string $key): array|bool|float|int|object|string|null Magic method to allow retrieval of protected and private class properties eit...
* Magic method to allow retrieval of protected and private class properties
* either by their name, or through a `getCamelCasedProperty()` method.
* Examples:
* $p = $this->my_property
* $p = $this->getMyProperty()
* @return array|bool|float|int|object|string|null
* @throws Exception
* @params string $key class property
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:479
⧉public __isset(string $key): bool Returns true if a property exists names $key, or a getter method exists named...
* Returns true if a property exists names $key, or a getter method
* exists named like for __get().
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:516
⧉public __unset(string $key): void Unsets an attribute property.
* Unsets an attribute property.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:536
⧉protected mapProperty(string $key): string db column name Checks the datamap to see if this property name is being mapped, and returns ...
* Checks the datamap to see if this property name is being mapped,
* and returns the db column name, if any, or the original property name.
* @return string db column name
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:297
⧉protected mutateDate($value): Time Converts the given string|timestamp|DateTime|Time instance into the "CodeIgni...
* Converts the given string|timestamp|DateTime|Time instance
* into the "CodeIgniter\I18n\Time" object.
* @param DateTime|float|int|string|Time $value
* @return Time
* @throws Exception
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:320
⧉protected castAs($value, string $attribute, string $method = 'get'): array|bool|float|int|object|string|null Provides the ability to cast an item as a specific data type. Add ? at the be...
* Provides the ability to cast an item as a specific data type.
* Add ? at the beginning of $type (i.e. ?string) to get NULL
* instead of casting $value if $value === null
* @param bool|float|int|string|null $value Attribute value
* @param string $attribute Attribute name
* @param string $method Allowed to "get" and "set"
* @return array|bool|float|int|object|string|null
* @throws CastException
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:338
⧉protected isMappedDbColumn(string $key): bool Whether this key is mapped db column name?
* Whether this key is mapped db column name?
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:550
⧉protected hasMappedProperty(string $key): bool Whether this key has mapped property?
* Whether this key has mapped property?
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:565
⧉storyShortDescription => UTF-8 string (1142) "এসময়ত, এটা শিয়ালৰ বহুতো জন্তু বন্ধু আছিল। তাই বহুতো জন্তুৰ পছন্দৰ আৰু বিখ্য...
এসময়ত, এটা শিয়ালৰ বহুতো জন্তু বন্ধু আছিল। তাই বহুতো জন্তুৰ পছন্দৰ আৰু বিখ্যাত হোৱাৰ বাবে গৌৰৱ অনুভৱ কৰিছিল। এদিন, যেতিয়া তাই বাহিৰলৈ গৈছিল, দূৰৈৰ পৰা চিকাৰী কুকুৰৰ ভুকণিৰ শব্দ শুনিছিল। তাই তাইৰ বন্ধুবৰ্গৰ পৰা সহায় পোৱাৰ কথা ভাবিছিল, কিন্তু কোনেও তাইক সহায় কৰা নাছিল। তাই অনুভৱ কৰিছিল যে তাইৰ সকলো বন্ধু স্বাৰ্থপৰ আছিল, আৰু তাই বিপদৰ পৰা পৰিত্ৰাণ পাবলৈ নিজেই উপায় বিচাৰিব লাগিব। কাহিনীটোৰ নৈতিকতা হৈছে বিপদৰ বন্ধুহে আচল বন্ধু।
⧉keywords => UTF-8 string (238) "Assamese story; Selfish Friends; Assamese children story; Assamese children ...
Assamese story; Selfish Friends; Assamese children story; Assamese children stories; স্বাৰ্থপৰ বন্ধু; Fox; Hounds ; Proud ; selfish; CAT: fable; a friend in need is a friend indeed; not everyone is your friend
⧉storyShortDescription => UTF-8 string (1142) "এসময়ত, এটা শিয়ালৰ বহুতো জন্তু বন্ধু আছিল। তাই বহুতো জন্তুৰ পছন্দৰ আৰু বিখ্য...
এসময়ত, এটা শিয়ালৰ বহুতো জন্তু বন্ধু আছিল। তাই বহুতো জন্তুৰ পছন্দৰ আৰু বিখ্যাত হোৱাৰ বাবে গৌৰৱ অনুভৱ কৰিছিল। এদিন, যেতিয়া তাই বাহিৰলৈ গৈছিল, দূৰৈৰ পৰা চিকাৰী কুকুৰৰ ভুকণিৰ শব্দ শুনিছিল। তাই তাইৰ বন্ধুবৰ্গৰ পৰা সহায় পোৱাৰ কথা ভাবিছিল, কিন্তু কোনেও তাইক সহায় কৰা নাছিল। তাই অনুভৱ কৰিছিল যে তাইৰ সকলো বন্ধু স্বাৰ্থপৰ আছিল, আৰু তাই বিপদৰ পৰা পৰিত্ৰাণ পাবলৈ নিজেই উপায় বিচাৰিব লাগিব। কাহিনীটোৰ নৈতিকতা হৈছে বিপদৰ বন্ধুহে আচল বন্ধু।
⧉keywords => UTF-8 string (238) "Assamese story; Selfish Friends; Assamese children story; Assamese children ...
Assamese story; Selfish Friends; Assamese children story; Assamese children stories; স্বাৰ্থপৰ বন্ধু; Fox; Hounds ; Proud ; selfish; CAT: fable; a friend in need is a friend indeed; not everyone is your friend
uri => string (31) "CodeIgniter\Entity\Cast\URICast"
private _cast -> boolean true
⇄⧉public __construct(?array $data = null) Allows filling in Entity parameters during construction.
new \App\Entities\Entity(?array $data = null)
* Allows filling in Entity parameters during construction.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:117
⇄⧉public fill(?array $data = null): $this Takes an array of key/value pairs and sets them as class properties, using an...
$value[20]->fill(?array $data = null)
* Takes an array of key/value pairs and sets them as class
* properties, using any `setCamelCasedProperty()` methods
* that may or may not exist.
* @param array $data
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:133
⇄⧉public toArray(bool $onlyChanged = false, bool $cast = true, bool $recursive = false): array General method that will return all public and protected values of this entit...
* General method that will return all public and protected values
* of this entity as an array. All values are accessed through the
* __get() magic method so will have any casts, etc applied to them.
* @param bool $onlyChanged If true, only return values that have changed since object creation
* @param bool $cast If true, properties will be cast.
* @param bool $recursive If true, inner entities will be cast as array as well.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:155
⇄⧉public toRawArray(bool $onlyChanged = false, bool $recursive = false): array Returns the raw values of the current attributes.
* Returns the raw values of the current attributes.
* @param bool $onlyChanged If true, only return values that have changed since object creation
* @param bool $recursive If true, inner entities will be cast as array as well.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:197
⇄⧉public syncOriginal(): $this Ensures our "original" values match the current values.
* Ensures our "original" values match the current values.
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:241
⇄⧉public hasChanged(?string $key = null): bool Checks a property to see if it has changed since the entity was created. Or, ...
$value[20]->hasChanged(?string $key = null)
* Checks a property to see if it has changed since the entity
* was created. Or, without a parameter, checks if any
* properties have changed.
* @param string|null $key class property
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:255
⇄⧉public setAttributes(array $data): $this Set raw data array without any mutations
$value[20]->setAttributes(array $data)
* Set raw data array without any mutations
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:282
⇄⧉public jsonSerialize(): array Support for json_encode()
* Support for json_encode()
* @return array
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:400
⇄⧉public cast(?bool $cast = null): bool|Entity Change the value of the private $_cast property
$value[20]->cast(?bool $cast = null)
* Change the value of the private $_cast property
* @return bool|Entity
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:410
⧉public __set(string $key, $value = null): void Magic method to all protected/private class properties to be easily set, eith...
* Magic method to all protected/private class properties to be
* easily set, either through a direct access or a
* `setCamelCasedProperty()` method.
* Examples:
* $this->my_property = $p;
* $this->setMyProperty() = $p;
* @param array|bool|float|int|object|string|null $value
* @return void
* @throws Exception
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:436
⧉public __get(string $key): array|bool|float|int|object|string|null Magic method to allow retrieval of protected and private class properties eit...
* Magic method to allow retrieval of protected and private class properties
* either by their name, or through a `getCamelCasedProperty()` method.
* Examples:
* $p = $this->my_property
* $p = $this->getMyProperty()
* @return array|bool|float|int|object|string|null
* @throws Exception
* @params string $key class property
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:479
⧉public __isset(string $key): bool Returns true if a property exists names $key, or a getter method exists named...
* Returns true if a property exists names $key, or a getter method
* exists named like for __get().
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:516
⧉public __unset(string $key): void Unsets an attribute property.
* Unsets an attribute property.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:536
⧉protected mapProperty(string $key): string db column name Checks the datamap to see if this property name is being mapped, and returns ...
* Checks the datamap to see if this property name is being mapped,
* and returns the db column name, if any, or the original property name.
* @return string db column name
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:297
⧉protected mutateDate($value): Time Converts the given string|timestamp|DateTime|Time instance into the "CodeIgni...
* Converts the given string|timestamp|DateTime|Time instance
* into the "CodeIgniter\I18n\Time" object.
* @param DateTime|float|int|string|Time $value
* @return Time
* @throws Exception
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:320
⧉protected castAs($value, string $attribute, string $method = 'get'): array|bool|float|int|object|string|null Provides the ability to cast an item as a specific data type. Add ? at the be...
* Provides the ability to cast an item as a specific data type.
* Add ? at the beginning of $type (i.e. ?string) to get NULL
* instead of casting $value if $value === null
* @param bool|float|int|string|null $value Attribute value
* @param string $attribute Attribute name
* @param string $method Allowed to "get" and "set"
* @return array|bool|float|int|object|string|null
* @throws CastException
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:338
⧉protected isMappedDbColumn(string $key): bool Whether this key is mapped db column name?
* Whether this key is mapped db column name?
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:550
⧉protected hasMappedProperty(string $key): bool Whether this key has mapped property?
* Whether this key has mapped property?
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:565
⇄⧉21 => App\Entities\Entity#170 (8)
Properties (8)
Available methods (18)
⧉protected attributes -> array (15)
storyId => string (2) "48"
languageId => string (1) "2"
categoryId => string (2) "18"
storyEnTitle => string (21) "The Wolf and the Kids"
⧉storyShortDescription => UTF-8 string (1147) "এবাৰ, এগৰাকী মাতৃ ছাগলী আৰু তাইৰ ল'ৰা-ছোৱালীয়ে এখন অৰণ্যত বাস কৰিছিল। সেই অ...
এবাৰ, এগৰাকী মাতৃ ছাগলী আৰু তাইৰ ল'ৰা-ছোৱালীয়ে এখন অৰণ্যত বাস কৰিছিল। সেই অৰণ্যত এজন ধূৰ্ত নেউলও বাস কৰিছিল, যি সদায় পোৱালীবোৰক খোৱাৰ সুযোগ বিচাৰি ফুৰিছিল। যেতিয়া ছাগলীৰ মাকজনী বজাৰলৈ গৈছিল, নেউলটোৱে তাহাঁতৰ মাক বুলি ভাও ধৰিছিল আৰু পোৱালীবোৰক দুৱাৰ খন খুলিবলৈ প্ৰৱঞ্চনা কৰিছিল। নেউলটোৱে পোৱালীবোৰক খাই পেলাইছিল। কিন্তু মাক ছাগলীয়ে গৰুটো খুলি আৰু নেউলটোৰ পেটটো শিলেৰে ভৰাই তেওঁলোকক ৰক্ষা কৰিছিল। নেউলটো এখন নদীত পৰি ডুব গৈছিল।
⧉keywords => UTF-8 string (260) "Assamese story; The Wolf and the Kids; Assamese children story; Assamese chi...
Assamese story; The Wolf and the Kids; Assamese children story; Assamese children stories; কুকুৰনেচীয়া আৰু ছাগলী পোৱালী; Goat ; wolf ; kids ; swallowed ; CAT: fable; cleverness escapes from an adverse situation
⧉storyShortDescription => UTF-8 string (1147) "এবাৰ, এগৰাকী মাতৃ ছাগলী আৰু তাইৰ ল'ৰা-ছোৱালীয়ে এখন অৰণ্যত বাস কৰিছিল। সেই অ...
এবাৰ, এগৰাকী মাতৃ ছাগলী আৰু তাইৰ ল'ৰা-ছোৱালীয়ে এখন অৰণ্যত বাস কৰিছিল। সেই অৰণ্যত এজন ধূৰ্ত নেউলও বাস কৰিছিল, যি সদায় পোৱালীবোৰক খোৱাৰ সুযোগ বিচাৰি ফুৰিছিল। যেতিয়া ছাগলীৰ মাকজনী বজাৰলৈ গৈছিল, নেউলটোৱে তাহাঁতৰ মাক বুলি ভাও ধৰিছিল আৰু পোৱালীবোৰক দুৱাৰ খন খুলিবলৈ প্ৰৱঞ্চনা কৰিছিল। নেউলটোৱে পোৱালীবোৰক খাই পেলাইছিল। কিন্তু মাক ছাগলীয়ে গৰুটো খুলি আৰু নেউলটোৰ পেটটো শিলেৰে ভৰাই তেওঁলোকক ৰক্ষা কৰিছিল। নেউলটো এখন নদীত পৰি ডুব গৈছিল।
⧉keywords => UTF-8 string (260) "Assamese story; The Wolf and the Kids; Assamese children story; Assamese chi...
Assamese story; The Wolf and the Kids; Assamese children story; Assamese children stories; কুকুৰনেচীয়া আৰু ছাগলী পোৱালী; Goat ; wolf ; kids ; swallowed ; CAT: fable; cleverness escapes from an adverse situation
uri => string (31) "CodeIgniter\Entity\Cast\URICast"
private _cast -> boolean true
⇄⧉public __construct(?array $data = null) Allows filling in Entity parameters during construction.
new \App\Entities\Entity(?array $data = null)
* Allows filling in Entity parameters during construction.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:117
⇄⧉public fill(?array $data = null): $this Takes an array of key/value pairs and sets them as class properties, using an...
$value[21]->fill(?array $data = null)
* Takes an array of key/value pairs and sets them as class
* properties, using any `setCamelCasedProperty()` methods
* that may or may not exist.
* @param array $data
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:133
⇄⧉public toArray(bool $onlyChanged = false, bool $cast = true, bool $recursive = false): array General method that will return all public and protected values of this entit...
* General method that will return all public and protected values
* of this entity as an array. All values are accessed through the
* __get() magic method so will have any casts, etc applied to them.
* @param bool $onlyChanged If true, only return values that have changed since object creation
* @param bool $cast If true, properties will be cast.
* @param bool $recursive If true, inner entities will be cast as array as well.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:155
⇄⧉public toRawArray(bool $onlyChanged = false, bool $recursive = false): array Returns the raw values of the current attributes.
* Returns the raw values of the current attributes.
* @param bool $onlyChanged If true, only return values that have changed since object creation
* @param bool $recursive If true, inner entities will be cast as array as well.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:197
⇄⧉public syncOriginal(): $this Ensures our "original" values match the current values.
* Ensures our "original" values match the current values.
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:241
⇄⧉public hasChanged(?string $key = null): bool Checks a property to see if it has changed since the entity was created. Or, ...
$value[21]->hasChanged(?string $key = null)
* Checks a property to see if it has changed since the entity
* was created. Or, without a parameter, checks if any
* properties have changed.
* @param string|null $key class property
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:255
⇄⧉public setAttributes(array $data): $this Set raw data array without any mutations
$value[21]->setAttributes(array $data)
* Set raw data array without any mutations
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:282
⇄⧉public jsonSerialize(): array Support for json_encode()
* Support for json_encode()
* @return array
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:400
⇄⧉public cast(?bool $cast = null): bool|Entity Change the value of the private $_cast property
$value[21]->cast(?bool $cast = null)
* Change the value of the private $_cast property
* @return bool|Entity
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:410
⧉public __set(string $key, $value = null): void Magic method to all protected/private class properties to be easily set, eith...
* Magic method to all protected/private class properties to be
* easily set, either through a direct access or a
* `setCamelCasedProperty()` method.
* Examples:
* $this->my_property = $p;
* $this->setMyProperty() = $p;
* @param array|bool|float|int|object|string|null $value
* @return void
* @throws Exception
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:436
⧉public __get(string $key): array|bool|float|int|object|string|null Magic method to allow retrieval of protected and private class properties eit...
* Magic method to allow retrieval of protected and private class properties
* either by their name, or through a `getCamelCasedProperty()` method.
* Examples:
* $p = $this->my_property
* $p = $this->getMyProperty()
* @return array|bool|float|int|object|string|null
* @throws Exception
* @params string $key class property
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:479
⧉public __isset(string $key): bool Returns true if a property exists names $key, or a getter method exists named...
* Returns true if a property exists names $key, or a getter method
* exists named like for __get().
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:516
⧉public __unset(string $key): void Unsets an attribute property.
* Unsets an attribute property.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:536
⧉protected mapProperty(string $key): string db column name Checks the datamap to see if this property name is being mapped, and returns ...
* Checks the datamap to see if this property name is being mapped,
* and returns the db column name, if any, or the original property name.
* @return string db column name
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:297
⧉protected mutateDate($value): Time Converts the given string|timestamp|DateTime|Time instance into the "CodeIgni...
* Converts the given string|timestamp|DateTime|Time instance
* into the "CodeIgniter\I18n\Time" object.
* @param DateTime|float|int|string|Time $value
* @return Time
* @throws Exception
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:320
⧉protected castAs($value, string $attribute, string $method = 'get'): array|bool|float|int|object|string|null Provides the ability to cast an item as a specific data type. Add ? at the be...
* Provides the ability to cast an item as a specific data type.
* Add ? at the beginning of $type (i.e. ?string) to get NULL
* instead of casting $value if $value === null
* @param bool|float|int|string|null $value Attribute value
* @param string $attribute Attribute name
* @param string $method Allowed to "get" and "set"
* @return array|bool|float|int|object|string|null
* @throws CastException
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:338
⧉protected isMappedDbColumn(string $key): bool Whether this key is mapped db column name?
* Whether this key is mapped db column name?
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:550
⧉protected hasMappedProperty(string $key): bool Whether this key has mapped property?
* Whether this key has mapped property?
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:565
⇄⧉22 => App\Entities\Entity#171 (8)
Properties (8)
Available methods (18)
⧉protected attributes -> array (15)
storyId => string (2) "49"
languageId => string (1) "2"
categoryId => string (2) "16"
storyEnTitle => string (26) "The Donkey in a Tiger Skin"
⧉keywords => UTF-8 string (248) "Assamese story; The Donkey in a Tiger Skin; Assamese children story; Assames...
Assamese story; The Donkey in a Tiger Skin; Assamese children story; Assamese children stories; বাঘৰ ছাল পিন্ধা গাধ; Donkey ; Weaker ; Washerman ; frightened ; mercilessly; CAT: fable; Truth cannot be hidden for long
⧉keywords => UTF-8 string (248) "Assamese story; The Donkey in a Tiger Skin; Assamese children story; Assames...
Assamese story; The Donkey in a Tiger Skin; Assamese children story; Assamese children stories; বাঘৰ ছাল পিন্ধা গাধ; Donkey ; Weaker ; Washerman ; frightened ; mercilessly; CAT: fable; Truth cannot be hidden for long
uri => string (31) "CodeIgniter\Entity\Cast\URICast"
private _cast -> boolean true
⇄⧉public __construct(?array $data = null) Allows filling in Entity parameters during construction.
new \App\Entities\Entity(?array $data = null)
* Allows filling in Entity parameters during construction.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:117
⇄⧉public fill(?array $data = null): $this Takes an array of key/value pairs and sets them as class properties, using an...
$value[22]->fill(?array $data = null)
* Takes an array of key/value pairs and sets them as class
* properties, using any `setCamelCasedProperty()` methods
* that may or may not exist.
* @param array $data
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:133
⇄⧉public toArray(bool $onlyChanged = false, bool $cast = true, bool $recursive = false): array General method that will return all public and protected values of this entit...
* General method that will return all public and protected values
* of this entity as an array. All values are accessed through the
* __get() magic method so will have any casts, etc applied to them.
* @param bool $onlyChanged If true, only return values that have changed since object creation
* @param bool $cast If true, properties will be cast.
* @param bool $recursive If true, inner entities will be cast as array as well.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:155
⇄⧉public toRawArray(bool $onlyChanged = false, bool $recursive = false): array Returns the raw values of the current attributes.
* Returns the raw values of the current attributes.
* @param bool $onlyChanged If true, only return values that have changed since object creation
* @param bool $recursive If true, inner entities will be cast as array as well.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:197
⇄⧉public syncOriginal(): $this Ensures our "original" values match the current values.
* Ensures our "original" values match the current values.
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:241
⇄⧉public hasChanged(?string $key = null): bool Checks a property to see if it has changed since the entity was created. Or, ...
$value[22]->hasChanged(?string $key = null)
* Checks a property to see if it has changed since the entity
* was created. Or, without a parameter, checks if any
* properties have changed.
* @param string|null $key class property
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:255
⇄⧉public setAttributes(array $data): $this Set raw data array without any mutations
$value[22]->setAttributes(array $data)
* Set raw data array without any mutations
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:282
⇄⧉public jsonSerialize(): array Support for json_encode()
* Support for json_encode()
* @return array
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:400
⇄⧉public cast(?bool $cast = null): bool|Entity Change the value of the private $_cast property
$value[22]->cast(?bool $cast = null)
* Change the value of the private $_cast property
* @return bool|Entity
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:410
⧉public __set(string $key, $value = null): void Magic method to all protected/private class properties to be easily set, eith...
* Magic method to all protected/private class properties to be
* easily set, either through a direct access or a
* `setCamelCasedProperty()` method.
* Examples:
* $this->my_property = $p;
* $this->setMyProperty() = $p;
* @param array|bool|float|int|object|string|null $value
* @return void
* @throws Exception
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:436
⧉public __get(string $key): array|bool|float|int|object|string|null Magic method to allow retrieval of protected and private class properties eit...
* Magic method to allow retrieval of protected and private class properties
* either by their name, or through a `getCamelCasedProperty()` method.
* Examples:
* $p = $this->my_property
* $p = $this->getMyProperty()
* @return array|bool|float|int|object|string|null
* @throws Exception
* @params string $key class property
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:479
⧉public __isset(string $key): bool Returns true if a property exists names $key, or a getter method exists named...
* Returns true if a property exists names $key, or a getter method
* exists named like for __get().
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:516
⧉public __unset(string $key): void Unsets an attribute property.
* Unsets an attribute property.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:536
⧉protected mapProperty(string $key): string db column name Checks the datamap to see if this property name is being mapped, and returns ...
* Checks the datamap to see if this property name is being mapped,
* and returns the db column name, if any, or the original property name.
* @return string db column name
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:297
⧉protected mutateDate($value): Time Converts the given string|timestamp|DateTime|Time instance into the "CodeIgni...
* Converts the given string|timestamp|DateTime|Time instance
* into the "CodeIgniter\I18n\Time" object.
* @param DateTime|float|int|string|Time $value
* @return Time
* @throws Exception
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:320
⧉protected castAs($value, string $attribute, string $method = 'get'): array|bool|float|int|object|string|null Provides the ability to cast an item as a specific data type. Add ? at the be...
* Provides the ability to cast an item as a specific data type.
* Add ? at the beginning of $type (i.e. ?string) to get NULL
* instead of casting $value if $value === null
* @param bool|float|int|string|null $value Attribute value
* @param string $attribute Attribute name
* @param string $method Allowed to "get" and "set"
* @return array|bool|float|int|object|string|null
* @throws CastException
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:338
⧉protected isMappedDbColumn(string $key): bool Whether this key is mapped db column name?
* Whether this key is mapped db column name?
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:550
⧉protected hasMappedProperty(string $key): bool Whether this key has mapped property?
* Whether this key has mapped property?
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:565
⇄⧉23 => App\Entities\Entity#172 (8)
Properties (8)
Available methods (18)
⧉protected attributes -> array (15)
storyId => string (2) "50"
languageId => string (1) "2"
categoryId => string (2) "18"
storyEnTitle => string (27) "The King Cobra and the Ants"
⧉keywords => UTF-8 string (240) "Assamese story; The King Cobra and the Ants; Assamese children story; Assame...
Assamese story; The King Cobra and the Ants; Assamese children story; Assamese children stories; ৰাজ ফেঁটী আৰু পৰুৱা; cat;fable;strength in unity; King Cobra and the Ants; Cobra; anthill; army; cruel; animals
⧉keywords => UTF-8 string (240) "Assamese story; The King Cobra and the Ants; Assamese children story; Assame...
Assamese story; The King Cobra and the Ants; Assamese children story; Assamese children stories; ৰাজ ফেঁটী আৰু পৰুৱা; cat;fable;strength in unity; King Cobra and the Ants; Cobra; anthill; army; cruel; animals
uri => string (31) "CodeIgniter\Entity\Cast\URICast"
private _cast -> boolean true
⇄⧉public __construct(?array $data = null) Allows filling in Entity parameters during construction.
new \App\Entities\Entity(?array $data = null)
* Allows filling in Entity parameters during construction.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:117
⇄⧉public fill(?array $data = null): $this Takes an array of key/value pairs and sets them as class properties, using an...
$value[23]->fill(?array $data = null)
* Takes an array of key/value pairs and sets them as class
* properties, using any `setCamelCasedProperty()` methods
* that may or may not exist.
* @param array $data
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:133
⇄⧉public toArray(bool $onlyChanged = false, bool $cast = true, bool $recursive = false): array General method that will return all public and protected values of this entit...
* General method that will return all public and protected values
* of this entity as an array. All values are accessed through the
* __get() magic method so will have any casts, etc applied to them.
* @param bool $onlyChanged If true, only return values that have changed since object creation
* @param bool $cast If true, properties will be cast.
* @param bool $recursive If true, inner entities will be cast as array as well.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:155
⇄⧉public toRawArray(bool $onlyChanged = false, bool $recursive = false): array Returns the raw values of the current attributes.
* Returns the raw values of the current attributes.
* @param bool $onlyChanged If true, only return values that have changed since object creation
* @param bool $recursive If true, inner entities will be cast as array as well.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:197
⇄⧉public syncOriginal(): $this Ensures our "original" values match the current values.
* Ensures our "original" values match the current values.
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:241
⇄⧉public hasChanged(?string $key = null): bool Checks a property to see if it has changed since the entity was created. Or, ...
$value[23]->hasChanged(?string $key = null)
* Checks a property to see if it has changed since the entity
* was created. Or, without a parameter, checks if any
* properties have changed.
* @param string|null $key class property
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:255
⇄⧉public setAttributes(array $data): $this Set raw data array without any mutations
$value[23]->setAttributes(array $data)
* Set raw data array without any mutations
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:282
⇄⧉public jsonSerialize(): array Support for json_encode()
* Support for json_encode()
* @return array
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:400
⇄⧉public cast(?bool $cast = null): bool|Entity Change the value of the private $_cast property
$value[23]->cast(?bool $cast = null)
* Change the value of the private $_cast property
* @return bool|Entity
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:410
⧉public __set(string $key, $value = null): void Magic method to all protected/private class properties to be easily set, eith...
* Magic method to all protected/private class properties to be
* easily set, either through a direct access or a
* `setCamelCasedProperty()` method.
* Examples:
* $this->my_property = $p;
* $this->setMyProperty() = $p;
* @param array|bool|float|int|object|string|null $value
* @return void
* @throws Exception
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:436
⧉public __get(string $key): array|bool|float|int|object|string|null Magic method to allow retrieval of protected and private class properties eit...
* Magic method to allow retrieval of protected and private class properties
* either by their name, or through a `getCamelCasedProperty()` method.
* Examples:
* $p = $this->my_property
* $p = $this->getMyProperty()
* @return array|bool|float|int|object|string|null
* @throws Exception
* @params string $key class property
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:479
⧉public __isset(string $key): bool Returns true if a property exists names $key, or a getter method exists named...
* Returns true if a property exists names $key, or a getter method
* exists named like for __get().
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:516
⧉public __unset(string $key): void Unsets an attribute property.
* Unsets an attribute property.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:536
⧉protected mapProperty(string $key): string db column name Checks the datamap to see if this property name is being mapped, and returns ...
* Checks the datamap to see if this property name is being mapped,
* and returns the db column name, if any, or the original property name.
* @return string db column name
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:297
⧉protected mutateDate($value): Time Converts the given string|timestamp|DateTime|Time instance into the "CodeIgni...
* Converts the given string|timestamp|DateTime|Time instance
* into the "CodeIgniter\I18n\Time" object.
* @param DateTime|float|int|string|Time $value
* @return Time
* @throws Exception
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:320
⧉protected castAs($value, string $attribute, string $method = 'get'): array|bool|float|int|object|string|null Provides the ability to cast an item as a specific data type. Add ? at the be...
* Provides the ability to cast an item as a specific data type.
* Add ? at the beginning of $type (i.e. ?string) to get NULL
* instead of casting $value if $value === null
* @param bool|float|int|string|null $value Attribute value
* @param string $attribute Attribute name
* @param string $method Allowed to "get" and "set"
* @return array|bool|float|int|object|string|null
* @throws CastException
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:338
⧉protected isMappedDbColumn(string $key): bool Whether this key is mapped db column name?
* Whether this key is mapped db column name?
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:550
⧉protected hasMappedProperty(string $key): bool Whether this key has mapped property?
* Whether this key has mapped property?
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:565
পৰুৱা মাহী আৰু কপৌ কুৱঁৰী অবিশ্বাস্য কাহিনীটো আৱিষ্কাৰ কৰক, দুজন বন্ধু যিয়ে জানিব পাৰে যে সমস্যাৰ সময়ত ইজনে সিজনক সহায় কৰিলে তেওঁলোকৰ বান্ধোন শক্তিশালী হয়। এই হৃদয়স্পৰ্শী কাহিনীটো বন্ধুত্ব আৰু ইজনে সিজনৰ বাবে থকাৰ গুৰুত্বৰ বিষয়ে।
⧉keywords => UTF-8 string (243) "Assamese story; A Friend in Need; Assamese children story; Assamese children...
Assamese story; A Friend in Need; Assamese children story; Assamese children stories; বিপদৰ বন্ধু; Dove; Ant; Drowning ; rescue ; CAT: fable; cleverness escapes from an adverse situation; a friend in need is a friend indeed
পৰুৱা মাহী আৰু কপৌ কুৱঁৰী অবিশ্বাস্য কাহিনীটো আৱিষ্কাৰ কৰক, দুজন বন্ধু যিয়ে জানিব পাৰে যে সমস্যাৰ সময়ত ইজনে সিজনক সহায় কৰিলে তেওঁলোকৰ বান্ধোন শক্তিশালী হয়। এই হৃদয়স্পৰ্শী কাহিনীটো বন্ধুত্ব আৰু ইজনে সিজনৰ বাবে থকাৰ গুৰুত্বৰ বিষয়ে।
⧉keywords => UTF-8 string (243) "Assamese story; A Friend in Need; Assamese children story; Assamese children...
Assamese story; A Friend in Need; Assamese children story; Assamese children stories; বিপদৰ বন্ধু; Dove; Ant; Drowning ; rescue ; CAT: fable; cleverness escapes from an adverse situation; a friend in need is a friend indeed
uri => string (31) "CodeIgniter\Entity\Cast\URICast"
private _cast -> boolean true
⇄⧉public __construct(?array $data = null) Allows filling in Entity parameters during construction.
new \App\Entities\Entity(?array $data = null)
* Allows filling in Entity parameters during construction.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:117
⇄⧉public fill(?array $data = null): $this Takes an array of key/value pairs and sets them as class properties, using an...
$value[24]->fill(?array $data = null)
* Takes an array of key/value pairs and sets them as class
* properties, using any `setCamelCasedProperty()` methods
* that may or may not exist.
* @param array $data
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:133
⇄⧉public toArray(bool $onlyChanged = false, bool $cast = true, bool $recursive = false): array General method that will return all public and protected values of this entit...
* General method that will return all public and protected values
* of this entity as an array. All values are accessed through the
* __get() magic method so will have any casts, etc applied to them.
* @param bool $onlyChanged If true, only return values that have changed since object creation
* @param bool $cast If true, properties will be cast.
* @param bool $recursive If true, inner entities will be cast as array as well.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:155
⇄⧉public toRawArray(bool $onlyChanged = false, bool $recursive = false): array Returns the raw values of the current attributes.
* Returns the raw values of the current attributes.
* @param bool $onlyChanged If true, only return values that have changed since object creation
* @param bool $recursive If true, inner entities will be cast as array as well.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:197
⇄⧉public syncOriginal(): $this Ensures our "original" values match the current values.
* Ensures our "original" values match the current values.
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:241
⇄⧉public hasChanged(?string $key = null): bool Checks a property to see if it has changed since the entity was created. Or, ...
$value[24]->hasChanged(?string $key = null)
* Checks a property to see if it has changed since the entity
* was created. Or, without a parameter, checks if any
* properties have changed.
* @param string|null $key class property
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:255
⇄⧉public setAttributes(array $data): $this Set raw data array without any mutations
$value[24]->setAttributes(array $data)
* Set raw data array without any mutations
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:282
⇄⧉public jsonSerialize(): array Support for json_encode()
* Support for json_encode()
* @return array
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:400
⇄⧉public cast(?bool $cast = null): bool|Entity Change the value of the private $_cast property
$value[24]->cast(?bool $cast = null)
* Change the value of the private $_cast property
* @return bool|Entity
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:410
⧉public __set(string $key, $value = null): void Magic method to all protected/private class properties to be easily set, eith...
* Magic method to all protected/private class properties to be
* easily set, either through a direct access or a
* `setCamelCasedProperty()` method.
* Examples:
* $this->my_property = $p;
* $this->setMyProperty() = $p;
* @param array|bool|float|int|object|string|null $value
* @return void
* @throws Exception
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:436
⧉public __get(string $key): array|bool|float|int|object|string|null Magic method to allow retrieval of protected and private class properties eit...
* Magic method to allow retrieval of protected and private class properties
* either by their name, or through a `getCamelCasedProperty()` method.
* Examples:
* $p = $this->my_property
* $p = $this->getMyProperty()
* @return array|bool|float|int|object|string|null
* @throws Exception
* @params string $key class property
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:479
⧉public __isset(string $key): bool Returns true if a property exists names $key, or a getter method exists named...
* Returns true if a property exists names $key, or a getter method
* exists named like for __get().
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:516
⧉public __unset(string $key): void Unsets an attribute property.
* Unsets an attribute property.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:536
⧉protected mapProperty(string $key): string db column name Checks the datamap to see if this property name is being mapped, and returns ...
* Checks the datamap to see if this property name is being mapped,
* and returns the db column name, if any, or the original property name.
* @return string db column name
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:297
⧉protected mutateDate($value): Time Converts the given string|timestamp|DateTime|Time instance into the "CodeIgni...
* Converts the given string|timestamp|DateTime|Time instance
* into the "CodeIgniter\I18n\Time" object.
* @param DateTime|float|int|string|Time $value
* @return Time
* @throws Exception
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:320
⧉protected castAs($value, string $attribute, string $method = 'get'): array|bool|float|int|object|string|null Provides the ability to cast an item as a specific data type. Add ? at the be...
* Provides the ability to cast an item as a specific data type.
* Add ? at the beginning of $type (i.e. ?string) to get NULL
* instead of casting $value if $value === null
* @param bool|float|int|string|null $value Attribute value
* @param string $attribute Attribute name
* @param string $method Allowed to "get" and "set"
* @return array|bool|float|int|object|string|null
* @throws CastException
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:338
⧉protected isMappedDbColumn(string $key): bool Whether this key is mapped db column name?
* Whether this key is mapped db column name?
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:550
⧉protected hasMappedProperty(string $key): bool Whether this key has mapped property?
* Whether this key has mapped property?
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:565
uri => string (31) "CodeIgniter\Entity\Cast\URICast"
private _cast -> boolean true
⇄⧉public __construct(?array $data = null) Allows filling in Entity parameters during construction.
new \App\Entities\Entity(?array $data = null)
* Allows filling in Entity parameters during construction.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:117
⇄⧉public fill(?array $data = null): $this Takes an array of key/value pairs and sets them as class properties, using an...
$value[25]->fill(?array $data = null)
* Takes an array of key/value pairs and sets them as class
* properties, using any `setCamelCasedProperty()` methods
* that may or may not exist.
* @param array $data
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:133
⇄⧉public toArray(bool $onlyChanged = false, bool $cast = true, bool $recursive = false): array General method that will return all public and protected values of this entit...
* General method that will return all public and protected values
* of this entity as an array. All values are accessed through the
* __get() magic method so will have any casts, etc applied to them.
* @param bool $onlyChanged If true, only return values that have changed since object creation
* @param bool $cast If true, properties will be cast.
* @param bool $recursive If true, inner entities will be cast as array as well.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:155
⇄⧉public toRawArray(bool $onlyChanged = false, bool $recursive = false): array Returns the raw values of the current attributes.
* Returns the raw values of the current attributes.
* @param bool $onlyChanged If true, only return values that have changed since object creation
* @param bool $recursive If true, inner entities will be cast as array as well.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:197
⇄⧉public syncOriginal(): $this Ensures our "original" values match the current values.
* Ensures our "original" values match the current values.
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:241
⇄⧉public hasChanged(?string $key = null): bool Checks a property to see if it has changed since the entity was created. Or, ...
$value[25]->hasChanged(?string $key = null)
* Checks a property to see if it has changed since the entity
* was created. Or, without a parameter, checks if any
* properties have changed.
* @param string|null $key class property
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:255
⇄⧉public setAttributes(array $data): $this Set raw data array without any mutations
$value[25]->setAttributes(array $data)
* Set raw data array without any mutations
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:282
⇄⧉public jsonSerialize(): array Support for json_encode()
* Support for json_encode()
* @return array
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:400
⇄⧉public cast(?bool $cast = null): bool|Entity Change the value of the private $_cast property
$value[25]->cast(?bool $cast = null)
* Change the value of the private $_cast property
* @return bool|Entity
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:410
⧉public __set(string $key, $value = null): void Magic method to all protected/private class properties to be easily set, eith...
* Magic method to all protected/private class properties to be
* easily set, either through a direct access or a
* `setCamelCasedProperty()` method.
* Examples:
* $this->my_property = $p;
* $this->setMyProperty() = $p;
* @param array|bool|float|int|object|string|null $value
* @return void
* @throws Exception
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:436
⧉public __get(string $key): array|bool|float|int|object|string|null Magic method to allow retrieval of protected and private class properties eit...
* Magic method to allow retrieval of protected and private class properties
* either by their name, or through a `getCamelCasedProperty()` method.
* Examples:
* $p = $this->my_property
* $p = $this->getMyProperty()
* @return array|bool|float|int|object|string|null
* @throws Exception
* @params string $key class property
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:479
⧉public __isset(string $key): bool Returns true if a property exists names $key, or a getter method exists named...
* Returns true if a property exists names $key, or a getter method
* exists named like for __get().
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:516
⧉public __unset(string $key): void Unsets an attribute property.
* Unsets an attribute property.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:536
⧉protected mapProperty(string $key): string db column name Checks the datamap to see if this property name is being mapped, and returns ...
* Checks the datamap to see if this property name is being mapped,
* and returns the db column name, if any, or the original property name.
* @return string db column name
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:297
⧉protected mutateDate($value): Time Converts the given string|timestamp|DateTime|Time instance into the "CodeIgni...
* Converts the given string|timestamp|DateTime|Time instance
* into the "CodeIgniter\I18n\Time" object.
* @param DateTime|float|int|string|Time $value
* @return Time
* @throws Exception
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:320
⧉protected castAs($value, string $attribute, string $method = 'get'): array|bool|float|int|object|string|null Provides the ability to cast an item as a specific data type. Add ? at the be...
* Provides the ability to cast an item as a specific data type.
* Add ? at the beginning of $type (i.e. ?string) to get NULL
* instead of casting $value if $value === null
* @param bool|float|int|string|null $value Attribute value
* @param string $attribute Attribute name
* @param string $method Allowed to "get" and "set"
* @return array|bool|float|int|object|string|null
* @throws CastException
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:338
⧉protected isMappedDbColumn(string $key): bool Whether this key is mapped db column name?
* Whether this key is mapped db column name?
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:550
⧉protected hasMappedProperty(string $key): bool Whether this key has mapped property?
* Whether this key has mapped property?
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:565
⇄⧉26 => App\Entities\Entity#175 (8)
Properties (8)
Available methods (18)
⧉protected attributes -> array (15)
storyId => string (2) "53"
languageId => string (1) "2"
categoryId => string (2) "16"
storyEnTitle => string (29) "The Capseller and the Monkeys"
⧉keywords => UTF-8 string (264) "Assamese story; The Capseller and the Monkeys; Assamese children story; Assa...
Assamese story; The Capseller and the Monkeys; Assamese children story; Assamese children stories; টুপী বেপাৰী আৰু বান্দৰ; cat;fable;problem-solving;resourcefulness; market; cap seller; monkey; banyan; imitation; parents; idea
⧉keywords => UTF-8 string (264) "Assamese story; The Capseller and the Monkeys; Assamese children story; Assa...
Assamese story; The Capseller and the Monkeys; Assamese children story; Assamese children stories; টুপী বেপাৰী আৰু বান্দৰ; cat;fable;problem-solving;resourcefulness; market; cap seller; monkey; banyan; imitation; parents; idea
uri => string (31) "CodeIgniter\Entity\Cast\URICast"
private _cast -> boolean true
⇄⧉public __construct(?array $data = null) Allows filling in Entity parameters during construction.
new \App\Entities\Entity(?array $data = null)
* Allows filling in Entity parameters during construction.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:117
⇄⧉public fill(?array $data = null): $this Takes an array of key/value pairs and sets them as class properties, using an...
$value[26]->fill(?array $data = null)
* Takes an array of key/value pairs and sets them as class
* properties, using any `setCamelCasedProperty()` methods
* that may or may not exist.
* @param array $data
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:133
⇄⧉public toArray(bool $onlyChanged = false, bool $cast = true, bool $recursive = false): array General method that will return all public and protected values of this entit...
* General method that will return all public and protected values
* of this entity as an array. All values are accessed through the
* __get() magic method so will have any casts, etc applied to them.
* @param bool $onlyChanged If true, only return values that have changed since object creation
* @param bool $cast If true, properties will be cast.
* @param bool $recursive If true, inner entities will be cast as array as well.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:155
⇄⧉public toRawArray(bool $onlyChanged = false, bool $recursive = false): array Returns the raw values of the current attributes.
* Returns the raw values of the current attributes.
* @param bool $onlyChanged If true, only return values that have changed since object creation
* @param bool $recursive If true, inner entities will be cast as array as well.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:197
⇄⧉public syncOriginal(): $this Ensures our "original" values match the current values.
* Ensures our "original" values match the current values.
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:241
⇄⧉public hasChanged(?string $key = null): bool Checks a property to see if it has changed since the entity was created. Or, ...
$value[26]->hasChanged(?string $key = null)
* Checks a property to see if it has changed since the entity
* was created. Or, without a parameter, checks if any
* properties have changed.
* @param string|null $key class property
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:255
⇄⧉public setAttributes(array $data): $this Set raw data array without any mutations
$value[26]->setAttributes(array $data)
* Set raw data array without any mutations
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:282
⇄⧉public jsonSerialize(): array Support for json_encode()
* Support for json_encode()
* @return array
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:400
⇄⧉public cast(?bool $cast = null): bool|Entity Change the value of the private $_cast property
$value[26]->cast(?bool $cast = null)
* Change the value of the private $_cast property
* @return bool|Entity
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:410
⧉public __set(string $key, $value = null): void Magic method to all protected/private class properties to be easily set, eith...
* Magic method to all protected/private class properties to be
* easily set, either through a direct access or a
* `setCamelCasedProperty()` method.
* Examples:
* $this->my_property = $p;
* $this->setMyProperty() = $p;
* @param array|bool|float|int|object|string|null $value
* @return void
* @throws Exception
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:436
⧉public __get(string $key): array|bool|float|int|object|string|null Magic method to allow retrieval of protected and private class properties eit...
* Magic method to allow retrieval of protected and private class properties
* either by their name, or through a `getCamelCasedProperty()` method.
* Examples:
* $p = $this->my_property
* $p = $this->getMyProperty()
* @return array|bool|float|int|object|string|null
* @throws Exception
* @params string $key class property
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:479
⧉public __isset(string $key): bool Returns true if a property exists names $key, or a getter method exists named...
* Returns true if a property exists names $key, or a getter method
* exists named like for __get().
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:516
⧉public __unset(string $key): void Unsets an attribute property.
* Unsets an attribute property.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:536
⧉protected mapProperty(string $key): string db column name Checks the datamap to see if this property name is being mapped, and returns ...
* Checks the datamap to see if this property name is being mapped,
* and returns the db column name, if any, or the original property name.
* @return string db column name
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:297
⧉protected mutateDate($value): Time Converts the given string|timestamp|DateTime|Time instance into the "CodeIgni...
* Converts the given string|timestamp|DateTime|Time instance
* into the "CodeIgniter\I18n\Time" object.
* @param DateTime|float|int|string|Time $value
* @return Time
* @throws Exception
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:320
⧉protected castAs($value, string $attribute, string $method = 'get'): array|bool|float|int|object|string|null Provides the ability to cast an item as a specific data type. Add ? at the be...
* Provides the ability to cast an item as a specific data type.
* Add ? at the beginning of $type (i.e. ?string) to get NULL
* instead of casting $value if $value === null
* @param bool|float|int|string|null $value Attribute value
* @param string $attribute Attribute name
* @param string $method Allowed to "get" and "set"
* @return array|bool|float|int|object|string|null
* @throws CastException
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:338
⧉protected isMappedDbColumn(string $key): bool Whether this key is mapped db column name?
* Whether this key is mapped db column name?
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:550
⧉protected hasMappedProperty(string $key): bool Whether this key has mapped property?
* Whether this key has mapped property?
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:565
uri => string (31) "CodeIgniter\Entity\Cast\URICast"
private _cast -> boolean true
⇄⧉public __construct(?array $data = null) Allows filling in Entity parameters during construction.
new \App\Entities\Entity(?array $data = null)
* Allows filling in Entity parameters during construction.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:117
⇄⧉public fill(?array $data = null): $this Takes an array of key/value pairs and sets them as class properties, using an...
$value[27]->fill(?array $data = null)
* Takes an array of key/value pairs and sets them as class
* properties, using any `setCamelCasedProperty()` methods
* that may or may not exist.
* @param array $data
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:133
⇄⧉public toArray(bool $onlyChanged = false, bool $cast = true, bool $recursive = false): array General method that will return all public and protected values of this entit...
* General method that will return all public and protected values
* of this entity as an array. All values are accessed through the
* __get() magic method so will have any casts, etc applied to them.
* @param bool $onlyChanged If true, only return values that have changed since object creation
* @param bool $cast If true, properties will be cast.
* @param bool $recursive If true, inner entities will be cast as array as well.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:155
⇄⧉public toRawArray(bool $onlyChanged = false, bool $recursive = false): array Returns the raw values of the current attributes.
* Returns the raw values of the current attributes.
* @param bool $onlyChanged If true, only return values that have changed since object creation
* @param bool $recursive If true, inner entities will be cast as array as well.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:197
⇄⧉public syncOriginal(): $this Ensures our "original" values match the current values.
* Ensures our "original" values match the current values.
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:241
⇄⧉public hasChanged(?string $key = null): bool Checks a property to see if it has changed since the entity was created. Or, ...
$value[27]->hasChanged(?string $key = null)
* Checks a property to see if it has changed since the entity
* was created. Or, without a parameter, checks if any
* properties have changed.
* @param string|null $key class property
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:255
⇄⧉public setAttributes(array $data): $this Set raw data array without any mutations
$value[27]->setAttributes(array $data)
* Set raw data array without any mutations
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:282
⇄⧉public jsonSerialize(): array Support for json_encode()
* Support for json_encode()
* @return array
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:400
⇄⧉public cast(?bool $cast = null): bool|Entity Change the value of the private $_cast property
$value[27]->cast(?bool $cast = null)
* Change the value of the private $_cast property
* @return bool|Entity
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:410
⧉public __set(string $key, $value = null): void Magic method to all protected/private class properties to be easily set, eith...
* Magic method to all protected/private class properties to be
* easily set, either through a direct access or a
* `setCamelCasedProperty()` method.
* Examples:
* $this->my_property = $p;
* $this->setMyProperty() = $p;
* @param array|bool|float|int|object|string|null $value
* @return void
* @throws Exception
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:436
⧉public __get(string $key): array|bool|float|int|object|string|null Magic method to allow retrieval of protected and private class properties eit...
* Magic method to allow retrieval of protected and private class properties
* either by their name, or through a `getCamelCasedProperty()` method.
* Examples:
* $p = $this->my_property
* $p = $this->getMyProperty()
* @return array|bool|float|int|object|string|null
* @throws Exception
* @params string $key class property
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:479
⧉public __isset(string $key): bool Returns true if a property exists names $key, or a getter method exists named...
* Returns true if a property exists names $key, or a getter method
* exists named like for __get().
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:516
⧉public __unset(string $key): void Unsets an attribute property.
* Unsets an attribute property.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:536
⧉protected mapProperty(string $key): string db column name Checks the datamap to see if this property name is being mapped, and returns ...
* Checks the datamap to see if this property name is being mapped,
* and returns the db column name, if any, or the original property name.
* @return string db column name
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:297
⧉protected mutateDate($value): Time Converts the given string|timestamp|DateTime|Time instance into the "CodeIgni...
* Converts the given string|timestamp|DateTime|Time instance
* into the "CodeIgniter\I18n\Time" object.
* @param DateTime|float|int|string|Time $value
* @return Time
* @throws Exception
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:320
⧉protected castAs($value, string $attribute, string $method = 'get'): array|bool|float|int|object|string|null Provides the ability to cast an item as a specific data type. Add ? at the be...
* Provides the ability to cast an item as a specific data type.
* Add ? at the beginning of $type (i.e. ?string) to get NULL
* instead of casting $value if $value === null
* @param bool|float|int|string|null $value Attribute value
* @param string $attribute Attribute name
* @param string $method Allowed to "get" and "set"
* @return array|bool|float|int|object|string|null
* @throws CastException
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:338
⧉protected isMappedDbColumn(string $key): bool Whether this key is mapped db column name?
* Whether this key is mapped db column name?
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:550
⧉protected hasMappedProperty(string $key): bool Whether this key has mapped property?
* Whether this key has mapped property?
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:565
uri => string (31) "CodeIgniter\Entity\Cast\URICast"
private _cast -> boolean true
⇄⧉public __construct(?array $data = null) Allows filling in Entity parameters during construction.
new \App\Entities\Entity(?array $data = null)
* Allows filling in Entity parameters during construction.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:117
⇄⧉public fill(?array $data = null): $this Takes an array of key/value pairs and sets them as class properties, using an...
$value[28]->fill(?array $data = null)
* Takes an array of key/value pairs and sets them as class
* properties, using any `setCamelCasedProperty()` methods
* that may or may not exist.
* @param array $data
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:133
⇄⧉public toArray(bool $onlyChanged = false, bool $cast = true, bool $recursive = false): array General method that will return all public and protected values of this entit...
* General method that will return all public and protected values
* of this entity as an array. All values are accessed through the
* __get() magic method so will have any casts, etc applied to them.
* @param bool $onlyChanged If true, only return values that have changed since object creation
* @param bool $cast If true, properties will be cast.
* @param bool $recursive If true, inner entities will be cast as array as well.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:155
⇄⧉public toRawArray(bool $onlyChanged = false, bool $recursive = false): array Returns the raw values of the current attributes.
* Returns the raw values of the current attributes.
* @param bool $onlyChanged If true, only return values that have changed since object creation
* @param bool $recursive If true, inner entities will be cast as array as well.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:197
⇄⧉public syncOriginal(): $this Ensures our "original" values match the current values.
* Ensures our "original" values match the current values.
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:241
⇄⧉public hasChanged(?string $key = null): bool Checks a property to see if it has changed since the entity was created. Or, ...
$value[28]->hasChanged(?string $key = null)
* Checks a property to see if it has changed since the entity
* was created. Or, without a parameter, checks if any
* properties have changed.
* @param string|null $key class property
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:255
⇄⧉public setAttributes(array $data): $this Set raw data array without any mutations
$value[28]->setAttributes(array $data)
* Set raw data array without any mutations
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:282
⇄⧉public jsonSerialize(): array Support for json_encode()
* Support for json_encode()
* @return array
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:400
⇄⧉public cast(?bool $cast = null): bool|Entity Change the value of the private $_cast property
$value[28]->cast(?bool $cast = null)
* Change the value of the private $_cast property
* @return bool|Entity
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:410
⧉public __set(string $key, $value = null): void Magic method to all protected/private class properties to be easily set, eith...
* Magic method to all protected/private class properties to be
* easily set, either through a direct access or a
* `setCamelCasedProperty()` method.
* Examples:
* $this->my_property = $p;
* $this->setMyProperty() = $p;
* @param array|bool|float|int|object|string|null $value
* @return void
* @throws Exception
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:436
⧉public __get(string $key): array|bool|float|int|object|string|null Magic method to allow retrieval of protected and private class properties eit...
* Magic method to allow retrieval of protected and private class properties
* either by their name, or through a `getCamelCasedProperty()` method.
* Examples:
* $p = $this->my_property
* $p = $this->getMyProperty()
* @return array|bool|float|int|object|string|null
* @throws Exception
* @params string $key class property
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:479
⧉public __isset(string $key): bool Returns true if a property exists names $key, or a getter method exists named...
* Returns true if a property exists names $key, or a getter method
* exists named like for __get().
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:516
⧉public __unset(string $key): void Unsets an attribute property.
* Unsets an attribute property.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:536
⧉protected mapProperty(string $key): string db column name Checks the datamap to see if this property name is being mapped, and returns ...
* Checks the datamap to see if this property name is being mapped,
* and returns the db column name, if any, or the original property name.
* @return string db column name
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:297
⧉protected mutateDate($value): Time Converts the given string|timestamp|DateTime|Time instance into the "CodeIgni...
* Converts the given string|timestamp|DateTime|Time instance
* into the "CodeIgniter\I18n\Time" object.
* @param DateTime|float|int|string|Time $value
* @return Time
* @throws Exception
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:320
⧉protected castAs($value, string $attribute, string $method = 'get'): array|bool|float|int|object|string|null Provides the ability to cast an item as a specific data type. Add ? at the be...
* Provides the ability to cast an item as a specific data type.
* Add ? at the beginning of $type (i.e. ?string) to get NULL
* instead of casting $value if $value === null
* @param bool|float|int|string|null $value Attribute value
* @param string $attribute Attribute name
* @param string $method Allowed to "get" and "set"
* @return array|bool|float|int|object|string|null
* @throws CastException
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:338
⧉protected isMappedDbColumn(string $key): bool Whether this key is mapped db column name?
* Whether this key is mapped db column name?
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:550
⧉protected hasMappedProperty(string $key): bool Whether this key has mapped property?
* Whether this key has mapped property?
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:565
এই আনন্দদায়ক কাহিনীটোত এটা ধূৰ্ত শিয়ালক পৰাজিত কৰা চতুৰ কাছটোক চাওক। কাছটোৰ বুদ্ধি আৰু জ্ঞানে বিপদো কেনেকে লুকাই থাকে ঘটনাৰ এক আশ্চৰ্যজনক পৰিৱৰ্তন ঘটাই। এইটো মগজুৱে শাৰীৰিক শক্তিজয় কৰাৰ এক কালজয়ী কাহিনী যিয়ে আপোনাক হাঁহিবলৈ এৰি দিব।
⧉keywords => UTF-8 string (194) "Assamese story; The Clever Tortoise; Assamese children story; Assamese child...
Assamese story; The Clever Tortoise; Assamese children story; Assamese children stories; বুধিয়ক কাছ; Tortoise ; Fox; shell; CAT: fable; wit and intelligence escape from trouble
এই আনন্দদায়ক কাহিনীটোত এটা ধূৰ্ত শিয়ালক পৰাজিত কৰা চতুৰ কাছটোক চাওক। কাছটোৰ বুদ্ধি আৰু জ্ঞানে বিপদো কেনেকে লুকাই থাকে ঘটনাৰ এক আশ্চৰ্যজনক পৰিৱৰ্তন ঘটাই। এইটো মগজুৱে শাৰীৰিক শক্তিজয় কৰাৰ এক কালজয়ী কাহিনী যিয়ে আপোনাক হাঁহিবলৈ এৰি দিব।
⧉keywords => UTF-8 string (194) "Assamese story; The Clever Tortoise; Assamese children story; Assamese child...
Assamese story; The Clever Tortoise; Assamese children story; Assamese children stories; বুধিয়ক কাছ; Tortoise ; Fox; shell; CAT: fable; wit and intelligence escape from trouble
uri => string (31) "CodeIgniter\Entity\Cast\URICast"
private _cast -> boolean true
⇄⧉public __construct(?array $data = null) Allows filling in Entity parameters during construction.
new \App\Entities\Entity(?array $data = null)
* Allows filling in Entity parameters during construction.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:117
⇄⧉public fill(?array $data = null): $this Takes an array of key/value pairs and sets them as class properties, using an...
$value[29]->fill(?array $data = null)
* Takes an array of key/value pairs and sets them as class
* properties, using any `setCamelCasedProperty()` methods
* that may or may not exist.
* @param array $data
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:133
⇄⧉public toArray(bool $onlyChanged = false, bool $cast = true, bool $recursive = false): array General method that will return all public and protected values of this entit...
* General method that will return all public and protected values
* of this entity as an array. All values are accessed through the
* __get() magic method so will have any casts, etc applied to them.
* @param bool $onlyChanged If true, only return values that have changed since object creation
* @param bool $cast If true, properties will be cast.
* @param bool $recursive If true, inner entities will be cast as array as well.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:155
⇄⧉public toRawArray(bool $onlyChanged = false, bool $recursive = false): array Returns the raw values of the current attributes.
* Returns the raw values of the current attributes.
* @param bool $onlyChanged If true, only return values that have changed since object creation
* @param bool $recursive If true, inner entities will be cast as array as well.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:197
⇄⧉public syncOriginal(): $this Ensures our "original" values match the current values.
* Ensures our "original" values match the current values.
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:241
⇄⧉public hasChanged(?string $key = null): bool Checks a property to see if it has changed since the entity was created. Or, ...
$value[29]->hasChanged(?string $key = null)
* Checks a property to see if it has changed since the entity
* was created. Or, without a parameter, checks if any
* properties have changed.
* @param string|null $key class property
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:255
⇄⧉public setAttributes(array $data): $this Set raw data array without any mutations
$value[29]->setAttributes(array $data)
* Set raw data array without any mutations
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:282
⇄⧉public jsonSerialize(): array Support for json_encode()
* Support for json_encode()
* @return array
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:400
⇄⧉public cast(?bool $cast = null): bool|Entity Change the value of the private $_cast property
$value[29]->cast(?bool $cast = null)
* Change the value of the private $_cast property
* @return bool|Entity
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:410
⧉public __set(string $key, $value = null): void Magic method to all protected/private class properties to be easily set, eith...
* Magic method to all protected/private class properties to be
* easily set, either through a direct access or a
* `setCamelCasedProperty()` method.
* Examples:
* $this->my_property = $p;
* $this->setMyProperty() = $p;
* @param array|bool|float|int|object|string|null $value
* @return void
* @throws Exception
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:436
⧉public __get(string $key): array|bool|float|int|object|string|null Magic method to allow retrieval of protected and private class properties eit...
* Magic method to allow retrieval of protected and private class properties
* either by their name, or through a `getCamelCasedProperty()` method.
* Examples:
* $p = $this->my_property
* $p = $this->getMyProperty()
* @return array|bool|float|int|object|string|null
* @throws Exception
* @params string $key class property
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:479
⧉public __isset(string $key): bool Returns true if a property exists names $key, or a getter method exists named...
* Returns true if a property exists names $key, or a getter method
* exists named like for __get().
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:516
⧉public __unset(string $key): void Unsets an attribute property.
* Unsets an attribute property.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:536
⧉protected mapProperty(string $key): string db column name Checks the datamap to see if this property name is being mapped, and returns ...
* Checks the datamap to see if this property name is being mapped,
* and returns the db column name, if any, or the original property name.
* @return string db column name
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:297
⧉protected mutateDate($value): Time Converts the given string|timestamp|DateTime|Time instance into the "CodeIgni...
* Converts the given string|timestamp|DateTime|Time instance
* into the "CodeIgniter\I18n\Time" object.
* @param DateTime|float|int|string|Time $value
* @return Time
* @throws Exception
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:320
⧉protected castAs($value, string $attribute, string $method = 'get'): array|bool|float|int|object|string|null Provides the ability to cast an item as a specific data type. Add ? at the be...
* Provides the ability to cast an item as a specific data type.
* Add ? at the beginning of $type (i.e. ?string) to get NULL
* instead of casting $value if $value === null
* @param bool|float|int|string|null $value Attribute value
* @param string $attribute Attribute name
* @param string $method Allowed to "get" and "set"
* @return array|bool|float|int|object|string|null
* @throws CastException
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:338
⧉protected isMappedDbColumn(string $key): bool Whether this key is mapped db column name?
* Whether this key is mapped db column name?
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:550
⧉protected hasMappedProperty(string $key): bool Whether this key has mapped property?
* Whether this key has mapped property?
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:565
⇄⧉30 => App\Entities\Entity#179 (8)
Properties (8)
Available methods (18)
⧉protected attributes -> array (15)
storyId => string (2) "57"
languageId => string (1) "2"
categoryId => string (2) "25"
storyEnTitle => string (25) "The Deer and the Gardener"
⧉keywords => UTF-8 string (230) "Assamese story; The Deer and the Gardener; Assamese children story; Assamese...
Assamese story; The Deer and the Gardener; Assamese children story; Assamese children stories; হৰিণা আৰু মালী; Deer; Gardener ; Honeyed grass; Palace ; King; CAT: parable; if you love something, set it free
⧉keywords => UTF-8 string (230) "Assamese story; The Deer and the Gardener; Assamese children story; Assamese...
Assamese story; The Deer and the Gardener; Assamese children story; Assamese children stories; হৰিণা আৰু মালী; Deer; Gardener ; Honeyed grass; Palace ; King; CAT: parable; if you love something, set it free
uri => string (31) "CodeIgniter\Entity\Cast\URICast"
private _cast -> boolean true
⇄⧉public __construct(?array $data = null) Allows filling in Entity parameters during construction.
new \App\Entities\Entity(?array $data = null)
* Allows filling in Entity parameters during construction.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:117
⇄⧉public fill(?array $data = null): $this Takes an array of key/value pairs and sets them as class properties, using an...
$value[30]->fill(?array $data = null)
* Takes an array of key/value pairs and sets them as class
* properties, using any `setCamelCasedProperty()` methods
* that may or may not exist.
* @param array $data
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:133
⇄⧉public toArray(bool $onlyChanged = false, bool $cast = true, bool $recursive = false): array General method that will return all public and protected values of this entit...
* General method that will return all public and protected values
* of this entity as an array. All values are accessed through the
* __get() magic method so will have any casts, etc applied to them.
* @param bool $onlyChanged If true, only return values that have changed since object creation
* @param bool $cast If true, properties will be cast.
* @param bool $recursive If true, inner entities will be cast as array as well.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:155
⇄⧉public toRawArray(bool $onlyChanged = false, bool $recursive = false): array Returns the raw values of the current attributes.
* Returns the raw values of the current attributes.
* @param bool $onlyChanged If true, only return values that have changed since object creation
* @param bool $recursive If true, inner entities will be cast as array as well.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:197
⇄⧉public syncOriginal(): $this Ensures our "original" values match the current values.
* Ensures our "original" values match the current values.
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:241
⇄⧉public hasChanged(?string $key = null): bool Checks a property to see if it has changed since the entity was created. Or, ...
$value[30]->hasChanged(?string $key = null)
* Checks a property to see if it has changed since the entity
* was created. Or, without a parameter, checks if any
* properties have changed.
* @param string|null $key class property
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:255
⇄⧉public setAttributes(array $data): $this Set raw data array without any mutations
$value[30]->setAttributes(array $data)
* Set raw data array without any mutations
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:282
⇄⧉public jsonSerialize(): array Support for json_encode()
* Support for json_encode()
* @return array
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:400
⇄⧉public cast(?bool $cast = null): bool|Entity Change the value of the private $_cast property
$value[30]->cast(?bool $cast = null)
* Change the value of the private $_cast property
* @return bool|Entity
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:410
⧉public __set(string $key, $value = null): void Magic method to all protected/private class properties to be easily set, eith...
* Magic method to all protected/private class properties to be
* easily set, either through a direct access or a
* `setCamelCasedProperty()` method.
* Examples:
* $this->my_property = $p;
* $this->setMyProperty() = $p;
* @param array|bool|float|int|object|string|null $value
* @return void
* @throws Exception
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:436
⧉public __get(string $key): array|bool|float|int|object|string|null Magic method to allow retrieval of protected and private class properties eit...
* Magic method to allow retrieval of protected and private class properties
* either by their name, or through a `getCamelCasedProperty()` method.
* Examples:
* $p = $this->my_property
* $p = $this->getMyProperty()
* @return array|bool|float|int|object|string|null
* @throws Exception
* @params string $key class property
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:479
⧉public __isset(string $key): bool Returns true if a property exists names $key, or a getter method exists named...
* Returns true if a property exists names $key, or a getter method
* exists named like for __get().
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:516
⧉public __unset(string $key): void Unsets an attribute property.
* Unsets an attribute property.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:536
⧉protected mapProperty(string $key): string db column name Checks the datamap to see if this property name is being mapped, and returns ...
* Checks the datamap to see if this property name is being mapped,
* and returns the db column name, if any, or the original property name.
* @return string db column name
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:297
⧉protected mutateDate($value): Time Converts the given string|timestamp|DateTime|Time instance into the "CodeIgni...
* Converts the given string|timestamp|DateTime|Time instance
* into the "CodeIgniter\I18n\Time" object.
* @param DateTime|float|int|string|Time $value
* @return Time
* @throws Exception
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:320
⧉protected castAs($value, string $attribute, string $method = 'get'): array|bool|float|int|object|string|null Provides the ability to cast an item as a specific data type. Add ? at the be...
* Provides the ability to cast an item as a specific data type.
* Add ? at the beginning of $type (i.e. ?string) to get NULL
* instead of casting $value if $value === null
* @param bool|float|int|string|null $value Attribute value
* @param string $attribute Attribute name
* @param string $method Allowed to "get" and "set"
* @return array|bool|float|int|object|string|null
* @throws CastException
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:338
⧉protected isMappedDbColumn(string $key): bool Whether this key is mapped db column name?
* Whether this key is mapped db column name?
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:550
⧉protected hasMappedProperty(string $key): bool Whether this key has mapped property?
* Whether this key has mapped property?
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:565
uri => string (31) "CodeIgniter\Entity\Cast\URICast"
private _cast -> boolean true
⇄⧉public __construct(?array $data = null) Allows filling in Entity parameters during construction.
new \App\Entities\Entity(?array $data = null)
* Allows filling in Entity parameters during construction.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:117
⇄⧉public fill(?array $data = null): $this Takes an array of key/value pairs and sets them as class properties, using an...
$value[31]->fill(?array $data = null)
* Takes an array of key/value pairs and sets them as class
* properties, using any `setCamelCasedProperty()` methods
* that may or may not exist.
* @param array $data
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:133
⇄⧉public toArray(bool $onlyChanged = false, bool $cast = true, bool $recursive = false): array General method that will return all public and protected values of this entit...
* General method that will return all public and protected values
* of this entity as an array. All values are accessed through the
* __get() magic method so will have any casts, etc applied to them.
* @param bool $onlyChanged If true, only return values that have changed since object creation
* @param bool $cast If true, properties will be cast.
* @param bool $recursive If true, inner entities will be cast as array as well.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:155
⇄⧉public toRawArray(bool $onlyChanged = false, bool $recursive = false): array Returns the raw values of the current attributes.
* Returns the raw values of the current attributes.
* @param bool $onlyChanged If true, only return values that have changed since object creation
* @param bool $recursive If true, inner entities will be cast as array as well.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:197
⇄⧉public syncOriginal(): $this Ensures our "original" values match the current values.
* Ensures our "original" values match the current values.
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:241
⇄⧉public hasChanged(?string $key = null): bool Checks a property to see if it has changed since the entity was created. Or, ...
$value[31]->hasChanged(?string $key = null)
* Checks a property to see if it has changed since the entity
* was created. Or, without a parameter, checks if any
* properties have changed.
* @param string|null $key class property
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:255
⇄⧉public setAttributes(array $data): $this Set raw data array without any mutations
$value[31]->setAttributes(array $data)
* Set raw data array without any mutations
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:282
⇄⧉public jsonSerialize(): array Support for json_encode()
* Support for json_encode()
* @return array
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:400
⇄⧉public cast(?bool $cast = null): bool|Entity Change the value of the private $_cast property
$value[31]->cast(?bool $cast = null)
* Change the value of the private $_cast property
* @return bool|Entity
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:410
⧉public __set(string $key, $value = null): void Magic method to all protected/private class properties to be easily set, eith...
* Magic method to all protected/private class properties to be
* easily set, either through a direct access or a
* `setCamelCasedProperty()` method.
* Examples:
* $this->my_property = $p;
* $this->setMyProperty() = $p;
* @param array|bool|float|int|object|string|null $value
* @return void
* @throws Exception
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:436
⧉public __get(string $key): array|bool|float|int|object|string|null Magic method to allow retrieval of protected and private class properties eit...
* Magic method to allow retrieval of protected and private class properties
* either by their name, or through a `getCamelCasedProperty()` method.
* Examples:
* $p = $this->my_property
* $p = $this->getMyProperty()
* @return array|bool|float|int|object|string|null
* @throws Exception
* @params string $key class property
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:479
⧉public __isset(string $key): bool Returns true if a property exists names $key, or a getter method exists named...
* Returns true if a property exists names $key, or a getter method
* exists named like for __get().
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:516
⧉public __unset(string $key): void Unsets an attribute property.
* Unsets an attribute property.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:536
⧉protected mapProperty(string $key): string db column name Checks the datamap to see if this property name is being mapped, and returns ...
* Checks the datamap to see if this property name is being mapped,
* and returns the db column name, if any, or the original property name.
* @return string db column name
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:297
⧉protected mutateDate($value): Time Converts the given string|timestamp|DateTime|Time instance into the "CodeIgni...
* Converts the given string|timestamp|DateTime|Time instance
* into the "CodeIgniter\I18n\Time" object.
* @param DateTime|float|int|string|Time $value
* @return Time
* @throws Exception
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:320
⧉protected castAs($value, string $attribute, string $method = 'get'): array|bool|float|int|object|string|null Provides the ability to cast an item as a specific data type. Add ? at the be...
* Provides the ability to cast an item as a specific data type.
* Add ? at the beginning of $type (i.e. ?string) to get NULL
* instead of casting $value if $value === null
* @param bool|float|int|string|null $value Attribute value
* @param string $attribute Attribute name
* @param string $method Allowed to "get" and "set"
* @return array|bool|float|int|object|string|null
* @throws CastException
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:338
⧉protected isMappedDbColumn(string $key): bool Whether this key is mapped db column name?
* Whether this key is mapped db column name?
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:550
⧉protected hasMappedProperty(string $key): bool Whether this key has mapped property?
* Whether this key has mapped property?
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:565
⇄⧉32 => App\Entities\Entity#181 (8)
Properties (8)
Available methods (18)
⧉protected attributes -> array (15)
storyId => string (2) "59"
languageId => string (1) "2"
categoryId => string (2) "17"
storyEnTitle => string (28) "The Fox who knew many tricks"
⧉keywords => UTF-8 string (245) "Assamese story; The Fox who knew many tricks; Assamese children story; Assam...
Assamese story; The Fox who knew many tricks; Assamese children story; Assamese children stories; বহুতো কৌশল জনা শিয়াল; cat;fable;consequences of pride; Fox who knew many Tricks; fox; cat; hounds; tricks; escape
⧉keywords => UTF-8 string (245) "Assamese story; The Fox who knew many tricks; Assamese children story; Assam...
Assamese story; The Fox who knew many tricks; Assamese children story; Assamese children stories; বহুতো কৌশল জনা শিয়াল; cat;fable;consequences of pride; Fox who knew many Tricks; fox; cat; hounds; tricks; escape
uri => string (31) "CodeIgniter\Entity\Cast\URICast"
private _cast -> boolean true
⇄⧉public __construct(?array $data = null) Allows filling in Entity parameters during construction.
new \App\Entities\Entity(?array $data = null)
* Allows filling in Entity parameters during construction.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:117
⇄⧉public fill(?array $data = null): $this Takes an array of key/value pairs and sets them as class properties, using an...
$value[32]->fill(?array $data = null)
* Takes an array of key/value pairs and sets them as class
* properties, using any `setCamelCasedProperty()` methods
* that may or may not exist.
* @param array $data
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:133
⇄⧉public toArray(bool $onlyChanged = false, bool $cast = true, bool $recursive = false): array General method that will return all public and protected values of this entit...
* General method that will return all public and protected values
* of this entity as an array. All values are accessed through the
* __get() magic method so will have any casts, etc applied to them.
* @param bool $onlyChanged If true, only return values that have changed since object creation
* @param bool $cast If true, properties will be cast.
* @param bool $recursive If true, inner entities will be cast as array as well.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:155
⇄⧉public toRawArray(bool $onlyChanged = false, bool $recursive = false): array Returns the raw values of the current attributes.
* Returns the raw values of the current attributes.
* @param bool $onlyChanged If true, only return values that have changed since object creation
* @param bool $recursive If true, inner entities will be cast as array as well.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:197
⇄⧉public syncOriginal(): $this Ensures our "original" values match the current values.
* Ensures our "original" values match the current values.
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:241
⇄⧉public hasChanged(?string $key = null): bool Checks a property to see if it has changed since the entity was created. Or, ...
$value[32]->hasChanged(?string $key = null)
* Checks a property to see if it has changed since the entity
* was created. Or, without a parameter, checks if any
* properties have changed.
* @param string|null $key class property
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:255
⇄⧉public setAttributes(array $data): $this Set raw data array without any mutations
$value[32]->setAttributes(array $data)
* Set raw data array without any mutations
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:282
⇄⧉public jsonSerialize(): array Support for json_encode()
* Support for json_encode()
* @return array
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:400
⇄⧉public cast(?bool $cast = null): bool|Entity Change the value of the private $_cast property
$value[32]->cast(?bool $cast = null)
* Change the value of the private $_cast property
* @return bool|Entity
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:410
⧉public __set(string $key, $value = null): void Magic method to all protected/private class properties to be easily set, eith...
* Magic method to all protected/private class properties to be
* easily set, either through a direct access or a
* `setCamelCasedProperty()` method.
* Examples:
* $this->my_property = $p;
* $this->setMyProperty() = $p;
* @param array|bool|float|int|object|string|null $value
* @return void
* @throws Exception
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:436
⧉public __get(string $key): array|bool|float|int|object|string|null Magic method to allow retrieval of protected and private class properties eit...
* Magic method to allow retrieval of protected and private class properties
* either by their name, or through a `getCamelCasedProperty()` method.
* Examples:
* $p = $this->my_property
* $p = $this->getMyProperty()
* @return array|bool|float|int|object|string|null
* @throws Exception
* @params string $key class property
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:479
⧉public __isset(string $key): bool Returns true if a property exists names $key, or a getter method exists named...
* Returns true if a property exists names $key, or a getter method
* exists named like for __get().
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:516
⧉public __unset(string $key): void Unsets an attribute property.
* Unsets an attribute property.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:536
⧉protected mapProperty(string $key): string db column name Checks the datamap to see if this property name is being mapped, and returns ...
* Checks the datamap to see if this property name is being mapped,
* and returns the db column name, if any, or the original property name.
* @return string db column name
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:297
⧉protected mutateDate($value): Time Converts the given string|timestamp|DateTime|Time instance into the "CodeIgni...
* Converts the given string|timestamp|DateTime|Time instance
* into the "CodeIgniter\I18n\Time" object.
* @param DateTime|float|int|string|Time $value
* @return Time
* @throws Exception
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:320
⧉protected castAs($value, string $attribute, string $method = 'get'): array|bool|float|int|object|string|null Provides the ability to cast an item as a specific data type. Add ? at the be...
* Provides the ability to cast an item as a specific data type.
* Add ? at the beginning of $type (i.e. ?string) to get NULL
* instead of casting $value if $value === null
* @param bool|float|int|string|null $value Attribute value
* @param string $attribute Attribute name
* @param string $method Allowed to "get" and "set"
* @return array|bool|float|int|object|string|null
* @throws CastException
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:338
⧉protected isMappedDbColumn(string $key): bool Whether this key is mapped db column name?
* Whether this key is mapped db column name?
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:550
⧉protected hasMappedProperty(string $key): bool Whether this key has mapped property?
* Whether this key has mapped property?
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:565
uri => string (31) "CodeIgniter\Entity\Cast\URICast"
private _cast -> boolean true
⇄⧉public __construct(?array $data = null) Allows filling in Entity parameters during construction.
new \App\Entities\Entity(?array $data = null)
* Allows filling in Entity parameters during construction.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:117
⇄⧉public fill(?array $data = null): $this Takes an array of key/value pairs and sets them as class properties, using an...
$value[33]->fill(?array $data = null)
* Takes an array of key/value pairs and sets them as class
* properties, using any `setCamelCasedProperty()` methods
* that may or may not exist.
* @param array $data
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:133
⇄⧉public toArray(bool $onlyChanged = false, bool $cast = true, bool $recursive = false): array General method that will return all public and protected values of this entit...
* General method that will return all public and protected values
* of this entity as an array. All values are accessed through the
* __get() magic method so will have any casts, etc applied to them.
* @param bool $onlyChanged If true, only return values that have changed since object creation
* @param bool $cast If true, properties will be cast.
* @param bool $recursive If true, inner entities will be cast as array as well.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:155
⇄⧉public toRawArray(bool $onlyChanged = false, bool $recursive = false): array Returns the raw values of the current attributes.
* Returns the raw values of the current attributes.
* @param bool $onlyChanged If true, only return values that have changed since object creation
* @param bool $recursive If true, inner entities will be cast as array as well.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:197
⇄⧉public syncOriginal(): $this Ensures our "original" values match the current values.
* Ensures our "original" values match the current values.
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:241
⇄⧉public hasChanged(?string $key = null): bool Checks a property to see if it has changed since the entity was created. Or, ...
$value[33]->hasChanged(?string $key = null)
* Checks a property to see if it has changed since the entity
* was created. Or, without a parameter, checks if any
* properties have changed.
* @param string|null $key class property
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:255
⇄⧉public setAttributes(array $data): $this Set raw data array without any mutations
$value[33]->setAttributes(array $data)
* Set raw data array without any mutations
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:282
⇄⧉public jsonSerialize(): array Support for json_encode()
* Support for json_encode()
* @return array
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:400
⇄⧉public cast(?bool $cast = null): bool|Entity Change the value of the private $_cast property
$value[33]->cast(?bool $cast = null)
* Change the value of the private $_cast property
* @return bool|Entity
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:410
⧉public __set(string $key, $value = null): void Magic method to all protected/private class properties to be easily set, eith...
* Magic method to all protected/private class properties to be
* easily set, either through a direct access or a
* `setCamelCasedProperty()` method.
* Examples:
* $this->my_property = $p;
* $this->setMyProperty() = $p;
* @param array|bool|float|int|object|string|null $value
* @return void
* @throws Exception
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:436
⧉public __get(string $key): array|bool|float|int|object|string|null Magic method to allow retrieval of protected and private class properties eit...
* Magic method to allow retrieval of protected and private class properties
* either by their name, or through a `getCamelCasedProperty()` method.
* Examples:
* $p = $this->my_property
* $p = $this->getMyProperty()
* @return array|bool|float|int|object|string|null
* @throws Exception
* @params string $key class property
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:479
⧉public __isset(string $key): bool Returns true if a property exists names $key, or a getter method exists named...
* Returns true if a property exists names $key, or a getter method
* exists named like for __get().
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:516
⧉public __unset(string $key): void Unsets an attribute property.
* Unsets an attribute property.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:536
⧉protected mapProperty(string $key): string db column name Checks the datamap to see if this property name is being mapped, and returns ...
* Checks the datamap to see if this property name is being mapped,
* and returns the db column name, if any, or the original property name.
* @return string db column name
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:297
⧉protected mutateDate($value): Time Converts the given string|timestamp|DateTime|Time instance into the "CodeIgni...
* Converts the given string|timestamp|DateTime|Time instance
* into the "CodeIgniter\I18n\Time" object.
* @param DateTime|float|int|string|Time $value
* @return Time
* @throws Exception
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:320
⧉protected castAs($value, string $attribute, string $method = 'get'): array|bool|float|int|object|string|null Provides the ability to cast an item as a specific data type. Add ? at the be...
* Provides the ability to cast an item as a specific data type.
* Add ? at the beginning of $type (i.e. ?string) to get NULL
* instead of casting $value if $value === null
* @param bool|float|int|string|null $value Attribute value
* @param string $attribute Attribute name
* @param string $method Allowed to "get" and "set"
* @return array|bool|float|int|object|string|null
* @throws CastException
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:338
⧉protected isMappedDbColumn(string $key): bool Whether this key is mapped db column name?
* Whether this key is mapped db column name?
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:550
⧉protected hasMappedProperty(string $key): bool Whether this key has mapped property?
* Whether this key has mapped property?
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:565
uri => string (31) "CodeIgniter\Entity\Cast\URICast"
private _cast -> boolean true
⇄⧉public __construct(?array $data = null) Allows filling in Entity parameters during construction.
new \App\Entities\Entity(?array $data = null)
* Allows filling in Entity parameters during construction.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:117
⇄⧉public fill(?array $data = null): $this Takes an array of key/value pairs and sets them as class properties, using an...
$value[34]->fill(?array $data = null)
* Takes an array of key/value pairs and sets them as class
* properties, using any `setCamelCasedProperty()` methods
* that may or may not exist.
* @param array $data
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:133
⇄⧉public toArray(bool $onlyChanged = false, bool $cast = true, bool $recursive = false): array General method that will return all public and protected values of this entit...
* General method that will return all public and protected values
* of this entity as an array. All values are accessed through the
* __get() magic method so will have any casts, etc applied to them.
* @param bool $onlyChanged If true, only return values that have changed since object creation
* @param bool $cast If true, properties will be cast.
* @param bool $recursive If true, inner entities will be cast as array as well.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:155
⇄⧉public toRawArray(bool $onlyChanged = false, bool $recursive = false): array Returns the raw values of the current attributes.
* Returns the raw values of the current attributes.
* @param bool $onlyChanged If true, only return values that have changed since object creation
* @param bool $recursive If true, inner entities will be cast as array as well.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:197
⇄⧉public syncOriginal(): $this Ensures our "original" values match the current values.
* Ensures our "original" values match the current values.
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:241
⇄⧉public hasChanged(?string $key = null): bool Checks a property to see if it has changed since the entity was created. Or, ...
$value[34]->hasChanged(?string $key = null)
* Checks a property to see if it has changed since the entity
* was created. Or, without a parameter, checks if any
* properties have changed.
* @param string|null $key class property
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:255
⇄⧉public setAttributes(array $data): $this Set raw data array without any mutations
$value[34]->setAttributes(array $data)
* Set raw data array without any mutations
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:282
⇄⧉public jsonSerialize(): array Support for json_encode()
* Support for json_encode()
* @return array
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:400
⇄⧉public cast(?bool $cast = null): bool|Entity Change the value of the private $_cast property
$value[34]->cast(?bool $cast = null)
* Change the value of the private $_cast property
* @return bool|Entity
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:410
⧉public __set(string $key, $value = null): void Magic method to all protected/private class properties to be easily set, eith...
* Magic method to all protected/private class properties to be
* easily set, either through a direct access or a
* `setCamelCasedProperty()` method.
* Examples:
* $this->my_property = $p;
* $this->setMyProperty() = $p;
* @param array|bool|float|int|object|string|null $value
* @return void
* @throws Exception
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:436
⧉public __get(string $key): array|bool|float|int|object|string|null Magic method to allow retrieval of protected and private class properties eit...
* Magic method to allow retrieval of protected and private class properties
* either by their name, or through a `getCamelCasedProperty()` method.
* Examples:
* $p = $this->my_property
* $p = $this->getMyProperty()
* @return array|bool|float|int|object|string|null
* @throws Exception
* @params string $key class property
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:479
⧉public __isset(string $key): bool Returns true if a property exists names $key, or a getter method exists named...
* Returns true if a property exists names $key, or a getter method
* exists named like for __get().
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:516
⧉public __unset(string $key): void Unsets an attribute property.
* Unsets an attribute property.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:536
⧉protected mapProperty(string $key): string db column name Checks the datamap to see if this property name is being mapped, and returns ...
* Checks the datamap to see if this property name is being mapped,
* and returns the db column name, if any, or the original property name.
* @return string db column name
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:297
⧉protected mutateDate($value): Time Converts the given string|timestamp|DateTime|Time instance into the "CodeIgni...
* Converts the given string|timestamp|DateTime|Time instance
* into the "CodeIgniter\I18n\Time" object.
* @param DateTime|float|int|string|Time $value
* @return Time
* @throws Exception
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:320
⧉protected castAs($value, string $attribute, string $method = 'get'): array|bool|float|int|object|string|null Provides the ability to cast an item as a specific data type. Add ? at the be...
* Provides the ability to cast an item as a specific data type.
* Add ? at the beginning of $type (i.e. ?string) to get NULL
* instead of casting $value if $value === null
* @param bool|float|int|string|null $value Attribute value
* @param string $attribute Attribute name
* @param string $method Allowed to "get" and "set"
* @return array|bool|float|int|object|string|null
* @throws CastException
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:338
⧉protected isMappedDbColumn(string $key): bool Whether this key is mapped db column name?
* Whether this key is mapped db column name?
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:550
⧉protected hasMappedProperty(string $key): bool Whether this key has mapped property?
* Whether this key has mapped property?
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:565
'ৰায়' হৈছে জ্ঞানৰ এক আকৰ্ষণীয় কাহিনী। যেতিয়া মৌমাখি আৰু মাখিবোৰে মৌচাকৰ ওপৰত তৰ্ক কৰে, তেওঁলোকৰ ৰজা, বৰলে এক চতুৰ পৰীক্ষাৰ পৰামৰ্শ দিয়ে। এই কাহিনীটোৱে আমাক নিৰপেক্ষতা আৰু জ্ঞানী সিদ্ধান্তবোৰে কেনেদৰে সমস্যা সমাধান কৰিব পাৰে আৰু সকলোকে সুখী কৰিব পাৰে সেই বিষয়ে শিকায়।
⧉keywords => UTF-8 string (177) "Assamese story; The Judgement; Assamese children story; Assamese children st...
Assamese story; The Judgement; Assamese children story; Assamese children stories; ৰায়; cat;fable;call of wisdom;justice; Judgement; wasp; court; justice; honeycomb; flies
'ৰায়' হৈছে জ্ঞানৰ এক আকৰ্ষণীয় কাহিনী। যেতিয়া মৌমাখি আৰু মাখিবোৰে মৌচাকৰ ওপৰত তৰ্ক কৰে, তেওঁলোকৰ ৰজা, বৰলে এক চতুৰ পৰীক্ষাৰ পৰামৰ্শ দিয়ে। এই কাহিনীটোৱে আমাক নিৰপেক্ষতা আৰু জ্ঞানী সিদ্ধান্তবোৰে কেনেদৰে সমস্যা সমাধান কৰিব পাৰে আৰু সকলোকে সুখী কৰিব পাৰে সেই বিষয়ে শিকায়।
⧉keywords => UTF-8 string (177) "Assamese story; The Judgement; Assamese children story; Assamese children st...
Assamese story; The Judgement; Assamese children story; Assamese children stories; ৰায়; cat;fable;call of wisdom;justice; Judgement; wasp; court; justice; honeycomb; flies
uri => string (31) "CodeIgniter\Entity\Cast\URICast"
private _cast -> boolean true
⇄⧉public __construct(?array $data = null) Allows filling in Entity parameters during construction.
new \App\Entities\Entity(?array $data = null)
* Allows filling in Entity parameters during construction.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:117
⇄⧉public fill(?array $data = null): $this Takes an array of key/value pairs and sets them as class properties, using an...
$value[35]->fill(?array $data = null)
* Takes an array of key/value pairs and sets them as class
* properties, using any `setCamelCasedProperty()` methods
* that may or may not exist.
* @param array $data
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:133
⇄⧉public toArray(bool $onlyChanged = false, bool $cast = true, bool $recursive = false): array General method that will return all public and protected values of this entit...
* General method that will return all public and protected values
* of this entity as an array. All values are accessed through the
* __get() magic method so will have any casts, etc applied to them.
* @param bool $onlyChanged If true, only return values that have changed since object creation
* @param bool $cast If true, properties will be cast.
* @param bool $recursive If true, inner entities will be cast as array as well.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:155
⇄⧉public toRawArray(bool $onlyChanged = false, bool $recursive = false): array Returns the raw values of the current attributes.
* Returns the raw values of the current attributes.
* @param bool $onlyChanged If true, only return values that have changed since object creation
* @param bool $recursive If true, inner entities will be cast as array as well.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:197
⇄⧉public syncOriginal(): $this Ensures our "original" values match the current values.
* Ensures our "original" values match the current values.
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:241
⇄⧉public hasChanged(?string $key = null): bool Checks a property to see if it has changed since the entity was created. Or, ...
$value[35]->hasChanged(?string $key = null)
* Checks a property to see if it has changed since the entity
* was created. Or, without a parameter, checks if any
* properties have changed.
* @param string|null $key class property
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:255
⇄⧉public setAttributes(array $data): $this Set raw data array without any mutations
$value[35]->setAttributes(array $data)
* Set raw data array without any mutations
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:282
⇄⧉public jsonSerialize(): array Support for json_encode()
* Support for json_encode()
* @return array
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:400
⇄⧉public cast(?bool $cast = null): bool|Entity Change the value of the private $_cast property
$value[35]->cast(?bool $cast = null)
* Change the value of the private $_cast property
* @return bool|Entity
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:410
⧉public __set(string $key, $value = null): void Magic method to all protected/private class properties to be easily set, eith...
* Magic method to all protected/private class properties to be
* easily set, either through a direct access or a
* `setCamelCasedProperty()` method.
* Examples:
* $this->my_property = $p;
* $this->setMyProperty() = $p;
* @param array|bool|float|int|object|string|null $value
* @return void
* @throws Exception
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:436
⧉public __get(string $key): array|bool|float|int|object|string|null Magic method to allow retrieval of protected and private class properties eit...
* Magic method to allow retrieval of protected and private class properties
* either by their name, or through a `getCamelCasedProperty()` method.
* Examples:
* $p = $this->my_property
* $p = $this->getMyProperty()
* @return array|bool|float|int|object|string|null
* @throws Exception
* @params string $key class property
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:479
⧉public __isset(string $key): bool Returns true if a property exists names $key, or a getter method exists named...
* Returns true if a property exists names $key, or a getter method
* exists named like for __get().
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:516
⧉public __unset(string $key): void Unsets an attribute property.
* Unsets an attribute property.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:536
⧉protected mapProperty(string $key): string db column name Checks the datamap to see if this property name is being mapped, and returns ...
* Checks the datamap to see if this property name is being mapped,
* and returns the db column name, if any, or the original property name.
* @return string db column name
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:297
⧉protected mutateDate($value): Time Converts the given string|timestamp|DateTime|Time instance into the "CodeIgni...
* Converts the given string|timestamp|DateTime|Time instance
* into the "CodeIgniter\I18n\Time" object.
* @param DateTime|float|int|string|Time $value
* @return Time
* @throws Exception
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:320
⧉protected castAs($value, string $attribute, string $method = 'get'): array|bool|float|int|object|string|null Provides the ability to cast an item as a specific data type. Add ? at the be...
* Provides the ability to cast an item as a specific data type.
* Add ? at the beginning of $type (i.e. ?string) to get NULL
* instead of casting $value if $value === null
* @param bool|float|int|string|null $value Attribute value
* @param string $attribute Attribute name
* @param string $method Allowed to "get" and "set"
* @return array|bool|float|int|object|string|null
* @throws CastException
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:338
⧉protected isMappedDbColumn(string $key): bool Whether this key is mapped db column name?
* Whether this key is mapped db column name?
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:550
⧉protected hasMappedProperty(string $key): bool Whether this key has mapped property?
* Whether this key has mapped property?
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:565
uri => string (31) "CodeIgniter\Entity\Cast\URICast"
private _cast -> boolean true
⇄⧉public __construct(?array $data = null) Allows filling in Entity parameters during construction.
new \App\Entities\Entity(?array $data = null)
* Allows filling in Entity parameters during construction.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:117
⇄⧉public fill(?array $data = null): $this Takes an array of key/value pairs and sets them as class properties, using an...
$value[36]->fill(?array $data = null)
* Takes an array of key/value pairs and sets them as class
* properties, using any `setCamelCasedProperty()` methods
* that may or may not exist.
* @param array $data
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:133
⇄⧉public toArray(bool $onlyChanged = false, bool $cast = true, bool $recursive = false): array General method that will return all public and protected values of this entit...
* General method that will return all public and protected values
* of this entity as an array. All values are accessed through the
* __get() magic method so will have any casts, etc applied to them.
* @param bool $onlyChanged If true, only return values that have changed since object creation
* @param bool $cast If true, properties will be cast.
* @param bool $recursive If true, inner entities will be cast as array as well.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:155
⇄⧉public toRawArray(bool $onlyChanged = false, bool $recursive = false): array Returns the raw values of the current attributes.
* Returns the raw values of the current attributes.
* @param bool $onlyChanged If true, only return values that have changed since object creation
* @param bool $recursive If true, inner entities will be cast as array as well.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:197
⇄⧉public syncOriginal(): $this Ensures our "original" values match the current values.
* Ensures our "original" values match the current values.
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:241
⇄⧉public hasChanged(?string $key = null): bool Checks a property to see if it has changed since the entity was created. Or, ...
$value[36]->hasChanged(?string $key = null)
* Checks a property to see if it has changed since the entity
* was created. Or, without a parameter, checks if any
* properties have changed.
* @param string|null $key class property
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:255
⇄⧉public setAttributes(array $data): $this Set raw data array without any mutations
$value[36]->setAttributes(array $data)
* Set raw data array without any mutations
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:282
⇄⧉public jsonSerialize(): array Support for json_encode()
* Support for json_encode()
* @return array
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:400
⇄⧉public cast(?bool $cast = null): bool|Entity Change the value of the private $_cast property
$value[36]->cast(?bool $cast = null)
* Change the value of the private $_cast property
* @return bool|Entity
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:410
⧉public __set(string $key, $value = null): void Magic method to all protected/private class properties to be easily set, eith...
* Magic method to all protected/private class properties to be
* easily set, either through a direct access or a
* `setCamelCasedProperty()` method.
* Examples:
* $this->my_property = $p;
* $this->setMyProperty() = $p;
* @param array|bool|float|int|object|string|null $value
* @return void
* @throws Exception
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:436
⧉public __get(string $key): array|bool|float|int|object|string|null Magic method to allow retrieval of protected and private class properties eit...
* Magic method to allow retrieval of protected and private class properties
* either by their name, or through a `getCamelCasedProperty()` method.
* Examples:
* $p = $this->my_property
* $p = $this->getMyProperty()
* @return array|bool|float|int|object|string|null
* @throws Exception
* @params string $key class property
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:479
⧉public __isset(string $key): bool Returns true if a property exists names $key, or a getter method exists named...
* Returns true if a property exists names $key, or a getter method
* exists named like for __get().
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:516
⧉public __unset(string $key): void Unsets an attribute property.
* Unsets an attribute property.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:536
⧉protected mapProperty(string $key): string db column name Checks the datamap to see if this property name is being mapped, and returns ...
* Checks the datamap to see if this property name is being mapped,
* and returns the db column name, if any, or the original property name.
* @return string db column name
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:297
⧉protected mutateDate($value): Time Converts the given string|timestamp|DateTime|Time instance into the "CodeIgni...
* Converts the given string|timestamp|DateTime|Time instance
* into the "CodeIgniter\I18n\Time" object.
* @param DateTime|float|int|string|Time $value
* @return Time
* @throws Exception
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:320
⧉protected castAs($value, string $attribute, string $method = 'get'): array|bool|float|int|object|string|null Provides the ability to cast an item as a specific data type. Add ? at the be...
* Provides the ability to cast an item as a specific data type.
* Add ? at the beginning of $type (i.e. ?string) to get NULL
* instead of casting $value if $value === null
* @param bool|float|int|string|null $value Attribute value
* @param string $attribute Attribute name
* @param string $method Allowed to "get" and "set"
* @return array|bool|float|int|object|string|null
* @throws CastException
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:338
⧉protected isMappedDbColumn(string $key): bool Whether this key is mapped db column name?
* Whether this key is mapped db column name?
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:550
⧉protected hasMappedProperty(string $key): bool Whether this key has mapped property?
* Whether this key has mapped property?
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:565
⇄⧉37 => App\Entities\Entity#186 (8)
Properties (8)
Available methods (18)
⧉protected attributes -> array (15)
storyId => string (2) "64"
languageId => string (1) "2"
categoryId => string (2) "16"
storyEnTitle => string (28) "The Monkey who lost his tail"
⧉keywords => UTF-8 string (197) "Assamese story; The Monkey who lost his tail; Assamese children story; Assam...
Assamese story; The Monkey who lost his tail; Assamese children story; Assamese children stories; নেগুৰ কটা বান্দৰ; Monkey; carpenter; ashamed ; tail; CAT: fable ; wedge
⧉keywords => UTF-8 string (197) "Assamese story; The Monkey who lost his tail; Assamese children story; Assam...
Assamese story; The Monkey who lost his tail; Assamese children story; Assamese children stories; নেগুৰ কটা বান্দৰ; Monkey; carpenter; ashamed ; tail; CAT: fable ; wedge
uri => string (31) "CodeIgniter\Entity\Cast\URICast"
private _cast -> boolean true
⇄⧉public __construct(?array $data = null) Allows filling in Entity parameters during construction.
new \App\Entities\Entity(?array $data = null)
* Allows filling in Entity parameters during construction.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:117
⇄⧉public fill(?array $data = null): $this Takes an array of key/value pairs and sets them as class properties, using an...
$value[37]->fill(?array $data = null)
* Takes an array of key/value pairs and sets them as class
* properties, using any `setCamelCasedProperty()` methods
* that may or may not exist.
* @param array $data
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:133
⇄⧉public toArray(bool $onlyChanged = false, bool $cast = true, bool $recursive = false): array General method that will return all public and protected values of this entit...
* General method that will return all public and protected values
* of this entity as an array. All values are accessed through the
* __get() magic method so will have any casts, etc applied to them.
* @param bool $onlyChanged If true, only return values that have changed since object creation
* @param bool $cast If true, properties will be cast.
* @param bool $recursive If true, inner entities will be cast as array as well.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:155
⇄⧉public toRawArray(bool $onlyChanged = false, bool $recursive = false): array Returns the raw values of the current attributes.
* Returns the raw values of the current attributes.
* @param bool $onlyChanged If true, only return values that have changed since object creation
* @param bool $recursive If true, inner entities will be cast as array as well.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:197
⇄⧉public syncOriginal(): $this Ensures our "original" values match the current values.
* Ensures our "original" values match the current values.
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:241
⇄⧉public hasChanged(?string $key = null): bool Checks a property to see if it has changed since the entity was created. Or, ...
$value[37]->hasChanged(?string $key = null)
* Checks a property to see if it has changed since the entity
* was created. Or, without a parameter, checks if any
* properties have changed.
* @param string|null $key class property
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:255
⇄⧉public setAttributes(array $data): $this Set raw data array without any mutations
$value[37]->setAttributes(array $data)
* Set raw data array without any mutations
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:282
⇄⧉public jsonSerialize(): array Support for json_encode()
* Support for json_encode()
* @return array
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:400
⇄⧉public cast(?bool $cast = null): bool|Entity Change the value of the private $_cast property
$value[37]->cast(?bool $cast = null)
* Change the value of the private $_cast property
* @return bool|Entity
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:410
⧉public __set(string $key, $value = null): void Magic method to all protected/private class properties to be easily set, eith...
* Magic method to all protected/private class properties to be
* easily set, either through a direct access or a
* `setCamelCasedProperty()` method.
* Examples:
* $this->my_property = $p;
* $this->setMyProperty() = $p;
* @param array|bool|float|int|object|string|null $value
* @return void
* @throws Exception
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:436
⧉public __get(string $key): array|bool|float|int|object|string|null Magic method to allow retrieval of protected and private class properties eit...
* Magic method to allow retrieval of protected and private class properties
* either by their name, or through a `getCamelCasedProperty()` method.
* Examples:
* $p = $this->my_property
* $p = $this->getMyProperty()
* @return array|bool|float|int|object|string|null
* @throws Exception
* @params string $key class property
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:479
⧉public __isset(string $key): bool Returns true if a property exists names $key, or a getter method exists named...
* Returns true if a property exists names $key, or a getter method
* exists named like for __get().
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:516
⧉public __unset(string $key): void Unsets an attribute property.
* Unsets an attribute property.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:536
⧉protected mapProperty(string $key): string db column name Checks the datamap to see if this property name is being mapped, and returns ...
* Checks the datamap to see if this property name is being mapped,
* and returns the db column name, if any, or the original property name.
* @return string db column name
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:297
⧉protected mutateDate($value): Time Converts the given string|timestamp|DateTime|Time instance into the "CodeIgni...
* Converts the given string|timestamp|DateTime|Time instance
* into the "CodeIgniter\I18n\Time" object.
* @param DateTime|float|int|string|Time $value
* @return Time
* @throws Exception
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:320
⧉protected castAs($value, string $attribute, string $method = 'get'): array|bool|float|int|object|string|null Provides the ability to cast an item as a specific data type. Add ? at the be...
* Provides the ability to cast an item as a specific data type.
* Add ? at the beginning of $type (i.e. ?string) to get NULL
* instead of casting $value if $value === null
* @param bool|float|int|string|null $value Attribute value
* @param string $attribute Attribute name
* @param string $method Allowed to "get" and "set"
* @return array|bool|float|int|object|string|null
* @throws CastException
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:338
⧉protected isMappedDbColumn(string $key): bool Whether this key is mapped db column name?
* Whether this key is mapped db column name?
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:550
⧉protected hasMappedProperty(string $key): bool Whether this key has mapped property?
* Whether this key has mapped property?
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:565
uri => string (31) "CodeIgniter\Entity\Cast\URICast"
private _cast -> boolean true
⇄⧉public __construct(?array $data = null) Allows filling in Entity parameters during construction.
new \App\Entities\Entity(?array $data = null)
* Allows filling in Entity parameters during construction.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:117
⇄⧉public fill(?array $data = null): $this Takes an array of key/value pairs and sets them as class properties, using an...
$value[38]->fill(?array $data = null)
* Takes an array of key/value pairs and sets them as class
* properties, using any `setCamelCasedProperty()` methods
* that may or may not exist.
* @param array $data
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:133
⇄⧉public toArray(bool $onlyChanged = false, bool $cast = true, bool $recursive = false): array General method that will return all public and protected values of this entit...
* General method that will return all public and protected values
* of this entity as an array. All values are accessed through the
* __get() magic method so will have any casts, etc applied to them.
* @param bool $onlyChanged If true, only return values that have changed since object creation
* @param bool $cast If true, properties will be cast.
* @param bool $recursive If true, inner entities will be cast as array as well.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:155
⇄⧉public toRawArray(bool $onlyChanged = false, bool $recursive = false): array Returns the raw values of the current attributes.
* Returns the raw values of the current attributes.
* @param bool $onlyChanged If true, only return values that have changed since object creation
* @param bool $recursive If true, inner entities will be cast as array as well.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:197
⇄⧉public syncOriginal(): $this Ensures our "original" values match the current values.
* Ensures our "original" values match the current values.
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:241
⇄⧉public hasChanged(?string $key = null): bool Checks a property to see if it has changed since the entity was created. Or, ...
$value[38]->hasChanged(?string $key = null)
* Checks a property to see if it has changed since the entity
* was created. Or, without a parameter, checks if any
* properties have changed.
* @param string|null $key class property
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:255
⇄⧉public setAttributes(array $data): $this Set raw data array without any mutations
$value[38]->setAttributes(array $data)
* Set raw data array without any mutations
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:282
⇄⧉public jsonSerialize(): array Support for json_encode()
* Support for json_encode()
* @return array
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:400
⇄⧉public cast(?bool $cast = null): bool|Entity Change the value of the private $_cast property
$value[38]->cast(?bool $cast = null)
* Change the value of the private $_cast property
* @return bool|Entity
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:410
⧉public __set(string $key, $value = null): void Magic method to all protected/private class properties to be easily set, eith...
* Magic method to all protected/private class properties to be
* easily set, either through a direct access or a
* `setCamelCasedProperty()` method.
* Examples:
* $this->my_property = $p;
* $this->setMyProperty() = $p;
* @param array|bool|float|int|object|string|null $value
* @return void
* @throws Exception
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:436
⧉public __get(string $key): array|bool|float|int|object|string|null Magic method to allow retrieval of protected and private class properties eit...
* Magic method to allow retrieval of protected and private class properties
* either by their name, or through a `getCamelCasedProperty()` method.
* Examples:
* $p = $this->my_property
* $p = $this->getMyProperty()
* @return array|bool|float|int|object|string|null
* @throws Exception
* @params string $key class property
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:479
⧉public __isset(string $key): bool Returns true if a property exists names $key, or a getter method exists named...
* Returns true if a property exists names $key, or a getter method
* exists named like for __get().
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:516
⧉public __unset(string $key): void Unsets an attribute property.
* Unsets an attribute property.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:536
⧉protected mapProperty(string $key): string db column name Checks the datamap to see if this property name is being mapped, and returns ...
* Checks the datamap to see if this property name is being mapped,
* and returns the db column name, if any, or the original property name.
* @return string db column name
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:297
⧉protected mutateDate($value): Time Converts the given string|timestamp|DateTime|Time instance into the "CodeIgni...
* Converts the given string|timestamp|DateTime|Time instance
* into the "CodeIgniter\I18n\Time" object.
* @param DateTime|float|int|string|Time $value
* @return Time
* @throws Exception
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:320
⧉protected castAs($value, string $attribute, string $method = 'get'): array|bool|float|int|object|string|null Provides the ability to cast an item as a specific data type. Add ? at the be...
* Provides the ability to cast an item as a specific data type.
* Add ? at the beginning of $type (i.e. ?string) to get NULL
* instead of casting $value if $value === null
* @param bool|float|int|string|null $value Attribute value
* @param string $attribute Attribute name
* @param string $method Allowed to "get" and "set"
* @return array|bool|float|int|object|string|null
* @throws CastException
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:338
⧉protected isMappedDbColumn(string $key): bool Whether this key is mapped db column name?
* Whether this key is mapped db column name?
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:550
⧉protected hasMappedProperty(string $key): bool Whether this key has mapped property?
* Whether this key has mapped property?
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:565
⇄⧉39 => App\Entities\Entity#188 (8)
Properties (8)
Available methods (18)
⧉protected attributes -> array (15)
storyId => string (2) "66"
languageId => string (1) "2"
categoryId => string (2) "17"
storyEnTitle => string (27) "The Rat and The Grasshopper"
ঘেঁহুৰ পথাৰত বন্ধুত্বপূৰ্ণ নিগনি এটাৰ কাহিনী শুনক যিয়ে ফৰিং এটাৰ লগত তাৰ শস্য ভাগ বতৰা কৰিবলৈ আহিলে দ্বিধাৰ সন্মুখীন হয়। তেওঁলোকৰ বিবাদ উদ্ভৱ হোৱাৰ লগে লগে, তেওঁলোকে প্ৰতিশোধ লোৱাৰ ভুল কৰে। এই কাহিনীত, প্ৰতিশোধৰ পৰিণাম আৰু দয়া আৰু সহযোগিতাৰ গুৰুত্ব আৱিষ্কাৰ কৰক। ' এন্দুৰ, ফৰিং আৰু মেকুৰী'য়ে আমাক সোঁৱৰাই দিয়ে যে যুঁজতকৈ সুসংগতভাৱে কাম কৰাটো সদায়ে ভাল।
⧉keywords => UTF-8 string (224) "Assamese story; The Rat and The Grasshopper; Assamese children story; Assame...
Assamese story; The Rat and The Grasshopper; Assamese children story; Assamese children stories; এন্দুৰ আৰু ফৰিং; rat; grasshopper ; CAT: values; selfishness; woodpecker ; cat; kill; hunger ; dismay
ঘেঁহুৰ পথাৰত বন্ধুত্বপূৰ্ণ নিগনি এটাৰ কাহিনী শুনক যিয়ে ফৰিং এটাৰ লগত তাৰ শস্য ভাগ বতৰা কৰিবলৈ আহিলে দ্বিধাৰ সন্মুখীন হয়। তেওঁলোকৰ বিবাদ উদ্ভৱ হোৱাৰ লগে লগে, তেওঁলোকে প্ৰতিশোধ লোৱাৰ ভুল কৰে। এই কাহিনীত, প্ৰতিশোধৰ পৰিণাম আৰু দয়া আৰু সহযোগিতাৰ গুৰুত্ব আৱিষ্কাৰ কৰক। ' এন্দুৰ, ফৰিং আৰু মেকুৰী'য়ে আমাক সোঁৱৰাই দিয়ে যে যুঁজতকৈ সুসংগতভাৱে কাম কৰাটো সদায়ে ভাল।
⧉keywords => UTF-8 string (224) "Assamese story; The Rat and The Grasshopper; Assamese children story; Assame...
Assamese story; The Rat and The Grasshopper; Assamese children story; Assamese children stories; এন্দুৰ আৰু ফৰিং; rat; grasshopper ; CAT: values; selfishness; woodpecker ; cat; kill; hunger ; dismay
uri => string (31) "CodeIgniter\Entity\Cast\URICast"
private _cast -> boolean true
⇄⧉public __construct(?array $data = null) Allows filling in Entity parameters during construction.
new \App\Entities\Entity(?array $data = null)
* Allows filling in Entity parameters during construction.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:117
⇄⧉public fill(?array $data = null): $this Takes an array of key/value pairs and sets them as class properties, using an...
$value[39]->fill(?array $data = null)
* Takes an array of key/value pairs and sets them as class
* properties, using any `setCamelCasedProperty()` methods
* that may or may not exist.
* @param array $data
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:133
⇄⧉public toArray(bool $onlyChanged = false, bool $cast = true, bool $recursive = false): array General method that will return all public and protected values of this entit...
* General method that will return all public and protected values
* of this entity as an array. All values are accessed through the
* __get() magic method so will have any casts, etc applied to them.
* @param bool $onlyChanged If true, only return values that have changed since object creation
* @param bool $cast If true, properties will be cast.
* @param bool $recursive If true, inner entities will be cast as array as well.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:155
⇄⧉public toRawArray(bool $onlyChanged = false, bool $recursive = false): array Returns the raw values of the current attributes.
* Returns the raw values of the current attributes.
* @param bool $onlyChanged If true, only return values that have changed since object creation
* @param bool $recursive If true, inner entities will be cast as array as well.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:197
⇄⧉public syncOriginal(): $this Ensures our "original" values match the current values.
* Ensures our "original" values match the current values.
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:241
⇄⧉public hasChanged(?string $key = null): bool Checks a property to see if it has changed since the entity was created. Or, ...
$value[39]->hasChanged(?string $key = null)
* Checks a property to see if it has changed since the entity
* was created. Or, without a parameter, checks if any
* properties have changed.
* @param string|null $key class property
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:255
⇄⧉public setAttributes(array $data): $this Set raw data array without any mutations
$value[39]->setAttributes(array $data)
* Set raw data array without any mutations
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:282
⇄⧉public jsonSerialize(): array Support for json_encode()
* Support for json_encode()
* @return array
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:400
⇄⧉public cast(?bool $cast = null): bool|Entity Change the value of the private $_cast property
$value[39]->cast(?bool $cast = null)
* Change the value of the private $_cast property
* @return bool|Entity
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:410
⧉public __set(string $key, $value = null): void Magic method to all protected/private class properties to be easily set, eith...
* Magic method to all protected/private class properties to be
* easily set, either through a direct access or a
* `setCamelCasedProperty()` method.
* Examples:
* $this->my_property = $p;
* $this->setMyProperty() = $p;
* @param array|bool|float|int|object|string|null $value
* @return void
* @throws Exception
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:436
⧉public __get(string $key): array|bool|float|int|object|string|null Magic method to allow retrieval of protected and private class properties eit...
* Magic method to allow retrieval of protected and private class properties
* either by their name, or through a `getCamelCasedProperty()` method.
* Examples:
* $p = $this->my_property
* $p = $this->getMyProperty()
* @return array|bool|float|int|object|string|null
* @throws Exception
* @params string $key class property
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:479
⧉public __isset(string $key): bool Returns true if a property exists names $key, or a getter method exists named...
* Returns true if a property exists names $key, or a getter method
* exists named like for __get().
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:516
⧉public __unset(string $key): void Unsets an attribute property.
* Unsets an attribute property.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:536
⧉protected mapProperty(string $key): string db column name Checks the datamap to see if this property name is being mapped, and returns ...
* Checks the datamap to see if this property name is being mapped,
* and returns the db column name, if any, or the original property name.
* @return string db column name
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:297
⧉protected mutateDate($value): Time Converts the given string|timestamp|DateTime|Time instance into the "CodeIgni...
* Converts the given string|timestamp|DateTime|Time instance
* into the "CodeIgniter\I18n\Time" object.
* @param DateTime|float|int|string|Time $value
* @return Time
* @throws Exception
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:320
⧉protected castAs($value, string $attribute, string $method = 'get'): array|bool|float|int|object|string|null Provides the ability to cast an item as a specific data type. Add ? at the be...
* Provides the ability to cast an item as a specific data type.
* Add ? at the beginning of $type (i.e. ?string) to get NULL
* instead of casting $value if $value === null
* @param bool|float|int|string|null $value Attribute value
* @param string $attribute Attribute name
* @param string $method Allowed to "get" and "set"
* @return array|bool|float|int|object|string|null
* @throws CastException
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:338
⧉protected isMappedDbColumn(string $key): bool Whether this key is mapped db column name?
* Whether this key is mapped db column name?
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:550
⧉protected hasMappedProperty(string $key): bool Whether this key has mapped property?
* Whether this key has mapped property?
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:565
⇄⧉40 => App\Entities\Entity#189 (8)
Properties (8)
Available methods (18)
⧉protected attributes -> array (15)
storyId => string (2) "67"
languageId => string (1) "2"
categoryId => string (2) "17"
storyEnTitle => string (30) "The Tortoise who Wanted to Fly"
uri => string (31) "CodeIgniter\Entity\Cast\URICast"
private _cast -> boolean true
⇄⧉public __construct(?array $data = null) Allows filling in Entity parameters during construction.
new \App\Entities\Entity(?array $data = null)
* Allows filling in Entity parameters during construction.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:117
⇄⧉public fill(?array $data = null): $this Takes an array of key/value pairs and sets them as class properties, using an...
$value[40]->fill(?array $data = null)
* Takes an array of key/value pairs and sets them as class
* properties, using any `setCamelCasedProperty()` methods
* that may or may not exist.
* @param array $data
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:133
⇄⧉public toArray(bool $onlyChanged = false, bool $cast = true, bool $recursive = false): array General method that will return all public and protected values of this entit...
* General method that will return all public and protected values
* of this entity as an array. All values are accessed through the
* __get() magic method so will have any casts, etc applied to them.
* @param bool $onlyChanged If true, only return values that have changed since object creation
* @param bool $cast If true, properties will be cast.
* @param bool $recursive If true, inner entities will be cast as array as well.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:155
⇄⧉public toRawArray(bool $onlyChanged = false, bool $recursive = false): array Returns the raw values of the current attributes.
* Returns the raw values of the current attributes.
* @param bool $onlyChanged If true, only return values that have changed since object creation
* @param bool $recursive If true, inner entities will be cast as array as well.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:197
⇄⧉public syncOriginal(): $this Ensures our "original" values match the current values.
* Ensures our "original" values match the current values.
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:241
⇄⧉public hasChanged(?string $key = null): bool Checks a property to see if it has changed since the entity was created. Or, ...
$value[40]->hasChanged(?string $key = null)
* Checks a property to see if it has changed since the entity
* was created. Or, without a parameter, checks if any
* properties have changed.
* @param string|null $key class property
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:255
⇄⧉public setAttributes(array $data): $this Set raw data array without any mutations
$value[40]->setAttributes(array $data)
* Set raw data array without any mutations
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:282
⇄⧉public jsonSerialize(): array Support for json_encode()
* Support for json_encode()
* @return array
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:400
⇄⧉public cast(?bool $cast = null): bool|Entity Change the value of the private $_cast property
$value[40]->cast(?bool $cast = null)
* Change the value of the private $_cast property
* @return bool|Entity
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:410
⧉public __set(string $key, $value = null): void Magic method to all protected/private class properties to be easily set, eith...
* Magic method to all protected/private class properties to be
* easily set, either through a direct access or a
* `setCamelCasedProperty()` method.
* Examples:
* $this->my_property = $p;
* $this->setMyProperty() = $p;
* @param array|bool|float|int|object|string|null $value
* @return void
* @throws Exception
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:436
⧉public __get(string $key): array|bool|float|int|object|string|null Magic method to allow retrieval of protected and private class properties eit...
* Magic method to allow retrieval of protected and private class properties
* either by their name, or through a `getCamelCasedProperty()` method.
* Examples:
* $p = $this->my_property
* $p = $this->getMyProperty()
* @return array|bool|float|int|object|string|null
* @throws Exception
* @params string $key class property
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:479
⧉public __isset(string $key): bool Returns true if a property exists names $key, or a getter method exists named...
* Returns true if a property exists names $key, or a getter method
* exists named like for __get().
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:516
⧉public __unset(string $key): void Unsets an attribute property.
* Unsets an attribute property.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:536
⧉protected mapProperty(string $key): string db column name Checks the datamap to see if this property name is being mapped, and returns ...
* Checks the datamap to see if this property name is being mapped,
* and returns the db column name, if any, or the original property name.
* @return string db column name
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:297
⧉protected mutateDate($value): Time Converts the given string|timestamp|DateTime|Time instance into the "CodeIgni...
* Converts the given string|timestamp|DateTime|Time instance
* into the "CodeIgniter\I18n\Time" object.
* @param DateTime|float|int|string|Time $value
* @return Time
* @throws Exception
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:320
⧉protected castAs($value, string $attribute, string $method = 'get'): array|bool|float|int|object|string|null Provides the ability to cast an item as a specific data type. Add ? at the be...
* Provides the ability to cast an item as a specific data type.
* Add ? at the beginning of $type (i.e. ?string) to get NULL
* instead of casting $value if $value === null
* @param bool|float|int|string|null $value Attribute value
* @param string $attribute Attribute name
* @param string $method Allowed to "get" and "set"
* @return array|bool|float|int|object|string|null
* @throws CastException
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:338
⧉protected isMappedDbColumn(string $key): bool Whether this key is mapped db column name?
* Whether this key is mapped db column name?
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:550
⧉protected hasMappedProperty(string $key): bool Whether this key has mapped property?
* Whether this key has mapped property?
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:565
uri => string (31) "CodeIgniter\Entity\Cast\URICast"
private _cast -> boolean true
⇄⧉public __construct(?array $data = null) Allows filling in Entity parameters during construction.
new \App\Entities\Entity(?array $data = null)
* Allows filling in Entity parameters during construction.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:117
⇄⧉public fill(?array $data = null): $this Takes an array of key/value pairs and sets them as class properties, using an...
$value[41]->fill(?array $data = null)
* Takes an array of key/value pairs and sets them as class
* properties, using any `setCamelCasedProperty()` methods
* that may or may not exist.
* @param array $data
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:133
⇄⧉public toArray(bool $onlyChanged = false, bool $cast = true, bool $recursive = false): array General method that will return all public and protected values of this entit...
* General method that will return all public and protected values
* of this entity as an array. All values are accessed through the
* __get() magic method so will have any casts, etc applied to them.
* @param bool $onlyChanged If true, only return values that have changed since object creation
* @param bool $cast If true, properties will be cast.
* @param bool $recursive If true, inner entities will be cast as array as well.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:155
⇄⧉public toRawArray(bool $onlyChanged = false, bool $recursive = false): array Returns the raw values of the current attributes.
* Returns the raw values of the current attributes.
* @param bool $onlyChanged If true, only return values that have changed since object creation
* @param bool $recursive If true, inner entities will be cast as array as well.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:197
⇄⧉public syncOriginal(): $this Ensures our "original" values match the current values.
* Ensures our "original" values match the current values.
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:241
⇄⧉public hasChanged(?string $key = null): bool Checks a property to see if it has changed since the entity was created. Or, ...
$value[41]->hasChanged(?string $key = null)
* Checks a property to see if it has changed since the entity
* was created. Or, without a parameter, checks if any
* properties have changed.
* @param string|null $key class property
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:255
⇄⧉public setAttributes(array $data): $this Set raw data array without any mutations
$value[41]->setAttributes(array $data)
* Set raw data array without any mutations
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:282
⇄⧉public jsonSerialize(): array Support for json_encode()
* Support for json_encode()
* @return array
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:400
⇄⧉public cast(?bool $cast = null): bool|Entity Change the value of the private $_cast property
$value[41]->cast(?bool $cast = null)
* Change the value of the private $_cast property
* @return bool|Entity
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:410
⧉public __set(string $key, $value = null): void Magic method to all protected/private class properties to be easily set, eith...
* Magic method to all protected/private class properties to be
* easily set, either through a direct access or a
* `setCamelCasedProperty()` method.
* Examples:
* $this->my_property = $p;
* $this->setMyProperty() = $p;
* @param array|bool|float|int|object|string|null $value
* @return void
* @throws Exception
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:436
⧉public __get(string $key): array|bool|float|int|object|string|null Magic method to allow retrieval of protected and private class properties eit...
* Magic method to allow retrieval of protected and private class properties
* either by their name, or through a `getCamelCasedProperty()` method.
* Examples:
* $p = $this->my_property
* $p = $this->getMyProperty()
* @return array|bool|float|int|object|string|null
* @throws Exception
* @params string $key class property
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:479
⧉public __isset(string $key): bool Returns true if a property exists names $key, or a getter method exists named...
* Returns true if a property exists names $key, or a getter method
* exists named like for __get().
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:516
⧉public __unset(string $key): void Unsets an attribute property.
* Unsets an attribute property.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:536
⧉protected mapProperty(string $key): string db column name Checks the datamap to see if this property name is being mapped, and returns ...
* Checks the datamap to see if this property name is being mapped,
* and returns the db column name, if any, or the original property name.
* @return string db column name
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:297
⧉protected mutateDate($value): Time Converts the given string|timestamp|DateTime|Time instance into the "CodeIgni...
* Converts the given string|timestamp|DateTime|Time instance
* into the "CodeIgniter\I18n\Time" object.
* @param DateTime|float|int|string|Time $value
* @return Time
* @throws Exception
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:320
⧉protected castAs($value, string $attribute, string $method = 'get'): array|bool|float|int|object|string|null Provides the ability to cast an item as a specific data type. Add ? at the be...
* Provides the ability to cast an item as a specific data type.
* Add ? at the beginning of $type (i.e. ?string) to get NULL
* instead of casting $value if $value === null
* @param bool|float|int|string|null $value Attribute value
* @param string $attribute Attribute name
* @param string $method Allowed to "get" and "set"
* @return array|bool|float|int|object|string|null
* @throws CastException
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:338
⧉protected isMappedDbColumn(string $key): bool Whether this key is mapped db column name?
* Whether this key is mapped db column name?
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:550
⧉protected hasMappedProperty(string $key): bool Whether this key has mapped property?
* Whether this key has mapped property?
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:565
⇄⧉42 => App\Entities\Entity#191 (8)
Properties (8)
Available methods (18)
⧉protected attributes -> array (15)
storyId => string (2) "69"
languageId => string (1) "2"
categoryId => string (2) "18"
storyEnTitle => string (25) "The Ungrateful Woodcutter"
⧉keywords => UTF-8 string (194) "Assamese story; The Ungrateful Woodcutter; Assamese children story; Assamese...
Assamese story; The Ungrateful Woodcutter; Assamese children story; Assamese children stories; অকৃতজ্ঞ খৰিকটীয়া; Woodcutter ; Oak Tree ; Axe ; CAT: Parable; Unhappy
⧉keywords => UTF-8 string (194) "Assamese story; The Ungrateful Woodcutter; Assamese children story; Assamese...
Assamese story; The Ungrateful Woodcutter; Assamese children story; Assamese children stories; অকৃতজ্ঞ খৰিকটীয়া; Woodcutter ; Oak Tree ; Axe ; CAT: Parable; Unhappy
uri => string (31) "CodeIgniter\Entity\Cast\URICast"
private _cast -> boolean true
⇄⧉public __construct(?array $data = null) Allows filling in Entity parameters during construction.
new \App\Entities\Entity(?array $data = null)
* Allows filling in Entity parameters during construction.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:117
⇄⧉public fill(?array $data = null): $this Takes an array of key/value pairs and sets them as class properties, using an...
$value[42]->fill(?array $data = null)
* Takes an array of key/value pairs and sets them as class
* properties, using any `setCamelCasedProperty()` methods
* that may or may not exist.
* @param array $data
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:133
⇄⧉public toArray(bool $onlyChanged = false, bool $cast = true, bool $recursive = false): array General method that will return all public and protected values of this entit...
* General method that will return all public and protected values
* of this entity as an array. All values are accessed through the
* __get() magic method so will have any casts, etc applied to them.
* @param bool $onlyChanged If true, only return values that have changed since object creation
* @param bool $cast If true, properties will be cast.
* @param bool $recursive If true, inner entities will be cast as array as well.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:155
⇄⧉public toRawArray(bool $onlyChanged = false, bool $recursive = false): array Returns the raw values of the current attributes.
* Returns the raw values of the current attributes.
* @param bool $onlyChanged If true, only return values that have changed since object creation
* @param bool $recursive If true, inner entities will be cast as array as well.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:197
⇄⧉public syncOriginal(): $this Ensures our "original" values match the current values.
* Ensures our "original" values match the current values.
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:241
⇄⧉public hasChanged(?string $key = null): bool Checks a property to see if it has changed since the entity was created. Or, ...
$value[42]->hasChanged(?string $key = null)
* Checks a property to see if it has changed since the entity
* was created. Or, without a parameter, checks if any
* properties have changed.
* @param string|null $key class property
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:255
⇄⧉public setAttributes(array $data): $this Set raw data array without any mutations
$value[42]->setAttributes(array $data)
* Set raw data array without any mutations
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:282
⇄⧉public jsonSerialize(): array Support for json_encode()
* Support for json_encode()
* @return array
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:400
⇄⧉public cast(?bool $cast = null): bool|Entity Change the value of the private $_cast property
$value[42]->cast(?bool $cast = null)
* Change the value of the private $_cast property
* @return bool|Entity
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:410
⧉public __set(string $key, $value = null): void Magic method to all protected/private class properties to be easily set, eith...
* Magic method to all protected/private class properties to be
* easily set, either through a direct access or a
* `setCamelCasedProperty()` method.
* Examples:
* $this->my_property = $p;
* $this->setMyProperty() = $p;
* @param array|bool|float|int|object|string|null $value
* @return void
* @throws Exception
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:436
⧉public __get(string $key): array|bool|float|int|object|string|null Magic method to allow retrieval of protected and private class properties eit...
* Magic method to allow retrieval of protected and private class properties
* either by their name, or through a `getCamelCasedProperty()` method.
* Examples:
* $p = $this->my_property
* $p = $this->getMyProperty()
* @return array|bool|float|int|object|string|null
* @throws Exception
* @params string $key class property
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:479
⧉public __isset(string $key): bool Returns true if a property exists names $key, or a getter method exists named...
* Returns true if a property exists names $key, or a getter method
* exists named like for __get().
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:516
⧉public __unset(string $key): void Unsets an attribute property.
* Unsets an attribute property.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:536
⧉protected mapProperty(string $key): string db column name Checks the datamap to see if this property name is being mapped, and returns ...
* Checks the datamap to see if this property name is being mapped,
* and returns the db column name, if any, or the original property name.
* @return string db column name
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:297
⧉protected mutateDate($value): Time Converts the given string|timestamp|DateTime|Time instance into the "CodeIgni...
* Converts the given string|timestamp|DateTime|Time instance
* into the "CodeIgniter\I18n\Time" object.
* @param DateTime|float|int|string|Time $value
* @return Time
* @throws Exception
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:320
⧉protected castAs($value, string $attribute, string $method = 'get'): array|bool|float|int|object|string|null Provides the ability to cast an item as a specific data type. Add ? at the be...
* Provides the ability to cast an item as a specific data type.
* Add ? at the beginning of $type (i.e. ?string) to get NULL
* instead of casting $value if $value === null
* @param bool|float|int|string|null $value Attribute value
* @param string $attribute Attribute name
* @param string $method Allowed to "get" and "set"
* @return array|bool|float|int|object|string|null
* @throws CastException
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:338
⧉protected isMappedDbColumn(string $key): bool Whether this key is mapped db column name?
* Whether this key is mapped db column name?
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:550
⧉protected hasMappedProperty(string $key): bool Whether this key has mapped property?
* Whether this key has mapped property?
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:565
⧉keywords => UTF-8 string (241) "Assamese story; The Unwise Donkey; Assamese children story; Assamese childre...
Assamese story; The Unwise Donkey; Assamese children story; Assamese children stories; অজ্ঞানী গাধ; Donkey; CAT: Parable; Panchatantra; one shouldn't refrain from doing their duties ; Merchant ; Deliberately; cotton; salt
⧉keywords => UTF-8 string (241) "Assamese story; The Unwise Donkey; Assamese children story; Assamese childre...
Assamese story; The Unwise Donkey; Assamese children story; Assamese children stories; অজ্ঞানী গাধ; Donkey; CAT: Parable; Panchatantra; one shouldn't refrain from doing their duties ; Merchant ; Deliberately; cotton; salt
uri => string (31) "CodeIgniter\Entity\Cast\URICast"
private _cast -> boolean true
⇄⧉public __construct(?array $data = null) Allows filling in Entity parameters during construction.
new \App\Entities\Entity(?array $data = null)
* Allows filling in Entity parameters during construction.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:117
⇄⧉public fill(?array $data = null): $this Takes an array of key/value pairs and sets them as class properties, using an...
$value[43]->fill(?array $data = null)
* Takes an array of key/value pairs and sets them as class
* properties, using any `setCamelCasedProperty()` methods
* that may or may not exist.
* @param array $data
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:133
⇄⧉public toArray(bool $onlyChanged = false, bool $cast = true, bool $recursive = false): array General method that will return all public and protected values of this entit...
* General method that will return all public and protected values
* of this entity as an array. All values are accessed through the
* __get() magic method so will have any casts, etc applied to them.
* @param bool $onlyChanged If true, only return values that have changed since object creation
* @param bool $cast If true, properties will be cast.
* @param bool $recursive If true, inner entities will be cast as array as well.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:155
⇄⧉public toRawArray(bool $onlyChanged = false, bool $recursive = false): array Returns the raw values of the current attributes.
* Returns the raw values of the current attributes.
* @param bool $onlyChanged If true, only return values that have changed since object creation
* @param bool $recursive If true, inner entities will be cast as array as well.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:197
⇄⧉public syncOriginal(): $this Ensures our "original" values match the current values.
* Ensures our "original" values match the current values.
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:241
⇄⧉public hasChanged(?string $key = null): bool Checks a property to see if it has changed since the entity was created. Or, ...
$value[43]->hasChanged(?string $key = null)
* Checks a property to see if it has changed since the entity
* was created. Or, without a parameter, checks if any
* properties have changed.
* @param string|null $key class property
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:255
⇄⧉public setAttributes(array $data): $this Set raw data array without any mutations
$value[43]->setAttributes(array $data)
* Set raw data array without any mutations
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:282
⇄⧉public jsonSerialize(): array Support for json_encode()
* Support for json_encode()
* @return array
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:400
⇄⧉public cast(?bool $cast = null): bool|Entity Change the value of the private $_cast property
$value[43]->cast(?bool $cast = null)
* Change the value of the private $_cast property
* @return bool|Entity
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:410
⧉public __set(string $key, $value = null): void Magic method to all protected/private class properties to be easily set, eith...
* Magic method to all protected/private class properties to be
* easily set, either through a direct access or a
* `setCamelCasedProperty()` method.
* Examples:
* $this->my_property = $p;
* $this->setMyProperty() = $p;
* @param array|bool|float|int|object|string|null $value
* @return void
* @throws Exception
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:436
⧉public __get(string $key): array|bool|float|int|object|string|null Magic method to allow retrieval of protected and private class properties eit...
* Magic method to allow retrieval of protected and private class properties
* either by their name, or through a `getCamelCasedProperty()` method.
* Examples:
* $p = $this->my_property
* $p = $this->getMyProperty()
* @return array|bool|float|int|object|string|null
* @throws Exception
* @params string $key class property
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:479
⧉public __isset(string $key): bool Returns true if a property exists names $key, or a getter method exists named...
* Returns true if a property exists names $key, or a getter method
* exists named like for __get().
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:516
⧉public __unset(string $key): void Unsets an attribute property.
* Unsets an attribute property.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:536
⧉protected mapProperty(string $key): string db column name Checks the datamap to see if this property name is being mapped, and returns ...
* Checks the datamap to see if this property name is being mapped,
* and returns the db column name, if any, or the original property name.
* @return string db column name
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:297
⧉protected mutateDate($value): Time Converts the given string|timestamp|DateTime|Time instance into the "CodeIgni...
* Converts the given string|timestamp|DateTime|Time instance
* into the "CodeIgniter\I18n\Time" object.
* @param DateTime|float|int|string|Time $value
* @return Time
* @throws Exception
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:320
⧉protected castAs($value, string $attribute, string $method = 'get'): array|bool|float|int|object|string|null Provides the ability to cast an item as a specific data type. Add ? at the be...
* Provides the ability to cast an item as a specific data type.
* Add ? at the beginning of $type (i.e. ?string) to get NULL
* instead of casting $value if $value === null
* @param bool|float|int|string|null $value Attribute value
* @param string $attribute Attribute name
* @param string $method Allowed to "get" and "set"
* @return array|bool|float|int|object|string|null
* @throws CastException
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:338
⧉protected isMappedDbColumn(string $key): bool Whether this key is mapped db column name?
* Whether this key is mapped db column name?
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:550
⧉protected hasMappedProperty(string $key): bool Whether this key has mapped property?
* Whether this key has mapped property?
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:565
⇄⧉44 => App\Entities\Entity#193 (8)
Properties (8)
Available methods (18)
⧉protected attributes -> array (15)
storyId => string (2) "71"
languageId => string (1) "2"
categoryId => string (2) "17"
storyEnTitle => string (21) "The Wolf and the Lamb"
জলপ্ৰপাতৰ কাষত এটা ধূৰ্ত নেউলৰ মুখামুখি হোৱাৰ সময়ত তৃষ্ণাতুৰ ভেড়াৰ যাত্ৰা অন্বেষণ কৰক। এই কাহিনীটোৱে শিশুসকলক সাহসেৰে সঠিক বস্তুৰ বাবে থিয় হোৱাৰ বিষয়ে শিকায় আৰু আনকি এটা সৰু মেকুৰীয়েও এটা দুষ্ট নেউলৰৰ ওপৰত জয়লাভ কৰিব পাৰে।
⧉keywords => UTF-8 string (245) "Assamese story; The Wolf and the Lamb; Assamese children story; Assamese chi...
Assamese story; The Wolf and the Lamb; Assamese children story; Assamese children stories; কুকুৰনেচীয়া বাঘ আৰু ভেৰা পোৱালী; wolf ; lamb; pounce; rudely ; rage; CAT: values ; angrily ; thirsty
জলপ্ৰপাতৰ কাষত এটা ধূৰ্ত নেউলৰ মুখামুখি হোৱাৰ সময়ত তৃষ্ণাতুৰ ভেড়াৰ যাত্ৰা অন্বেষণ কৰক। এই কাহিনীটোৱে শিশুসকলক সাহসেৰে সঠিক বস্তুৰ বাবে থিয় হোৱাৰ বিষয়ে শিকায় আৰু আনকি এটা সৰু মেকুৰীয়েও এটা দুষ্ট নেউলৰৰ ওপৰত জয়লাভ কৰিব পাৰে।
⧉keywords => UTF-8 string (245) "Assamese story; The Wolf and the Lamb; Assamese children story; Assamese chi...
Assamese story; The Wolf and the Lamb; Assamese children story; Assamese children stories; কুকুৰনেচীয়া বাঘ আৰু ভেৰা পোৱালী; wolf ; lamb; pounce; rudely ; rage; CAT: values ; angrily ; thirsty
uri => string (31) "CodeIgniter\Entity\Cast\URICast"
private _cast -> boolean true
⇄⧉public __construct(?array $data = null) Allows filling in Entity parameters during construction.
new \App\Entities\Entity(?array $data = null)
* Allows filling in Entity parameters during construction.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:117
⇄⧉public fill(?array $data = null): $this Takes an array of key/value pairs and sets them as class properties, using an...
$value[44]->fill(?array $data = null)
* Takes an array of key/value pairs and sets them as class
* properties, using any `setCamelCasedProperty()` methods
* that may or may not exist.
* @param array $data
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:133
⇄⧉public toArray(bool $onlyChanged = false, bool $cast = true, bool $recursive = false): array General method that will return all public and protected values of this entit...
* General method that will return all public and protected values
* of this entity as an array. All values are accessed through the
* __get() magic method so will have any casts, etc applied to them.
* @param bool $onlyChanged If true, only return values that have changed since object creation
* @param bool $cast If true, properties will be cast.
* @param bool $recursive If true, inner entities will be cast as array as well.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:155
⇄⧉public toRawArray(bool $onlyChanged = false, bool $recursive = false): array Returns the raw values of the current attributes.
* Returns the raw values of the current attributes.
* @param bool $onlyChanged If true, only return values that have changed since object creation
* @param bool $recursive If true, inner entities will be cast as array as well.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:197
⇄⧉public syncOriginal(): $this Ensures our "original" values match the current values.
* Ensures our "original" values match the current values.
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:241
⇄⧉public hasChanged(?string $key = null): bool Checks a property to see if it has changed since the entity was created. Or, ...
$value[44]->hasChanged(?string $key = null)
* Checks a property to see if it has changed since the entity
* was created. Or, without a parameter, checks if any
* properties have changed.
* @param string|null $key class property
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:255
⇄⧉public setAttributes(array $data): $this Set raw data array without any mutations
$value[44]->setAttributes(array $data)
* Set raw data array without any mutations
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:282
⇄⧉public jsonSerialize(): array Support for json_encode()
* Support for json_encode()
* @return array
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:400
⇄⧉public cast(?bool $cast = null): bool|Entity Change the value of the private $_cast property
$value[44]->cast(?bool $cast = null)
* Change the value of the private $_cast property
* @return bool|Entity
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:410
⧉public __set(string $key, $value = null): void Magic method to all protected/private class properties to be easily set, eith...
* Magic method to all protected/private class properties to be
* easily set, either through a direct access or a
* `setCamelCasedProperty()` method.
* Examples:
* $this->my_property = $p;
* $this->setMyProperty() = $p;
* @param array|bool|float|int|object|string|null $value
* @return void
* @throws Exception
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:436
⧉public __get(string $key): array|bool|float|int|object|string|null Magic method to allow retrieval of protected and private class properties eit...
* Magic method to allow retrieval of protected and private class properties
* either by their name, or through a `getCamelCasedProperty()` method.
* Examples:
* $p = $this->my_property
* $p = $this->getMyProperty()
* @return array|bool|float|int|object|string|null
* @throws Exception
* @params string $key class property
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:479
⧉public __isset(string $key): bool Returns true if a property exists names $key, or a getter method exists named...
* Returns true if a property exists names $key, or a getter method
* exists named like for __get().
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:516
⧉public __unset(string $key): void Unsets an attribute property.
* Unsets an attribute property.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:536
⧉protected mapProperty(string $key): string db column name Checks the datamap to see if this property name is being mapped, and returns ...
* Checks the datamap to see if this property name is being mapped,
* and returns the db column name, if any, or the original property name.
* @return string db column name
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:297
⧉protected mutateDate($value): Time Converts the given string|timestamp|DateTime|Time instance into the "CodeIgni...
* Converts the given string|timestamp|DateTime|Time instance
* into the "CodeIgniter\I18n\Time" object.
* @param DateTime|float|int|string|Time $value
* @return Time
* @throws Exception
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:320
⧉protected castAs($value, string $attribute, string $method = 'get'): array|bool|float|int|object|string|null Provides the ability to cast an item as a specific data type. Add ? at the be...
* Provides the ability to cast an item as a specific data type.
* Add ? at the beginning of $type (i.e. ?string) to get NULL
* instead of casting $value if $value === null
* @param bool|float|int|string|null $value Attribute value
* @param string $attribute Attribute name
* @param string $method Allowed to "get" and "set"
* @return array|bool|float|int|object|string|null
* @throws CastException
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:338
⧉protected isMappedDbColumn(string $key): bool Whether this key is mapped db column name?
* Whether this key is mapped db column name?
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:550
⧉protected hasMappedProperty(string $key): bool Whether this key has mapped property?
* Whether this key has mapped property?
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:565
এটা শহাপহু আৰু এটা কাছৰ দুঃসাহসিক অভিযান অন্বেষণ কৰক। তেওঁ কিমান দ্ৰুতগতিত দৌৰিব পাৰে সেই বিষয়ে শহাপহুয়ে গৌৰৱান্বিত আছিল আৰু কাছটোক তাৰ সৈতে দৌৰিবলৈ প্ৰত্যাহ্বান জনাইছিল। কিন্তু, দৌৰৰ সময়ত, কিবা অপ্ৰত্যাশিত ঘটনা ঘটিছিল। শেষত, শহাপহুটোৱে আৰু কাছটোৱে বন্ধুত্ব আৰু নিৰপেক্ষতাৰ প্ৰকৃত অৰ্থ আৱিষ্কাৰ কৰে।
⧉keywords => UTF-8 string (219) "Assamese story; Two Friends; Assamese children story; Assamese children stor...
Assamese story; Two Friends; Assamese children story; Assamese children stories; দুই বন্ধু; Hare ; Tortoise ; CAT: fable; moral story; one should not take pride in their qualities; crawling; Good Friends
এটা শহাপহু আৰু এটা কাছৰ দুঃসাহসিক অভিযান অন্বেষণ কৰক। তেওঁ কিমান দ্ৰুতগতিত দৌৰিব পাৰে সেই বিষয়ে শহাপহুয়ে গৌৰৱান্বিত আছিল আৰু কাছটোক তাৰ সৈতে দৌৰিবলৈ প্ৰত্যাহ্বান জনাইছিল। কিন্তু, দৌৰৰ সময়ত, কিবা অপ্ৰত্যাশিত ঘটনা ঘটিছিল। শেষত, শহাপহুটোৱে আৰু কাছটোৱে বন্ধুত্ব আৰু নিৰপেক্ষতাৰ প্ৰকৃত অৰ্থ আৱিষ্কাৰ কৰে।
⧉keywords => UTF-8 string (219) "Assamese story; Two Friends; Assamese children story; Assamese children stor...
Assamese story; Two Friends; Assamese children story; Assamese children stories; দুই বন্ধু; Hare ; Tortoise ; CAT: fable; moral story; one should not take pride in their qualities; crawling; Good Friends
uri => string (31) "CodeIgniter\Entity\Cast\URICast"
private _cast -> boolean true
⇄⧉public __construct(?array $data = null) Allows filling in Entity parameters during construction.
new \App\Entities\Entity(?array $data = null)
* Allows filling in Entity parameters during construction.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:117
⇄⧉public fill(?array $data = null): $this Takes an array of key/value pairs and sets them as class properties, using an...
$value[45]->fill(?array $data = null)
* Takes an array of key/value pairs and sets them as class
* properties, using any `setCamelCasedProperty()` methods
* that may or may not exist.
* @param array $data
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:133
⇄⧉public toArray(bool $onlyChanged = false, bool $cast = true, bool $recursive = false): array General method that will return all public and protected values of this entit...
* General method that will return all public and protected values
* of this entity as an array. All values are accessed through the
* __get() magic method so will have any casts, etc applied to them.
* @param bool $onlyChanged If true, only return values that have changed since object creation
* @param bool $cast If true, properties will be cast.
* @param bool $recursive If true, inner entities will be cast as array as well.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:155
⇄⧉public toRawArray(bool $onlyChanged = false, bool $recursive = false): array Returns the raw values of the current attributes.
* Returns the raw values of the current attributes.
* @param bool $onlyChanged If true, only return values that have changed since object creation
* @param bool $recursive If true, inner entities will be cast as array as well.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:197
⇄⧉public syncOriginal(): $this Ensures our "original" values match the current values.
* Ensures our "original" values match the current values.
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:241
⇄⧉public hasChanged(?string $key = null): bool Checks a property to see if it has changed since the entity was created. Or, ...
$value[45]->hasChanged(?string $key = null)
* Checks a property to see if it has changed since the entity
* was created. Or, without a parameter, checks if any
* properties have changed.
* @param string|null $key class property
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:255
⇄⧉public setAttributes(array $data): $this Set raw data array without any mutations
$value[45]->setAttributes(array $data)
* Set raw data array without any mutations
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:282
⇄⧉public jsonSerialize(): array Support for json_encode()
* Support for json_encode()
* @return array
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:400
⇄⧉public cast(?bool $cast = null): bool|Entity Change the value of the private $_cast property
$value[45]->cast(?bool $cast = null)
* Change the value of the private $_cast property
* @return bool|Entity
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:410
⧉public __set(string $key, $value = null): void Magic method to all protected/private class properties to be easily set, eith...
* Magic method to all protected/private class properties to be
* easily set, either through a direct access or a
* `setCamelCasedProperty()` method.
* Examples:
* $this->my_property = $p;
* $this->setMyProperty() = $p;
* @param array|bool|float|int|object|string|null $value
* @return void
* @throws Exception
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:436
⧉public __get(string $key): array|bool|float|int|object|string|null Magic method to allow retrieval of protected and private class properties eit...
* Magic method to allow retrieval of protected and private class properties
* either by their name, or through a `getCamelCasedProperty()` method.
* Examples:
* $p = $this->my_property
* $p = $this->getMyProperty()
* @return array|bool|float|int|object|string|null
* @throws Exception
* @params string $key class property
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:479
⧉public __isset(string $key): bool Returns true if a property exists names $key, or a getter method exists named...
* Returns true if a property exists names $key, or a getter method
* exists named like for __get().
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:516
⧉public __unset(string $key): void Unsets an attribute property.
* Unsets an attribute property.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:536
⧉protected mapProperty(string $key): string db column name Checks the datamap to see if this property name is being mapped, and returns ...
* Checks the datamap to see if this property name is being mapped,
* and returns the db column name, if any, or the original property name.
* @return string db column name
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:297
⧉protected mutateDate($value): Time Converts the given string|timestamp|DateTime|Time instance into the "CodeIgni...
* Converts the given string|timestamp|DateTime|Time instance
* into the "CodeIgniter\I18n\Time" object.
* @param DateTime|float|int|string|Time $value
* @return Time
* @throws Exception
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:320
⧉protected castAs($value, string $attribute, string $method = 'get'): array|bool|float|int|object|string|null Provides the ability to cast an item as a specific data type. Add ? at the be...
* Provides the ability to cast an item as a specific data type.
* Add ? at the beginning of $type (i.e. ?string) to get NULL
* instead of casting $value if $value === null
* @param bool|float|int|string|null $value Attribute value
* @param string $attribute Attribute name
* @param string $method Allowed to "get" and "set"
* @return array|bool|float|int|object|string|null
* @throws CastException
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:338
⧉protected isMappedDbColumn(string $key): bool Whether this key is mapped db column name?
* Whether this key is mapped db column name?
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:550
⧉protected hasMappedProperty(string $key): bool Whether this key has mapped property?
* Whether this key has mapped property?
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:565
⧉storyShortDescription => UTF-8 string (696) "এবাৰ, এখন খেতিপথাৰত এটা পৰিশ্ৰমী ষাড় গৰু আৰু এটা দমৰা পোৱালী আছিল। পোৱালীটো...
এবাৰ, এখন খেতিপথাৰত এটা পৰিশ্ৰমী ষাড় গৰু আৰু এটা দমৰা পোৱালী আছিল। পোৱালীটোৱে যথেষ্ট আনন্দ কৰিছিল, কিন্তু ষাড় গৰুটোৱে দিন-ৰাতি শ্ৰম কৰিব লগা হৈছিল। এই হৃদয়স্পৰ্শী কাহিনীটোত, এটা আচৰিত ঘটনাই আমাক শিকায় যে কেনেকৈ কঠোৰ পৰিশ্ৰমে জীৱনত এক ডাঙৰ পৰিৱৰ্তন আনিব পাৰে।
⧉keywords => UTF-8 string (167) "Assamese story; The Proud Calf; Assamese children story; Assamese children s...
Assamese story; The Proud Calf; Assamese children story; Assamese children stories; অহংকাৰী দমৰা; Calf; Farmer; Ox; Proud; Sacrifice ; CAT: Fable
⧉storyShortDescription => UTF-8 string (696) "এবাৰ, এখন খেতিপথাৰত এটা পৰিশ্ৰমী ষাড় গৰু আৰু এটা দমৰা পোৱালী আছিল। পোৱালীটো...
এবাৰ, এখন খেতিপথাৰত এটা পৰিশ্ৰমী ষাড় গৰু আৰু এটা দমৰা পোৱালী আছিল। পোৱালীটোৱে যথেষ্ট আনন্দ কৰিছিল, কিন্তু ষাড় গৰুটোৱে দিন-ৰাতি শ্ৰম কৰিব লগা হৈছিল। এই হৃদয়স্পৰ্শী কাহিনীটোত, এটা আচৰিত ঘটনাই আমাক শিকায় যে কেনেকৈ কঠোৰ পৰিশ্ৰমে জীৱনত এক ডাঙৰ পৰিৱৰ্তন আনিব পাৰে।
⧉keywords => UTF-8 string (167) "Assamese story; The Proud Calf; Assamese children story; Assamese children s...
Assamese story; The Proud Calf; Assamese children story; Assamese children stories; অহংকাৰী দমৰা; Calf; Farmer; Ox; Proud; Sacrifice ; CAT: Fable
uri => string (31) "CodeIgniter\Entity\Cast\URICast"
private _cast -> boolean true
⇄⧉public __construct(?array $data = null) Allows filling in Entity parameters during construction.
new \App\Entities\Entity(?array $data = null)
* Allows filling in Entity parameters during construction.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:117
⇄⧉public fill(?array $data = null): $this Takes an array of key/value pairs and sets them as class properties, using an...
$value[46]->fill(?array $data = null)
* Takes an array of key/value pairs and sets them as class
* properties, using any `setCamelCasedProperty()` methods
* that may or may not exist.
* @param array $data
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:133
⇄⧉public toArray(bool $onlyChanged = false, bool $cast = true, bool $recursive = false): array General method that will return all public and protected values of this entit...
* General method that will return all public and protected values
* of this entity as an array. All values are accessed through the
* __get() magic method so will have any casts, etc applied to them.
* @param bool $onlyChanged If true, only return values that have changed since object creation
* @param bool $cast If true, properties will be cast.
* @param bool $recursive If true, inner entities will be cast as array as well.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:155
⇄⧉public toRawArray(bool $onlyChanged = false, bool $recursive = false): array Returns the raw values of the current attributes.
* Returns the raw values of the current attributes.
* @param bool $onlyChanged If true, only return values that have changed since object creation
* @param bool $recursive If true, inner entities will be cast as array as well.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:197
⇄⧉public syncOriginal(): $this Ensures our "original" values match the current values.
* Ensures our "original" values match the current values.
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:241
⇄⧉public hasChanged(?string $key = null): bool Checks a property to see if it has changed since the entity was created. Or, ...
$value[46]->hasChanged(?string $key = null)
* Checks a property to see if it has changed since the entity
* was created. Or, without a parameter, checks if any
* properties have changed.
* @param string|null $key class property
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:255
⇄⧉public setAttributes(array $data): $this Set raw data array without any mutations
$value[46]->setAttributes(array $data)
* Set raw data array without any mutations
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:282
⇄⧉public jsonSerialize(): array Support for json_encode()
* Support for json_encode()
* @return array
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:400
⇄⧉public cast(?bool $cast = null): bool|Entity Change the value of the private $_cast property
$value[46]->cast(?bool $cast = null)
* Change the value of the private $_cast property
* @return bool|Entity
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:410
⧉public __set(string $key, $value = null): void Magic method to all protected/private class properties to be easily set, eith...
* Magic method to all protected/private class properties to be
* easily set, either through a direct access or a
* `setCamelCasedProperty()` method.
* Examples:
* $this->my_property = $p;
* $this->setMyProperty() = $p;
* @param array|bool|float|int|object|string|null $value
* @return void
* @throws Exception
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:436
⧉public __get(string $key): array|bool|float|int|object|string|null Magic method to allow retrieval of protected and private class properties eit...
* Magic method to allow retrieval of protected and private class properties
* either by their name, or through a `getCamelCasedProperty()` method.
* Examples:
* $p = $this->my_property
* $p = $this->getMyProperty()
* @return array|bool|float|int|object|string|null
* @throws Exception
* @params string $key class property
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:479
⧉public __isset(string $key): bool Returns true if a property exists names $key, or a getter method exists named...
* Returns true if a property exists names $key, or a getter method
* exists named like for __get().
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:516
⧉public __unset(string $key): void Unsets an attribute property.
* Unsets an attribute property.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:536
⧉protected mapProperty(string $key): string db column name Checks the datamap to see if this property name is being mapped, and returns ...
* Checks the datamap to see if this property name is being mapped,
* and returns the db column name, if any, or the original property name.
* @return string db column name
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:297
⧉protected mutateDate($value): Time Converts the given string|timestamp|DateTime|Time instance into the "CodeIgni...
* Converts the given string|timestamp|DateTime|Time instance
* into the "CodeIgniter\I18n\Time" object.
* @param DateTime|float|int|string|Time $value
* @return Time
* @throws Exception
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:320
⧉protected castAs($value, string $attribute, string $method = 'get'): array|bool|float|int|object|string|null Provides the ability to cast an item as a specific data type. Add ? at the be...
* Provides the ability to cast an item as a specific data type.
* Add ? at the beginning of $type (i.e. ?string) to get NULL
* instead of casting $value if $value === null
* @param bool|float|int|string|null $value Attribute value
* @param string $attribute Attribute name
* @param string $method Allowed to "get" and "set"
* @return array|bool|float|int|object|string|null
* @throws CastException
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:338
⧉protected isMappedDbColumn(string $key): bool Whether this key is mapped db column name?
* Whether this key is mapped db column name?
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:550
⧉protected hasMappedProperty(string $key): bool Whether this key has mapped property?
* Whether this key has mapped property?
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:565
⇄⧉47 => App\Entities\Entity#196 (8)
Properties (8)
Available methods (18)
⧉protected attributes -> array (15)
storyId => string (2) "74"
languageId => string (1) "2"
categoryId => string (2) "17"
storyEnTitle => string (21) "The Body Builder Frog"
uri => string (31) "CodeIgniter\Entity\Cast\URICast"
private _cast -> boolean true
⇄⧉public __construct(?array $data = null) Allows filling in Entity parameters during construction.
new \App\Entities\Entity(?array $data = null)
* Allows filling in Entity parameters during construction.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:117
⇄⧉public fill(?array $data = null): $this Takes an array of key/value pairs and sets them as class properties, using an...
$value[47]->fill(?array $data = null)
* Takes an array of key/value pairs and sets them as class
* properties, using any `setCamelCasedProperty()` methods
* that may or may not exist.
* @param array $data
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:133
⇄⧉public toArray(bool $onlyChanged = false, bool $cast = true, bool $recursive = false): array General method that will return all public and protected values of this entit...
* General method that will return all public and protected values
* of this entity as an array. All values are accessed through the
* __get() magic method so will have any casts, etc applied to them.
* @param bool $onlyChanged If true, only return values that have changed since object creation
* @param bool $cast If true, properties will be cast.
* @param bool $recursive If true, inner entities will be cast as array as well.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:155
⇄⧉public toRawArray(bool $onlyChanged = false, bool $recursive = false): array Returns the raw values of the current attributes.
* Returns the raw values of the current attributes.
* @param bool $onlyChanged If true, only return values that have changed since object creation
* @param bool $recursive If true, inner entities will be cast as array as well.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:197
⇄⧉public syncOriginal(): $this Ensures our "original" values match the current values.
* Ensures our "original" values match the current values.
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:241
⇄⧉public hasChanged(?string $key = null): bool Checks a property to see if it has changed since the entity was created. Or, ...
$value[47]->hasChanged(?string $key = null)
* Checks a property to see if it has changed since the entity
* was created. Or, without a parameter, checks if any
* properties have changed.
* @param string|null $key class property
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:255
⇄⧉public setAttributes(array $data): $this Set raw data array without any mutations
$value[47]->setAttributes(array $data)
* Set raw data array without any mutations
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:282
⇄⧉public jsonSerialize(): array Support for json_encode()
* Support for json_encode()
* @return array
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:400
⇄⧉public cast(?bool $cast = null): bool|Entity Change the value of the private $_cast property
$value[47]->cast(?bool $cast = null)
* Change the value of the private $_cast property
* @return bool|Entity
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:410
⧉public __set(string $key, $value = null): void Magic method to all protected/private class properties to be easily set, eith...
* Magic method to all protected/private class properties to be
* easily set, either through a direct access or a
* `setCamelCasedProperty()` method.
* Examples:
* $this->my_property = $p;
* $this->setMyProperty() = $p;
* @param array|bool|float|int|object|string|null $value
* @return void
* @throws Exception
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:436
⧉public __get(string $key): array|bool|float|int|object|string|null Magic method to allow retrieval of protected and private class properties eit...
* Magic method to allow retrieval of protected and private class properties
* either by their name, or through a `getCamelCasedProperty()` method.
* Examples:
* $p = $this->my_property
* $p = $this->getMyProperty()
* @return array|bool|float|int|object|string|null
* @throws Exception
* @params string $key class property
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:479
⧉public __isset(string $key): bool Returns true if a property exists names $key, or a getter method exists named...
* Returns true if a property exists names $key, or a getter method
* exists named like for __get().
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:516
⧉public __unset(string $key): void Unsets an attribute property.
* Unsets an attribute property.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:536
⧉protected mapProperty(string $key): string db column name Checks the datamap to see if this property name is being mapped, and returns ...
* Checks the datamap to see if this property name is being mapped,
* and returns the db column name, if any, or the original property name.
* @return string db column name
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:297
⧉protected mutateDate($value): Time Converts the given string|timestamp|DateTime|Time instance into the "CodeIgni...
* Converts the given string|timestamp|DateTime|Time instance
* into the "CodeIgniter\I18n\Time" object.
* @param DateTime|float|int|string|Time $value
* @return Time
* @throws Exception
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:320
⧉protected castAs($value, string $attribute, string $method = 'get'): array|bool|float|int|object|string|null Provides the ability to cast an item as a specific data type. Add ? at the be...
* Provides the ability to cast an item as a specific data type.
* Add ? at the beginning of $type (i.e. ?string) to get NULL
* instead of casting $value if $value === null
* @param bool|float|int|string|null $value Attribute value
* @param string $attribute Attribute name
* @param string $method Allowed to "get" and "set"
* @return array|bool|float|int|object|string|null
* @throws CastException
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:338
⧉protected isMappedDbColumn(string $key): bool Whether this key is mapped db column name?
* Whether this key is mapped db column name?
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:550
⧉protected hasMappedProperty(string $key): bool Whether this key has mapped property?
* Whether this key has mapped property?
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:565
⇄⧉48 => App\Entities\Entity#197 (8)
Properties (8)
Available methods (18)
⧉protected attributes -> array (15)
storyId => string (2) "75"
languageId => string (1) "2"
categoryId => string (2) "17"
storyEnTitle => string (22) "The Stag in the Stable"
⧉storyShortDescription => UTF-8 string (1076) "এটা চতুৰ হৰিণাৰ কাহিনী শুনক যিয়ে চিকাৰী কুকুৰৰ খেদাত পলাই যায় আৰু এটা ঘোৰা...
এটা চতুৰ হৰিণাৰ কাহিনী শুনক যিয়ে চিকাৰী কুকুৰৰ খেদাত পলাই যায় আৰু এটা ঘোৰাশালত লুকাই থাকে। কিন্তু এটা সমস্যা আছে - তাৰ ডাঙৰ শিংকেইডাল বাহিৰলৈ ওলাই যায়! সহায়ক ষাড় গৰু এটাই তেওঁক বিপদটোৰ বিষয়ে সতৰ্ক কৰে, কিন্তু বহুত পলম হৈ যাই। যেতিয়া ঘোৰাশাল গৰাকীয়ে হৰিণাটো বিচাৰি পায়, তাৰ পিছত কি হ'ব? লুকাই থকা, বন্ধুত্ব, আৰু এই কাহিনীত আপোনাৰ স্থান অত্যাধিক ডাঙৰ হোৱাৰ পৰিণামৰ বিষয়ে শিকাৰ সৈতে আনন্দতো যোগদান কৰক।
⧉keywords => UTF-8 string (189) "Assamese story; The Stag in the Stable; Assamese children story; Assamese ch...
Assamese story; The Stag in the Stable; Assamese children story; Assamese children stories; ঘোঁৰোশালত হৰিণ; Stag; Hounds ; Straw; Danger ; Captured ; CAT: Parable
⧉storyShortDescription => UTF-8 string (1076) "এটা চতুৰ হৰিণাৰ কাহিনী শুনক যিয়ে চিকাৰী কুকুৰৰ খেদাত পলাই যায় আৰু এটা ঘোৰা...
এটা চতুৰ হৰিণাৰ কাহিনী শুনক যিয়ে চিকাৰী কুকুৰৰ খেদাত পলাই যায় আৰু এটা ঘোৰাশালত লুকাই থাকে। কিন্তু এটা সমস্যা আছে - তাৰ ডাঙৰ শিংকেইডাল বাহিৰলৈ ওলাই যায়! সহায়ক ষাড় গৰু এটাই তেওঁক বিপদটোৰ বিষয়ে সতৰ্ক কৰে, কিন্তু বহুত পলম হৈ যাই। যেতিয়া ঘোৰাশাল গৰাকীয়ে হৰিণাটো বিচাৰি পায়, তাৰ পিছত কি হ'ব? লুকাই থকা, বন্ধুত্ব, আৰু এই কাহিনীত আপোনাৰ স্থান অত্যাধিক ডাঙৰ হোৱাৰ পৰিণামৰ বিষয়ে শিকাৰ সৈতে আনন্দতো যোগদান কৰক।
⧉keywords => UTF-8 string (189) "Assamese story; The Stag in the Stable; Assamese children story; Assamese ch...
Assamese story; The Stag in the Stable; Assamese children story; Assamese children stories; ঘোঁৰোশালত হৰিণ; Stag; Hounds ; Straw; Danger ; Captured ; CAT: Parable
uri => string (31) "CodeIgniter\Entity\Cast\URICast"
private _cast -> boolean true
⇄⧉public __construct(?array $data = null) Allows filling in Entity parameters during construction.
new \App\Entities\Entity(?array $data = null)
* Allows filling in Entity parameters during construction.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:117
⇄⧉public fill(?array $data = null): $this Takes an array of key/value pairs and sets them as class properties, using an...
$value[48]->fill(?array $data = null)
* Takes an array of key/value pairs and sets them as class
* properties, using any `setCamelCasedProperty()` methods
* that may or may not exist.
* @param array $data
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:133
⇄⧉public toArray(bool $onlyChanged = false, bool $cast = true, bool $recursive = false): array General method that will return all public and protected values of this entit...
* General method that will return all public and protected values
* of this entity as an array. All values are accessed through the
* __get() magic method so will have any casts, etc applied to them.
* @param bool $onlyChanged If true, only return values that have changed since object creation
* @param bool $cast If true, properties will be cast.
* @param bool $recursive If true, inner entities will be cast as array as well.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:155
⇄⧉public toRawArray(bool $onlyChanged = false, bool $recursive = false): array Returns the raw values of the current attributes.
* Returns the raw values of the current attributes.
* @param bool $onlyChanged If true, only return values that have changed since object creation
* @param bool $recursive If true, inner entities will be cast as array as well.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:197
⇄⧉public syncOriginal(): $this Ensures our "original" values match the current values.
* Ensures our "original" values match the current values.
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:241
⇄⧉public hasChanged(?string $key = null): bool Checks a property to see if it has changed since the entity was created. Or, ...
$value[48]->hasChanged(?string $key = null)
* Checks a property to see if it has changed since the entity
* was created. Or, without a parameter, checks if any
* properties have changed.
* @param string|null $key class property
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:255
⇄⧉public setAttributes(array $data): $this Set raw data array without any mutations
$value[48]->setAttributes(array $data)
* Set raw data array without any mutations
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:282
⇄⧉public jsonSerialize(): array Support for json_encode()
* Support for json_encode()
* @return array
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:400
⇄⧉public cast(?bool $cast = null): bool|Entity Change the value of the private $_cast property
$value[48]->cast(?bool $cast = null)
* Change the value of the private $_cast property
* @return bool|Entity
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:410
⧉public __set(string $key, $value = null): void Magic method to all protected/private class properties to be easily set, eith...
* Magic method to all protected/private class properties to be
* easily set, either through a direct access or a
* `setCamelCasedProperty()` method.
* Examples:
* $this->my_property = $p;
* $this->setMyProperty() = $p;
* @param array|bool|float|int|object|string|null $value
* @return void
* @throws Exception
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:436
⧉public __get(string $key): array|bool|float|int|object|string|null Magic method to allow retrieval of protected and private class properties eit...
* Magic method to allow retrieval of protected and private class properties
* either by their name, or through a `getCamelCasedProperty()` method.
* Examples:
* $p = $this->my_property
* $p = $this->getMyProperty()
* @return array|bool|float|int|object|string|null
* @throws Exception
* @params string $key class property
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:479
⧉public __isset(string $key): bool Returns true if a property exists names $key, or a getter method exists named...
* Returns true if a property exists names $key, or a getter method
* exists named like for __get().
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:516
⧉public __unset(string $key): void Unsets an attribute property.
* Unsets an attribute property.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:536
⧉protected mapProperty(string $key): string db column name Checks the datamap to see if this property name is being mapped, and returns ...
* Checks the datamap to see if this property name is being mapped,
* and returns the db column name, if any, or the original property name.
* @return string db column name
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:297
⧉protected mutateDate($value): Time Converts the given string|timestamp|DateTime|Time instance into the "CodeIgni...
* Converts the given string|timestamp|DateTime|Time instance
* into the "CodeIgniter\I18n\Time" object.
* @param DateTime|float|int|string|Time $value
* @return Time
* @throws Exception
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:320
⧉protected castAs($value, string $attribute, string $method = 'get'): array|bool|float|int|object|string|null Provides the ability to cast an item as a specific data type. Add ? at the be...
* Provides the ability to cast an item as a specific data type.
* Add ? at the beginning of $type (i.e. ?string) to get NULL
* instead of casting $value if $value === null
* @param bool|float|int|string|null $value Attribute value
* @param string $attribute Attribute name
* @param string $method Allowed to "get" and "set"
* @return array|bool|float|int|object|string|null
* @throws CastException
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:338
⧉protected isMappedDbColumn(string $key): bool Whether this key is mapped db column name?
* Whether this key is mapped db column name?
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:550
⧉protected hasMappedProperty(string $key): bool Whether this key has mapped property?
* Whether this key has mapped property?
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:565
⇄⧉49 => App\Entities\Entity#198 (8)
Properties (8)
Available methods (18)
⧉protected attributes -> array (15)
storyId => string (2) "76"
languageId => string (1) "2"
categoryId => string (2) "17"
storyEnTitle => string (20) "Running for the Life"
⧉storyShortDescription => UTF-8 string (786) "খাদ্যৰ সন্ধানত এটা সংকল্পবদ্ধ চিকাৰী কুকুৰৰ এক ৰোমাঞ্চকৰ দুঃসাহসিক অভিযান আৰ...
খাদ্যৰ সন্ধানত এটা সংকল্পবদ্ধ চিকাৰী কুকুৰৰ এক ৰোমাঞ্চকৰ দুঃসাহসিক অভিযান আৰম্ভ কৰক, য'ত তেওঁ দ্ৰুত শহা পহুৰ সন্মুখীন হয়। 'জীৱনৰ বাবে দৌৰা'ৰ এই ৰোমাঞ্চকৰ কাহিনীটোত চিকাৰী কুকুৰটোৱে দ্ৰুত শহা পহুটো ধৰিব পাৰিবনে জানি লওক। এই ৰোমাঞ্চকৰ দুঃসাহসিক অভিযানত সংকল্প আৰু সাহসৰ প্ৰকৃত অৰ্থৰ উন্মোচন কৰক।
⧉keywords => UTF-8 string (207) "Assamese story; Running for the Life; Assamese children story; Assamese chil...
Assamese story; Running for the Life; Assamese children story; Assamese children stories; জীৱন ৰক্ষাৰ বাবে দৌৰ; Hound ; Hare; Catch; Insulted ; Goat; CAT: Fable; moral story
⧉storyShortDescription => UTF-8 string (786) "খাদ্যৰ সন্ধানত এটা সংকল্পবদ্ধ চিকাৰী কুকুৰৰ এক ৰোমাঞ্চকৰ দুঃসাহসিক অভিযান আৰ...
খাদ্যৰ সন্ধানত এটা সংকল্পবদ্ধ চিকাৰী কুকুৰৰ এক ৰোমাঞ্চকৰ দুঃসাহসিক অভিযান আৰম্ভ কৰক, য'ত তেওঁ দ্ৰুত শহা পহুৰ সন্মুখীন হয়। 'জীৱনৰ বাবে দৌৰা'ৰ এই ৰোমাঞ্চকৰ কাহিনীটোত চিকাৰী কুকুৰটোৱে দ্ৰুত শহা পহুটো ধৰিব পাৰিবনে জানি লওক। এই ৰোমাঞ্চকৰ দুঃসাহসিক অভিযানত সংকল্প আৰু সাহসৰ প্ৰকৃত অৰ্থৰ উন্মোচন কৰক।
⧉keywords => UTF-8 string (207) "Assamese story; Running for the Life; Assamese children story; Assamese chil...
Assamese story; Running for the Life; Assamese children story; Assamese children stories; জীৱন ৰক্ষাৰ বাবে দৌৰ; Hound ; Hare; Catch; Insulted ; Goat; CAT: Fable; moral story
uri => string (31) "CodeIgniter\Entity\Cast\URICast"
private _cast -> boolean true
⇄⧉public __construct(?array $data = null) Allows filling in Entity parameters during construction.
new \App\Entities\Entity(?array $data = null)
* Allows filling in Entity parameters during construction.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:117
⇄⧉public fill(?array $data = null): $this Takes an array of key/value pairs and sets them as class properties, using an...
$value[49]->fill(?array $data = null)
* Takes an array of key/value pairs and sets them as class
* properties, using any `setCamelCasedProperty()` methods
* that may or may not exist.
* @param array $data
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:133
⇄⧉public toArray(bool $onlyChanged = false, bool $cast = true, bool $recursive = false): array General method that will return all public and protected values of this entit...
* General method that will return all public and protected values
* of this entity as an array. All values are accessed through the
* __get() magic method so will have any casts, etc applied to them.
* @param bool $onlyChanged If true, only return values that have changed since object creation
* @param bool $cast If true, properties will be cast.
* @param bool $recursive If true, inner entities will be cast as array as well.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:155
⇄⧉public toRawArray(bool $onlyChanged = false, bool $recursive = false): array Returns the raw values of the current attributes.
* Returns the raw values of the current attributes.
* @param bool $onlyChanged If true, only return values that have changed since object creation
* @param bool $recursive If true, inner entities will be cast as array as well.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:197
⇄⧉public syncOriginal(): $this Ensures our "original" values match the current values.
* Ensures our "original" values match the current values.
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:241
⇄⧉public hasChanged(?string $key = null): bool Checks a property to see if it has changed since the entity was created. Or, ...
$value[49]->hasChanged(?string $key = null)
* Checks a property to see if it has changed since the entity
* was created. Or, without a parameter, checks if any
* properties have changed.
* @param string|null $key class property
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:255
⇄⧉public setAttributes(array $data): $this Set raw data array without any mutations
$value[49]->setAttributes(array $data)
* Set raw data array without any mutations
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:282
⇄⧉public jsonSerialize(): array Support for json_encode()
* Support for json_encode()
* @return array
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:400
⇄⧉public cast(?bool $cast = null): bool|Entity Change the value of the private $_cast property
$value[49]->cast(?bool $cast = null)
* Change the value of the private $_cast property
* @return bool|Entity
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:410
⧉public __set(string $key, $value = null): void Magic method to all protected/private class properties to be easily set, eith...
* Magic method to all protected/private class properties to be
* easily set, either through a direct access or a
* `setCamelCasedProperty()` method.
* Examples:
* $this->my_property = $p;
* $this->setMyProperty() = $p;
* @param array|bool|float|int|object|string|null $value
* @return void
* @throws Exception
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:436
⧉public __get(string $key): array|bool|float|int|object|string|null Magic method to allow retrieval of protected and private class properties eit...
* Magic method to allow retrieval of protected and private class properties
* either by their name, or through a `getCamelCasedProperty()` method.
* Examples:
* $p = $this->my_property
* $p = $this->getMyProperty()
* @return array|bool|float|int|object|string|null
* @throws Exception
* @params string $key class property
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:479
⧉public __isset(string $key): bool Returns true if a property exists names $key, or a getter method exists named...
* Returns true if a property exists names $key, or a getter method
* exists named like for __get().
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:516
⧉public __unset(string $key): void Unsets an attribute property.
* Unsets an attribute property.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:536
⧉protected mapProperty(string $key): string db column name Checks the datamap to see if this property name is being mapped, and returns ...
* Checks the datamap to see if this property name is being mapped,
* and returns the db column name, if any, or the original property name.
* @return string db column name
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:297
⧉protected mutateDate($value): Time Converts the given string|timestamp|DateTime|Time instance into the "CodeIgni...
* Converts the given string|timestamp|DateTime|Time instance
* into the "CodeIgniter\I18n\Time" object.
* @param DateTime|float|int|string|Time $value
* @return Time
* @throws Exception
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:320
⧉protected castAs($value, string $attribute, string $method = 'get'): array|bool|float|int|object|string|null Provides the ability to cast an item as a specific data type. Add ? at the be...
* Provides the ability to cast an item as a specific data type.
* Add ? at the beginning of $type (i.e. ?string) to get NULL
* instead of casting $value if $value === null
* @param bool|float|int|string|null $value Attribute value
* @param string $attribute Attribute name
* @param string $method Allowed to "get" and "set"
* @return array|bool|float|int|object|string|null
* @throws CastException
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:338
⧉protected isMappedDbColumn(string $key): bool Whether this key is mapped db column name?
* Whether this key is mapped db column name?
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:550
⧉protected hasMappedProperty(string $key): bool Whether this key has mapped property?
* Whether this key has mapped property?
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:565