ایک مرتبہ کا ذکر ہے، درختوں سے بھرا ایک جنگل تھا۔ ایک ٹیڑھے درخت کے سوا تمام درخت لمبے اور سیدھے تھے۔ ٹیڑھا درخت اپنی شکل دیکھ کر اداس رہتا تھا۔ ایک دن جنگل میں ایک لکڑہارا آیا۔ اس نے ٹیڑھے درخت کے علاوہ تمام سیدھے درخت کاٹ دیے کیونکہ وہ ٹیڑھا درخت اس کے لیے بیکار تھا۔ اس دن درخت کو احساس ہوا کہ اس کی بدصورت شکل نے اس کی جان کیسے بچائی۔
uri => string (31) "CodeIgniter\Entity\Cast\URICast"
private _cast -> boolean true
⇄⧉public __construct(?array $data = null) Allows filling in Entity parameters during construction.
new \App\Entities\Entity(?array $data = null)
* Allows filling in Entity parameters during construction.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:117
⇄⧉public fill(?array $data = null): $this Takes an array of key/value pairs and sets them as class properties, using an...
$value[0]->fill(?array $data = null)
* Takes an array of key/value pairs and sets them as class
* properties, using any `setCamelCasedProperty()` methods
* that may or may not exist.
* @param array $data
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:133
⇄⧉public toArray(bool $onlyChanged = false, bool $cast = true, bool $recursive = false): array General method that will return all public and protected values of this entit...
* General method that will return all public and protected values
* of this entity as an array. All values are accessed through the
* __get() magic method so will have any casts, etc applied to them.
* @param bool $onlyChanged If true, only return values that have changed since object creation
* @param bool $cast If true, properties will be cast.
* @param bool $recursive If true, inner entities will be cast as array as well.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:155
⇄⧉public toRawArray(bool $onlyChanged = false, bool $recursive = false): array Returns the raw values of the current attributes.
* Returns the raw values of the current attributes.
* @param bool $onlyChanged If true, only return values that have changed since object creation
* @param bool $recursive If true, inner entities will be cast as array as well.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:197
⇄⧉public syncOriginal(): $this Ensures our "original" values match the current values.
* Ensures our "original" values match the current values.
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:241
⇄⧉public hasChanged(?string $key = null): bool Checks a property to see if it has changed since the entity was created. Or, ...
$value[0]->hasChanged(?string $key = null)
* Checks a property to see if it has changed since the entity
* was created. Or, without a parameter, checks if any
* properties have changed.
* @param string|null $key class property
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:255
⇄⧉public setAttributes(array $data): $this Set raw data array without any mutations
$value[0]->setAttributes(array $data)
* Set raw data array without any mutations
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:282
⇄⧉public jsonSerialize(): array Support for json_encode()
* Support for json_encode()
* @return array
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:400
⇄⧉public cast(?bool $cast = null): bool|Entity Change the value of the private $_cast property
$value[0]->cast(?bool $cast = null)
* Change the value of the private $_cast property
* @return bool|Entity
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:410
⧉public __set(string $key, $value = null): void Magic method to all protected/private class properties to be easily set, eith...
* Magic method to all protected/private class properties to be
* easily set, either through a direct access or a
* `setCamelCasedProperty()` method.
* Examples:
* $this->my_property = $p;
* $this->setMyProperty() = $p;
* @param array|bool|float|int|object|string|null $value
* @return void
* @throws Exception
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:436
⧉public __get(string $key): array|bool|float|int|object|string|null Magic method to allow retrieval of protected and private class properties eit...
* Magic method to allow retrieval of protected and private class properties
* either by their name, or through a `getCamelCasedProperty()` method.
* Examples:
* $p = $this->my_property
* $p = $this->getMyProperty()
* @return array|bool|float|int|object|string|null
* @throws Exception
* @params string $key class property
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:479
⧉public __isset(string $key): bool Returns true if a property exists names $key, or a getter method exists named...
* Returns true if a property exists names $key, or a getter method
* exists named like for __get().
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:516
⧉public __unset(string $key): void Unsets an attribute property.
* Unsets an attribute property.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:536
⧉protected mapProperty(string $key): string db column name Checks the datamap to see if this property name is being mapped, and returns ...
* Checks the datamap to see if this property name is being mapped,
* and returns the db column name, if any, or the original property name.
* @return string db column name
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:297
⧉protected mutateDate($value): Time Converts the given string|timestamp|DateTime|Time instance into the "CodeIgni...
* Converts the given string|timestamp|DateTime|Time instance
* into the "CodeIgniter\I18n\Time" object.
* @param DateTime|float|int|string|Time $value
* @return Time
* @throws Exception
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:320
⧉protected castAs($value, string $attribute, string $method = 'get'): array|bool|float|int|object|string|null Provides the ability to cast an item as a specific data type. Add ? at the be...
* Provides the ability to cast an item as a specific data type.
* Add ? at the beginning of $type (i.e. ?string) to get NULL
* instead of casting $value if $value === null
* @param bool|float|int|string|null $value Attribute value
* @param string $attribute Attribute name
* @param string $method Allowed to "get" and "set"
* @return array|bool|float|int|object|string|null
* @throws CastException
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:338
⧉protected isMappedDbColumn(string $key): bool Whether this key is mapped db column name?
* Whether this key is mapped db column name?
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:550
⧉protected hasMappedProperty(string $key): bool Whether this key has mapped property?
* Whether this key has mapped property?
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:565
uri => string (31) "CodeIgniter\Entity\Cast\URICast"
private _cast -> boolean true
⇄⧉public __construct(?array $data = null) Allows filling in Entity parameters during construction.
new \App\Entities\Entity(?array $data = null)
* Allows filling in Entity parameters during construction.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:117
⇄⧉public fill(?array $data = null): $this Takes an array of key/value pairs and sets them as class properties, using an...
$value[1]->fill(?array $data = null)
* Takes an array of key/value pairs and sets them as class
* properties, using any `setCamelCasedProperty()` methods
* that may or may not exist.
* @param array $data
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:133
⇄⧉public toArray(bool $onlyChanged = false, bool $cast = true, bool $recursive = false): array General method that will return all public and protected values of this entit...
* General method that will return all public and protected values
* of this entity as an array. All values are accessed through the
* __get() magic method so will have any casts, etc applied to them.
* @param bool $onlyChanged If true, only return values that have changed since object creation
* @param bool $cast If true, properties will be cast.
* @param bool $recursive If true, inner entities will be cast as array as well.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:155
⇄⧉public toRawArray(bool $onlyChanged = false, bool $recursive = false): array Returns the raw values of the current attributes.
* Returns the raw values of the current attributes.
* @param bool $onlyChanged If true, only return values that have changed since object creation
* @param bool $recursive If true, inner entities will be cast as array as well.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:197
⇄⧉public syncOriginal(): $this Ensures our "original" values match the current values.
* Ensures our "original" values match the current values.
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:241
⇄⧉public hasChanged(?string $key = null): bool Checks a property to see if it has changed since the entity was created. Or, ...
$value[1]->hasChanged(?string $key = null)
* Checks a property to see if it has changed since the entity
* was created. Or, without a parameter, checks if any
* properties have changed.
* @param string|null $key class property
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:255
⇄⧉public setAttributes(array $data): $this Set raw data array without any mutations
$value[1]->setAttributes(array $data)
* Set raw data array without any mutations
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:282
⇄⧉public jsonSerialize(): array Support for json_encode()
* Support for json_encode()
* @return array
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:400
⇄⧉public cast(?bool $cast = null): bool|Entity Change the value of the private $_cast property
$value[1]->cast(?bool $cast = null)
* Change the value of the private $_cast property
* @return bool|Entity
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:410
⧉public __set(string $key, $value = null): void Magic method to all protected/private class properties to be easily set, eith...
* Magic method to all protected/private class properties to be
* easily set, either through a direct access or a
* `setCamelCasedProperty()` method.
* Examples:
* $this->my_property = $p;
* $this->setMyProperty() = $p;
* @param array|bool|float|int|object|string|null $value
* @return void
* @throws Exception
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:436
⧉public __get(string $key): array|bool|float|int|object|string|null Magic method to allow retrieval of protected and private class properties eit...
* Magic method to allow retrieval of protected and private class properties
* either by their name, or through a `getCamelCasedProperty()` method.
* Examples:
* $p = $this->my_property
* $p = $this->getMyProperty()
* @return array|bool|float|int|object|string|null
* @throws Exception
* @params string $key class property
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:479
⧉public __isset(string $key): bool Returns true if a property exists names $key, or a getter method exists named...
* Returns true if a property exists names $key, or a getter method
* exists named like for __get().
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:516
⧉public __unset(string $key): void Unsets an attribute property.
* Unsets an attribute property.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:536
⧉protected mapProperty(string $key): string db column name Checks the datamap to see if this property name is being mapped, and returns ...
* Checks the datamap to see if this property name is being mapped,
* and returns the db column name, if any, or the original property name.
* @return string db column name
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:297
⧉protected mutateDate($value): Time Converts the given string|timestamp|DateTime|Time instance into the "CodeIgni...
* Converts the given string|timestamp|DateTime|Time instance
* into the "CodeIgniter\I18n\Time" object.
* @param DateTime|float|int|string|Time $value
* @return Time
* @throws Exception
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:320
⧉protected castAs($value, string $attribute, string $method = 'get'): array|bool|float|int|object|string|null Provides the ability to cast an item as a specific data type. Add ? at the be...
* Provides the ability to cast an item as a specific data type.
* Add ? at the beginning of $type (i.e. ?string) to get NULL
* instead of casting $value if $value === null
* @param bool|float|int|string|null $value Attribute value
* @param string $attribute Attribute name
* @param string $method Allowed to "get" and "set"
* @return array|bool|float|int|object|string|null
* @throws CastException
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:338
⧉protected isMappedDbColumn(string $key): bool Whether this key is mapped db column name?
* Whether this key is mapped db column name?
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:550
⧉protected hasMappedProperty(string $key): bool Whether this key has mapped property?
* Whether this key has mapped property?
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:565
uri => string (31) "CodeIgniter\Entity\Cast\URICast"
private _cast -> boolean true
⇄⧉public __construct(?array $data = null) Allows filling in Entity parameters during construction.
new \App\Entities\Entity(?array $data = null)
* Allows filling in Entity parameters during construction.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:117
⇄⧉public fill(?array $data = null): $this Takes an array of key/value pairs and sets them as class properties, using an...
$value[2]->fill(?array $data = null)
* Takes an array of key/value pairs and sets them as class
* properties, using any `setCamelCasedProperty()` methods
* that may or may not exist.
* @param array $data
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:133
⇄⧉public toArray(bool $onlyChanged = false, bool $cast = true, bool $recursive = false): array General method that will return all public and protected values of this entit...
* General method that will return all public and protected values
* of this entity as an array. All values are accessed through the
* __get() magic method so will have any casts, etc applied to them.
* @param bool $onlyChanged If true, only return values that have changed since object creation
* @param bool $cast If true, properties will be cast.
* @param bool $recursive If true, inner entities will be cast as array as well.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:155
⇄⧉public toRawArray(bool $onlyChanged = false, bool $recursive = false): array Returns the raw values of the current attributes.
* Returns the raw values of the current attributes.
* @param bool $onlyChanged If true, only return values that have changed since object creation
* @param bool $recursive If true, inner entities will be cast as array as well.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:197
⇄⧉public syncOriginal(): $this Ensures our "original" values match the current values.
* Ensures our "original" values match the current values.
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:241
⇄⧉public hasChanged(?string $key = null): bool Checks a property to see if it has changed since the entity was created. Or, ...
$value[2]->hasChanged(?string $key = null)
* Checks a property to see if it has changed since the entity
* was created. Or, without a parameter, checks if any
* properties have changed.
* @param string|null $key class property
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:255
⇄⧉public setAttributes(array $data): $this Set raw data array without any mutations
$value[2]->setAttributes(array $data)
* Set raw data array without any mutations
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:282
⇄⧉public jsonSerialize(): array Support for json_encode()
* Support for json_encode()
* @return array
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:400
⇄⧉public cast(?bool $cast = null): bool|Entity Change the value of the private $_cast property
$value[2]->cast(?bool $cast = null)
* Change the value of the private $_cast property
* @return bool|Entity
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:410
⧉public __set(string $key, $value = null): void Magic method to all protected/private class properties to be easily set, eith...
* Magic method to all protected/private class properties to be
* easily set, either through a direct access or a
* `setCamelCasedProperty()` method.
* Examples:
* $this->my_property = $p;
* $this->setMyProperty() = $p;
* @param array|bool|float|int|object|string|null $value
* @return void
* @throws Exception
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:436
⧉public __get(string $key): array|bool|float|int|object|string|null Magic method to allow retrieval of protected and private class properties eit...
* Magic method to allow retrieval of protected and private class properties
* either by their name, or through a `getCamelCasedProperty()` method.
* Examples:
* $p = $this->my_property
* $p = $this->getMyProperty()
* @return array|bool|float|int|object|string|null
* @throws Exception
* @params string $key class property
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:479
⧉public __isset(string $key): bool Returns true if a property exists names $key, or a getter method exists named...
* Returns true if a property exists names $key, or a getter method
* exists named like for __get().
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:516
⧉public __unset(string $key): void Unsets an attribute property.
* Unsets an attribute property.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:536
⧉protected mapProperty(string $key): string db column name Checks the datamap to see if this property name is being mapped, and returns ...
* Checks the datamap to see if this property name is being mapped,
* and returns the db column name, if any, or the original property name.
* @return string db column name
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:297
⧉protected mutateDate($value): Time Converts the given string|timestamp|DateTime|Time instance into the "CodeIgni...
* Converts the given string|timestamp|DateTime|Time instance
* into the "CodeIgniter\I18n\Time" object.
* @param DateTime|float|int|string|Time $value
* @return Time
* @throws Exception
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:320
⧉protected castAs($value, string $attribute, string $method = 'get'): array|bool|float|int|object|string|null Provides the ability to cast an item as a specific data type. Add ? at the be...
* Provides the ability to cast an item as a specific data type.
* Add ? at the beginning of $type (i.e. ?string) to get NULL
* instead of casting $value if $value === null
* @param bool|float|int|string|null $value Attribute value
* @param string $attribute Attribute name
* @param string $method Allowed to "get" and "set"
* @return array|bool|float|int|object|string|null
* @throws CastException
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:338
⧉protected isMappedDbColumn(string $key): bool Whether this key is mapped db column name?
* Whether this key is mapped db column name?
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:550
⧉protected hasMappedProperty(string $key): bool Whether this key has mapped property?
* Whether this key has mapped property?
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:565
uri => string (31) "CodeIgniter\Entity\Cast\URICast"
private _cast -> boolean true
⇄⧉public __construct(?array $data = null) Allows filling in Entity parameters during construction.
new \App\Entities\Entity(?array $data = null)
* Allows filling in Entity parameters during construction.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:117
⇄⧉public fill(?array $data = null): $this Takes an array of key/value pairs and sets them as class properties, using an...
$value[3]->fill(?array $data = null)
* Takes an array of key/value pairs and sets them as class
* properties, using any `setCamelCasedProperty()` methods
* that may or may not exist.
* @param array $data
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:133
⇄⧉public toArray(bool $onlyChanged = false, bool $cast = true, bool $recursive = false): array General method that will return all public and protected values of this entit...
* General method that will return all public and protected values
* of this entity as an array. All values are accessed through the
* __get() magic method so will have any casts, etc applied to them.
* @param bool $onlyChanged If true, only return values that have changed since object creation
* @param bool $cast If true, properties will be cast.
* @param bool $recursive If true, inner entities will be cast as array as well.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:155
⇄⧉public toRawArray(bool $onlyChanged = false, bool $recursive = false): array Returns the raw values of the current attributes.
* Returns the raw values of the current attributes.
* @param bool $onlyChanged If true, only return values that have changed since object creation
* @param bool $recursive If true, inner entities will be cast as array as well.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:197
⇄⧉public syncOriginal(): $this Ensures our "original" values match the current values.
* Ensures our "original" values match the current values.
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:241
⇄⧉public hasChanged(?string $key = null): bool Checks a property to see if it has changed since the entity was created. Or, ...
$value[3]->hasChanged(?string $key = null)
* Checks a property to see if it has changed since the entity
* was created. Or, without a parameter, checks if any
* properties have changed.
* @param string|null $key class property
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:255
⇄⧉public setAttributes(array $data): $this Set raw data array without any mutations
$value[3]->setAttributes(array $data)
* Set raw data array without any mutations
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:282
⇄⧉public jsonSerialize(): array Support for json_encode()
* Support for json_encode()
* @return array
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:400
⇄⧉public cast(?bool $cast = null): bool|Entity Change the value of the private $_cast property
$value[3]->cast(?bool $cast = null)
* Change the value of the private $_cast property
* @return bool|Entity
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:410
⧉public __set(string $key, $value = null): void Magic method to all protected/private class properties to be easily set, eith...
* Magic method to all protected/private class properties to be
* easily set, either through a direct access or a
* `setCamelCasedProperty()` method.
* Examples:
* $this->my_property = $p;
* $this->setMyProperty() = $p;
* @param array|bool|float|int|object|string|null $value
* @return void
* @throws Exception
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:436
⧉public __get(string $key): array|bool|float|int|object|string|null Magic method to allow retrieval of protected and private class properties eit...
* Magic method to allow retrieval of protected and private class properties
* either by their name, or through a `getCamelCasedProperty()` method.
* Examples:
* $p = $this->my_property
* $p = $this->getMyProperty()
* @return array|bool|float|int|object|string|null
* @throws Exception
* @params string $key class property
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:479
⧉public __isset(string $key): bool Returns true if a property exists names $key, or a getter method exists named...
* Returns true if a property exists names $key, or a getter method
* exists named like for __get().
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:516
⧉public __unset(string $key): void Unsets an attribute property.
* Unsets an attribute property.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:536
⧉protected mapProperty(string $key): string db column name Checks the datamap to see if this property name is being mapped, and returns ...
* Checks the datamap to see if this property name is being mapped,
* and returns the db column name, if any, or the original property name.
* @return string db column name
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:297
⧉protected mutateDate($value): Time Converts the given string|timestamp|DateTime|Time instance into the "CodeIgni...
* Converts the given string|timestamp|DateTime|Time instance
* into the "CodeIgniter\I18n\Time" object.
* @param DateTime|float|int|string|Time $value
* @return Time
* @throws Exception
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:320
⧉protected castAs($value, string $attribute, string $method = 'get'): array|bool|float|int|object|string|null Provides the ability to cast an item as a specific data type. Add ? at the be...
* Provides the ability to cast an item as a specific data type.
* Add ? at the beginning of $type (i.e. ?string) to get NULL
* instead of casting $value if $value === null
* @param bool|float|int|string|null $value Attribute value
* @param string $attribute Attribute name
* @param string $method Allowed to "get" and "set"
* @return array|bool|float|int|object|string|null
* @throws CastException
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:338
⧉protected isMappedDbColumn(string $key): bool Whether this key is mapped db column name?
* Whether this key is mapped db column name?
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:550
⧉protected hasMappedProperty(string $key): bool Whether this key has mapped property?
* Whether this key has mapped property?
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:565
uri => string (31) "CodeIgniter\Entity\Cast\URICast"
private _cast -> boolean true
⇄⧉public __construct(?array $data = null) Allows filling in Entity parameters during construction.
new \App\Entities\Entity(?array $data = null)
* Allows filling in Entity parameters during construction.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:117
⇄⧉public fill(?array $data = null): $this Takes an array of key/value pairs and sets them as class properties, using an...
$value[4]->fill(?array $data = null)
* Takes an array of key/value pairs and sets them as class
* properties, using any `setCamelCasedProperty()` methods
* that may or may not exist.
* @param array $data
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:133
⇄⧉public toArray(bool $onlyChanged = false, bool $cast = true, bool $recursive = false): array General method that will return all public and protected values of this entit...
* General method that will return all public and protected values
* of this entity as an array. All values are accessed through the
* __get() magic method so will have any casts, etc applied to them.
* @param bool $onlyChanged If true, only return values that have changed since object creation
* @param bool $cast If true, properties will be cast.
* @param bool $recursive If true, inner entities will be cast as array as well.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:155
⇄⧉public toRawArray(bool $onlyChanged = false, bool $recursive = false): array Returns the raw values of the current attributes.
* Returns the raw values of the current attributes.
* @param bool $onlyChanged If true, only return values that have changed since object creation
* @param bool $recursive If true, inner entities will be cast as array as well.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:197
⇄⧉public syncOriginal(): $this Ensures our "original" values match the current values.
* Ensures our "original" values match the current values.
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:241
⇄⧉public hasChanged(?string $key = null): bool Checks a property to see if it has changed since the entity was created. Or, ...
$value[4]->hasChanged(?string $key = null)
* Checks a property to see if it has changed since the entity
* was created. Or, without a parameter, checks if any
* properties have changed.
* @param string|null $key class property
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:255
⇄⧉public setAttributes(array $data): $this Set raw data array without any mutations
$value[4]->setAttributes(array $data)
* Set raw data array without any mutations
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:282
⇄⧉public jsonSerialize(): array Support for json_encode()
* Support for json_encode()
* @return array
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:400
⇄⧉public cast(?bool $cast = null): bool|Entity Change the value of the private $_cast property
$value[4]->cast(?bool $cast = null)
* Change the value of the private $_cast property
* @return bool|Entity
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:410
⧉public __set(string $key, $value = null): void Magic method to all protected/private class properties to be easily set, eith...
* Magic method to all protected/private class properties to be
* easily set, either through a direct access or a
* `setCamelCasedProperty()` method.
* Examples:
* $this->my_property = $p;
* $this->setMyProperty() = $p;
* @param array|bool|float|int|object|string|null $value
* @return void
* @throws Exception
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:436
⧉public __get(string $key): array|bool|float|int|object|string|null Magic method to allow retrieval of protected and private class properties eit...
* Magic method to allow retrieval of protected and private class properties
* either by their name, or through a `getCamelCasedProperty()` method.
* Examples:
* $p = $this->my_property
* $p = $this->getMyProperty()
* @return array|bool|float|int|object|string|null
* @throws Exception
* @params string $key class property
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:479
⧉public __isset(string $key): bool Returns true if a property exists names $key, or a getter method exists named...
* Returns true if a property exists names $key, or a getter method
* exists named like for __get().
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:516
⧉public __unset(string $key): void Unsets an attribute property.
* Unsets an attribute property.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:536
⧉protected mapProperty(string $key): string db column name Checks the datamap to see if this property name is being mapped, and returns ...
* Checks the datamap to see if this property name is being mapped,
* and returns the db column name, if any, or the original property name.
* @return string db column name
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:297
⧉protected mutateDate($value): Time Converts the given string|timestamp|DateTime|Time instance into the "CodeIgni...
* Converts the given string|timestamp|DateTime|Time instance
* into the "CodeIgniter\I18n\Time" object.
* @param DateTime|float|int|string|Time $value
* @return Time
* @throws Exception
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:320
⧉protected castAs($value, string $attribute, string $method = 'get'): array|bool|float|int|object|string|null Provides the ability to cast an item as a specific data type. Add ? at the be...
* Provides the ability to cast an item as a specific data type.
* Add ? at the beginning of $type (i.e. ?string) to get NULL
* instead of casting $value if $value === null
* @param bool|float|int|string|null $value Attribute value
* @param string $attribute Attribute name
* @param string $method Allowed to "get" and "set"
* @return array|bool|float|int|object|string|null
* @throws CastException
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:338
⧉protected isMappedDbColumn(string $key): bool Whether this key is mapped db column name?
* Whether this key is mapped db column name?
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:550
⧉protected hasMappedProperty(string $key): bool Whether this key has mapped property?
* Whether this key has mapped property?
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:565
uri => string (31) "CodeIgniter\Entity\Cast\URICast"
private _cast -> boolean true
⇄⧉public __construct(?array $data = null) Allows filling in Entity parameters during construction.
new \App\Entities\Entity(?array $data = null)
* Allows filling in Entity parameters during construction.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:117
⇄⧉public fill(?array $data = null): $this Takes an array of key/value pairs and sets them as class properties, using an...
$value[5]->fill(?array $data = null)
* Takes an array of key/value pairs and sets them as class
* properties, using any `setCamelCasedProperty()` methods
* that may or may not exist.
* @param array $data
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:133
⇄⧉public toArray(bool $onlyChanged = false, bool $cast = true, bool $recursive = false): array General method that will return all public and protected values of this entit...
* General method that will return all public and protected values
* of this entity as an array. All values are accessed through the
* __get() magic method so will have any casts, etc applied to them.
* @param bool $onlyChanged If true, only return values that have changed since object creation
* @param bool $cast If true, properties will be cast.
* @param bool $recursive If true, inner entities will be cast as array as well.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:155
⇄⧉public toRawArray(bool $onlyChanged = false, bool $recursive = false): array Returns the raw values of the current attributes.
* Returns the raw values of the current attributes.
* @param bool $onlyChanged If true, only return values that have changed since object creation
* @param bool $recursive If true, inner entities will be cast as array as well.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:197
⇄⧉public syncOriginal(): $this Ensures our "original" values match the current values.
* Ensures our "original" values match the current values.
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:241
⇄⧉public hasChanged(?string $key = null): bool Checks a property to see if it has changed since the entity was created. Or, ...
$value[5]->hasChanged(?string $key = null)
* Checks a property to see if it has changed since the entity
* was created. Or, without a parameter, checks if any
* properties have changed.
* @param string|null $key class property
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:255
⇄⧉public setAttributes(array $data): $this Set raw data array without any mutations
$value[5]->setAttributes(array $data)
* Set raw data array without any mutations
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:282
⇄⧉public jsonSerialize(): array Support for json_encode()
* Support for json_encode()
* @return array
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:400
⇄⧉public cast(?bool $cast = null): bool|Entity Change the value of the private $_cast property
$value[5]->cast(?bool $cast = null)
* Change the value of the private $_cast property
* @return bool|Entity
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:410
⧉public __set(string $key, $value = null): void Magic method to all protected/private class properties to be easily set, eith...
* Magic method to all protected/private class properties to be
* easily set, either through a direct access or a
* `setCamelCasedProperty()` method.
* Examples:
* $this->my_property = $p;
* $this->setMyProperty() = $p;
* @param array|bool|float|int|object|string|null $value
* @return void
* @throws Exception
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:436
⧉public __get(string $key): array|bool|float|int|object|string|null Magic method to allow retrieval of protected and private class properties eit...
* Magic method to allow retrieval of protected and private class properties
* either by their name, or through a `getCamelCasedProperty()` method.
* Examples:
* $p = $this->my_property
* $p = $this->getMyProperty()
* @return array|bool|float|int|object|string|null
* @throws Exception
* @params string $key class property
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:479
⧉public __isset(string $key): bool Returns true if a property exists names $key, or a getter method exists named...
* Returns true if a property exists names $key, or a getter method
* exists named like for __get().
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:516
⧉public __unset(string $key): void Unsets an attribute property.
* Unsets an attribute property.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:536
⧉protected mapProperty(string $key): string db column name Checks the datamap to see if this property name is being mapped, and returns ...
* Checks the datamap to see if this property name is being mapped,
* and returns the db column name, if any, or the original property name.
* @return string db column name
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:297
⧉protected mutateDate($value): Time Converts the given string|timestamp|DateTime|Time instance into the "CodeIgni...
* Converts the given string|timestamp|DateTime|Time instance
* into the "CodeIgniter\I18n\Time" object.
* @param DateTime|float|int|string|Time $value
* @return Time
* @throws Exception
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:320
⧉protected castAs($value, string $attribute, string $method = 'get'): array|bool|float|int|object|string|null Provides the ability to cast an item as a specific data type. Add ? at the be...
* Provides the ability to cast an item as a specific data type.
* Add ? at the beginning of $type (i.e. ?string) to get NULL
* instead of casting $value if $value === null
* @param bool|float|int|string|null $value Attribute value
* @param string $attribute Attribute name
* @param string $method Allowed to "get" and "set"
* @return array|bool|float|int|object|string|null
* @throws CastException
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:338
⧉protected isMappedDbColumn(string $key): bool Whether this key is mapped db column name?
* Whether this key is mapped db column name?
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:550
⧉protected hasMappedProperty(string $key): bool Whether this key has mapped property?
* Whether this key has mapped property?
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:565
uri => string (31) "CodeIgniter\Entity\Cast\URICast"
private _cast -> boolean true
⇄⧉public __construct(?array $data = null) Allows filling in Entity parameters during construction.
new \App\Entities\Entity(?array $data = null)
* Allows filling in Entity parameters during construction.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:117
⇄⧉public fill(?array $data = null): $this Takes an array of key/value pairs and sets them as class properties, using an...
$value[6]->fill(?array $data = null)
* Takes an array of key/value pairs and sets them as class
* properties, using any `setCamelCasedProperty()` methods
* that may or may not exist.
* @param array $data
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:133
⇄⧉public toArray(bool $onlyChanged = false, bool $cast = true, bool $recursive = false): array General method that will return all public and protected values of this entit...
* General method that will return all public and protected values
* of this entity as an array. All values are accessed through the
* __get() magic method so will have any casts, etc applied to them.
* @param bool $onlyChanged If true, only return values that have changed since object creation
* @param bool $cast If true, properties will be cast.
* @param bool $recursive If true, inner entities will be cast as array as well.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:155
⇄⧉public toRawArray(bool $onlyChanged = false, bool $recursive = false): array Returns the raw values of the current attributes.
* Returns the raw values of the current attributes.
* @param bool $onlyChanged If true, only return values that have changed since object creation
* @param bool $recursive If true, inner entities will be cast as array as well.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:197
⇄⧉public syncOriginal(): $this Ensures our "original" values match the current values.
* Ensures our "original" values match the current values.
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:241
⇄⧉public hasChanged(?string $key = null): bool Checks a property to see if it has changed since the entity was created. Or, ...
$value[6]->hasChanged(?string $key = null)
* Checks a property to see if it has changed since the entity
* was created. Or, without a parameter, checks if any
* properties have changed.
* @param string|null $key class property
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:255
⇄⧉public setAttributes(array $data): $this Set raw data array without any mutations
$value[6]->setAttributes(array $data)
* Set raw data array without any mutations
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:282
⇄⧉public jsonSerialize(): array Support for json_encode()
* Support for json_encode()
* @return array
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:400
⇄⧉public cast(?bool $cast = null): bool|Entity Change the value of the private $_cast property
$value[6]->cast(?bool $cast = null)
* Change the value of the private $_cast property
* @return bool|Entity
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:410
⧉public __set(string $key, $value = null): void Magic method to all protected/private class properties to be easily set, eith...
* Magic method to all protected/private class properties to be
* easily set, either through a direct access or a
* `setCamelCasedProperty()` method.
* Examples:
* $this->my_property = $p;
* $this->setMyProperty() = $p;
* @param array|bool|float|int|object|string|null $value
* @return void
* @throws Exception
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:436
⧉public __get(string $key): array|bool|float|int|object|string|null Magic method to allow retrieval of protected and private class properties eit...
* Magic method to allow retrieval of protected and private class properties
* either by their name, or through a `getCamelCasedProperty()` method.
* Examples:
* $p = $this->my_property
* $p = $this->getMyProperty()
* @return array|bool|float|int|object|string|null
* @throws Exception
* @params string $key class property
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:479
⧉public __isset(string $key): bool Returns true if a property exists names $key, or a getter method exists named...
* Returns true if a property exists names $key, or a getter method
* exists named like for __get().
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:516
⧉public __unset(string $key): void Unsets an attribute property.
* Unsets an attribute property.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:536
⧉protected mapProperty(string $key): string db column name Checks the datamap to see if this property name is being mapped, and returns ...
* Checks the datamap to see if this property name is being mapped,
* and returns the db column name, if any, or the original property name.
* @return string db column name
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:297
⧉protected mutateDate($value): Time Converts the given string|timestamp|DateTime|Time instance into the "CodeIgni...
* Converts the given string|timestamp|DateTime|Time instance
* into the "CodeIgniter\I18n\Time" object.
* @param DateTime|float|int|string|Time $value
* @return Time
* @throws Exception
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:320
⧉protected castAs($value, string $attribute, string $method = 'get'): array|bool|float|int|object|string|null Provides the ability to cast an item as a specific data type. Add ? at the be...
* Provides the ability to cast an item as a specific data type.
* Add ? at the beginning of $type (i.e. ?string) to get NULL
* instead of casting $value if $value === null
* @param bool|float|int|string|null $value Attribute value
* @param string $attribute Attribute name
* @param string $method Allowed to "get" and "set"
* @return array|bool|float|int|object|string|null
* @throws CastException
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:338
⧉protected isMappedDbColumn(string $key): bool Whether this key is mapped db column name?
* Whether this key is mapped db column name?
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:550
⧉protected hasMappedProperty(string $key): bool Whether this key has mapped property?
* Whether this key has mapped property?
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:565
uri => string (31) "CodeIgniter\Entity\Cast\URICast"
private _cast -> boolean true
⇄⧉public __construct(?array $data = null) Allows filling in Entity parameters during construction.
new \App\Entities\Entity(?array $data = null)
* Allows filling in Entity parameters during construction.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:117
⇄⧉public fill(?array $data = null): $this Takes an array of key/value pairs and sets them as class properties, using an...
$value[7]->fill(?array $data = null)
* Takes an array of key/value pairs and sets them as class
* properties, using any `setCamelCasedProperty()` methods
* that may or may not exist.
* @param array $data
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:133
⇄⧉public toArray(bool $onlyChanged = false, bool $cast = true, bool $recursive = false): array General method that will return all public and protected values of this entit...
* General method that will return all public and protected values
* of this entity as an array. All values are accessed through the
* __get() magic method so will have any casts, etc applied to them.
* @param bool $onlyChanged If true, only return values that have changed since object creation
* @param bool $cast If true, properties will be cast.
* @param bool $recursive If true, inner entities will be cast as array as well.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:155
⇄⧉public toRawArray(bool $onlyChanged = false, bool $recursive = false): array Returns the raw values of the current attributes.
* Returns the raw values of the current attributes.
* @param bool $onlyChanged If true, only return values that have changed since object creation
* @param bool $recursive If true, inner entities will be cast as array as well.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:197
⇄⧉public syncOriginal(): $this Ensures our "original" values match the current values.
* Ensures our "original" values match the current values.
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:241
⇄⧉public hasChanged(?string $key = null): bool Checks a property to see if it has changed since the entity was created. Or, ...
$value[7]->hasChanged(?string $key = null)
* Checks a property to see if it has changed since the entity
* was created. Or, without a parameter, checks if any
* properties have changed.
* @param string|null $key class property
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:255
⇄⧉public setAttributes(array $data): $this Set raw data array without any mutations
$value[7]->setAttributes(array $data)
* Set raw data array without any mutations
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:282
⇄⧉public jsonSerialize(): array Support for json_encode()
* Support for json_encode()
* @return array
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:400
⇄⧉public cast(?bool $cast = null): bool|Entity Change the value of the private $_cast property
$value[7]->cast(?bool $cast = null)
* Change the value of the private $_cast property
* @return bool|Entity
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:410
⧉public __set(string $key, $value = null): void Magic method to all protected/private class properties to be easily set, eith...
* Magic method to all protected/private class properties to be
* easily set, either through a direct access or a
* `setCamelCasedProperty()` method.
* Examples:
* $this->my_property = $p;
* $this->setMyProperty() = $p;
* @param array|bool|float|int|object|string|null $value
* @return void
* @throws Exception
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:436
⧉public __get(string $key): array|bool|float|int|object|string|null Magic method to allow retrieval of protected and private class properties eit...
* Magic method to allow retrieval of protected and private class properties
* either by their name, or through a `getCamelCasedProperty()` method.
* Examples:
* $p = $this->my_property
* $p = $this->getMyProperty()
* @return array|bool|float|int|object|string|null
* @throws Exception
* @params string $key class property
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:479
⧉public __isset(string $key): bool Returns true if a property exists names $key, or a getter method exists named...
* Returns true if a property exists names $key, or a getter method
* exists named like for __get().
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:516
⧉public __unset(string $key): void Unsets an attribute property.
* Unsets an attribute property.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:536
⧉protected mapProperty(string $key): string db column name Checks the datamap to see if this property name is being mapped, and returns ...
* Checks the datamap to see if this property name is being mapped,
* and returns the db column name, if any, or the original property name.
* @return string db column name
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:297
⧉protected mutateDate($value): Time Converts the given string|timestamp|DateTime|Time instance into the "CodeIgni...
* Converts the given string|timestamp|DateTime|Time instance
* into the "CodeIgniter\I18n\Time" object.
* @param DateTime|float|int|string|Time $value
* @return Time
* @throws Exception
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:320
⧉protected castAs($value, string $attribute, string $method = 'get'): array|bool|float|int|object|string|null Provides the ability to cast an item as a specific data type. Add ? at the be...
* Provides the ability to cast an item as a specific data type.
* Add ? at the beginning of $type (i.e. ?string) to get NULL
* instead of casting $value if $value === null
* @param bool|float|int|string|null $value Attribute value
* @param string $attribute Attribute name
* @param string $method Allowed to "get" and "set"
* @return array|bool|float|int|object|string|null
* @throws CastException
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:338
⧉protected isMappedDbColumn(string $key): bool Whether this key is mapped db column name?
* Whether this key is mapped db column name?
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:550
⧉protected hasMappedProperty(string $key): bool Whether this key has mapped property?
* Whether this key has mapped property?
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:565
uri => string (31) "CodeIgniter\Entity\Cast\URICast"
private _cast -> boolean true
⇄⧉public __construct(?array $data = null) Allows filling in Entity parameters during construction.
new \App\Entities\Entity(?array $data = null)
* Allows filling in Entity parameters during construction.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:117
⇄⧉public fill(?array $data = null): $this Takes an array of key/value pairs and sets them as class properties, using an...
$value[8]->fill(?array $data = null)
* Takes an array of key/value pairs and sets them as class
* properties, using any `setCamelCasedProperty()` methods
* that may or may not exist.
* @param array $data
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:133
⇄⧉public toArray(bool $onlyChanged = false, bool $cast = true, bool $recursive = false): array General method that will return all public and protected values of this entit...
* General method that will return all public and protected values
* of this entity as an array. All values are accessed through the
* __get() magic method so will have any casts, etc applied to them.
* @param bool $onlyChanged If true, only return values that have changed since object creation
* @param bool $cast If true, properties will be cast.
* @param bool $recursive If true, inner entities will be cast as array as well.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:155
⇄⧉public toRawArray(bool $onlyChanged = false, bool $recursive = false): array Returns the raw values of the current attributes.
* Returns the raw values of the current attributes.
* @param bool $onlyChanged If true, only return values that have changed since object creation
* @param bool $recursive If true, inner entities will be cast as array as well.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:197
⇄⧉public syncOriginal(): $this Ensures our "original" values match the current values.
* Ensures our "original" values match the current values.
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:241
⇄⧉public hasChanged(?string $key = null): bool Checks a property to see if it has changed since the entity was created. Or, ...
$value[8]->hasChanged(?string $key = null)
* Checks a property to see if it has changed since the entity
* was created. Or, without a parameter, checks if any
* properties have changed.
* @param string|null $key class property
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:255
⇄⧉public setAttributes(array $data): $this Set raw data array without any mutations
$value[8]->setAttributes(array $data)
* Set raw data array without any mutations
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:282
⇄⧉public jsonSerialize(): array Support for json_encode()
* Support for json_encode()
* @return array
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:400
⇄⧉public cast(?bool $cast = null): bool|Entity Change the value of the private $_cast property
$value[8]->cast(?bool $cast = null)
* Change the value of the private $_cast property
* @return bool|Entity
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:410
⧉public __set(string $key, $value = null): void Magic method to all protected/private class properties to be easily set, eith...
* Magic method to all protected/private class properties to be
* easily set, either through a direct access or a
* `setCamelCasedProperty()` method.
* Examples:
* $this->my_property = $p;
* $this->setMyProperty() = $p;
* @param array|bool|float|int|object|string|null $value
* @return void
* @throws Exception
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:436
⧉public __get(string $key): array|bool|float|int|object|string|null Magic method to allow retrieval of protected and private class properties eit...
* Magic method to allow retrieval of protected and private class properties
* either by their name, or through a `getCamelCasedProperty()` method.
* Examples:
* $p = $this->my_property
* $p = $this->getMyProperty()
* @return array|bool|float|int|object|string|null
* @throws Exception
* @params string $key class property
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:479
⧉public __isset(string $key): bool Returns true if a property exists names $key, or a getter method exists named...
* Returns true if a property exists names $key, or a getter method
* exists named like for __get().
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:516
⧉public __unset(string $key): void Unsets an attribute property.
* Unsets an attribute property.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:536
⧉protected mapProperty(string $key): string db column name Checks the datamap to see if this property name is being mapped, and returns ...
* Checks the datamap to see if this property name is being mapped,
* and returns the db column name, if any, or the original property name.
* @return string db column name
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:297
⧉protected mutateDate($value): Time Converts the given string|timestamp|DateTime|Time instance into the "CodeIgni...
* Converts the given string|timestamp|DateTime|Time instance
* into the "CodeIgniter\I18n\Time" object.
* @param DateTime|float|int|string|Time $value
* @return Time
* @throws Exception
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:320
⧉protected castAs($value, string $attribute, string $method = 'get'): array|bool|float|int|object|string|null Provides the ability to cast an item as a specific data type. Add ? at the be...
* Provides the ability to cast an item as a specific data type.
* Add ? at the beginning of $type (i.e. ?string) to get NULL
* instead of casting $value if $value === null
* @param bool|float|int|string|null $value Attribute value
* @param string $attribute Attribute name
* @param string $method Allowed to "get" and "set"
* @return array|bool|float|int|object|string|null
* @throws CastException
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:338
⧉protected isMappedDbColumn(string $key): bool Whether this key is mapped db column name?
* Whether this key is mapped db column name?
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:550
⧉protected hasMappedProperty(string $key): bool Whether this key has mapped property?
* Whether this key has mapped property?
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:565
uri => string (31) "CodeIgniter\Entity\Cast\URICast"
private _cast -> boolean true
⇄⧉public __construct(?array $data = null) Allows filling in Entity parameters during construction.
new \App\Entities\Entity(?array $data = null)
* Allows filling in Entity parameters during construction.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:117
⇄⧉public fill(?array $data = null): $this Takes an array of key/value pairs and sets them as class properties, using an...
$value[9]->fill(?array $data = null)
* Takes an array of key/value pairs and sets them as class
* properties, using any `setCamelCasedProperty()` methods
* that may or may not exist.
* @param array $data
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:133
⇄⧉public toArray(bool $onlyChanged = false, bool $cast = true, bool $recursive = false): array General method that will return all public and protected values of this entit...
* General method that will return all public and protected values
* of this entity as an array. All values are accessed through the
* __get() magic method so will have any casts, etc applied to them.
* @param bool $onlyChanged If true, only return values that have changed since object creation
* @param bool $cast If true, properties will be cast.
* @param bool $recursive If true, inner entities will be cast as array as well.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:155
⇄⧉public toRawArray(bool $onlyChanged = false, bool $recursive = false): array Returns the raw values of the current attributes.
* Returns the raw values of the current attributes.
* @param bool $onlyChanged If true, only return values that have changed since object creation
* @param bool $recursive If true, inner entities will be cast as array as well.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:197
⇄⧉public syncOriginal(): $this Ensures our "original" values match the current values.
* Ensures our "original" values match the current values.
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:241
⇄⧉public hasChanged(?string $key = null): bool Checks a property to see if it has changed since the entity was created. Or, ...
$value[9]->hasChanged(?string $key = null)
* Checks a property to see if it has changed since the entity
* was created. Or, without a parameter, checks if any
* properties have changed.
* @param string|null $key class property
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:255
⇄⧉public setAttributes(array $data): $this Set raw data array without any mutations
$value[9]->setAttributes(array $data)
* Set raw data array without any mutations
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:282
⇄⧉public jsonSerialize(): array Support for json_encode()
* Support for json_encode()
* @return array
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:400
⇄⧉public cast(?bool $cast = null): bool|Entity Change the value of the private $_cast property
$value[9]->cast(?bool $cast = null)
* Change the value of the private $_cast property
* @return bool|Entity
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:410
⧉public __set(string $key, $value = null): void Magic method to all protected/private class properties to be easily set, eith...
* Magic method to all protected/private class properties to be
* easily set, either through a direct access or a
* `setCamelCasedProperty()` method.
* Examples:
* $this->my_property = $p;
* $this->setMyProperty() = $p;
* @param array|bool|float|int|object|string|null $value
* @return void
* @throws Exception
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:436
⧉public __get(string $key): array|bool|float|int|object|string|null Magic method to allow retrieval of protected and private class properties eit...
* Magic method to allow retrieval of protected and private class properties
* either by their name, or through a `getCamelCasedProperty()` method.
* Examples:
* $p = $this->my_property
* $p = $this->getMyProperty()
* @return array|bool|float|int|object|string|null
* @throws Exception
* @params string $key class property
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:479
⧉public __isset(string $key): bool Returns true if a property exists names $key, or a getter method exists named...
* Returns true if a property exists names $key, or a getter method
* exists named like for __get().
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:516
⧉public __unset(string $key): void Unsets an attribute property.
* Unsets an attribute property.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:536
⧉protected mapProperty(string $key): string db column name Checks the datamap to see if this property name is being mapped, and returns ...
* Checks the datamap to see if this property name is being mapped,
* and returns the db column name, if any, or the original property name.
* @return string db column name
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:297
⧉protected mutateDate($value): Time Converts the given string|timestamp|DateTime|Time instance into the "CodeIgni...
* Converts the given string|timestamp|DateTime|Time instance
* into the "CodeIgniter\I18n\Time" object.
* @param DateTime|float|int|string|Time $value
* @return Time
* @throws Exception
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:320
⧉protected castAs($value, string $attribute, string $method = 'get'): array|bool|float|int|object|string|null Provides the ability to cast an item as a specific data type. Add ? at the be...
* Provides the ability to cast an item as a specific data type.
* Add ? at the beginning of $type (i.e. ?string) to get NULL
* instead of casting $value if $value === null
* @param bool|float|int|string|null $value Attribute value
* @param string $attribute Attribute name
* @param string $method Allowed to "get" and "set"
* @return array|bool|float|int|object|string|null
* @throws CastException
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:338
⧉protected isMappedDbColumn(string $key): bool Whether this key is mapped db column name?
* Whether this key is mapped db column name?
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:550
⧉protected hasMappedProperty(string $key): bool Whether this key has mapped property?
* Whether this key has mapped property?
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:565
uri => string (31) "CodeIgniter\Entity\Cast\URICast"
private _cast -> boolean true
⇄⧉public __construct(?array $data = null) Allows filling in Entity parameters during construction.
new \App\Entities\Entity(?array $data = null)
* Allows filling in Entity parameters during construction.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:117
⇄⧉public fill(?array $data = null): $this Takes an array of key/value pairs and sets them as class properties, using an...
$value[10]->fill(?array $data = null)
* Takes an array of key/value pairs and sets them as class
* properties, using any `setCamelCasedProperty()` methods
* that may or may not exist.
* @param array $data
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:133
⇄⧉public toArray(bool $onlyChanged = false, bool $cast = true, bool $recursive = false): array General method that will return all public and protected values of this entit...
* General method that will return all public and protected values
* of this entity as an array. All values are accessed through the
* __get() magic method so will have any casts, etc applied to them.
* @param bool $onlyChanged If true, only return values that have changed since object creation
* @param bool $cast If true, properties will be cast.
* @param bool $recursive If true, inner entities will be cast as array as well.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:155
⇄⧉public toRawArray(bool $onlyChanged = false, bool $recursive = false): array Returns the raw values of the current attributes.
* Returns the raw values of the current attributes.
* @param bool $onlyChanged If true, only return values that have changed since object creation
* @param bool $recursive If true, inner entities will be cast as array as well.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:197
⇄⧉public syncOriginal(): $this Ensures our "original" values match the current values.
* Ensures our "original" values match the current values.
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:241
⇄⧉public hasChanged(?string $key = null): bool Checks a property to see if it has changed since the entity was created. Or, ...
$value[10]->hasChanged(?string $key = null)
* Checks a property to see if it has changed since the entity
* was created. Or, without a parameter, checks if any
* properties have changed.
* @param string|null $key class property
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:255
⇄⧉public setAttributes(array $data): $this Set raw data array without any mutations
$value[10]->setAttributes(array $data)
* Set raw data array without any mutations
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:282
⇄⧉public jsonSerialize(): array Support for json_encode()
* Support for json_encode()
* @return array
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:400
⇄⧉public cast(?bool $cast = null): bool|Entity Change the value of the private $_cast property
$value[10]->cast(?bool $cast = null)
* Change the value of the private $_cast property
* @return bool|Entity
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:410
⧉public __set(string $key, $value = null): void Magic method to all protected/private class properties to be easily set, eith...
* Magic method to all protected/private class properties to be
* easily set, either through a direct access or a
* `setCamelCasedProperty()` method.
* Examples:
* $this->my_property = $p;
* $this->setMyProperty() = $p;
* @param array|bool|float|int|object|string|null $value
* @return void
* @throws Exception
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:436
⧉public __get(string $key): array|bool|float|int|object|string|null Magic method to allow retrieval of protected and private class properties eit...
* Magic method to allow retrieval of protected and private class properties
* either by their name, or through a `getCamelCasedProperty()` method.
* Examples:
* $p = $this->my_property
* $p = $this->getMyProperty()
* @return array|bool|float|int|object|string|null
* @throws Exception
* @params string $key class property
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:479
⧉public __isset(string $key): bool Returns true if a property exists names $key, or a getter method exists named...
* Returns true if a property exists names $key, or a getter method
* exists named like for __get().
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:516
⧉public __unset(string $key): void Unsets an attribute property.
* Unsets an attribute property.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:536
⧉protected mapProperty(string $key): string db column name Checks the datamap to see if this property name is being mapped, and returns ...
* Checks the datamap to see if this property name is being mapped,
* and returns the db column name, if any, or the original property name.
* @return string db column name
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:297
⧉protected mutateDate($value): Time Converts the given string|timestamp|DateTime|Time instance into the "CodeIgni...
* Converts the given string|timestamp|DateTime|Time instance
* into the "CodeIgniter\I18n\Time" object.
* @param DateTime|float|int|string|Time $value
* @return Time
* @throws Exception
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:320
⧉protected castAs($value, string $attribute, string $method = 'get'): array|bool|float|int|object|string|null Provides the ability to cast an item as a specific data type. Add ? at the be...
* Provides the ability to cast an item as a specific data type.
* Add ? at the beginning of $type (i.e. ?string) to get NULL
* instead of casting $value if $value === null
* @param bool|float|int|string|null $value Attribute value
* @param string $attribute Attribute name
* @param string $method Allowed to "get" and "set"
* @return array|bool|float|int|object|string|null
* @throws CastException
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:338
⧉protected isMappedDbColumn(string $key): bool Whether this key is mapped db column name?
* Whether this key is mapped db column name?
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:550
⧉protected hasMappedProperty(string $key): bool Whether this key has mapped property?
* Whether this key has mapped property?
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:565
uri => string (31) "CodeIgniter\Entity\Cast\URICast"
private _cast -> boolean true
⇄⧉public __construct(?array $data = null) Allows filling in Entity parameters during construction.
new \App\Entities\Entity(?array $data = null)
* Allows filling in Entity parameters during construction.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:117
⇄⧉public fill(?array $data = null): $this Takes an array of key/value pairs and sets them as class properties, using an...
$value[11]->fill(?array $data = null)
* Takes an array of key/value pairs and sets them as class
* properties, using any `setCamelCasedProperty()` methods
* that may or may not exist.
* @param array $data
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:133
⇄⧉public toArray(bool $onlyChanged = false, bool $cast = true, bool $recursive = false): array General method that will return all public and protected values of this entit...
* General method that will return all public and protected values
* of this entity as an array. All values are accessed through the
* __get() magic method so will have any casts, etc applied to them.
* @param bool $onlyChanged If true, only return values that have changed since object creation
* @param bool $cast If true, properties will be cast.
* @param bool $recursive If true, inner entities will be cast as array as well.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:155
⇄⧉public toRawArray(bool $onlyChanged = false, bool $recursive = false): array Returns the raw values of the current attributes.
* Returns the raw values of the current attributes.
* @param bool $onlyChanged If true, only return values that have changed since object creation
* @param bool $recursive If true, inner entities will be cast as array as well.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:197
⇄⧉public syncOriginal(): $this Ensures our "original" values match the current values.
* Ensures our "original" values match the current values.
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:241
⇄⧉public hasChanged(?string $key = null): bool Checks a property to see if it has changed since the entity was created. Or, ...
$value[11]->hasChanged(?string $key = null)
* Checks a property to see if it has changed since the entity
* was created. Or, without a parameter, checks if any
* properties have changed.
* @param string|null $key class property
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:255
⇄⧉public setAttributes(array $data): $this Set raw data array without any mutations
$value[11]->setAttributes(array $data)
* Set raw data array without any mutations
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:282
⇄⧉public jsonSerialize(): array Support for json_encode()
* Support for json_encode()
* @return array
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:400
⇄⧉public cast(?bool $cast = null): bool|Entity Change the value of the private $_cast property
$value[11]->cast(?bool $cast = null)
* Change the value of the private $_cast property
* @return bool|Entity
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:410
⧉public __set(string $key, $value = null): void Magic method to all protected/private class properties to be easily set, eith...
* Magic method to all protected/private class properties to be
* easily set, either through a direct access or a
* `setCamelCasedProperty()` method.
* Examples:
* $this->my_property = $p;
* $this->setMyProperty() = $p;
* @param array|bool|float|int|object|string|null $value
* @return void
* @throws Exception
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:436
⧉public __get(string $key): array|bool|float|int|object|string|null Magic method to allow retrieval of protected and private class properties eit...
* Magic method to allow retrieval of protected and private class properties
* either by their name, or through a `getCamelCasedProperty()` method.
* Examples:
* $p = $this->my_property
* $p = $this->getMyProperty()
* @return array|bool|float|int|object|string|null
* @throws Exception
* @params string $key class property
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:479
⧉public __isset(string $key): bool Returns true if a property exists names $key, or a getter method exists named...
* Returns true if a property exists names $key, or a getter method
* exists named like for __get().
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:516
⧉public __unset(string $key): void Unsets an attribute property.
* Unsets an attribute property.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:536
⧉protected mapProperty(string $key): string db column name Checks the datamap to see if this property name is being mapped, and returns ...
* Checks the datamap to see if this property name is being mapped,
* and returns the db column name, if any, or the original property name.
* @return string db column name
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:297
⧉protected mutateDate($value): Time Converts the given string|timestamp|DateTime|Time instance into the "CodeIgni...
* Converts the given string|timestamp|DateTime|Time instance
* into the "CodeIgniter\I18n\Time" object.
* @param DateTime|float|int|string|Time $value
* @return Time
* @throws Exception
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:320
⧉protected castAs($value, string $attribute, string $method = 'get'): array|bool|float|int|object|string|null Provides the ability to cast an item as a specific data type. Add ? at the be...
* Provides the ability to cast an item as a specific data type.
* Add ? at the beginning of $type (i.e. ?string) to get NULL
* instead of casting $value if $value === null
* @param bool|float|int|string|null $value Attribute value
* @param string $attribute Attribute name
* @param string $method Allowed to "get" and "set"
* @return array|bool|float|int|object|string|null
* @throws CastException
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:338
⧉protected isMappedDbColumn(string $key): bool Whether this key is mapped db column name?
* Whether this key is mapped db column name?
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:550
⧉protected hasMappedProperty(string $key): bool Whether this key has mapped property?
* Whether this key has mapped property?
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:565
uri => string (31) "CodeIgniter\Entity\Cast\URICast"
private _cast -> boolean true
⇄⧉public __construct(?array $data = null) Allows filling in Entity parameters during construction.
new \App\Entities\Entity(?array $data = null)
* Allows filling in Entity parameters during construction.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:117
⇄⧉public fill(?array $data = null): $this Takes an array of key/value pairs and sets them as class properties, using an...
$value[12]->fill(?array $data = null)
* Takes an array of key/value pairs and sets them as class
* properties, using any `setCamelCasedProperty()` methods
* that may or may not exist.
* @param array $data
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:133
⇄⧉public toArray(bool $onlyChanged = false, bool $cast = true, bool $recursive = false): array General method that will return all public and protected values of this entit...
* General method that will return all public and protected values
* of this entity as an array. All values are accessed through the
* __get() magic method so will have any casts, etc applied to them.
* @param bool $onlyChanged If true, only return values that have changed since object creation
* @param bool $cast If true, properties will be cast.
* @param bool $recursive If true, inner entities will be cast as array as well.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:155
⇄⧉public toRawArray(bool $onlyChanged = false, bool $recursive = false): array Returns the raw values of the current attributes.
* Returns the raw values of the current attributes.
* @param bool $onlyChanged If true, only return values that have changed since object creation
* @param bool $recursive If true, inner entities will be cast as array as well.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:197
⇄⧉public syncOriginal(): $this Ensures our "original" values match the current values.
* Ensures our "original" values match the current values.
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:241
⇄⧉public hasChanged(?string $key = null): bool Checks a property to see if it has changed since the entity was created. Or, ...
$value[12]->hasChanged(?string $key = null)
* Checks a property to see if it has changed since the entity
* was created. Or, without a parameter, checks if any
* properties have changed.
* @param string|null $key class property
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:255
⇄⧉public setAttributes(array $data): $this Set raw data array without any mutations
$value[12]->setAttributes(array $data)
* Set raw data array without any mutations
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:282
⇄⧉public jsonSerialize(): array Support for json_encode()
* Support for json_encode()
* @return array
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:400
⇄⧉public cast(?bool $cast = null): bool|Entity Change the value of the private $_cast property
$value[12]->cast(?bool $cast = null)
* Change the value of the private $_cast property
* @return bool|Entity
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:410
⧉public __set(string $key, $value = null): void Magic method to all protected/private class properties to be easily set, eith...
* Magic method to all protected/private class properties to be
* easily set, either through a direct access or a
* `setCamelCasedProperty()` method.
* Examples:
* $this->my_property = $p;
* $this->setMyProperty() = $p;
* @param array|bool|float|int|object|string|null $value
* @return void
* @throws Exception
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:436
⧉public __get(string $key): array|bool|float|int|object|string|null Magic method to allow retrieval of protected and private class properties eit...
* Magic method to allow retrieval of protected and private class properties
* either by their name, or through a `getCamelCasedProperty()` method.
* Examples:
* $p = $this->my_property
* $p = $this->getMyProperty()
* @return array|bool|float|int|object|string|null
* @throws Exception
* @params string $key class property
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:479
⧉public __isset(string $key): bool Returns true if a property exists names $key, or a getter method exists named...
* Returns true if a property exists names $key, or a getter method
* exists named like for __get().
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:516
⧉public __unset(string $key): void Unsets an attribute property.
* Unsets an attribute property.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:536
⧉protected mapProperty(string $key): string db column name Checks the datamap to see if this property name is being mapped, and returns ...
* Checks the datamap to see if this property name is being mapped,
* and returns the db column name, if any, or the original property name.
* @return string db column name
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:297
⧉protected mutateDate($value): Time Converts the given string|timestamp|DateTime|Time instance into the "CodeIgni...
* Converts the given string|timestamp|DateTime|Time instance
* into the "CodeIgniter\I18n\Time" object.
* @param DateTime|float|int|string|Time $value
* @return Time
* @throws Exception
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:320
⧉protected castAs($value, string $attribute, string $method = 'get'): array|bool|float|int|object|string|null Provides the ability to cast an item as a specific data type. Add ? at the be...
* Provides the ability to cast an item as a specific data type.
* Add ? at the beginning of $type (i.e. ?string) to get NULL
* instead of casting $value if $value === null
* @param bool|float|int|string|null $value Attribute value
* @param string $attribute Attribute name
* @param string $method Allowed to "get" and "set"
* @return array|bool|float|int|object|string|null
* @throws CastException
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:338
⧉protected isMappedDbColumn(string $key): bool Whether this key is mapped db column name?
* Whether this key is mapped db column name?
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:550
⧉protected hasMappedProperty(string $key): bool Whether this key has mapped property?
* Whether this key has mapped property?
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:565
uri => string (31) "CodeIgniter\Entity\Cast\URICast"
private _cast -> boolean true
⇄⧉public __construct(?array $data = null) Allows filling in Entity parameters during construction.
new \App\Entities\Entity(?array $data = null)
* Allows filling in Entity parameters during construction.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:117
⇄⧉public fill(?array $data = null): $this Takes an array of key/value pairs and sets them as class properties, using an...
$value[13]->fill(?array $data = null)
* Takes an array of key/value pairs and sets them as class
* properties, using any `setCamelCasedProperty()` methods
* that may or may not exist.
* @param array $data
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:133
⇄⧉public toArray(bool $onlyChanged = false, bool $cast = true, bool $recursive = false): array General method that will return all public and protected values of this entit...
* General method that will return all public and protected values
* of this entity as an array. All values are accessed through the
* __get() magic method so will have any casts, etc applied to them.
* @param bool $onlyChanged If true, only return values that have changed since object creation
* @param bool $cast If true, properties will be cast.
* @param bool $recursive If true, inner entities will be cast as array as well.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:155
⇄⧉public toRawArray(bool $onlyChanged = false, bool $recursive = false): array Returns the raw values of the current attributes.
* Returns the raw values of the current attributes.
* @param bool $onlyChanged If true, only return values that have changed since object creation
* @param bool $recursive If true, inner entities will be cast as array as well.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:197
⇄⧉public syncOriginal(): $this Ensures our "original" values match the current values.
* Ensures our "original" values match the current values.
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:241
⇄⧉public hasChanged(?string $key = null): bool Checks a property to see if it has changed since the entity was created. Or, ...
$value[13]->hasChanged(?string $key = null)
* Checks a property to see if it has changed since the entity
* was created. Or, without a parameter, checks if any
* properties have changed.
* @param string|null $key class property
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:255
⇄⧉public setAttributes(array $data): $this Set raw data array without any mutations
$value[13]->setAttributes(array $data)
* Set raw data array without any mutations
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:282
⇄⧉public jsonSerialize(): array Support for json_encode()
* Support for json_encode()
* @return array
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:400
⇄⧉public cast(?bool $cast = null): bool|Entity Change the value of the private $_cast property
$value[13]->cast(?bool $cast = null)
* Change the value of the private $_cast property
* @return bool|Entity
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:410
⧉public __set(string $key, $value = null): void Magic method to all protected/private class properties to be easily set, eith...
* Magic method to all protected/private class properties to be
* easily set, either through a direct access or a
* `setCamelCasedProperty()` method.
* Examples:
* $this->my_property = $p;
* $this->setMyProperty() = $p;
* @param array|bool|float|int|object|string|null $value
* @return void
* @throws Exception
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:436
⧉public __get(string $key): array|bool|float|int|object|string|null Magic method to allow retrieval of protected and private class properties eit...
* Magic method to allow retrieval of protected and private class properties
* either by their name, or through a `getCamelCasedProperty()` method.
* Examples:
* $p = $this->my_property
* $p = $this->getMyProperty()
* @return array|bool|float|int|object|string|null
* @throws Exception
* @params string $key class property
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:479
⧉public __isset(string $key): bool Returns true if a property exists names $key, or a getter method exists named...
* Returns true if a property exists names $key, or a getter method
* exists named like for __get().
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:516
⧉public __unset(string $key): void Unsets an attribute property.
* Unsets an attribute property.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:536
⧉protected mapProperty(string $key): string db column name Checks the datamap to see if this property name is being mapped, and returns ...
* Checks the datamap to see if this property name is being mapped,
* and returns the db column name, if any, or the original property name.
* @return string db column name
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:297
⧉protected mutateDate($value): Time Converts the given string|timestamp|DateTime|Time instance into the "CodeIgni...
* Converts the given string|timestamp|DateTime|Time instance
* into the "CodeIgniter\I18n\Time" object.
* @param DateTime|float|int|string|Time $value
* @return Time
* @throws Exception
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:320
⧉protected castAs($value, string $attribute, string $method = 'get'): array|bool|float|int|object|string|null Provides the ability to cast an item as a specific data type. Add ? at the be...
* Provides the ability to cast an item as a specific data type.
* Add ? at the beginning of $type (i.e. ?string) to get NULL
* instead of casting $value if $value === null
* @param bool|float|int|string|null $value Attribute value
* @param string $attribute Attribute name
* @param string $method Allowed to "get" and "set"
* @return array|bool|float|int|object|string|null
* @throws CastException
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:338
⧉protected isMappedDbColumn(string $key): bool Whether this key is mapped db column name?
* Whether this key is mapped db column name?
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:550
⧉protected hasMappedProperty(string $key): bool Whether this key has mapped property?
* Whether this key has mapped property?
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:565
uri => string (31) "CodeIgniter\Entity\Cast\URICast"
private _cast -> boolean true
⇄⧉public __construct(?array $data = null) Allows filling in Entity parameters during construction.
new \App\Entities\Entity(?array $data = null)
* Allows filling in Entity parameters during construction.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:117
⇄⧉public fill(?array $data = null): $this Takes an array of key/value pairs and sets them as class properties, using an...
$value[14]->fill(?array $data = null)
* Takes an array of key/value pairs and sets them as class
* properties, using any `setCamelCasedProperty()` methods
* that may or may not exist.
* @param array $data
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:133
⇄⧉public toArray(bool $onlyChanged = false, bool $cast = true, bool $recursive = false): array General method that will return all public and protected values of this entit...
* General method that will return all public and protected values
* of this entity as an array. All values are accessed through the
* __get() magic method so will have any casts, etc applied to them.
* @param bool $onlyChanged If true, only return values that have changed since object creation
* @param bool $cast If true, properties will be cast.
* @param bool $recursive If true, inner entities will be cast as array as well.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:155
⇄⧉public toRawArray(bool $onlyChanged = false, bool $recursive = false): array Returns the raw values of the current attributes.
* Returns the raw values of the current attributes.
* @param bool $onlyChanged If true, only return values that have changed since object creation
* @param bool $recursive If true, inner entities will be cast as array as well.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:197
⇄⧉public syncOriginal(): $this Ensures our "original" values match the current values.
* Ensures our "original" values match the current values.
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:241
⇄⧉public hasChanged(?string $key = null): bool Checks a property to see if it has changed since the entity was created. Or, ...
$value[14]->hasChanged(?string $key = null)
* Checks a property to see if it has changed since the entity
* was created. Or, without a parameter, checks if any
* properties have changed.
* @param string|null $key class property
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:255
⇄⧉public setAttributes(array $data): $this Set raw data array without any mutations
$value[14]->setAttributes(array $data)
* Set raw data array without any mutations
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:282
⇄⧉public jsonSerialize(): array Support for json_encode()
* Support for json_encode()
* @return array
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:400
⇄⧉public cast(?bool $cast = null): bool|Entity Change the value of the private $_cast property
$value[14]->cast(?bool $cast = null)
* Change the value of the private $_cast property
* @return bool|Entity
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:410
⧉public __set(string $key, $value = null): void Magic method to all protected/private class properties to be easily set, eith...
* Magic method to all protected/private class properties to be
* easily set, either through a direct access or a
* `setCamelCasedProperty()` method.
* Examples:
* $this->my_property = $p;
* $this->setMyProperty() = $p;
* @param array|bool|float|int|object|string|null $value
* @return void
* @throws Exception
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:436
⧉public __get(string $key): array|bool|float|int|object|string|null Magic method to allow retrieval of protected and private class properties eit...
* Magic method to allow retrieval of protected and private class properties
* either by their name, or through a `getCamelCasedProperty()` method.
* Examples:
* $p = $this->my_property
* $p = $this->getMyProperty()
* @return array|bool|float|int|object|string|null
* @throws Exception
* @params string $key class property
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:479
⧉public __isset(string $key): bool Returns true if a property exists names $key, or a getter method exists named...
* Returns true if a property exists names $key, or a getter method
* exists named like for __get().
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:516
⧉public __unset(string $key): void Unsets an attribute property.
* Unsets an attribute property.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:536
⧉protected mapProperty(string $key): string db column name Checks the datamap to see if this property name is being mapped, and returns ...
* Checks the datamap to see if this property name is being mapped,
* and returns the db column name, if any, or the original property name.
* @return string db column name
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:297
⧉protected mutateDate($value): Time Converts the given string|timestamp|DateTime|Time instance into the "CodeIgni...
* Converts the given string|timestamp|DateTime|Time instance
* into the "CodeIgniter\I18n\Time" object.
* @param DateTime|float|int|string|Time $value
* @return Time
* @throws Exception
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:320
⧉protected castAs($value, string $attribute, string $method = 'get'): array|bool|float|int|object|string|null Provides the ability to cast an item as a specific data type. Add ? at the be...
* Provides the ability to cast an item as a specific data type.
* Add ? at the beginning of $type (i.e. ?string) to get NULL
* instead of casting $value if $value === null
* @param bool|float|int|string|null $value Attribute value
* @param string $attribute Attribute name
* @param string $method Allowed to "get" and "set"
* @return array|bool|float|int|object|string|null
* @throws CastException
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:338
⧉protected isMappedDbColumn(string $key): bool Whether this key is mapped db column name?
* Whether this key is mapped db column name?
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:550
⧉protected hasMappedProperty(string $key): bool Whether this key has mapped property?
* Whether this key has mapped property?
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:565
uri => string (31) "CodeIgniter\Entity\Cast\URICast"
private _cast -> boolean true
⇄⧉public __construct(?array $data = null) Allows filling in Entity parameters during construction.
new \App\Entities\Entity(?array $data = null)
* Allows filling in Entity parameters during construction.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:117
⇄⧉public fill(?array $data = null): $this Takes an array of key/value pairs and sets them as class properties, using an...
$value[15]->fill(?array $data = null)
* Takes an array of key/value pairs and sets them as class
* properties, using any `setCamelCasedProperty()` methods
* that may or may not exist.
* @param array $data
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:133
⇄⧉public toArray(bool $onlyChanged = false, bool $cast = true, bool $recursive = false): array General method that will return all public and protected values of this entit...
* General method that will return all public and protected values
* of this entity as an array. All values are accessed through the
* __get() magic method so will have any casts, etc applied to them.
* @param bool $onlyChanged If true, only return values that have changed since object creation
* @param bool $cast If true, properties will be cast.
* @param bool $recursive If true, inner entities will be cast as array as well.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:155
⇄⧉public toRawArray(bool $onlyChanged = false, bool $recursive = false): array Returns the raw values of the current attributes.
* Returns the raw values of the current attributes.
* @param bool $onlyChanged If true, only return values that have changed since object creation
* @param bool $recursive If true, inner entities will be cast as array as well.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:197
⇄⧉public syncOriginal(): $this Ensures our "original" values match the current values.
* Ensures our "original" values match the current values.
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:241
⇄⧉public hasChanged(?string $key = null): bool Checks a property to see if it has changed since the entity was created. Or, ...
$value[15]->hasChanged(?string $key = null)
* Checks a property to see if it has changed since the entity
* was created. Or, without a parameter, checks if any
* properties have changed.
* @param string|null $key class property
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:255
⇄⧉public setAttributes(array $data): $this Set raw data array without any mutations
$value[15]->setAttributes(array $data)
* Set raw data array without any mutations
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:282
⇄⧉public jsonSerialize(): array Support for json_encode()
* Support for json_encode()
* @return array
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:400
⇄⧉public cast(?bool $cast = null): bool|Entity Change the value of the private $_cast property
$value[15]->cast(?bool $cast = null)
* Change the value of the private $_cast property
* @return bool|Entity
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:410
⧉public __set(string $key, $value = null): void Magic method to all protected/private class properties to be easily set, eith...
* Magic method to all protected/private class properties to be
* easily set, either through a direct access or a
* `setCamelCasedProperty()` method.
* Examples:
* $this->my_property = $p;
* $this->setMyProperty() = $p;
* @param array|bool|float|int|object|string|null $value
* @return void
* @throws Exception
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:436
⧉public __get(string $key): array|bool|float|int|object|string|null Magic method to allow retrieval of protected and private class properties eit...
* Magic method to allow retrieval of protected and private class properties
* either by their name, or through a `getCamelCasedProperty()` method.
* Examples:
* $p = $this->my_property
* $p = $this->getMyProperty()
* @return array|bool|float|int|object|string|null
* @throws Exception
* @params string $key class property
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:479
⧉public __isset(string $key): bool Returns true if a property exists names $key, or a getter method exists named...
* Returns true if a property exists names $key, or a getter method
* exists named like for __get().
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:516
⧉public __unset(string $key): void Unsets an attribute property.
* Unsets an attribute property.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:536
⧉protected mapProperty(string $key): string db column name Checks the datamap to see if this property name is being mapped, and returns ...
* Checks the datamap to see if this property name is being mapped,
* and returns the db column name, if any, or the original property name.
* @return string db column name
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:297
⧉protected mutateDate($value): Time Converts the given string|timestamp|DateTime|Time instance into the "CodeIgni...
* Converts the given string|timestamp|DateTime|Time instance
* into the "CodeIgniter\I18n\Time" object.
* @param DateTime|float|int|string|Time $value
* @return Time
* @throws Exception
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:320
⧉protected castAs($value, string $attribute, string $method = 'get'): array|bool|float|int|object|string|null Provides the ability to cast an item as a specific data type. Add ? at the be...
* Provides the ability to cast an item as a specific data type.
* Add ? at the beginning of $type (i.e. ?string) to get NULL
* instead of casting $value if $value === null
* @param bool|float|int|string|null $value Attribute value
* @param string $attribute Attribute name
* @param string $method Allowed to "get" and "set"
* @return array|bool|float|int|object|string|null
* @throws CastException
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:338
⧉protected isMappedDbColumn(string $key): bool Whether this key is mapped db column name?
* Whether this key is mapped db column name?
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:550
⧉protected hasMappedProperty(string $key): bool Whether this key has mapped property?
* Whether this key has mapped property?
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:565
uri => string (31) "CodeIgniter\Entity\Cast\URICast"
private _cast -> boolean true
⇄⧉public __construct(?array $data = null) Allows filling in Entity parameters during construction.
new \App\Entities\Entity(?array $data = null)
* Allows filling in Entity parameters during construction.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:117
⇄⧉public fill(?array $data = null): $this Takes an array of key/value pairs and sets them as class properties, using an...
$value[16]->fill(?array $data = null)
* Takes an array of key/value pairs and sets them as class
* properties, using any `setCamelCasedProperty()` methods
* that may or may not exist.
* @param array $data
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:133
⇄⧉public toArray(bool $onlyChanged = false, bool $cast = true, bool $recursive = false): array General method that will return all public and protected values of this entit...
* General method that will return all public and protected values
* of this entity as an array. All values are accessed through the
* __get() magic method so will have any casts, etc applied to them.
* @param bool $onlyChanged If true, only return values that have changed since object creation
* @param bool $cast If true, properties will be cast.
* @param bool $recursive If true, inner entities will be cast as array as well.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:155
⇄⧉public toRawArray(bool $onlyChanged = false, bool $recursive = false): array Returns the raw values of the current attributes.
* Returns the raw values of the current attributes.
* @param bool $onlyChanged If true, only return values that have changed since object creation
* @param bool $recursive If true, inner entities will be cast as array as well.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:197
⇄⧉public syncOriginal(): $this Ensures our "original" values match the current values.
* Ensures our "original" values match the current values.
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:241
⇄⧉public hasChanged(?string $key = null): bool Checks a property to see if it has changed since the entity was created. Or, ...
$value[16]->hasChanged(?string $key = null)
* Checks a property to see if it has changed since the entity
* was created. Or, without a parameter, checks if any
* properties have changed.
* @param string|null $key class property
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:255
⇄⧉public setAttributes(array $data): $this Set raw data array without any mutations
$value[16]->setAttributes(array $data)
* Set raw data array without any mutations
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:282
⇄⧉public jsonSerialize(): array Support for json_encode()
* Support for json_encode()
* @return array
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:400
⇄⧉public cast(?bool $cast = null): bool|Entity Change the value of the private $_cast property
$value[16]->cast(?bool $cast = null)
* Change the value of the private $_cast property
* @return bool|Entity
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:410
⧉public __set(string $key, $value = null): void Magic method to all protected/private class properties to be easily set, eith...
* Magic method to all protected/private class properties to be
* easily set, either through a direct access or a
* `setCamelCasedProperty()` method.
* Examples:
* $this->my_property = $p;
* $this->setMyProperty() = $p;
* @param array|bool|float|int|object|string|null $value
* @return void
* @throws Exception
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:436
⧉public __get(string $key): array|bool|float|int|object|string|null Magic method to allow retrieval of protected and private class properties eit...
* Magic method to allow retrieval of protected and private class properties
* either by their name, or through a `getCamelCasedProperty()` method.
* Examples:
* $p = $this->my_property
* $p = $this->getMyProperty()
* @return array|bool|float|int|object|string|null
* @throws Exception
* @params string $key class property
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:479
⧉public __isset(string $key): bool Returns true if a property exists names $key, or a getter method exists named...
* Returns true if a property exists names $key, or a getter method
* exists named like for __get().
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:516
⧉public __unset(string $key): void Unsets an attribute property.
* Unsets an attribute property.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:536
⧉protected mapProperty(string $key): string db column name Checks the datamap to see if this property name is being mapped, and returns ...
* Checks the datamap to see if this property name is being mapped,
* and returns the db column name, if any, or the original property name.
* @return string db column name
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:297
⧉protected mutateDate($value): Time Converts the given string|timestamp|DateTime|Time instance into the "CodeIgni...
* Converts the given string|timestamp|DateTime|Time instance
* into the "CodeIgniter\I18n\Time" object.
* @param DateTime|float|int|string|Time $value
* @return Time
* @throws Exception
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:320
⧉protected castAs($value, string $attribute, string $method = 'get'): array|bool|float|int|object|string|null Provides the ability to cast an item as a specific data type. Add ? at the be...
* Provides the ability to cast an item as a specific data type.
* Add ? at the beginning of $type (i.e. ?string) to get NULL
* instead of casting $value if $value === null
* @param bool|float|int|string|null $value Attribute value
* @param string $attribute Attribute name
* @param string $method Allowed to "get" and "set"
* @return array|bool|float|int|object|string|null
* @throws CastException
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:338
⧉protected isMappedDbColumn(string $key): bool Whether this key is mapped db column name?
* Whether this key is mapped db column name?
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:550
⧉protected hasMappedProperty(string $key): bool Whether this key has mapped property?
* Whether this key has mapped property?
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:565
uri => string (31) "CodeIgniter\Entity\Cast\URICast"
private _cast -> boolean true
⇄⧉public __construct(?array $data = null) Allows filling in Entity parameters during construction.
new \App\Entities\Entity(?array $data = null)
* Allows filling in Entity parameters during construction.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:117
⇄⧉public fill(?array $data = null): $this Takes an array of key/value pairs and sets them as class properties, using an...
$value[17]->fill(?array $data = null)
* Takes an array of key/value pairs and sets them as class
* properties, using any `setCamelCasedProperty()` methods
* that may or may not exist.
* @param array $data
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:133
⇄⧉public toArray(bool $onlyChanged = false, bool $cast = true, bool $recursive = false): array General method that will return all public and protected values of this entit...
* General method that will return all public and protected values
* of this entity as an array. All values are accessed through the
* __get() magic method so will have any casts, etc applied to them.
* @param bool $onlyChanged If true, only return values that have changed since object creation
* @param bool $cast If true, properties will be cast.
* @param bool $recursive If true, inner entities will be cast as array as well.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:155
⇄⧉public toRawArray(bool $onlyChanged = false, bool $recursive = false): array Returns the raw values of the current attributes.
* Returns the raw values of the current attributes.
* @param bool $onlyChanged If true, only return values that have changed since object creation
* @param bool $recursive If true, inner entities will be cast as array as well.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:197
⇄⧉public syncOriginal(): $this Ensures our "original" values match the current values.
* Ensures our "original" values match the current values.
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:241
⇄⧉public hasChanged(?string $key = null): bool Checks a property to see if it has changed since the entity was created. Or, ...
$value[17]->hasChanged(?string $key = null)
* Checks a property to see if it has changed since the entity
* was created. Or, without a parameter, checks if any
* properties have changed.
* @param string|null $key class property
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:255
⇄⧉public setAttributes(array $data): $this Set raw data array without any mutations
$value[17]->setAttributes(array $data)
* Set raw data array without any mutations
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:282
⇄⧉public jsonSerialize(): array Support for json_encode()
* Support for json_encode()
* @return array
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:400
⇄⧉public cast(?bool $cast = null): bool|Entity Change the value of the private $_cast property
$value[17]->cast(?bool $cast = null)
* Change the value of the private $_cast property
* @return bool|Entity
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:410
⧉public __set(string $key, $value = null): void Magic method to all protected/private class properties to be easily set, eith...
* Magic method to all protected/private class properties to be
* easily set, either through a direct access or a
* `setCamelCasedProperty()` method.
* Examples:
* $this->my_property = $p;
* $this->setMyProperty() = $p;
* @param array|bool|float|int|object|string|null $value
* @return void
* @throws Exception
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:436
⧉public __get(string $key): array|bool|float|int|object|string|null Magic method to allow retrieval of protected and private class properties eit...
* Magic method to allow retrieval of protected and private class properties
* either by their name, or through a `getCamelCasedProperty()` method.
* Examples:
* $p = $this->my_property
* $p = $this->getMyProperty()
* @return array|bool|float|int|object|string|null
* @throws Exception
* @params string $key class property
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:479
⧉public __isset(string $key): bool Returns true if a property exists names $key, or a getter method exists named...
* Returns true if a property exists names $key, or a getter method
* exists named like for __get().
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:516
⧉public __unset(string $key): void Unsets an attribute property.
* Unsets an attribute property.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:536
⧉protected mapProperty(string $key): string db column name Checks the datamap to see if this property name is being mapped, and returns ...
* Checks the datamap to see if this property name is being mapped,
* and returns the db column name, if any, or the original property name.
* @return string db column name
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:297
⧉protected mutateDate($value): Time Converts the given string|timestamp|DateTime|Time instance into the "CodeIgni...
* Converts the given string|timestamp|DateTime|Time instance
* into the "CodeIgniter\I18n\Time" object.
* @param DateTime|float|int|string|Time $value
* @return Time
* @throws Exception
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:320
⧉protected castAs($value, string $attribute, string $method = 'get'): array|bool|float|int|object|string|null Provides the ability to cast an item as a specific data type. Add ? at the be...
* Provides the ability to cast an item as a specific data type.
* Add ? at the beginning of $type (i.e. ?string) to get NULL
* instead of casting $value if $value === null
* @param bool|float|int|string|null $value Attribute value
* @param string $attribute Attribute name
* @param string $method Allowed to "get" and "set"
* @return array|bool|float|int|object|string|null
* @throws CastException
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:338
⧉protected isMappedDbColumn(string $key): bool Whether this key is mapped db column name?
* Whether this key is mapped db column name?
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:550
⧉protected hasMappedProperty(string $key): bool Whether this key has mapped property?
* Whether this key has mapped property?
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:565
uri => string (31) "CodeIgniter\Entity\Cast\URICast"
private _cast -> boolean true
⇄⧉public __construct(?array $data = null) Allows filling in Entity parameters during construction.
new \App\Entities\Entity(?array $data = null)
* Allows filling in Entity parameters during construction.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:117
⇄⧉public fill(?array $data = null): $this Takes an array of key/value pairs and sets them as class properties, using an...
$value[18]->fill(?array $data = null)
* Takes an array of key/value pairs and sets them as class
* properties, using any `setCamelCasedProperty()` methods
* that may or may not exist.
* @param array $data
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:133
⇄⧉public toArray(bool $onlyChanged = false, bool $cast = true, bool $recursive = false): array General method that will return all public and protected values of this entit...
* General method that will return all public and protected values
* of this entity as an array. All values are accessed through the
* __get() magic method so will have any casts, etc applied to them.
* @param bool $onlyChanged If true, only return values that have changed since object creation
* @param bool $cast If true, properties will be cast.
* @param bool $recursive If true, inner entities will be cast as array as well.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:155
⇄⧉public toRawArray(bool $onlyChanged = false, bool $recursive = false): array Returns the raw values of the current attributes.
* Returns the raw values of the current attributes.
* @param bool $onlyChanged If true, only return values that have changed since object creation
* @param bool $recursive If true, inner entities will be cast as array as well.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:197
⇄⧉public syncOriginal(): $this Ensures our "original" values match the current values.
* Ensures our "original" values match the current values.
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:241
⇄⧉public hasChanged(?string $key = null): bool Checks a property to see if it has changed since the entity was created. Or, ...
$value[18]->hasChanged(?string $key = null)
* Checks a property to see if it has changed since the entity
* was created. Or, without a parameter, checks if any
* properties have changed.
* @param string|null $key class property
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:255
⇄⧉public setAttributes(array $data): $this Set raw data array without any mutations
$value[18]->setAttributes(array $data)
* Set raw data array without any mutations
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:282
⇄⧉public jsonSerialize(): array Support for json_encode()
* Support for json_encode()
* @return array
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:400
⇄⧉public cast(?bool $cast = null): bool|Entity Change the value of the private $_cast property
$value[18]->cast(?bool $cast = null)
* Change the value of the private $_cast property
* @return bool|Entity
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:410
⧉public __set(string $key, $value = null): void Magic method to all protected/private class properties to be easily set, eith...
* Magic method to all protected/private class properties to be
* easily set, either through a direct access or a
* `setCamelCasedProperty()` method.
* Examples:
* $this->my_property = $p;
* $this->setMyProperty() = $p;
* @param array|bool|float|int|object|string|null $value
* @return void
* @throws Exception
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:436
⧉public __get(string $key): array|bool|float|int|object|string|null Magic method to allow retrieval of protected and private class properties eit...
* Magic method to allow retrieval of protected and private class properties
* either by their name, or through a `getCamelCasedProperty()` method.
* Examples:
* $p = $this->my_property
* $p = $this->getMyProperty()
* @return array|bool|float|int|object|string|null
* @throws Exception
* @params string $key class property
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:479
⧉public __isset(string $key): bool Returns true if a property exists names $key, or a getter method exists named...
* Returns true if a property exists names $key, or a getter method
* exists named like for __get().
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:516
⧉public __unset(string $key): void Unsets an attribute property.
* Unsets an attribute property.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:536
⧉protected mapProperty(string $key): string db column name Checks the datamap to see if this property name is being mapped, and returns ...
* Checks the datamap to see if this property name is being mapped,
* and returns the db column name, if any, or the original property name.
* @return string db column name
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:297
⧉protected mutateDate($value): Time Converts the given string|timestamp|DateTime|Time instance into the "CodeIgni...
* Converts the given string|timestamp|DateTime|Time instance
* into the "CodeIgniter\I18n\Time" object.
* @param DateTime|float|int|string|Time $value
* @return Time
* @throws Exception
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:320
⧉protected castAs($value, string $attribute, string $method = 'get'): array|bool|float|int|object|string|null Provides the ability to cast an item as a specific data type. Add ? at the be...
* Provides the ability to cast an item as a specific data type.
* Add ? at the beginning of $type (i.e. ?string) to get NULL
* instead of casting $value if $value === null
* @param bool|float|int|string|null $value Attribute value
* @param string $attribute Attribute name
* @param string $method Allowed to "get" and "set"
* @return array|bool|float|int|object|string|null
* @throws CastException
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:338
⧉protected isMappedDbColumn(string $key): bool Whether this key is mapped db column name?
* Whether this key is mapped db column name?
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:550
⧉protected hasMappedProperty(string $key): bool Whether this key has mapped property?
* Whether this key has mapped property?
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:565
uri => string (31) "CodeIgniter\Entity\Cast\URICast"
private _cast -> boolean true
⇄⧉public __construct(?array $data = null) Allows filling in Entity parameters during construction.
new \App\Entities\Entity(?array $data = null)
* Allows filling in Entity parameters during construction.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:117
⇄⧉public fill(?array $data = null): $this Takes an array of key/value pairs and sets them as class properties, using an...
$value[19]->fill(?array $data = null)
* Takes an array of key/value pairs and sets them as class
* properties, using any `setCamelCasedProperty()` methods
* that may or may not exist.
* @param array $data
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:133
⇄⧉public toArray(bool $onlyChanged = false, bool $cast = true, bool $recursive = false): array General method that will return all public and protected values of this entit...
* General method that will return all public and protected values
* of this entity as an array. All values are accessed through the
* __get() magic method so will have any casts, etc applied to them.
* @param bool $onlyChanged If true, only return values that have changed since object creation
* @param bool $cast If true, properties will be cast.
* @param bool $recursive If true, inner entities will be cast as array as well.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:155
⇄⧉public toRawArray(bool $onlyChanged = false, bool $recursive = false): array Returns the raw values of the current attributes.
* Returns the raw values of the current attributes.
* @param bool $onlyChanged If true, only return values that have changed since object creation
* @param bool $recursive If true, inner entities will be cast as array as well.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:197
⇄⧉public syncOriginal(): $this Ensures our "original" values match the current values.
* Ensures our "original" values match the current values.
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:241
⇄⧉public hasChanged(?string $key = null): bool Checks a property to see if it has changed since the entity was created. Or, ...
$value[19]->hasChanged(?string $key = null)
* Checks a property to see if it has changed since the entity
* was created. Or, without a parameter, checks if any
* properties have changed.
* @param string|null $key class property
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:255
⇄⧉public setAttributes(array $data): $this Set raw data array without any mutations
$value[19]->setAttributes(array $data)
* Set raw data array without any mutations
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:282
⇄⧉public jsonSerialize(): array Support for json_encode()
* Support for json_encode()
* @return array
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:400
⇄⧉public cast(?bool $cast = null): bool|Entity Change the value of the private $_cast property
$value[19]->cast(?bool $cast = null)
* Change the value of the private $_cast property
* @return bool|Entity
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:410
⧉public __set(string $key, $value = null): void Magic method to all protected/private class properties to be easily set, eith...
* Magic method to all protected/private class properties to be
* easily set, either through a direct access or a
* `setCamelCasedProperty()` method.
* Examples:
* $this->my_property = $p;
* $this->setMyProperty() = $p;
* @param array|bool|float|int|object|string|null $value
* @return void
* @throws Exception
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:436
⧉public __get(string $key): array|bool|float|int|object|string|null Magic method to allow retrieval of protected and private class properties eit...
* Magic method to allow retrieval of protected and private class properties
* either by their name, or through a `getCamelCasedProperty()` method.
* Examples:
* $p = $this->my_property
* $p = $this->getMyProperty()
* @return array|bool|float|int|object|string|null
* @throws Exception
* @params string $key class property
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:479
⧉public __isset(string $key): bool Returns true if a property exists names $key, or a getter method exists named...
* Returns true if a property exists names $key, or a getter method
* exists named like for __get().
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:516
⧉public __unset(string $key): void Unsets an attribute property.
* Unsets an attribute property.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:536
⧉protected mapProperty(string $key): string db column name Checks the datamap to see if this property name is being mapped, and returns ...
* Checks the datamap to see if this property name is being mapped,
* and returns the db column name, if any, or the original property name.
* @return string db column name
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:297
⧉protected mutateDate($value): Time Converts the given string|timestamp|DateTime|Time instance into the "CodeIgni...
* Converts the given string|timestamp|DateTime|Time instance
* into the "CodeIgniter\I18n\Time" object.
* @param DateTime|float|int|string|Time $value
* @return Time
* @throws Exception
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:320
⧉protected castAs($value, string $attribute, string $method = 'get'): array|bool|float|int|object|string|null Provides the ability to cast an item as a specific data type. Add ? at the be...
* Provides the ability to cast an item as a specific data type.
* Add ? at the beginning of $type (i.e. ?string) to get NULL
* instead of casting $value if $value === null
* @param bool|float|int|string|null $value Attribute value
* @param string $attribute Attribute name
* @param string $method Allowed to "get" and "set"
* @return array|bool|float|int|object|string|null
* @throws CastException
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:338
⧉protected isMappedDbColumn(string $key): bool Whether this key is mapped db column name?
* Whether this key is mapped db column name?
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:550
⧉protected hasMappedProperty(string $key): bool Whether this key has mapped property?
* Whether this key has mapped property?
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:565
uri => string (31) "CodeIgniter\Entity\Cast\URICast"
private _cast -> boolean true
⇄⧉public __construct(?array $data = null) Allows filling in Entity parameters during construction.
new \App\Entities\Entity(?array $data = null)
* Allows filling in Entity parameters during construction.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:117
⇄⧉public fill(?array $data = null): $this Takes an array of key/value pairs and sets them as class properties, using an...
$value[20]->fill(?array $data = null)
* Takes an array of key/value pairs and sets them as class
* properties, using any `setCamelCasedProperty()` methods
* that may or may not exist.
* @param array $data
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:133
⇄⧉public toArray(bool $onlyChanged = false, bool $cast = true, bool $recursive = false): array General method that will return all public and protected values of this entit...
* General method that will return all public and protected values
* of this entity as an array. All values are accessed through the
* __get() magic method so will have any casts, etc applied to them.
* @param bool $onlyChanged If true, only return values that have changed since object creation
* @param bool $cast If true, properties will be cast.
* @param bool $recursive If true, inner entities will be cast as array as well.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:155
⇄⧉public toRawArray(bool $onlyChanged = false, bool $recursive = false): array Returns the raw values of the current attributes.
* Returns the raw values of the current attributes.
* @param bool $onlyChanged If true, only return values that have changed since object creation
* @param bool $recursive If true, inner entities will be cast as array as well.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:197
⇄⧉public syncOriginal(): $this Ensures our "original" values match the current values.
* Ensures our "original" values match the current values.
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:241
⇄⧉public hasChanged(?string $key = null): bool Checks a property to see if it has changed since the entity was created. Or, ...
$value[20]->hasChanged(?string $key = null)
* Checks a property to see if it has changed since the entity
* was created. Or, without a parameter, checks if any
* properties have changed.
* @param string|null $key class property
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:255
⇄⧉public setAttributes(array $data): $this Set raw data array without any mutations
$value[20]->setAttributes(array $data)
* Set raw data array without any mutations
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:282
⇄⧉public jsonSerialize(): array Support for json_encode()
* Support for json_encode()
* @return array
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:400
⇄⧉public cast(?bool $cast = null): bool|Entity Change the value of the private $_cast property
$value[20]->cast(?bool $cast = null)
* Change the value of the private $_cast property
* @return bool|Entity
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:410
⧉public __set(string $key, $value = null): void Magic method to all protected/private class properties to be easily set, eith...
* Magic method to all protected/private class properties to be
* easily set, either through a direct access or a
* `setCamelCasedProperty()` method.
* Examples:
* $this->my_property = $p;
* $this->setMyProperty() = $p;
* @param array|bool|float|int|object|string|null $value
* @return void
* @throws Exception
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:436
⧉public __get(string $key): array|bool|float|int|object|string|null Magic method to allow retrieval of protected and private class properties eit...
* Magic method to allow retrieval of protected and private class properties
* either by their name, or through a `getCamelCasedProperty()` method.
* Examples:
* $p = $this->my_property
* $p = $this->getMyProperty()
* @return array|bool|float|int|object|string|null
* @throws Exception
* @params string $key class property
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:479
⧉public __isset(string $key): bool Returns true if a property exists names $key, or a getter method exists named...
* Returns true if a property exists names $key, or a getter method
* exists named like for __get().
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:516
⧉public __unset(string $key): void Unsets an attribute property.
* Unsets an attribute property.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:536
⧉protected mapProperty(string $key): string db column name Checks the datamap to see if this property name is being mapped, and returns ...
* Checks the datamap to see if this property name is being mapped,
* and returns the db column name, if any, or the original property name.
* @return string db column name
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:297
⧉protected mutateDate($value): Time Converts the given string|timestamp|DateTime|Time instance into the "CodeIgni...
* Converts the given string|timestamp|DateTime|Time instance
* into the "CodeIgniter\I18n\Time" object.
* @param DateTime|float|int|string|Time $value
* @return Time
* @throws Exception
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:320
⧉protected castAs($value, string $attribute, string $method = 'get'): array|bool|float|int|object|string|null Provides the ability to cast an item as a specific data type. Add ? at the be...
* Provides the ability to cast an item as a specific data type.
* Add ? at the beginning of $type (i.e. ?string) to get NULL
* instead of casting $value if $value === null
* @param bool|float|int|string|null $value Attribute value
* @param string $attribute Attribute name
* @param string $method Allowed to "get" and "set"
* @return array|bool|float|int|object|string|null
* @throws CastException
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:338
⧉protected isMappedDbColumn(string $key): bool Whether this key is mapped db column name?
* Whether this key is mapped db column name?
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:550
⧉protected hasMappedProperty(string $key): bool Whether this key has mapped property?
* Whether this key has mapped property?
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:565
uri => string (31) "CodeIgniter\Entity\Cast\URICast"
private _cast -> boolean true
⇄⧉public __construct(?array $data = null) Allows filling in Entity parameters during construction.
new \App\Entities\Entity(?array $data = null)
* Allows filling in Entity parameters during construction.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:117
⇄⧉public fill(?array $data = null): $this Takes an array of key/value pairs and sets them as class properties, using an...
$value[21]->fill(?array $data = null)
* Takes an array of key/value pairs and sets them as class
* properties, using any `setCamelCasedProperty()` methods
* that may or may not exist.
* @param array $data
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:133
⇄⧉public toArray(bool $onlyChanged = false, bool $cast = true, bool $recursive = false): array General method that will return all public and protected values of this entit...
* General method that will return all public and protected values
* of this entity as an array. All values are accessed through the
* __get() magic method so will have any casts, etc applied to them.
* @param bool $onlyChanged If true, only return values that have changed since object creation
* @param bool $cast If true, properties will be cast.
* @param bool $recursive If true, inner entities will be cast as array as well.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:155
⇄⧉public toRawArray(bool $onlyChanged = false, bool $recursive = false): array Returns the raw values of the current attributes.
* Returns the raw values of the current attributes.
* @param bool $onlyChanged If true, only return values that have changed since object creation
* @param bool $recursive If true, inner entities will be cast as array as well.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:197
⇄⧉public syncOriginal(): $this Ensures our "original" values match the current values.
* Ensures our "original" values match the current values.
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:241
⇄⧉public hasChanged(?string $key = null): bool Checks a property to see if it has changed since the entity was created. Or, ...
$value[21]->hasChanged(?string $key = null)
* Checks a property to see if it has changed since the entity
* was created. Or, without a parameter, checks if any
* properties have changed.
* @param string|null $key class property
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:255
⇄⧉public setAttributes(array $data): $this Set raw data array without any mutations
$value[21]->setAttributes(array $data)
* Set raw data array without any mutations
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:282
⇄⧉public jsonSerialize(): array Support for json_encode()
* Support for json_encode()
* @return array
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:400
⇄⧉public cast(?bool $cast = null): bool|Entity Change the value of the private $_cast property
$value[21]->cast(?bool $cast = null)
* Change the value of the private $_cast property
* @return bool|Entity
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:410
⧉public __set(string $key, $value = null): void Magic method to all protected/private class properties to be easily set, eith...
* Magic method to all protected/private class properties to be
* easily set, either through a direct access or a
* `setCamelCasedProperty()` method.
* Examples:
* $this->my_property = $p;
* $this->setMyProperty() = $p;
* @param array|bool|float|int|object|string|null $value
* @return void
* @throws Exception
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:436
⧉public __get(string $key): array|bool|float|int|object|string|null Magic method to allow retrieval of protected and private class properties eit...
* Magic method to allow retrieval of protected and private class properties
* either by their name, or through a `getCamelCasedProperty()` method.
* Examples:
* $p = $this->my_property
* $p = $this->getMyProperty()
* @return array|bool|float|int|object|string|null
* @throws Exception
* @params string $key class property
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:479
⧉public __isset(string $key): bool Returns true if a property exists names $key, or a getter method exists named...
* Returns true if a property exists names $key, or a getter method
* exists named like for __get().
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:516
⧉public __unset(string $key): void Unsets an attribute property.
* Unsets an attribute property.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:536
⧉protected mapProperty(string $key): string db column name Checks the datamap to see if this property name is being mapped, and returns ...
* Checks the datamap to see if this property name is being mapped,
* and returns the db column name, if any, or the original property name.
* @return string db column name
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:297
⧉protected mutateDate($value): Time Converts the given string|timestamp|DateTime|Time instance into the "CodeIgni...
* Converts the given string|timestamp|DateTime|Time instance
* into the "CodeIgniter\I18n\Time" object.
* @param DateTime|float|int|string|Time $value
* @return Time
* @throws Exception
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:320
⧉protected castAs($value, string $attribute, string $method = 'get'): array|bool|float|int|object|string|null Provides the ability to cast an item as a specific data type. Add ? at the be...
* Provides the ability to cast an item as a specific data type.
* Add ? at the beginning of $type (i.e. ?string) to get NULL
* instead of casting $value if $value === null
* @param bool|float|int|string|null $value Attribute value
* @param string $attribute Attribute name
* @param string $method Allowed to "get" and "set"
* @return array|bool|float|int|object|string|null
* @throws CastException
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:338
⧉protected isMappedDbColumn(string $key): bool Whether this key is mapped db column name?
* Whether this key is mapped db column name?
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:550
⧉protected hasMappedProperty(string $key): bool Whether this key has mapped property?
* Whether this key has mapped property?
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:565
uri => string (31) "CodeIgniter\Entity\Cast\URICast"
private _cast -> boolean true
⇄⧉public __construct(?array $data = null) Allows filling in Entity parameters during construction.
new \App\Entities\Entity(?array $data = null)
* Allows filling in Entity parameters during construction.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:117
⇄⧉public fill(?array $data = null): $this Takes an array of key/value pairs and sets them as class properties, using an...
$value[22]->fill(?array $data = null)
* Takes an array of key/value pairs and sets them as class
* properties, using any `setCamelCasedProperty()` methods
* that may or may not exist.
* @param array $data
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:133
⇄⧉public toArray(bool $onlyChanged = false, bool $cast = true, bool $recursive = false): array General method that will return all public and protected values of this entit...
* General method that will return all public and protected values
* of this entity as an array. All values are accessed through the
* __get() magic method so will have any casts, etc applied to them.
* @param bool $onlyChanged If true, only return values that have changed since object creation
* @param bool $cast If true, properties will be cast.
* @param bool $recursive If true, inner entities will be cast as array as well.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:155
⇄⧉public toRawArray(bool $onlyChanged = false, bool $recursive = false): array Returns the raw values of the current attributes.
* Returns the raw values of the current attributes.
* @param bool $onlyChanged If true, only return values that have changed since object creation
* @param bool $recursive If true, inner entities will be cast as array as well.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:197
⇄⧉public syncOriginal(): $this Ensures our "original" values match the current values.
* Ensures our "original" values match the current values.
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:241
⇄⧉public hasChanged(?string $key = null): bool Checks a property to see if it has changed since the entity was created. Or, ...
$value[22]->hasChanged(?string $key = null)
* Checks a property to see if it has changed since the entity
* was created. Or, without a parameter, checks if any
* properties have changed.
* @param string|null $key class property
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:255
⇄⧉public setAttributes(array $data): $this Set raw data array without any mutations
$value[22]->setAttributes(array $data)
* Set raw data array without any mutations
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:282
⇄⧉public jsonSerialize(): array Support for json_encode()
* Support for json_encode()
* @return array
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:400
⇄⧉public cast(?bool $cast = null): bool|Entity Change the value of the private $_cast property
$value[22]->cast(?bool $cast = null)
* Change the value of the private $_cast property
* @return bool|Entity
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:410
⧉public __set(string $key, $value = null): void Magic method to all protected/private class properties to be easily set, eith...
* Magic method to all protected/private class properties to be
* easily set, either through a direct access or a
* `setCamelCasedProperty()` method.
* Examples:
* $this->my_property = $p;
* $this->setMyProperty() = $p;
* @param array|bool|float|int|object|string|null $value
* @return void
* @throws Exception
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:436
⧉public __get(string $key): array|bool|float|int|object|string|null Magic method to allow retrieval of protected and private class properties eit...
* Magic method to allow retrieval of protected and private class properties
* either by their name, or through a `getCamelCasedProperty()` method.
* Examples:
* $p = $this->my_property
* $p = $this->getMyProperty()
* @return array|bool|float|int|object|string|null
* @throws Exception
* @params string $key class property
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:479
⧉public __isset(string $key): bool Returns true if a property exists names $key, or a getter method exists named...
* Returns true if a property exists names $key, or a getter method
* exists named like for __get().
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:516
⧉public __unset(string $key): void Unsets an attribute property.
* Unsets an attribute property.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:536
⧉protected mapProperty(string $key): string db column name Checks the datamap to see if this property name is being mapped, and returns ...
* Checks the datamap to see if this property name is being mapped,
* and returns the db column name, if any, or the original property name.
* @return string db column name
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:297
⧉protected mutateDate($value): Time Converts the given string|timestamp|DateTime|Time instance into the "CodeIgni...
* Converts the given string|timestamp|DateTime|Time instance
* into the "CodeIgniter\I18n\Time" object.
* @param DateTime|float|int|string|Time $value
* @return Time
* @throws Exception
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:320
⧉protected castAs($value, string $attribute, string $method = 'get'): array|bool|float|int|object|string|null Provides the ability to cast an item as a specific data type. Add ? at the be...
* Provides the ability to cast an item as a specific data type.
* Add ? at the beginning of $type (i.e. ?string) to get NULL
* instead of casting $value if $value === null
* @param bool|float|int|string|null $value Attribute value
* @param string $attribute Attribute name
* @param string $method Allowed to "get" and "set"
* @return array|bool|float|int|object|string|null
* @throws CastException
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:338
⧉protected isMappedDbColumn(string $key): bool Whether this key is mapped db column name?
* Whether this key is mapped db column name?
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:550
⧉protected hasMappedProperty(string $key): bool Whether this key has mapped property?
* Whether this key has mapped property?
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:565
uri => string (31) "CodeIgniter\Entity\Cast\URICast"
private _cast -> boolean true
⇄⧉public __construct(?array $data = null) Allows filling in Entity parameters during construction.
new \App\Entities\Entity(?array $data = null)
* Allows filling in Entity parameters during construction.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:117
⇄⧉public fill(?array $data = null): $this Takes an array of key/value pairs and sets them as class properties, using an...
$value[23]->fill(?array $data = null)
* Takes an array of key/value pairs and sets them as class
* properties, using any `setCamelCasedProperty()` methods
* that may or may not exist.
* @param array $data
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:133
⇄⧉public toArray(bool $onlyChanged = false, bool $cast = true, bool $recursive = false): array General method that will return all public and protected values of this entit...
* General method that will return all public and protected values
* of this entity as an array. All values are accessed through the
* __get() magic method so will have any casts, etc applied to them.
* @param bool $onlyChanged If true, only return values that have changed since object creation
* @param bool $cast If true, properties will be cast.
* @param bool $recursive If true, inner entities will be cast as array as well.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:155
⇄⧉public toRawArray(bool $onlyChanged = false, bool $recursive = false): array Returns the raw values of the current attributes.
* Returns the raw values of the current attributes.
* @param bool $onlyChanged If true, only return values that have changed since object creation
* @param bool $recursive If true, inner entities will be cast as array as well.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:197
⇄⧉public syncOriginal(): $this Ensures our "original" values match the current values.
* Ensures our "original" values match the current values.
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:241
⇄⧉public hasChanged(?string $key = null): bool Checks a property to see if it has changed since the entity was created. Or, ...
$value[23]->hasChanged(?string $key = null)
* Checks a property to see if it has changed since the entity
* was created. Or, without a parameter, checks if any
* properties have changed.
* @param string|null $key class property
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:255
⇄⧉public setAttributes(array $data): $this Set raw data array without any mutations
$value[23]->setAttributes(array $data)
* Set raw data array without any mutations
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:282
⇄⧉public jsonSerialize(): array Support for json_encode()
* Support for json_encode()
* @return array
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:400
⇄⧉public cast(?bool $cast = null): bool|Entity Change the value of the private $_cast property
$value[23]->cast(?bool $cast = null)
* Change the value of the private $_cast property
* @return bool|Entity
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:410
⧉public __set(string $key, $value = null): void Magic method to all protected/private class properties to be easily set, eith...
* Magic method to all protected/private class properties to be
* easily set, either through a direct access or a
* `setCamelCasedProperty()` method.
* Examples:
* $this->my_property = $p;
* $this->setMyProperty() = $p;
* @param array|bool|float|int|object|string|null $value
* @return void
* @throws Exception
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:436
⧉public __get(string $key): array|bool|float|int|object|string|null Magic method to allow retrieval of protected and private class properties eit...
* Magic method to allow retrieval of protected and private class properties
* either by their name, or through a `getCamelCasedProperty()` method.
* Examples:
* $p = $this->my_property
* $p = $this->getMyProperty()
* @return array|bool|float|int|object|string|null
* @throws Exception
* @params string $key class property
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:479
⧉public __isset(string $key): bool Returns true if a property exists names $key, or a getter method exists named...
* Returns true if a property exists names $key, or a getter method
* exists named like for __get().
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:516
⧉public __unset(string $key): void Unsets an attribute property.
* Unsets an attribute property.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:536
⧉protected mapProperty(string $key): string db column name Checks the datamap to see if this property name is being mapped, and returns ...
* Checks the datamap to see if this property name is being mapped,
* and returns the db column name, if any, or the original property name.
* @return string db column name
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:297
⧉protected mutateDate($value): Time Converts the given string|timestamp|DateTime|Time instance into the "CodeIgni...
* Converts the given string|timestamp|DateTime|Time instance
* into the "CodeIgniter\I18n\Time" object.
* @param DateTime|float|int|string|Time $value
* @return Time
* @throws Exception
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:320
⧉protected castAs($value, string $attribute, string $method = 'get'): array|bool|float|int|object|string|null Provides the ability to cast an item as a specific data type. Add ? at the be...
* Provides the ability to cast an item as a specific data type.
* Add ? at the beginning of $type (i.e. ?string) to get NULL
* instead of casting $value if $value === null
* @param bool|float|int|string|null $value Attribute value
* @param string $attribute Attribute name
* @param string $method Allowed to "get" and "set"
* @return array|bool|float|int|object|string|null
* @throws CastException
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:338
⧉protected isMappedDbColumn(string $key): bool Whether this key is mapped db column name?
* Whether this key is mapped db column name?
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:550
⧉protected hasMappedProperty(string $key): bool Whether this key has mapped property?
* Whether this key has mapped property?
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:565
uri => string (31) "CodeIgniter\Entity\Cast\URICast"
private _cast -> boolean true
⇄⧉public __construct(?array $data = null) Allows filling in Entity parameters during construction.
new \App\Entities\Entity(?array $data = null)
* Allows filling in Entity parameters during construction.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:117
⇄⧉public fill(?array $data = null): $this Takes an array of key/value pairs and sets them as class properties, using an...
$value[24]->fill(?array $data = null)
* Takes an array of key/value pairs and sets them as class
* properties, using any `setCamelCasedProperty()` methods
* that may or may not exist.
* @param array $data
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:133
⇄⧉public toArray(bool $onlyChanged = false, bool $cast = true, bool $recursive = false): array General method that will return all public and protected values of this entit...
* General method that will return all public and protected values
* of this entity as an array. All values are accessed through the
* __get() magic method so will have any casts, etc applied to them.
* @param bool $onlyChanged If true, only return values that have changed since object creation
* @param bool $cast If true, properties will be cast.
* @param bool $recursive If true, inner entities will be cast as array as well.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:155
⇄⧉public toRawArray(bool $onlyChanged = false, bool $recursive = false): array Returns the raw values of the current attributes.
* Returns the raw values of the current attributes.
* @param bool $onlyChanged If true, only return values that have changed since object creation
* @param bool $recursive If true, inner entities will be cast as array as well.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:197
⇄⧉public syncOriginal(): $this Ensures our "original" values match the current values.
* Ensures our "original" values match the current values.
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:241
⇄⧉public hasChanged(?string $key = null): bool Checks a property to see if it has changed since the entity was created. Or, ...
$value[24]->hasChanged(?string $key = null)
* Checks a property to see if it has changed since the entity
* was created. Or, without a parameter, checks if any
* properties have changed.
* @param string|null $key class property
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:255
⇄⧉public setAttributes(array $data): $this Set raw data array without any mutations
$value[24]->setAttributes(array $data)
* Set raw data array without any mutations
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:282
⇄⧉public jsonSerialize(): array Support for json_encode()
* Support for json_encode()
* @return array
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:400
⇄⧉public cast(?bool $cast = null): bool|Entity Change the value of the private $_cast property
$value[24]->cast(?bool $cast = null)
* Change the value of the private $_cast property
* @return bool|Entity
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:410
⧉public __set(string $key, $value = null): void Magic method to all protected/private class properties to be easily set, eith...
* Magic method to all protected/private class properties to be
* easily set, either through a direct access or a
* `setCamelCasedProperty()` method.
* Examples:
* $this->my_property = $p;
* $this->setMyProperty() = $p;
* @param array|bool|float|int|object|string|null $value
* @return void
* @throws Exception
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:436
⧉public __get(string $key): array|bool|float|int|object|string|null Magic method to allow retrieval of protected and private class properties eit...
* Magic method to allow retrieval of protected and private class properties
* either by their name, or through a `getCamelCasedProperty()` method.
* Examples:
* $p = $this->my_property
* $p = $this->getMyProperty()
* @return array|bool|float|int|object|string|null
* @throws Exception
* @params string $key class property
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:479
⧉public __isset(string $key): bool Returns true if a property exists names $key, or a getter method exists named...
* Returns true if a property exists names $key, or a getter method
* exists named like for __get().
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:516
⧉public __unset(string $key): void Unsets an attribute property.
* Unsets an attribute property.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:536
⧉protected mapProperty(string $key): string db column name Checks the datamap to see if this property name is being mapped, and returns ...
* Checks the datamap to see if this property name is being mapped,
* and returns the db column name, if any, or the original property name.
* @return string db column name
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:297
⧉protected mutateDate($value): Time Converts the given string|timestamp|DateTime|Time instance into the "CodeIgni...
* Converts the given string|timestamp|DateTime|Time instance
* into the "CodeIgniter\I18n\Time" object.
* @param DateTime|float|int|string|Time $value
* @return Time
* @throws Exception
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:320
⧉protected castAs($value, string $attribute, string $method = 'get'): array|bool|float|int|object|string|null Provides the ability to cast an item as a specific data type. Add ? at the be...
* Provides the ability to cast an item as a specific data type.
* Add ? at the beginning of $type (i.e. ?string) to get NULL
* instead of casting $value if $value === null
* @param bool|float|int|string|null $value Attribute value
* @param string $attribute Attribute name
* @param string $method Allowed to "get" and "set"
* @return array|bool|float|int|object|string|null
* @throws CastException
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:338
⧉protected isMappedDbColumn(string $key): bool Whether this key is mapped db column name?
* Whether this key is mapped db column name?
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:550
⧉protected hasMappedProperty(string $key): bool Whether this key has mapped property?
* Whether this key has mapped property?
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:565
uri => string (31) "CodeIgniter\Entity\Cast\URICast"
private _cast -> boolean true
⇄⧉public __construct(?array $data = null) Allows filling in Entity parameters during construction.
new \App\Entities\Entity(?array $data = null)
* Allows filling in Entity parameters during construction.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:117
⇄⧉public fill(?array $data = null): $this Takes an array of key/value pairs and sets them as class properties, using an...
$value[25]->fill(?array $data = null)
* Takes an array of key/value pairs and sets them as class
* properties, using any `setCamelCasedProperty()` methods
* that may or may not exist.
* @param array $data
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:133
⇄⧉public toArray(bool $onlyChanged = false, bool $cast = true, bool $recursive = false): array General method that will return all public and protected values of this entit...
* General method that will return all public and protected values
* of this entity as an array. All values are accessed through the
* __get() magic method so will have any casts, etc applied to them.
* @param bool $onlyChanged If true, only return values that have changed since object creation
* @param bool $cast If true, properties will be cast.
* @param bool $recursive If true, inner entities will be cast as array as well.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:155
⇄⧉public toRawArray(bool $onlyChanged = false, bool $recursive = false): array Returns the raw values of the current attributes.
* Returns the raw values of the current attributes.
* @param bool $onlyChanged If true, only return values that have changed since object creation
* @param bool $recursive If true, inner entities will be cast as array as well.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:197
⇄⧉public syncOriginal(): $this Ensures our "original" values match the current values.
* Ensures our "original" values match the current values.
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:241
⇄⧉public hasChanged(?string $key = null): bool Checks a property to see if it has changed since the entity was created. Or, ...
$value[25]->hasChanged(?string $key = null)
* Checks a property to see if it has changed since the entity
* was created. Or, without a parameter, checks if any
* properties have changed.
* @param string|null $key class property
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:255
⇄⧉public setAttributes(array $data): $this Set raw data array without any mutations
$value[25]->setAttributes(array $data)
* Set raw data array without any mutations
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:282
⇄⧉public jsonSerialize(): array Support for json_encode()
* Support for json_encode()
* @return array
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:400
⇄⧉public cast(?bool $cast = null): bool|Entity Change the value of the private $_cast property
$value[25]->cast(?bool $cast = null)
* Change the value of the private $_cast property
* @return bool|Entity
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:410
⧉public __set(string $key, $value = null): void Magic method to all protected/private class properties to be easily set, eith...
* Magic method to all protected/private class properties to be
* easily set, either through a direct access or a
* `setCamelCasedProperty()` method.
* Examples:
* $this->my_property = $p;
* $this->setMyProperty() = $p;
* @param array|bool|float|int|object|string|null $value
* @return void
* @throws Exception
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:436
⧉public __get(string $key): array|bool|float|int|object|string|null Magic method to allow retrieval of protected and private class properties eit...
* Magic method to allow retrieval of protected and private class properties
* either by their name, or through a `getCamelCasedProperty()` method.
* Examples:
* $p = $this->my_property
* $p = $this->getMyProperty()
* @return array|bool|float|int|object|string|null
* @throws Exception
* @params string $key class property
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:479
⧉public __isset(string $key): bool Returns true if a property exists names $key, or a getter method exists named...
* Returns true if a property exists names $key, or a getter method
* exists named like for __get().
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:516
⧉public __unset(string $key): void Unsets an attribute property.
* Unsets an attribute property.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:536
⧉protected mapProperty(string $key): string db column name Checks the datamap to see if this property name is being mapped, and returns ...
* Checks the datamap to see if this property name is being mapped,
* and returns the db column name, if any, or the original property name.
* @return string db column name
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:297
⧉protected mutateDate($value): Time Converts the given string|timestamp|DateTime|Time instance into the "CodeIgni...
* Converts the given string|timestamp|DateTime|Time instance
* into the "CodeIgniter\I18n\Time" object.
* @param DateTime|float|int|string|Time $value
* @return Time
* @throws Exception
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:320
⧉protected castAs($value, string $attribute, string $method = 'get'): array|bool|float|int|object|string|null Provides the ability to cast an item as a specific data type. Add ? at the be...
* Provides the ability to cast an item as a specific data type.
* Add ? at the beginning of $type (i.e. ?string) to get NULL
* instead of casting $value if $value === null
* @param bool|float|int|string|null $value Attribute value
* @param string $attribute Attribute name
* @param string $method Allowed to "get" and "set"
* @return array|bool|float|int|object|string|null
* @throws CastException
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:338
⧉protected isMappedDbColumn(string $key): bool Whether this key is mapped db column name?
* Whether this key is mapped db column name?
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:550
⧉protected hasMappedProperty(string $key): bool Whether this key has mapped property?
* Whether this key has mapped property?
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:565
uri => string (31) "CodeIgniter\Entity\Cast\URICast"
private _cast -> boolean true
⇄⧉public __construct(?array $data = null) Allows filling in Entity parameters during construction.
new \App\Entities\Entity(?array $data = null)
* Allows filling in Entity parameters during construction.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:117
⇄⧉public fill(?array $data = null): $this Takes an array of key/value pairs and sets them as class properties, using an...
$value[26]->fill(?array $data = null)
* Takes an array of key/value pairs and sets them as class
* properties, using any `setCamelCasedProperty()` methods
* that may or may not exist.
* @param array $data
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:133
⇄⧉public toArray(bool $onlyChanged = false, bool $cast = true, bool $recursive = false): array General method that will return all public and protected values of this entit...
* General method that will return all public and protected values
* of this entity as an array. All values are accessed through the
* __get() magic method so will have any casts, etc applied to them.
* @param bool $onlyChanged If true, only return values that have changed since object creation
* @param bool $cast If true, properties will be cast.
* @param bool $recursive If true, inner entities will be cast as array as well.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:155
⇄⧉public toRawArray(bool $onlyChanged = false, bool $recursive = false): array Returns the raw values of the current attributes.
* Returns the raw values of the current attributes.
* @param bool $onlyChanged If true, only return values that have changed since object creation
* @param bool $recursive If true, inner entities will be cast as array as well.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:197
⇄⧉public syncOriginal(): $this Ensures our "original" values match the current values.
* Ensures our "original" values match the current values.
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:241
⇄⧉public hasChanged(?string $key = null): bool Checks a property to see if it has changed since the entity was created. Or, ...
$value[26]->hasChanged(?string $key = null)
* Checks a property to see if it has changed since the entity
* was created. Or, without a parameter, checks if any
* properties have changed.
* @param string|null $key class property
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:255
⇄⧉public setAttributes(array $data): $this Set raw data array without any mutations
$value[26]->setAttributes(array $data)
* Set raw data array without any mutations
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:282
⇄⧉public jsonSerialize(): array Support for json_encode()
* Support for json_encode()
* @return array
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:400
⇄⧉public cast(?bool $cast = null): bool|Entity Change the value of the private $_cast property
$value[26]->cast(?bool $cast = null)
* Change the value of the private $_cast property
* @return bool|Entity
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:410
⧉public __set(string $key, $value = null): void Magic method to all protected/private class properties to be easily set, eith...
* Magic method to all protected/private class properties to be
* easily set, either through a direct access or a
* `setCamelCasedProperty()` method.
* Examples:
* $this->my_property = $p;
* $this->setMyProperty() = $p;
* @param array|bool|float|int|object|string|null $value
* @return void
* @throws Exception
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:436
⧉public __get(string $key): array|bool|float|int|object|string|null Magic method to allow retrieval of protected and private class properties eit...
* Magic method to allow retrieval of protected and private class properties
* either by their name, or through a `getCamelCasedProperty()` method.
* Examples:
* $p = $this->my_property
* $p = $this->getMyProperty()
* @return array|bool|float|int|object|string|null
* @throws Exception
* @params string $key class property
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:479
⧉public __isset(string $key): bool Returns true if a property exists names $key, or a getter method exists named...
* Returns true if a property exists names $key, or a getter method
* exists named like for __get().
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:516
⧉public __unset(string $key): void Unsets an attribute property.
* Unsets an attribute property.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:536
⧉protected mapProperty(string $key): string db column name Checks the datamap to see if this property name is being mapped, and returns ...
* Checks the datamap to see if this property name is being mapped,
* and returns the db column name, if any, or the original property name.
* @return string db column name
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:297
⧉protected mutateDate($value): Time Converts the given string|timestamp|DateTime|Time instance into the "CodeIgni...
* Converts the given string|timestamp|DateTime|Time instance
* into the "CodeIgniter\I18n\Time" object.
* @param DateTime|float|int|string|Time $value
* @return Time
* @throws Exception
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:320
⧉protected castAs($value, string $attribute, string $method = 'get'): array|bool|float|int|object|string|null Provides the ability to cast an item as a specific data type. Add ? at the be...
* Provides the ability to cast an item as a specific data type.
* Add ? at the beginning of $type (i.e. ?string) to get NULL
* instead of casting $value if $value === null
* @param bool|float|int|string|null $value Attribute value
* @param string $attribute Attribute name
* @param string $method Allowed to "get" and "set"
* @return array|bool|float|int|object|string|null
* @throws CastException
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:338
⧉protected isMappedDbColumn(string $key): bool Whether this key is mapped db column name?
* Whether this key is mapped db column name?
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:550
⧉protected hasMappedProperty(string $key): bool Whether this key has mapped property?
* Whether this key has mapped property?
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:565
uri => string (31) "CodeIgniter\Entity\Cast\URICast"
private _cast -> boolean true
⇄⧉public __construct(?array $data = null) Allows filling in Entity parameters during construction.
new \App\Entities\Entity(?array $data = null)
* Allows filling in Entity parameters during construction.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:117
⇄⧉public fill(?array $data = null): $this Takes an array of key/value pairs and sets them as class properties, using an...
$value[27]->fill(?array $data = null)
* Takes an array of key/value pairs and sets them as class
* properties, using any `setCamelCasedProperty()` methods
* that may or may not exist.
* @param array $data
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:133
⇄⧉public toArray(bool $onlyChanged = false, bool $cast = true, bool $recursive = false): array General method that will return all public and protected values of this entit...
* General method that will return all public and protected values
* of this entity as an array. All values are accessed through the
* __get() magic method so will have any casts, etc applied to them.
* @param bool $onlyChanged If true, only return values that have changed since object creation
* @param bool $cast If true, properties will be cast.
* @param bool $recursive If true, inner entities will be cast as array as well.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:155
⇄⧉public toRawArray(bool $onlyChanged = false, bool $recursive = false): array Returns the raw values of the current attributes.
* Returns the raw values of the current attributes.
* @param bool $onlyChanged If true, only return values that have changed since object creation
* @param bool $recursive If true, inner entities will be cast as array as well.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:197
⇄⧉public syncOriginal(): $this Ensures our "original" values match the current values.
* Ensures our "original" values match the current values.
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:241
⇄⧉public hasChanged(?string $key = null): bool Checks a property to see if it has changed since the entity was created. Or, ...
$value[27]->hasChanged(?string $key = null)
* Checks a property to see if it has changed since the entity
* was created. Or, without a parameter, checks if any
* properties have changed.
* @param string|null $key class property
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:255
⇄⧉public setAttributes(array $data): $this Set raw data array without any mutations
$value[27]->setAttributes(array $data)
* Set raw data array without any mutations
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:282
⇄⧉public jsonSerialize(): array Support for json_encode()
* Support for json_encode()
* @return array
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:400
⇄⧉public cast(?bool $cast = null): bool|Entity Change the value of the private $_cast property
$value[27]->cast(?bool $cast = null)
* Change the value of the private $_cast property
* @return bool|Entity
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:410
⧉public __set(string $key, $value = null): void Magic method to all protected/private class properties to be easily set, eith...
* Magic method to all protected/private class properties to be
* easily set, either through a direct access or a
* `setCamelCasedProperty()` method.
* Examples:
* $this->my_property = $p;
* $this->setMyProperty() = $p;
* @param array|bool|float|int|object|string|null $value
* @return void
* @throws Exception
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:436
⧉public __get(string $key): array|bool|float|int|object|string|null Magic method to allow retrieval of protected and private class properties eit...
* Magic method to allow retrieval of protected and private class properties
* either by their name, or through a `getCamelCasedProperty()` method.
* Examples:
* $p = $this->my_property
* $p = $this->getMyProperty()
* @return array|bool|float|int|object|string|null
* @throws Exception
* @params string $key class property
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:479
⧉public __isset(string $key): bool Returns true if a property exists names $key, or a getter method exists named...
* Returns true if a property exists names $key, or a getter method
* exists named like for __get().
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:516
⧉public __unset(string $key): void Unsets an attribute property.
* Unsets an attribute property.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:536
⧉protected mapProperty(string $key): string db column name Checks the datamap to see if this property name is being mapped, and returns ...
* Checks the datamap to see if this property name is being mapped,
* and returns the db column name, if any, or the original property name.
* @return string db column name
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:297
⧉protected mutateDate($value): Time Converts the given string|timestamp|DateTime|Time instance into the "CodeIgni...
* Converts the given string|timestamp|DateTime|Time instance
* into the "CodeIgniter\I18n\Time" object.
* @param DateTime|float|int|string|Time $value
* @return Time
* @throws Exception
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:320
⧉protected castAs($value, string $attribute, string $method = 'get'): array|bool|float|int|object|string|null Provides the ability to cast an item as a specific data type. Add ? at the be...
* Provides the ability to cast an item as a specific data type.
* Add ? at the beginning of $type (i.e. ?string) to get NULL
* instead of casting $value if $value === null
* @param bool|float|int|string|null $value Attribute value
* @param string $attribute Attribute name
* @param string $method Allowed to "get" and "set"
* @return array|bool|float|int|object|string|null
* @throws CastException
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:338
⧉protected isMappedDbColumn(string $key): bool Whether this key is mapped db column name?
* Whether this key is mapped db column name?
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:550
⧉protected hasMappedProperty(string $key): bool Whether this key has mapped property?
* Whether this key has mapped property?
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:565
uri => string (31) "CodeIgniter\Entity\Cast\URICast"
private _cast -> boolean true
⇄⧉public __construct(?array $data = null) Allows filling in Entity parameters during construction.
new \App\Entities\Entity(?array $data = null)
* Allows filling in Entity parameters during construction.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:117
⇄⧉public fill(?array $data = null): $this Takes an array of key/value pairs and sets them as class properties, using an...
$value->fill(?array $data = null)
* Takes an array of key/value pairs and sets them as class
* properties, using any `setCamelCasedProperty()` methods
* that may or may not exist.
* @param array $data
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:133
⇄⧉public toArray(bool $onlyChanged = false, bool $cast = true, bool $recursive = false): array General method that will return all public and protected values of this entit...
* General method that will return all public and protected values
* of this entity as an array. All values are accessed through the
* __get() magic method so will have any casts, etc applied to them.
* @param bool $onlyChanged If true, only return values that have changed since object creation
* @param bool $cast If true, properties will be cast.
* @param bool $recursive If true, inner entities will be cast as array as well.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:155
⇄⧉public toRawArray(bool $onlyChanged = false, bool $recursive = false): array Returns the raw values of the current attributes.
* Returns the raw values of the current attributes.
* @param bool $onlyChanged If true, only return values that have changed since object creation
* @param bool $recursive If true, inner entities will be cast as array as well.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:197
⇄⧉public syncOriginal(): $this Ensures our "original" values match the current values.
* Ensures our "original" values match the current values.
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:241
⇄⧉public hasChanged(?string $key = null): bool Checks a property to see if it has changed since the entity was created. Or, ...
$value->hasChanged(?string $key = null)
* Checks a property to see if it has changed since the entity
* was created. Or, without a parameter, checks if any
* properties have changed.
* @param string|null $key class property
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:255
⇄⧉public setAttributes(array $data): $this Set raw data array without any mutations
$value->setAttributes(array $data)
* Set raw data array without any mutations
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:282
⇄⧉public jsonSerialize(): array Support for json_encode()
* Support for json_encode()
* @return array
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:400
⇄⧉public cast(?bool $cast = null): bool|Entity Change the value of the private $_cast property
$value->cast(?bool $cast = null)
* Change the value of the private $_cast property
* @return bool|Entity
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:410
⧉public __set(string $key, $value = null): void Magic method to all protected/private class properties to be easily set, eith...
* Magic method to all protected/private class properties to be
* easily set, either through a direct access or a
* `setCamelCasedProperty()` method.
* Examples:
* $this->my_property = $p;
* $this->setMyProperty() = $p;
* @param array|bool|float|int|object|string|null $value
* @return void
* @throws Exception
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:436
⧉public __get(string $key): array|bool|float|int|object|string|null Magic method to allow retrieval of protected and private class properties eit...
* Magic method to allow retrieval of protected and private class properties
* either by their name, or through a `getCamelCasedProperty()` method.
* Examples:
* $p = $this->my_property
* $p = $this->getMyProperty()
* @return array|bool|float|int|object|string|null
* @throws Exception
* @params string $key class property
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:479
⧉public __isset(string $key): bool Returns true if a property exists names $key, or a getter method exists named...
* Returns true if a property exists names $key, or a getter method
* exists named like for __get().
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:516
⧉public __unset(string $key): void Unsets an attribute property.
* Unsets an attribute property.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:536
⧉protected mapProperty(string $key): string db column name Checks the datamap to see if this property name is being mapped, and returns ...
* Checks the datamap to see if this property name is being mapped,
* and returns the db column name, if any, or the original property name.
* @return string db column name
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:297
⧉protected mutateDate($value): Time Converts the given string|timestamp|DateTime|Time instance into the "CodeIgni...
* Converts the given string|timestamp|DateTime|Time instance
* into the "CodeIgniter\I18n\Time" object.
* @param DateTime|float|int|string|Time $value
* @return Time
* @throws Exception
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:320
⧉protected castAs($value, string $attribute, string $method = 'get'): array|bool|float|int|object|string|null Provides the ability to cast an item as a specific data type. Add ? at the be...
* Provides the ability to cast an item as a specific data type.
* Add ? at the beginning of $type (i.e. ?string) to get NULL
* instead of casting $value if $value === null
* @param bool|float|int|string|null $value Attribute value
* @param string $attribute Attribute name
* @param string $method Allowed to "get" and "set"
* @return array|bool|float|int|object|string|null
* @throws CastException
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:338
⧉protected isMappedDbColumn(string $key): bool Whether this key is mapped db column name?
* Whether this key is mapped db column name?
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:550
⧉protected hasMappedProperty(string $key): bool Whether this key has mapped property?
* Whether this key has mapped property?
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:565
⧉storyShortDescription => UTF-8 string (602) "ایک مرتبہ کا ذکر ہے، درختوں سے بھرا ایک جنگل تھا۔ ایک ٹیڑھے درخت کے سوا تمام...
ایک مرتبہ کا ذکر ہے، درختوں سے بھرا ایک جنگل تھا۔ ایک ٹیڑھے درخت کے سوا تمام درخت لمبے اور سیدھے تھے۔ ٹیڑھا درخت اپنی شکل دیکھ کر اداس رہتا تھا۔ ایک دن جنگل میں ایک لکڑہارا آیا۔ اس نے ٹیڑھے درخت کے علاوہ تمام سیدھے درخت کاٹ دیے کیونکہ وہ ٹیڑھا درخت اس کے لیے بیکار تھا۔ اس دن درخت کو احساس ہوا کہ اس کی بدصورت شکل نے اس کی جان کیسے بچائی۔
⧉keywords => UTF-8 string (206) "Urdu story; The Ugly Tree; Urdu children story; Urdu children stories; بدصور...
Urdu story; The Ugly Tree; Urdu children story; Urdu children stories; بدصورت درخت; Ugly Tree; Woodcutter ; Crooked ; magnificent ; Cat: fable; moral story; one should be happy with what they have
⧉storyShortDescription => UTF-8 string (602) "ایک مرتبہ کا ذکر ہے، درختوں سے بھرا ایک جنگل تھا۔ ایک ٹیڑھے درخت کے سوا تمام...
ایک مرتبہ کا ذکر ہے، درختوں سے بھرا ایک جنگل تھا۔ ایک ٹیڑھے درخت کے سوا تمام درخت لمبے اور سیدھے تھے۔ ٹیڑھا درخت اپنی شکل دیکھ کر اداس رہتا تھا۔ ایک دن جنگل میں ایک لکڑہارا آیا۔ اس نے ٹیڑھے درخت کے علاوہ تمام سیدھے درخت کاٹ دیے کیونکہ وہ ٹیڑھا درخت اس کے لیے بیکار تھا۔ اس دن درخت کو احساس ہوا کہ اس کی بدصورت شکل نے اس کی جان کیسے بچائی۔
⧉keywords => UTF-8 string (206) "Urdu story; The Ugly Tree; Urdu children story; Urdu children stories; بدصور...
Urdu story; The Ugly Tree; Urdu children story; Urdu children stories; بدصورت درخت; Ugly Tree; Woodcutter ; Crooked ; magnificent ; Cat: fable; moral story; one should be happy with what they have
uri => string (31) "CodeIgniter\Entity\Cast\URICast"
private _cast -> boolean true
⇄⧉public __construct(?array $data = null) Allows filling in Entity parameters during construction.
new \App\Entities\Entity(?array $data = null)
* Allows filling in Entity parameters during construction.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:117
⇄⧉public fill(?array $data = null): $this Takes an array of key/value pairs and sets them as class properties, using an...
$value->fill(?array $data = null)
* Takes an array of key/value pairs and sets them as class
* properties, using any `setCamelCasedProperty()` methods
* that may or may not exist.
* @param array $data
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:133
⇄⧉public toArray(bool $onlyChanged = false, bool $cast = true, bool $recursive = false): array General method that will return all public and protected values of this entit...
* General method that will return all public and protected values
* of this entity as an array. All values are accessed through the
* __get() magic method so will have any casts, etc applied to them.
* @param bool $onlyChanged If true, only return values that have changed since object creation
* @param bool $cast If true, properties will be cast.
* @param bool $recursive If true, inner entities will be cast as array as well.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:155
⇄⧉public toRawArray(bool $onlyChanged = false, bool $recursive = false): array Returns the raw values of the current attributes.
* Returns the raw values of the current attributes.
* @param bool $onlyChanged If true, only return values that have changed since object creation
* @param bool $recursive If true, inner entities will be cast as array as well.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:197
⇄⧉public syncOriginal(): $this Ensures our "original" values match the current values.
* Ensures our "original" values match the current values.
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:241
⇄⧉public hasChanged(?string $key = null): bool Checks a property to see if it has changed since the entity was created. Or, ...
$value->hasChanged(?string $key = null)
* Checks a property to see if it has changed since the entity
* was created. Or, without a parameter, checks if any
* properties have changed.
* @param string|null $key class property
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:255
⇄⧉public setAttributes(array $data): $this Set raw data array without any mutations
$value->setAttributes(array $data)
* Set raw data array without any mutations
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:282
⇄⧉public jsonSerialize(): array Support for json_encode()
* Support for json_encode()
* @return array
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:400
⇄⧉public cast(?bool $cast = null): bool|Entity Change the value of the private $_cast property
$value->cast(?bool $cast = null)
* Change the value of the private $_cast property
* @return bool|Entity
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:410
⧉public __set(string $key, $value = null): void Magic method to all protected/private class properties to be easily set, eith...
* Magic method to all protected/private class properties to be
* easily set, either through a direct access or a
* `setCamelCasedProperty()` method.
* Examples:
* $this->my_property = $p;
* $this->setMyProperty() = $p;
* @param array|bool|float|int|object|string|null $value
* @return void
* @throws Exception
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:436
⧉public __get(string $key): array|bool|float|int|object|string|null Magic method to allow retrieval of protected and private class properties eit...
* Magic method to allow retrieval of protected and private class properties
* either by their name, or through a `getCamelCasedProperty()` method.
* Examples:
* $p = $this->my_property
* $p = $this->getMyProperty()
* @return array|bool|float|int|object|string|null
* @throws Exception
* @params string $key class property
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:479
⧉public __isset(string $key): bool Returns true if a property exists names $key, or a getter method exists named...
* Returns true if a property exists names $key, or a getter method
* exists named like for __get().
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:516
⧉public __unset(string $key): void Unsets an attribute property.
* Unsets an attribute property.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:536
⧉protected mapProperty(string $key): string db column name Checks the datamap to see if this property name is being mapped, and returns ...
* Checks the datamap to see if this property name is being mapped,
* and returns the db column name, if any, or the original property name.
* @return string db column name
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:297
⧉protected mutateDate($value): Time Converts the given string|timestamp|DateTime|Time instance into the "CodeIgni...
* Converts the given string|timestamp|DateTime|Time instance
* into the "CodeIgniter\I18n\Time" object.
* @param DateTime|float|int|string|Time $value
* @return Time
* @throws Exception
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:320
⧉protected castAs($value, string $attribute, string $method = 'get'): array|bool|float|int|object|string|null Provides the ability to cast an item as a specific data type. Add ? at the be...
* Provides the ability to cast an item as a specific data type.
* Add ? at the beginning of $type (i.e. ?string) to get NULL
* instead of casting $value if $value === null
* @param bool|float|int|string|null $value Attribute value
* @param string $attribute Attribute name
* @param string $method Allowed to "get" and "set"
* @return array|bool|float|int|object|string|null
* @throws CastException
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:338
⧉protected isMappedDbColumn(string $key): bool Whether this key is mapped db column name?
* Whether this key is mapped db column name?
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:550
⧉protected hasMappedProperty(string $key): bool Whether this key has mapped property?
* Whether this key has mapped property?
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:565
⧉⌕$value array (6)
⇄⧉0 => App\Entities\Entity#150 (8)
Properties (8)
Available methods (18)
⧉protected attributes -> array (15)
storyId => string (4) "2621"
languageId => string (2) "27"
categoryId => string (2) "21"
storyEnTitle => string (21) "The Fox and the Eagle"
⧉storyShortDescription => UTF-8 string (1218) "یہ ایک لومڑی اور اس کے بچوں کی دلوں کو گرما دینے والی کہانی ہے۔ ایک دفعہ کی ...
یہ ایک لومڑی اور اس کے بچوں کی دلوں کو گرما دینے والی کہانی ہے۔ ایک دفعہ کی بات ہے، ایک لومڑی اپنے بچوں کے ساتھ ایک بڑے درخت کے نیچے رہتی تھی۔ ایک دن ایک عقاب وہاں آیا اور اس نے درخت کی شاخ پر اپنا گھونسلہ بنا لیا۔ جلد ہی، عقاب کے انڈوں سے بچے نکل آئے۔ عقاب اور لومڑی دونوں اپنے بچوں کے لیے کھانے کی تلاش میں نکلے- ایک دن جب بچے گھر میں اکیلے تھے، عقاب نیچے جھپٹا اور لومڑی کے ایک بچے کو اٹھا لے گیا۔ شام کو جب لومڑی واپس آئی تو دیکھا کہ ایک بچہ غائب ہے۔ غریب لومڑی نے عقاب سے منت سماجت کی کہ وہ بچہ واپس کر دے، لیکن عقاب نے انکار کر دیا۔ جلد ہی، لومڑی نے عقاب کو سبق سکھانے اور اس کے بچے کو واپس لانے کا منصوبہ بنایا۔ لومڑی اپنے بچے کو کیسے واپس لاتی ہے یہ جاننے کے لیے مکمل کہانی پڑھیں۔
⧉keywords => UTF-8 string (170) "Urdu story; The Fox and the Eagle; Urdu children story; Urdu children storie...
Urdu story; The Fox and the Eagle; Urdu children story; Urdu children stories; لومڑی اور عقاب; Fox; Eagle ; hatched ; swooped; wicked; frightened ; CAT: Fable
⧉storyShortDescription => UTF-8 string (1218) "یہ ایک لومڑی اور اس کے بچوں کی دلوں کو گرما دینے والی کہانی ہے۔ ایک دفعہ کی ...
یہ ایک لومڑی اور اس کے بچوں کی دلوں کو گرما دینے والی کہانی ہے۔ ایک دفعہ کی بات ہے، ایک لومڑی اپنے بچوں کے ساتھ ایک بڑے درخت کے نیچے رہتی تھی۔ ایک دن ایک عقاب وہاں آیا اور اس نے درخت کی شاخ پر اپنا گھونسلہ بنا لیا۔ جلد ہی، عقاب کے انڈوں سے بچے نکل آئے۔ عقاب اور لومڑی دونوں اپنے بچوں کے لیے کھانے کی تلاش میں نکلے- ایک دن جب بچے گھر میں اکیلے تھے، عقاب نیچے جھپٹا اور لومڑی کے ایک بچے کو اٹھا لے گیا۔ شام کو جب لومڑی واپس آئی تو دیکھا کہ ایک بچہ غائب ہے۔ غریب لومڑی نے عقاب سے منت سماجت کی کہ وہ بچہ واپس کر دے، لیکن عقاب نے انکار کر دیا۔ جلد ہی، لومڑی نے عقاب کو سبق سکھانے اور اس کے بچے کو واپس لانے کا منصوبہ بنایا۔ لومڑی اپنے بچے کو کیسے واپس لاتی ہے یہ جاننے کے لیے مکمل کہانی پڑھیں۔
⧉keywords => UTF-8 string (170) "Urdu story; The Fox and the Eagle; Urdu children story; Urdu children storie...
Urdu story; The Fox and the Eagle; Urdu children story; Urdu children stories; لومڑی اور عقاب; Fox; Eagle ; hatched ; swooped; wicked; frightened ; CAT: Fable
uri => string (31) "CodeIgniter\Entity\Cast\URICast"
private _cast -> boolean true
⇄⧉public __construct(?array $data = null) Allows filling in Entity parameters during construction.
new \App\Entities\Entity(?array $data = null)
* Allows filling in Entity parameters during construction.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:117
⇄⧉public fill(?array $data = null): $this Takes an array of key/value pairs and sets them as class properties, using an...
$value[0]->fill(?array $data = null)
* Takes an array of key/value pairs and sets them as class
* properties, using any `setCamelCasedProperty()` methods
* that may or may not exist.
* @param array $data
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:133
⇄⧉public toArray(bool $onlyChanged = false, bool $cast = true, bool $recursive = false): array General method that will return all public and protected values of this entit...
* General method that will return all public and protected values
* of this entity as an array. All values are accessed through the
* __get() magic method so will have any casts, etc applied to them.
* @param bool $onlyChanged If true, only return values that have changed since object creation
* @param bool $cast If true, properties will be cast.
* @param bool $recursive If true, inner entities will be cast as array as well.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:155
⇄⧉public toRawArray(bool $onlyChanged = false, bool $recursive = false): array Returns the raw values of the current attributes.
* Returns the raw values of the current attributes.
* @param bool $onlyChanged If true, only return values that have changed since object creation
* @param bool $recursive If true, inner entities will be cast as array as well.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:197
⇄⧉public syncOriginal(): $this Ensures our "original" values match the current values.
* Ensures our "original" values match the current values.
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:241
⇄⧉public hasChanged(?string $key = null): bool Checks a property to see if it has changed since the entity was created. Or, ...
$value[0]->hasChanged(?string $key = null)
* Checks a property to see if it has changed since the entity
* was created. Or, without a parameter, checks if any
* properties have changed.
* @param string|null $key class property
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:255
⇄⧉public setAttributes(array $data): $this Set raw data array without any mutations
$value[0]->setAttributes(array $data)
* Set raw data array without any mutations
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:282
⇄⧉public jsonSerialize(): array Support for json_encode()
* Support for json_encode()
* @return array
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:400
⇄⧉public cast(?bool $cast = null): bool|Entity Change the value of the private $_cast property
$value[0]->cast(?bool $cast = null)
* Change the value of the private $_cast property
* @return bool|Entity
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:410
⧉public __set(string $key, $value = null): void Magic method to all protected/private class properties to be easily set, eith...
* Magic method to all protected/private class properties to be
* easily set, either through a direct access or a
* `setCamelCasedProperty()` method.
* Examples:
* $this->my_property = $p;
* $this->setMyProperty() = $p;
* @param array|bool|float|int|object|string|null $value
* @return void
* @throws Exception
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:436
⧉public __get(string $key): array|bool|float|int|object|string|null Magic method to allow retrieval of protected and private class properties eit...
* Magic method to allow retrieval of protected and private class properties
* either by their name, or through a `getCamelCasedProperty()` method.
* Examples:
* $p = $this->my_property
* $p = $this->getMyProperty()
* @return array|bool|float|int|object|string|null
* @throws Exception
* @params string $key class property
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:479
⧉public __isset(string $key): bool Returns true if a property exists names $key, or a getter method exists named...
* Returns true if a property exists names $key, or a getter method
* exists named like for __get().
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:516
⧉public __unset(string $key): void Unsets an attribute property.
* Unsets an attribute property.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:536
⧉protected mapProperty(string $key): string db column name Checks the datamap to see if this property name is being mapped, and returns ...
* Checks the datamap to see if this property name is being mapped,
* and returns the db column name, if any, or the original property name.
* @return string db column name
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:297
⧉protected mutateDate($value): Time Converts the given string|timestamp|DateTime|Time instance into the "CodeIgni...
* Converts the given string|timestamp|DateTime|Time instance
* into the "CodeIgniter\I18n\Time" object.
* @param DateTime|float|int|string|Time $value
* @return Time
* @throws Exception
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:320
⧉protected castAs($value, string $attribute, string $method = 'get'): array|bool|float|int|object|string|null Provides the ability to cast an item as a specific data type. Add ? at the be...
* Provides the ability to cast an item as a specific data type.
* Add ? at the beginning of $type (i.e. ?string) to get NULL
* instead of casting $value if $value === null
* @param bool|float|int|string|null $value Attribute value
* @param string $attribute Attribute name
* @param string $method Allowed to "get" and "set"
* @return array|bool|float|int|object|string|null
* @throws CastException
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:338
⧉protected isMappedDbColumn(string $key): bool Whether this key is mapped db column name?
* Whether this key is mapped db column name?
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:550
⧉protected hasMappedProperty(string $key): bool Whether this key has mapped property?
* Whether this key has mapped property?
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:565
⇄⧉1 => App\Entities\Entity#151 (8)
Properties (8)
Available methods (18)
⧉protected attributes -> array (15)
storyId => string (4) "2598"
languageId => string (2) "27"
categoryId => string (2) "17"
storyEnTitle => string (24) "The Monkey who told Lies"
storyTitle => UTF-8 string (37) "جھوٹ بولنے والا بندر"
⧉storyShortDescription => UTF-8 string (585) "ایک دفعہ کی بات ہے، ایک بندر ایک جہاز میں سفر کررہا تھا لیکن سفر کے دوران آد...
ایک دفعہ کی بات ہے، ایک بندر ایک جہاز میں سفر کررہا تھا لیکن سفر کے دوران آدھا راستہ طے کرنے بعد جہاز تباہ ہو گیا اور بندر گہرے پانی میں جا گرا۔ خوش قسمتی سے بندر نے ڈولفن سے مدد مانگی اور ڈولفن نے بندر کو اپنی پیٹھ پر بٹھایا اور تیرنے لگی۔ جھوٹ بولنے والے بندر کی کہانی پڑھیں اور جانیں کہ اس کے جھوٹ نے اسے کس طرح مشکل میں ڈالا۔
⧉keywords => UTF-8 string (202) "Urdu story; The Monkey who told Lies; Urdu children story; Urdu children sto...
Urdu story; The Monkey who told Lies; Urdu children story; Urdu children stories; جھوٹ بولنے والا بندر; Monkey ; Sailing; Voyage; Wrecked ; Dolphin; Astonished ; CAT: Fable; Dishonesty
⧉storyShortDescription => UTF-8 string (585) "ایک دفعہ کی بات ہے، ایک بندر ایک جہاز میں سفر کررہا تھا لیکن سفر کے دوران آد...
ایک دفعہ کی بات ہے، ایک بندر ایک جہاز میں سفر کررہا تھا لیکن سفر کے دوران آدھا راستہ طے کرنے بعد جہاز تباہ ہو گیا اور بندر گہرے پانی میں جا گرا۔ خوش قسمتی سے بندر نے ڈولفن سے مدد مانگی اور ڈولفن نے بندر کو اپنی پیٹھ پر بٹھایا اور تیرنے لگی۔ جھوٹ بولنے والے بندر کی کہانی پڑھیں اور جانیں کہ اس کے جھوٹ نے اسے کس طرح مشکل میں ڈالا۔
⧉keywords => UTF-8 string (202) "Urdu story; The Monkey who told Lies; Urdu children story; Urdu children sto...
Urdu story; The Monkey who told Lies; Urdu children story; Urdu children stories; جھوٹ بولنے والا بندر; Monkey ; Sailing; Voyage; Wrecked ; Dolphin; Astonished ; CAT: Fable; Dishonesty
uri => string (31) "CodeIgniter\Entity\Cast\URICast"
private _cast -> boolean true
⇄⧉public __construct(?array $data = null) Allows filling in Entity parameters during construction.
new \App\Entities\Entity(?array $data = null)
* Allows filling in Entity parameters during construction.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:117
⇄⧉public fill(?array $data = null): $this Takes an array of key/value pairs and sets them as class properties, using an...
$value[1]->fill(?array $data = null)
* Takes an array of key/value pairs and sets them as class
* properties, using any `setCamelCasedProperty()` methods
* that may or may not exist.
* @param array $data
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:133
⇄⧉public toArray(bool $onlyChanged = false, bool $cast = true, bool $recursive = false): array General method that will return all public and protected values of this entit...
* General method that will return all public and protected values
* of this entity as an array. All values are accessed through the
* __get() magic method so will have any casts, etc applied to them.
* @param bool $onlyChanged If true, only return values that have changed since object creation
* @param bool $cast If true, properties will be cast.
* @param bool $recursive If true, inner entities will be cast as array as well.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:155
⇄⧉public toRawArray(bool $onlyChanged = false, bool $recursive = false): array Returns the raw values of the current attributes.
* Returns the raw values of the current attributes.
* @param bool $onlyChanged If true, only return values that have changed since object creation
* @param bool $recursive If true, inner entities will be cast as array as well.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:197
⇄⧉public syncOriginal(): $this Ensures our "original" values match the current values.
* Ensures our "original" values match the current values.
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:241
⇄⧉public hasChanged(?string $key = null): bool Checks a property to see if it has changed since the entity was created. Or, ...
$value[1]->hasChanged(?string $key = null)
* Checks a property to see if it has changed since the entity
* was created. Or, without a parameter, checks if any
* properties have changed.
* @param string|null $key class property
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:255
⇄⧉public setAttributes(array $data): $this Set raw data array without any mutations
$value[1]->setAttributes(array $data)
* Set raw data array without any mutations
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:282
⇄⧉public jsonSerialize(): array Support for json_encode()
* Support for json_encode()
* @return array
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:400
⇄⧉public cast(?bool $cast = null): bool|Entity Change the value of the private $_cast property
$value[1]->cast(?bool $cast = null)
* Change the value of the private $_cast property
* @return bool|Entity
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:410
⧉public __set(string $key, $value = null): void Magic method to all protected/private class properties to be easily set, eith...
* Magic method to all protected/private class properties to be
* easily set, either through a direct access or a
* `setCamelCasedProperty()` method.
* Examples:
* $this->my_property = $p;
* $this->setMyProperty() = $p;
* @param array|bool|float|int|object|string|null $value
* @return void
* @throws Exception
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:436
⧉public __get(string $key): array|bool|float|int|object|string|null Magic method to allow retrieval of protected and private class properties eit...
* Magic method to allow retrieval of protected and private class properties
* either by their name, or through a `getCamelCasedProperty()` method.
* Examples:
* $p = $this->my_property
* $p = $this->getMyProperty()
* @return array|bool|float|int|object|string|null
* @throws Exception
* @params string $key class property
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:479
⧉public __isset(string $key): bool Returns true if a property exists names $key, or a getter method exists named...
* Returns true if a property exists names $key, or a getter method
* exists named like for __get().
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:516
⧉public __unset(string $key): void Unsets an attribute property.
* Unsets an attribute property.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:536
⧉protected mapProperty(string $key): string db column name Checks the datamap to see if this property name is being mapped, and returns ...
* Checks the datamap to see if this property name is being mapped,
* and returns the db column name, if any, or the original property name.
* @return string db column name
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:297
⧉protected mutateDate($value): Time Converts the given string|timestamp|DateTime|Time instance into the "CodeIgni...
* Converts the given string|timestamp|DateTime|Time instance
* into the "CodeIgniter\I18n\Time" object.
* @param DateTime|float|int|string|Time $value
* @return Time
* @throws Exception
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:320
⧉protected castAs($value, string $attribute, string $method = 'get'): array|bool|float|int|object|string|null Provides the ability to cast an item as a specific data type. Add ? at the be...
* Provides the ability to cast an item as a specific data type.
* Add ? at the beginning of $type (i.e. ?string) to get NULL
* instead of casting $value if $value === null
* @param bool|float|int|string|null $value Attribute value
* @param string $attribute Attribute name
* @param string $method Allowed to "get" and "set"
* @return array|bool|float|int|object|string|null
* @throws CastException
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:338
⧉protected isMappedDbColumn(string $key): bool Whether this key is mapped db column name?
* Whether this key is mapped db column name?
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:550
⧉protected hasMappedProperty(string $key): bool Whether this key has mapped property?
* Whether this key has mapped property?
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:565
⇄⧉2 => App\Entities\Entity#152 (8)
Properties (8)
Available methods (18)
⧉protected attributes -> array (15)
storyId => string (4) "2612"
languageId => string (2) "27"
categoryId => string (2) "16"
storyEnTitle => string (19) "The Invisible Mouse"
storyTitle => UTF-8 string (44) "دکھائی نہ دینے والا چوہا"
⧉storyShortDescription => UTF-8 string (677) "دکھائی نہ دینے والا آدمی، ایک چھوٹی سی لڑکی سے لاڈ پیار کرتا تھا۔ جولی، اور ...
دکھائی نہ دینے والا آدمی، ایک چھوٹی سی لڑکی سے لاڈ پیار کرتا تھا۔ جولی، اور اس کی پالتو بلی، کٹی کے بارے میں ایک مزیدار کہانی ہے۔ جولی کے گھر میں ہر کوئی کٹی سے پیار کرتا تھا اور اسے کافی لاڈ کرتے تھے۔ ایک بار جولی کے بھائی نے ایک ڈبے کی طرف اشارہ کیا اور کہا کہ چوہا اس ڈبے میں ہے۔ اس سے کٹی حیران رہ گئی اور وہ گھر میں چوہے کو تلاش کرنے لگی۔ کٹی کے ساتھ چوہے کی تلاش میں شامل ہوں۔
⧉keywords => UTF-8 string (190) "Urdu story; The Invisible Mouse; Urdu children story; Urdu children stories;...
Urdu story; The Invisible Mouse; Urdu children story; Urdu children stories; دکھائی نہ دینے والا چوہا; Mouse ; Julie; Kitty; scolded; astonished; computer; CAT: Humorous
⧉storyShortDescription => UTF-8 string (677) "دکھائی نہ دینے والا آدمی، ایک چھوٹی سی لڑکی سے لاڈ پیار کرتا تھا۔ جولی، اور ...
دکھائی نہ دینے والا آدمی، ایک چھوٹی سی لڑکی سے لاڈ پیار کرتا تھا۔ جولی، اور اس کی پالتو بلی، کٹی کے بارے میں ایک مزیدار کہانی ہے۔ جولی کے گھر میں ہر کوئی کٹی سے پیار کرتا تھا اور اسے کافی لاڈ کرتے تھے۔ ایک بار جولی کے بھائی نے ایک ڈبے کی طرف اشارہ کیا اور کہا کہ چوہا اس ڈبے میں ہے۔ اس سے کٹی حیران رہ گئی اور وہ گھر میں چوہے کو تلاش کرنے لگی۔ کٹی کے ساتھ چوہے کی تلاش میں شامل ہوں۔
⧉keywords => UTF-8 string (190) "Urdu story; The Invisible Mouse; Urdu children story; Urdu children stories;...
Urdu story; The Invisible Mouse; Urdu children story; Urdu children stories; دکھائی نہ دینے والا چوہا; Mouse ; Julie; Kitty; scolded; astonished; computer; CAT: Humorous
uri => string (31) "CodeIgniter\Entity\Cast\URICast"
private _cast -> boolean true
⇄⧉public __construct(?array $data = null) Allows filling in Entity parameters during construction.
new \App\Entities\Entity(?array $data = null)
* Allows filling in Entity parameters during construction.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:117
⇄⧉public fill(?array $data = null): $this Takes an array of key/value pairs and sets them as class properties, using an...
$value[2]->fill(?array $data = null)
* Takes an array of key/value pairs and sets them as class
* properties, using any `setCamelCasedProperty()` methods
* that may or may not exist.
* @param array $data
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:133
⇄⧉public toArray(bool $onlyChanged = false, bool $cast = true, bool $recursive = false): array General method that will return all public and protected values of this entit...
* General method that will return all public and protected values
* of this entity as an array. All values are accessed through the
* __get() magic method so will have any casts, etc applied to them.
* @param bool $onlyChanged If true, only return values that have changed since object creation
* @param bool $cast If true, properties will be cast.
* @param bool $recursive If true, inner entities will be cast as array as well.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:155
⇄⧉public toRawArray(bool $onlyChanged = false, bool $recursive = false): array Returns the raw values of the current attributes.
* Returns the raw values of the current attributes.
* @param bool $onlyChanged If true, only return values that have changed since object creation
* @param bool $recursive If true, inner entities will be cast as array as well.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:197
⇄⧉public syncOriginal(): $this Ensures our "original" values match the current values.
* Ensures our "original" values match the current values.
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:241
⇄⧉public hasChanged(?string $key = null): bool Checks a property to see if it has changed since the entity was created. Or, ...
$value[2]->hasChanged(?string $key = null)
* Checks a property to see if it has changed since the entity
* was created. Or, without a parameter, checks if any
* properties have changed.
* @param string|null $key class property
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:255
⇄⧉public setAttributes(array $data): $this Set raw data array without any mutations
$value[2]->setAttributes(array $data)
* Set raw data array without any mutations
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:282
⇄⧉public jsonSerialize(): array Support for json_encode()
* Support for json_encode()
* @return array
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:400
⇄⧉public cast(?bool $cast = null): bool|Entity Change the value of the private $_cast property
$value[2]->cast(?bool $cast = null)
* Change the value of the private $_cast property
* @return bool|Entity
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:410
⧉public __set(string $key, $value = null): void Magic method to all protected/private class properties to be easily set, eith...
* Magic method to all protected/private class properties to be
* easily set, either through a direct access or a
* `setCamelCasedProperty()` method.
* Examples:
* $this->my_property = $p;
* $this->setMyProperty() = $p;
* @param array|bool|float|int|object|string|null $value
* @return void
* @throws Exception
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:436
⧉public __get(string $key): array|bool|float|int|object|string|null Magic method to allow retrieval of protected and private class properties eit...
* Magic method to allow retrieval of protected and private class properties
* either by their name, or through a `getCamelCasedProperty()` method.
* Examples:
* $p = $this->my_property
* $p = $this->getMyProperty()
* @return array|bool|float|int|object|string|null
* @throws Exception
* @params string $key class property
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:479
⧉public __isset(string $key): bool Returns true if a property exists names $key, or a getter method exists named...
* Returns true if a property exists names $key, or a getter method
* exists named like for __get().
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:516
⧉public __unset(string $key): void Unsets an attribute property.
* Unsets an attribute property.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:536
⧉protected mapProperty(string $key): string db column name Checks the datamap to see if this property name is being mapped, and returns ...
* Checks the datamap to see if this property name is being mapped,
* and returns the db column name, if any, or the original property name.
* @return string db column name
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:297
⧉protected mutateDate($value): Time Converts the given string|timestamp|DateTime|Time instance into the "CodeIgni...
* Converts the given string|timestamp|DateTime|Time instance
* into the "CodeIgniter\I18n\Time" object.
* @param DateTime|float|int|string|Time $value
* @return Time
* @throws Exception
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:320
⧉protected castAs($value, string $attribute, string $method = 'get'): array|bool|float|int|object|string|null Provides the ability to cast an item as a specific data type. Add ? at the be...
* Provides the ability to cast an item as a specific data type.
* Add ? at the beginning of $type (i.e. ?string) to get NULL
* instead of casting $value if $value === null
* @param bool|float|int|string|null $value Attribute value
* @param string $attribute Attribute name
* @param string $method Allowed to "get" and "set"
* @return array|bool|float|int|object|string|null
* @throws CastException
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:338
⧉protected isMappedDbColumn(string $key): bool Whether this key is mapped db column name?
* Whether this key is mapped db column name?
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:550
⧉protected hasMappedProperty(string $key): bool Whether this key has mapped property?
* Whether this key has mapped property?
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:565
⇄⧉3 => App\Entities\Entity#153 (8)
Properties (8)
Available methods (18)
⧉protected attributes -> array (15)
storyId => string (4) "2603"
languageId => string (2) "27"
categoryId => string (2) "16"
storyEnTitle => string (21) "The Foolish Fisherman"
⧉storyShortDescription => UTF-8 string (884) "ایک دفعہ کی بات ہے، ایک بےوقوف مچھیرا تھا۔ ایک دن، اس نے مچھلی پکڑنے کے لیے ...
ایک دفعہ کی بات ہے، ایک بےوقوف مچھیرا تھا۔ ایک دن، اس نے مچھلی پکڑنے کے لیے موسیقی کا استعمال کرنے کا فیصلہ کیا۔ تاہم، کئی ناکام کوششوں کے کے بعد، وہ اپنے روایتی ماہی گیری کے طریقہ کار یعنی جال سے مچھلی پکڑے پر واپس آ گیا، جس کے نتیجے میں اسے بہت ساری مچھلیاں ملنے لگیں۔ اسے یہ دیکھ کر حیرت ہوئی کہ جب مچھلیاں اس کی کشتی پر سوار ہوئیں تو وہ ناچنے لگیں۔ یہ غیر متوقع نظارہ دیکھ کر مچھیرا غصہ سے بھڑک گیا۔ بےوقوف مچھیرے اس کی کہانی کو پڑھیں اور دیکھیں کہ وہ ناچتی مچھلیوں کے ساتھ کیا سلوک کرتا ہے۔
⧉keywords => UTF-8 string (201) "Urdu story; The Foolish Fisherman; Urdu children story; Urdu children storie...
Urdu story; The Foolish Fisherman; Urdu children story; Urdu children stories; بے قوف مچھیرا; fisherman; fish; foolishness; happily ; CAT: fable; moral lesson; anger does more harm than good
⧉storyShortDescription => UTF-8 string (884) "ایک دفعہ کی بات ہے، ایک بےوقوف مچھیرا تھا۔ ایک دن، اس نے مچھلی پکڑنے کے لیے ...
ایک دفعہ کی بات ہے، ایک بےوقوف مچھیرا تھا۔ ایک دن، اس نے مچھلی پکڑنے کے لیے موسیقی کا استعمال کرنے کا فیصلہ کیا۔ تاہم، کئی ناکام کوششوں کے کے بعد، وہ اپنے روایتی ماہی گیری کے طریقہ کار یعنی جال سے مچھلی پکڑے پر واپس آ گیا، جس کے نتیجے میں اسے بہت ساری مچھلیاں ملنے لگیں۔ اسے یہ دیکھ کر حیرت ہوئی کہ جب مچھلیاں اس کی کشتی پر سوار ہوئیں تو وہ ناچنے لگیں۔ یہ غیر متوقع نظارہ دیکھ کر مچھیرا غصہ سے بھڑک گیا۔ بےوقوف مچھیرے اس کی کہانی کو پڑھیں اور دیکھیں کہ وہ ناچتی مچھلیوں کے ساتھ کیا سلوک کرتا ہے۔
⧉keywords => UTF-8 string (201) "Urdu story; The Foolish Fisherman; Urdu children story; Urdu children storie...
Urdu story; The Foolish Fisherman; Urdu children story; Urdu children stories; بے قوف مچھیرا; fisherman; fish; foolishness; happily ; CAT: fable; moral lesson; anger does more harm than good
uri => string (31) "CodeIgniter\Entity\Cast\URICast"
private _cast -> boolean true
⇄⧉public __construct(?array $data = null) Allows filling in Entity parameters during construction.
new \App\Entities\Entity(?array $data = null)
* Allows filling in Entity parameters during construction.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:117
⇄⧉public fill(?array $data = null): $this Takes an array of key/value pairs and sets them as class properties, using an...
$value[3]->fill(?array $data = null)
* Takes an array of key/value pairs and sets them as class
* properties, using any `setCamelCasedProperty()` methods
* that may or may not exist.
* @param array $data
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:133
⇄⧉public toArray(bool $onlyChanged = false, bool $cast = true, bool $recursive = false): array General method that will return all public and protected values of this entit...
* General method that will return all public and protected values
* of this entity as an array. All values are accessed through the
* __get() magic method so will have any casts, etc applied to them.
* @param bool $onlyChanged If true, only return values that have changed since object creation
* @param bool $cast If true, properties will be cast.
* @param bool $recursive If true, inner entities will be cast as array as well.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:155
⇄⧉public toRawArray(bool $onlyChanged = false, bool $recursive = false): array Returns the raw values of the current attributes.
* Returns the raw values of the current attributes.
* @param bool $onlyChanged If true, only return values that have changed since object creation
* @param bool $recursive If true, inner entities will be cast as array as well.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:197
⇄⧉public syncOriginal(): $this Ensures our "original" values match the current values.
* Ensures our "original" values match the current values.
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:241
⇄⧉public hasChanged(?string $key = null): bool Checks a property to see if it has changed since the entity was created. Or, ...
$value[3]->hasChanged(?string $key = null)
* Checks a property to see if it has changed since the entity
* was created. Or, without a parameter, checks if any
* properties have changed.
* @param string|null $key class property
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:255
⇄⧉public setAttributes(array $data): $this Set raw data array without any mutations
$value[3]->setAttributes(array $data)
* Set raw data array without any mutations
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:282
⇄⧉public jsonSerialize(): array Support for json_encode()
* Support for json_encode()
* @return array
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:400
⇄⧉public cast(?bool $cast = null): bool|Entity Change the value of the private $_cast property
$value[3]->cast(?bool $cast = null)
* Change the value of the private $_cast property
* @return bool|Entity
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:410
⧉public __set(string $key, $value = null): void Magic method to all protected/private class properties to be easily set, eith...
* Magic method to all protected/private class properties to be
* easily set, either through a direct access or a
* `setCamelCasedProperty()` method.
* Examples:
* $this->my_property = $p;
* $this->setMyProperty() = $p;
* @param array|bool|float|int|object|string|null $value
* @return void
* @throws Exception
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:436
⧉public __get(string $key): array|bool|float|int|object|string|null Magic method to allow retrieval of protected and private class properties eit...
* Magic method to allow retrieval of protected and private class properties
* either by their name, or through a `getCamelCasedProperty()` method.
* Examples:
* $p = $this->my_property
* $p = $this->getMyProperty()
* @return array|bool|float|int|object|string|null
* @throws Exception
* @params string $key class property
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:479
⧉public __isset(string $key): bool Returns true if a property exists names $key, or a getter method exists named...
* Returns true if a property exists names $key, or a getter method
* exists named like for __get().
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:516
⧉public __unset(string $key): void Unsets an attribute property.
* Unsets an attribute property.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:536
⧉protected mapProperty(string $key): string db column name Checks the datamap to see if this property name is being mapped, and returns ...
* Checks the datamap to see if this property name is being mapped,
* and returns the db column name, if any, or the original property name.
* @return string db column name
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:297
⧉protected mutateDate($value): Time Converts the given string|timestamp|DateTime|Time instance into the "CodeIgni...
* Converts the given string|timestamp|DateTime|Time instance
* into the "CodeIgniter\I18n\Time" object.
* @param DateTime|float|int|string|Time $value
* @return Time
* @throws Exception
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:320
⧉protected castAs($value, string $attribute, string $method = 'get'): array|bool|float|int|object|string|null Provides the ability to cast an item as a specific data type. Add ? at the be...
* Provides the ability to cast an item as a specific data type.
* Add ? at the beginning of $type (i.e. ?string) to get NULL
* instead of casting $value if $value === null
* @param bool|float|int|string|null $value Attribute value
* @param string $attribute Attribute name
* @param string $method Allowed to "get" and "set"
* @return array|bool|float|int|object|string|null
* @throws CastException
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:338
⧉protected isMappedDbColumn(string $key): bool Whether this key is mapped db column name?
* Whether this key is mapped db column name?
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:550
⧉protected hasMappedProperty(string $key): bool Whether this key has mapped property?
* Whether this key has mapped property?
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:565
⇄⧉4 => App\Entities\Entity#154 (8)
Properties (8)
Available methods (18)
⧉protected attributes -> array (15)
storyId => string (4) "2582"
languageId => string (2) "27"
categoryId => string (2) "17"
storyEnTitle => string (20) "Running for the Life"
storyTitle => UTF-8 string (35) "زندگی کے لیے جدوجہد"
⧉storyShortDescription => UTF-8 string (532) "کھانے کی تلاش میں نکلے ایک پرعزم کتے شکاری کے ایک دلچسپ مہم جوئی کے بارے میں...
کھانے کی تلاش میں نکلے ایک پرعزم کتے شکاری کے ایک دلچسپ مہم جوئی کے بارے میں پڑھیں، جہاں اس کا سامنا ایک تیز خرگوش سے ہوتا ہے۔ دیکھیں کہ آیا شکاری کتا 'زندگی کے لیے جدوجہد' کی اس سنسنی خیز کہانی میں تیز رفتار خرگوش کو پکڑ سکتا ہے۔ آئیے اور اس دلچسپ مہم جوئی میں عزم اور حوصلے کے حقیقی معنی کو جانیے۔
⧉keywords => UTF-8 string (176) "Urdu story; Running for the Life; Urdu children story; Urdu children stories...
Urdu story; Running for the Life; Urdu children story; Urdu children stories; زندگی کے لیے جدوجہد; Hound ; Hare; Catch; Insulted ; Goat; CAT: Fable; moral story
⧉storyShortDescription => UTF-8 string (532) "کھانے کی تلاش میں نکلے ایک پرعزم کتے شکاری کے ایک دلچسپ مہم جوئی کے بارے میں...
کھانے کی تلاش میں نکلے ایک پرعزم کتے شکاری کے ایک دلچسپ مہم جوئی کے بارے میں پڑھیں، جہاں اس کا سامنا ایک تیز خرگوش سے ہوتا ہے۔ دیکھیں کہ آیا شکاری کتا 'زندگی کے لیے جدوجہد' کی اس سنسنی خیز کہانی میں تیز رفتار خرگوش کو پکڑ سکتا ہے۔ آئیے اور اس دلچسپ مہم جوئی میں عزم اور حوصلے کے حقیقی معنی کو جانیے۔
⧉keywords => UTF-8 string (176) "Urdu story; Running for the Life; Urdu children story; Urdu children stories...
Urdu story; Running for the Life; Urdu children story; Urdu children stories; زندگی کے لیے جدوجہد; Hound ; Hare; Catch; Insulted ; Goat; CAT: Fable; moral story
uri => string (31) "CodeIgniter\Entity\Cast\URICast"
private _cast -> boolean true
⇄⧉public __construct(?array $data = null) Allows filling in Entity parameters during construction.
new \App\Entities\Entity(?array $data = null)
* Allows filling in Entity parameters during construction.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:117
⇄⧉public fill(?array $data = null): $this Takes an array of key/value pairs and sets them as class properties, using an...
$value[4]->fill(?array $data = null)
* Takes an array of key/value pairs and sets them as class
* properties, using any `setCamelCasedProperty()` methods
* that may or may not exist.
* @param array $data
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:133
⇄⧉public toArray(bool $onlyChanged = false, bool $cast = true, bool $recursive = false): array General method that will return all public and protected values of this entit...
* General method that will return all public and protected values
* of this entity as an array. All values are accessed through the
* __get() magic method so will have any casts, etc applied to them.
* @param bool $onlyChanged If true, only return values that have changed since object creation
* @param bool $cast If true, properties will be cast.
* @param bool $recursive If true, inner entities will be cast as array as well.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:155
⇄⧉public toRawArray(bool $onlyChanged = false, bool $recursive = false): array Returns the raw values of the current attributes.
* Returns the raw values of the current attributes.
* @param bool $onlyChanged If true, only return values that have changed since object creation
* @param bool $recursive If true, inner entities will be cast as array as well.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:197
⇄⧉public syncOriginal(): $this Ensures our "original" values match the current values.
* Ensures our "original" values match the current values.
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:241
⇄⧉public hasChanged(?string $key = null): bool Checks a property to see if it has changed since the entity was created. Or, ...
$value[4]->hasChanged(?string $key = null)
* Checks a property to see if it has changed since the entity
* was created. Or, without a parameter, checks if any
* properties have changed.
* @param string|null $key class property
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:255
⇄⧉public setAttributes(array $data): $this Set raw data array without any mutations
$value[4]->setAttributes(array $data)
* Set raw data array without any mutations
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:282
⇄⧉public jsonSerialize(): array Support for json_encode()
* Support for json_encode()
* @return array
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:400
⇄⧉public cast(?bool $cast = null): bool|Entity Change the value of the private $_cast property
$value[4]->cast(?bool $cast = null)
* Change the value of the private $_cast property
* @return bool|Entity
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:410
⧉public __set(string $key, $value = null): void Magic method to all protected/private class properties to be easily set, eith...
* Magic method to all protected/private class properties to be
* easily set, either through a direct access or a
* `setCamelCasedProperty()` method.
* Examples:
* $this->my_property = $p;
* $this->setMyProperty() = $p;
* @param array|bool|float|int|object|string|null $value
* @return void
* @throws Exception
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:436
⧉public __get(string $key): array|bool|float|int|object|string|null Magic method to allow retrieval of protected and private class properties eit...
* Magic method to allow retrieval of protected and private class properties
* either by their name, or through a `getCamelCasedProperty()` method.
* Examples:
* $p = $this->my_property
* $p = $this->getMyProperty()
* @return array|bool|float|int|object|string|null
* @throws Exception
* @params string $key class property
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:479
⧉public __isset(string $key): bool Returns true if a property exists names $key, or a getter method exists named...
* Returns true if a property exists names $key, or a getter method
* exists named like for __get().
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:516
⧉public __unset(string $key): void Unsets an attribute property.
* Unsets an attribute property.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:536
⧉protected mapProperty(string $key): string db column name Checks the datamap to see if this property name is being mapped, and returns ...
* Checks the datamap to see if this property name is being mapped,
* and returns the db column name, if any, or the original property name.
* @return string db column name
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:297
⧉protected mutateDate($value): Time Converts the given string|timestamp|DateTime|Time instance into the "CodeIgni...
* Converts the given string|timestamp|DateTime|Time instance
* into the "CodeIgniter\I18n\Time" object.
* @param DateTime|float|int|string|Time $value
* @return Time
* @throws Exception
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:320
⧉protected castAs($value, string $attribute, string $method = 'get'): array|bool|float|int|object|string|null Provides the ability to cast an item as a specific data type. Add ? at the be...
* Provides the ability to cast an item as a specific data type.
* Add ? at the beginning of $type (i.e. ?string) to get NULL
* instead of casting $value if $value === null
* @param bool|float|int|string|null $value Attribute value
* @param string $attribute Attribute name
* @param string $method Allowed to "get" and "set"
* @return array|bool|float|int|object|string|null
* @throws CastException
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:338
⧉protected isMappedDbColumn(string $key): bool Whether this key is mapped db column name?
* Whether this key is mapped db column name?
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:550
⧉protected hasMappedProperty(string $key): bool Whether this key has mapped property?
* Whether this key has mapped property?
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:565
⇄⧉5 => App\Entities\Entity#155 (8)
Properties (8)
Available methods (18)
⧉protected attributes -> array (15)
storyId => string (4) "2608"
languageId => string (2) "27"
categoryId => string (2) "18"
storyEnTitle => string (17) "The Stronger Nest"
⧉storyTitle => UTF-8 string (34) "مضبوط ترین گھونسلہ"
⧉storyShortDescription => UTF-8 string (676) "مضبوط گھونسلہ ایک ڈرپوک کوے اور محنتی چڑیا کی کہانی ہے۔ کوا اور چڑیا دونوں ن...
مضبوط گھونسلہ ایک ڈرپوک کوے اور محنتی چڑیا کی کہانی ہے۔ کوا اور چڑیا دونوں نے گھونسلہ بنایا تھا، لیکن چڑیا کا گھونسلہ زیادہ مضبوط تھا کیونکہ اس نے اسے پتوں اور گھاس کا استعمال کر کے بنایا تھا، جب کہ کوے کا گھونسلا نازک تھا۔ دن گزرتے گئے اور ٹھنڈی ہوائیں چلنے لگیں۔ ٹھنڈی ہوا نے کوے کے نازک گھونسلے کو اڑا دیا۔ کوے نے گھونسلے کی حفاظت کے لیے کیا کیا یہ جاننے کے لیے کہانی پڑھیں۔
⧉keywords => UTF-8 string (218) "Urdu story; The Stronger Nest; Urdu children story; Urdu children stories; م...
Urdu story; The Stronger Nest; Urdu children story; Urdu children stories; مضبوط ترین گھونسلہ; crow; timid; twigs; sparrow; fragile; Cat: fable; moral story; one should not take pride in their qualities
⧉storyShortDescription => UTF-8 string (676) "مضبوط گھونسلہ ایک ڈرپوک کوے اور محنتی چڑیا کی کہانی ہے۔ کوا اور چڑیا دونوں ن...
مضبوط گھونسلہ ایک ڈرپوک کوے اور محنتی چڑیا کی کہانی ہے۔ کوا اور چڑیا دونوں نے گھونسلہ بنایا تھا، لیکن چڑیا کا گھونسلہ زیادہ مضبوط تھا کیونکہ اس نے اسے پتوں اور گھاس کا استعمال کر کے بنایا تھا، جب کہ کوے کا گھونسلا نازک تھا۔ دن گزرتے گئے اور ٹھنڈی ہوائیں چلنے لگیں۔ ٹھنڈی ہوا نے کوے کے نازک گھونسلے کو اڑا دیا۔ کوے نے گھونسلے کی حفاظت کے لیے کیا کیا یہ جاننے کے لیے کہانی پڑھیں۔
⧉keywords => UTF-8 string (218) "Urdu story; The Stronger Nest; Urdu children story; Urdu children stories; م...
Urdu story; The Stronger Nest; Urdu children story; Urdu children stories; مضبوط ترین گھونسلہ; crow; timid; twigs; sparrow; fragile; Cat: fable; moral story; one should not take pride in their qualities
uri => string (31) "CodeIgniter\Entity\Cast\URICast"
private _cast -> boolean true
⇄⧉public __construct(?array $data = null) Allows filling in Entity parameters during construction.
new \App\Entities\Entity(?array $data = null)
* Allows filling in Entity parameters during construction.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:117
⇄⧉public fill(?array $data = null): $this Takes an array of key/value pairs and sets them as class properties, using an...
$value[5]->fill(?array $data = null)
* Takes an array of key/value pairs and sets them as class
* properties, using any `setCamelCasedProperty()` methods
* that may or may not exist.
* @param array $data
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:133
⇄⧉public toArray(bool $onlyChanged = false, bool $cast = true, bool $recursive = false): array General method that will return all public and protected values of this entit...
* General method that will return all public and protected values
* of this entity as an array. All values are accessed through the
* __get() magic method so will have any casts, etc applied to them.
* @param bool $onlyChanged If true, only return values that have changed since object creation
* @param bool $cast If true, properties will be cast.
* @param bool $recursive If true, inner entities will be cast as array as well.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:155
⇄⧉public toRawArray(bool $onlyChanged = false, bool $recursive = false): array Returns the raw values of the current attributes.
* Returns the raw values of the current attributes.
* @param bool $onlyChanged If true, only return values that have changed since object creation
* @param bool $recursive If true, inner entities will be cast as array as well.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:197
⇄⧉public syncOriginal(): $this Ensures our "original" values match the current values.
* Ensures our "original" values match the current values.
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:241
⇄⧉public hasChanged(?string $key = null): bool Checks a property to see if it has changed since the entity was created. Or, ...
$value[5]->hasChanged(?string $key = null)
* Checks a property to see if it has changed since the entity
* was created. Or, without a parameter, checks if any
* properties have changed.
* @param string|null $key class property
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:255
⇄⧉public setAttributes(array $data): $this Set raw data array without any mutations
$value[5]->setAttributes(array $data)
* Set raw data array without any mutations
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:282
⇄⧉public jsonSerialize(): array Support for json_encode()
* Support for json_encode()
* @return array
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:400
⇄⧉public cast(?bool $cast = null): bool|Entity Change the value of the private $_cast property
$value[5]->cast(?bool $cast = null)
* Change the value of the private $_cast property
* @return bool|Entity
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:410
⧉public __set(string $key, $value = null): void Magic method to all protected/private class properties to be easily set, eith...
* Magic method to all protected/private class properties to be
* easily set, either through a direct access or a
* `setCamelCasedProperty()` method.
* Examples:
* $this->my_property = $p;
* $this->setMyProperty() = $p;
* @param array|bool|float|int|object|string|null $value
* @return void
* @throws Exception
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:436
⧉public __get(string $key): array|bool|float|int|object|string|null Magic method to allow retrieval of protected and private class properties eit...
* Magic method to allow retrieval of protected and private class properties
* either by their name, or through a `getCamelCasedProperty()` method.
* Examples:
* $p = $this->my_property
* $p = $this->getMyProperty()
* @return array|bool|float|int|object|string|null
* @throws Exception
* @params string $key class property
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:479
⧉public __isset(string $key): bool Returns true if a property exists names $key, or a getter method exists named...
* Returns true if a property exists names $key, or a getter method
* exists named like for __get().
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:516
⧉public __unset(string $key): void Unsets an attribute property.
* Unsets an attribute property.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:536
⧉protected mapProperty(string $key): string db column name Checks the datamap to see if this property name is being mapped, and returns ...
* Checks the datamap to see if this property name is being mapped,
* and returns the db column name, if any, or the original property name.
* @return string db column name
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:297
⧉protected mutateDate($value): Time Converts the given string|timestamp|DateTime|Time instance into the "CodeIgni...
* Converts the given string|timestamp|DateTime|Time instance
* into the "CodeIgniter\I18n\Time" object.
* @param DateTime|float|int|string|Time $value
* @return Time
* @throws Exception
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:320
⧉protected castAs($value, string $attribute, string $method = 'get'): array|bool|float|int|object|string|null Provides the ability to cast an item as a specific data type. Add ? at the be...
* Provides the ability to cast an item as a specific data type.
* Add ? at the beginning of $type (i.e. ?string) to get NULL
* instead of casting $value if $value === null
* @param bool|float|int|string|null $value Attribute value
* @param string $attribute Attribute name
* @param string $method Allowed to "get" and "set"
* @return array|bool|float|int|object|string|null
* @throws CastException
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:338
⧉protected isMappedDbColumn(string $key): bool Whether this key is mapped db column name?
* Whether this key is mapped db column name?
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:550
⧉protected hasMappedProperty(string $key): bool Whether this key has mapped property?
* Whether this key has mapped property?
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:565
uri => string (31) "CodeIgniter\Entity\Cast\URICast"
private _cast -> boolean true
⇄⧉public __construct(?array $data = null) Allows filling in Entity parameters during construction.
new \App\Entities\Entity(?array $data = null)
* Allows filling in Entity parameters during construction.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:117
⇄⧉public fill(?array $data = null): $this Takes an array of key/value pairs and sets them as class properties, using an...
$value[0]->fill(?array $data = null)
* Takes an array of key/value pairs and sets them as class
* properties, using any `setCamelCasedProperty()` methods
* that may or may not exist.
* @param array $data
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:133
⇄⧉public toArray(bool $onlyChanged = false, bool $cast = true, bool $recursive = false): array General method that will return all public and protected values of this entit...
* General method that will return all public and protected values
* of this entity as an array. All values are accessed through the
* __get() magic method so will have any casts, etc applied to them.
* @param bool $onlyChanged If true, only return values that have changed since object creation
* @param bool $cast If true, properties will be cast.
* @param bool $recursive If true, inner entities will be cast as array as well.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:155
⇄⧉public toRawArray(bool $onlyChanged = false, bool $recursive = false): array Returns the raw values of the current attributes.
* Returns the raw values of the current attributes.
* @param bool $onlyChanged If true, only return values that have changed since object creation
* @param bool $recursive If true, inner entities will be cast as array as well.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:197
⇄⧉public syncOriginal(): $this Ensures our "original" values match the current values.
* Ensures our "original" values match the current values.
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:241
⇄⧉public hasChanged(?string $key = null): bool Checks a property to see if it has changed since the entity was created. Or, ...
$value[0]->hasChanged(?string $key = null)
* Checks a property to see if it has changed since the entity
* was created. Or, without a parameter, checks if any
* properties have changed.
* @param string|null $key class property
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:255
⇄⧉public setAttributes(array $data): $this Set raw data array without any mutations
$value[0]->setAttributes(array $data)
* Set raw data array without any mutations
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:282
⇄⧉public jsonSerialize(): array Support for json_encode()
* Support for json_encode()
* @return array
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:400
⇄⧉public cast(?bool $cast = null): bool|Entity Change the value of the private $_cast property
$value[0]->cast(?bool $cast = null)
* Change the value of the private $_cast property
* @return bool|Entity
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:410
⧉public __set(string $key, $value = null): void Magic method to all protected/private class properties to be easily set, eith...
* Magic method to all protected/private class properties to be
* easily set, either through a direct access or a
* `setCamelCasedProperty()` method.
* Examples:
* $this->my_property = $p;
* $this->setMyProperty() = $p;
* @param array|bool|float|int|object|string|null $value
* @return void
* @throws Exception
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:436
⧉public __get(string $key): array|bool|float|int|object|string|null Magic method to allow retrieval of protected and private class properties eit...
* Magic method to allow retrieval of protected and private class properties
* either by their name, or through a `getCamelCasedProperty()` method.
* Examples:
* $p = $this->my_property
* $p = $this->getMyProperty()
* @return array|bool|float|int|object|string|null
* @throws Exception
* @params string $key class property
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:479
⧉public __isset(string $key): bool Returns true if a property exists names $key, or a getter method exists named...
* Returns true if a property exists names $key, or a getter method
* exists named like for __get().
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:516
⧉public __unset(string $key): void Unsets an attribute property.
* Unsets an attribute property.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:536
⧉protected mapProperty(string $key): string db column name Checks the datamap to see if this property name is being mapped, and returns ...
* Checks the datamap to see if this property name is being mapped,
* and returns the db column name, if any, or the original property name.
* @return string db column name
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:297
⧉protected mutateDate($value): Time Converts the given string|timestamp|DateTime|Time instance into the "CodeIgni...
* Converts the given string|timestamp|DateTime|Time instance
* into the "CodeIgniter\I18n\Time" object.
* @param DateTime|float|int|string|Time $value
* @return Time
* @throws Exception
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:320
⧉protected castAs($value, string $attribute, string $method = 'get'): array|bool|float|int|object|string|null Provides the ability to cast an item as a specific data type. Add ? at the be...
* Provides the ability to cast an item as a specific data type.
* Add ? at the beginning of $type (i.e. ?string) to get NULL
* instead of casting $value if $value === null
* @param bool|float|int|string|null $value Attribute value
* @param string $attribute Attribute name
* @param string $method Allowed to "get" and "set"
* @return array|bool|float|int|object|string|null
* @throws CastException
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:338
⧉protected isMappedDbColumn(string $key): bool Whether this key is mapped db column name?
* Whether this key is mapped db column name?
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:550
⧉protected hasMappedProperty(string $key): bool Whether this key has mapped property?
* Whether this key has mapped property?
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:565
uri => string (31) "CodeIgniter\Entity\Cast\URICast"
private _cast -> boolean true
⇄⧉public __construct(?array $data = null) Allows filling in Entity parameters during construction.
new \App\Entities\Entity(?array $data = null)
* Allows filling in Entity parameters during construction.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:117
⇄⧉public fill(?array $data = null): $this Takes an array of key/value pairs and sets them as class properties, using an...
$value[1]->fill(?array $data = null)
* Takes an array of key/value pairs and sets them as class
* properties, using any `setCamelCasedProperty()` methods
* that may or may not exist.
* @param array $data
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:133
⇄⧉public toArray(bool $onlyChanged = false, bool $cast = true, bool $recursive = false): array General method that will return all public and protected values of this entit...
* General method that will return all public and protected values
* of this entity as an array. All values are accessed through the
* __get() magic method so will have any casts, etc applied to them.
* @param bool $onlyChanged If true, only return values that have changed since object creation
* @param bool $cast If true, properties will be cast.
* @param bool $recursive If true, inner entities will be cast as array as well.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:155
⇄⧉public toRawArray(bool $onlyChanged = false, bool $recursive = false): array Returns the raw values of the current attributes.
* Returns the raw values of the current attributes.
* @param bool $onlyChanged If true, only return values that have changed since object creation
* @param bool $recursive If true, inner entities will be cast as array as well.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:197
⇄⧉public syncOriginal(): $this Ensures our "original" values match the current values.
* Ensures our "original" values match the current values.
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:241
⇄⧉public hasChanged(?string $key = null): bool Checks a property to see if it has changed since the entity was created. Or, ...
$value[1]->hasChanged(?string $key = null)
* Checks a property to see if it has changed since the entity
* was created. Or, without a parameter, checks if any
* properties have changed.
* @param string|null $key class property
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:255
⇄⧉public setAttributes(array $data): $this Set raw data array without any mutations
$value[1]->setAttributes(array $data)
* Set raw data array without any mutations
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:282
⇄⧉public jsonSerialize(): array Support for json_encode()
* Support for json_encode()
* @return array
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:400
⇄⧉public cast(?bool $cast = null): bool|Entity Change the value of the private $_cast property
$value[1]->cast(?bool $cast = null)
* Change the value of the private $_cast property
* @return bool|Entity
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:410
⧉public __set(string $key, $value = null): void Magic method to all protected/private class properties to be easily set, eith...
* Magic method to all protected/private class properties to be
* easily set, either through a direct access or a
* `setCamelCasedProperty()` method.
* Examples:
* $this->my_property = $p;
* $this->setMyProperty() = $p;
* @param array|bool|float|int|object|string|null $value
* @return void
* @throws Exception
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:436
⧉public __get(string $key): array|bool|float|int|object|string|null Magic method to allow retrieval of protected and private class properties eit...
* Magic method to allow retrieval of protected and private class properties
* either by their name, or through a `getCamelCasedProperty()` method.
* Examples:
* $p = $this->my_property
* $p = $this->getMyProperty()
* @return array|bool|float|int|object|string|null
* @throws Exception
* @params string $key class property
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:479
⧉public __isset(string $key): bool Returns true if a property exists names $key, or a getter method exists named...
* Returns true if a property exists names $key, or a getter method
* exists named like for __get().
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:516
⧉public __unset(string $key): void Unsets an attribute property.
* Unsets an attribute property.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:536
⧉protected mapProperty(string $key): string db column name Checks the datamap to see if this property name is being mapped, and returns ...
* Checks the datamap to see if this property name is being mapped,
* and returns the db column name, if any, or the original property name.
* @return string db column name
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:297
⧉protected mutateDate($value): Time Converts the given string|timestamp|DateTime|Time instance into the "CodeIgni...
* Converts the given string|timestamp|DateTime|Time instance
* into the "CodeIgniter\I18n\Time" object.
* @param DateTime|float|int|string|Time $value
* @return Time
* @throws Exception
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:320
⧉protected castAs($value, string $attribute, string $method = 'get'): array|bool|float|int|object|string|null Provides the ability to cast an item as a specific data type. Add ? at the be...
* Provides the ability to cast an item as a specific data type.
* Add ? at the beginning of $type (i.e. ?string) to get NULL
* instead of casting $value if $value === null
* @param bool|float|int|string|null $value Attribute value
* @param string $attribute Attribute name
* @param string $method Allowed to "get" and "set"
* @return array|bool|float|int|object|string|null
* @throws CastException
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:338
⧉protected isMappedDbColumn(string $key): bool Whether this key is mapped db column name?
* Whether this key is mapped db column name?
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:550
⧉protected hasMappedProperty(string $key): bool Whether this key has mapped property?
* Whether this key has mapped property?
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:565
uri => string (31) "CodeIgniter\Entity\Cast\URICast"
private _cast -> boolean true
⇄⧉public __construct(?array $data = null) Allows filling in Entity parameters during construction.
new \App\Entities\Entity(?array $data = null)
* Allows filling in Entity parameters during construction.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:117
⇄⧉public fill(?array $data = null): $this Takes an array of key/value pairs and sets them as class properties, using an...
$value[2]->fill(?array $data = null)
* Takes an array of key/value pairs and sets them as class
* properties, using any `setCamelCasedProperty()` methods
* that may or may not exist.
* @param array $data
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:133
⇄⧉public toArray(bool $onlyChanged = false, bool $cast = true, bool $recursive = false): array General method that will return all public and protected values of this entit...
* General method that will return all public and protected values
* of this entity as an array. All values are accessed through the
* __get() magic method so will have any casts, etc applied to them.
* @param bool $onlyChanged If true, only return values that have changed since object creation
* @param bool $cast If true, properties will be cast.
* @param bool $recursive If true, inner entities will be cast as array as well.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:155
⇄⧉public toRawArray(bool $onlyChanged = false, bool $recursive = false): array Returns the raw values of the current attributes.
* Returns the raw values of the current attributes.
* @param bool $onlyChanged If true, only return values that have changed since object creation
* @param bool $recursive If true, inner entities will be cast as array as well.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:197
⇄⧉public syncOriginal(): $this Ensures our "original" values match the current values.
* Ensures our "original" values match the current values.
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:241
⇄⧉public hasChanged(?string $key = null): bool Checks a property to see if it has changed since the entity was created. Or, ...
$value[2]->hasChanged(?string $key = null)
* Checks a property to see if it has changed since the entity
* was created. Or, without a parameter, checks if any
* properties have changed.
* @param string|null $key class property
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:255
⇄⧉public setAttributes(array $data): $this Set raw data array without any mutations
$value[2]->setAttributes(array $data)
* Set raw data array without any mutations
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:282
⇄⧉public jsonSerialize(): array Support for json_encode()
* Support for json_encode()
* @return array
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:400
⇄⧉public cast(?bool $cast = null): bool|Entity Change the value of the private $_cast property
$value[2]->cast(?bool $cast = null)
* Change the value of the private $_cast property
* @return bool|Entity
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:410
⧉public __set(string $key, $value = null): void Magic method to all protected/private class properties to be easily set, eith...
* Magic method to all protected/private class properties to be
* easily set, either through a direct access or a
* `setCamelCasedProperty()` method.
* Examples:
* $this->my_property = $p;
* $this->setMyProperty() = $p;
* @param array|bool|float|int|object|string|null $value
* @return void
* @throws Exception
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:436
⧉public __get(string $key): array|bool|float|int|object|string|null Magic method to allow retrieval of protected and private class properties eit...
* Magic method to allow retrieval of protected and private class properties
* either by their name, or through a `getCamelCasedProperty()` method.
* Examples:
* $p = $this->my_property
* $p = $this->getMyProperty()
* @return array|bool|float|int|object|string|null
* @throws Exception
* @params string $key class property
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:479
⧉public __isset(string $key): bool Returns true if a property exists names $key, or a getter method exists named...
* Returns true if a property exists names $key, or a getter method
* exists named like for __get().
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:516
⧉public __unset(string $key): void Unsets an attribute property.
* Unsets an attribute property.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:536
⧉protected mapProperty(string $key): string db column name Checks the datamap to see if this property name is being mapped, and returns ...
* Checks the datamap to see if this property name is being mapped,
* and returns the db column name, if any, or the original property name.
* @return string db column name
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:297
⧉protected mutateDate($value): Time Converts the given string|timestamp|DateTime|Time instance into the "CodeIgni...
* Converts the given string|timestamp|DateTime|Time instance
* into the "CodeIgniter\I18n\Time" object.
* @param DateTime|float|int|string|Time $value
* @return Time
* @throws Exception
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:320
⧉protected castAs($value, string $attribute, string $method = 'get'): array|bool|float|int|object|string|null Provides the ability to cast an item as a specific data type. Add ? at the be...
* Provides the ability to cast an item as a specific data type.
* Add ? at the beginning of $type (i.e. ?string) to get NULL
* instead of casting $value if $value === null
* @param bool|float|int|string|null $value Attribute value
* @param string $attribute Attribute name
* @param string $method Allowed to "get" and "set"
* @return array|bool|float|int|object|string|null
* @throws CastException
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:338
⧉protected isMappedDbColumn(string $key): bool Whether this key is mapped db column name?
* Whether this key is mapped db column name?
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:550
⧉protected hasMappedProperty(string $key): bool Whether this key has mapped property?
* Whether this key has mapped property?
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:565
uri => string (31) "CodeIgniter\Entity\Cast\URICast"
private _cast -> boolean true
⇄⧉public __construct(?array $data = null) Allows filling in Entity parameters during construction.
new \App\Entities\Entity(?array $data = null)
* Allows filling in Entity parameters during construction.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:117
⇄⧉public fill(?array $data = null): $this Takes an array of key/value pairs and sets them as class properties, using an...
$value[3]->fill(?array $data = null)
* Takes an array of key/value pairs and sets them as class
* properties, using any `setCamelCasedProperty()` methods
* that may or may not exist.
* @param array $data
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:133
⇄⧉public toArray(bool $onlyChanged = false, bool $cast = true, bool $recursive = false): array General method that will return all public and protected values of this entit...
* General method that will return all public and protected values
* of this entity as an array. All values are accessed through the
* __get() magic method so will have any casts, etc applied to them.
* @param bool $onlyChanged If true, only return values that have changed since object creation
* @param bool $cast If true, properties will be cast.
* @param bool $recursive If true, inner entities will be cast as array as well.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:155
⇄⧉public toRawArray(bool $onlyChanged = false, bool $recursive = false): array Returns the raw values of the current attributes.
* Returns the raw values of the current attributes.
* @param bool $onlyChanged If true, only return values that have changed since object creation
* @param bool $recursive If true, inner entities will be cast as array as well.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:197
⇄⧉public syncOriginal(): $this Ensures our "original" values match the current values.
* Ensures our "original" values match the current values.
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:241
⇄⧉public hasChanged(?string $key = null): bool Checks a property to see if it has changed since the entity was created. Or, ...
$value[3]->hasChanged(?string $key = null)
* Checks a property to see if it has changed since the entity
* was created. Or, without a parameter, checks if any
* properties have changed.
* @param string|null $key class property
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:255
⇄⧉public setAttributes(array $data): $this Set raw data array without any mutations
$value[3]->setAttributes(array $data)
* Set raw data array without any mutations
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:282
⇄⧉public jsonSerialize(): array Support for json_encode()
* Support for json_encode()
* @return array
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:400
⇄⧉public cast(?bool $cast = null): bool|Entity Change the value of the private $_cast property
$value[3]->cast(?bool $cast = null)
* Change the value of the private $_cast property
* @return bool|Entity
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:410
⧉public __set(string $key, $value = null): void Magic method to all protected/private class properties to be easily set, eith...
* Magic method to all protected/private class properties to be
* easily set, either through a direct access or a
* `setCamelCasedProperty()` method.
* Examples:
* $this->my_property = $p;
* $this->setMyProperty() = $p;
* @param array|bool|float|int|object|string|null $value
* @return void
* @throws Exception
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:436
⧉public __get(string $key): array|bool|float|int|object|string|null Magic method to allow retrieval of protected and private class properties eit...
* Magic method to allow retrieval of protected and private class properties
* either by their name, or through a `getCamelCasedProperty()` method.
* Examples:
* $p = $this->my_property
* $p = $this->getMyProperty()
* @return array|bool|float|int|object|string|null
* @throws Exception
* @params string $key class property
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:479
⧉public __isset(string $key): bool Returns true if a property exists names $key, or a getter method exists named...
* Returns true if a property exists names $key, or a getter method
* exists named like for __get().
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:516
⧉public __unset(string $key): void Unsets an attribute property.
* Unsets an attribute property.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:536
⧉protected mapProperty(string $key): string db column name Checks the datamap to see if this property name is being mapped, and returns ...
* Checks the datamap to see if this property name is being mapped,
* and returns the db column name, if any, or the original property name.
* @return string db column name
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:297
⧉protected mutateDate($value): Time Converts the given string|timestamp|DateTime|Time instance into the "CodeIgni...
* Converts the given string|timestamp|DateTime|Time instance
* into the "CodeIgniter\I18n\Time" object.
* @param DateTime|float|int|string|Time $value
* @return Time
* @throws Exception
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:320
⧉protected castAs($value, string $attribute, string $method = 'get'): array|bool|float|int|object|string|null Provides the ability to cast an item as a specific data type. Add ? at the be...
* Provides the ability to cast an item as a specific data type.
* Add ? at the beginning of $type (i.e. ?string) to get NULL
* instead of casting $value if $value === null
* @param bool|float|int|string|null $value Attribute value
* @param string $attribute Attribute name
* @param string $method Allowed to "get" and "set"
* @return array|bool|float|int|object|string|null
* @throws CastException
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:338
⧉protected isMappedDbColumn(string $key): bool Whether this key is mapped db column name?
* Whether this key is mapped db column name?
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:550
⧉protected hasMappedProperty(string $key): bool Whether this key has mapped property?
* Whether this key has mapped property?
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:565
uri => string (31) "CodeIgniter\Entity\Cast\URICast"
private _cast -> boolean true
⇄⧉public __construct(?array $data = null) Allows filling in Entity parameters during construction.
new \App\Entities\Entity(?array $data = null)
* Allows filling in Entity parameters during construction.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:117
⇄⧉public fill(?array $data = null): $this Takes an array of key/value pairs and sets them as class properties, using an...
$value[4]->fill(?array $data = null)
* Takes an array of key/value pairs and sets them as class
* properties, using any `setCamelCasedProperty()` methods
* that may or may not exist.
* @param array $data
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:133
⇄⧉public toArray(bool $onlyChanged = false, bool $cast = true, bool $recursive = false): array General method that will return all public and protected values of this entit...
* General method that will return all public and protected values
* of this entity as an array. All values are accessed through the
* __get() magic method so will have any casts, etc applied to them.
* @param bool $onlyChanged If true, only return values that have changed since object creation
* @param bool $cast If true, properties will be cast.
* @param bool $recursive If true, inner entities will be cast as array as well.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:155
⇄⧉public toRawArray(bool $onlyChanged = false, bool $recursive = false): array Returns the raw values of the current attributes.
* Returns the raw values of the current attributes.
* @param bool $onlyChanged If true, only return values that have changed since object creation
* @param bool $recursive If true, inner entities will be cast as array as well.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:197
⇄⧉public syncOriginal(): $this Ensures our "original" values match the current values.
* Ensures our "original" values match the current values.
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:241
⇄⧉public hasChanged(?string $key = null): bool Checks a property to see if it has changed since the entity was created. Or, ...
$value[4]->hasChanged(?string $key = null)
* Checks a property to see if it has changed since the entity
* was created. Or, without a parameter, checks if any
* properties have changed.
* @param string|null $key class property
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:255
⇄⧉public setAttributes(array $data): $this Set raw data array without any mutations
$value[4]->setAttributes(array $data)
* Set raw data array without any mutations
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:282
⇄⧉public jsonSerialize(): array Support for json_encode()
* Support for json_encode()
* @return array
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:400
⇄⧉public cast(?bool $cast = null): bool|Entity Change the value of the private $_cast property
$value[4]->cast(?bool $cast = null)
* Change the value of the private $_cast property
* @return bool|Entity
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:410
⧉public __set(string $key, $value = null): void Magic method to all protected/private class properties to be easily set, eith...
* Magic method to all protected/private class properties to be
* easily set, either through a direct access or a
* `setCamelCasedProperty()` method.
* Examples:
* $this->my_property = $p;
* $this->setMyProperty() = $p;
* @param array|bool|float|int|object|string|null $value
* @return void
* @throws Exception
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:436
⧉public __get(string $key): array|bool|float|int|object|string|null Magic method to allow retrieval of protected and private class properties eit...
* Magic method to allow retrieval of protected and private class properties
* either by their name, or through a `getCamelCasedProperty()` method.
* Examples:
* $p = $this->my_property
* $p = $this->getMyProperty()
* @return array|bool|float|int|object|string|null
* @throws Exception
* @params string $key class property
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:479
⧉public __isset(string $key): bool Returns true if a property exists names $key, or a getter method exists named...
* Returns true if a property exists names $key, or a getter method
* exists named like for __get().
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:516
⧉public __unset(string $key): void Unsets an attribute property.
* Unsets an attribute property.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:536
⧉protected mapProperty(string $key): string db column name Checks the datamap to see if this property name is being mapped, and returns ...
* Checks the datamap to see if this property name is being mapped,
* and returns the db column name, if any, or the original property name.
* @return string db column name
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:297
⧉protected mutateDate($value): Time Converts the given string|timestamp|DateTime|Time instance into the "CodeIgni...
* Converts the given string|timestamp|DateTime|Time instance
* into the "CodeIgniter\I18n\Time" object.
* @param DateTime|float|int|string|Time $value
* @return Time
* @throws Exception
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:320
⧉protected castAs($value, string $attribute, string $method = 'get'): array|bool|float|int|object|string|null Provides the ability to cast an item as a specific data type. Add ? at the be...
* Provides the ability to cast an item as a specific data type.
* Add ? at the beginning of $type (i.e. ?string) to get NULL
* instead of casting $value if $value === null
* @param bool|float|int|string|null $value Attribute value
* @param string $attribute Attribute name
* @param string $method Allowed to "get" and "set"
* @return array|bool|float|int|object|string|null
* @throws CastException
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:338
⧉protected isMappedDbColumn(string $key): bool Whether this key is mapped db column name?
* Whether this key is mapped db column name?
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:550
⧉protected hasMappedProperty(string $key): bool Whether this key has mapped property?
* Whether this key has mapped property?
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:565
uri => string (31) "CodeIgniter\Entity\Cast\URICast"
private _cast -> boolean true
⇄⧉public __construct(?array $data = null) Allows filling in Entity parameters during construction.
new \App\Entities\Entity(?array $data = null)
* Allows filling in Entity parameters during construction.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:117
⇄⧉public fill(?array $data = null): $this Takes an array of key/value pairs and sets them as class properties, using an...
$value[5]->fill(?array $data = null)
* Takes an array of key/value pairs and sets them as class
* properties, using any `setCamelCasedProperty()` methods
* that may or may not exist.
* @param array $data
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:133
⇄⧉public toArray(bool $onlyChanged = false, bool $cast = true, bool $recursive = false): array General method that will return all public and protected values of this entit...
* General method that will return all public and protected values
* of this entity as an array. All values are accessed through the
* __get() magic method so will have any casts, etc applied to them.
* @param bool $onlyChanged If true, only return values that have changed since object creation
* @param bool $cast If true, properties will be cast.
* @param bool $recursive If true, inner entities will be cast as array as well.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:155
⇄⧉public toRawArray(bool $onlyChanged = false, bool $recursive = false): array Returns the raw values of the current attributes.
* Returns the raw values of the current attributes.
* @param bool $onlyChanged If true, only return values that have changed since object creation
* @param bool $recursive If true, inner entities will be cast as array as well.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:197
⇄⧉public syncOriginal(): $this Ensures our "original" values match the current values.
* Ensures our "original" values match the current values.
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:241
⇄⧉public hasChanged(?string $key = null): bool Checks a property to see if it has changed since the entity was created. Or, ...
$value[5]->hasChanged(?string $key = null)
* Checks a property to see if it has changed since the entity
* was created. Or, without a parameter, checks if any
* properties have changed.
* @param string|null $key class property
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:255
⇄⧉public setAttributes(array $data): $this Set raw data array without any mutations
$value[5]->setAttributes(array $data)
* Set raw data array without any mutations
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:282
⇄⧉public jsonSerialize(): array Support for json_encode()
* Support for json_encode()
* @return array
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:400
⇄⧉public cast(?bool $cast = null): bool|Entity Change the value of the private $_cast property
$value[5]->cast(?bool $cast = null)
* Change the value of the private $_cast property
* @return bool|Entity
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:410
⧉public __set(string $key, $value = null): void Magic method to all protected/private class properties to be easily set, eith...
* Magic method to all protected/private class properties to be
* easily set, either through a direct access or a
* `setCamelCasedProperty()` method.
* Examples:
* $this->my_property = $p;
* $this->setMyProperty() = $p;
* @param array|bool|float|int|object|string|null $value
* @return void
* @throws Exception
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:436
⧉public __get(string $key): array|bool|float|int|object|string|null Magic method to allow retrieval of protected and private class properties eit...
* Magic method to allow retrieval of protected and private class properties
* either by their name, or through a `getCamelCasedProperty()` method.
* Examples:
* $p = $this->my_property
* $p = $this->getMyProperty()
* @return array|bool|float|int|object|string|null
* @throws Exception
* @params string $key class property
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:479
⧉public __isset(string $key): bool Returns true if a property exists names $key, or a getter method exists named...
* Returns true if a property exists names $key, or a getter method
* exists named like for __get().
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:516
⧉public __unset(string $key): void Unsets an attribute property.
* Unsets an attribute property.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:536
⧉protected mapProperty(string $key): string db column name Checks the datamap to see if this property name is being mapped, and returns ...
* Checks the datamap to see if this property name is being mapped,
* and returns the db column name, if any, or the original property name.
* @return string db column name
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:297
⧉protected mutateDate($value): Time Converts the given string|timestamp|DateTime|Time instance into the "CodeIgni...
* Converts the given string|timestamp|DateTime|Time instance
* into the "CodeIgniter\I18n\Time" object.
* @param DateTime|float|int|string|Time $value
* @return Time
* @throws Exception
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:320
⧉protected castAs($value, string $attribute, string $method = 'get'): array|bool|float|int|object|string|null Provides the ability to cast an item as a specific data type. Add ? at the be...
* Provides the ability to cast an item as a specific data type.
* Add ? at the beginning of $type (i.e. ?string) to get NULL
* instead of casting $value if $value === null
* @param bool|float|int|string|null $value Attribute value
* @param string $attribute Attribute name
* @param string $method Allowed to "get" and "set"
* @return array|bool|float|int|object|string|null
* @throws CastException
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:338
⧉protected isMappedDbColumn(string $key): bool Whether this key is mapped db column name?
* Whether this key is mapped db column name?
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:550
⧉protected hasMappedProperty(string $key): bool Whether this key has mapped property?
* Whether this key has mapped property?
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:565
uri => string (31) "CodeIgniter\Entity\Cast\URICast"
private _cast -> boolean true
⇄⧉public __construct(?array $data = null) Allows filling in Entity parameters during construction.
new \App\Entities\Entity(?array $data = null)
* Allows filling in Entity parameters during construction.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:117
⇄⧉public fill(?array $data = null): $this Takes an array of key/value pairs and sets them as class properties, using an...
$value[6]->fill(?array $data = null)
* Takes an array of key/value pairs and sets them as class
* properties, using any `setCamelCasedProperty()` methods
* that may or may not exist.
* @param array $data
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:133
⇄⧉public toArray(bool $onlyChanged = false, bool $cast = true, bool $recursive = false): array General method that will return all public and protected values of this entit...
* General method that will return all public and protected values
* of this entity as an array. All values are accessed through the
* __get() magic method so will have any casts, etc applied to them.
* @param bool $onlyChanged If true, only return values that have changed since object creation
* @param bool $cast If true, properties will be cast.
* @param bool $recursive If true, inner entities will be cast as array as well.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:155
⇄⧉public toRawArray(bool $onlyChanged = false, bool $recursive = false): array Returns the raw values of the current attributes.
* Returns the raw values of the current attributes.
* @param bool $onlyChanged If true, only return values that have changed since object creation
* @param bool $recursive If true, inner entities will be cast as array as well.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:197
⇄⧉public syncOriginal(): $this Ensures our "original" values match the current values.
* Ensures our "original" values match the current values.
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:241
⇄⧉public hasChanged(?string $key = null): bool Checks a property to see if it has changed since the entity was created. Or, ...
$value[6]->hasChanged(?string $key = null)
* Checks a property to see if it has changed since the entity
* was created. Or, without a parameter, checks if any
* properties have changed.
* @param string|null $key class property
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:255
⇄⧉public setAttributes(array $data): $this Set raw data array without any mutations
$value[6]->setAttributes(array $data)
* Set raw data array without any mutations
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:282
⇄⧉public jsonSerialize(): array Support for json_encode()
* Support for json_encode()
* @return array
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:400
⇄⧉public cast(?bool $cast = null): bool|Entity Change the value of the private $_cast property
$value[6]->cast(?bool $cast = null)
* Change the value of the private $_cast property
* @return bool|Entity
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:410
⧉public __set(string $key, $value = null): void Magic method to all protected/private class properties to be easily set, eith...
* Magic method to all protected/private class properties to be
* easily set, either through a direct access or a
* `setCamelCasedProperty()` method.
* Examples:
* $this->my_property = $p;
* $this->setMyProperty() = $p;
* @param array|bool|float|int|object|string|null $value
* @return void
* @throws Exception
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:436
⧉public __get(string $key): array|bool|float|int|object|string|null Magic method to allow retrieval of protected and private class properties eit...
* Magic method to allow retrieval of protected and private class properties
* either by their name, or through a `getCamelCasedProperty()` method.
* Examples:
* $p = $this->my_property
* $p = $this->getMyProperty()
* @return array|bool|float|int|object|string|null
* @throws Exception
* @params string $key class property
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:479
⧉public __isset(string $key): bool Returns true if a property exists names $key, or a getter method exists named...
* Returns true if a property exists names $key, or a getter method
* exists named like for __get().
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:516
⧉public __unset(string $key): void Unsets an attribute property.
* Unsets an attribute property.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:536
⧉protected mapProperty(string $key): string db column name Checks the datamap to see if this property name is being mapped, and returns ...
* Checks the datamap to see if this property name is being mapped,
* and returns the db column name, if any, or the original property name.
* @return string db column name
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:297
⧉protected mutateDate($value): Time Converts the given string|timestamp|DateTime|Time instance into the "CodeIgni...
* Converts the given string|timestamp|DateTime|Time instance
* into the "CodeIgniter\I18n\Time" object.
* @param DateTime|float|int|string|Time $value
* @return Time
* @throws Exception
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:320
⧉protected castAs($value, string $attribute, string $method = 'get'): array|bool|float|int|object|string|null Provides the ability to cast an item as a specific data type. Add ? at the be...
* Provides the ability to cast an item as a specific data type.
* Add ? at the beginning of $type (i.e. ?string) to get NULL
* instead of casting $value if $value === null
* @param bool|float|int|string|null $value Attribute value
* @param string $attribute Attribute name
* @param string $method Allowed to "get" and "set"
* @return array|bool|float|int|object|string|null
* @throws CastException
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:338
⧉protected isMappedDbColumn(string $key): bool Whether this key is mapped db column name?
* Whether this key is mapped db column name?
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:550
⧉protected hasMappedProperty(string $key): bool Whether this key has mapped property?
* Whether this key has mapped property?
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:565
uri => string (31) "CodeIgniter\Entity\Cast\URICast"
private _cast -> boolean true
⇄⧉public __construct(?array $data = null) Allows filling in Entity parameters during construction.
new \App\Entities\Entity(?array $data = null)
* Allows filling in Entity parameters during construction.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:117
⇄⧉public fill(?array $data = null): $this Takes an array of key/value pairs and sets them as class properties, using an...
$value[7]->fill(?array $data = null)
* Takes an array of key/value pairs and sets them as class
* properties, using any `setCamelCasedProperty()` methods
* that may or may not exist.
* @param array $data
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:133
⇄⧉public toArray(bool $onlyChanged = false, bool $cast = true, bool $recursive = false): array General method that will return all public and protected values of this entit...
* General method that will return all public and protected values
* of this entity as an array. All values are accessed through the
* __get() magic method so will have any casts, etc applied to them.
* @param bool $onlyChanged If true, only return values that have changed since object creation
* @param bool $cast If true, properties will be cast.
* @param bool $recursive If true, inner entities will be cast as array as well.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:155
⇄⧉public toRawArray(bool $onlyChanged = false, bool $recursive = false): array Returns the raw values of the current attributes.
* Returns the raw values of the current attributes.
* @param bool $onlyChanged If true, only return values that have changed since object creation
* @param bool $recursive If true, inner entities will be cast as array as well.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:197
⇄⧉public syncOriginal(): $this Ensures our "original" values match the current values.
* Ensures our "original" values match the current values.
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:241
⇄⧉public hasChanged(?string $key = null): bool Checks a property to see if it has changed since the entity was created. Or, ...
$value[7]->hasChanged(?string $key = null)
* Checks a property to see if it has changed since the entity
* was created. Or, without a parameter, checks if any
* properties have changed.
* @param string|null $key class property
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:255
⇄⧉public setAttributes(array $data): $this Set raw data array without any mutations
$value[7]->setAttributes(array $data)
* Set raw data array without any mutations
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:282
⇄⧉public jsonSerialize(): array Support for json_encode()
* Support for json_encode()
* @return array
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:400
⇄⧉public cast(?bool $cast = null): bool|Entity Change the value of the private $_cast property
$value[7]->cast(?bool $cast = null)
* Change the value of the private $_cast property
* @return bool|Entity
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:410
⧉public __set(string $key, $value = null): void Magic method to all protected/private class properties to be easily set, eith...
* Magic method to all protected/private class properties to be
* easily set, either through a direct access or a
* `setCamelCasedProperty()` method.
* Examples:
* $this->my_property = $p;
* $this->setMyProperty() = $p;
* @param array|bool|float|int|object|string|null $value
* @return void
* @throws Exception
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:436
⧉public __get(string $key): array|bool|float|int|object|string|null Magic method to allow retrieval of protected and private class properties eit...
* Magic method to allow retrieval of protected and private class properties
* either by their name, or through a `getCamelCasedProperty()` method.
* Examples:
* $p = $this->my_property
* $p = $this->getMyProperty()
* @return array|bool|float|int|object|string|null
* @throws Exception
* @params string $key class property
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:479
⧉public __isset(string $key): bool Returns true if a property exists names $key, or a getter method exists named...
* Returns true if a property exists names $key, or a getter method
* exists named like for __get().
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:516
⧉public __unset(string $key): void Unsets an attribute property.
* Unsets an attribute property.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:536
⧉protected mapProperty(string $key): string db column name Checks the datamap to see if this property name is being mapped, and returns ...
* Checks the datamap to see if this property name is being mapped,
* and returns the db column name, if any, or the original property name.
* @return string db column name
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:297
⧉protected mutateDate($value): Time Converts the given string|timestamp|DateTime|Time instance into the "CodeIgni...
* Converts the given string|timestamp|DateTime|Time instance
* into the "CodeIgniter\I18n\Time" object.
* @param DateTime|float|int|string|Time $value
* @return Time
* @throws Exception
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:320
⧉protected castAs($value, string $attribute, string $method = 'get'): array|bool|float|int|object|string|null Provides the ability to cast an item as a specific data type. Add ? at the be...
* Provides the ability to cast an item as a specific data type.
* Add ? at the beginning of $type (i.e. ?string) to get NULL
* instead of casting $value if $value === null
* @param bool|float|int|string|null $value Attribute value
* @param string $attribute Attribute name
* @param string $method Allowed to "get" and "set"
* @return array|bool|float|int|object|string|null
* @throws CastException
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:338
⧉protected isMappedDbColumn(string $key): bool Whether this key is mapped db column name?
* Whether this key is mapped db column name?
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:550
⧉protected hasMappedProperty(string $key): bool Whether this key has mapped property?
* Whether this key has mapped property?
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:565
uri => string (31) "CodeIgniter\Entity\Cast\URICast"
private _cast -> boolean true
⇄⧉public __construct(?array $data = null) Allows filling in Entity parameters during construction.
new \App\Entities\Entity(?array $data = null)
* Allows filling in Entity parameters during construction.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:117
⇄⧉public fill(?array $data = null): $this Takes an array of key/value pairs and sets them as class properties, using an...
$value[8]->fill(?array $data = null)
* Takes an array of key/value pairs and sets them as class
* properties, using any `setCamelCasedProperty()` methods
* that may or may not exist.
* @param array $data
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:133
⇄⧉public toArray(bool $onlyChanged = false, bool $cast = true, bool $recursive = false): array General method that will return all public and protected values of this entit...
* General method that will return all public and protected values
* of this entity as an array. All values are accessed through the
* __get() magic method so will have any casts, etc applied to them.
* @param bool $onlyChanged If true, only return values that have changed since object creation
* @param bool $cast If true, properties will be cast.
* @param bool $recursive If true, inner entities will be cast as array as well.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:155
⇄⧉public toRawArray(bool $onlyChanged = false, bool $recursive = false): array Returns the raw values of the current attributes.
* Returns the raw values of the current attributes.
* @param bool $onlyChanged If true, only return values that have changed since object creation
* @param bool $recursive If true, inner entities will be cast as array as well.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:197
⇄⧉public syncOriginal(): $this Ensures our "original" values match the current values.
* Ensures our "original" values match the current values.
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:241
⇄⧉public hasChanged(?string $key = null): bool Checks a property to see if it has changed since the entity was created. Or, ...
$value[8]->hasChanged(?string $key = null)
* Checks a property to see if it has changed since the entity
* was created. Or, without a parameter, checks if any
* properties have changed.
* @param string|null $key class property
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:255
⇄⧉public setAttributes(array $data): $this Set raw data array without any mutations
$value[8]->setAttributes(array $data)
* Set raw data array without any mutations
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:282
⇄⧉public jsonSerialize(): array Support for json_encode()
* Support for json_encode()
* @return array
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:400
⇄⧉public cast(?bool $cast = null): bool|Entity Change the value of the private $_cast property
$value[8]->cast(?bool $cast = null)
* Change the value of the private $_cast property
* @return bool|Entity
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:410
⧉public __set(string $key, $value = null): void Magic method to all protected/private class properties to be easily set, eith...
* Magic method to all protected/private class properties to be
* easily set, either through a direct access or a
* `setCamelCasedProperty()` method.
* Examples:
* $this->my_property = $p;
* $this->setMyProperty() = $p;
* @param array|bool|float|int|object|string|null $value
* @return void
* @throws Exception
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:436
⧉public __get(string $key): array|bool|float|int|object|string|null Magic method to allow retrieval of protected and private class properties eit...
* Magic method to allow retrieval of protected and private class properties
* either by their name, or through a `getCamelCasedProperty()` method.
* Examples:
* $p = $this->my_property
* $p = $this->getMyProperty()
* @return array|bool|float|int|object|string|null
* @throws Exception
* @params string $key class property
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:479
⧉public __isset(string $key): bool Returns true if a property exists names $key, or a getter method exists named...
* Returns true if a property exists names $key, or a getter method
* exists named like for __get().
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:516
⧉public __unset(string $key): void Unsets an attribute property.
* Unsets an attribute property.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:536
⧉protected mapProperty(string $key): string db column name Checks the datamap to see if this property name is being mapped, and returns ...
* Checks the datamap to see if this property name is being mapped,
* and returns the db column name, if any, or the original property name.
* @return string db column name
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:297
⧉protected mutateDate($value): Time Converts the given string|timestamp|DateTime|Time instance into the "CodeIgni...
* Converts the given string|timestamp|DateTime|Time instance
* into the "CodeIgniter\I18n\Time" object.
* @param DateTime|float|int|string|Time $value
* @return Time
* @throws Exception
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:320
⧉protected castAs($value, string $attribute, string $method = 'get'): array|bool|float|int|object|string|null Provides the ability to cast an item as a specific data type. Add ? at the be...
* Provides the ability to cast an item as a specific data type.
* Add ? at the beginning of $type (i.e. ?string) to get NULL
* instead of casting $value if $value === null
* @param bool|float|int|string|null $value Attribute value
* @param string $attribute Attribute name
* @param string $method Allowed to "get" and "set"
* @return array|bool|float|int|object|string|null
* @throws CastException
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:338
⧉protected isMappedDbColumn(string $key): bool Whether this key is mapped db column name?
* Whether this key is mapped db column name?
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:550
⧉protected hasMappedProperty(string $key): bool Whether this key has mapped property?
* Whether this key has mapped property?
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:565
uri => string (31) "CodeIgniter\Entity\Cast\URICast"
private _cast -> boolean true
⇄⧉public __construct(?array $data = null) Allows filling in Entity parameters during construction.
new \App\Entities\Entity(?array $data = null)
* Allows filling in Entity parameters during construction.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:117
⇄⧉public fill(?array $data = null): $this Takes an array of key/value pairs and sets them as class properties, using an...
$value[9]->fill(?array $data = null)
* Takes an array of key/value pairs and sets them as class
* properties, using any `setCamelCasedProperty()` methods
* that may or may not exist.
* @param array $data
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:133
⇄⧉public toArray(bool $onlyChanged = false, bool $cast = true, bool $recursive = false): array General method that will return all public and protected values of this entit...
* General method that will return all public and protected values
* of this entity as an array. All values are accessed through the
* __get() magic method so will have any casts, etc applied to them.
* @param bool $onlyChanged If true, only return values that have changed since object creation
* @param bool $cast If true, properties will be cast.
* @param bool $recursive If true, inner entities will be cast as array as well.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:155
⇄⧉public toRawArray(bool $onlyChanged = false, bool $recursive = false): array Returns the raw values of the current attributes.
* Returns the raw values of the current attributes.
* @param bool $onlyChanged If true, only return values that have changed since object creation
* @param bool $recursive If true, inner entities will be cast as array as well.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:197
⇄⧉public syncOriginal(): $this Ensures our "original" values match the current values.
* Ensures our "original" values match the current values.
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:241
⇄⧉public hasChanged(?string $key = null): bool Checks a property to see if it has changed since the entity was created. Or, ...
$value[9]->hasChanged(?string $key = null)
* Checks a property to see if it has changed since the entity
* was created. Or, without a parameter, checks if any
* properties have changed.
* @param string|null $key class property
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:255
⇄⧉public setAttributes(array $data): $this Set raw data array without any mutations
$value[9]->setAttributes(array $data)
* Set raw data array without any mutations
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:282
⇄⧉public jsonSerialize(): array Support for json_encode()
* Support for json_encode()
* @return array
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:400
⇄⧉public cast(?bool $cast = null): bool|Entity Change the value of the private $_cast property
$value[9]->cast(?bool $cast = null)
* Change the value of the private $_cast property
* @return bool|Entity
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:410
⧉public __set(string $key, $value = null): void Magic method to all protected/private class properties to be easily set, eith...
* Magic method to all protected/private class properties to be
* easily set, either through a direct access or a
* `setCamelCasedProperty()` method.
* Examples:
* $this->my_property = $p;
* $this->setMyProperty() = $p;
* @param array|bool|float|int|object|string|null $value
* @return void
* @throws Exception
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:436
⧉public __get(string $key): array|bool|float|int|object|string|null Magic method to allow retrieval of protected and private class properties eit...
* Magic method to allow retrieval of protected and private class properties
* either by their name, or through a `getCamelCasedProperty()` method.
* Examples:
* $p = $this->my_property
* $p = $this->getMyProperty()
* @return array|bool|float|int|object|string|null
* @throws Exception
* @params string $key class property
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:479
⧉public __isset(string $key): bool Returns true if a property exists names $key, or a getter method exists named...
* Returns true if a property exists names $key, or a getter method
* exists named like for __get().
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:516
⧉public __unset(string $key): void Unsets an attribute property.
* Unsets an attribute property.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:536
⧉protected mapProperty(string $key): string db column name Checks the datamap to see if this property name is being mapped, and returns ...
* Checks the datamap to see if this property name is being mapped,
* and returns the db column name, if any, or the original property name.
* @return string db column name
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:297
⧉protected mutateDate($value): Time Converts the given string|timestamp|DateTime|Time instance into the "CodeIgni...
* Converts the given string|timestamp|DateTime|Time instance
* into the "CodeIgniter\I18n\Time" object.
* @param DateTime|float|int|string|Time $value
* @return Time
* @throws Exception
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:320
⧉protected castAs($value, string $attribute, string $method = 'get'): array|bool|float|int|object|string|null Provides the ability to cast an item as a specific data type. Add ? at the be...
* Provides the ability to cast an item as a specific data type.
* Add ? at the beginning of $type (i.e. ?string) to get NULL
* instead of casting $value if $value === null
* @param bool|float|int|string|null $value Attribute value
* @param string $attribute Attribute name
* @param string $method Allowed to "get" and "set"
* @return array|bool|float|int|object|string|null
* @throws CastException
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:338
⧉protected isMappedDbColumn(string $key): bool Whether this key is mapped db column name?
* Whether this key is mapped db column name?
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:550
⧉protected hasMappedProperty(string $key): bool Whether this key has mapped property?
* Whether this key has mapped property?
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:565
uri => string (31) "CodeIgniter\Entity\Cast\URICast"
private _cast -> boolean true
⇄⧉public __construct(?array $data = null) Allows filling in Entity parameters during construction.
new \App\Entities\Entity(?array $data = null)
* Allows filling in Entity parameters during construction.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:117
⇄⧉public fill(?array $data = null): $this Takes an array of key/value pairs and sets them as class properties, using an...
$value[10]->fill(?array $data = null)
* Takes an array of key/value pairs and sets them as class
* properties, using any `setCamelCasedProperty()` methods
* that may or may not exist.
* @param array $data
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:133
⇄⧉public toArray(bool $onlyChanged = false, bool $cast = true, bool $recursive = false): array General method that will return all public and protected values of this entit...
* General method that will return all public and protected values
* of this entity as an array. All values are accessed through the
* __get() magic method so will have any casts, etc applied to them.
* @param bool $onlyChanged If true, only return values that have changed since object creation
* @param bool $cast If true, properties will be cast.
* @param bool $recursive If true, inner entities will be cast as array as well.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:155
⇄⧉public toRawArray(bool $onlyChanged = false, bool $recursive = false): array Returns the raw values of the current attributes.
* Returns the raw values of the current attributes.
* @param bool $onlyChanged If true, only return values that have changed since object creation
* @param bool $recursive If true, inner entities will be cast as array as well.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:197
⇄⧉public syncOriginal(): $this Ensures our "original" values match the current values.
* Ensures our "original" values match the current values.
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:241
⇄⧉public hasChanged(?string $key = null): bool Checks a property to see if it has changed since the entity was created. Or, ...
$value[10]->hasChanged(?string $key = null)
* Checks a property to see if it has changed since the entity
* was created. Or, without a parameter, checks if any
* properties have changed.
* @param string|null $key class property
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:255
⇄⧉public setAttributes(array $data): $this Set raw data array without any mutations
$value[10]->setAttributes(array $data)
* Set raw data array without any mutations
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:282
⇄⧉public jsonSerialize(): array Support for json_encode()
* Support for json_encode()
* @return array
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:400
⇄⧉public cast(?bool $cast = null): bool|Entity Change the value of the private $_cast property
$value[10]->cast(?bool $cast = null)
* Change the value of the private $_cast property
* @return bool|Entity
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:410
⧉public __set(string $key, $value = null): void Magic method to all protected/private class properties to be easily set, eith...
* Magic method to all protected/private class properties to be
* easily set, either through a direct access or a
* `setCamelCasedProperty()` method.
* Examples:
* $this->my_property = $p;
* $this->setMyProperty() = $p;
* @param array|bool|float|int|object|string|null $value
* @return void
* @throws Exception
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:436
⧉public __get(string $key): array|bool|float|int|object|string|null Magic method to allow retrieval of protected and private class properties eit...
* Magic method to allow retrieval of protected and private class properties
* either by their name, or through a `getCamelCasedProperty()` method.
* Examples:
* $p = $this->my_property
* $p = $this->getMyProperty()
* @return array|bool|float|int|object|string|null
* @throws Exception
* @params string $key class property
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:479
⧉public __isset(string $key): bool Returns true if a property exists names $key, or a getter method exists named...
* Returns true if a property exists names $key, or a getter method
* exists named like for __get().
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:516
⧉public __unset(string $key): void Unsets an attribute property.
* Unsets an attribute property.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:536
⧉protected mapProperty(string $key): string db column name Checks the datamap to see if this property name is being mapped, and returns ...
* Checks the datamap to see if this property name is being mapped,
* and returns the db column name, if any, or the original property name.
* @return string db column name
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:297
⧉protected mutateDate($value): Time Converts the given string|timestamp|DateTime|Time instance into the "CodeIgni...
* Converts the given string|timestamp|DateTime|Time instance
* into the "CodeIgniter\I18n\Time" object.
* @param DateTime|float|int|string|Time $value
* @return Time
* @throws Exception
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:320
⧉protected castAs($value, string $attribute, string $method = 'get'): array|bool|float|int|object|string|null Provides the ability to cast an item as a specific data type. Add ? at the be...
* Provides the ability to cast an item as a specific data type.
* Add ? at the beginning of $type (i.e. ?string) to get NULL
* instead of casting $value if $value === null
* @param bool|float|int|string|null $value Attribute value
* @param string $attribute Attribute name
* @param string $method Allowed to "get" and "set"
* @return array|bool|float|int|object|string|null
* @throws CastException
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:338
⧉protected isMappedDbColumn(string $key): bool Whether this key is mapped db column name?
* Whether this key is mapped db column name?
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:550
⧉protected hasMappedProperty(string $key): bool Whether this key has mapped property?
* Whether this key has mapped property?
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:565
uri => string (31) "CodeIgniter\Entity\Cast\URICast"
private _cast -> boolean true
⇄⧉public __construct(?array $data = null) Allows filling in Entity parameters during construction.
new \App\Entities\Entity(?array $data = null)
* Allows filling in Entity parameters during construction.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:117
⇄⧉public fill(?array $data = null): $this Takes an array of key/value pairs and sets them as class properties, using an...
$value[11]->fill(?array $data = null)
* Takes an array of key/value pairs and sets them as class
* properties, using any `setCamelCasedProperty()` methods
* that may or may not exist.
* @param array $data
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:133
⇄⧉public toArray(bool $onlyChanged = false, bool $cast = true, bool $recursive = false): array General method that will return all public and protected values of this entit...
* General method that will return all public and protected values
* of this entity as an array. All values are accessed through the
* __get() magic method so will have any casts, etc applied to them.
* @param bool $onlyChanged If true, only return values that have changed since object creation
* @param bool $cast If true, properties will be cast.
* @param bool $recursive If true, inner entities will be cast as array as well.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:155
⇄⧉public toRawArray(bool $onlyChanged = false, bool $recursive = false): array Returns the raw values of the current attributes.
* Returns the raw values of the current attributes.
* @param bool $onlyChanged If true, only return values that have changed since object creation
* @param bool $recursive If true, inner entities will be cast as array as well.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:197
⇄⧉public syncOriginal(): $this Ensures our "original" values match the current values.
* Ensures our "original" values match the current values.
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:241
⇄⧉public hasChanged(?string $key = null): bool Checks a property to see if it has changed since the entity was created. Or, ...
$value[11]->hasChanged(?string $key = null)
* Checks a property to see if it has changed since the entity
* was created. Or, without a parameter, checks if any
* properties have changed.
* @param string|null $key class property
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:255
⇄⧉public setAttributes(array $data): $this Set raw data array without any mutations
$value[11]->setAttributes(array $data)
* Set raw data array without any mutations
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:282
⇄⧉public jsonSerialize(): array Support for json_encode()
* Support for json_encode()
* @return array
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:400
⇄⧉public cast(?bool $cast = null): bool|Entity Change the value of the private $_cast property
$value[11]->cast(?bool $cast = null)
* Change the value of the private $_cast property
* @return bool|Entity
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:410
⧉public __set(string $key, $value = null): void Magic method to all protected/private class properties to be easily set, eith...
* Magic method to all protected/private class properties to be
* easily set, either through a direct access or a
* `setCamelCasedProperty()` method.
* Examples:
* $this->my_property = $p;
* $this->setMyProperty() = $p;
* @param array|bool|float|int|object|string|null $value
* @return void
* @throws Exception
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:436
⧉public __get(string $key): array|bool|float|int|object|string|null Magic method to allow retrieval of protected and private class properties eit...
* Magic method to allow retrieval of protected and private class properties
* either by their name, or through a `getCamelCasedProperty()` method.
* Examples:
* $p = $this->my_property
* $p = $this->getMyProperty()
* @return array|bool|float|int|object|string|null
* @throws Exception
* @params string $key class property
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:479
⧉public __isset(string $key): bool Returns true if a property exists names $key, or a getter method exists named...
* Returns true if a property exists names $key, or a getter method
* exists named like for __get().
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:516
⧉public __unset(string $key): void Unsets an attribute property.
* Unsets an attribute property.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:536
⧉protected mapProperty(string $key): string db column name Checks the datamap to see if this property name is being mapped, and returns ...
* Checks the datamap to see if this property name is being mapped,
* and returns the db column name, if any, or the original property name.
* @return string db column name
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:297
⧉protected mutateDate($value): Time Converts the given string|timestamp|DateTime|Time instance into the "CodeIgni...
* Converts the given string|timestamp|DateTime|Time instance
* into the "CodeIgniter\I18n\Time" object.
* @param DateTime|float|int|string|Time $value
* @return Time
* @throws Exception
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:320
⧉protected castAs($value, string $attribute, string $method = 'get'): array|bool|float|int|object|string|null Provides the ability to cast an item as a specific data type. Add ? at the be...
* Provides the ability to cast an item as a specific data type.
* Add ? at the beginning of $type (i.e. ?string) to get NULL
* instead of casting $value if $value === null
* @param bool|float|int|string|null $value Attribute value
* @param string $attribute Attribute name
* @param string $method Allowed to "get" and "set"
* @return array|bool|float|int|object|string|null
* @throws CastException
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:338
⧉protected isMappedDbColumn(string $key): bool Whether this key is mapped db column name?
* Whether this key is mapped db column name?
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:550
⧉protected hasMappedProperty(string $key): bool Whether this key has mapped property?
* Whether this key has mapped property?
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity
Defined in <ROOT>/heartbeat/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Entity/Entity.php:565